Palworld - This is BIG - How to Kill ANYTHING in 1 Hit - Highest Damage Possible - Attack Guide!

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a legendary that's funny me too ladies gentlemen in Pals of all ages when it comes to the combat at power world there are two major aspects to consider the one most people will properly pay attention to and actually play around and care about is the pals you throw them around you can even ride them to command them manually and they can actually get very very strong but realistically they are only actually half of the formula to True combat strength in this game or maybe even less which is what we're about to explore today we're going to break down every Avenue to increasing the player strength itself that exists currently in the game and can be activated simultaneously then we will see the results that actually has when you put it into work we'll do a comparison of each step so you know how valuable they actually are and of course we'll talk about how to get the required things to get it done but simply today I'm teaching you how to become a Onan Army how to become the threat the danger yourself how to use your pals not as their own weapon but simply as a way to buff your own combat ability as a player with a quick spoiler here beam here's a base assault rifle with no player buffing at all against the training dummy and then here is everything fully maxed out and pushed to the very limits yes you are seeing those numbers right no I didn't do any cheeky editing that's what it is it is nuts first things first them we have to consider our method of attack our weapons the best weapons in the game depending on the situation are the assault rifle for long bursts of longer range damage the shotgun for massive pops of closer range damage and the rocket launcher which does insane damage but does have a nfty material cost on the ammo itself that makes it pretty hard to sustain all three of these weapons which you can unlock naturally through the technology tree have advanced versions that you can get as random drops from different bosses or chests with the highest grade of these being Legendary Weapons which are crafted from rank four schematics the legendary assault rifle schematic drops from the blaset alpha World boss that you can find here in the volcano to the South West the legendary shotgun schematic is a random drop chance from the suzaku alpha World boss that you can find over here in the desert to the Northeast and the legendary rocket launcher schematic is a random drop chance from the legendary jetrion Alpha World boss fight located back over on the volcano once more each of these is around a 40 to 50% increase in the damage over the basic versions of the weapons that you unlock in the tech Tre with the assault rifle and shotgun also carrying more ammo per magazine than the earlier versions 2 which is its own separate efficiency boost in its own way then everything's not all about offense so we should talk about your armor too for which there are also legendary schematics and the specific ones that you want for the best of the best gear are the legendary pal metal helmet which has it schematic drop is a random drop chance from the alpha legendary Frost alion in the northwest of the map at the edge of the Frozen mountain and then the legendary cold and heat resistant pal metal armor schematics being a random drop chance from palladius and necromus respectively who spawn together in a pair as Alpha legendaries in the Northeast side of the far away desert as far as making this farming process easier to deal with the randomness you can apply the world setting to multiply pal spawns as that does affect bosses it makes the viice much harder to have like three times the amount of Alves at once yes but it also triples your drop chances per spawn timer as well you can capture these creatures and then use the butcher's knife to butcher them later which essentially just gives you a second chance at each drop per spawn as far as the other equipment then the best shield around is just found in the technology tree so no big deal there but then we have your accessory slots a lot of people use these for things like temperature resistances but there are also rings and pendants that you can find that give you stat boost in various ways with the one that we are specifically after here for this being attack pendant plus two and ideally you want two of them the plus two version of the attack pendant is the best currently in the game giving you attack boost to level three which is a 15% increase to your attack stat it scales with whatever flat bonuses that you get in the process which makes it a lot better than it may seem to start with these bonuses also stack so having two of these same pendants together is a 30% attack bonus it's worth mentioning that the equivalent exists for Defense 2 if you'd rather be tankier than pure offense and the defense Plus pendant is 30% defense each all these pendants are random drops from various chests within the game but the highest chance drops that I found them from are dungeons in the Northwest ice mountains which are around level 45 and specifically the chests that are at the end of The Dungeons after the boss then we have our next point of intrigue which are your skill points your base character stat increases you have 49 of these that you can spend by the end of your leveling journey and a fun part of these that a lot of people don't really realize is that you aren't completely locked into your choices here there is a way to reset these with a memory wiping medicine that you can craft once you unlock the electrical medicine workbench in the low mid level 40s and it literally lets you freshly spend these points from the beginning for the sake of this exercise I did this and then put every single point into attack you get two points of attack stat per level that you spend in it and with all the points into attack it h 198 100 attack is the base so you are just slightly underd doubling your damage just from skill points alone if you do this that said it is probably a bit extreme while you'd be surprised how tanky we are going going to get without putting any points into HP the one problem area I'd say here is weight as without any weight bonuses your maximum weight limit is 300 and a good portion of that will go just to your equipment itself so for a realistic long-term situation I'd more recommend just putting a few points into weight at least but again this is for the sake of testing so I have personally gone all in on attack for the sake of comparison of the two things that we've covered so far here are some assault rifle shots with a basic craftable assault rifle now here is the legendary assault rifle with no other changes then we add on our attack pendants and it jump up quite a bit now let's put all of our skill points into attack for a massive jump once more we are still relatively early in the process though but as you can already see player damage can ramp up massively if you start putting all these things together properly and purposefully then let's take the next step and talk about food proper meals that you make that aren't just raw ingredients will give you actual food Buffs for a short period of time with the advanced meals being unlocked with the electric kitchen late game build item a few of these such as the mozz Arina cheeseburger will specifically give you a 20% boost to a attack so again here is your comparison of assault rifle damage but now with a cheeseburger in our body at this point you may be thinking surely surely we've reached the peak right this is so much more than we started with but no we're not actually even close because now it's time to include the other half of the combat equation and how we can use that to boost our own power as the player