How to Fix 16% Terrible Traffic with Lane Mathematics & More in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody and welcome back to the next fictional city with me biffer and here we are in the city of fowler sent in by and i believe this is the correct thai pronunciation of your name by fring so thank you very much for using the form that is linked in the description below and sending your city in if you wish me to take a look at yours then you can do the same as long as it's got something to fix then i'm happy to take a look don't send me a city that's perfectly fine because i won't be looking at it okay so we have a city here uh flower city a population of 80 000 over 80 000 it's making money but it has a lot of problems of course one of which is the traffic in the city it is dropping as we speak we're down to 62 percent at the moment and as we look around the city i mean we can see it's backing up on the highway really bad and you're probably spotting some of the reasons why some of you seasoned the viewers of mine you can spot a problem a mile away can't you well we're gonna fix up all these different things but the first thing i'd like to do is to take an overview of the city like so there we go and then we're gonna have a look at the traffic like this and we're gonna run this for a while and see how bad it gets so let's see what happens oh and of course a quick reminder we are using traffic manager and what i do is i run it in no despawning mode which makes things harder we get bigger traffic jams this is not how the game normally runs this is using a mod to make things even worse so we can put our traffic fixing skills to the test right so let's leave node spawning turned on and let's see what happens uh just a quick pop back in we're at 36 percent and dropping i'm just a little bit worried about how bad this is going to get but let's keep on going okay so we got down to if you saw in the time lapse 16 and now of course we've lost 10 000 population and everything's going nuts and it's creeping back up again just because there's less people in the city but let's just take a look at what's going on down here so our cargo area is completely backed up which is probably to be expected to be honest our highway is completely backed up and there's not many off-ramps on this highway if we come along here this whole section so they're crossing over everybody up here by the look of it is only able to get on the highway here so that's one telling thing uh and the same for this side by the look of it unless i'm missing anything everybody so all of these people here all getting through the highway there what about these guys so they're all using this main road which you can see to get up here they do have access to the highway over here in this junction but nobody's using it because they probably all want to go this way over to the cargo airport i bet uh cargo harbor thingamabob so yeah there we go so that's how bad it's got what is this roundabout here is you've got this road going through and around about okay yeah we're going to look at that so lots of things to work on so where shall we start okay so we're going gonna start by looking at the main roads the highway the roundabouts and all that sort of thing before we start looking in that little uh looking at all the little details so just along here we need a bit of lane mathematics i'm sure you're all familiar with that uh without it we get double lane uses so straight usage straight on and right so we're gonna go three lanes one goes off down to two there we go so that will give you a dedicated turning lane and then where it comes back on again we are gonna add you go there so everybody gets a lane each um and yeah that's fine and then going the other way we're gonna do the same you've actually got two lanes coming off and going all the way around there that doesn't need to be that many lanes so we're gonna put that down to one all the way around here to join um and also this one here only needs to be one and that one there only needs to be one which is already this one could be two because then you get a split for each direction there we go this one's one this one's one so they get a lane each and then here i'm assuming you're not going to want them turning back rounds coming up there again so we'll turn that off and we'll have one straight on and one whoops one right and that should solve that oh dear this bit here yeah we'll think about that in a minute we'll come back to that like i said we'll do the basic stuff first so again the three lanes one comes off down to two now we've got a dedicated turning lane so we'll just do that and then what i was gonna say is where they join then we'll do the same hugo there thing but you've got this all set up yeah we're going to come back to that that thing there because that is all badly set up we'll definitely come back to that that needs empty there we go and then as we come along here again some simple lane mathematics here three one goes off down to two one comes on back to three so basically we can just change all of those to two like us so and then where they come on we can do you go there you go there you go there now we don't need that one there because we've got the dedicated lanes you go there and then the same in the other direction as well and that just helps this sort of basic cloverleaf interchange to work much better so that's where you come on there that's where you come up there that's where you come on if you go there and where's the other one which way they going i've confused myself one there one there one there that's where they go off that's where they go off yeah i'm missing something here but oh that one there that's it where they come on yeah yeah yeah we'll get them in the end so that's gonna help with that and then as we go along it goes underground which is fine comes back up again over here that's joining that's gone off so yeah there we go look a little bit of lane mass is going to help this section here and then again a bit of hugo there is going to help that joining there and this coming we've got one off and one on again so another perfect opportunity to do the same thing and hugo there over there excellent um just looking at this big one that one's going off you have actually gone down to two yeah then you've gone up to three because you've got a lane going off there that's fine um three and then you've said no lane changing all the way through there i don't think you necessarily need that this road here does not when you've got these little slip lanes they don't need to be more than one lane they really don't so that's