21 Best Base Locations in Palworld - Aesthetics & Mining

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pal world is massive and there are so many different places you can set up your base but you only have three pal boxes to work with and if you're playing on a server your favorite spot may already be taken so in this video I compiled 21 of the best base locations in power world so you know exactly where you want your base to be I split them up into three categories first we got Aesthetics which is all the base locations which I think look cool and are really unique second we have the mining bases which has all your ore your coal your quartz and your sulfur and third we have the main base location which are essentially all the wide flat areas of the map so heading right into the aesthetic bases we have probably one of the most unique base locations in the game so I'm currently using this as my breeding base as you can see I have my breeding farms and I have some viewing cages to keep some extra Pals if you look the ring or that size of the pal box the radius of the pal box is the exact size of the Ring up here it's perfectly made for it I'm pretty sure the devs made this just for this you can put the P box right in the center and it's the perfect width if you see it also has four chest SP and these are pretty high tier chest you can get some good loot out of it see hyperspheres gold coins bread yeah you can get some pretty good stuff over these chest and then they keep on respawning every few in-game days it's completely raid proof you're never going to get raided up here and there's also no pal spawns up here so you never have to worry about any hostile pal spawning the one thing you do have to keep in mind is that you can't build foundations on this Center ring you can on this outside ring but not on the center so that could obstruct some building choices you have but you can build other stuff like you you can build beds you can build storages you can build like campfires all those type of things you can build those all in the center you just can't build foundations so the coordinates for this base is 81 193 so this next base location has probably one of the most epic entrances like you could even imagine so it starts off with this staircase Stone staircase this is pre-built into the game I didn't build this myself then you get up here you have this fast Travel location so any of your friends can get here easily without having to be part of your guild Stone Bridge right here more staircases and then you come up here this is where you're actually going to build your PO Box it has a skill fruit tree which is always a plus if you look around it's really flat so it's nice and easy to build on it's surrounded by water so it's pretty hard to get raided Raiders will come from the stone bridge over here but all you really have to do is go to foundations and then put on the Stone Gate just put a Stone Gate right in the way so they can't raid you and then you're good of course you have this Anubis statue which just looks sick then there's also these flat Ledges up here I don't know what I would do with them but you could make some sort of like Lookout Towers up there yeah it just looks amazing there's like this man-made waterfall then there's also over here there's a bunch of cold nodes so you can keep on grabbing those if you like and the coordinates for this base is - 551 - 625 this next base location we have have is in sort of like a flower field again if you want your base just look unique this is a cool place to put it now one thing you do have to keep in mind is that as you can see there's going to be a lot of syndicates over here so you're going to have to build some sort of wall around your base otherwise you're going to keep getting attacked and also there are see if I can find any yeah I just killed some earlier there are dire wolves that spawn here and one thing with dir wolves they will automatically get hostile on you even if you don't attack them so that's one thing you do have to keep in mind so you definitely do need some sort of defenses over here if you're going to build your base but it will look pretty cool so I don't think there's anywhere else on the map that has this like lavender flower field type of thing going on so it'll definitely be unique then the coordinates for this base is about- 56 - 427 this base location might be a little biased because I spent way too much time building this little cottage over here yeah I think it just looks really nice as you could see it's on the beach which is always pretty sick the water just looks really nice here you also have a good view VI it's really flat so it's easy to build on very easy to build on and all the pals over here they're really low level you see level four level three level two level three so you don't really have to worry about getting attack that much because the pallets are really low level so even if you just started the game this is a great spot to go and it's also pretty easy to get to look where I am on the map it's pretty close to the beginning so it doesn't take very long to get here and yeah I just think it's a really nice cozy are of the map and it's just if you want a beach front location this is definitely the place I would recommend so the coordinates for this base are 207 - 367 so this base location right here I definitely wouldn't recommend for your main base because it's kind of hard to work around but for an aesthetically pleasing base this is definitely something to try out it's going to be hard to use because it is kind of awkward to build around but I think you can make it look pretty sick this is just some stuff I built for an example you have this waterfall up here and you can also go all the way down here and build down here as well if you didn't already know the P box radius is also vertical so you can have your pals working up here you can also have Pals working down here at the same time and you can have Pals working up here so you actually do have a lot of area you can work around you just kind of have to use more verticality in your build then if you go down here there's also a black marketer that spawns down here so you can use them whenever you want yeah the waterfall goes all the way down to the bottom I think there's a a lot of creative things you could do with this base if you're looking for something different this is a nice place to go for the coordinates it is -16 87 so this next base location is just something a little bit different than what you're used to seeing so it's half in the snow half in the grass which I think makes it really unique if you have like a server you play on your friends are going be come into your base it's just something to set your base apart from others you just build a wall around this area now one thing you do have to keep in mind see these pals are Agro on me they are pretty high level as you can see these guys are level 40 so if you are still early into the game I would not recommend this because it's going to be hard to survive especially