Learn this NEW Trick to Master Base Building In Palworld

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hi welcome back to your YouTube channel where I have been down here working very hard to find new ways to abuse the building mechanics and I think I have earned myself some dinner so can you can you please bring me that thank you you know that last time when I showed you how to make that Minecraft thing well this time I'm going to show you how to make that bridge from that one Josh Hutcherson movie um bridge to seora something like that except this time it's not going to emot Ally devastate you as a child and you can use it to do stuff like this in a single structure and like this which is a single structure and you can tell that it's a single structure because these top flat roofs are being supported by these foundations down here at the bottom it's all one it it's all connected now before we get into it eventually you may find yourself asking why is this important what does this do this just looks like a very complicated way of doing nothing and here's your answer if you didn't know or you haven't been able to make sense of it yet each Foundation can support Two Pieces away from it the roof directly above this Foundation is not counted in those two pieces that I can support away from it so one two and I can't have a third now say you run into a situation where you just can't build straight anymore or you can't build connected foundations anymore such as this oh no I've run into the water and I cannot build any more foundations connected to this one but I have a structure above that I still want to build out what am I going to do right so it you can't build any further than this with this trick you can continue building okay I hope that makes sense now in the newest Power World update version 2.0.6 the one that came with bellor or bellan Noir however you would like to pronounce it they allow you to attach the flat roof directly to your foundation now before the update I was actually going to make a video on this because I figured it out then you could have done the same trick but you just needed walls now you don't need walls so it actually makes it look a lot better so here's how it works you take your foundation can't build any further for whatever reason you build out your roof pieces okay and then the game allows you just like in the Minecraft block one you can force a connection between the wooden roof and the additional Foundation now this way is a lot easier than the other one because one you have a much better camera angle you can actually see where you need it to be connected at and two there is a much easier way to check if it's connected so you line the edges up make sure they're basically as close as they can get without overlapping and then they touch and then you want it to be a little over halfway up like that okay just like how that is like that and you can check if it's connected if it allows you to place a wall if you can place a wall on this Foundation or the wooden roof or whatever then you know you've connected if you haven't this is what it would look like if you have don't have it connected and I'll get it close just to kind of really drive home the point also if you've noticed I've been able to do this a little bit easier because I am lining it up directly with the cardinal directions people left that in the comments on one of my other videos which has actually made uh building a lot easier so thank you very much for that I do appreciate it so this you know it's pretty close right it's pretty close but I it's pretty it's too low it is too low so I cannot place a wall right here now you don't actually need the wall okay you don't actually need the wall you can just delete it but now these two foundations are linked and you can test that per usual by just building out above it and look at that boom boom boom boom boom now there are several variations to this okay um or you don't have to just keep these two flat roofs you can use different pieces actually and I'll show you I already have them built so this is one way you can build it stairs will actually now count towards this connection and you can continue building the stairs up I think you you would only be able to get two um but if you're on a hill or something where you can build this second Foundation right here a little bit higher then you can continue using the stairs but as you can see above this Foundation is connected to this one below and then if you do it correctly you can put a maximum of three spaces between both of the foundations I'll show you how to do that real quick so first unfortunately you will need to be able to connect them to a part okay I've got bad news and bad new if for some reason you are not able to add a connecting Foundation two units of measurement whatever you want to call it away from the original Foundation then you can't actually make them three units of measurement away which seems counterintuitive don't worry I'll get it I think it's a little yeah I think that one also is not going to work by the way the I've seen some people wonder if it still works the block technique or the Minecraft block or the being able to connect walls to the bottom of the foundation or you know connect through different heights it still does work I just used it yesterday for one of the builds you saw earlier now once you have the two foundations connected two pieces apart two units of measurement apart two whatever once you have the two apart build another one the New Foundation back here that we just placed it is exactly one Foundation away from the other one so this roof will line up and what you need to do you have to delete this middle one because if you try to just do this it's going to try to connect to that instead of this Foundation it'll just show that there's not enough support even if you're like hovering over this Foundation trying to connect it so we'll delete this don't worry it'll work now you can connect this and since this middle piece is both one away from both of these foundations it's it'll let you place it and now these foundations are three units of measurement apart and they're still connected and as you can see these aren't even I did a poor job lining it up here once you get to four um there's not enough support for the okay I [ __ ] lie okay T and then once once you have this two connection if you don't want it to just be flat roofs it's very easy to change a good practice to get into if you're going to start using this kind of exploitation of mechanics is build the foundation that you just connected out one because if you delete this foundation for whatever reason you're going to have to do the connection all over again but if you build it out one you'll always have a place where you can automatically reconnect so I'm actually going to do that now if you want to change these from flat roofs the easiest way to do that you can just start building on top of the roofs you just built whatever you would like it's going to say not enough support however if you do it this way like that and you can delete this delete those and now these are connecting the two foundations oh great just like that hey look at that and then you can use it to make these very nice looking bridges that are actually functionally connected to each other um this one is diagonal for Speed purposes I just lined up with the cardinal directions but it is actually functional um Pals will recognize this connection just like they do the the Minecraft connection the block technique connection and if you don't think they do recognize it here's a clip of some random Pals recognizing this connection this is like the fifth shiny I've seen today to be honest now once you get that down and you're able to make that connection very easily and very quickly you can combine that technique with the block technique from my last video and you can begin to make unfinished things like I have um like this where I had to build a bridge I used the trick from this video in combination with the block technique um here to connect these foundations up to these ones and then I connected these foundations up to I think there's some foundations right here and then these foundations up to this one single Foundation up here so that way I'm able to build out this is an unfinished build but you can see the use case for this right no and if you still don't understand if I delete any of these two in a row one two uh or three this uh uh a majority of this build will come crashing down I'm not going to do it actually I might do it just for the example 1 hour later I'll do it for the example okay I'll do it for the example if you don't understand typically you can't connect foundations like this but with this trick and the block technique trick I'm able to connect these bottom foundations to a single Foundation all the way at the top of this rock okay so here we go uh let me get my fingers on the alt f4 button okay this is the worst um yes I did it by the way all right now that I gave myself that heart attack for you guys I am going to go change my pants if you enjoyed if you learned something or if you want to tell me how much you dislike your YouTube channel let me know in the comments or give it a thumbs up because for every one of those I get to turn on the AC for one minute thanks a bunch and thanks for watching anyways peace love your friends and I hope you didn't look at the eclipse with no glasses okay bye [Music]
Channel: priqe
Views: 11,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld base, palworld base design, palworld base building, palworld building, palworld building design, palworld creative base, palworld creative building, palworld base tour, survival craft, palworld unique base, palworld aesthetic base, palworld aesthetic base building, base building palworld, building palworld base, unique palworld base, palworld cool base designs, palworld best base design, palworld functional base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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