Palworld - Do This FIRST on a New Account!!

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in today's video I'm going to be showing you the most insane start and power world that you have ever seen with these tips you're actually going to be able to get your first gun infinite ammo infinite gold virtually unlimited pal spheres that you can use to power level later and you'll also be completely set up with some of the most overpowered early game Pals that you are totally not supposed to be able to get this early in the game how early you ask level four yes level four this is so stupid whether you're starting power world for the very first time or if you're on a new server with that friend that you finally convinced to play the game with you this is going to be your new favorite video to send over to them to bring them up to speed and get super overpowered very early in the game subscribe welcome back to the channel guys dtis here I'm playing with my good friend ammo here from ammo Nations who's actually going to be my Duo partner for this best start to power world video as a Duo Amo say hi hello guys good day before we get started on the journey guys I have a confession to make so I started playing this game and I know you've heard of it because they advertise literally everywhere and that game is Rage Shadow Legends I gave it a shot because they offered to sponsor today's video so I downloaded it and guys I literally can't put it down I'm playing it on my phone right now while I'm recording this ad I'll admit I was a little skeptical at first cuz most mobile games are stupid they don't really take a ton of strategy it's basically the same thing over and over again they're a big waste of time cuz you have to be glued to your phone 24/7 and a lot of them say if you want to have fun you basically need to pay money well I play this game pretty much every day now definitely more than I should and I can tell you that this game has more strategy in depth than you know what to do with and that's actually the most addicting part about it with respect to time raid also has an auto battle feature so that you can literally just set it and forget it a feature that my family definitely appreciates and guys when it comes to pay to win it is there and it can speed up your progress but all it takes is a quick search for you to find out that all of raid's top content creators all have insane powerful free-to-play account so it's definitely doable raids Shadow Legends has actually made a huge content leap last year in 2023 and they still routinely update their game to make it more fun for everyone and guys there's never been a better time to be a new player because right now the game is actually celebrating its fifth anniversary with the Festival of creation it's almost a month-long party with events and tournaments summon boosts free gifts and a ton of other things if you're a new player I'm begging you guys please join my clan and help me take out some of these Clan bosses to do that click the link in the description or scan the QR code on the screen now and you can download the game and receive a $100 starter pack for free this pack will include epic boss killer lady atessa and other exclusive fifth anniversary Awards just after you reach level 25 so once you're in game search up my name dontis join my clan and let's be Legends together thanks again raid for sponsoring today's video okay so ammo and myself are now in game and the first thing we're going to do is respawn why because if you didn't know the game actually has numerous respawn locations around the map and many of these actually have fast travel locations associated with them interact with each of these fast travel locations because each time you do you get a free technology point in addition to the actual fast travel itself the reason why this is such a good idea is because you virtually start the game with the ability to fast travel all the way across the map in different locations and this is something that we're going to tap into and use here in just a little bit so again what you want to do is respawn until you have visited each of these locations at least one time making sure that you interact with each fast travel Point as you see them the most important one is going to be this one down here uh called seab breze archipelago I think I said that right Castaway Beach and the reason is because as soon as you spawn in there are going to be some very key Pals here celr these are like essential it's essential to pick up at least one or two of those as a team so that we can breed the most powerful Pile in the game later we're going to have to come back here in just a bit one that you guys want to keep in mind is this ice wind Island as soon as you spawn in and look around it doesn't look like there is one of those uh fast travel locations but if you look in the upper middle of your screen right now you can actually see there is one about 84 M away so all you got to do is get over here scale the mountain and make sure you hit it so that you can fast travel there moving forward and guys the wonderful thing about this is that regardless of what your settings are for if you drop your whole inventory when you die or not it it doesn't matter cuz you don't actually have anything so you've got nothing to lose just by resp spawning hitting these fast travel points collecting all the free technology points and then you're going to go back eventually to the Windswept Hills plat of Beginnings where you originally start so collect everything and then come back to the beginning location now before you've