The Fastest Ground Mount Pals in Palworld (66 Ranked For Early, Mid, and Post Game)

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there are hundreds of Pals for you to take with you on your journey in power world and a bunch of them you could ride around and some are useful and some aren't today I'm going to be talking about the math and which are the best Pals for you to ride as your Mount throughout your time playing Power heo dog that's an awfully tame Vig game how could you claim we the same like a moth to a flame you can't hold a candle to my name you're pumping that trash but I'm critically acclaimed let's go back for balls to what I was claiming I'm going to teach you had a farm like my name was Matt Damon and I'll admit I'm not good at new channel naming so fck it I guess that's why you're watching Austin John gaming I previously made a video going over all of the different flying Pals that are great for your entire time playing power world and today I'm going to be talking about the ground mounts also in that video I didn't include the pals that were considered to be nonf floating flying Pals so at the end of the video I'm going to be talking about those guys as well sort of like a add-on to the previous this video great I have been very very busy in my video that went over all of the different flying Pals I came up with some metrics and did a lot of testing because some things weren't explained explicitly in the games code but now that we know that information I've extrapolated the entire data mine of every single pal in the entire game figured out all of their specific metrics all the things that are pertinent to you being able to ride them and came up with this very pretty thing that we're going to be looking at firstly we're going to be getting rid of every pal that you can't ride secondly we're only going to be talking about Pals that you can ride on the ground for now later on we're going to be talking about the flight plus ground as opposed to the flight plus hover Pals so here we have only the pals that you can ride on the ground and then also the ones that are able to ride on top of water without drowning when their stamina depletes then what I decided to do was also include the tech unlock level this is useful because we can extrapolate which of these Pals at different speed levels is going to be the most useful throughout your adventure like if the only thing you want to know is which pal Sprints the fastest it's necromus but you unlock necromus at level 49 and who's second oh it's paladis who you also unlock at 49 and while yes necromus is uh fantastic Pony night man that doesn't help you for the first 48 levels of the entire game before you catch this legendary pal bye go go have fun uh logging apparently next the Pal's code name nhp is not really that important for this information we're mostly going to be looking at the Pal's overall stamina their run speed their ride Sprint speed and their Tech unlock level stamina is a very unique metric here because for all of the different flying Pals there were so many different numbers here suzaku being the most at 350 Frost alion being at 200 and the high stamina bird being feris at 230 it's different for the ground Pals because every single ground pal except one has a stamina of 100 dire how is the only one with a stamina of 70 and we're going to talk about that in addition if you were to look at partner skills if it says can be written that does not mean that if you were to power up this partner skill that it's going to increase their ride speed unlike necromus over here who can be ridden and can double jump while mounted so Ray Hound's jumping force over here that can be ridden and double jump while mounted is the exact same thing as necromus Dark Knight of the Abyss why does it have two different names so because of that I am going to be including a variant of the pals at different levels I'm going to be including a level zero a level one and a level four and if you once again want to know who Sprints the fastest it's necromus at level four followed by necromus at level one and then paladis at level four and then necromus at level zero so if that's all you want to know great have fun so the first thing I would like to to talk about is speed times Tech and this is going to be which pal is the absolute most useful throughout your entire time playing and it's dire how yeah dire how who you get at level 9 is actually the most useful ride pal in the entire game this guy has a ride Sprint speed of 1050 at level one he gets a 10% boost so he's 1155 and at level four he gets a 20% boost to be at 1260 that is also a boost to their run speed but not to stamina so you're going to see out of the six fastest mounts in the entire game when factoring in their tech level three of the six spots are all dire howl that's the reason dir howl had a Nerf to his stamina followed by univolt hul loock at level 14 fantastic ride pal rhound at level 26 who's tied with falope at level 26 rhound is ever so slightly faster for sprinting but ever so slightly slower for run speed oh in fact factoring all that in uh came out slightly ahead your seventh spot is going to be eader followed by surprisingly AR Soxs a level four r sox comes in next and then rhound at level one fope at level one and then a Pyon and then r sox at level one and then rhound at level zero so clearly we have some favorites here meaning dir how univolt Ray Hound fope those are the MVPs now if you don't care at all about the tech level that they unlock at and when factoring in stamina times speed times Sprint necromus and paladis come in way ahead of everyone else but then a level four rhound clocks in at 116 on our scoreboard paladis is 16% faster than rhound that's not that much to be unlocked at I'm sorry what's the level difference here oh half rhound at level 26 is going to be 16% slower than the pal that you're going to be unlocking next at level 49 and compared to the absolute fastest thing you could have in the entire game 45% slower I mean when I say it that way it sounds pretty horrible and then just because the whole dire howl having 70 stamina feels like a cheap copout for him I also decided to make a category where I ignore that and dire Howell replaces rhound a level four dire Hound comes in at 855 on our previous metric but 120 when we ignore stamina which just means that you're going to be more crafty with when you hold of the stamina button or I would recommend going to the settings and turn Sprint lock on a level four dire howl comes in this high above rhound fope above the level zero legendary Pyon pyron knocked and then you have dire Howell again at level one that means that the 12th fastest ride pal in the entire game you're going to be able to get at level 9 you catch one you catch four additional you consolidate them once you