that's right we're going to be using Pals to increase player damage the easiest thing that you could do without even leaning into it crazy hard or choosing your specific Pals based around this concept is just dependent on the passive skills that your pals have have there are two passive skills in the game that can affect player combat stats and these are Vanguard for 10% bonus to attack to player and stronghold strategist for 10% bonus defense to player which are permanently active for any pal that has them in your party these passives also stack with each other and so if you have both of these on all five Pals in the party that is 50% bonus attack and 50% bonus defense to player just permanently that bonus alone combined with the armor rating and bonus HP of legendary armor and helmet makes you already so unbelievably tanky and and that's why I've decided that this should lean more into attack than anything else then we have a fun one which is gobin gobin as a pal have a unique partner skill that increases player attack passively just by being in your party not even actively out and as with most of the Buffs in the game that we've been covering so far these also stack so each gobin in your party Buffs your attack by 10% so you can run five gobin for another 50% attack increase but that would be a little bit wasteful as I will explain in a moment before jumping into that though I did test how this interacted with the palan condenser as condensing star levels increases partner skill levels and Effectiveness too and it does seem to actually affect not only the active part of this partner skill but also the passive attack stat boost part of the partner skill meaning yes to be 100% fully kitted out fully doing this properly you do sort of need to collect like 464 gobin purely to steal their souls with the difference being a full fourstar condensed gobin grants 20% attack passively from the partner skill instead of 10% obviously I'm not quite that crazy to breed 500 of the same pal just for this for something that we can numerically explain so for the sake of reference be aware that even my damage through the rest of this could be getting another three sets of 10% bonus passive attack if my other three Goin were also fully condensed that said let's talk about how you should probably use your party slots in the game five slots could all be gobin for this but I instead recommend only having four Goin the main reason being that while they are perfect for boosting your attack passively by being in the party there are also Pals that boost your attack by a much larger amount but require being active in some way so four Goin and one active attack increaser is a much higher overall damage output from doing it the other option being that you could drop one of the gobin for lolene as well if you struggle with avoiding attacks and just want that burst healing losing out on 10% attack but instead getting that on demand burst of life when you need it personally for this though I will be running the four Goin and then for my testing my fifth will be chillet there are many mountable Pals within the game and most of them have bonus effects other than mounting by itself some of them boost specific damage types while mounted some change your damage type some things like van worm uniquely boost damage to weak points while active but then then there is a subset that have a unique and unannounced effect where they both change the player's damage type to a specific element while riding and also provide a significant attack boost too while you're on them as a combo the game does not tell you about the significant attack boost part in your partner skill description but you can clearly see the percentage boost show up in your attack stat when you get on or off of the pal for reference these pals are Pyon KN and Morra which also turn player damage into dark damage pyron and ragnok who also turn player damage into fire damage univolt and Beacon who also turn player damage into electric damage aerobe who makes player damage count as water type and then chillet who does the same but changes player attack to dragon type it's also worth mentioning that having Anubis just out fighting with you will change player attack to ground type and provide a smaller attack bonus but his attack bonus is actually notably lower than the riding mounts that we just went over that said let's get into the numbers again using chillet as our example here at a base chillet will increase the player attack stat by a further 50% while being ridden which is of course a massive amount but this is where condensing matters a hell of a lot even more because a full fourstar condensed chillet with a level five partner skill will actually become a 100% attack bonus so literally double the effectiveness of a base chillet if you condense into it as well of course this changes the elemental type of your attacks and it's worth noting that if you element match correctly and get super effective hits your damage goes up by 50% so that is its own 50% boost just for switching out the correct pal from that list of mounts that I just gave you depending on what you're going to be fighting in so let's go back to these comparison assault rifle shots then here once again everything before including Pals then now here's the 50% Boost from five Vanguard passive skills combined with the 40% boost of four Goins in the party and now let's hop on our chillet for our final damage number here and you can see we've gone up from somewhere around 500 damage per shot all the way up to hitting just over 7,000 per shot depending on damage variance which means that we have essentially increased our damage by, 1300% yep on the stat screen it says says 230% increase and then the 20% for food but keep in mind the legendary weapon bonus the attack stat raising itself and the fact that all this stuff multiplies together with each other functionally extremely well and this is the end result absolute Insanity on the attack front and again with legendary armor and helmet combined with the 50% defense Boost from passive pal skills we are also tanky as hell if you want to essentially become tor's own Terminator sent back from the future to exterminate Whatever Gets your attention this is the way to do it this is how you become your very own oneman Army every attack boost in the game how they stack every stage of the results along the way and the final comparison at the end obviously most players won't do this entire setup but that's why I showed you the value of each step along the way and provided some alternative options too just to really show you all the options you have when it comes to making yourself stronger as the player and your enemies weaker Faster by killing them with speed I hope you've all enjoyed this then and I'm really happy with the results of this I had no idea how well it would actually turn out when I first embarked on this scientific Journey but God damn is it potent like if you like the video subscribe and hit the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stay sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your hom to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 106,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld best weapon, palworld rocket launcher, palworld assault rifle, palworld accessories, palworld attack charm, palworld charm, palworld highest damage, palworld attack, attack, highest damage, palworld best armour, palworld legendary, palworld legendary gear, palworld highest damage pal, best pal, palworld legend, legend pal, legendary pals, palworld guide, palworld legendary pal, palworld best pal, palworld, palworld gameplay, guide, gameplay, best, pal, pw, ragegamingvideos
Id: Jdi4jOnk6RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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