Palworld World Settings DON’T WORK HOW YOU THINK // BEST Game Settings EXPLAINED

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some of the world settings in power world don't work exactly how you might think they do and others are downright broken today we're going to take a deep dive into World settings on power world explaining what each of them does and giving suggestions on what to set each one to for different play Styles this is my second video on game settings but this time we're going to go a bit deeper show you some examples and cover some of the secrets that have emerged more recently if you enjoy this video then don't forget to click like And subscribe and why not check out some my other power world tips and tricks videos and let me know in the comments what settings work best for you and how you like to play the game so when you load up a new world on power world you'll get the option for this difficulty slider saying casual normal hard and custom you can then go down and select custom settings here to change one of the pitfalls that I think a lot of people have had is they go over here and they select custom and then go down to custom settings and what this actually does is it uses the hard settings as the defaults that you then adjust I've had lots of people saying they're accidentally playing on these hard settings and I think that's what's causing it you scroll along you go to custom and then these settings here you can see are hard it's got XP turned down it's got damage to player at four times the normal damage so you will take massive amounts of damage and various other things that it changes so what you want to do when you set up your world unless you want that is to just leave it on normal and then go down to custom settings and these are the default settings for normal difficulty day time speed and nighttime speed are pretty self-explanatory by the way if you want to move these sliders a bit more quickly if you're playing on Console you can move them with the left stick left and right or you can use the d-pad left and right and the d-pad moves a bit quicker and then if you push the stick as well at the same time it actually moves even quicker still so this is on a controller but you can actually move most of these sliders quite quickly daytime speed and night time speed both go from 0.1 all the way up to 5 and the higher this setting the faster the daytime or the night time is going to be so if I have five times daytime speed we're going to have very very quick days and conversely if I turn this down to 0.1 we' have very very long days so you might want to change these if you want to make your nighttime a bit quicker if you find it a bit annoying and can't always sleep through it keep in mind that adjusting these can impact the timers for things reappearing like caves or bosses and things that have in-game timers will be affected by changes to your daytime speed when you're in game you can track the progress of day or night you can see down in the bottom left here just to the right of my health and the temperature bar there's this little icon that shows the day speed moving this is on five times speed currently so you can see that's moving really really quick and when that bar fills up that will be the end of the day and it will become nighttime you also get one for night time when we get there and you can track it as well by finding the Sun in the sky and if you look at that you can actually see it moving through the sky as well as you can see the moon moving through the sky very very quickly as well because we're on five time speed personally I just tend to leave my daytime speed on one and I'll sometimes put nighttime speed on two to just get through it a little bit more quickly but since you can normally just sleep through the night anyway it doesn't matter too much you don't want to skip the night completely all the time because there's obviously unique Pals that only come out at night and it's also very easy to see things like lift monk figs and other glowing collectible items when you're moving around in night time experience rate is the rate at which you gather XP and also the rate that your poers will gather XP and you can actually turn this down if you want the default is one if you turn this down to 0.1 you're going to get absolutely pitiful amounts of XP and if you turn this all the way up to 20 then you're going to get insane amounts of XP so if you want to play in a kind of creative mode which I've got on one of my saves when I've been testing things for videos crank up to 20 you're going to get up to really really high levels very very quickly and so will your pals as for what to actually use for a normal playthrough I think one is pretty stingy it's very very slow leveling up if you leave this on one personally I would put it on at least two or three I think still offers a very balanced experience having this on times three it's still a bit of a grind but it doesn't take absolutely forever to get through things but it's not insanely fast if you start going up to time 5times 10 then it's going to be very very quick to level up and if you want to make your life an absolute misery and stay low level forever and take hundreds and hundreds of hours to get to level 10 then turn it down to .1 power capture rate is your effectiveness at capturing Pals it's kind of what gets in when you use your LIF monk Effigies at the statues of power this goes between 0.5 and two pretty small range turn up to two it's going to make it easier to capture Pals if you turn it down it's going to make it harder to capture Pals I can't imagine why you'd want to turn that down certainly