going to be one lane which means that can be one lane all the way around i know you've used the highway mode but it just needs to be one lane so and well whoa jumpy well done for building your own junctions i don't mean to do that one there which is why some of these are a little bit winky wonky but you know you built your own junction so we can't complain about that now you've got dedicated lanes going that way and that coming in is let's just do this we're going to grab that node there and say just keep going straight through and then we're going to do that so they go to there they go to there they just all keep moving you have a lane each and that should all work a lot better this bit here yeah you know what we're gonna do we're gonna change this so you've done three lanes so one of them goes off but you've certainly got two going on so we're gonna go down to two for along here and then that's gonna help when this one comes on so now we're back to three excellent uh that you don't need because you've got a dedicated turning lane now so that works much better so that junction is going to work a lot better and then just go back along the other way again you've done the same thing well this is two lanes coming on so that breaks the lane mathematics three plus two is five i mean there is five lane highways in here but it is just too much you don't need it i mean i'm not even sure you really need this road here but we'll leave it in we'll leave it in so control left click dedicated turning lanes now we're going to be coming along there let us maybe just make this a little bit easier to turn if you go like that oh my goodness me forget it forget it have the right angle turns i'm not gonna mess with all of that um so that was yeah so that's two plus one is three and then we've got another one here so just for another way of making the lane mats work we can get four lane and then we can do because the choke point is always when the cars come on because what they try and do is current across the lanes and stop the flow of your main highway so if we do that they all get a lane each then they can merge here and that will work much much better um we don't want all of these going along there that's yeah we've done that one that's coming in it goes underneath background to where we were before and that's all done so that's good that is definitely gonna help so let's just get that running and hopefully every slowly things will get moving but obviously we've got a lot of blockages in other places like this here doesn't need to be a blockage so we can just say here go straight through go straight through the the reason that becomes an issue i mean they will always sort of pause at a node like this is because this little stub here is so short that they they just sort of get a bit confused and then we'll do that so they definitely just go in the right place um which i'm also going to do is i just want to make this a little bit tidier there we go let's just check your roundabout control shift left click there we go we got all the giveaway signs and stuff i always want to check this one you've got this thing where you've got these underground roads and things like where is this coming from so you've put this under here probably to stop these people going through the highway and causing all sorts of problems but all it does is cause another problem down here and it's not really being used so i'm going to take that out and if we come back to looking at adding anything else any other connections anywhere we'll okay just let me do the road there we go so that's much better then we've got proper decent roundabout control shift left click and it's got so many lanes this roundabout it's nuts it is absolutely nuts but now you've got dedicated lanes for going off if you want to have all those other lanes as well that's fine this ctrl shift left click let's set that up properly because it's just getting all blocked and this one here ctrl shift left click and this one here and this one here and that one there and that one there you need to give way signs oh my goodness what is going on okay so you've got this one coming off here which goes all the way down here and joins here so what is the point of that and then this one up here is helping people come down that road when they can get through here anyway so we don't need these this is i see this a lot this is where people start getting traffic problems and then they don't know what to do about it sorry you're gonna end up in the drink so they add more and more and more roads but that little road there as you can see is causing problems here with people coming in uh off of this road um what i'm gonna do is just pick that thank you kindly oh so you've got that as a one-way road so they can only go in well let's make it one way all the way there we go just to keep that moving and once these cars are gone there we go looks we get dedicated lanes now at the end and also that is not enough lanes on these roundabouts so you've got three lanes coming down each way on this big road here and only i'm pretty sure it's only two lanes on here yeah you always want equal two or more lanes on your roundabout does this need to be such a big road i would say no so we can solve this two ways we can downgrade this road to this one and it would still work let's get the bridges back in here there we go and then go normal over there no this one let's turn off that there we go that's fine yeah i think that was like that before and then what we can do is upgrade these to three lanes which is in this menu here there we go darn it pause the game i've twitched and accidentally did that one instead let's put that back there we go so now we've got three lanes on there so let's just double make sure that is all set up that's fine so that should work a heck of a lot better and i think all of these need to be three oh now we need to go let's just keep it paused we're gonna change all of these to this road which is plenty enough in this sort of circumstance there we go go all the way down here all the way to that other round about up there and then each of the roundabouts can be changed to if i don't slip come on let me get this one here there we go three lane roundabouts there we go and then also these roads coming up here do not need to be six lane roads or three you know three lanes in each direction so i'm gonna downgrade those i mean you can use the one with the trees use the one with the the median if you want to but it's just far too many i can see why perhaps you've done it well these are a one-way road so yeah i just don't want that coming into these