even leveled up one time you already have a grand total of six technology points quick disclaimer for you newer players technology points are what you need to use to unlock certain items that you can build and structures that you can build so this really does set you ahead of the game okay so ammo now we're in the game um let's go ahead and pick up some wood talk to this guy over here and get some resources guys really what you're trying to do here is just collect as much as you can because you actually get experience from picking up wood and palum fragments anything that you can interact with on the ground go ahead and pick it up all right first thing we got to do is catch ourselves some kativa let's shoot for two of them I thought this guy was being aggressive but he's just running away really just catch up to him punch him a couple times and once their HP gets low you're going to throw a pal sphere at them I didn't pick up the one you had throw it you want to catch him well turns out you need pal spheres to catch Pals so we should probably talk about the Primitive workbench first first thing you got to do is come down here and get the materials that you need for a primitive workbench and then you're going to want to go to your building menu and build it punch some Stone punch some trees to get yourself some wood and then you're going to come over to the workbench make yourself a stone pickaxe and then make yourself a stone axe for cutting down trees open up your technology tree here unlock P spheres and then we're going to craft as many as we can so that we can go on our catching spree as you guys guys are farming items you're going to know that your weight capacity goes up and if you let it go too high you'll be over encumbered so the reason why we're catching ourselves to kativa at the beginning here is because they have a passive skill that actually increases your weight carrying capacity in the interest of increasing your weight carrying capacity all of your enhanced stat points here should be used in the weight category just for the early game okay so there's one and there's two mission accomplished all right so after you guys have caught yourself two kativa go ahead and respawn back to the beginning again again and where you're going to want to go is to this uh seab Breeze AR archipelago I think I said that right again Castaway Beach because you as a team need to catch yourself a couple of these cell rays and of course their defense here once you get here hunt down a couple of these cell Ray and make sure you catch them and put them in your pocket for later cuz these are going to be again massively important for crafting some of the most powerful Pals in the entire game it's going to take a team effort CU these things hit actually pretty hard at a at a low level I might die okay I got mine good luck try to get your yourself a male and a female cell Ray if you can help it because that'll make it easier for you when it comes to breeding in the later mid game after you guys catch one cell rate each next thing you want to do is fast travel all the way back to the plateau of Beginnings because this is actually where the beginning of your journey starts to get interesting as Duo and we're about to go on a long Trek ammo are you ready I'm ready okay do it so the next thing we're going to do is we're actually going to go and catch ourselves three Vixie each now if you guys don't know Vixie is actually one of the best most OP Pals the entire game that you can get early because if you don't know you put it on a ranch in your first base and it basically makes it to where you're swimming in pal spheres and you don't ever have to craft another pal sphere again and that's what we're going to use to power level moving forward quick Pro tip if you guys are going down a hill and you're sprinting press C on the keyboard and it makes you slide that's the fastest movement in the entire game early game The Journey seems like it's going to be a long one but again you're going to start at the plateau beginnings and make your way Northwest all the way across this bridge into this upper area so Vixie are kind of all over this area here to the left and we got lucky cuz there's just one running away over here so I'm going to I'm going to grab this one so we got the first one but again if you just keep following this road straight you're going to find a ton so here we go there's so there's two extra Vixie over here right now so let's go ahead and catch these and for the next part of the duo strategy as soon as you guys have captured three Vixie each is you both need to split off and go to one of two locations so that you can start farming infinite gold player number one is going to come up to this location to set up their first base the coordinates of the base are 156 and - 390 and the second base is going to be located at 464 and -125 which is actually just slightly Southwest of the Eastern wild Islands but we'll go there in just a moment as soon as you come to this location make sure you unlock the pow box and you're going to place your first pow box right about here you're going to use this as a travel location to start your infinite gold Farm but as a team one person should be at the first base and the other person should be at the other base doing the exact same thing and as soon as you place down the PO Box what you're going to want to do is get yourself a ranch once you've unlocked the ranch and you've got enough fiber whatever else you need go ahead and place it down and build it as soon as you have that ranch built you're going to be placing down