Tips & tricks to help you elevate your game in Palworld πŸš€

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hello everyone I have a quick list of tips and tricks for pal world that you might find helpful they're broken down into five categories Transportation pal related progression building and hotkey tips and I think there's at least one thing on this list that's going to help you improve your game so let's Jump Right In starting with some Transportation tips and tricks okay this first trick was probably the biggest game changer for me and this is like the grapple glider trick all you're going to need is obviously any variety of grappling gun then you're either going to need one of the parachutes or a gliding pal that is like a kilari a celer a hangu or a Gil claw then you're going to need a flat patch of ground but once you get good at this you can pretty much do it from anywhere you're going to aim at the ground just in front of you pretty much at the extent of the range for whatever grapple you're using as you reach the end before you hit the ground and before you leave the grapple you're going to use your mouse wheel to cycle up or down to a different weapon and then you're going to hit the space bar or whatever button opens up your glider in order to enter into a gliding animation you shoot cycle up and space bar and if you get it just right this is a little bit slow I was off on my timing there if you get it just right you will go flying at maximum speed so in terms of the other creatures using this trick it doesn't matter which one you're using you will still accomplish this full maximum speed and then in order to maintain forward progress and stop like falling and losing elevation you can continuously just hit space bar or you just exit the flying animation and enter back into it and this will give you much greater sort of like forward momentum if you just keep on like pulsing the glider just like this and my last test here is just going to show you that we can do the same thing with the regular parachute it's just as effective you have just as much speed and the same trick applies that if you exit the glider and then go back into it you can maintain better like forward momentum this way so this guy here is my preferred glider and this is why look how far we're going to go on one bar of stamina with the hangu and every time I open up hangu I get a boost in my elevation so we're not going to fall at all we can basically we're only limited by our stamina bar in how far we can go here hey a large egg while we're on the topic of grapples I'm just going to be here at the base collecting up all the resources that my Palace have been working on and eventually I'm going to become encumbered so what I always do is I always have two grapples on my inventory at any given time and the reason for that is because I can use the grapple while I'm encumbered to kind of float around the base and pick up all the garbage that's been left behind if you have the the cool down timer so if I shoot this it's got an 8sec cool down timer what you can do is you can take that item out of your inventory that grapple gun and put it back into your hot bar slot and the timer has automatically been reset the reason I carry two is because I can cycle once to the other I take these two grapples here and I switch their spot so one two and then we have an 8sec timer Swit switch spots and then we've got one two reset switch spots one and so on you guys get the point at this point right what what am I doing here I'm just crawling around there we go so of course we all know that we can roll and that we can Crouch but if you are running and you hit Crouch you can do a slide like this and you can actually transition that into a Glide and that gives you kind of the same speed boost as does the grapple so if you don't have the grapple yet or you don't have it with you for whatever reason you can do a quick power slide into gliding trying that again Sprint Crouch and glider that'll do it for my Transportation tips and tricks let's head into this cave for the first of our pal tips so let's see what we get over here a level 2 8 Grint tail boss so what you do is you just kind of leave the area we're going to head out here fly to the end of the hallway fly back to this end of the hallway and we'll check what we got this time we have a level 29 Robin quill and her minions with her let's do it a couple more times and see what we can pull this time we got cinem moth level 27 we've got a oh gobin guys I kind of want to capture this one actually my bad we killed it it's worth noting that if you do kill it like that you cannot go back out that way and reset it again you will have to leave the dungeon and reset the timer and then come back an hour or two later so for the next trick we're going to instantly resurrect dead or unconscious Pals and to do that we're going to need to get some unconscious or dead Pals so thank you for your service fuddler appreciate it yep Rush sure you did a great job there buddy oh KNX took that one like a champ okay well we'll have to make do with two all right here is Trick number one so we have two dead Pals here we have fuddler and rush or one thing that you could do is say go to your pal box once you get home and you put fuddler into the PO box and he's just going to come back to life in 10 minutes it's going to take him that long to heal up however if you put him down into the palace at the base he's going to drop in here somewhere dead and someone's going to be kind enough to bring him over to a bed okay yes I missed it someone took him over to bed now he's just going to sleep this off for a little while it's going to take him a while to heal up you know a minute or so probably and then he'll be ready to go again there's a faster way to go about this though and all you have to do is you have your dead pal you go to your party here we have this rush or I'm going to hit R to drop the pal it's going to say are you sure someone else could pick him up so don't do it out in public I guess drop the pal he's going to be in a pal sphere just right here now what you're