Fixing BROKEN Traffic Using "Lane Mathematics" in Cities Skylines

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Didn't think I'd make it to the end of the video but I was fixated throughout.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OfficialGarwood πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The hero we need but don’t deserve . Very much enjoyed watching him fix that city traffic up .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheDepressedSolider πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
sometimes your Center City that it's just so well put together it's got roundabouts it's got lovely intersections junctions all the sort of things that I keep talking about and it still doesn't work what you need then is Lane mathematics let's get stuck in so welcome to the next fix your city with me bitter thank you very much for joining me hope you enjoyed your weekend as well we have a city here called Lincoln that sent in by max on Twitter that's facing a lot of problems and on the face of it you would think this city would be ok he says he's been using roundabouts and I can count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 roundabouts lots of junctions here for the different areas of his city he's got things nicely segmented it's set up well highway entrances everywhere and traffic is at 20% and dropping I mean look at that look at those red roads there so we're gonna try and fix this up 19% it's getting worse it's getting worse if you want me to take a look at your city drop me a message on twitch reply to the comments below and leave your link to your steam game and welcome to all the new viewers as well now we've got lots of new viewers that have been enjoying the city fix in I appreciate it I appreciate you coming to join let's pick a roundabouts over here let's start with this one here and just take a look at this so so yeah we haven't gotten any traffic manager stuff going on on here and also this is a very very big roundabout it's got six lanes so when you've got a load coming on so around about like this one you got three lanes and three lanes coming off you don't need a six-lane roundabout I'm just wondering whether if I downgraded that to one of the highway three Lane roundabouts three lane roads is not gonna change let's just give it a go on this one I don't want to sort of mess up the aesthetic look you've got going on and any other road connections you've got I think we're gonna be okay yeah and then you've got like these little roads going off as well which where are they going so that one is joining this one so you don't need that one and this one here I mean I can see what you probably had this situation here we've had all this traffic and you've said you know what to try and help here I'm gonna put these little underground tunnels here but all that's gonna do is make you roundabout worse so I'm actually gonna delete these off of here so we haven't got those weird connections going under that which is good then we're going to use our Traffic Manager now this little this little symbol here with the crown or with the traffic lights on is the traffic manager mod that you need to go to the Steam Workshop to download this and add this to your game and this will give you the option for doing things like this we can add in the giveaway signs and stuff it will give you the option for doing Lane management like this where you can draw in the lane arrows and things we're not going to be using those today well I'm not gonna be using those on this roundabout and it gives you the option to do this which we do which we do do oh my kids would laugh at that's where we set the junctions now these junctions are quite close but I think we'll we'll manage with those and what this option does the game accounts this is a junction because this road meets this road and any cars coming along here will pause at the junction but they want a roundabout so we want them to continue to go round there we go and then we're gonna take this one here hold shift select the roundabout there nothing else yeah that's good and that's now gonna set give way to all the roads coming on there we go and that will eventually start moving a bit better let's just move along here but you're not I'm probably gonna change this to three lane roads as well so then we just need to set up this one here as well so we'll hold shift give Y give Y give way give way coming on and then we'll set our restrictions going through going through going through and going through so there we go we're gonna start that going I'm also just gonna have a quick look the ingame stop signs just make sure there hasn't been any that snuck in to either of those roundabouts no okay so that's gonna get that moving events do it 16% at the moment things are only gonna get worse until we saw all of this out so I think what I'm gonna do let me just have a look here I'm gonna go through all the roundabouts south of the river so there's quite a few and I'm gonna set all of those up as I've just shown so I'm gonna change them all to three lanes and I'm gonna do the traffic manager stuff on them and then I will be back with you yeah so crossing from one side to the other one this roundabouts gonna be pretty impossible because it's a highway roads they won't walk on the outside they won't cross over so really you want to try and put some crossings in here we go like these ones here so you've got the highway roads and you've got some nice crossings so they can walk so making things as easy as possible to walk around that's something you want to do in your cities like pretty sure that's everything this side of the river has now been set up and changed so hopefully as things start moving there we go it's gonna start breaking up the traffic that we can see X and I haven't looked at these yet I'm gonna leave the overpasses or the the junctions that we've got there intersections that's the word I'm I'm hunting for it's early Monday morning give me a break but there we go look things are moving smoothly they're stopping where they should excellent so there anything we've done anything at this side of the river what about this side you've got up here oh my goodness me large recycling centers why have you got so many I just have a look at your garbage processing status 4.7 million Wow I mean that is just nuts but anyway I'm not gonna start messing around with those yeah so that is basically everything isn't it yeah that's good okay so what are we at 24% it's rising already I look at that don't you love it when things start moving smoothly I do I do well let's come and look at the highway comes down here goes through some toll roads you're making yourself some money splits off and that's not too bad comes down here to this nice intersection it's not going bad you're getting a bit of a honky walking us down here okay