Palworld - How To Get All 28 SPECIAL PAL BREEDING COMBINATIONS / SECRET PALS Complete Breeding Guide

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so in this power world video I will bring you the Ultimate Guide to all 28 special combinations in regards to breeding within this game there's some unique things here guys which can only be achieved via breeding two specific parents and today in this Ultimate Guide I'll showcase you everything you need to know in order to achieve such Powers now before we go any further guys I'm giving away a couple of copies of this game so if you yet to land this game yet here's your chance so to win for either yourself or a friend simply drop a like on this video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subed with those notifications turned on I will announce winners at the end of the week so good luck everybody okay so breeding in power world is something many many people have invested plenty of hours in and today guys I bring you a list a special list of all 28 special combination of PS you can breed specific PS you can only get via breeding the following two parents so let's go people okay so first up we have the relaxasaurus lucks now this is a pal which is pretty cool I'm not going to lie to you and if you're interested in this Dragon electric type pal his work suitability traits are a level three that generating electricity and a level one in that transporting so to get this du guys you need to breed two specific parents and they are the relax orus and Spark it doesn't matter which one is male which one is female these must be the two parents that you breed together and you'll get to relax this looks so do what you got to do there guys next up we have the incen ram not I believe I'm pronouncing that right I'm probably not to be honest people but if this is a power you're interested in it works whose abilities are a level two in handling a level two in transporting and a level one in that mining so to get this du guys you need to breed again two specific parents you need to breed ins RAM and Mari these are the only two you can breed where you will get this specific pal the inam not so do what you got to do there people next up people we have a pal called the Mal chist now this is a nice little blue looking cat who falls under the ice element type who offers that level one in Cooling and at level one in farming okay so to breed this dude guys you need the mo I think that's pronounced mo mo the mo and the pulet so these need to be the two parents people breed these at your breeding pen make sure you have those cakes too obviously and then the egg should result in a more Cris and there we have it okay so next up guys we have the van worm chist now this is a badass lockin palette I'm not going to lie to you who falls under the elements of both ice and dark so pretty unique he also offers a level two in Cooling and a level three in transporting so if this is a dude you want you need to breed the vanw worm and foxal these are the two you must breed in order to get this baby simple okay so next up guys have the e 5s Terror I believe that's pronounced that way I'm probably wrong again so this ground typ pal will offer you a level two in that Lum room and if it's one you want guys you need to breed the parents of the he DEA as well as hu I mean who names these surely they must know there's idiots like me who can't pronounce the easiest of things and the best of days cut me a break power world cut me a break okay so next up guys we have the he feedr Aqua so if this is a power you're looking for and you're interested in the parents must be the alran and the serent breed these two together guys and you should get an ouren aqua baby next up guys we have the pirate nut so this fire dark element pal will offer you a level two in that kindling and a level one in that Lum room now to get these SK you need to breed the parents must be a pin as well as a catris so breed these two together and you should get a ping knot baby next up guys we have the mama rest chis now this ice type pal will offer you a level two in lumbering a level two in mining and a level two in cooling so to get this dude guys the parents must be a mama rest as well as a wom pole breed these two together guys and she'll get the mama rest Cris it's as simple as that guys next up people we have the Manda locks so this electric loing Panda Mall will offer you a level two in generating electricity a level two in handiwork a level two in lumbering and a level three in transporting so quite the work Beast I'm not going to lie okay so to get this guys his parents need to be a masanda as well as a GIS bolt these two must be breed together in order for you to get the mandra Lux pretty cool okay so moving on and next up we have the dorm locks now this is a great pad I'm not going to lie it's a dragon electric type who wouldn't want one of these now it offers a level two in generating electricity and a level two in that lumbering so to get this guys need to breed the Dome as well as the rhound breeding these two parents together guys will reward you Adon aome baby next up guys we have the jol hug chist so this little ice Hedgehog this little ice element pal will offer you a level one in that cooling but he is a cute little fellow let not lie to ourselves so it parents here need to be a jol hug and a pulet read these two together guys and you'll get the Joel hug pris simple as that next up guys we have another mythical beast in the frost alion nuts this is one of the best you can breed in the game in my opinion and because this dark type horsey looking mythical beast creature what off you to think it's the only p in the game who will offer you a level four in that Gathering so pretty cool but it's actually going to be a hard job for you to tame this because one of its parents is Frost stallion now Frost stallion is a world bus a legendary World bus that comes in at a level 50 so good luck there getting this dude so he had one p this to be Frost alian and and the other apparently need to be the Howa I believe that's pronounced um but yeah breed these two together guys and you'll get the frost alion not so good luck with that one next up guys we have the king Packa chist so this ice type pal will offer you a level one in gathering and a level three in that cooling okay so to bre