going to make it very challenging I think one's absolutely fine for pretty much any playthrough but if you want to make it a bit easier then just Chuck it up to two P appearance rate is quite an interesting one so this isn't really a setting that affects how many spawns of Pals there are on the map what this actually dictates is how many Powers will spawn in each group that spawns and this could be changed from 0.5 all the way up to three if you have this set on one then every cluster of powers that spawns is going to have its default amount which can vary if you turn it down to 0.5 then it's going to have half as many as it normally would but always with a minimum of one and essentially what you'll see if you have it on 0.5 is every group of Pals is going to be one lonely pal like this rib bunny here this little chick on their own here and if we have a fly around you'll see that every pal is just completely on their own it's going to make it really hard way to play the game going take a long long time to find multiples of any particular pal or to find PALS with particular skills or abilities levels that you might want to get and if we turn the setting all the way up to the maximum of three we're suddenly going to see these groups of Pals everywhere just with massive numbers you see we've got five dinos here together a big group of tanes down here loads of Nightwings and just gives you these massive clumps of baddies that you'll find all over the place see these catas and my absolute mess of a base so this setting is really useful for certain things it does give you a performance warning when you turn it up if you turn this up obviously there's going to be loads more Pals spawned onto the map this definitely could cause performance issues if you're on one of the older Xboxes or a server that's running at its limit with a lot of players I've not really had issues with it on the Xbox series X but it can look a bit silly when there's just massive groups of Pals everywhere and it might make the fights a bit harder if there's big groups of Pals it does make it a lot easier to find shinies you can see we've just found one literally right here excuse me sir I'm making a video they don't spawn ridiculously commonly that was quite lucky that they just happened to be there as I was flying past but what is worth keeping in mind is that bosses will also have that multiplier applied to them so if you turn this up to times three you're going to get Triple bosses like we have here and that's going to affect all bosses in the game if you have it on one or 0.5 you'll just see one boss if you have it on two you'll see two bosses and three for three bosses so playing with it on two I think can be quite a nice balance you get a few more Pals about that makes it a little bit easier to find PALS with specific skills you want to get to get multiples of Pals so you can level up and get XP so you can Farm loot from killing Pals and also just makes the game a little bit more of a challenge when you fight some of the bosses that might be a bit easy and it gives you two of them particularly if you have more than one players playing together I think having multiple bosses can make the game pretty cool like I said just be careful for performance issues the game does give you a warning so if you're playing on Hardware that's already at its limit then it's probably not going to be a good idea to touch this setting at all damage from Pal's multiplier goes from 0.1 to5 and the same goes for damage to Pals multiplier what this setting does the first one is the damage that Pals do and that includes enemy Pals and your own Pals so if you turn this down then when you're fighting enemy Pals they're not going to hurt you as much much but also your own powers will be less effective and if you turn it up conversely you're going to take more damage from enemy poers but they're also going to take more damage from your own pal so it kind of balances out damage two Pals Works kind of the same but the other way so when you or your poers attack another pal they're going to take multiplied damage if you turn this up if you turn it down they're going to take less damage because this affects both your own poers and enemy poers I would just not really touch these at all just leave them at one and one if you move them up or down to try and make the game harder or easier then it kind of counters that by having that effect also on your own Pals if you want to play around with how much damage you do or take then playing around with these settings a bit further down is going to work better for you but we'll come to those when we get there pal Hunger depletion rate and pal stamina reduction rate is how quickly your pals hunger and stamina will go up or down if you turn this value up then their hunger is going to go down more more quickly and if you want to make it more forgiving then turn it down to less than one and their hunger will deplete more slowly same for stamina if you want to make their stamina last for ages so you can fly for absolutely ages or Glide with one of your pal rages you can turn that all the way down to 0.1 and their stamina will last for absolutely ages if you turn this up it's going to make the game pretty challenging but if you wanted to play a more brutal hardcore mode then you can turn these up to two or three and that's going to add a real challenge to the game how Auto Health regeneration rate this is how quickly your poers will regenerate health over time if you turn this up to Max which is five they'll regenerate their own health very quickly if you turn it down to 0.1 they'll regenerate Health very slowly the next one