your three vies to go into that ranch but before you can deploy more than one you have to level up your base so simply go to the base look at the base upgrade requirements and it'll tell you what to do and every time you level up once your maximum working Pals at the base is going to go up by one come back to your base and level it up to level three you are ready to place down all of your Vixie and as you place them down they should automatically go to the ranch and guys as you can see here this one's been here for like not even 2 minutes and it's already made uh three pal speres so imagine now having three Vixie here just farming for a very very long time we're we're never going to need to craft oursel a pal spere ever again at least in the early game the reason that we built in this location is because there's actually a black marketeer very nearby and he's going to be the key to farming infinite gold I'm going to leave up on the screen right now the route to actually get to this black markete tier so that you can see where he is and as soon as we get there we'll talk about how you're going to be taking him down now this is easily one of the most unhinged things I've I've ever seen on the Internet it's going to look a little crazy but this is what you do so under normal circumstances you're very friendly with these black marketeers you can buy extremely powerful Pals but they're very very expensive and there's really no way to afford them this early in the game unless you do what I'm about to show you go to your technology tree and you should be at least level five at this point but you want to unlock the hanging trap and you also want to unlock a campfire once you've got those you want to place a hanging trap right underneath the black marker tier so that his foot is just in uh range of that little Loop right there and as soon as you do it he's going to get hung up there by his foot well this next part's pretty crazy place down a campfire right below him and just move it around until it kind of lets you do it and as soon as you build this boy here this level 40 marketeer is going to start burning and he'll take damage which there's there's you're not even supposed to be able to damage this thing at this level this is going to be pretty crazy so right now he's taking fire damage and that's going to be commen for to like a percentage based damage so he's taking a ton of damage right now and what you want to do is pull your fists out and you want to jump up and make sure you're at least getting a couple punches on them because that way if you if you don't do that you're going to uh not able to get his Drops make sure you get your punches and as soon as he depletes all his HP he's going to drop this and this is what we're after look at that one gold key and like virtually 16,000 gold you're not supposed to have that this early in the game as soon as that happens open up your building menu and press the disassembly mode you're going to destroy uh both the hanging trap and the campfire and then you're going to want to go back to your base so if you guys are playing the variant of the game where you don't drop anything all you got to do is just click respawn and you can actually teleport right back to your base that's virtually right next to it so here we just arrived back at our base look at all these Vixie I was away for like 5 minutes and now I have a ton of pal speres a good amount of arrows they're also producing and digging up gold for me and now what I'm going to do again is just go all the way back to that black marketeer and I'm going to do the same thing over and over again until I have about 60 to 70,000 gold I think that's a good place to stop something important to note is that every time the black marketeer responds his pal inventory also respawns which is going to be massive because guys there going to be three Pals that you want to keep your eye out for that he sells that you need to pick up immediately and and right now I'm very happy because patalia is one of them she has a very very high planting and Gathering ability and we're going to use her to breed to get one of the most OP Pals in the entire game later and she also does have a healing element as well so just make sure that you're communicating with your buddy because again every time you talk to him his inventory resets and you as a team once you join guilds you want to have at least one patalia the other two Pals that you're going to be looking for are lunaris and relaxa orus relaxa orus is hands down one of the easiest gateways to getting things like yman tide and Anubis just super early in the game you need to get yourself a relaxa orus and you also want to be on the lookout for a lunaris because lunaris is basically a baby Anubis it's got level three handiwork which is going to make the entirety of your base building go by like a breeze so funny story I I actually had a hard time getting this black marketeer to respawn reliably probably something to do with the geometry of the mountain or the terrain I have no idea but I did find another black marketeer right next to the Vixie spawn that you can easily set up in the exact same way and farm in the exact same manner don't forget about this location though because it is still the best main base location for the early game and we're going to be coming right back here as soon as we get all the gold that we want reconvene with ammo buy all the crazy Pals that we want and get our gun as well as the infinite ammunition so we'll be back here shortly I found a new location which is actually amazing it is just Southwest of the