Fully Indoor Ingot Base! Palworld building tip for uneven ground

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[Music] yo YouTube King games the first here and welcome back to power world I'm going to try and keep this relatively short and sweet straight to the point uh I'm going to show you how to hopefully fully enclose a base in on this uh everybody's favorite ore in Cole spot it can be kind of hard to do because it's very uneven ground uh but first thing is you're going to want to start right here at this little this little bump the highest point and you're going to want to build at least I like to build where it's poking through just a little bit kind of at a corner right and now I like to build back towards this area you've got the the coal over on your right and the ore over on your left and you got a little bit of flat ground out there so build kind of poking through about as much as you can tolerate right so having this poke through a little bit is means the foundations are going to be just a little bit lower overall and that means you're going to be able to maximize the amount of floor space you've got with this first little [Music] bit all right so this next bit this is the most important part now note this next section that you're going to build is technically not going to be connected to the rest of this and you need to be really patient here guys as in if you build the next I don't know 100 pieces of structure and then you find out it's not lined up you probably need to be willing to tear it all down and start again uh because if you do this right you'll get the pieces to line up so closely that you won't really be able to tell that they're not connected so you'll Place one set of stairs going down right and then you get your foundation lined up as best you can and you're going to want to try and place it it's hard to see especially where it Clips through and I can't really tell from here how lined up I am try and line it up let's try there let's go here let's just try and check it right let's drop our [Music] stairs all right what you want what I really want to do here is I think I want to test it all the way around so give me a second actually so it's a little off there here like I said be willing to start again we just do [Applause] [Music] that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] all right so here's the part that I really want to test okay that's super important one that you can get this Foundation directly uh next to that one because once you do this pretty much [Music] set as far as the maximum amount of floor space uh and basically well it won't let that it'll let you but as long as you don't place a foundation directly over a node it will respond all right but let's see go here and here and voila now what we've got is something that's basically completely [Music] passable up one side and down the other and off of both sides um I think this area here is the hardest we're going to see if that works I think it should and I say this side's the hardest uh because if you don't get all of the foundations uh at least within two spaces of each other uh what tends to happen is there's going to be holes in the roof where you can't actually place a floor because there's not going to be enough support so just keep that in mind see it would let me place this one but then that node would not respa so we're not going to do [Music] that and it's the same there all right that's fine let me fill some of this in and then I'll be right back with you guys all right so uh removed a bunch of the trees spent most of the night clearing them out move the pow box a little bit and this is what we've got so far so we're going to trim this little bit off over here oh okay thank you for telling me that anyway we um we're going to trim this out here for those of you who might be playing on multiplayer uh anything you put out here would start deteriorating anyway so we're not going to worry about that but look how much more I guess flat buildable area we've got now that we' placed the foundations down and the way we've done it look how well it lines [Music] up okay thank you for telling me that again um anyway all right so now that we've got the floor area and I don't think at any point there's more than two spaces worth of Gap so as long as you cuz you can go two spaces out from a foundation so as long as you've got it set up like that you'll be able to put uh ceilings over all of it uh this area might be a little more tricky but we'll see when we get up there um it might not be a problem I think the ceilings might be able to meet with each other on opposite ends so that should be fine um the next step is well probably first getting more Stone uh yep all right I'll be right back I say about [Music] here [Music] [Music] all right so and then the way I do recommend doing this part simply because you do tend to get a little bit of a gap so this will allow you to not have to do it absolutely perfectly oh my goodness stop what is happening right now okay my game is glitching out um hold on guys I'm going to I'm going to back out and come [Music] [Music] back okay well this should work well enough as a proof of concept at least right now I did make a few M uh few mistakes here and there and uh that leads to a few you can kind of see that seam there and then it wouldn't let me Place those two and it wouldn't let me place that whole row so on single player um that doesn't really bother me um maybe in a future update they'll give us some corner pieces or something and that'll help us further hide stuff like that um of course you can do a lot more to decorate but just to show you how how well it works get a good view of the whole thing got your way in and out we can check out the inside all right nice and spacious so you start putting all your stuff anyway now personally personally I like to use the bottom floor uh it'll just be the or harvesting the containers to put it in and then the smelters and then maybe a few beds here and there uh and then I like to use the second floor so where I'd put all my crafting benches and uh more beds and hot springs and things of that nature and if you guys are doing those all-in-one bases if you want to do your Farms um like breeding and ranches and plantations you can go three four five however many floors High you need to fit all your stuff but uh this is enough to show you guys how you know how this all goes down right right and like I said you know if you if you're willing to tear it all down and start again little stuff like that you guys can fix but anyway that's going to do it for this video guys so I hope that helps some of you but anyway like And subscribe I will see you all in the next [Music] [Applause] one
Channel: KingGamesthe1st Gaming
Views: 6,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, ore, coal, mountain, base, location, ingot, uneven, ground, build, tip
Id: 1Ra0yxR7z1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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