pal sleep Health regeneration rate this is how much health they'll heal when sattin the PO Box goes between .1 and 5 and it's worth noting this doesn't affect the 10-minute timer you get for putting dead or knocked out Pals into your power box it won't reduce that amount of time just affects how much health Pals heal over time when they're in the the power box you can't affect that 10-minute timer but there are certain ways of getting around it by putting Powers into the viewing cage or by just dropping them on the floor in your base and letting other Pals in your base pick them up and put them in bed damage from player multiplier and two player multiplier go from 0.125 damage from player this is how much damage you do to any enemy that you attack if you turn this down you're going to do reduced damage and if you turn it up you're going to do more damage you can put this all up to five if you do that you're probably going to end up killing everything when you might want to actually capture it so even if you want to play on an easier setting I wouldn't really put it above maybe two or three even three I think is probably going a bit high on my normal save I just have that on one damage two player multiplier same story if you turn this up you're going to take more damage when you get attacked doesn't affect how much damage your pals take if you turn this up high on hard difficulty for instance it has this set at four which is pretty crazy but if you want a big challenge then turn this up to four or five and you're certainly going to get that or if you want to play in more of a kind of creative SL peaceful mode stick this on 0.1 and you're going to find that pretty much nothing in the game can kill you if you have a bit of armor and a shield on I have this on one of my saves for testing things and nothing ever even manages to break the shield even if I'm just standing there doing nothing player hunger depletion and player stamina reduction exactly the same as the power ones we covered just a minute ago if you turn these up then your hunger or your stamina will drop more quickly and if you turn them down then it's going to be a little bit more forgiv on a normal playthrough I quite like to turn these and the power ones for hunger and stamina down to 0.7 0.6 0.7 .8 that kind of range I think that's a nice balance where it just makes it a little bit more forgiving than the default settings but it doesn't make it stupid and cheaty and easy so that's what I'd recommend if you like a kind of balanced kind of hard but not ridiculous sort of play through play Auto Health regeneration rate this goes between 0.1 and 5 if you turn this down then you're going to regenerate Health more slowly and if you turn it up then you're going to regenerate Health much more quickly this next one play a sleep Health this is how quickly you regenerate Health when you're sleeping again if you turn this up you'll get health back more quickly from resting and if you turn it down you'll get less Health back when you sleep now on to a few of the more interesting ones here damage to structure multiply this is how much damage the enemies will do to your base when they attack it so when you get raids for instance maybe in the future we might see PVP in some manner so you might be able to take damage in that way but for now it's just from AI you can turn it down to half if you want raids to do less damage to your base and if you want to have a really hard experience you can turn it up to three times and your buildings will take three times as much damage as normal when attacked by enemy raids structure deterioration rate this is for buildings built outside of a power box radius so you can actually turn this all the way down to zero or you can crank it all the way up to 10 so if we turn this value up to 10 and then we've placed an object here that isn't within a a power box radius this is just out and about you can place items like this wherever you want on the map but if you don't do it within a power Box's based radius then they will take damage over time depending on this setting you can see this box here that I just placed a second ago it's actually ticking down really quickly 3,948 health and Counting going down at a rate of knots and within a few minutes or not very long that is going to go down to zero and just break now if you're just playing single player or with a small group of people then you can turn this all the way down to zero and then buildings aren't going to take any damage whatsoever over time from being outside of a power box radius so this chest here we put this on zero it's not taking any damage now and it would just sit there forever unless it got attacked by a raid I guess that might be coming through but this area wouldn't get raided particularly because it's not a base and this would allow you to build anything you could place you know any of your construction things here assembly lines incubators whatever workbenches you can place wherever you like so you can build bases wherever you want without a power box obviously you're limited because you won't have any powers working there apart from one that you might be able to assign manually from throwing down but without a power box you can't assign po so you automatically work in different locations but you could put up little bases around with chess with workbenches if you wanted to go manually Harvest some resources somewhere or just build little cool outposts for aesthetic purposes why would you have this setting turned on or why would you have it turned up well because if you're playing on a server with a bunch of people then you're going to end up with loads of