Building the perfect new industrial base! - Palworld (Ep.5)

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Love Is in the Air here at base camp and I've been getting set up to breede the perfect pal so I sat down recently and organized all of my pals in the pal Box by trait most notably the gold traits such as Burly body ferocious Artisan lucky and Swift first off on the breeding list was getting myself a new flying Mount I basically just wanted to get a van Worm but one that had Swift so we'd have that nice speed bonus so Loop Moon and quiver you guys are up and the first egg I hatched was just what I was looking for a vanor worm with Swift and at this point I was kind of setting a goal to just breed as many Pals as possible with gold passive skills and so began a long couple of hours of breeding Pals cell Rays with cell Rays grin tailes with Loop moons relaxa orus Lux with Anubis and in my downtime I went all over the map in search of bosses to do battle with and in the process I captured a lunaris this boss gumos and another Bushi boss but when I went head-to-head with this Brun Cherry aqua things did not go my way at least at first and I respawned at my base with all of my gear on which I'm not going to ask any questions about that as the gene pool expanded within my pal box I was inspired to see what kind of other Pals I could breed and how good I could make them so I sat down and I came up with a long breeding program to obtain myself a hell zepher it was going to take a while but here's the plan Nightwing and celerate to get Bushi Bushi and Beacon to get Mosa Mosa and rhound to get GIS bolt then Gris bolt with relaxor to get orer who then mixes back with Gris bolt to get aagon who then mixes back with GIS bolt to get hell zeper a program which would take me roughly 5 or 6 hours to complete I might be making the wrong eggs but there was a happy accident in the breeding process and I wound up with a whole handful of yman Tide as well oh no what happened but in between the breeding process it was time to go out and explore further around the island and it started by heading over to this mining site that everyone has been raving about this has to be the most popular mining site in all of Po world with mixed ore and coal this should produce ingots well into the late game for me so I set up a mining operation moved all of our mining Pals over here and got to work I continued to confront pretty much any boss that I came across and after a string of failures against L KN level 49 and wio ban level 38 and then against verd Das level 35 I was getting pretty frustrated of course part of the problem was was poor decision-making on my part and poor evasion as well but the other half of the problem was a poor selection of battle Pals so I set out to capture a war sect boss and that went over pretty well this war sect has the potential to become a staple on the team for many days to come I also captured this level 31 mosa Lux I captured a level 38 memorist as well if anything just for breeding in the future I captured a level 29 Beacon and honestly from what I've heard the beacon is probably a better flyer than is the hell Zephyr so we might be transition positioning in this direction pretty soon captured a level 31 relax orus Lux and a level 17 dig toys after that followed by level 31 elizabe level 30 aladan level 27 Gail claw level 25 falou that level 35 bdash that killed me earlier as well and in search of some new fire Pals I hopped over to mount obsidian for some wild captures such as this new ragn Hawk and this new Blaze how but my hot streak was about to come to an end because just as I was about to try and capture this level 38 vet no but I did bounce back with the capture of Mand the Lux the Eugenics I mean breeding program at the base was going swimmingly and of course in the meantime I was off to explore the world this time to the northern deserts where I would come across probably my luckiest find ever no way man level 50 oh this guy has got to be like ultra legendary how in the world would I ever capture this guy long story short short I tried but I could not this guy was way too strong and I'd probably never see him again at this point I'm not sustaining raids at either of my bases this is the clifftop base right here for mining coal and ore but also at my home base never seen a raid there either I ended up tearing down the entire defensive wall back at the main base because Pals were just getting stuck on it and it was serving no purpose at all without any base trads going on here at the mining base though I set up a time lapse here for a couple of days just to to watch the pals do their job over an extended period of time and kind of study their habits and see how I can optimize the flow here unfortunately I forgot to feed them for this entire duration so afterward all of them were either depressed had ulcers fractures they every single pal that lives here had some sort of a medical problem so I had my first foray into healing my pals which was a little bit tedious but I got everyone fixed up in no time but an apology was definitely in order so I had everyone line up over at the Bas face and everyone got some love and most importantly some new jam fill buns I've been doing so much breeding in fact over the past couple of days that the pal boox filled up and I was not able to have any more Pals so I had to make a trip to the black market for a big selloff and that was very profitable netting me just over 127,000 gold and now with my third base unlocked I decided to set up a mini silfver mine not a full-time mine just somewhere where I could teleport over have all my