desolate Church which is really good because a ton of vixs actually spawn in this area so if you just come down here to this little underhang and you place your base at this location 32 and - 425 you are going to have a 100% respawn rate for the black marketeer that's Within These Walls here so again all you got to do is build a pow box put down your Ranch drop your three vies which are making you a ton of pal speres as you can see I've already got 134 and I'm not even level six yet that's just stupid make your way into the layer here and as you can see the black market here is respawning every single time so that's going to be it for player one's base let's take a look at ammo base and see what kind of progress he's made why you take so long player one I had to teach you at least one time regardless and ammo is doing the same thing over at his base anyway if you're player number two you are going to be going to the Eastern Wild Island as soon as you spawn in turn directly to the west and make your way west until you get to like a little area with a river running through it the coordinates are 476 and -25 and as you can see we've got ammo here who just built his Ranch and he's going to begin the process of placing down one Vixie upgrading his base twice and then placing down his other two Vixie and as ammo here is placing down his Vixie you'll actually see how close this marketeer is to this base location was that good so now that we've got a ton of gold and some op Pals really early game let's show you what we can do with that gold to really just set yourself over the edge what you're going to do is you're going to fast travel to the southern part of the map at the seab breeze archipelago Castaway Beach okay where are we going now so right now we're going to go all the way up this Coast until we reach kind of like the desert part once we're there we're going to need to take a secret path where it's along the water just enough so we don't get burnt that way we can get to Fisherman's Point go ahead get that fast travel and we can buy our resources from there it's going to be a little walk but it's definitely going to be worth the walk so you're going to go until you kind of get to a little break point there's the Brun Cherry boss right there just stay to the left and we're actually going to cross this little water area right here so again all you're going to do is just make your way across that River and you're going to continue going straight until you see this like weird structure right here that is definitely not natural once you get to this little location here with that structure you're going to jump on these rocks make sure you have all of your stamina and then get into the water and you're going to make your way over to this area where ammo is okay from this location you're just going to again get in the water and you're going to be swimming directly over to this rock location here where you see ammo and his lunar is kind of hanging out what did you say there's like a little area where you can Manel on and get your stamina back yeah like right here around the corner you can slightly just climb up onto it and stay stable you need to find that sweet spot and be able to stand there to regenerate your stamina there you go there it is so you're not touching the wall but you're just going to the point where your feet are there and you're still holding your items okay where we going from here so from here we're just going to go all the way south to the left and follow along the water and basically do the same until we reach the beach slightly let's see can we climb this oh it's hot it's hot that's fine yeah but that's why you need to stay in the water because it will get hot if you don't stick stick along the edge here I understand okay from here just cross the water yeah okay all we're going to do is just keep going along the edge here until we reach the fisherman's Point yeah I just I just picked up a large scorching egg too those if you guys don't know those are like massive experience so anytime you see any egg really just pick them up cuz the the goal of this is to get to a position where we can start breeding like Anubis and some of the other really really overpowered Pals and if you have extra eggs laying around it's just free experience so pick them up when you see them once you guys reach this spot where there's dude we're going to get so wrecked by this thing oh God he's chasing you dude I'm dead there's no way I'm surviving this no no I got him off I got him off he's good he's good he's I'm dead I'm on HP we need to get that fast travel Point how did I just die no you died make me so sad okay so take two um make sure that you keep quite a bit of distance between yourself and the shore so that you don't have a Les Punk com and ruin your day like mine just did just before get to the Village okay so now that we finally made it to Fisherman's Point let's go ahead and grab this fast travel so that we never have to make that Journey again the whole reason that we did that journey in the first place was so that we could have access to these Merchants right in front of you here we've got a Wandering Merchant in green up here down here we've got a pal Merchant in blue and then the last Merchant is in red all the way at the end of this walkway here on the right hand side now the insane thing is this guy actually sells all the stuff we want to buy and if you take a look here he's got a handgun he's got ammunition I'm going to go ahead and grab one of these and let's just say 100 something of these rounds and look he's also got heat resistant