going to do is you're going to go to your pal box and I'm just going to pick up two random Pals you have to fill up your party and then you're going to pick him up if you pick him up and your party is not full he's going to go back into your party and he's still going to be dead but by picking him up this way he's not in my party currently obviously because my party is full he has gone back to the PO box and he is now fully healed this is the rush or right here he is at maximum health okay so I've queued up some recipes here over at the cooking station we have one salad one Jam fil bun and one baked Berry let's come over here to the farm area and pick up another Berry and we'll compare all four of them together so one red berry is good for 15 nutrition if you bake that Berry it is good for 21 nutrition and one sanity and that is why I would always recommend that you feed cooked food to your pals because sanity is very important especially if you're working them pretty hard you don't have access to other things that increase their sanity like highquality pal beds furthermore you can do the jam fil bun nutrition 51 sanity 6 and then after that once you unlock it you should use salad nutrition 84 sanity 11 and essentially what you're doing here is by feeding them higher tiered cooked food you're decreasing the frequency that they need to run back to the food box so I have a food box up here and I think I have one or two of them out here around the base somewhere they'll fill up and they'll go work for the rest of the day they'll come and eat before they go to bed at night and so on all right my next tip has to do with the stone Pit and the logging site now this is a mining base right here it's also my main base if I build this Stone pit here though the all the miners that I have around here will stop focusing on these good mining nodes that I want them to focus on and they'll stop chopping trees and everything in order to focus on the pit so they've just built the mining site you can fit three Pals per mining site and the the pals will take a preference to working at these sites versus working on the nodes that are elsewhere in my base so these three pals are busy here and if one of them decides to take a break has to go eat or whatever another pal will take his place I have I've substituted some of my Farmers for more Anubis just to show you that these guys will work the other site but there you go one Anubis just took a break and another one ran straight over to take his place this has the highest priority for Miners and the logging site for loggers so if you're finding that your pals are not mining very efficiently just make sure that you don't have one of those things around that's kind of clogging everything up okay has just turned Nightfall and you can see that all of my pals are coming into the sleeping area to take a nap for the night however purposefully I have left out three Blaze howl knots because all of the dark creatures in the game the dark element type and you can see their element types by looking next to their name this these guys are fire and dark all of the dark creatures do not sleep at night and so sometimes you need to kind of make a tough decision on who to set as a worker for your base like I have this Blaze howl Here regular Blaze howl and she has three fire skill or kindling skill and so she'll be able to cook Jam filled buns and make ingots all day long pretty effectively however the blaze howl knocked also has a level three in kindling and will work 24/7 so you tell me who you'd rather have working around your base the one that works all day and all night or the one that simply works all day Pals will actually regenerate their sanity when they're sleeping you can see everyone here is level 100 and Sanity because they're sleeping in awesome beds and they are going to be ready to go for tomorrow's work these guys though they never sleep and so they're never going to get that sanity bonus from sleeping in a comfy bed they will get their sanity from food like we talked about earlier but not from rest and just as a little bit of a side note if you are one that skips through the night try not to skip through the night like early in the evening as the sun is just about to set you're allowed to of course crawl up into your bed and go to sleep for the night and if you go to bed early before your pals go to bed they don't get a chance to sleep and so that's going to make them a little bit unhappy so make sure that you go to bed after your pals go to bed so that they get that good sanity bonus so one thing that I've really neglected to use a lot in my playthrough is the pal deck and one of the things you can do in the pal deck there's a couple of great things you can do one of them is you can see your capture bonus right here now if you capture 10 Pals you get an XP bonus for the first 10 that you capture the other thing you can do is you can check their habitat and in the habitat box here you can select day or night and it will show you every little tiny specific location that she can possibly spawn a couple of more pal things here at the base are that uh what I found in my playthrough is that Pals that are specific to only one task are far more effective than multitasking Pals so for a while I was trying to cool my cooler box here with this cry linkx because I think he's cool but ultimately he does a lot of other tasks as well whereas this little guy over here this jolt hog Crist he only does cooling only at level one but it doesn't really matter I don't think because this jol toog will just stay in front of the cooler all day long and the food inside only benefits from being cooled when it's actively being cooled there's no like residual cooling that lasts throughout the night and plus I think that this jol hog Chris is just cute as a button another great thing to do is when you're at your base use one of your Party Pals to help out the workers just set him down and he'll go and do whatever task he thinks is most efficient for him to do at the time similarly often times if I'm spending a lot of time at the base I will just drop one of my