stuff dotted around the map all over the place you can have chests and workbenches that people just Chuck down and then they go and build a base somewhere else and forget about it and they're just going to build up until you have a huge mess of structures like that all over the place so it's just a way of this kind of game getting rid of those kind of old structures they will deterior over time and just be careful of building stuff just over the edge of your power boxes radius cuz if you go outside of it maybe by accident and don't realize that's actually going to take damage over time if you haven't turned this setting down and you could have part of your base breaking by mistake maximum number of dropped items in a world the default for this is 3,000 you can turn it all the way up to 5,000 or even all the way down to zero this is more of something you would change for performance reasons rather than gameplay reasons this is how much stuff can be dropped on the floor like when one of your powers mines an or node and it drops the ore on the floor like when you kill a pal and it drops items on the floor that you then pick up so what you'll notice if you turn this down to zero is when stuff drops on the floor it will disappear after a couple of seconds you can see there's all dropping off of these nodes but it's pretty much instantly just disappearing they can occasionally grab some not really a gameplay Choice you'd make but if you're going to play some sort of ultimate hardcore version of the game then it's definitely something you could try out it does exactly the same with killing enemies as well they'll drop stuff on the floor and then that's just going to disappear after 1 or 2 seconds so as I said this is more of a performance issue if you turn this value up and you have a server where for some reason there's tons of stuff dropped on the floor you have maybe a lot of players with bases where they're mining ore or whatever and dropping loads of it on the floor then the more stuff that's on the floor like that the more performance issues you're likely to have so if you're worried about that you can always turn that down to 1,000 2,000 I'm sure it's still going to be plenty and not affect most people gatherable items multiplier and gatherable object Health multiplier are two of the most important ones I think on this whole list gatherable items multiplier affects how much resources you get from anything that you mine or harvest so if you're hitting a tree if you're hitting a rock if you're hitting some ore if you turn this down then you'll get less from it if you turn this up then you'll get more from it if you set it to three for instance then you're going to get three times as much resources from any particular tree or or node or stone but that's not always is the case and that's where objects Health multiplier comes into this if you turn this value down then objects that you hit like a tree or Rock are going to break more quickly and if you turn it up then they're going to take a lot longer to break this gets kind of confusing though because this has a different effect depending on whether you're talking about a tree or a stone node or an or node or other nodes that you'll mine with a pickaxe if you have the health multiplier turned down and then go and chop a tree down you'll actually get less wood because the tree will break more quickly if you turn this up then you'll get more wood because the tree will last longer whilst you harvest it but this effect isn't the same for mining ore or stone in the case of or nodes if you have it on time three multiplier then regardless of what you have the health multiplier set to you're always going to get 120 or per node on Triple rate what it will do is make that or node take a lot longer to break if you have the health turned up but it won't actually give you any more resources and it will take something like a minute and a half with a normal metal pick to break an or node if you turn this health multiplier right down the or node will break very quickly in 7 or 8 seconds but it will still give you 120 ore changing this setting isn't always immediately obvious if you do it mid game then it only seems to affect stone and or nodes once they've been broken and then respawned or after a certain amount of time has passed so if you just change the setting and load your game up and then hit a node and nothing is changed that is going to be why but if you do these settings from a brand new game then you should see that in place from the start so what does this mean for what you should have these settings set to well if you want to get the most ore and stone and those kind of things very very quickly from manual harvesting then having multiplier on three and health on 0.5 is going to be best for that but that is going to mean you get a lot less wood from manually harvesting trees so if you want to get lots of wood early then turn the health multiplier up and you're going to get loads of wood but then that means you're going to take three times as long to harvest any stone or or other node you might use your pickaxe for it's all a bit weird and inconsistent if you want to just gather stuff more quickly stick the multiplier on three and maybe just leave Health multiplier on one and then youve got a nice balance you're going to get plenty of stuff from harvesting and you're not going to have any weird stuff with trees going on default for this is obviously one three is pretty jacked up if you want to play a bit more of a balanced playr maybe just stick this on one and a half or two times gatherable object respawn interval this is how big the gap between things