so let's see what we can do here these guys are stopping and starting and yeah we'll get in each other's way so you've got two lanes and two lanes coming into lanes so let's upgrade that to a four-lane highway and then we're gonna tell these guys and girls here look when you come on you can only go to there and there and you've handily got to see done your Lane mathematics which is good you've got the right amount of lanes and then we don't want my stopping want them just to go through which is set already enough go through you go through there we go much smoother no pausing all the way through no stop I just cut straight across the grass he's like I'm skipping this corn out I'm off and like this here you've got two lanes two lights what are they doing three lanes here for no reason you might as well have that as four lanes then you've got your two lanes for going off and two lanes for going straight on which makes much more sense and they should be able to go straight through yeah so there we go look it's already got rid of all that traffic there which has got rid of all the traffic there what are we at 28% it is rising which is fantastic okay so come along the highway what have we got we've got this coming down here we've got two lanes and two lanes into four lanes and these guys are all bunching up because they're trying to get off here so again you've split it two lanes two lanes straight on up like so too often - on which is good and they will just switch in and getting in each other's way I think it's just the complete backing up a traffic so let's just take a look at this one here yellow these are crossing over so we're gonna say look when you come on you can only go up there and then you can go there and you can go there so immediately we're using all the lanes then if they want a lane switch at some point that's fine so it is literally at the moment the sheer weight of traffic because all of these guys are coming on so as this moves you can go straight through you can go straight through you can go straight through you can go straight through as this moves on it is actually gonna get better so I might just need to let the game run a few moments and let some of this traffic get to where it needs to go something I am gonna do on this this roundabout here is just check out the lanes that we've got off and just to make sure there's only one lane for going off one lane for going off two lanes for going around so that always helps there we go just keeps things moving a bit smoother and also I mean these junctions are quite close together one two three I'm not gonna change them for you we'll leave them as they are for now I don't to mess up your roads you let me select this road here so one lane going off two lanes going around one thing going off to lanes going rounds they've got they've got plenty of space to two lane switch if they need to but it just there we go look just keeps things moving a bit and I might just come down here and do the same on this ones so that one's done and that one's done and look already that's clearing up so it isn't gonna take long for all of this to get through so I'm just gonna use the in-game tool here to check the routes and we're gonna pick this road so the purple is the private vehicles so lots of those are going everywhere that's fine so that's what we'd expect trucks hmm and then most are coming down here splitting into this area so I mean we could have a little slippery so they're all coming down to this Junction to come back down here to come round I mean a couple of little slip roads off of here just to let some people come into this area without having to go round you know like that well without having to go round everywhere could be helpful we could have another one there just to come off and we could have only would say another one there just a small one just to come off and then the rest can come down to there so that's just gonna spread out the traffic a little bit what are we at 29% should hopefully spread out the traffic a little bit okay something else we need to check is your public transportation now you have some bus line set up which is good you've got Metro line set up you've got a nice metro running round here you've got a little mini Metro running in there got a metro there so that's good and also you could connect your metros so maybe that is something we can do to help yeah you've got mow Metro connection going across so let's have a look there we go so well add this one to your loop down here and let's move the stops over there we go so we'll have the stops in there and then this one here will be a separate line that's just basically gonna run backwards and forwards like that and be a connection from this loop that you've got here to this loop over here and what you'll find is people all come out up here walk around the road and go back again I mean we could even just move that road a little bit closer like that so they don't have to walk too far and all that it look you can see people walking over to here to use this one which is fantastic and then we could do a similar thing with this one you've got up here and this one over here so let me just put in a little connection there there we go they can now cross over the top if they want to get from this connecting line to that line over there and I think that should be all of them connected yeah and then I was thinking we should have one little one that runs along the river over here but actually traffic isn't too bad over here so we'll leave that one as it is we're up to 31% we are very very slowly getting there there we go look at this traffic is all gone which is nice so now we're just waiting for this traffic over here to get going and I think what I'm gonna do on this roundabouts it's sort of roundabout intersection Junction you've got here I'm gonna do the same thing and just have one lane for coming off one lane for coming off and the other ones for going around just again so we can keep things moving so another thing that's always worth doing is when you've got like a highway that runs light through the middle of sections like this you've got this big section here this big section here anybody that wants to cross from one side to the other just sort of here has to come all the way through all the way down to around about all the way up to the highway all the way through an intersection all the way down to the next intersection all the way up to here all the way back along now and although back down again it's you know a long way round to do and what you can do is just basically add some connecting roads that go across from one side to the other just small connecting rows let's see if we can sort of fit a couple in here but let's just say here so let's just get this normal little road here and let's do page art we're gonna go over the top like that nothing