Anubis into my party so he'll hang out with me and he'll he'll go off and do some work when he wants to but say I need something crafted 139 Nails I can just use my Anubis instead of waiting for one of the base Anubis to come up here to get this knocked out as quickly as possible so if you've played the game for a while you probably run into the situation where your pal box is starting to get a little bit full cuz you've done a lot of breeding you got a lot of extra Pals you've gone out on some capturing runs and things are just getting a little bit crowded in here so what do you do with all the extra Pals well in my opinion one of the things you probably want to do is sell them off and so I I like Bushi as a breeder I have a lot of Bushi with good traits and I've used them to breed up some really strong Pals but for the most part I can probably start getting rid of some of these guys at this point so I'm just going to pick four or five guys here and sell them off that was good for 2,000 gold and I did a sell off recently where I made over 100,000 but then of course you have the pal Essence condenser and what the pal condenser is going to do is it's going to increase the partner skill for whatever creature that you're condensing so for for example this masarina here will sometimes produce milk when assigned to The Ranch at level one so if I condense a bunch of mus Arenas together I could increase that to level 2 3 4 and get more milk every time I do that this chickpea here their passive skill is laying an egg at the ranch so for example the bushie that we were selling off before the passive skill for Bushi is that when activated it attacks the um enemy with some kind of a powerful attack here that's nothing that I'm going to use I'm not using Bushi in combat so there's no reason for me to use Bushi in the condenser which is jeez notorious for Pals getting stuck on I don't know what it is that's why I always destroy it I take it apart when I'm not using it cuz people get stuck on it too often okay and now on to some progression tips we recently crafted a whole bunch of nails and that was specifically for this next one just going to Grapple trick my way over because I'm very encumbered we're going to talk to this Merchant here and as far as I've learned nails are probably the best bang for your buck in terms of crafting items to be sold so this stack of 291 Nails is going to translate to 46,000 gold almost doubling my current amount right there and then while we're at it for the most part I get all of my ammunition and my pal specific Parts like pal fluids and electric organs and such I just get them from the trader it's so much easier to just come to the Trader give them some Nails take home some rifle ammo and call it a wash and so this is at the Fisherman's Warf where you can buy some ammo there's also another Trader that I know of and it's the one out in the desert here this little it's the Dune shelter POI and there's a Trader there that will uh also barter with ammunition the one that I use to get like pal specific Parts is the small settlement right here things like leather wool flame organ electric organ again you can even do milk and egg if you want to do all of your cake production more easily without doing the whole ranching thing so I highly recommend that you mark all of your merchants on the map so that you can revisit them again in the future and check their Wares it's just such an easier way to come to this Merchant here and buy say you know 100 leather and I don't have to worry about going out and killing ah jeez I don't even know probably 30 or so mamars to get that much leather save myself a ton of time just make the pals mine for ingots turn the ingots into nails turn the nails into money turn the money into everything else that you need in the game additionally I also have been getting into the habit of you see these Stars right here there's a star there a star there star here I've been marking the cave entrances on the map because I just like to go back to the caves occasionally to do little loot runs or to capture bosses and it's a good habit to get into to start marking them everywhere okay so this next tip you and I are going to discover this one together cuz it's something that I've never done but I've read about this everywhere I've seen other people doing it and that is that you can capture these merchants and bring them to your base so what I'd like to do today is capture you and we're going to go capture a black market Merchant and we're going to see how this all works together all right it doesn't tell you the percentage when you're going to capture but clearly it is going to work eventually okay we've captured the wandering Merchant I'm pretty sure that's a crime also got 202 gold coins that's going to bring me to my next tip okay we're back to the black marketeer shadow beak do your thing this guy's level 40 this might be a little bit more difficult than I'm intending oh he's got Pals okay good to know okay accidentally killed the guy however he had 10,000 gold on him another way that you can make some money very quickly is to kill the Black Market merchants but now we got to find another one to capture un fortunately this level 40 black marketeer is at the upper echelon of what my paler are capable of every pal spere has like a 10 level range that it's meant for these what are these types again oh by the way I think we just got them there nice yeah these are Ultra spheres here and um those are good for level 30 to 40 I believe then you need the legendary sphere to get from 40 to 50 not that it's impossible to capture things but it's just far less likely I guess with the lower tier sphere okay so we got both of them so now what we can do I can see them I almost missed them right here because they don't really have an icon but we have the wandering Merchant and the black marketeer let's drop them in the base for just a second here and see what they do and they're just going to walk around I think I don't think that they have any like tasks that they complete level one in handiwork that's all you get hopefully we can go over and