Palworld Breeding Masterclass | INFINITE Cake, Perfect Pals, Base Design | Max Efficiency Guide

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today I'll be showing you how to efficiently crank out a ridiculous amount of cakes to force feed your pals in your sick underground Mass breeding operation along with the optimized base setup to go with it all the ins and outs of breeding perfectly rolled Pals and how to properly use breeding charts to breed up from low tier Pals to endgame Pals in as little steps as possible there are some fascinating discoveries I'll be sharing that will help you better understand why this setup works best and why we'll be avoiding doing certain things that would normally seem logical that a lot of people have got completely wrong because when you actually run the numbers you realize they don't function as intended at all let's make some cakes for any breeding to take place one aphrodesiac cake is required for every one pal egg produced our five critical ingredients are flour which is made from three wheat red berries milk egg and honey all of which we can purchase for gold from Merchants if we'd like with the exception of honey for this reason honey is our most important ingredient to maximize production for optimal cake output while we can be a little more selective about how we obtain the others wheat and berries are extremely easy to farm and practical to stockpile for Jam fill buns as well so having a base with both is recommended however I suggest keeping it separate from where we produce our other three ingredients which requires ranches to create and you'll see why in a minute where you choose to process your wheat into flowers up to you it won't really matter though it's probably best to do so on a dedicated farming base just toss down as many wheat and Berry plots as you can and ideally keep your feed box and a cooler storage within the center of them so that there's less movement required in order to store them once they're harvested eggs and milk are created by Chiapas and mozzer respectively though I'm going to suggest you minimize using mozzer to produce milk and instead purchase most of your milk for 50 gold each from the merchant located at the small settlement at coordinates 73484 you can also capture him if you have the means to and pull them out at your base when you need to buy and sell stuff if it's more convenient the reasons we want to do this is because it's significantly easier to mass capture and rank up chickas for greater egg production than it is to get mozara for milk we also need one more egg than milk per cake so favoring egg production makes more sense we also have limited spaces in our base for production so less Pals overall is better and Chiapas have smaller character models that are less likely to bug out in your base than Moz Arenas there are tons of videos on how to make fast money in power world but one of the simplest ways is just to convert regular ingots into nails and sell them if you haven't already watched my video on how to set up automated Ingot production then that's a great place to start to ensure you have steady coins to fund your cake baking efforts every ore is effectively worth 160 gold when converted to nails so you can get 3.2 milk per ore which is pretty darn good in my opinion and it simply draws from what should be an already steady pile of ore if you have a properly functioning mining base of course you're welcome to use mozz Arenas if you prefer that you just need to give up an extra pobox slot at one of your bases to support them if you're just drowning in money you could opt to purchase your eggs as well instead of farming them or any of the other resources than honey for that matter finally for honey production we're going to need beards and a lot of them ideally they'll be one of of the first Pals we breed or mass capture to increase their star ranking as the only thing that notably increases resource production from our Ranch Pals is their partner skill level which goes up by one level for each star ranking I've done a number of tests looking at different work speed Levels by boosting with passive skills with the monitoring stand and different foods that boost work speed and there was no significant difference that made it worth using any of those features when you level their partner skill however this seems to specifically change how many of the farmable resources dropped when they trigger a resource drop for example a zero star chapi will always drop one egg whereas a one star has a chance to drop two and a four star has a chance to drop five in a row this isn't guaranteed it's simply a chance it'll roll between one and that Max number I haven't noticed the star rating changing the frequency of the resource drop actually occurring that seems to be the same at all levels where it hovers around 45 seconds to 2 minutes per drop and does not work like clockwork on a fixed drop schedule I've seen some people say that higher work speeds speed beat up the animation of the resource drop but I honestly couldn't even tell the difference between a pal with double work speed versus normal so it's pretty much Irrelevant this is nice because it means you won't have to look for skills like Artisan or other work boosting skills ever when it comes to Ranch Pals instead the skills that actually matter the most are the ones that reduce sand depletion and hunger depletion because that means less time resting and eating from feed boxes which equals more grazing time and more resources produced per hour anything to boost move speed is all also beneficial obviously so I suggest all of these following skills to prioritize if you have a large pool of ranch Pals to choose from it's by no means a hard requirement but it will improve your output diet lover workaholic and dainty eater are probably the best to look for Swift and Runner are useful Legend and Nimble are also good but slightly worse for base placement location it's really a matter of preference though I found the coordinates 398 318 were a perfect spot as it has a giant chunk of flat land to work off with minimal trees that that I needed to clear on top of having very frequent chickp spawns which work great for power leveling my initial workers to higher egg laning tiers I've also never been raided here which I found quite interesting maybe that's a fluke but it's pretty nice not having to deal with raids here as well if you're doing an honest unmodified playthrough this spot will be great to zoom around for chick peas catching one to two at a time but if you want to and are able to