too complicated let's put ah there we go and then that's gonna connect down to there and that one's gonna connect apologies about your house is just like that over the top so somebody wants to go from living there to work in here they now can skip out all the intersection Wow we've let the game run for a while that's a 75% traffic that is not too bad at all we've put a lot of cross roads in or roads over sort of major there we go major highway so we've got like this little one here this one over here and what I did is I just basically followed up the highway and for where could I put a cross road in one there one here we've got this one here that one there that one there and they're not too bad actually they're not being used too much I think this was the busiest one but that's mainly because you've got all of these people coming out of this train station they're all trying to head down to here and it is super super super busy and I think some of that might be is they're coming at the train station here and then they can't walk very far because I don't know you've got parts going through here actually but you haven't got for instance a path from this side to this side I mean you could just do that all the way around I mean I'll let you sort of need some these up as you do it but at least they'd be able to get from one side to the other and be able to walk around you could sort of build it across but you've got the hospital in the middle there we go 76% let's take a quick look at the metro lines that we've set up so metro lines seven and eight there we go that's going to be the two that we put in 374 using this cross over there we go from one side to the other so immediately you know that that is less cars on the road like just looking at your cargo terminal district in here I like the way you've so you've got a cargo terminal here and you've got all you give industry is you've got it going one way round which is good so one way in one way but then he put this as - way in the middle and to be honest I will probably just change that to one way as well because you're getting people sort of changing lanes crossing over doing all sorts of things and getting in each other's way so I'm pretty sure it's that road there yeah let's make this one way all the way along here and then it truly is a one way in and one way out and that should just keep everybody moving that little bit better along here there we go that's working a bit better there um it's getting a bit busy over here because we've got these trucks that are sort of coming across what I would do is I would take that out and I would just put a couple of little small what are we up to 71% just a couple of little small connections just like across here maybe one light there we can have one like this can I go in there just little away from this main area because you want these cars here just to keep moving away from coming in not to sort of get in the way of these guys hit you know what I am gonna do some Lane Lane mathematics here so we've got two lanes coming in two lanes going out we're gonna change this look you're going from two lanes to four lanes so let us change that to this one here there we go two lanes in each direction excellent so these two lanes match up with those those two lanes match up with those excellent and then we've got two lanes coming in and then it's going into a six-lane so that means this here needs to be a four lane in one direction instead of a six-lane actually we've got two going off for going on note we can have that back as a six again let's change that back because you've got going off so two going off four going on plus the two there so that means six yes that's fine then we've got ones going off there so this round here could be four lane and that would bring falling falling that's me far too many lanes coming out there all my brain my brain okay I think I've got it and to help us visualize it as well we're gonna do this so this Lane is going to go to there that Lane is going to go to there and then these four gonna go straight on so we're going to go one two three and four and then we've got space for these two lanes to come round here we've ended up with three so let's just change that roads and then these two can come round and join their so that is perfect Lane mathematics there and then going along here I've changed this one to two lanes going around which makes more sense so let's get this one here we've got two lanes going off again and then we've got four lanes going across so this is now gonna split down to a four lane road there we go four lane four lane and we've got some going off which is fine some going off which is fine and then it's four plus two again so this goes back into a six-lane Road I mean you don't have to do this you could leave some of these as sixes in the middle well what you're finding is everybody's just crossing lanes and getting each other's way and this is such a busy area there we go back to six again so we're gonna have to go in off it's such a busy area that you just want to keep things moving as much as possible so that's all gonna keep moving and that's back to six lane and that's going around there again excellent just make sure that none of your industry is gonna disappear so we're just going to pop these back down here you're probably gonna find they're going to rebuild so let's do that and let's just watch this running um so these guys are stopping here you don't need to stop there so what we want to do is say you just keep going you can go through and you can go through and then they're stopping up here because they want to come over and go where yeah some of them are getting in each other's way all right let's just do a little bit of lane mathematics here so we're gonna say or lane management we're gonna say if you want to come off the highway you go onto that one and then in this Junction here you come off to there so you get a straight shot through without any messing around if you don't want to do that you can come here and you can go up to that one and again over here you too can come over to whichever ones you like and you can go to there and hopefully that'll just keep that going and then down here when they pick their lane if they want to get onto the highway they pick this one pick that one and just keep moving and that is what we want people to keep moving so let's let this run for a bit and watch what happens to this area here we could do as well just for these guys here that all they want to do is get on the highway they don't need to go through all of this Junction here we can just add and just join the highway there why not so you're gonna find a lot of these trucks now you're gonna come down there might need to do a bit of lane management there but to be honest that should be fine this look at that much much smoother even without them