How To Farm Legendary Pals In Palworld Guide | Jetragon, Frostallion, Necromus & Paladius

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are you looking for the best way to farm legendary Pals in power world if so this video is going to be for you I'll be showing you some of the best strats I have found so you can catch or kill them legendary pals are the only way to get the legend trait for breeding and you could also Farm legendary schematic blueprints from them as well and how do I know the guide is going to help you out because I was able to beat every single legendary pal with lamb ball so let's get started before we actually fight legendary Pals there's a couple of things you'll need to get first you need a way to apply dot damage to enemies AK damage over time and if you take a look at the survival guide go to status effects you're going to see that when suffering a negative status effect they may receive continuous damage so yeah the fire and the poison are going to damage them over time the best way I found to give status effects to Legendary Pals is give your own pal skills that can do it like right here I have poison blast it's a dark skill fruit you could get these on the skill fruit trees or wherever else they drop and look it's called Poison blast it essentially shoots a little projectile out and it has a chance to poison the enemy the fire skill through ignis blast it basically does the same thing except it's the fire version shoots a fire projectile has a chance to make them burn we also have a poison bow and a fire bow as well if you look at the technology you can make these relatively early see level five fire bow level eight poison bow now that you have a way to give them the fire and poison status effects you're going to need some spheres to catch the legendary Pals so the first sphere that actually works on catching legendary Pals is a hypers sphere it's going to be around 2 to 3% next is going to be an ultr sphere which is around 7 to 8% and then a legendary sphere is going to be anywhere from 14 15% it may even go up to 18% is just going to depend on variables and if you look at the technology table hypersphere can be crafted at level 27 35 is probably your best bet because you get Ultra sphere which gives you a better chance and then of course level 44 is when you can craft the legendary sphere so the next step is going to be this structure right here and why we build it this [Music] way boom let's go Lambo hell yeah dang what level are you now all right leveled up hell yeah see it's basically like too long and too wide you know it's too high so you can kind of line a sight you don't really need the wall right there yeah it's been deteriorating because it's outside my base but you see how the stairs are all right so now I'm going to destroy it and I'm going to basically build it so you build this you can cheese the boss I know big surprise but if you wanted a tutorial on how to beat them easy like this is the tutorial for you so then you build the stair right there okay so we're going to put a door doesn't matter which way it is now we're going to start going with the walls now we're going to go up one high like that do I have enough see and then you go like this on each side oh man okay so now it's complete so you see how simple the build is so basically you're going to start off the fight by doing damage to the legendary pal and then once they get underneath you they're just going to be locked on and they're not going to be able to attack or anything so the first legendary pal location is going to be with necromus and palladius if you look at the whole map it's going to be Northeast you know where the desert area is and the coordinates are 447 681 so you are allowed to build just outside of the boss area it's very funny because see I have my PO box right there cuz I'm going to show you one Strat that involves the PO box and then we're going to use this and you can also use the trees but that one takes a little bit more finesse to pull off okay so now that we got the building structure made Let's actually start the fight before he goes oh that was [Music] close okay [Music] perfect okay so both of them are coming you see the way we have the stairs right here oh that's actually nice he's stuck see how he's stuck over [Music] there but he is going to despawn essentially you know go back to his original location so you have to be careful about that come on I just need you to proc the status effect at once it seems when you have a lower level pal they don't do it as well I did kill all legendary Pals with like a 30 plus lamb ball I think it just depends on the level if it's a higher level better chance to do status effect it seems okay so now if I take out an actual person that can do it come on so now look at the difference as soon as he status affects him you're going to see the damage see like right there you see how that damage is just taking this is perfect both are proed at the same time these guys actually have a lot of Defense so especially since there are two of these guys it's going to be really hard to manage both of them so I suggest you just do it this way you know he's underneath me and look he's going to follow me see that's how the AI is it's like locked on me so he's just going to be following me if you're curious about separating these guys all you have to do is just tag one of them and the other one will disappear okay so look at that 2% 3% and then oh dude what the hell and then there is an ultra [Music] sphere Oh I thought I was going to get him and then look legendary sphere all right [Music] cool and now I'm going to to show you another way that you can do this and this is going to apply to every legendary pal okay this one is hilarious to do pretty much the Strat is you just want to take out as many Pals as you can and just have them go ham on the boss here we go so since you could build so close to the boss location all you have to do is go like this and then