Fixing Terrible Traffic in York became a Full Time Job in Cities Skylines!

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that's fine you don't people going around the corner and then oh that is like the biggest jump I think I'm ever gonna see people try and take in their entire lives well hello everybody welcome to this city of York that we are gonna be fixing up today this place has some Hollanders traffic let's just zoom around this way show you how bad it is look all those red roads yeah there is tons and tons of traveling to fix up now the person who sent this city in apologies I forgot on your name but you have used traffic manager you have used roundabouts you have used metros you've done pretty much all the things Lane management the works but if you go here and there as well of course yes but the traffic is absolutely terrible it's about 20 percent and when I started to look at it and yeah it is not getting any better so we are gonna spend some time going through this city seeing how we can sort out a city that already has used a lot of the tips that we give on this channel so if you want me to fix your city there is a subscription form in the description below and if you enjoy these videos a light is always greatly appreciated don't forget to subscribe as well so you don't miss out on the next video I always like to get like a brief overview you've got this one main way through here so this highway comes in bish bash connects with that highway don't always like these ones and then down here it sort of changes from a highway so where you need to highway the most over here this main road coming in stops being a highway so that is definitely something we're gonna have to fix up okay so we are gonna have a quick look at some of your roundabouts to see if you have them all set up correctly most of them I think look okay well this one here you don't have any give way signs or anything like that right so if we do control shift we're gonna get give way signs dedicated turning lanes and all that sort of thing this one here you got enough lanes going around there it's it's busy it's chock-a-block it stopped ah-ha there we go and then we're gonna do control click teeth already they're starting to move control click with that I just want to check yep only those on the roundabout can go through the block Junction not those coming on that's good already starting to clear up this little bit there this here you've got need a bit of help we've got two lanes merging into one we need a bit of Hugo there it says control less down the bottom here but I've changed mine back to shift s ah no I haven't let me just change that in the options okay so in traffic manager Labs in your key binding I'm gonna change that back to shift s because control s messes with another mod here and it turns on and off at mode snapping which was getting a little bit annoying so I've done that now what these guys and girls here and to stick to their lane so we're gonna do Hugo there and get you to go straight through and I might say no Lane switch in there or there and then hopefully they can just keep moving in a bit and not get in each other's way we'll see how that goes and then as they come off here we do have dedicated lanes for turning you want to keep this moving which I think you have set up okay well so you go through and you go through keep that going and that should be okay and this is a bit of a tight turn here but it's not mess of anything gap and then finally I'm gonna just slow the speed down on this roundabout to 50 because it's not giving these guys a chance to get in at all and yeah this is not too bad there's a lot of parked cars there which sort of make it look worse than it is and then I think this road down here I've only got one lane for left and right I'm just gonna upgrade this one coming out onto the main roads of this one here there we go so now we've got two lanes and just see if anyone's been using the main road now mainly that one there and then I'm also gonna say that you do have to give way let these guys go and we'll see Aguilar traffic's going down already now I've got two lanes to come out this is going down which means this will start going down which will help all this up here now you have done your lane management three lanes one goes off down to two which is good so we'll leave it like that and we'll come back and then down here this Junction here is causing some issues so we do have dedicated turning lanes but don't think they've got any giveaway signs or anything like that and they're just cutting across this traffic I'm gonna try a time traffic lights just control click set in a time traffic light and let's keep an eye on this speed it up a bit and see whether it helps and also I don't want that happening so hang on before we do a little quick time-lapse to see what's going on I don't want any lane changing there I want them to pick their lane when they come in here so they can fill up so I'm gonna have pick a lane mini time-lapse or you can hit people upgrading which is great let's just see if this all goes through much better ok I've been watching this a while just to see how the cars go this bit down here he's no longer backed up with traffic this isn't too bad look it's going through ever so slowly I mean it's still a lot coming through I'm just wondering whether we could just help these guys and girls out a bit with a little tiny slip road go when it comes out the other end I'm gonna set the lanes up so this one keeps moving down there and that one goes straight ahead which is where most of the cars will go in anyway this little bit here where they come in and let's just smooth out that turn a tiny bit there we go so we're gonna give these a dedicated lane for coming off here we can use the lane tool control click now got a dedicated turning lane we're gonna say you go straight through you go straight through so they don't stop in the middle and then I'm actually gonna remove the time traffic lights there we go and we'll do a dedicated turning lane there as well a straight on a lane so hopefully most are going to end up going up here instead of through here there we go once they've started going through a little bit and working at what they want to do well that's good for this Junction this one here is now no cars back here there's no cars back there they've all getting through which is fine obviously there's other problems in the city but we can't fix it always just one little road Camry so let us take a look at what section