Pelt armor so now I finally have some clothes heat resistant undershirt we're going to go ahead and grab that and now we're sitting pretty this pal Merchant down here is actually essential if you open up his inventory he has a ton of exclusively fire Pals and if you log in and out a number of times his inventory will actually cycle so what I recommend doing is actually logging out logging back in until you find that he is selling a repo repo is one of the best Pals the entire game for the early game because he has level three kindling and level three mining which is going to make it easy for setting up your first base as well as cooking cakes for the first time so that we can use to breed what will eventually be the best Pals in the entire game once you finish purchasing your own rep Tio go ahead and make your way up the boardwalk turn right and go straight down until you find the merchant wearing red on the right hand side opening up his inventory you'll find that you have a ton of selection here in terms of items that you could use for the early to end game I would suggest picking up as many megas spheres as your gold would allow that'll make it easy to power level here in just a moment and he also sells tomatoes and lettuce and medical supplies things that you're going to need for the early to mid game go ahead and also at this time pick up some tomato seeds and lettuce seeds to ensure that you can create a salad Farm as soon as you build your first base ammo buddy it's time to Guild up congrats you're in Guild flaus madonas now that we've done all of that and we're super op with all of our insane gear and insane Pals the next part of the game is going to be to build a base as a guild for the first time and we're also going to be jump starting our route to get the four best Pals in the entire game from a base and combat perspective Yanti ignis yman tide Anubis and lilene let's go ahead and get it the very first base which is going to be the best early game base is going to be just next to chillet so if you go to the Fast Travel point and just to orient yourself here's the plateau of Beginnings on the right hand side chillet is just Northwest of the plateau beginnings and what we're looking for there's like a little Bridge next to chillet that goes into this area here that's The Sweet Spot that's where we're going to go you can get there a couple ways you can either go to the raid Syndicate Tower entrance if you have that unlocked or you can just go to the grassy Behemoth Hills we're going to go ahead and go to the Rain Syndicate Tower and fast travel as soon as you guys spawn in the easiest way to get there is just to go up these stairs this way and you're going to if you open your map just follow this little dirt path the thugs are attacking us we've got ik the deer up in the trees over there I have no idea what's going on but just to help Orient you guys with where we're at we uh took the first Fork to the right so once you get up here there's a little bit of a fork in the road just turn to the right and then again make your way up this mountain and you're going to follow kind of the right hand side of this cave and just climb up and we made it to the top and guys you're immediately going to see why this is the very best kind of early game first base that you can possibly set up again this base is just littered with or nodes and plenty of flat space it's got a ton of trees on each side so that you can get wood if you need to there's stone quaries that you can build here there's log sites for extra wood and really it's just an overall beautiful area to set up your first base this base is basically at the top of a mountain with only this little tiny Bridge connecting it to the outside world so anytime you have a raid coming to try and destroy your stuff they're going to start at the very bottom of the mountain walk all the way around and you're going to have pretty much like 5 minutes of heads up before they even start coming your way just a very safe overall place to set up your first base okay guys now that we're here uh remember you can only have one base together this ear in the game so you're going to have to destroy your old gold Farm we can always rebuild it later but for now we're going to go ahead and build ourselves a pow boox right about here if you look you can see the blue circle on the outside you just want to make sure that everything is covered and now you're just basically going to go on a crazy building spree all right I'm going to place this uh Ranch down here and if you look me building it by myself is going to take 3 minutes which is stupid so I threw out lunaris and it goes from 3 minutes to 15 seconds I mean this thing is insane it's got level three handiwork which is basically a step below Anubis making this one of the best Pals that you can get in the early game hands down it's going to just make your whole Base building process go by super super quick one important thing to note guys is that now that you're a team you only have three spots at your base so you need to level this up a few times so we can place the rep Tios in to start mining so now we have pobox level five I'm about to die I'm really hungry that's the reason why I decided to make an adjustment here what we have here at the base is we've got one Vixie for farming at the ranch we have our patalia that we got earlier to help with the planting and the Gathering cuz we need food to have a base operating we're throwing the relaxa orus in here just for the watering and its transport and then we've got two repos actually mining we definitely didn't need