respawning is and by things I mean trees or nod Stone and things you might Harvest with a pick or an axe if you make this value lower then they are going to respawn more quickly and if you turn this value up it goes all the way up from 0.5 to 3 then objects going to take much longer to respawn dropped items multiply this goes between 0.5 all the way up to three by increasing this value enemy powers that you capture or kill are going to drop more resources so three times is going to give you three times as much loot from everything you kill and turn it to 0.5 is going to give you half as much as you would normally have got time to incubate massive egg no other eggs also require time to incubate this one's quite confusingly worded you can set it between zero all the way up to 240 the default is two and initially I thought this was maybe a setting that just applied to a certain type of egg called a massive egg but it just means all the eggs all the eggs are pretty massive to be fair and if you turn this down to zero you're going to find that any egg you get in the game is going to incubate instantly when you put it in the incubator the higher you have the setting the longer eggs will take to incubate if you turn it up to 240 then common eggs are something like 14 hours that was with a plus 50% multiplier so they're still going to be 8 hours or so by default large eggs are something like 99 hours which I think it was the cap so they're just ridiculous and I don't think you'd do that unless you really really hate hated yourself I think leaving that on two is probably fine for most people maybe you can turn it down to one if you want to be a little bit quicker but not too crazy and again if you're playing a kind of creative peaceful mode then stick it on zero and they will all instantly hatch enable raid events very straightforward you can turn them off or on you can do this mid playthrough if you like if you turn them off you'll get no raids whatsoever raids can be pretty useful for acquiring certain items certain loot so it's good to have them on if you need some of that if you're up for that if you can defend well then turn them on but if you're getting annoyed by them of course you can just turn them off here you can always turn them back on Mid play through if you like there's no reason why you can't do that death penalty is what your player drops when they get killed you can have it set to no drops meaning there's absolutely no penalty for getting killed in the game whatsoever you keep all of your inventory all of your loot everything drop all items except equipment is everything that's in your inventory except equipped items drop all items is everything in your inventory and everything you're equipped like your armor and your weapons and then all it items and all poers on team is all of the stuff we said before and also the poers that you have in your party at the moment will get dropped onto the floor and then you have to go back and pick them up again you don't lose those Pals permanently but they are dropped down and other players could potentially come and pick those poers up so it is a pretty harsh penalty for dying as well as that obviously it's harder to get back to your death box if you've lost your fly or whatever Mount you're using it might take you longer to get back and get your stuff back complet up to you what you play on of course if you're worried about falling through the world and glitches losing your stuff then no drops is a pretty good idea particularly if you're on one of the older Xboxes or if you want a standard kind of survival experience I think drop all items is probably the best one to play on all poers on team I'm not sure it's really needed but certainly for more hardcore players uh that's a good option max number of guilds it's just how many guilds you can have on the server default is 20 you can turn it all the way up to 100 all the way down to 1 completely up to you doesn't really matter too much Max Powers working at the base the default is 15 if you want you can turn this up to 20 so you can have more Powers working in any one base this could well cause performance issues or pathing issues the AI is already pretty dodgy at that so just be careful with that one you can also turn it down to one again if you're doing like a hardcore playthrough turn this down to one you have one power workor in at every base going to make life pretty difficult so that's everything for today hopefully that's covered some of these things in a bit more detail and explained them better for you if you have any other questions about these settings or anything you think might be wrong then please let me know in the comments and we'll have a little look and we can always test some of this stuff out if you did enjoy the video then you can help us out by dropping a like and subbing to the channel and taking a look at some of my other power world tips videos thanks so much for watching my name's Ben we are the beard guys and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Beard Guys
Views: 55,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Xbox, Palworld PC, Palworld Xbox Gamepass, Palworld world settings, best palworld world settings, best palworld settings, Palworld best settings, Palworld best custom settings, Palworld Best worl settings, Palworld tips, Palworld guide, Palwords help, Palword Tutorial, Palworld tips & tricks, Palworld tips for beginners, Palworld beginners guide, Palworld getting started, Palworld Xbox tips, Palworld PC tips, Palworld server tips, Palworld settings tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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