we need to fix next now houses the buses Embree yes we've got lots of issues going on okay so that's all the main roundabouts through here done what are we at 24% okay not too bad it is slowly going out let's maybe see if we can follow some of this and see where it's all causing an issue they're all coming in right let's do some dedicated turning lanes on there so keep an eye on that one ash now we've got dedicated turning lanes so once a straight on ones for left and right we've already got giveaway on there and I'm gonna say you go through and you go through but the rest will have to wait so I've also stopped the lane switching along here and set this where they come in as pick any lane so they'll pick and stick pick and stick mmm interesting and the other problem you've got is you've got so many people wanting to cross the road to come into this park that you've got they're constantly crossing over in front of these cars which is a pain so what I might just do here is actually I mean I would add a roundabout but there's no room for roundabouts so I'm gonna add in and time traffic lights yes I'm gonna try that again there we go control click so hopefully that will give those that are crossing a certain amount of time and then the cars that are getting a certain amount of time and I'm hoping that that will keep all of this moving a lot better so let's just have a look that way keep an eye on these cars coming down here and let's just see how that goes okay well I've already noticed that we need to leave this one running a little bit longer I'm gonna grab the tie and traffic lights there what I would like is for this to last long enough that it doesn't back up here anymore which at the moment may be too much to ask yeah we're gonna just pause a sec there we're gonna stop that number one we're gonna edit and use my totally not cement if ik numbers I've made up off the top of my head's five and twelve well look at that that is definitely much better this is only sort of backing up to here and as we deal with the traffic in the city as a whole when it gets better these sort of things are only going to increase so for this Junction here I would say that is a good start with the time traffic light okay so what I've actually done is I put this one down to five and ten and I've put this side on to five antennas welker this was backed all the way up here and as you can see it's only sort of getting up to here now or a little bit further not anywhere near as bad as it was so we're gonna leave that Junction for now I think that will helpfully hopefully get things moving a little bit more plenty of other junctions to take a look at Wow 36% we're getting there Wigan we've got another example here we're dedicated turning lanes can help so much we've got this sort of backing up onto the highway backing up there and these cars are all coming down of this little road here and then when they get to here you've got nice dedicated turning lanes but they're stopping because here this is blocked is this dedicated turning lanes no so all the cars are taking that one lane select control click in there so now that's four left and this is four straight on and then if we come down here I think this is exactly the same as well you can just about see that's four left and straight on so control click so now they're gonna start using all the lanes which is great and along here possibly the same yeah this one yeah that's the same so we're gonna do that and let's go a little bit further and then we get to a busy big Junction like this I would possibly turn that into a roundabout because that's too big busy road so let's take a look at that so control oh let's just make that a little bit smaller the minute it's set for two-lane roads if we go into here and pick three lane roads for that sighs there we go see how that goes let's remove anything that is too close to the roundabout so just a few minutes later back to this Junction here not backing up going down here here this isn't backing up follow me down this road again not backing up so even just a few dedicated turning lanes here and there can make all the difference it's not until you get down here where the new roundabout is that it starts hitting all of these roads but that really does help so in each just leave this running for a while and see how much of a difference that makes so while we are waiting for that traffic to go down I'm gonna go through your bus routes and check how many vehicles are on each line they've got 28 on here not all these buses have been used so we can drop down the amount of buses we've got let's just look at your bus budget that should be automate you can I've got the automated mod thing on yes I have so I have to go through each one of those one at a time and if there's too many buses bus is not being used on remove them from the line and hopefully that will just ease some of the traffic as well I'll be back once that's done the example here of a line in far too many buses on zero zero zero zero zero a couple of people on there thirty on there I mean this can go down from 15 to three and I think and that's gonna save your money and traffic and all sorts of stuff and also take a look at your Metro as well vehicles you've got so many vehicles on some of these lines they're just so chock-a-block they cannot move if we go over here to see these trains they're all just stuck they can't go anywhere so whereas you might think yeah we need all of those to help with the passengers or your passengers are now zero because they can't go anywhere so we're just gonna drop that down to like 10 or something like that and if they can at least keep moving then you'll find that they'll go round and they will keep up with all the passengers that you've got so yeah I'm gonna just all of these down to a realistic number and we'll come back to that and see how they look in a bit as well and you'll probably find hopefully overall we're going to be moving more people around and then you've got this line here this just got so little amount of people on it is just completely pointless what are we up to at the moment let us check on traffic we are at 47 percent so it is not going it too bad things are starting to clear up still a big problem on this junction in the middle now this here we don't have a Lane management on so we're gonna do that quickly or three lanes coming in we can then drop this one down to two I'm gonna do the opposite side as well another Lane joining back to three lingos off back down to two and