change your world settings to increase pal spawn rate you could easily catch over 100 chickas here in a few minutes with tripled spawn rates before dropping my pal box I've started laying full stone foundations for all of my bases to give me a completely flat working space to use so that I can minimize the likelihood of my pals getting bugged out as well I would say this is worth doing but it's not a must if you're too lazy or don't have the stone to spare a pro tip for doing this is to Mark where you want your pobox Center to be then find the absolute highest elevation point within an 8 to 10 square radius of the PO boox and then build your foundation out from there this will ensure that your foundation always stays at the highest point of the ground in your workable base area I've opted to turn off my structure deterioration rate so that I can build outside my pobox range just keep in mind that you still can't have Pals work outside of that range this is just for decorative purposes for ranch placements I think four ranches is the absolute most you'd ever need if you're playing on a world with 20 Max Pals as you can have a maximum of four Pals working on a single Ranch at any given time this would leave you with room for one cooling pal one electricity pal and two Pals to actively breed if you're Focus focusing on Gathering cake materials you can then choose to scale down your cake resource Pals for more active breeding Pals as your needs adjust personally I run 12 Ranch Pals one cooling one electricity one fire one Anubis to help pick up Ranch drops and four breeding Pals when I'm not power farming eggs which is usually more than enough to supply all my cake needs with my berries and wheat coming from a separate base plus buying all my milk this is something you'll have to play around with to find your equilibrium point based on the levels of your Ranch Pals and how much of your milk and/ or eggs you're purchasing when laying down your ranches I like to place them on the outermost edge of the building ring and as long as your pals actively help to build it when you place it down you know that it'll be properly used by your Ranch Pals between each pair of ranches I put a feed box to minimize the distance travel to eat so that we get more time for grazing while also putting a storage Barrel inside of each ran so that my beards or Anubis can instantly deposit honey into it then we put a cooler in the middle of all the ranches where any milk or eggs will will be deposited with the least distance possible travel to deposit while only needing one cooling pal to manage it if you have enough flour and berries being produced at your farming base then I highly recommend you convert as much spare flour as you can into Jam fill buns as they'll dramatically reduce the amount of eating your pal needs to do compared to regular cook berries especially normal uncooked berries cook berries are pretty solid food all around though so if you can't afford to push to jam buns then don't sweat it just know that the sand recovery from cook berries is not even close to as good as the jam buns when loading up your feeders make sure you're putting your food that you intend to be eaten on the leftmost side then fill all remaining slots with a non- perishable food item like honey or cotton candy so that any eggs or milk you produce on the ranch gets funnel to your freezer so it doesn't spoil one last thing you want to do is put a hot spring of the highest quality possible on each side of your ranches so that Pals that need to restore sand occasionally have a place to go quickly pal beds are simple just put as many down as you have Pals and use the highest quality possible I always like to put two large pal beds and the rest fluffy with them all spaced one tile apart to minimize collisions with the large beds not near any larger structure like a ranch stable or hot spring as I've seen Pals bug out when they're too close together finally I place my base and pal performance enhancing structures and all other large objects that pals are not interacting with like the pal condenser your bed monitoring stand statue of power and alarm Bell above my main working floor I highly recommend making this four tiles higher than your main working area as Alpha yman ganders will not be able to move freely in a base any lower than that you may also want to change your alarm Bell settings to force your pals to focus on work as there are stray Pals that walk by and can distract your workers with these structures set up in this fashion you have just about the most optimal layout for ranch resource production the only thing left to do is rank up your pals to increase output because the pal condenser increases the number of Pals required to rank up a pal by four times from one to two stars then double that to three stars and double that again for four stars you should always focus on leveling every single pal you intent to have on your Ranch by one star at a time before leveling a pal over to the next star rating as it's a much more efficient use of Pals if you spent a few minutes catching chickas you should be able to easily rank up most of them to at least two stars if not all the way if you have the resources to do so bards are even higher priority since honey can't be purchased but they are harder to catch on mass since they're higher level here's their General spawn area for manually catching them they're not too hard to find if you want to breed them however you'll either need a male in female beard which is harder to find than you think as the male ones are far less common at a rate of about 1 to 10 and they're the ones that like to blow themselves up whenever you get close to them so you have to catch them pretty fast alternatively you could use a daydream in mozara a fuddler and ecra deer a tanzi and malpa or tanzi and dud to make beards I'd say these are the easiest pairs to find earlier game though there are many other options if you already have a good chunk of all Pals captured before starting this I think two stars on your chick AAS and one star on your bards is a solid starting point that you can scale further over time as you please once you toss your pals into your breeding base and you've loaded your feeders with food you'll officially have a steady supply of all your necessary cake ingredients and all that's left to do is bake them before we start making some babies for cake baking I suggest baking on site so that you only have to move your flour and berries over from your farming base depending on your level and resources you may or may not have