actually get the tech level to consolidate them cuz that's above nine if I recall and you have the ninth fastest thing in the entire game that doesn't leave the ground now unlike the flying Pals I didn't go over the metrics as far as what's the difference if it has Swift versus everything else because all of these Pals can have Swift and Nimble and Runner and legendary giving them all the speed boost and because there's so many of them and they're all on even playing field and it's not like you have this huge massive difference between the best pal and the worst pal this dire tow with Runner that I have right here I didn't even upgrade this one if I were to consolidate him he becomes 10% faster and then immediately becomes the ninth fastest thing in the entire game the speed at which we are actually able to move with this guy is crazy dire Howl's biggest drawback has to do with his jumping ability because it is atrocious he can't even make it up this tiny little rock right here I can't go up this rock that's that's really sad that this ride pallet can't just can I walk up that look at that he doesn't he doesn't want to walk up things at all that is dire Howell's biggest drawback and something that you're going to have to deal with until you're able to unlock AAL at a higher level I managed to breed myself the best rhound possible one cuz he's a good boy two he has Swift Legend Runner and Nimble because of that this guy absolutely freaking flies we don't have the issue about going up small rocks and Cliffs and anything else like that and Ray Hound's ability makes it so that he could double jump and his double jump is massive while I don't have an exact metric I'm pretty sure this guy has the highest vertical jump in the entire game of Pals who aren't flying over here I have a structure that's two walls tall rhound can jump on top of it easily the fastest pal who is a legendary cannot even clear that pyron has a really impressive jump but does not get access to a double jump so because of that he's a little bit limit lied and there's also something else to talk about the cave test Austin what's the cave test the cave test is where I take the various Pals that you can ride on and we see can they actually go through caves easily dire howl over here has so much room to spare making your early caving those level what are they 14 caves while he doesn't have a lot of vertical jump at these beginning level caves he's not going to really have any issues he could hop up no problem Pyon is also very easily able to get through these caves rhound also through the caves and with that double jump you can actually go ahead and clear most of these large bodies of water and also I do want to make note that a necromus that a non-alpha necromus who I don't know why he's floating right now can also clear these entrance ways the one that you're going to be catching out in the wild is an alpha so he's not going to be able to fit through but once you start breeding it down it can fit through so enough footing around what is the takeaway the takeaway for ground ride Pals the absolute best one in the game is necromus at level four but that requires you to either catch or breed down like more than 50 legendary Pals it's going to be a little bit of a struggle it's going to be a little bit of a pain and you're only going to do it starting at level 49 but at level 9 getting a dire how up to level one gives you one of the fastest ride Pals in the game once you give him to level three is 15% faster and once you finally max out at level four he's then 20% faster being the sixth fastest pal in the entire game only majorly limited by his vertical jump and his stamina however once you're in the mid game and you want to refine yourself a really good ride pal rhound and falope both come in fantastic their level fours come in right behind dir how with a much better jump Fen glob is also a double jump but if you want to put Absolut absolutely no effort into a good ride pal then you're going to be looking at Pyon or Pyon knock who you're unlocking at level 30 but honestly for that little bit of investment for catching four extra Pals at the chance you might get Runner or something else dir how comes in just below them at actually a faster run speed and a slightly slower Sprint speed and of course the stamina Nerf that he has uh if fut Charleston could be so kind as to just provide a big sideways list right now of all of the pals in ranking order that'd be great I thought once we made the second Channel I wasn't going to have to do this anymore this is and now I want to briefly go over the flight plus hover including the flight plus ground Pals the flight plus ground Pals I excluded from my previous video because they drown in water and it doesn't make flying that helpful in my opinion for some of those longer flights especially once you go to the sanctuaries most useful pal of speed times tech level meaning the earlier you unlock it the more bonus points they get is going to to be a feris followed by suzaku only because his stamina is so dang High followed by Van worm and quern right after that and then Beacon if we ignore stamina altogether because some of the better Pals have a not increased amount of stamina then our numbers look as jet dragon number one of course Frost Stallion and frost stallion knocked is tied for number two all these pals are Level uh 48 and 50 and then you have feris again ragn Hawk and then shadow beak makes an appearance for the first time which is neat but again very late level unlock you're better off with a ragn hawk or a feris now if you wanted to care about only speed whatsoever what is the fastest between just going in a direction just going in a direction sprinting in a direction and stamina then suzaku gets a major buff just because of how well their stamina holds up well great guys I hope you found this information helpful on which ride pals are going to be the best for your entire Journey throughout po world if you found this information helpful do me if you ever hit the thumbs up button down below if you're new to the channel be sure to subscribe turn on notifications and for Austin John gaming I'm Austin John and I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Austin John Gaming
Views: 53,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld Tips, Palworld Tips & Tricks, Palworld, Palworld pal, Palworld pals, Palworld Best pal, Palworld Best pals, Palworld fastest pal, Palworld fastest pals, Palworld best mount, Palworld best Mounts, Palworld Fastest Mounts, Palworld Necromus, Palworld Paladius, Palworld Pyrin, Palworld Pyrin Noct, Palworld Direhowl, Palworld Rayhound, Palworld Univolt, Palworld Fenglope, Palworld Blazehowl, austin john gaming
Id: BRhvhjfwgE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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