barter with them once in a while we can talk to them they can trade us Pals they can buy things they can sell things and from what I've heard what you can do is if you don't like the selection that they have you just uh go over to your PO Box swap them out swap them back and the black marketeer will appear with an entirely new selection of items let's actually just test that out here we've got this selection here we'll just remember two Gail Claws and buy and yes now he only has the one Gail claw a different one and a new selection that's pretty cool okay I'm going to actually try this next tip and trick with you guys as well it's something that I read in a comment recently and that is that I can actually take off my my regular non like thermal protective metal armor we will Dawn my Tundra outfits my cold set of armor I actually have cold resistant metal armor we'll wear that instead for added protection so that is giving me a level two cold resistance now if I take my accessories off and I put on these level one heat resistant shirts both of them the theory is that I can now go into the cold biome or the hot biome and not have to swap any type of armor okay we're on Mount obsidian where I would normally get roasted and you can see my temperature marker there it's like just on the cusp of being hot but no I'm actually in good shape here wearing my cold weather armor and two hot weather resistant shirts and yes we are a okay up here in the Arctic area as well you can see the the temperature marker there is on the same like brink of being cold but not quite there all right so part two of this tip is that we need to find ourselves a dungeon up here worth mentioning here I'm in the Arctic area just capturing this pal if I have my fire pal out I'm good cuz it gives me a little bit of thermal protection against the cold but the second I get off my van worm I'm suddenly going to become cold because it's night time and it's going to be colder at night so if I just pull him back into a pal sphere yep we're instantly taking massive damage so so dangerous to be out here that little tip I was going over probably not as effective as I thought it was but hopefully part two of this tip will pay off and that's going to require going into one of these Arctic Dungeons and here we go oh boy level 43 wo great and you're probably all aware that certain types of Pals have weaknesses to some and advantages to others for example right here we have an ice pal which is weak to fire that's why you're seeing the red numbers there but we have a fire creature here in this van worm who is resistant to frost and so you see that kind of subdued gray color on the damage number I'm going to see if I can pull off a very unlikely capture here hey I think I got it nice got a big boss wimo high level too okay the whole reason I did that this is actually my my first foray into an Arctic dungeon is that I've heard that this is a location where you can find the level two Heat and and cold resistant undershirts and the theory is that you could wear your regular metal armor here with no cold or actually I guess it does have cold resistant level one but you could just wear your regular armor and you wear one level two heat resistant shirt and one level two cold resistant shirt and you never have to swap your armors and this these Arctic dungeons are a great spot to get those undershirts dang unfortunately we didn't get one on this r right here I did however get this future tech manual all right well bit of a bust on the demonstration there but you kind of get the point the the point is you don't have to have a cold set of armor a hot set of armor and a regular set of armor there's a way you can finagle it to use one and get the benefits of all three okay here's your next tip right here if you're struggling to kill a boss one of these outdoor bosses not the ones that are in caves not the ones that are in dungeons but these ones right here what you can do is you can set up a PO Box nearby hold up hold up got a shiny pal over here score lucky and ferocious on that one man that is an excellent find I'll have to see if there's anything that fuder can breed for me okay let's try this again shall we yeah it's not going to let me build too close to a special boss facility let's try to do it over here then this looks okay right here bring in the pals sort by level and bring in the first 15 I just want like an aerial view of what's Happening here cuz it's going to be a little chaotic look at the Army here oh what a great way to take down a big boss the only trouble you're going to have doing this is that it's going to be very difficult to capture them I got the capture guys I got the capture wow that was like a 5% chance he is the earth Emperor all right last up on the progression tips here would be oh my goodness you guys are making an absolute mess out here the tip is though that whenever you see a skill fruit tree you can see here at my breeding base there's a skill fruit tree here in the back and yes the skill fruits have respawned now in my experience it's going to take roughly four to six hours or so maybe eight hours for these to respawn but this is probably the fifth time that I've harvested that one tree there so it's a good idea to Mark them on your map or perhaps even build a base nearby this is a great base nice and flat perfect for breeding and every once in a while you can just drop by there and get a couple of extra skill fruits okay let's move on to some Base building tips and tricks let's start off with this one if you have some trees or even or noes or rocks or anything that respawns around your base and you don't want them there anymore it's as simple as chopping them down and in this case I'm going to build a house plant right over top of where that was growing and that tree will no longer respawn there there so if you're having issues with Pals getting stuck in the trees or Pals being tasked to do logging but you don't want them to do logging you can simply do that and sort of maintain some sort of anesthetic to your base that's not too terrible another quick recommendation is to do what