pals Harvest me up some sulfur and then kind of shut down the base and go back home so this site is out in Mount obsidian on this little island in the middle of the lava and this base does get raids it just so happens that this raid here was bugged out and they were all clustered up at their spawn point like shooting fish in a barrel and at long last our breeding program came to a close I had a bunch of Hell zers enough so that I could breed two of them together until I got the desired traits and that's where we pick up today's adventure and so here's a look at the base as it stands today the hell zers are busy breeding in the breeding pens and everyone else's is busy pretty much producing food I think this base here is probably due for a bit of an overhaul in fact I've been thinking lately about building a new main base over at the mining base because over all the days here I've observed one thing which by the way we are currently on day 101 here in my playthrough I'm level 38 but the one thing I've noticed is that not much happens at a base unless you're at it so your main base should probably be in the most important location so that stuff just gets done there and the thing that needs to done the most pretty much is mining breeding seems to go okay when you're AFK at a new location like after you've fast traveled somewhere but the mining situation man barely any mining is accomplished when I'm fast traveling around or when I'm not at the mining base so I am kind of of a m today to turn this base here into the ultimate main base plus mining base two in one combined and then we'll just have our breeding activities over at the other base now admittedly this is probably the most popular Base building site in pal world right now so I have seen what can be accomplished I've seen some recommendations on how to build a base here but I'm going to give it my own try all right quick catch up on the character though uh these days I'm pretty much rolling with grappling guns instead of any tools because I've been doing most of my work at the base and just haven't needed pickaxes or anything I do have legendary metal armor that I crafted and that took a lot of resources to build also rolling with the single shot rifle these days which is very powerful good reload much better than the musket and I prefer this over the pistol or the crossbow so I'm just rolling with this full time pretty much in terms of my pals we're just basically waiting on the hellers to breed me a perfect hell Zer and then I'm going to try it out for a little bit I mean I'm going to commit to it for a while because the hellers that we're pulling right now are really really good is someone fighting who's fighting over here what are you guys fighting against oh there's like one Syndicate guy out there okay you guys can handle that by yourselves can't you or should I maybe and somewhere in this this mix here I think these huge dragon eggs are yman tides because I'd really like to have a very strong water pal one of these guys and I have a really good breeding line for them right now should get one with all the good trades okay so while things are going pretty well over here I'll leave the hell zers to it and let's head over to the other base in fact I want to get a hell zepher here just any one of them and see because I have heard that they're not so great as a flyer for some reason look at this one though we've got Swift Burly body and lucky that seems to be a pretty good combination all right so and I've got the saddle unlocked for it but I've heard that it's just not it doesn't have the agility or the speed or something I don't know it seems to be going pretty well for me I guess I don't notice any difference between this and the van worm that we had before maybe it's the stamina I don't know stamina seems pretty good to me as well well I'll give it a try for a few days anyway and then maybe I'll switch over to the beacon and see if that's any better or worse pretty soon though we're going to be in a position where we're going to want one of the like legendary Pals to be our main flying Mount all right so what do you suppose we gather up as much Stone as we can is there anything else I'm going to need for construction here no it's just Stone to build like stone walls and everything so that's good we'll gather up all the stone I have and then we'll head over to the other base and do a bunch of construction over there okay so first problem is going to be that um I'm going to want to build a platform to put the pow boox on so we're going to have to shut the whole base down temporarily and and rebuild it and then get everyone back to work again oh jeez I just destroyed the pow box and immediately wild beards spawned on me and I'm like Ultra encumbered right now okay okay quickly put this stuff away so I can move before they explode okay okay what what the why did this even happen Okay okay here's what we're going to do Mand Lu my new favorite man here our pal I should say Let's see we got some grenade launchers here we're going to fight fire with with fire try not to destroy the storage boxes though because they have stuff in them oh man this is great whoever decided to give this guy grenade launchers you are my hero nothing can stop us now just punch elizabe into oh speaking of punch we actually have a blast punch here let it rip ah just punched her off into Oblivion look how far away she went this game is too much fun man all right we're just going to zap this one to death if we can and we're all clear up here all right so the trick that I've seen a lot of people do in here is they they pretty much put the PO box right where