Disastrous Island Traffic that sent me INSANE...!! Cities: Skylines Fix Your City

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is this the worst city I have ever seen for traffic pretty much the traffic in this place is chock-a-block all over the place this city Glendale was sent to me by tain thank you very much and they said that they followed all the hints all the tips all the advice that they see on how to fix your city and they've still got ridiculous amounts of traffic let us just jump in here and take a look 14% oh my goodness me it is backing up everywhere it's actually going up ever so slightly it was down as low as 12% I probably got a video clip of that if that wasn't any introduction but they've got roundabouts everywhere which you know in used in the right places that's good they said they've got slip lanes where they need them and all sorts of things this was read before so it's cleared up a tiny bit but wow wow wow wow let's take a look so you've got these weird intersections here but you know that's that's the way they are this is backing up down look at this it's backing up beer every now and again a car will turn off but it backs up back that's backed up for all the way down there because they can't get in backed up backed up all the way down into one lane don't we just love it when that happens cuz they all want to turn off there don't they let's just take a look at this here now you said to me that you've done all the traffic managers stuff for all of your roundabouts I've actually found one you haven't because you have I've been round all if your roundabouts and this normal sort of giveaway making sure that all highway you know you've got four-lane highway here normally three lane would be plenty we also want this to go through you're probably kicking yourself going oh I've done all of the roundabouts and I just missed that one is that gonna be the thing that makes the difference well we shall see we shall see let's just take a look let's go have another random roundabout and if we have a look at this one here yes you know you've done that you've done the work you've gone round you've done all the stuff you would normally do Oh I don't know what you'd call them but open the intersection thing so they don't they can move like these guys here if he had that off they would stop and they wouldn't go into this bit that's where the intersection is you put it on they keep moving you don't want it on for the people coming in because then what happens is like this they keep moving in and it doesn't let the guys move around so now these are gonna stop and let anything coming around here go you see this is moving a bit so that is one little thing but anyway what I would normally do looking at something like this is say well how I'll see you letting people get around I would check your mass transit straightaway what is your mass transit doing and that is a good way of getting people off the roads and I noticed that your mass transit is doing nothing because you do not have any you can have a metro there a metro loop there a metro loop there and say a metro loop here and then you can have it sort of join across during a cross and join across I think that would work quite well that's good roads across the highway you are paying attention you know you want to pay attention I'm just looking at these islands in thinking can I do more things to fix these islands a bit you've just before we do the metro I bet you've got this so you've got the same here as well yeah and I'm sending off a bow for this anyway well let that one let me let me get a metro going okay this loop is in up here and then what I'm gonna do is set up a line going clockwise and then we're going to set up another line going counter clockwise or anticlockwise that's gonna pick people up that's going to move them around and then this one here is gonna be the cross over to this side so they can easily walk out of there cross over come over there and we'll come back and have a look at that and you'll see how they will do a lot of jumping from one line to the other okay so here's the loop down here and here's the connection there we go that's set up you can already see people crossing from one to the other look they're walking in there going round and the same over here as well there we go so they're coming in they're crossing over there going this way they're using both good okay so the game has been at running for a while let's take a look at the metros and see what's going on lots and lots of people using the metros 2405 per week and that is good let's just sort by named this way so close no from one island to another it's pretty good as well and yeah a decent amount of people using them just looking at this Junction here actually so these guys are backing up trying to leave because these guys are backing up trying to get in to go round net so these guys are not using these roads have you done something like bad banning certain cars from going over certain roads you have look you banned trucks going why no no no no no don't do that allow all vehicles is that gonna be all the way along here no just I've done shift so that should unlock all of those you want them to get as many options as possible to get from one side to the other even if on first glance it gives you more traffic because it will start spreading out okay I'm glad it was only that one that one down there let's just check these ones here I don't think these ones you've done it no they're fine white sir island one has hardly any traffic at all you've got your giveaway signs all sorted that's fine yep you've done the same thing on these so I'm gonna turn all of those off I mean there's no traffic here to speak of but I'm gonna do it anyway and you've got yeah this little one here so let us take a look yeah you've done the same okay so I'll get this one sorted also got like this way here this is now gonna become one of the main ways coming in and I would put a roundabout in there seriously you need one because this is gonna be super super busy I've got the roundabout builder here we are gonna go for a three lane highway I'll click on there excellent and that will automatically let's close that that was the roundabout builder mod by the way it's a good start and it automatically sets up your traffic manager did I have proper and free Anarchy on No why are there trees right in the middle of the load let's just get rid of those okay look right next to this roundabout you've