I'm doing here here and put storages out next to all of the nodes here so that the trip is very very quick like imagine it's going to be instantaneous whoever just picked that up threw it right immediately into this box okay let's now say for the sake of demonstration that I want to go to my other base my breeding base and I want to build myself a flower bed over there well instead of collecting up my flowers and my cement and my stone and my wood from wherever it is in this base here what I can do is just build a ghost structure here and before it's built just cancel it and all of those canceled resources just went into my inventory then we can zip over to the other base and without having dug through any of my boxes I can simply set down a flower box over here right there and the same thing works for crafting in fact I've been meaning to do this next part and I'm going to do it now and get it over with just for demonstration purposes I think I can make do with just a campfire here let's put a campfire somewhere where it's not going to get stepped on too often how about over here okay and then I can say hot milk and I can say Max and start production and then cancel and all of the milk has now been transported into my inventory from the storage boxes over there in fact I think it was in the cooler box over there that that um foxic is working on and I also need to bring my eggs over to my other base so we'll just max out the fried egg production cancel that and then I can zip back to the other base where I can have my more powerful Pals work on cakes there you go and that brings me to yet another tip and that is that if you see I have my garden it's an indoor garden over here and all of my pals will eventually Harvest everything up and they'll bring it over they would like to put it into this feed box but the feed box only has room for the berries I stuffed one honey in the rest of the slots here so that the pals would then default to Bringing everything into the cooler box so all of my tomatoes my eggs and milk are in this box over here and for some reason they haven't been picking up the lettuce and since we're on the topic of feed boxes and stuff every once in a while you can come over to your feed boxes or your cooler boxes and you can just hit the sort button and it will reset the spoilage timer it's pretty common knowledge now I think but it is good to reiterate that because uh some of these things especially like birthday cakes if you were not storing your birthday cakes in the breeding pen you certainly don't want those to go bad they're expensive and difficult to produce so this final little segment to my tips and tricks video is going to be just some random hot keys that are that you need to know the first one is going to be down here this R button for quick stack this will take anything from your inventory that has a stack going in the chest and it will automatically move them over for you another one that I glossed over early on is the fact that if you look down well if if you hover over a pal and you look at the lower right corner it does say f for view details and so any of your pals here you can just hit F and you can get into their menu you can swap out there skills here with different skills you can get more details on basically everything to do with this specific pal okay so for this next one let's say that you wanted to take a couple of some ingredient that's in a chest here so let's say I wanted to get 10 honey of course you know that you can control click to take one at a time and you can shift click to take half at a time but if you just hold shift and keep clicking it just continues having the stack and I guess I never caught on to that early on so I thought share it with you guys here now just hold shift and keep clicking until you get the desired amount and the last couple here are going to be the quick select for your pals and the quick select for your pal spheres so you know that it says right on the side there you can hit one or three to cycle through your pals and if you hit two it will cycle through your Spears and if you do the mouse wheel it Cycles through your items however you might not have quite realized that if you hold Q you can hold back your sphere and then you can use the mouse wheel to cycle them you can see the color changing on the sphere and then right click of course to cancel and to cycle your pals in the same way you just hold e like you're going to throw a pal out and then you can use the mouse wheel you can see on the left there it is changing the selection for the pal okay my friends that is going to have to do it for my tips and tricks here for pal World by no means am I an expert in this game I haven't even beaten it I'm only like level 40 or something right now so if you have any tips for me or that you want to share with the community make sure you let me know in a comment down below and perhaps in the future when I make another video like this I'll share that with everyone else if you're interested in more po World content in the future make sure you're subscribed and I will catch you hopefully in the next video hey everyone I just wanted to say thank you for watching for leaving a like but most of all thank you to the long list of amazing supporters that you see right here I hope this episode has earned your subscription and I can't wait to show you the next one best wishes to all and goodbye
Channel: Guns, Nerds, and Steel
Views: 90,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld tips and tricks, how to palworld, palworld, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld tutorial, palworld beginner tips, palworld beginner guide, rockwell, palworld dont make these mistakes, dinosaurs, ice titan, king titan, top 10, snow owl, ark top 5, new top 10, abberattion, moddded top 10, dodo, kill, story, modded, combine, new dlc, moddded, best mods, cjthecheesedj, ark, pvp, solo, lists, dinos, taming, genesis, breeding, infusion, gameplay, creatures, new dinos, pve, best, top 5
Id: dmVlBgd7Q3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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