Most Effective Breeding in Palworld (You're Doing it Wrong)

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Empower breeding exists to get new species of Pals as well as to pass down traits I've done an excessive amount of testing between different types of parents to find the most efficient way to pass down traits like did you know that it's more efficient to have two traits on one parent and two traits on the other instead of three in one or did you know that if you were to have two parents with the same trait that does not increase the likelihood that The Offspring will if you didn't know these things you should probably watch this video I'll admit all the things that I said in the beginning I didn't know before I started doing this testing either there are multiple Publications that claim that is a complete guide on breeding and unless the article is thousands of pages long or multiple hours long none of them is ever going to be a complete guide on breeding because well it's it's not efficient I would like to direct your attention to this this is called the power breeding combinations and calculator it's a document that was floating around with a Google Sheets link around release weekend released by someone who understood the code of the game far better than I did to be able to come up with exactly what parents would produce exactly what Offspring and while this document itself is almost completely a relevant because it's incorporated into online websites there are a few takeaways that I would like to explain how breeding Works in this game every pal is assigned a power value with the highest power value being the least powerful as chickp at 1,500 and the lowest power value being the most powerful being blazah Hut at a 10 if you were to take any two species and combine their values like a hang you at 1420 and a Moz Arena at the power of 9910 add one you get a value of 2,3 31 take that number divide it by two and our number is 1,1 [Music] 165.540 result or you could just find whatever parent you want and which two are going to be producing that result there is a unique bit of information though as this document also provides you a list of breeding combinations that are unique meaning that the only way for you to go ahead and get yourself a jolt hog Crist is to breed a jolt hog with a Peng gullet you're going to find this very common for the betas meaning the different elements of specific Pals as well as the pals that are used by the tower bosses all this information is included on on the power world. website this is just a nice concise list of it if you want to screenshot this and crop my face out there you go all this information was compiled by Reddit user blah able on Reddit at an article called all breeding combinations data mind if you want to look up that information yourself Austin stop with all your boring numbers I want some actual information on breeding okay fine no problem first of all we're going to do a very quick summary of cake and less than 60 seconds just in case you already know about that cake go get yourself a beard for honey go get yourself a mozar for milk and go get yourself a chickpea that's three of the five ingredients make yourself some wheat make yourself some berries grind down the wheat to flour cook it all at a cooking pot or later to make yourself cake make sure your pal who's assigned to working the furnace isn't staying on top of a tree instead of actually doing his damn job blaz M Hut and if they happen to path find their way over to where they supposed to be cooking and uh and they also you know don't glitch out then then great then great you're going to make yourself cake oh he's waiting to cook where's my electrical guy you're generating electricity from over there it's pretty impressive there are a few reasons you actually want to breed something but it all comes down to two main questions one is it just to unlock different Pals or two is it to pass down specific traits to specific Pals so say for example you watched my best mounts video and instead of going with the Bolton that I mentioned before instead you want to go with a Fen Globe because you can jump really high and that totally makes it necessary to also have a flying pal with you I know it's awesome right well the only way to get one who's actually this fast and absolutely Ely Reckless as far as how he moves has to do with the traits that that pal has this one has Nimble Runner Swift and legendary all of the passive skills are going to be stacking on top of each other and the skill Legend is one that you have to pass down from a legendary pal you caught in the wild probably high level 40s so how you should use this website is come on here see okay I want a Fango who can I breed down to make myself a Fango and none of the four legendary pals are even listed here so you're going to have to make yourself an intermediate pal so the best flow of this is seeing what Pals you have and what other traits you want to pass down I have a male jet dragon who's an alpha with Legend I have a kelpsey ignis over here who's a female who's a runner and of a cryon elix who's a female with Swift and if we look up jet dragon plus kelpy ignis we get univolt we go back to the child side we look up univolt to see if univolt can breed with something in order to make ourselves a fope and yes univolt breeding with a kelpsey kelpsy ignis Kari or flopy will get us a fope great if you look through your pals you should be able to find different partners that are going to eventually make the pal that you want there are two different ways to go about this the less efficient way and the more efficient way and the difference is about a 13% loss in efficiency meaning that you're going to have to make 13% more wheat berries eggs cake 133% more of your time right over here I have a male falope with Runner Legend and Swift and I have this female over here that has Legend Runner Nimble and positive thinker now we don't really need positive thinker but these were just the two that were compatible now let me lay some knowledge on you the fact that both of these Fen Globe have Legend and Runner does not increase the likelihood that those two traits will pass down until my testing today I thought it work like a pun in square it doesn't it basically looks