NEW GAME CHANGING Building Trick For Connecting Foundations | Palworld Advanced Base Building Guide

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hello today I'm going to show you how to make the block for Minecraft which you can use to do this or this and even this huh if you look at all the foundations when thing you can notice is that they all have a slight overhang on them and for some reason the game doesn't use this overhang as part of the structure when it's detecting collision and you can tell that the game doesn't count the overhang as part of the Collision if you're looking at the top right now you see the overhang and then the section underneath it the overhang is touching the wall right now and as I move Clos closer it'll stop it's not perfectly straight but I'm just trying to demonstrate the point that this right here is where the game starts detecting Collision this section on every side is not taken into account and that's how you're able to connect these so say we just have a square foundation for whatever reason when we build a wall the wall goes slightly into to the foundation do you see that and basically what we can do we can Force the game to make that same connection that it will normally make when we put walls down we can Force the game to register a separate foundation not connected literally to these as being connected to this wall oh are you doing magic let's see then so that's basically how I think it works what I was doing when I accidentally stumbled into this was building these stairs and this is a very uneven terrain right here so what I was trying to do when I accidentally did this for the first time was I was just trying to line up a foundation with these stairs just so it you know it would look like it's connected you know just slowly moving until it turns blue that's a little low so it's it's not going to work but see I do that and it destroys however when I did this corner piece right here I went back and destroyed the lower level and the walls stayed on and if you look close enough you can see that we forced the walls into the foundation here you can see it here we forced the found Foundation into the walls at a position where it normally would be if we were to place the walls on top of the foundation and now the game thinks that these walls are connected to this Foundation now after lots of testing and trying to figure out the best way to replicate this over and over again okay so I have found this to be the best way to do this it takes a couple tries most of the the time sometimes I can get it on the first try you want to get it as close as possible to look like the wall is connected to the foundation so what we're aiming for here that's pretty close actually might be a little high okay so what we're aiming for first you want the foundation and the wall to be as level as possible what I have found to be easiest is you want the foundation to be about halfway inside the wall right right there just to give you a better look at it and you will know you have succeeded when you can destroy these and it stays up if you want this to be connected to a foundation that's lower than it you do not want to destroy the foundations after you connect after you force this connection you don't want to destroy the foundations because if you do you can't really I mean you you have to do the whole thing over again do a stone foundation this time with wood walls if you get this connection perfect you will be able to place another wall to cover the whole Foundation if you get it perfect really truly all you need is one side to connect if you want the foundations to actually be connected there it's not not perfect but now we have this truly we only need one wall let's see if I don't yeah let's see if it's okay that side's not connected that should work yep there we go so just to prove that this is connected to the foundation below I will do this okay if this was the last Foundation it would stop right here okay if well it would stop one more because of these two but yeah it would stop right here now if this was the last Foundation it would stop right here however because we have an additional Foundation right here now if you build this long enough you will see and you will notice that it's not completely in line actually this one might be you will notice it'll start to Veer off after a little bit now you can keep on using this block technique that's just what I'm going to call it the block technique or as long as you able to build walls unobstructed between whatever terrain and here I'll show you look around look around you look at this we created this it does get a little tricky when you're trying to connect the foundation below to above because you will notice that you can't really build a wall off of this front side right so we want the wall to be able to connect to this side right here so in order to easily do that you would think we would need to be able to build a wall straight down from here connect the foundation below well it doesn't really work like that so if you're going to want to connect this thing to a foundation below it what you'll need to do is build off to the side like this and then start building down from here and then once you get close start building down like this and honestly it's a lot easier to see if you're connected if you're using two different materials so I want this Foundation to be out of stone I'll build these walls out of wood so I take my stone foundation okay and then we test to see if these will stand going up here deleting that and no it will not now we go back to the top we build back down we try again if that doesn't work repeat until you're finally able to force for the connection that you're looking for so when you're coming at this with a foundation that you're trying to attach to the bottom of the wall instead of the top what you want to do is you just want a little bit of overlap between the foundation and the wall instead of how if you're trying to connect the foundation to the top of the wall you want it to be completely flat in this instance you just want a slight little overlap because that's how the game normally plays is walls on top of Foundations so now we know these two walls are actually connected to this Foundation let's build up you will have to destroy that Foundation before are you stupid okay ah that was dumb of me I should have built another Foundation behind it now I have to do it again okay we'll just do it again it's no big deal I should do it let's see I build one behind just in case if it wasn't connected it should stop one more should stop right here it's not connected if it is connected I should be able to go one more yep there we go look at that okay so you can also use the stairs to make these foundations connect and it's the same principle but now we have a stair we go back to our a little corner okay see if it's connected that one is [Music] not this one might be though okay so if it's not connected this should be as far as we can build and it's not connected nice there we go okay this one should work then we can build the stairs get rid of these actually okay so if this is the last Foundation connected to this wall it would stop here but nope we can build more nice and there you have it I did a lot of testing and it's a lot easier to make this connection if you put the stair on afterwards because I think what happens is it when you put it on before it connects to the wall which might make it a little weird I guess I don't it might make it a act a little finicky I found the best way to do it is to connect the stairs after I get the foundation connected to these walls all right that's all I have for today I hope that you found it useful and I hope that you're able to understand what I was trying to say this quote unquote block technique connecting you know walls to the bottom of a foundation it makes it look like a block I'm sure with more time I'll be able to find more and I'm sure that you guys will also be able to find ways to incorporate this and use it a little bit more creatively than just you know connecting foundations like that with with walls the stairs is cool though thank you for watching thank you for the support make sure to like And subscribe if you think of any different ways to use this leave a comment down below anyways peace love your friends and if you haven't seen it I recommend watching Puss and Boots The Last Wish It is phenomenal okay [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: priqe
Views: 58,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld base, palworld base design, palworld base building, palworld building, palworld building design, palworld creative base, palworld creative building, palworld base tour, survival craft, palworld unique base, palworld aesthetic base, palworld aesthetic base building, base building palworld, building palworld base, unique palworld base, palworld cool base designs, palworld best base design, palworld functional base
Id: TFXucdGOFl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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