the electric kitchen which you unlock at level 41 as well as the flame cauldron at level 20 which I highly recommend purchasing as it can speed up production by around 20% and is very easy to assemble at a minimum you'll need the regular cooking pot to bake cakes but they take twice as long to cook compared to the electric kitchen you would of course need to use up another pal for electricity to run the Electric kitchen but the way we'll be setting up this base calls for electricity anyway so I still think it's the best option if you can get it depending on how many cakes you want to be cranking out per hour and assuming you have a yman tide ignis with level four kindling and the flame cauldron you can make around 120 cakes an hour with the electric kitchen 60 with a regular cooking pot which you could double if you want to recruit one more fire pal I personally don't recommend cranking up your pal work speeds for cake production using the monitoring stand as it's unlikely you'll be using more than 120 cakes an hour let alone gathering enough resources for that many per hour but if you really want to do it then I'd say you're far better off baking cakes at a different base since your Ranch Pals will be negatively impacted by this if you don't have a Yanti ignis here's where we can capture some though they are quite high level you'll probably be fine with a pal that only has two or three kindling though it will obviously be slower in any case we've finally done it we now have a reliable supply of cakes to get our Pals on the mood to launch some disturbingly large eggs relative to their body size out of unknown orices ready to be fertilized by some pal fluids and I'm not talking about those ones so that we can slowly refine their genetic line down to the perfect version of every pal so let's get our breeding farms and incubators set up and continue outfitting our base with the right tools for the job uh subscribe now our ranches were fine to place on the absolute furthest edges of the base ring and it wouldn't cause any problems but I don't recommend doing the same for your breeding farms as I've notice Pals can bug out quite easily when they're placed like this anytime you place your Farms down with the hay bales outside of the Ring there is a chance that things will get wonky I haven't noticed this ever happen as long as at least half of the hay bale is inside the ring so use that as a general guideline for placement I think four breeding farms is more than enough to meet all your breeding needs and I like to place these all on the opposite side of my ranches to keep things spaced out and not have my pals accidentally get stuck in them anytime you have cakes to unload from your cooking pot or kitchen you can throw them into the breeding Farm chest and they'll never expire so spread them out as you please we obviously need to hatch these eggs so we need to get some incubators placed down and you have two options for this and it's going to depend on how you're playing the game if you're playing with your settings set to zero for hatch time then you're just insta hatching everything so just set up a single incubator wherever you want and cycle through hatching your eggs right away if you're doing an honest playthrough and are planning to wait for hatching then I recommend placing your incubators completely above your main po working areas to prevent any Collision on the incubators set up as many as you feel necess necessary you probably won't need many if you're breeding smaller eggs but if you're farming Pals from huge eggs that have long incubation times then you'll definitely want to load up more to keep up with your egg output now I talked about wanting electricity in my base before and that was because you need it to push your heating up to the max amount necessary to speed up incubation for scorching and Rocky eggs which need to be hot during the daytime you'll need an electric heater running to get your 100% incubation bonus on these eggs while you'll only need a basic heater for common electric and verdant eggs which should be warm damp dark and frozen eggs don't need any cooling as this area by default is cool enough to give them the 100% bonus right away you could instead find an area that is hotter by default and then provide cooling for the necessary eggs instead but that's totally up to you it's all a matter of preference you're going to have to do something for some type of egg no matter what for this setup you will need to spare an additional pal in order to keep the heater running and I suggest destroying the heater that will not be used so that it doesn't accidentally get activated by the dumb pal AI at night time you'll see the temperature typically drop one heating unit lower than during the daytime so if you're going to play through the in-game nighttime you should adjust your heating accordingly during that time to keep your hatch rate maxed be sure to keep your heater on the ground floor of your base so that your heater pal can actually access it as it will not be able to go upstairs as the AI is too dumb it's important to note that the heater range only seems to capture an area of about a three tile radius from where it was placed so try to Cluster your incubators around the spot you place your heater anything above the heater will be affected by this you can build multiple layers of incubators within that 3x3 space and they'll all receive the heating bonus if you have a ton of eggs to hatch I would however avoid placing breeding farms at higher floors of your base even though your pals technically shouldn't move once you place them in the pen I've seen Pals bug out up top then stagnate egg production and it's just a pain in the ass to have to bring them back up there if you need to reset them speaking of which it's time to start chucking our Pals into our breeding farms and making some eggs obviously we need one male and one female pal and our cake for them to start getting freaky but how do we ensure we're breeding towards the best possible traits for our Pals which traits matter the most how can we max out egg production and how do we figure out how to hatch a specific pal from two different Pals first some useful things to understand when it comes to Pals producing eggs when pals are placed in a breeding Farm they will not deplete their hunger or sanity levels and typically opt to sleep in their pens as well this is why I don't bother putting feed boxes near them as they should never leave their pen area if things all go correctly second is that Pals do occasionally bug out and will end up outside