I Bred The MOST PROFITABLE Pal in Palworld

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So today we're going to do some genetic reshuffling and breeding using this fancy thing here I've learned fun things because I bred this Fella Mr ragnok look at this he's an artisan motivational leader Vanguard and Swift meaning this thing is crazy fast check out how much he can zoom he's like super quick I know there's probably better ones but I'm excited for him anyway also for the couple of last days I have been AFK farming overnight and I've generated nearly 20,000 ore uh the others at the base and up here in our other base we are getting lots and lots and lots of gold coins which is good because I can buy things that are really expensive like ammo so if I manually clean up everything that they've been laying behind you notice that I made like 2500 gold and this was only a matter of like 15 minutes that they've been doing this and over the weekend I did make 23,000 more gold so I have 69,8 140 right now actually I think there's more in other chests here yeah here's another 140 but it gave me an in interesting idea because most of these little doggies are or cats I guess they're all kind of trash dainty eater work slave motivational leader most of them don't have any good skills for working but what would happen if we bred them so my large Brain said to myself if I find a fox spks here with lucky and artisan and according to the charts the rib bunny mixed with Fox Sparks should make the kitty cats come here little buddy oh I didn't even check if these are male and female that would be an issue oh they are wow so you get into here and Mr Fox barks you get into here and then make some sort of weird little mutant child because our ragna Hawk is making quite a bit of cake and we need babies get busy please now theoretically speaking this guy with the lucky and Artisan skills and her with the serious should give us a really really really good meow if all of my numbers are correct and while those PS are making babies we can go over here to Fisherman's point which is way down in this corner of the map and uh this Trader right here actually sells that rifle ammo for only 220 gold so like we already got a lot of it just in that little bit of time 14 I know it's not the best thing but I'd rather use that than uh our iron on making ammo also this person sells people wow 40,000 for the repo these guys don't even have good stats but I could sell things to him like the people that gets awkward really quickly now these two little love birds have pooped out two eggs which still is weird I'm hoping that this is the right combination also my bird is stuck you Dingus why do you get stuck in there all right let's try this out a damp egg doesn't make sense to me that it' be a ma but nope that's a ping gullet the the the chart I looked at was totally wrong a that's annoying though let's see if this penguin works yeah totally another penguin all right you two I'm going to have to pull you off your duty over here no more of that for you let's save those cake cuz they're expensive actually they're not they just take a lot of time but I think the more interesting question is are those Penguins any good oh this one got lucky and Artisan that's kind of awesome and this one just got lucky all right so it wasn't quite right I need to find uh the proper combination I guess so another combination that's recommended where did they go and isn't this right like a cat just finds the biggest bed that it can get and sleep on this isn't a cat but you know what I'm saying all right Fox bks we're going to take this little penguin don't worry it's not a family member of the one that was just more get get back here Dingus I know you're excited to work but you have more fun things to do there you go little buddy now get your carcus inside that and then we're going to bring out shiny where's shiny at you're trying to hide over here buddy you're just not allowed cuz you're dumb you can't figure out how to walk a lot of Pals get stuck either up in there or over here I kind of wish they would fix pathf finding I didn't even check if these were female and male I should have is shiny a female no shiny's a male that's not going to work okay so I think my chart is entirely off because a Sparks plus a penguin should equal well it should be a meow but that was a shiny egg not shiny that was totally a Sparky egg also I have a damp egg I don't know where that came from but that's got to be a spark in a jol interesting so yeah my sheet is completely wrong all right Dingus enough baby Mak can come back in my inventory but if I com buy a m with a penguin things should get interesting that way all right Little ma get yourself in here make a baby all right not sure what this means but we did get a Frozen egg from them come on Mal Christ hey we got a Mal Christ o Vanguard and Artisan with bottomless stomach not the best stats but it should be pretty cool so Vanguard is player attack and work speed not exact ones that I wanted this is also a female so that one's good I guess I'm just going to let these two Frolic a little bit more and get a a bunch more of these and then try to manipulate them together to get even better combinations also I might set up another breeding facility Well good news my friends the breeding is going well thank you for asking and I just got a new penguin look at these stats on this one it's serious Artisan lucky and a workaholic so it sand drops slower so now I can match this penguin with one of these mouss and hopefully we can get some good crsts coming on those are words and everything thought I'd ever say so this is actually a decent one the work slave if we could get the workaholic instead of that it'd be okay come on little fella right into this one I got to go take the other one out though you're not allowed to make babies not you not anymore you've done your part all right little kitty get yourself slapped into there sort of float on the sky they're grazing are you grazing you're working okay let's see if we have any cakes ready we got one and a half so I need to make some more wheat Max that production up and we'll come over here here and I guess we'll keep that cake going no one's working on it right