using this this much smoother this down here perhaps needs to be yeah these sort of roundabouts thing is here you've got three lanes and two lanes going into three lanes and it's just I bet we could do a similar thing with this one here let's just do the same there or there or you can just go around the outside and you can go to there and everybody ask them sort themselves out so that should again just keep that moving we ended up with traffic lights there no traffic lights needed there we go excellent and that just keeps on moving which is good now these guys here what are they doing what are they doing they're causing issues coming in we've got the tool okay we want there's so many here trying to get round we're gonna do something here as well we're gonna say look just don't eat this many lanes we just don't need that many lanes let's downgrade that to this one there we go excellent that is better and this would possibly be something you could do on all the roundabouts so you can go there and you can go there so if you're coming up here and you want to get off you can do straight round there you're coming up here and you want to get off you can what I might just say is also you can go to there so if you don't want to come off you don't have to and then this one here we've got three lanes we've got one lane coming off we're going to say you're gonna go answer there and you're going to go answer there are instantly look and make a lane switch there I've got these couple of guys thinking about it a bit a lane switching going on but once all that traffic is gone again here you've got two to three one goes off this could be two and then two to three again that's gonna work so much better let's just do that oh and down here look this is slowing it all down cutting across don't want to cut across when you come on I want you to go there and again we've got three lane that can be two lanes under here as well because Lane mathematics well that's four lanes I'm not even going to talk about that but come on there we go there we go just realize I'm an idiot and didn't have to change that to two lanes good it's three plus one is four yay mrs. Lane mathematics it wasn't going so well and I've done the same on this one here just so that keeps moving I've got these downgraded to two on either side and that just keeps moving and I've made sure with the lane options they've got places they can go there is traffic lights there which we don't need you just need to keep moving and then you can keep going through there without stopping and I think that is gonna just clear out that and that look at that that one's all cleared up this one's all cleared up what are we at 78% and with despawning turned off as well that is absolutely brilliant it's just gonna clear out and this is going to clear up look they're all coming down here what are the Ling's look like here yeah that's fine okay another little issue here we've got four lanes going into three lanes and then going into two and twos actually we're gonna change that one as well and that'll stop them doing their weird lane switching there there we go excellent so now we've got two lanes straight on and two lanes off look at that instantly smooth and this is all cleared up this is all cleared up what's going on with this one here okay let's just take a look three lane on one lane into four Lane let's just say to these guys look when you're coming on excuse me do not cut across each other do that just so the junction moves smoothly and then you can lane switch yeah there they were there you've got all the choices in the world and that'll keep that going that is not too shabby eighty percent mum I mean yeah things are going well and you could improve this even more I mean if you put more walkways in you could really get this thing huh mean what's going on here that's busy that's fine let's just move in nicely this is all going okay what's going on with this one that's just busy - that one's going okay this one's just super busy and what we've got going on over here - what we could just do along just to keep these things shift defying along a bit quicker so we're gonna say give away to you give way to you coming on and then going off here give way to you give way to you that one's fine that one's okay that just keeps moving you do have the ability for trucks to do that I just spotted that so let's say no you can't do that if I can select this road that would be great there we go so now left turn straight on and then also just to keep it moving just keep moving just keep moving right check I've just said no to that flippin cheeky so-and-so oh just one quick little thing to note as well we're at 62,000 population up from about 58,000 I think and the bank balance was seven hundred and sixty thousand now 1.4 million and we're making plus 25 a week I don't think that is too shabby well I'm loving it eighty one percent eighty percent let's just follow along here look at this this is all cleared up nicely this is all cleared up nicely this is all cleared up nicely this is always going to be busy I would perhaps maybe add another way to get on and off of the highway up there yeah something like that just to keep that going this is all nicely cleared up that's moving well all of these main roads down here removing well I think that is a resounding success and I did not build even one roundabouts in this episode so what have you learned what have you learned roundabouts of goods set them up correctly they work fantastic Lane mathematics Lane management's always a mass traffic manager can help you with that just to keep things moving should just even downgrading these to what is going on with that road I'll fix those that looks a bit weird but on this one they look okay I haven't done it on this one here we go we use this as an example just down laid down down grading roads like this to two lanes to keep the Lane mathematic things going and when people come on to the highway telling them they have to use this layer not just keeps things moving and that is fantastic if you've enjoyed this episode hit the thumbs up subscribe if you're new as well if you want those Watchers to haven't subscribed yet do so and hit the notification bell as well don't miss out on more episodes coming up in the future and the link to this city pre and post fix can be found in the description below thank you very very much for watching thank you for all of your support look at that lovely truck on two wheels going round there and I will see you all very very soon take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 2,487,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines traffic management, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines broken
Id: eNcR2m5gvok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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