then you want to just make sure you've got ya where these cars join like this they were whacking into each other so I'm going to do here you go there you each get a lane very nice I'm also going to do that Hugo is that four lanes in the middle no no no how I'd see you done with Lane mathematics now we don't need that let's do it this way there we go yep three lanes that works well and then we'll do Hugo there where the cars come on that goes off this comes on Hugo there comes on and then we've got a couple of zones in the middle Cutler nodes in the middle where they can change lanes this here is all a bit of a mishmash going the other way oh my goodness me three lanes coming down one goes off down to 2 to 3 down to 2 would be the same good this side what dedicated turning lanes yep and then a bit if you go there where it comes on don't need that one because we've got dedicated lanes now I don't know what is going on in those two but we're gonna get rid of those that goes off this is where it comes on you've got no Lane switch in there so everybody is gonna be force well we'll look at that in a minute you go there you go there excellent and we're gonna take that one off so they can switch lanes if they need to and then we're gonna need a couple of nodes here because you've got this Junction so close to this one we should a bit of a pain and you don't really need it that close um let's just pause the game let's just grab these nodes here now we're gonna just shift those over a bit and I'm gonna grab these nodes here and we're gonna just shift those down a bit so now we've got a bit of space in here do have my tool for adding nodes no I don't so where are the nodes here there and there so we can quickly add on just grab any old we're gonna add no we're gonna add there and then if we delete those roads so now we should have a node and a node there a note there in the node there yes so that might just help on its own this also needs a little bit of Lane mathematics oh he's got three lanes and then one goes off there we go so that can go down to two and then one comes back on back to three same going in the other direction then you want a bit a Hugo here and Hugo there so shift s there we go and coming out the other way shift - you've got straight on straight on that's fine you don't people going around the corner and then oh that is like the biggest jump I think I'm ever gonna see people try and taking them entire lives so let's at least give them a little bit of a helping hand there we go and that should work much better what is that police car doing stay on the road please sir so that's not as bad this bit here is gonna be an issue but look at that that is moving much freer so what we're gonna do here is a little trick that I do format time to time we're gonna say you can go straight ahead and up let's get a bit closer you can go straight ahead and ah you can get straight ahead and then this one here you can go straight ahead and down so it stops all the lane switching in the same place I'm not saying that's a perfect solution perfect solution would be not to have that Junction too close to this one yeah and you see we've got a similar issue here we've only got one nodes in the middle here on both sides this side ain't too bad because there's not much traffic this side they're doing stupid things like that look so we could do is sorting that so what I'm gonna do is grab that mode there shift it over this way I'm gonna grab this move here so now we should have two nodes yes we do I'm gonna move that one this way just a tiny touch and then I'm gonna do the same with the lanes then we should find if that's all okay no one's getting stuck in any lanes they could all move and they're only moving down one lane at a time or up one lane at a time and look instantly that goes much much smoother so this is all cleared up a bit this is still an issue because they're coming down to this roundabout and having problems so let's just double check how this is all set up let's just see here yes you know they can't go straight on only go straight on if you're on the roundabouts that's fine I'm fine that's fine best the best line up of a roundabout here I've ever seen there's a little bit closer there we go that was just help them getting on and off a little bit quicker there we go I'm gonna do the same over here I'm gonna drop the speed on this roundabouts down to 50 arbitrarily chosen Spees there we go there we go there we go definitely got the top as a hundred so they're gonna take the top if they need to go straight on then coming down here what he's going on we've got a massive 1y six-lane Road don't we just love those let's do some dedicated turning names there let's say no Lane switching because you're just blocking everybody out and then they're in where they all go in they're all heading up here to this that is what's happening right and then they're all just getting chock-a-block when they try and leave here hmm okay okay I'm just gonna do a bit of Lane changing here we've we don't need a six-lane Road along here I've changed this to a 2 Lane you've got the lane for coming off to go in there and then you've got the lane for going straight on yeah that would work out fine this one here we don't need six lanes coming up there I hate hate six lanes with a passion I'm going to change this one here also to two lanes and if all you have our businesses disappear that's fine short one for turn in actually yeah one for going straight on one for going yeah this Dino you needs to be one lane it isn't it but that will do and then this one coming up here let's just change that as well yeah and we'll see how that goes but yeah having too many lanes doesn't help and when they will come off down here they're all just getting in each other's way this is just a nightmare that's a nightmare and then coming down here it's all chock-a-block and then they're all turning down here see this bit here why are these guys not going what is happening they're all just sat behind that truck ah because they want to turn here and they can't get up there - then they're going up here that they're wiggling around a lot on me so I'm just going straight over the roundabouts and then they're heading up here hmm so instead of going up there I'm gonna ban trucks going up there yeah there's a couple of ways you can do it I'm gonna do it this way a vehicle striction we're gonna say no trucks no trucks trucks don't have to go straight up instead of going up there yeah some more of them are taking