I had it right here but they're putting it on foundations and so I'm going to try to kind of line this up perfectly so that we can have our PO box right on top of one of these and in case you're wondering I do have this mod that allows me to detach the camera like this you can see me flying around down there but it's really helpful I think in just kind of mapping out where you want your base to be like using this tool here I can kind of to see that this would be the ideal Center for our base right here so that's probably where the PO Box should go and here we go I'd say that's just about perfect for where the PO Box should go right there and I'm going to officially call our breeding program over I've learned a lot in breeding up to this point getting these really nice hell zers could make an argument perhaps that it's pronounced hell's fire I do like hell's fire a little bit better but let me know how you're pronouncing it all right I'm wondering how this is going to work right here we've got a 2X two platform I can put the PO box right in the middle and then I'll have four corner columns that are like a support Tower so that we can build like a nice kind of rooftop going or like a tower basically going up into the sky where we can have most of our base operations and then all of the mining will happen down here on ground level I'm going to build this up for a bit and see how it turns out and here's where we're at after a little bit of trial and error we've got the base platform at the bottom for four pillars leading to the top and I think what I'll have to do is put some sort of a spiral ramp that leads its way up here so that some of the pals that do need to work up here can work up here I might do the farming operation up here okay now we need a place for the pals to live and I want to build them a nice little house but basically as far away from the middle of the base as possible how far can we go in this direction over here pretty much right to the cliff side which is good so as we can see from this angle right here coal mining is going to take place on the right side ore mining will take place on the left side and so I think the best place to arrange a living area for the pals is going to be probably on the back end over here perhaps on this corner over this way all right let me get to work building and see what I can come up with I'm also going to try the metal pieces which I have not built with just yet and see what they look like Okay so we've got the living area we have mining underway we have feed Bo boxes we're pretty much ready to start moving the entire main operation over here the crafting operation and the farming operation and we'll just keep the breeding off [Applause] site oh crap that's unfortunate yeah I didn't like this system anyway starting over okay it has been a while but I think I've finally come up with something that I can appreciate that I like and i' I think the key was instead of using stairs I'm using roof pieces as ramps and so this little area right here has a perfect 15 spots for pal beds so this can be the pal sleeping area and then on each side there is a ramp that will lead up to the rooftop which can be for like farming purposes or I'm not sure yet I'm not sure if the pals are going to get stuck up here or I guess the only way to figure that out is to build some up here I redid the central platform too I wanted to just start over and make everything out of iron so this is going pretty well so far and I think I did get that kind of centered up right off of the corner of the um I guess we call it the uh the pobox platform it's centered up perfectly off this Northeastern corner all right straw pal beds we'll have to do for now and then I'll work on getting some upgraded beds in here at some point all right we're undergoing our first gardening test here oh look yman tide can water he's so big he can water from the bottom down here which is actually ideal cuz we don't want him to get stuck up here or anything I'm sure it'll happen eventually Brun Cherry is is planting wait a minute are you planting from way over there and the mining over here is already going extremely well with only I think I have four Anubis out right now four or five yep the base is beginning to take shape I just wish that I could make something that it's more original because I feel like a lot of people just make these big open bases and it doesn't look good but I believe this is about as functional as things can get yep yti is up there that kind of scares me he's either going to fall off and die or get stuck up there and starve I suppose one of the things I could attempt in order to try to make this look a little bit better is try to put some of these in then kind of just string a wall of Windows across the back is more of a safety precaution than anything all right go ahead robing quills and Yep they're running right up there to do their harvesting okay so just kind of like thinking out loud here what if we didn't have two ramps going to the top we just had one since they seem to use it so effectively and what if I just continued to build vertically like we make one more like a floor on top of this and then we put all of our production items up there like the the uh sphere production line the weapon assembly line things like that could be worth considering and this would just be like our Power Tower right here you know I can't believe it's letting me build out like this I it's every other time I've tried this it lets me build out by like two squares and now I'm building out by like five or six squares yep it's just totally floating here I think that if you build roof pieces