now because the rnah hawk is stupid here why don't you come over here you make that actually no this guy will make it work he's got level two fire he likes breathing fire better if I remember right I think I captured a level three fire yeah nope a level four this guy's pretty insane actually I got it from a giant egg too watch this oh my goodness and I don't want you to burn that here make your make fight just right here get this one he's so big plus I can get a mount for him look at how giant that thing is I can't even quite make that mount yet though 43 he's so fast nice all right come back in here so everything right now is kind of locked we need to get a bunch of cement if we're going to get better pow balls and that requires po fluids and Bones which really sucks I'll be honest thankfully the merchants sell bones like crazy but I'm generally unable able to get pal fluids from anything besides actual living Pals so I'm going to stock up on a little bit more rifle ammo 190 uses all my cash but that should be okay because we can cover a lot of ground very quickly sorry little chicken didn't mean to do that oh Penguins where are you oh I could also tank him out should we try that hold on I got to take that little fell down first give me your ice organs and pal fluids thank you and another penguin and even more pal fluids great is going to take forever thankfully they're kind of plentiful out here my goodness 3,400 crit sorry not sorry sorry not sorry he just had to watch his friend die oh sorry sir you believe you have one of my friends stuck in your cage might have to eliminate you and eliminate you so the tornado doesn't hit you thank you thank you ragnok I need this guy for science purposes hello little pal I kind of feel bad he's a m Foreman which is kind of nice you're gone these penguins like hiding in the Rocks around here you got away little fella oh well I mean try it again thank you I believe these things also drop pal fluid do they oh they do that's too bad for them let's make them extinct now the question is is that a shiny that I hear oh a shiny elk deer um okay we can try this out we might have to do this manually though no you can't do that to me this is illegal I want you to be my friend ow how many hit points do you have go ahead I don't I don't really care all right let's try to capture you now that should be easy enough you got out that's illegal ow hey I captured it it oh it's a lucky one well that makes sense cuz it's shiny and that's what it means but I believe these guys also give P fluids thankfully it's like shooting ducks in a barrel you think the Ducks give water juice too maybe oh you looked at your friend all sad and stuff oh they do get pal fluids this is easy enough cat down the tower got him he fell down I almost feel bad now almost thankfully they respawn this guy doesn't though he deserve that I just saw something shiny out of the corner of my eye turns out to be a generically sized Rocky egg I kind of decided to take this guy on anyway mainly because he just has a lot of hit points and he gives me a lot of XP which I really really need right now yes nice job with that Huggy fire buddy now the question is do I tame him or do I just kill it I guess we'll see what Kitty does oh good job fir Fox hey get in there whoa all right you don't like that ball take this one instead an 11% yikes I got better balls too want one of these nope those are really expensive you should really get inside that thing fine you can have one more if you don't get inside this one I'm going to put this between your eyes I'm going to threaten you and if it doesn't work I swear I'll pull that trigger thank you did I get a bunch of XP 177,000 I'll take that and nine pal oil which is expensive all right super good news we have three more eggs over here too so let's try hatching these things up let's start with that Rocky one we found earlier which gives me a hango whatever those are and then I found another common egg which is kind of boring but we're probably going to get like another penguin out of it oh too Toto all right Frozen egg number one hopefully this has got good steps for a Crist work slave logging for man Swift that's pretty good but not quite what we're looking for next one is come on give us good stuff ah serious work slave pacifist and glutton these aren't working right come on need better o Artis and clumsy you guys are not giving me the right things right now so I'll just put in this large scorching egg and get a Les Punk gross so there's a few more eggs ready but I need to get some refined Ingot up and running if I do about 50 each or I can't math because that was the coal that I whatever we have we have 50 going and someone's going to have fun with it maybe it'll be you cuz you're really good now I'm fingers Crossing hoping that these eggs are good look at how fast that big guy is making the the refined ingots compared to a tier three making regular ingots this is great I wanted to grab these ingots so we can make a grapple hook before we did anything else I totally forgot about these and you guys told me that this is the bee's knees the cat's pajamas so let's see how this grappling gun works I assume I just need to put it in like here did you see the T pose that was good all right grapple gun and uh oh I thought the game crashed all right um hello oh it's got a cool down all right so you can't just Spider-Man around oh I can't attach that can I attach to creatures no how about here there it is all right that's kind of cool you guys said I can move things if I'm encumbered that way so let's start up these eggs now let's hope we get a good one out of this come on meow Chris we need to clone you some more oh oh that one's really good workaholic artisan and the work slave that's good all right Frozen egg incubate serious workaholic bottomless stomach okay we might be able to start putting some of these together I love how they just kind of raged do when you run with them all right those two should make a good one I'll just give them the cake queue up some more flour build another wheat Plantation go collect the resources that have been here for the last hour how much junk is here okay we have 140 coins already got 122 pow balls there okay we're