roundabouts it's too much i'll leave that one going that way i don't care about all of those for now all we want to do is get this going and as we can see it's getting there it's moving there we go it's going to take a while so that is all keep going let's just keep it moving keep going keep going and all driving over the top of each other even though they've got despawning turned on they're all getting confused so it might take a while because all of this now this is something else we can do is in the middle of these roundabouts they can pick their lane right there so when that car comes off he can go up here or we can come down there then you don't want them lane switching in the middle and these roundabouts are so close to each other that we're happy to have them just pick their pick their lane that one there and that one there we're happy to have them pick their lane when they're on the roundabout oh my goodness look at this this is nuts overkill on roads and that's like a one-way road as well let's just make that a normal road and this one and this one and this one that's going all the way through control left click control left click control left click there we go and then and so slowly it's going to help these get out the other thing you've got is yeah you've put a nice crossing over the top which is great people crossing is going to slow things down but that's not like your biggest problem at the moment it's just traffic traffic traffic everywhere and it's so busy in this area because what have we got here let's just have a look so lots of high-density stuff and industry right so these guys are trying to get over there to work these are trying to bring the stuff in for the the shops and it just sort of continues on and continues on and becomes an issue so oh look we've got a bit of winky wonky lane changing over here they haven't got the program that there's not as many lanes there as there was before get rid of program come on now don't drive down the median oh and this one here ah look at this roundabout so very nice building right in the middle of a roundabout don't do that that is not what you want to do that just slows everything down control cliff cliff cliff cliff control shift left click it's what i was trying to say so now you've got dedicated lanes coming off we've got give way signs houses all going to disappear let us just upgrade this road over there this one and let's see if we can make that a bit more rounded control left click there yeah there we go move it mods yes and that's okay and now if we look at this i mean i would even say let's remove this here look that is not a good place to have that it's just causing issues control left click control left click all dedicated lanes and then just go and then drive do your thing okay so what's the issue now these ones up here returning up there and we don't have okay so we have a bit of a winky wonky thing going on here that's fine i'm gonna do this so everybody goes the way they can go so you go there you go there and you go there and they can still get to where they need to they can just go the long way round and it just keeps this bit moving which keeps that bit moving look and if that's moving this could move and evident can move we've got bus stops in the middle of this roundabout are you serious let's get the bus stop stops moves that is really bad okay um let's move that one do you know what they're only coming down here to get those houses i'm just gonna get rid of them what's that one there can you go as well let's not let me pick it pick it go okay whatever you can stay okay so now these are moving and once this dies down these can all go let's just do dedicated dedicated lanes down here we don't want to get rid of that bus stop but it won't let me hmm it's like it's hidden in the trees or something i don't know okay so the traffic up here actually got right down to here somewhere which was great before it started backing up elsewhere what i want to do is say no lane switch in there or there i want to pick their node over here and pick their lane on that node um but then yeah it started to back up along here which is causing issues i'm just watching they're all trying to come up here why is that then they're coming up here let's just use the in-game tool to see what they're doing pick that road okay so some are coming up here some are going straight on so this is sort of becoming a semi sort of main road through here and he just not got enough lanes and then these guys are looping back round and they can't get out so that's what's happening there but it's actually still moving look that's moving again so it's getting there but as you can see it's going to take a while because this one here they're still thinking there's another lane in the middle there when there isn't let's just get rid of that and see if that stops no no i don't want you doing that what is going on i just noticed what is happening with this road here okay let's just try upgrading this again because something has gone awry we've got that turned on let's do that again that was weird that was very weird and then let's just do that there we go i think there's a broken node somewhere you know because now look these cars are disappearing look are they ever going to get through there's something weird going on if i remove that i think they'll come through again yeah there's something weird going on here let me just upgrade these again so i put them back to normal uh we'll leave that one can we know that's okay there we go look look it's fine i don't know quite what happened there but it's all okay now so we'll make sure they can keep going through no one's going to turn around winky wonky style good okay we'll come back to that because it's getting there what's the traffic at 52 definitely getting better how's the highway looking looking at the top one not as bad as before look it is all moving and merging so this bit coming this way let's have a look at this so what's happening here we can see look they're all coming off here to join that well that ain't going to happen anymore that's going to go because you want these two to merge in properly and not have any problems so now we can do that if they want to come off they can come up this little used lane here thank you kindly and we're going to split this off like um i'm going to split it off down here like this and that can join there instead um and i want that to be one way through there so i'm going to use the touch it mod to touch that which unlocks it so then i can upgrade that to be one way going that way and then they can go back on the highway again or they can