How To Build Better Bridges In Palworld | Palworld Base Building Guide

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hello there General canobi I know building in power world can be difficult and it can be frustrating but by understanding just one easy fundamental building mechanic you can turn little Bridges like this and does something like this WOW or like this WOW or you're into it something like this oh my God what is that if you watched my most recent video on the quote unquote hanging build that I just showed I briefly went over this concept and the gist of it was how I explained it then was that each Foundation piece can support three pieces including the wall right and while that's true there is a much easier way to explain this and that is by saying each Foundation piece can support two building pieces from each side and one diagonally and we can use the fact that this takes into account no vertical height right so I see a lot of people say that they can't get their Bridges to connect Etc because how they'll start it at least how I I see it is they'll go you know they'll start with the foundation build a wall a stair some roofs you can't go any F farther from here okay so how do I do it from here cuz I can't build a stair to what they'll try to do they'll place a foundation they'll try to line up a wall and some stairs right so it'll look something like this they have their stairs then you know they'll have they'll get it closer than this cuz they spend more time there's a much easier way to do this would you like to explain is there no food in here or something like what's going on there is no food in here but there's a much easier way to do this to build these simple Bridges build the foundation out with plus one on each side because that's going to be used to build the bridge or build the the stairs you have that you can build your stairs you can build uh your roof the entire way down and now I want you to visualize this which Foundation pieces can I delete and this thing still be standing if you said these three you are correct because this Foundation is supporting this piece which can be built out too honestly you can delete one of these the other one you you have to you have to keep but you can delete one of them because this Foundation piece right here is supporting this roof piece all the way to the middle and then these two are supported by this one so that means I could delete the wall for that as well you can delete the wall for this side as well if you wanted to now if you want to do something where like this big bridge the first thing you have to do is make sure you can build the entire way through the canyon or whatever formation or piece of land you're working with you want to make sure you can build Foundation the entire way across okay because if you don't you're going to run into trouble with the stairs to demonstrate this what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually build a bridge from about here over there good night build a bridge from here all the way over there okay let's start I chose this specific area first off because while there is a gap I'm pretty sure I can build build a foundation into this wall right here yeah yep and now this will be a little tricky because of how the terrain slopes down here so what I need to do is build the first foundational piece a bit higher now if you do not have these Foundation pieces connected the entire way what's going to happen is say you have a foundation like this then you're actually for some whatever reason you're not able to connect that right this piece will not count as support for whatever is above okay cuz it's it's not connected it's not going to count continuity is key for making sure that you're continually being supported up there so the main thing here is I have to make sure that I'm able to get as close to the wall as possible with my Foundation I mean maybe I could go that way see how high I can build this oh that might be close enough actually that might be close enough I can put one more for good measure I might be able to get stairs on that okay oh this isn't going to work two hours later next what you'll need to do is whichever side of the the foundation that you can get closer to the wall you want to build up from there oh I don't know if this is enough I'm not even close huh damn I'll see and you want to do this because it's going to take less quote unquote support to actually touch the ground actually I might be able to get get there oh look at that so close all all right we're restarting we're close we just need um we need to move this Foundation a little bit closer to the wall needs to be like right here if we can get that that's possible I don't know let's find out that's too high that is also too high damn oh wait hold on BR what do you mean all Maybe this will do it it's about the same isn't it now we're a little bit closer huh okay so I have a foundation piece here so we build back up I'm just putting multiple here so I can see which one will actually work which height will work I mean okay now we'll go this one and honestly the hardest part is done this is indeed the single hardest part of of building the this thing is finding which height will work and finding the where you can place your Foundations at should be able to from here yep we're good look at that now we can delete those and now we have built a bridge across this entire Valley one thing we can do is cut these freaking trees down with one row of foundation at the bottom as we learned earlier you can use that to build two out right so you can build these bridg bries three wide with one one row Foundation at the bottom besides this if you want to build extra stairs at the ends you'll have to add two um foundations on the the edges okay so when you get to this part after you if you decide to build extra width to this when you get to the edge what you'll have to do uhoh not going to be able to do it okay so in this specific situation I cannot accomplish it however if you wanted to build three out with stairs on both sides or ramps or whatever you would have to build additional Foundations at the end points like that because what happens is this Foundation right here at the end inside the wall so that Foundation that Foundation is right here right and like we learned earlier it can support all the way out here but only one diagonally so it's only able to support this piece and this piece right so I can't I can't build any stairs right here so if I want to build an extra row of stairs I need a foundation right here for this stair and then right here for the stair currently the last Foundation underneath is right here and that is only able to support one diagonally on each Corner usually this is the part where people will try to lay a foundation down and and line it up or this is where you can do that if you wanted to and that's basically it I hope I was able to teach you a little bit about the structural support system in power world if you didn't understand it already it's not super complicated to understand and once you do understand it you can use it to build bigger and better bases the background footage you're seeing now is from the full build of the bridge I showed earlier at the beginning I will be posting that um I'll just have I just have to edit it a little bit and voice over that let me know what you guys think down below thank you all for the support it's absolutely incredible also the the boss said that you need to like And subscribe anyways peace love your friends and the Eiffel Tower can be taller during summer okay [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: priqe
Views: 33,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld base, palworld base design, palworld base building, palworld building, palworld building design, palworld creative base, palworld creative building, palworld base tour, survival craft, palworld unique base, palworld aesthetic base, palworld aesthetic base building, base building palworld, building palworld base, unique palworld base, palworld cool base designs, palworld best base design, palworld functional base
Id: lK0JS1dkJnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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