keeping going with the coins this is working so well and these aren't even leveled up creatures yet they're overwhelming our carriers so they can't even keep up my goodness 5,000 gold coins so far all right 6,700 and then whatever is put in that chest over here another 3,000 my I was empty because I used it all on ammo all right so we just got 10,450 gold in about an hour this is nice our first egg has been done they still don't have enough cake so let's put this in like so got it I got it come on give me a cool one I need a cool one give me a really good one and an artisan all right an artisan is is good I just caught a little kitty cat going in the wrong Zone you're not allowed over here buddy you have to go make baby kitty cats in here also we have two eggs ready nice you need to go go blow fire on the Cake Maker all right you're the cake stop it do I have to remind you that you're making cake yeah I do maybe you're done no you're not but yes another brand new egg is ready for us give me these that's not an egg you're the egg maker I'm getting so close on some of these too ah there we go some of these get like two or three of the stats I want ooh yeah that one didn't get any of them why but this one however a stronghold strategist what's wrong with your parents they gave you all the bad trads why why do you do this to me guys I put the wall there for a reason so you wouldn't go why are you so dumb get yourself back in the regular spot now where'd you go bro just disappeared so I had to go make a quartz run and I've been finding a lot of these eggs large Rosen eggs not the huge I was hoping for I thought I saw another one yep right down here oh there's one right there too this one another large that could be fun yep no Huges I like the huge eggs they're the favorite of mine I'm also hoping I brought enough clothes cuz could get real cold here look at those fellas it reminds me of uh toothless on whatever that movie was so I believe this is the quartz yes pure quartz is it heavy it looks heavy there's also a wus over there I think that's called a wus I'm not exact wo yep and I have the hicups that's not great now you pick a fight with them oh he froze me do I have to end this my goodness I probably won't have to do too much all right whatever time for a fighty I think I missed yeah that's a tree and Eyeball okay that's not a crit wow one thing I've noticed is that you never ever ever whoa want to use your Mount did you just straight up kill him oh that totally missed no it died shiny has a problem killing things this place is pretty crazy oh two more eggs I I think there's a boss fight in the middle there oh that's a huge Frozen egg nice oh no I'm too heavy what do I not need what do I not need I didn't realize these Frozen meows are all over up here too I didn't have to breed them I thought there were something special and unique like this guy just kidding he's not special or unique what is specially unique is circuit boards I need 10 of them I need more polymer let's make polymer first thankfully I can make 60 of those that doesn't take anytime at long these Anubis are amazing and speaking of amazing let's see what we get in this huge Frozen egg it could be something really cool or something entirely stupid I am going for the entirely cool mammal rest Crist okay that's cool most of these other things are going to be pretty boring I bet oh a meow Christ okay yeah that one's got terrible skills oh a worm van worm oh and of course I got a penguin out of the deal oh I got a wo too and the reason why I wanted those circuit boards is because we can now get rid of this thing and build production number two great that's longer isn't it why does it have to be longer I mean it is the second in the series but hold up here are those like little laser gravity claws that's amazing this thing's going to take electricity too isn't it oh boy oh wow that looks real nice oh good yes Mission Control po boox upgrade again that means I can have more pets and we have more eggs so let's upgrade this real quick ooh built an electronic fness okay now I'm hoping I've got good hopes for this one the parents only have the the selected stats that we need so it should be really close to being what we need and let's go let's see in here incubate that egg incubate the egg incubate the egg come on work slave serious Brave that's not what I wanted I don't care if you're brave I just want you to make gold and lots of it actually not bad though work slave in serious is pretty good but now when you're coming from these parents like that one's almost perfect here work slave Artisan lucky it's just missing serious which its parents have its mom has that and this one gives me serious Artisan pyromaniac why do you get the bad stats your parents are amazing and I guess if we're going to upgrade our conveyor belt here might as well upgrade our pal spere one back there too we got a bunch of dinguses that are stuck in the top floor of the house as well why you guys go up there all right let's try another one will this one be good will this one be good please be good please be good Vanguard and Artisan that is good that's a good one now I just need like a a lucky work slave with it there's lucky we could put these two together oh serious work slave so we'll do a little bit of an upgrade on this left or I guess the right pen now neat kind of awkward this this anubus just stands up here and watches the whole time like fella don't you have anything better to do and I like how the cat in the top right it's hard at work seems to be a good worker yeah that's what they're working on making babies now we do have a good amount of good pals that we could put in here they're not the perfect one yet but we still are getting to that point there's so much money this was another cool 16,000 or was it 6,000 I think I had 10,000 on me plus whatever's in this crate oh yeah 500 it is a little Annoying they do their work but they don't haul when they're when I'm not in this area so we can just put in a few of these guys cuz these the ones have been breeding down here oh wow and there's a lot of them we don't even have penned up right now all right you guys go back we don't need runners in here are you kidding me right meow dainty eaters