at what traits are present and each individual parent how many traits there are the optimal number is two traits if a parent has two traits they are more likely to pass down both of them if they have more than two traits it's less likely that it is going to be passed down so from this female if all you wanted was Nimble you're going to be getting so many breed Jacks that are not going to have Nimble that are going to have positive thinker and are not going to have both Legend and Runner and Swift from the father instead the more optimal way and the best offspring that you should be looking for is this falope right here with Nimble and Legend and this falope right here with Swift and Runner two two parents with two different traits each is significantly more likely to pass down that genetic information to its Offspring if you have additional unwanted traits there your number one priority should be getting those out of the gene pool so they are less likely to show up and you're far better off having a 2 and2 than a 1 and three you're more likely to get the actual pal that you want like this falope with all four desired traits now you might say Austin I've never heard this before show me your math okay no problem I use these two parents of chickpea artisan and Nimble and a workaholic I then bred 116 different chickpea I'm going through different pages look at the little thing up here and I tracked every single trait that was passed down to The Offspring this was after I already did this entire falope test wrong which is the reason I deleted 4 hours of footage today did this test twice and came up with this information one of them had Swift Legend and Runner and the other had Swift and Nimble and I thought well if both of them have Swift it's more likely to pass down down and that was incorrect the amount of times that Swift was passed down to The Offspring was 58% of the time the times that the traits Legend and Runner was passed down to The Offspring was 54 and 58% of the time okay and then the amount of time that Nimble was passed down to The Offspring was 68% of the time so the one parent who had Swift and Nimble passed down Nimble 2/3 of the time and Swift half of the time the parent who had Swift Legend and Runner also passed down Swift half of of the time Legend half of the time and Runner half of the time so that's the reason I did this test with the chickpea one parent had workaholic and one parent had artisan and Nimble I then bred them 116 times as you can see across the top over here those different color codes are for the pages rows and number that they were every time that you see all of these gold and gray traits at the top that's every time it was passed down and every time that you see the gold gray and red traits down here those are the random mutations of traits that Just sh showed up one day I of course removed the nonrandom mutation traits like all of the legendary traits and lucky and things like that in my chickpea test I had random negative mutation show up 13% of the time in my falope test I had random negative mutation show up 14% of the time my Fang glob was a sample size of 50 and my chickpea was a sample size of 116 I had a random grade trait show up with the checke 68% of the time and I had a random grade trait show up with the Fang 47% of the time I had a random gold trait show up on the falope 20% of the time and I had a random gold trait show up on the chickp 19% of the time now the discrepancy between these two is massive when you look at the neutral stats and that has to do with the fact that one of these parents only had one trait and the other parent had two traits the one parent with workaholic passed that information down 58% of the time and the one parent who had Artis and Nimble passed both of those traits down 67 and 62% of the time if you have one parent who has two traits there is a 2/3 chance that that information will be passed down to The Offspring if you have a parent with one trait there is a 50% chance that that information will be passed down to The Offspring random number here that's somewhere about 15% that an additional random mutation trait a gray one is just going to happen that's in addition to the 20% random mutation trait for a gold trait and the about 133% chance mutation for a negative trait so by far the most efficient way for you to get the exact pal that you want is one with two traits and one with two traits and make them make babies this is the information that I'm presenting and my overall idea on the best way to get the pals that you want save yourself time be as efficient as possible use the power roll. G calculator for the exact parents and offspring that you want and keep your genan pools limited as possible two traits per parent for The Offspring once you're at the point that you have two parents with all of the perfect traits yeah make them breed cuz why not now if you'd excuse me I have to go clear out four pages of chickpea so that I could actually start catching Pals again following this you're going to be able to get yourself a falope who could jump super duper high and go super super duper far and super fast and that's all I got to say about that guys thank you so much for being here if you found this video helpful do me a favor hit the thumbs up button down below uh while this channel still isn't even monetized yet apparently it takes a while for them to see how many hours that people have watched the the video so I don't make money on this video so just do me a favor just just hit the Subscribe button for doing all this math and information and and I'm I'm volunteering my time and doing it for free thank you so much for being here until next time Austin John gaming out
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 218,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld breeding, Palworld breeding Generator, Palworld How to breed, breeding, Palworld Palpedia, Palworld Palpedia breeding, Palworld Breeding combo, Palworld breeding traits, Palworld breeding calculator, Palworld breeding combo, Palworld Best breeding Combos, Best breeding Combos, Palworld Tips, Palworld Tips & Tricks, Palworld, Palworld pal, Palworld pals, austin john gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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