go up here i'm not quite sure what is going on with that one if i do that then you've got two lane yeah i think that'll be okay so let's do that oh let's put two lanes on here so it's going to have one lane for coming off and then it immediately splits into two then we're going to say in the middle here don't change lanes then you've got left and right and you're going to go right if you want to come along to here so that's going to mean this is all going to keep moving and then anybody that wants the cargo harbor is now coming down here um let's just change that that's what i want so those two straight on that one is coming off of those two so i'm sort of forcing that but then i don't want them to change lanes before that say there let's pause a sec let's remove all of these i don't want you've done this because of the traffic you've seen all that traffic going to the cargo hub and you thought i'll stop them changing lanes forever never do that but i do use the don't change lanes thing just before oh my goodness just before a junction or just after like this if it was too much i'd have the merging don't change lanes and then back to normal or this end like i was going to do is we've got the merging which we don't need in there because we've got the dedicated lanes but i'll do it anyway so oh no it's still not right is it that's not what i wanted no don't do that just leave it like it was i want straight on straight on and one off there we go and then just the node before that will say no lane change and then they're gonna they're gonna get in each other's way on this node for a while until all the traffic goes down and then i'm hoping that this can get rid of that traffic quick enough oh this is saying no road connection because i put in that road there um let's go for this one instead there we go and we'll do control left click yes they've got going up or out there yeah good yeah it's a bit of a pain this is going to back up because this just can't deal with it quick enough but where are they all coming from let's have a look we picked this let's have that turned off let's pick this so we can see where all the trucks are coming from so they're coming from all the way down here they're coming from in here and they're coming from all the way up over here now what's interesting is there's water access everywhere all along here what we could have is this one here that people over here would use look at that nice little university very nice um we could even have another one down here somewhere that other people could use and then we could have a third one or even you've got your production over here have one over here as well you know spread it out everywhere so in fact let's do that right now there we go so now we've got one two three and four dotted around the place as you expand over here this will get used more so hopefully these will go to the nearer one rather than all the way over here because it does normally work by distance we don't want these guys stopping here so what have we got no traffic lights just keep on going don't stop and we're also going to give you some extra lanes there let's use this one upgrade that should help a little bit there we go they can go left or right now a little bit quicker excellent that stops them backing up here i don't want you stopping there either why are you doing that just keep going there we go excellent so soon hopefully this won't back up half as much as it was before what are we at 60 percent so it's so good my voice broke so it's a lot better than it was this isn't as half as bad as it was oh look at this down here look this is all cleared up this is all cleared up all these little roundabouts have all cleared up and they're just moving is that a rock in the middle of the road how dare you this is going this is going this is going this is still a bit of an issue why is this one an issue not the others we've got the no lane changing there i think it's all of this is choosing this road here perhaps to come through was it all of this actually it's all of these down here let's just get rid of that tree there we go yeah these are all coming up here okay let's just do a little bit of on the spot fixing no lane changing in the middle of these roads because once they get up the top there there's plenty and you know what actually i'm gonna downgrade these let's downgrade these to these there we go that's better and then hopefully it will just go a little bit quicker what we need to do is just keep these moving here i'm just wondering just as a little cheat we're going to say keep going because there's not that many coming round and it will just go that bit faster and i'm interested to see where they're all going let's just pick turn that off pick this road here so most of them are going up and going straight on we do have some going rounds now most of them are just going straight on or up there so it might just be a case of letting that one run and see how it goes because there's so much industry stuff up here i mean do you have a train line anywhere oh wow look at this one down here that's the other one we did not quite as good yet not quite as good there we go look these are being used now which is nice there we go this traffic here is traffic that isn't now down over there what about this one uh yeah somebody must be using it because you've got tanker truck what about this one this one's getting used as well you know when you've got it right by your city here just put some offices by it look you've got industry need fill it up with offices roundabouts that'll block the sound get rid of that house get rid of that maybe that one there as well that'll block the sound that's gonna go through and bother some other people so that'll be good and this one look at that already instead of it queuing up the highway it's now there so this is all even though it's a little bit winky wonky it's moving which is what we want to see this is all moving what's happening here okay so this is going up and getting stuck up here we looked at this one didn't we let's just see if we got this one set up correctly uh control shift left click yeah it's just we haven't got enough lanes on it every look it's so we've got three lanes coming in three lanes and it's down to two lanes we at least need three lanes on that i did not many times you need to go above that and you've got buildings on the highway on the roundabout i should say so they're gonna go it is only offices they're not as bad but it's only got to take one or two little people stopping here and it clogs it all up doesn't it and then just make sure we've got dedicated turning