over a foundation even if it's not connected to the foundation I think that's what's counting right now so then we would just want some metal walls to kind of prop things up to make it look good see yti why are you up here you're so big man you're always in the way always getting stuck you do good work though that's why I keep you around all right so up here we would put uh like the big production line things I don't think I have the materials for them but yeah like the production assembly line weapon assembly line and the spere assembly line okay I think we're pretty much good to go here slight overhang on the front I actually don't think that looks half bad though it'll probably take a while of just living here and identifying what what doesn't flow well and I'll kind continue kind of remodeling as needed come on come on I know you want to do it I know you just did it a second ago there you go right just needed to do that so I can get a bed up here and we're pretty much all done with the base just going to start working on the um tear down at the other base and the rebuild over here so let me do that oh somebody built from down below that is great good job Anubis so I will catch up with you guys in a couple of days when everything's all moved over here all right so let me get you guys caught up on the base so far so all of the pals are moved over here I have almost completely torn down the old base I will just use the old base for breeding and for animal pens and stuff like that trying to make milk and eggs and cotton or wool or whatever to make um cloth but anyway over here I'm going to upgrade these beds over here to the high quality type so that the pals are more comfortable this area here is strictly for farming and Hauling is a bit of an issue right now I'm going to have to get some spec Pals that are specific for hauling but I did put like a a food trough there so they don't have to go quite as far and then on the top level we have production assembly lines which I guess vdash is working on I don't know what she's doing up here inside my living quarters are all of the like the base wide upgrade buildings because I just have too many problems with these buildings and Pals getting stuck on them specifically the fountain The Silo and I think those are the only ones that I typically see problems with but I figured I'm just going to put them all up here and not have to worry about it anymore this is like my personal stuff up here and as for other storage it's just down here and then there's pretty much storage all over the place I think what I'll do here over the next week or so is um I'll shut down the mining operation I'll see where all of the or nodes spawn and then I'll put one box next to all 10 or 12 nodes that are up here to limit transport time yeah the fluffy pal bed actually I think I could probably build them all at this point all right I'm going to rip all these down and replace them with the Fluffy pal beds got to take good care of our Pals all right and that'll do it you know I was thinking while I was doing that wouldn't it be cool if like if your pals were so unhappy that they just they would form a rebellion and then suddenly they would start attacking the other Pals and you or anything else that's not a part of the Rebellion I think that'd be kind of funny okay so the process for me is going to be figuring out what Pals can be here and which Pals cannot yman tide the the watering pal he is not allowed here he gets stuck everywhere that guy is just forbidden from doing anything except for combat the oranti ignis I'm going to roll the dice on him because he should stay more or less in the middle of the base close to this if I just keep him busy over here and what I should also do is get some cooking pots and put them around here as well so that he pretty much exclusively stays over here I think I like having about three cooking pots two for cakes and then one to to put everything else in cuz like when I come up here and I queue up 13 cakes that's going to be a while all right my friends that is going to have to do it that is basically a full week of playing pal world for me condensed down into probably 20 or so minutes for you hope you enjoy that kind of format helps me kind of cuz I like playing this in my spare time like for my own enjoyment and I've been having a great time on the game but I also want to share my playthrough and my strugles and my discoveries with you guys so stay tuned I'll have another video out probably in the next week or so but anyway my friends thank you very much for joining me on my adventure today and I will see you hopefully in the next [Music] one hey everyone I just want to say thank you for watching for leaving a like but most of all thank you to the long list of amazing supporters that you see right here I hope this episode has earned your subscription and I can't wait to show you the next one best wishes to all and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Guns, Nerds, and Steel
Views: 154,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld preview, palworld review, palworld game, ark survival evolved, palworld information, palworld release date, palworld early access, palworld gameplay, palworld download, palworld news, pokemon like games, palworld what we know so far, is palworld real, palworld pokemon, palworld details, palworld trailer, when does palworld release, palworld info, palworld, bollywood songs, new games 2024, what is palworld, pokemon sv, monster hunter rise, tears of the kingdom
Id: YsSdZZcK3jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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