this guys you need to have the parents of King Paca and rangri these two must be R together in order for you to get the king Paka chst so good luck there next up guys we have the line nut so this dark element pal will offer you a level three in that handwork a level two in gathering and a level three in that medicine production now to breed this fell you need the parents of Ling and manting these two must be bred together for you to get the line nut so do what you got to do there people next up guys we have the Le Punk ignis so this fire type pal will offer you a level one in kindling a level one in handwork a level one in gathering and a level one in transporting now his parents need to be a standard leas punk as well as a flamb Bella now these two must be brought together for you to get the Le Punk IGN so do what you got to do there people next up guys we have the blaze how nut so this fire dark type power off you a level three in that kindling and a level two in that lumbering now to get this guys you need to breed together Blaze H hel and fbat breed these two together and you'll get yourself a blaze hell knocked baby egg so do what you got to do there people next up guys we have the robbing quill Terror so this ground grass type power will offer you a level two in handiwork a level two in gathering a level one in lumbering a level one in medicine production and a level two in transport in so quite the word thing so its parents need to be a standard robbing quill as well as a Foodler read these two together guys and you get the rubbing quill Terror next up guys we have the bran Cherry Aqua so this water grass type power will offer you a level three in that water ring and its parents are it need to be a br Cherry as well as a Frack does that say Frack uh take away the A and that's what I'm thinking but yeah read these two together guys and get the Bron Cherry Aqua pretty cool next up people we have the serent terror so this ground type pal looks like a water fiend but he obviously ain't will offer you a level one in gathering now his parents must be a standard serpent as well as a doom mod read these two together guys and you get the serent Terror pretty cool next up guys we have the gobin ignas now this little fire type pal will offer you a level two in kindling a level one in handiwork and a level one in transport pretty cool okay so to breed this dude you need the parents of gobin and Ruby so yes breeding these two together guys will give you the g f Inus nice next up people we have one of my favorites the suzaku aqua so this water type flying monster will offer you at level three in that wroom works usability trait so its parents need to be a suzaku and a German TI these are two pretty hard to get powers I'm not going to lie but reading them two together guys will give you the suzuku aqua so pretty cool next up people we the rep Tyro chist so this ice Grand power will offer you a level three in mining and a level three in cooling pretty cool guys so to get this guys you need to breed together rep tyal and foxal breeding these two together guys will give you the rep tyal prist so pretty good next up people we have the hangu chist so to get this one guys you need to breed the parents together of the hangu and sweet breeding these two together guys will give you this cute little critter the hangu chist next up guys we have lyen now lyine is a grass type pal who offers a level four in planting a level three in handwork a level two in gathering and a level three in medicine production now to breed this fella you need masanda and pellia breeding these two together guys will give you a ling so pretty cool next up guys we have the mythical Firebird of valeris now to get this power people need to breed together van worm as well as Anubis breeding these two together gives you this amazing mythical bird known as fellis next up guys we have GIS bolt so this electric type pal will offer you a level three in generating electricity a level two in handwork a level two in lumbering and a level three in that transporting so quite a decent power for that base so to breed this dude people you need to breed together Manda as well as rhound read these two together guys and you'll get a greas bolt baby next up people we have oerk and who is an absolute monster of a for sure now to breed this one one guys you need to breed together Griz Bol and relax orus breathing these two together guys will give you this oerk who is a monster of a pal you don't want to miss out on next up guys we have another amazing bird known as Shadow beak so Shadow beak will offer you a level one in that Gathering uh but to breed this one you need to breed together kiten and aen breeding these two together guys will give you the shadow beak P so pretty cool people so yes there we have it for the 28 special combinations that specific parents needed to breed specific po so pretty good there also guys five other poers which you can only get for breeding two of the same parents they are Frost stallion who's a world boss a legendary power we have jet wagon again a world boss who's also a legendo pal paladas who is also a world B legendo pal and necromus again will boss legendary pal um these you have to have two of the same parents to get the baby there's no other PS you can readed in the game that result in a baby one of these and we also have guys Theon ignas again both parents required to breed a baby and there we have it guys guys if you did enjoy the video leaving a like really helps out if you like what you see and want to see more power be sure to subscribe and hopefully my beautiful people I will see you on that next why one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 251,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld breeding, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld pals, palworld bree, palworld breeding combos, palworld breeding guide, palwolrd secret breeding pals, palworld sercret pals, palworld pal combinations, palworld best, palworld best pals, palworld legendary pals, palworld secrets, palworld secret pal, palworld hidden pals, dpj, dpjsc08, palworld how to get secret pals, palworld how to breed, palworld how to breed jormuntide ignis, palworld anubis
Id: pQT6BgbA42Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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