if you start getting raided these level 40ish Pals can be quite a bit to deal with but yeah if you're looking for something just different in general this is one area I would recommend for the coordinates it's pretty close to the first base we started with it is at -138 2117 right now going into the mining bases we have this location up here in the deserty area now this is def not some going to start with because the enemies are pretty high level but if you're end game you're looking for something different but also a mining base this is a really good location so this is for a coal mining area so you can see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 there's eight coal spawns really close together now enemies do tend to get really hostile here they can be difficult to deal with so definitely don't go here until you're closer to the end of the game there's also a skill fruit tree here which is always a plus so yeah this is definitely not an easy place to make your farming base but if you do need some coal and you want something a little bit different you don't want the easy way out or all the other places are just taken because you're in a server this is one place you can go the coordinates for this is 309 503 this next base location is also another coal mining location as you see we have six coal notes here it's in the mini desert area of the map so it's a lower level desert as you see the enemies are only around level 20 so much easier to deal with just build some sort of wall around this area and then add your little mining base and it should be pretty good you're also really close to the Anubis alphab boss which is pretty good because if you want to farm them you want to wait for them to respawn you could just stay here do that much easier and one thing I also really love about this spot is that if you look there's no fast travel locations anywhere in this desert area there's absolutely none so if you build your base right here you'll automatically unlock fast travel with your pal box so if you want to go here more often if you want to keep farming Anubis and this is definitely a good base location to make if you're looking for coal so the coordinates for you are going to be - 16093 so now going into the ore mining bases we have one of the best locations in the game right up here if you play on a server this spot is most likely taken because everyone just wants this spot as you see there are let's count this three six there's eight ores that spawn here really close together and with you being all the way up here I don't think you can get raided if I'm wrong they can probably only come from over here so you just build a wall up here and they can't get you yeah it's just really good and there's also where are they there's also coal that spawns down here and quite a bit too so you can also kind of extend your base down there if you need coal and this just looks sick imagine having your base up here you have a view of the entire map you can literally see everything yeah I definitely plan on making one of my bases over here in the future I just haven't got to it yet but this is definitely one of the best spots in the game the coordinates are 268 - 226 now this base location right here is probably in my opinion the best mining base location in the entire game six seven there's eight ore spawns right here all close together on a relatively flat ground which is nice there's Stone and then there's also one coal node which is pretty good you also don't need that much coal so you don't need a dedicated coal base you can kind of make a base like this and you'll probably get all the coal that you need and then okay give me a second let me take out all of these Gil claws they're kind of annoying all right they're gone you also have a skill fruit tree and I love base locations that are right next to skill fruit trees because then you can always fast travel to them and then get the skill fruit whenever you need them yeah just a really nice base location and also another benefit is that you're also so close to one of these things I don't know what to call them like the like little camps and then whenever you go here every few days they're going to respawn with a pal in here you could just release them and then get that pal for free without having to actually capture them and what just happened I got stuck in there the coordinates for this base are -33 - 162 right so we have yet another ore mining location now this one's just ore we have eight or nodes right here the nice thing about this is that the enemies are very low level as you see there's level three level four lamb balls nothing you really have to worry about and it looks pretty sick you have this natural built-in like wooden what's it called wooden bridge which is pretty nice and then there's also this Pond area over here and of course I'm showing a lot of ore locations because you pretty much need an ore mining spot and if you play on a server a lot of these are going to be already taken and I just want to have a lot of a variety so you can choose exactly where you want your base to be and the coordinates for this spot are 157 393 it's also pretty close to the start so it shouldn't take you too long to get here all right so this or mining location is nice if you want a more aesthetically pleasing base as you see we have a ton of ore first off so we have I think like nine ore locations now this one's just kind of off by itself I don't know about that but right here a lot of ore also a chest spawn which is always a plus the enemies are about level 15ish as you can see you have a very wide and flat area of the map so you can easily build anything you want here you can build a nice little house or something and yeah it's great for mining ore you have these trees that look pretty sick then you also just have a really nice view looks pretty good and then of course you do have a camp spawn pretty close so you can always grab whatever pal they have captured whenever you like and the coordinates for this space are -256 - 361 yo we have a shiny gobin that's pretty sick no yo just get in the ball okay this better work okay I'm using legendary spars here why does he not want to get captured please stop shooting at me all right there we go and yeah now that we captured the gobin this is the mining location right here it's actually a sof for M location as you see we have about seven sulfur nodes really close together there's also no fire around your feet so you don't have to worry about your pals getting burnt as long as you cover out this area with like some sort of foundation or something yeah if you need sulfur for any reason this is a good mining location to choose you have a chest spawn right here which is nice the enemies are kind of high level as you see like level 37 level mid-30s pretty much but honestly that's not that bad for this area of the map so if you do need sulfur badly and you want a sulfur M location this is a good one to go with the coordinates for this are - 744 - 444 now we don't even have the Fast Travel go