got traffic lights which we really don't need let's remove those and then we'll say to these guys you give way there and you can actually go straight across if you so wish there we go and get things moving and then once we solve all the other problems like this it was such a big road here I would do exactly the same here as well right so that's this island done we've got some what the heck is going on what disasters on earth we know what is happening they're just completely out of the blue we have a massive wave that's come from down here that is utterly utterly weird anyway I'll let that run and disappear that we find I've done this island oh they're really happy about that wave I'm gonna get on it to this one over here and then just one thing as well just be wary of any roads so that you've got this main road here coming off the roundabouts which is your main roads coming from the other Island so ones like this you read you don't want traffic lights on them you want to keep that traffic flowing on the main road to make this give way coming on to here and we had a couple more like this one here let make that one give why tiny little small roads and I would even make that one give way even though this is sort of maybe more of a major road you could see how that went and I just added a couple more roundabouts onto your main roads coming in I don't think that one needs one to relieve that as it is right onto the next Island okay so that's the two easiest islands done we'll come to the big one in a moment I'm just looking at your junctions here we'll take this one first of all I'm gonna do my normal little change here that I do to make sure the amount of lanes coming off match what you've got so next let's just do this look you can see there the lanes you've got one two three and this one is going straight on and off so you want to turn that into a slip line so now if you look at this you've got three going on and one going off which is this one here and the other three goes straight on and the game will now automatically do that they would choose the lanes I can't go any further back at it's out of city limits so it goes four lanes one goes off so that's three lanes that's three lanes now you've got another one joining so it needs to be four lanes again and I'll normally give them two three four stretches they have this extra little slip plane and you should find it's quite hard to see because of all the cars but this one here will go there and these three will go straight on and then what I do just to spread out the try think it to stop them switching I'm happy to have them switch lanes there I don't want them switching lanes there so shift s I don't want them switching lanes they're shift s I don't want the switching lanes there I'm happy for them to switch lanes here where it goes back from four to three and again here you've got three lanes and one going off so yep do the same there let's give them three four little stretches so doing that sort of thing around you Junction and then stopping them Lane switching I mean you don't have to stop them Lane switching until they get to where it changes back to three or four but I like to do that so I don't want them Lane switching there I want to get that one underneath don't want them Lane switching there don't want them Lane switch in they're happy to have them pick which Lane they want here not there and happy to have them do it there could I go back another four lane yes i could so let's do that so I'm gonna go around all your highways which one am i picking that one do that yeah and do that like going off there I mean you know you can do the same thing ever is barely any traffic let's carry on down so that's gonna hit the big island yeah we need to look at this big island and to see what's going on here go this is gonna take a while just a quick look twenty four percent it's going up it's going up and that island there is pretty free this one I'm not expecting to be free yet until I solved the problem going on over here funnily enough they're still not using this to go backwards and forwards I haven't missed any nope no everything on here is okay because you could just put it in one little block of in the middle block all the trucks then that be it hopefully you haven't done it in any odd places but yes so where do I even start I'll tell you what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look at all the roundabouts first and make those changes see this this island here it's you sort of think oh it's only one I've missed but it suddenly makes all the difference you start making a couple of tweaks and a couple of changes and things start moving so these are gonna no longer block it which means other things can move if they need to it all starts adding up slowly slowly over time yeah wouldn't have that out of that one giveaway all starts adding up slowly over time so yeah worth definitely taking a look around orbital roads and junctions which is what you know which I was gonna say it's what you pay me for you don't pay me but you know what I mean it's what it's what I'm doing for you so you know I actually enjoy doing this I do I find it quite therapeutic going through catching the things that maybe other people have missed and yeah let's do that catching things that maybe other people have missed I do I do enjoy it okay so that's all the roundabouts done there now let's maybe have a look at these junctions look you can see this is starting to clear up we've got a little bit of lane switching going on here and what have we got what have we got is that two lanes up so we've got two lanes coming off here that's going into four lanes you've got so three lanes into four lanes let's maybe do some lane management here oh you've done it already okay let's look what you've got so you've got two coming off and I'll tell you what we do needs yeah I wouldn't do that I'd have let's just switch this around a little bit again it's not more lanes make things better there's only like a little bit there mmm I would just have one coming off here what I was going to do is have one coming off here into one and then have that switch into two but as you've got to I'll leave it there so what I'm just going to do here is I'm going to change this that can go that one could not go there that one can also go there so again you've just got one lane through off and that one can go into two one and one yeah I mean it would make more sense to turn that back to a three lane again keeping