two ranches in retrospect but that Vixie has plenty of room I originally thought that we would need like three Vixie we really don't need that because we have a ton of pal spheres ammo how many spheres do you have 200 100 megas and 100 pal speres so you bought a bunch of Megas but I've got 146 regular pal speres and 34 Mega so this is going to be more than enough for us to power level to begin the leveling Journey the first thing we need to do is cross the bridge here and take out this little blue boy down here named chillet because he's going to give you an ancient technology Point let's see how good these uh guns do on them I'm just going to see if I can hit them from here oh 21 okay and I do 138 damage to the head at level five against an level 11 boss so easy we're just doing a ton of damage and look it awarded us with the first ancient technology Point Amo did you get that too or was that just me I also got so we now have two ancient technology points well guys another thing too that you need to bear in mind is that this Nightwing here right next to the chillet spot this Nightwing is going to be the first flying Mount that you can unlock you can actually unlock it on your technology tree at level 15 so it's going to be that unknown item there but you want to catch one of these as soon as you can I want to see if this megasphere is going to enable us to do it so the megasphere is an 80% 81% catch chance just simply by doing all of this you can catch Pals at level 11 and get your first flying Mount like before you even hit level seven that's insane all right guys and what we're going to be doing here is just catching as many Pals as possible we have a ton of pal spheres and the capture rate is like 34% so it's not amazing but we have like 400 of them between the two of us so we could just Spam these over and over and over again until we have all the pals that we need to level up and if you see something like this that's a higher level like this caity you can switch to your megasphere and get a higher catch rate and then whatever's left over I mean look we can just throw these megas spheres at whatever else we're having a hard time catching and basically just level up really really fast so here we are in just a crazy catching spree and if you guys didn't know the fastest way to level up is by actually catching each pal 10 times if you look over here on the right hand side of the screen I just captured two tens and three tens and each time you do that the level of experience goes up so again catching 10 of each pal is the quickest way to rank up hold on leave this one for mine and guys remember the main goal here is to catch as many Pals as you can to pick up as items as you find to open as many chests as you see and you want to get yourself to level 15 so that you can craft a Nightwing saddle and that's going to be the gateway to get the most powerful kindling pal in the entire game Yanti ignis so ammo let's go ahead and do some farming and we'll come back when we hit level 15 okay guys so here we are we're level 15 both ammo and myself we've got all this super overpowered gear I actually went into my technology tree and used that technology point to unlock the egg incubator we're going to need that in a second and then I'm going to go down here and unlock the Nightwing saddle with those two technology points and we're just swimming in Tech points right now but let's go ahead and see if we can take out the first boss I have a feeling that we can because we're super broken right now it says boss battle will begin shortly our all participants members ready for battle I'm going to say confirm oh there you go yeah conf oh my god oh dude he's actually kind of thick but we're clapping him this dude this actually makes this so easy this is awesome finish him after you guys kill the raid Syndicate Tower you're going to need a ton of materials to to actually craft yourself this Nightwing saddle as you see on the screen here and if you didn't get these materials that you need here on screen while you were leveling up you're going to be a little bit hard pressed so for me I went ahead and emptied my inventory just to show you how I actually go about getting these items the first thing you need to do is make your way to the small settlement down here just Southwest of the first Syndicate Tower and the way you want to get to this small settlement is basically just follow this little smoke stack and of course now we have a waypoint in the top middle of the screen here that's going to tell you how to navigate home as soon as you make your way into the small settlement Village you want to be visiting this guy the level 30 wandering Merchant now this guy's going to have a ton of stuff that you're going to need wait Emma how much wool do you need 10 cloth so 20 wool and 20 leather all of your leather I actually ran out of gold dude I'm poor okay take two I don't know how I just got that much money but 2 and 20 Lea after you purchase that make sure you make your way up the hill to this fast travel point because you are certainly going to be visiting this Village again in the future just to make sure you can buy some quick items if you need to make your way back over to the base and the only other two items that we need to actually craft the Nightwing saddle again are just going to be fiber and Ingot so good thing we have these repos that we picked up early farming all this ore and the only other thing we'll need is just some Fiber so we can hit some trees until we have it now we need 15 ingots so look we've got 202 ore here which is super super optimal that's