the roundabout and then what we're gonna say is you just keep carrying keep going through you don't stop and this one here is gonna give way because there's so many cars and then I'm gonna say you've got to give way and then you got to come down to the roundabout and see how that goes in fact look that's moving much better which means this is gonna move much better do we have dedicated turning lanes no we don't fish now we do and I want that give Y that give Y on dedicated turning lanes there and there's yeah they're moving so that should clear this out that should clear all of this are eventually every go look this is clearing up here let's get some dedicated turning lanes on that one and then we've got traffic lights there they're gonna go keep you moving and let's see you're gonna give way and you're gonna give way I want this main one move in which means this shouldn't be so chock-a-block so we've dedicated turning lanes there there we go look this is already sort of clearing up here if they can get out of here let's do the dedicated turning lanes and let's say you have to give way to these guys coming out and we're gonna say you keep on going but not you that's what we want these ones going down here I don't know what they're doing maybe we just keep it moving look it should be better look this isn't our there we go we can see it's working already convinced remember this was all blocked up to here now it's only going up to here so give it time this won't be as blocked up and I'm wondering as well whether she they're coming all the way around there to get to here whether we could just put another car you've got underground cargo lines haven't you yeah look whether we could just add another little cargo terminal over here somewhere so I've gone through this industry area haven't changed all the roads but we've got a little lane coming off of here now into a new cargo terminal this is all two-lane roads down here this is two-lane roads hitting a four-lane road into that roundabout not ideal but it's the best I can do this is two lanes either way so that's fine this is four lanes and two lanes off two lanes on and I've changed all of these to two lanes so it just all adds up and makes a bit more sense but dedicated turning lanes and now look at this here this is the other cargo station it's no longer backed up all the way down here this is still pretty hokey pokey but if we could try and get these guys to come off here instead of coming off all the way around there that will probably solve that problem and what I've also just noticed which I hadn't noticed before is look the coming in and the going out is crossed over now there is a mod you can get which switches that over but yeah ideally who's going the other way which I'm not gonna go through and change them all now and it just means that traffic coming out is a lot slower and the ones coming in they're getting blocked up as well is a bit of a faux pas I'm wondering whether I might just have that coming here and have this all go the other direction instead I think that might just work out a little bit better Oh seventy percent things are looking up things are looking up well I'm gonna go and get some lunch and I'm just gonna leave this running and we're gonna see how good this can get so I'll be back with you on momentarily okay it's just a quick update on this roundabout here that's been causing a lot of issues leading into those air cargo habits we were talking about I've just added a couple of extra lanes here and this little bypass Lane so if they want to get from here down to here they can just straight come off and take this little slip lane and we've also got all of the link in it to set up correctly so they can just keep on going the only thing I want to change here is this one I want that going straight on I also want that one going straight on and then this one here can come off and do both lanes and I think that should be okay and things are definitely moving much better here which will help with all the rest of this and we turn this round the other way popped a little roundabout in it was going okay that's a lot of traffic to work its way through we'll get there we'll get there so what I also wanted to do was this main highway that's coming down here that comes through here it's got a highway junction and then it just sort of dies along here I want to carry that on all the way up to here it's gonna mean another Junction up here between these two but I think that's gonna make things much better because at the minute a lot of cars are coming down here and then heading out through these roads to get to these two junctions up here but if they can carry on straight through it's gonna bypass a lot of these roads down here so that's what we're gonna do next [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so just also looking around at what's going on here we've got this entrance into the city here and a lot of the cars are coming down here through this Junction through this Junction through this Junction through this Junction and then I'm wanting to turn and get into the city looks like we just lost a football match and let's block it up all of these junctions and a lot of them are then coming up across these bridges and going over here we've got this connection to the highway here and I don't think I'm going to extend this as a highway up here but I'm definitely going to extend that load and split off from the highway here so all the cars coming down have a choice of going that way or have coming this way and that is going to split that traffic in half and make a big difference [Music] [Music] right so let's see how that goes probably to let that one for a few minutes and see whether many cars end up coming down this way already we've got some look they're coming down here that is what we want to see so there we go that was a really tough fix to do we got to about 76 77 percent you'll see that on the screen in the moment but yeah really enjoyed that one thank you you want to send in your city check out the submission form in the description below don't forget to leave a like as well before you leave and watch the next video on the screen - thank you very much for all of your support I hope you have a fantastic day I will see you very soon take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 229,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines
Id: 7ggbHR1mN2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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