track of how many lanes you've got oh you've done that with that one let's just not break that and there you know you don't need four lane going through there and then back to four lane again because you've got something going on there and they're doing some Lane switchin here but not there let's just check the lane switching further on so in fact we don't even need this now so if I take that or do we know that's fine we've got the one lane going off and then we've got no Lane switch in there please no Lane switchin there no Lane switchin there no lane switch in there not there but then you can do it again there so this is starting to move they're doing a bit of switcheroo down here for ones that want to go straight on we seem to have a little late switch it is great but look you can see it's all freeing up it's all free now I think there's something weird going on here so what I'm gonna do is delete this extra little piece of road yeah look you've got some wacky Road stuff going on there wacky races yeah and then we actually use the lane thing instead different tool no we want this one and we'll say not that so it's only left with the one there we go excellent and we normally let them lane switch there but not there and as long as they keep on moving and don't get in each other's way we should be fine down here yet we've got one for each so that's no problem at all this I don't like all of that you don't oh my goodness me no you don't need any of those on there he's there the command to clear these turns out it's a delete key so if you just highlight the nodes press delete and it will remove them all because you've got a lot of a lot of this going on I've removed them all from this roundabout I mean this if you set things up right this just isn't necessary I mean you probably spend a ton of time working on all of these but you just don't need to so we've got this sort of sorted here it's backing up because they're trying to come off here which is backing up because of this here so I'm gonna remove all of these Lane connectors yeah you won't give away anybody coming on to a roundabout because the roundabouts or the island has to keep on moving so this keeps moving then that means this can keep moving what have we got here we've got one two but four lanes coming into three lanes we've got three lanes oK we've got let's just look at this we've got three lane here one-way highway with sound barriers one two three and we've got a lane going off so now this could be too late okay so that's there's a two lane and then you've got two lane plus another two lane which wouldn't make that four lane I would change to down into one I can see why you've got two there I'm gonna change the end into one so then we've got two into one and then into three and then see how that goes although you do have that little you've added this in because your roundabout has got so busy I think let's delete that okay two to one back into three and then I'll just double check the lanes here so they both going straight on that's fine okay so let's just see how that goes and hopefully they'll start merging a bit better I don't want them to pick there we go look innocently they've got space to go off I'm happy for them to pick their yeah we don't need that delete and what we'll say about that Lane is we'll do that and we only want you to go off so that's it that's fine this is gonna get a bit hokey balky there's not much room there okay good right what's happening here yes a lot of this again so delete delete delete delete delete delete delete that's fine that's fine that's all fine and this is all fine I've already done it this here again it's probably for the to trot which way is that going that way so they're avoiding the man about going straight out they don't really need to I don't know my brain is fried well anyway that beats running okay so these are coming up yeah it's just this little bit over here I'm gonna let it run for a bit and see whether this will get moving yeah do you know what this is this is traffic coming from down here they have to come off there join here so now you've got traffic from this way and from this way all converging on this spot to get into this section you've got this little off road here but they don't seem to want to take it that often some do but most of these they're coming off going along there and then crossing over back over here which is just like really really strange I don't like this Junction at all I have to say it is it's like the weirdest Junction I've ever seen and I don't notice you've used it quite a lot so I'm trying not to just like remove your remove your junctions look at the how's it going third seat we're going up I'm trying not to just remove all your stuff here so let's use one of the tools built into the game to see what's going on here if we click on traffic routes and select this piece of road that's so busy there we go how it's highway we can see the most of the traffic is coming from here I'm looking at the brown which is the truck so we just turn off everything else there we go most of them are coming down here coming off they're going around there and then just going straight back over again into here so we need a way for these guys to get to over here without clogging all of this up and this little spot here is where we're gonna do it we're gonna run a load under the highway and join it up over there there we going with that load connection coming off there like we do remember three lanes coming in one lane going off we need to make that a four lane one two three four and then we need to say for this guy here let's pick the lane pick that one there this outside lane is only for turning off to the right and it immediately load them are diving down here it might be that we need to run that little upgrades a little further back I think we've done that one let's in fact make that whole bridge and back to here for lane stop any lane switching on the bridge and say you can lane switch there this one I tell you this is probably the hardest one I've had to fix I have to say and then that's fine you can change lanes there and look they go and come out here as we also saw there's a lot of cars coming down this way and using this sort of off-road around the roundabout up down here join this roundabout so over here is the only way for traffic going westward if we're looking at it in this direction traffic going west to get over here some and it this little lane here which comes off goes