the reason why we took the time to set up the repos he's cooking these ingots like a nobody's business and if you were stuck with like a fox Parks or something else this early in the game this would take a ton of time and again this rtio is making quick work of this thanks to his level three kindling work suitability now that we grabb the ingots let's go to our Tech Tree and unlock the PO gear workbench and build it as well if I tried to build this by myself it would literally take like 10 minutes but thankfully I have again my lunaris here who's going to help out are you going to help out look how much faster it's going make it okay finally all of the work that ammo and myself have put into this is paid off we now have our very first flying Mount at just level 15 and we're going to go ahead and use this now to get ourself a yman tide ignis okay so here's how you actually get yourself Yanti ignis first what you want to do is take yourself from that beautiful Nightwing that you just got the saddle for and fly yourself to Fisherman's Point down here at this point of the map and all you're going to do is slowly make your way around the bottom of the island here along the beach until you get to the beach of everlasting summer once you get to the beach of everlasting summer and pretty much the entire rest of the body you're going to start seeing a ton of eggs all over the ground now guys the key is that we are looking for a huge dragon egg it is called a huge dragon egg and it's the big purple and black egg and that's the egg that's actually going to have Yanti ignes inside of it bear in mind that you need to be picking up every single egg that you see even if it isn't a huge dragon egg and the reason is because these eggs will not respawn unless you actually pick them up so some people would say oh just log out and log back in but that actually doesn't work you need to pick pick up the eggs that you see so that if you come back another time you can actually have a chance of finding yourself that huge dragon egg and also bear in mind that this entire volcano biome is going to have a chance of having that egg so don't give up at the beach of everlasting summer just keep making your way around the outside of the area and you'll eventually find yourself one and now finally through friendship and teamwork we have procured ourselves a huge dragon egg the beautiful thing here is that we can actually go back to the base and hatch it right now so let's go do it place the huge dragon egg and and we are going to go ahead and incubate it to get ourselves the famed yman tide ignis we have dude we have a level one Yanti ignis at like level 16 this is insane if you guys get this you're going to just basically be able to make ingots for days it's pretty stupid now that we've got one of the four most powerful Pals in the entire game captured at just level 16 all we need to do now is just get to level 19 so that we can utilize the breeding Farm to breed the rest of them through the pals that we've already caught in our Journey so far this is going to be pretty easy and pretty straightforward but ammo there is one more thing we need to do and that is capture ourselves a quivver we're going to actually breed that quivver with the relax orus we caught earlier to get ourselves Yanti ignis's counterpart yman tide which is the best watering Pile in the entire game so the way you get here is pretty simple all you got to do is go to the ice wind Island which is in the very upper leftand corner of the map which we unlocked at the very beginning of the game by dying over and over so simply travel to ice wind Island and make your way south Southeast all the way to these coordinates it's going to be - 246 and -138 an easy Landmark is just to look for that uh Mountain up there with the peak because this is kind of below it and to the right so if you fly in the general direction of that mountain you're eventually going to come here where you see this jet dragon statue and this little blue circle so all we got to do is jump into the blue circle and we're ready to catch ourselves this quern oh yeah this guy's a ton of HP we're going to have to work together and guys the another thing you can do before you even come in here is just buy a ton of speres did we just get it we got it we got in first try there we go okay guys so now that you have successfully captured yourself a quern there are only two more things standing in our way from getting the rest of the four most powerful Pals in the entire game and that is simply catching a Manda and getting to level 19 so that we can start breeding so what you're going to want to do is exit the dungeon make your way over to this fast travel point just so you have it and then you're going to travel over to the east to the Eastern Wild Island there's actually a MOS Sanda boss here I forgot about that where nearby yeah right at the end of the beach right here yeah oh it's a wo once you guys make it to the Eastern Wild Island all you want to do is Hop on your flying Mount this thing is like abysmally slow by the way but you just want to go directly west until you get all the way to the end here where ammo is and that's where the mandas are going to be spawning as you make your way west you're going to eventually get to this location here that's 378 -41 and just a little important side quest while we're on the way to catch Manda make sure that you pick up for your yourself at least one of these beards and the reason is cuz we're going to need it in order to craft honey so that we can make ourselves some cakes okay so we made it over here and