right to my next mining location so this is what I have right here this is my main sulfur mining location as you see it's not quite as good as the other one in the fact that there's not quite as many sulfur nodes as you see there's only I think there's four or five node spawns but to be honest you don't need that much sulfur in the game so this should be just fine and the reason I have my base location as this instead of the one up there even though there's less sulfur is because you have a really close spawn to Jet Ron usually if you want to get jet Ron you either have to fast travel over here or way over here which is a pretty far distance if you make your base right here it's just really close and easy way to get to him now if you are going to choose the location you do have to build Foundation because you are surrounded in lava if you see if I break my Foundation over here it's pure lava like you don't want to have that because your Palace will walk into it and burn to death so just build a stone foundation and you should be good now we're on to the quartz mining spot as you see you're up on a mountain top right here so I don't think you can get raided up here I could be wrong but I don't think you can there's not really any Palace that spawn every once in a while you see a Mau I think one just ran away but you see these little guys but they're not too difficult to deal with and yeah you have a lot of quartz you have what is there I think that's nine quartz nodes and you also have one or node you're right on top of the mountain very good location if you need quartz I also think it's just really cool to have a base in the sde because you don't really see that very often everyone's usually have their base in the grass so if you have a snow base it's just unique and something to set you apart from other players and the coordinates for the bace are - 211 248 this next location is is another quartz mine location as you see we have I think it's seven quartz nodes right here which is really good you also have a skill fruit tree which again I keep on saying this any base location that's close to a skill fruit tree is really good because you just keep on grabbing the skill fruit whenever they respawn and if you play on a server you can kind of claim the skill fruit tree and use that to your advantage so that's always a good thing so the coordinates for this base is1 40 576 then for this third quartz location we have a ton of quartz as you can see we also have two uh what's it called ore nodes which is always good thing you never can have too much ore and then there's also a chest spawn right here which is really nice and yeah I find there's not that many Pals that spawn up here every once in a while you have a few but it's pretty good and this area It's relatively flat you do have a build of a hill but it's not too difficult to work around around and the coordinates for this base are - 258 391 now heading into the main base locations again these are any of the base locations which have a really wide flat area of the map that work really well and also don't have too much risk of getting raided so we have this area right here it's very flat very wide it's perfect I also don't think you can get raided as you see we have like this little ledge up around the entire edge of the base which is really nice and all the pals that spawn here here are pretty low level as you see level three level four level five they're all pretty easy to deal with and it's just a really nice area of the map to build your base on there's not too much I can say about these base locations other than just where they are and just giving you an idea of what they look like so oh yeah one thing I also want to mention about this spot is that you have a red chest spawn which is always a plus as you see I just got a um a level two old bow schematic which is really nice yeah red chests are pretty rare so having one of those in your base is is always a good thing so the coordinates for this location are - 47784 another one of your main base location this is a really flat and a really wide area of the map so you can actually probably build you can probably build two or three bases all in this one location so if you're the type of person that likes to connect their bases this is probably the spot for you as you see very wide area of the map you also do have some Stone and some ore next to you which is always a good thing now there are Rush BS and dire hows which is annoying because they do aggro on you for no reason so that's the one downside but other than that this is a really good area of the map they're also pretty low level so you don't have to worry about them too much after like probably like an hour or two in the game you should be a high enough level to deal with them and the coordinates for this area is - 25544 so this next location is actually two locations built in together so it's right here and right here I really like this because you can have two bases that are connected via path right here you can also have a base down here if you like with a chest spawn as you see there's a red chest right here yeah if you just want to build a base beside your friend this is probably one of the best places to do it now the pals are like mid level 20 so that could be a factor and there are B guards and they just suck because they will explode see wait a sec yeah they blow themselves up deal a ton of damage which could be a really annoying thing if you're worried about your pals getting eliminated because they will deal a ton of damage and pretty much one shot your pals if they aren't high enough level yeah other than that one factor I really like this area of the map and it's perfect if you have multiple friends that want to have their bases right up close next to each other so the coordinates for this area is 9325 and then this location right here is my main base location location so it's nice and flat very easy to work with and I also just love the palet that spawn nearby you have this Iker ik th deer however you say that ik thir deer I just love the way they look you also have the rubies you have some mamist I don't know why they're spawning on top of this house here that makes no sense but yeah I just love the palace that spawn here yeah if you want same main base the coordinates are 405 318 there are so many different base locations in the game these are just a few of my favorites if you have any other nice spots to set up your base let me know in the comment section down below and if you enjoyed this video YouTube thinks you would like to watch this video up on the screen now thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Esidi
Views: 16,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esidi, palworld, palworld tips, palworld best base, palworld base locations, base, base locations, base locations palworld, best mining base, aesthetic, best looking, bases palworld, palworld best base location
Id: k_ShCM26RRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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