muscle heads motivational leader stronghold strategist we don't need any of that we need fun things like lucky mind foremans and serious Artisans almost every one of these has a positive trait which is incredible still not the perfect trade but they're going to make so much cash watch over here they're just going to start digging like crazy and popping up coins or they better if not I totally wasted 5 hours today also I have no idea what's going on for food oh there's eggs oh eggs I forgot about that yeah they totally eat eggs that's why the chickens are here I see a kitty pounced oh he just got one nice all right I think they are working pretty quickly we have some grazing going on it's going way better than it was before and this boy is walking back and forth flying back and forth I guess carrying Everything In It's going well no way no way no way no way I wasn't recording because I've literally gone through like I don't even know look how many stupid cats there are here like 30 of them now if I can oh there it is Artisan lucky workaholic serious now if we could change out the workaholic for work slave but this is about as good as I can get it there's also one more up here and I'm refining it every one of these Pals is getting better and better and better until they just go off and start digging up dirt but that's okay they're they're cats that's what they're supposed to do all right let's see what this one is I'm hoping this one is the one we're looking for and it's going to be something dumb that's actually so close the lucky work slave Vanguard and stronghold strategist aren't that good actually vanguard's like the opposite of good like no it's not Vanguard there's one of them that's 50% those are incredible though I think I did it I think I did it I've done so much preparation for I guess it'd be yesterday's stream cuz I'm recording this on Monday and it's coming out Saturday been working on all sorts of spheres and things we have so many uh like charcoal and other things that are going on so it's not been a waste of day but I do want to go put these guys in the base should we try to get a couple more let's should get a couple more so I'm almost out of cake I'm just going to put that one in and they should immediately eat it and then poop out an egg that's how eggs are made if you're wondering this one just got ready to so that'll be my last two and we're going to see if I can get anything better which I seriously doubt also we have a lot of guys making resource again because I went through close to 10,000 Stone also I don't know where I got the scorching egg from uh actually I do it was way over there it's going to be something stupid yeah like a f Bell that's not stupid that might be one of the cutest ones but this one this one's going to be solid serious lucky work slave capacitor that's a solid one the capacitor is pointless but I mean those other three are huge that's it that's it we just got the best one possible I mean there there's a few combinations that make them really good but having that uh I don't even know what to say I've been at this for literally hours right now and that's it the workaholic is super good because it keeps that sand faster and the work speed is plus 30 50 65% plus less drop all right let's take these fellas out I also really want to see how fast money has been cuz it's been roughly an hour since they went to the other base which is right up here oh my goodness look at all this junk all right we're starting with 7,300 I got to clean it all up look at that we've already passed the th000 we haven't even got around one Circle here listen to that sound oh that's so cool come on buddy come on I don't want my inventory to fill up actually gold coins don't fill it so that's good I'm going to get rid of the Vixie here I think to just to make more money 7,000 in an hour and we're not even all the way there yet oh that's good oh that's good these aren't even the best Pals 7900 we literally just doubled our money there might be a few what is that Turtle doing here hold on friend you're not my friend pal kind of want to see all these cats go off on [Music] them go kitties Kitty power that's hilarious should we tame it no we're not taming that you don't get to come in my fort that was awesome all the kitties just went mad all right vix I apologize sorry not sorry but I have to replace you with better things you know what I should do is just remove everything out and get the best of the best in I do still need the chickens for food too we need the chickens and we need the V worms for picking it up all right let's grab the two really good ones here I mean that's not the really good one uh that one's good serious workaholic we have a yep that one's awesome that one's also awesome a lucky we might need that but there's the good one right there I'm going to name you what should I name you you guys will have to drop a name down here I'm going to name her lucky charm so we always know that it took me 7 hours to to get her we're going to fill it up with two if they have two then I'm going to keep them lucky and Artisan yep work Slave serus oh that one's decent lucky work slave work slave and Artisan these things are going to make so much money oh there's a good one too but it has a Vanguard I mean that's not great but I'll take it there we go 14 kitty cats all doing the Diggy Dig they're going to make so much cash it's going to be fantastic they're already working I kind of want to let it run for an hour but uh my day has ended and it's time for me to go home so thank you my friends for watching this video that was awesome I had so much fun and I hope you did too thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bread dolphin c scer d Mr criple one Pon please fussy badge missing sniper l h Kyler J Nitro VR Nitro y H Auto da Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cino R La Warrior Keegan H zarof maxer ra VC engineer scarx Spencer te whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 259,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld ragnahawk, palworld mounts, palworld best mount, palworld best mounts
Id: pJ-LzifY6oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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