just for reference the coordinates are 311 and -14 let's go ahead and take this guy out here and you're again you're going to have to work with your partner here because this guy is level 28 okay we just captured it now I did run out of Megas speres but I only use like five of them so I could have showed up way more prepared ammo I didn't know it was going to be that difficult but it actually wasn't bad if you guys show up and you've got like at least 20 or 30 megas spheres you're going to be just fine so now we have everything we need we've got all the recipes for all the most powerful Pals next thing up is just to get to level 19 so let's go ahead and just catch some more Pals pick up some more items and we'll be back as soon as we get there all right now that we are back at the base we have everything that we need we're level 19 we've got all the breeding Pals we need there's just a couple more things we need to actually get going so number one is going to be the breeding Farm itself go ahead and build one of those as soon as you can and as soon as this guy is built here if you guys don't know in order to breed you need to go to this chest and insert a cake now the way that you get a cake we've actually been setting up for it this entire video what you want to do first is take that beard that we just captured and drop it in your base beard if you don't know actually produces for you honey and honey is one of the ingredients in the cake so you're going to have beards here producing honey and what you're going to do is actually fast travel back to the small settlement that we went to earlier once you guys to actually get to the small settlement all you need to do is again make your way down this hill until you get to this wandering Merchant in the back who's level 30 talk to him and if you remember from before he actually sells all of the rest of the ingredients for the cake so I'm going to go ahead and just pick up let's say 15 eggs 50 wheat and then some milk once you have all of the materials go ahead and fast travel back to your base and then as soon as you get there you're going to need to cook yourself up a cake good thing we went ahead and got for our you can't do cakes on this thing you need to un un lock the cooking pot from your technology tree and then build it this is going to enable you to actually cook the cakes with the materials that you just acquired before and as you see here the only thing we're missing is flour what you need to do is go down to your technology tree and unlock for yourself the mill and the mill is what you're going to use to create flour out of the wheat that you purchased from that vendor simply create the mill select flour and then you want to start production now if you guys plays your cards right this big old relax sorus over here should be coming over to help out and of course he's not so let me put it in my party first okay now we have everything we need let's go ahead and select cake start production and then this is really where that uh Yanti Ignus is super going to come in handy because he's going to make quick work of these things you need at least three kindling or else you're going to have a very very very very long Cake cooking Journey as soon as you get the cake you're going to want to go ahead and place it inside the pow box and now all there's left to do is assign the pals for breeding breed cellay with relaxa orus and that's going to create an Anubis the next breeding pair you want to put together is going to be that masanda that you CAU from the mountain bred with this petalia and that's going to create lilene and the last combo is going to be the relaxa surus you had since the beginning bred together with this qurn boss that you caught and this is going to create for you a yorman tide sorry okay so we now have our three eggs we've got the huge dragon egg the huge verdant egg and the huge Rocky egg for our final three super broken overpowered Pals let's go ahead and cook them now and see what we get the huge dragon egg is going to give us yman tide the huge Rocky egg is going to give us Anubis and it actually has workaholic that's actually pretty sick and the huge verdant egg is going to give us lyen so guys the beautiful thing about this is I am level 20 and look at my party I have yorman tide ignis with level four kindling yorman tide with level four watering Anubis with level four handiwork and level three Mining and lilene with level four planting level two Gathering and level three medicine production Guys these these four pals are hands down the best Pals that you can get in the entire game for each of their respective categories and me being at level 20 right now is just insane so this has been your Guide to the most insane start in power worldl just wanted to say again thank you to rage Shadow Legends for sponsoring today's video reminder to click my link in the description or scan the QR code at the beginning of the video ammo thank you again so much for coming on thank you so much for inviting me good day good day
Channel: Dauntus
Views: 235,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld best pal, palworld legendary pal, ragegamingvideos, khrazegaming, palworld best base location, palworld beginners guide, palworld boss, palworld breeding base, palworld world boss, palworld infinite ball glitch, palworld breeding, dauntus, pewdiepie, mrbeast, palworld best base, austin john, techno gamerz, dattrax gaming, capturing frostallion, get gold in palworld
Id: 8NrivYxXhmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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