just wait wait for the the battle oh ow okay here we go yes let's go whoa okay let's see how fast this goes oh my god dude this is insane oh one of my pals died I think it's because they're too far away oh my God look at that damage holy okay there we go uhoh oh oh my God you almost got me all right there we go well that's why I wanted to show you that way as well because it's hilarious so the next location is going to be for jet ragon or however you want to pronounce his name it kind of looks like jet ragon but I just call him jet ragon anyways he's in the lava area very west of the map and the coordinates are - 790 - 318 this spot is going to be kind of difficult to get the build right but once you do you know just build it exactly how I showed you and there's should be no issues are you serious man the reason why you want it kind of up high is because his AI is so broken man like he moves around all crazy I honestly think he's overrated yeah he's powerful but I just do not like the way he moves okay so we're going to start this fight line aside him immediately so he doesn't do any like cast okay now we're just going to wait until he gets the status effects here okay he's got one see 55 every tick ooh 55 plus 60 oh my God okay see look at that damage right now that's why the status effects are so good against these [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys all right but you see how lamb Bol basically did all that damage so now I'm going to switch Yeah just so he can proc this status effect and then I can try to capture it man it is not working on this guy oh he's got it okay okay it's still 2% okay see 8% % are you kidding me again yes okay let's see how many balls it's going to take yes let's go what was that like three legendary spheres all right cool [Music] yeah I did not want to attack okay here we go it's finally going to work let's go attack him guys attack him yes yes let's see oh my god let's go yes yes holy do work oh my God he's almost dead kill him oh my God this is insane oh everybody's hungry starving kill him blizzard Spike he's dead oh look at the battlefield oh man your sacrifice was not in vain so the final legendary pal location is going to be with frost alion which is west of the desert and if you look on the map it's right up here and the coordinates are - 357 508 so as you can see I built My Pal box on the opposite side of where she spawns you can't really place it here so you have to do foundation and this is the first method we're going to test out it's kind of on the other side of this wall you see this wall he loops around so everybody is fed let's just see how this goes come on guys this is going to be a little bit harder okay they are doing damage this seems so much faster imagine if all of your pals had the poison in the fire they would be proing it so often whoa okay I can't [Music] tell oh German tide he got iced okay I I know what happened the frost alion got got stuck oh wait he right there oh he he Blended in with my pals damn that was some trickery right there okay okay guys you guys are doing too much damage okay well all right well it's under me I feel like this method right here is going to work the longest in the game they would have to rework some AI with the the enemies to fix it well look at this my lamb ball is doing a lot of damage I guess I could show you right now let's see oh my God that was insane how did I do that oh lamb ball didn't die okay so the next one so the next one is like you see where I built I'm right here this is pretty much where I'm at on the map this spot it's a cliff side and all you do is you go about right here oh I could barely see that so look she gets stuck right here everying single time if you fight her up here she does this run along the cliff right here she might cast some spells but generally look she's just going to get stun locked right here and that's it as soon as she starts spinning around like that so hold on wait one more time here okay so I'm going to Chuck My Pal and she should ignore it [Music] yes oh man I love bugging out the [Music] AI I played so much dark souls in Elden ring that I pretty much made it a thing to try to think how easy I can beat bosses you know because I'm all about working smart not hard and so look at [Music] this oh she's going to get out of there well it was good while it lasted good for the video okay so this person I actually want to catch because I'm trying to get one with swift so if I got one with swift for the video that would be amazing all right Lambo you did your job now I just need to get his health down so I can uh get the catch all right yep that was close so 2% [Music] ah oh that was with an ultrasphere let's go dude Nimble I will take that okay I think that was my first time catching a legendary without a legendary sphere and that is going to be the end of the video hopefully you found it informative it helped you out I tried to show you a bunch of different ways rather than just showing you like one way in case it gets patched I'm pretty sure the building Str is going to work for a long time in this game if this guide helped you out consider giving it a like and also subscribing to the channel because I'm going to be making more powerful content in the future and as always I'll catch you in the next video [Music] peace
Channel: TrackstarOP
Views: 297,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pal World, Pokemon, Gotta Catch Them All, New, MMO, Survival, Crafting, Game, Pokemon With Guns, Guns, Release, Trailer, Highlights, Twitch, Top, Top Moments, Best, Ultimate, Clips, Early Acces, Steam, PocketPair, Pal, World, Gameplay, First Look, Is It Good, Review, Pokémon, Mining, Guide, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Ore, Farm Spot, Grind, Where To Get Ore, Where to get, Wildlife Sanctuary, Hidden, Secret, Boss Pals, Spawn, Spawns
Id: 3mmKi2kYLBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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