underneath and just joins this road in the middle here just to give these guys some other options to get into the city and I mean I would like another road over there to come this way I'm so too tempted just to delete all of that okay I'm gonna try something I'm gonna save the game I'm gonna try something it's gonna take a few minutes for the traffic to to get going but I want to see how this works I want to make sure people aren't coming straight on and straight off we should have four lanes where they're coming off and things like that which I might not have done so let's elite and see what we're up to it's been I mean I've only just done this yeah 37 we are increasing we are growing just an idea something else you could do to help because you've got your main highway that runs through here and the only two ways of getting into all of this off the highway is this one here and this Junction here right smack bang in the middle so we could run another highway connection to here say so anybody wants to come in and go that way doesn't have to go through all of this and use the crossover roads because as you can see we did get quite a bit of traffic crossing over and maybe even have one come round this way and have you got the yeah you oh now you don't own all these squares but to have one coming off there and go in that way as well let me see if I can squeeze something in okay so that is one a Timbo's turbine interchanges in there uses vanilla loads I've noticed you've got this load down here so we could certainly connect to that I've just gone down into a normal six Lane Road so let us bring this down over here and connect that up we're gonna hit there we go so that's certainly gonna bring some of the traffic that's going through there over this way I mean that might just be enough because they're now used this road and this little connection there maybe we will leave it like that and just see how many cars decide to come off of here you thought I mean you've already got some it's looking good it's looking good and then May that we could do the same the other side and just run a load up over the top there as well okay traffic is getting much better 57% and I'm looking at this and I'm thinking what is going on all these cars are coming down here coming over there let's use the built in tools again we'll pick this Junction here there we go I think I've already got it Pete yes I have there we go so look at it just private vehicles they're all coming down there too all come down here why are they all using that and not this other little Junction we've got here this Wilson Highway and then it hits me you've done it again you vehicle restricted any cops come don't do that if we think food let if we think through there we go and you ban lorries on there oh so that's what's happened you blocked everybody coming off of there so that means now they're not all gonna go through here they're gonna go that way and now I'm wondering what other well I put those ones in I'm wondering what else you've blocked so I'm gonna look around the place and see if you've got anything else blocked that might be causing us some issues ah ah this one here look you've only let trucks off there we want everything we want everything to come through here like that one so then you're not having everything all come through here you've got them splitting off in other places as well oh my goodness me let me let this run for a while already cars are diving down here here yeah well who remembers that highway that was backed up all the way along here look at that much much better flowing at smoothly yeah not too bad roundabouts some movie I've gone over all of your islands and removed all of your lane connectors that you've got all over the place because I'll be honest there was some weird ones and what I've done as well is I've added a few little lanes most of the cars are basically trying to get from the biggest part of your city to the other biggest part of your city and a lot of these are trying to get down here and all cross over this highway eventually they will start using this round here you could you've got this one is such a long way round you could add maybe another Junction going across there I'm gonna have to stop I've spent all day on this city it's been great fun I've been trying to stop all the cars every single car using this area here and forcing them to use other areas by I've made this a one-way going that way I've made these priority roads yeah just to try and get cars to use other you can do pile to rose by the way if you don't mind by picking this here picking a roads let's just say this one here and then clicking the priority Road button there you go to go to adjust roads there we go so that'll show you how far it goes and that'll make that a priority road over other roads that you have it might mean that you want to shore and that could it's made this little tiny road a priority but it should be okay it should be okay and look at the use of the Metro so not too bad this Metro cross has only got one person using it really where does that go well that goes from that Island to that Island okay for some reason people don't want to go over there but they can cross over the other way that's fine all the rest of being used pretty well and all of those are people not using their car let's take a look at our traffic 80 to 83 percent not too shabby I mean I would put some ferries going around here you've got lots of space for that maybe even a train line and that's going to keep hold of your traffic as you expand into the future so what do you think is a pretty tough one would you do things differently let me know in the comments check the pin post as well below if you would like to send me your city hits subscribing the notification bow so you don't miss out on the next episode and I will see you guys very very soon for a new fix your city thanks for watching take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 932,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, how to fix your city, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, biffa, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities skylines fixing congestion, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, cities skylines how to build a good city, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines traffic tips, urban planning
Id: LgXLuIwAljg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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