lanes there we go giveaway giveaway yeah that's better so this what are you doing why no no look we've even got the thing saying don't do the thing and you're doing the thing deleted you're breaking the rules that is not allowed don't break the rules right let's just watch the there's people in the middle of the roundabout go away let's just watch this for a second so we can see it all queueing up down the highway let's just see if oh do you know look that would help as well look two lanes one use come on now let's upgrade that to two so now we've got a dedicated turning lane all the way down here no lane changing in the middle and we just want one lane going off and the other two going on and you know what we might have already fixed it now look most of those are coming down there and blocking it all up still getting a bit of hawkey bulky lane switching along here but that will happen from time to time i think it's time to let the city just run a bit what are we at 57 and see what happened after taking a quick glance at your so you haven't got an inordinate number of vehicles which is good that's fine you got no trains okay all right yep let's let it run for a bit and see what we get too so okay so what are we up to we are up to 61 percent um this bit here is becoming a bit of a bottleneck and i'll tell you why it's all of this industry stuff here it's all trying to come down here obviously to go to the new hub or to go into highway go to other parts of the city you haven't used any sort of railway lines that i can see anywhere and you've got this up here you've got the cargo airport hub which has got the built-in uh railway line so if we could run that over to here and put one of the hubs in uh the i can never remember all the different names this one here just the cargo train terminal i think we can encourage most of this to go on that so let us grab train tracks construct a train station yep you obviously do not use a train station at all there we go we can now so let's see where we could run this let's turn all of these back on so and we'll turn that back on so that came whoop that was my fault moved forward built if that came through here i want it sort of along here this would be the perfect spot like this little section here but you've got your factories here and i'm just wondering whether we could have a bit of a jiggly poker over here and move some stuff around so let's see what we can do there we go that's cleared up that space for us i mean we can see we've got far too much zoned industry farming products because it's just all been stored in here freight trucks just can't get it out quick enough because they're sending out those 20 trucks and then they're sitting in the traffic here so it's just never going anywhere and then these will send out their own trucks which will then get caught in this it's just a continual loop of blue that's what it is you know that is the technical name for it a continuing loop of blue so what we're going to do is we're going to take this two-lane road we're going to come out here we're gonna come in here we're gonna join those two up oh that's like a little pond a little pond in the middle and then we're gonna add that to here which is to build up that land a bit we could do a teeny tiny little bit of land finagling just to smooth that out smoothly smooth there we go and then we can add in our train line which is going to now get to up there oh that's easy enough let's do that okay there we go so we've now got this option for them to come in here let's do control left click going in control left click over there they can go in each direction so this is definitely going to get a lot busier but that i think will be absolutely perfect you know one little thing i'm going to change is i'm going to move that as far at the end say to there and then i'll connect these two up there we go just to give a nice longer queuing space i wonder how long it's going to take before this gets used so we can see it definitely got a lot better down here for sure look all of this is now moving we're still getting a bit of traffic here so what i've done is i've just painted in a district through here just covering those roads and coleridge district is going to have the policy of heavy traffic ban so no heavy transport vehicles allowed does not affect highways and i think that is going to be the final nail in the coffin of all these farm farming industry people coming down this road they will have to find alternate routes and they will definitely make more use of our cargo train terminal might be worth keeping in mind as well you are exporting a heck of a lot of agricultural products you have far more agriculture than you need you're not using it i mean it's a good way to make money the city is making a lot of money but yeah maybe just rethink what you've got and how you use those products try and upgrade the products the basic agricultural products using some more factories into other items that is always a good idea and the final thing i'm doing is just making this round about a little bit bigger uh i thought i could do that one in one go okay we'll do it one note at a time so yeah just grabbing each of these nodes and moving them out a couple of clicks and i think that will be the final nail in the coffin of the traffic that we've got in this area look at that that is so much better probably going to see a few buildings have to respawn again but that is fine by me what are we up to 67 we're getting there we're getting there things are getting better and better let us check the traffic 79 as soon as we hit 80 that is it i'm drawing a line under this city because there's so much that needed to be done but let me just see if we can get that last one or two percent and there we go flipping egg 81 i'm 79 i'm turning it off that's going to come back to 81 i'm sure this was the worst roundabout this one that we saw earlier and to try and help it i've added these sort of offshoot little roads here rather than it banging into the round about a 90 degree angle like this one down the bottom right here so i've done it here done it there and that has helped a huge amount i'll probably do it over here as well if needed but as you saw that is it we hit 80 so i'm gonna leave it there thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up and check out my latest new tea land video on the screen as well have a fantastic day take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 230,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines biffa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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