of the reading workspace usually when you log back into your world or fast travel back to your base when this happens you'll notice that the egg progress meter will not move at all as the pals have to be inside of the breeding Farm itself despite the pal saying it's actively working that's a lie you're going to have to manually move them back in there and this is precisely why I advise against having your breeding farms on elevated surfaces finally actively producing eggs is yet another activity that is not impacted by work speed at all I've seen people spread misinformation about this saying you should adjust your monitoring stand to Max it out since they don't lose sanity or deplete hunger but I've tested this one too and it has next to zero difference every single egg takes around 5 minutes and 30 to 40 seconds to lay doesn't matter which combination of pals are getting freaky or what the settings are on the monitoring stand that's the time it takes to make an egg for the most part if anything the monitoring stand was maybe 3% faster but I'm chalking that up to wonkiness with Pal's moving around the pen and accidentally stalling the egg timer randomly during test so it's simply not worth using the monitoring stand given the negative impacts it has on other areas of your base typically now let's talk about how to create a specific pal as this will be fundamental to Expediting trait farming later on there is an underlying system tied to breeding where every pal has a breeding value and when you throw two Pals into a breeding Farm it averages those two breeding values and spits out an egg for a pal closest to that average value sometimes the value is equidistant from two Pals so there's a check order that determines which of those two Pals get selected in that case I won't go into any more detail on this as it's not important for you to know but that's the quick and dirty of how the system works what some talented people have done with this information is create an exceptionally useful resource known as the power of breeding combination and calculator Google sheet that has mapped out every possible breeding outcome in the game I personally think this sheet is more useful than any other website with a power World breeding calculator I highly recommend going to the link in the description or pin comment to access this and make yourself a local copy for future use while bookmarking the original as the Creator does update it over time the main reason I like this sheet so much is because you can easily see the pal deck number for all of the parent Pals when searching for the pal child you want to breathe in the parent search sheet most of the other sites just show the names of the pals or even worse show the pals out of pal deck order which is extremely annoying by having pal deck numbers you can more easily understand whether you can take advantage of low pal deck number combos as that's a generally accurate indicator of the difficulty required to catch each pal I know that's not always the case but it's pretty darn close for example if we wanted to breed an Anubis we can see that there are quite a few very accessible combos to work with to get an early Anubis such as acceler and relaxus panking and bushy Manda and catris and more none of which require endgame level 40 plus PALS like palladius or F stallion to create now there are ways to work from even lower rank Pals than this by going one or two additional breeding steps deeper where you'd for example breed out a relaxus with lower level Pals instead of catching one but it's honestly probably Overkill in most cases considering by the time you get any reasonable breeding operator setup you'll have probably caught a solid number of all Pals by then simply consult the sheet in the exact same manner going one step deeper if this is something of interest to you the process is identical so sticking with our Anubis example let's talk about how we go about breeding an ideal crafting Anubis and how the sheet can help us get there faster in terms of Target farming traits we always want to know what our end goal is before going deep into an egg farming bout for our nubis example let's hunt for workaholic Artisan serious and work slave first we want to look for any viable breeding pairs that contain any of the traits we're already looking for to speed up this process we'll start by going into the parent search seat selecting Anubis as our child then looking through our pal box for Pals that are both on the list and contain ideally only a Max of two traits both hopefully being desired traits to our end Target if possible with one being male and the other being female in this case I have an inceram knock and a serent that have artisan and workaholic which we do want but unfortunately motivational leader which we don't need this is completely okay as it's only one additional trait and we're early into the cycle hunting for our other missing traits as well we'll be able to get rid of this later we throw them into a pen with some cake and let the love making commence between our slippery friend and its horny counterpart as they inceram each other until an egg is yeed out of an orice yes incin amming is the scientifically accurate lingo don't question it let a few eggs get produced and then throw them into your incub bers waiting as long as you need based on your in-game settings or not at all if you got eggs set to instant hatch if you're successful in pulling an Anubis with both your artisan and workaholic only congrats you're off to a great start if you only get one male with one trait and one female with one as well that also works and you can start breeding them too in hopes of getting the other traits to show up in future Generations in most cases however you're going to start seeing other traits most of which will be unwanted showing up in your hatch Lings from the set of eggs you just saw pulled here the best pull we had was an artisan only Anubis and then tied for second was an artisan workaholic motivational leader and then an artisan workaholic aggressive to the same value really the aggressive and motivational leader are unwanted but it's still enough to work with to try and express our two missing traits Sirius and work slave which unfortunately never showed in this batch at all as you go through more eggs you'll eventually pull another one of your four desired traits and when that does happen you're going to want to rotate that new pal into a breeding Ranch to continue expressing that new trait more frequently rather than banking on it naturally rolling I don't have an exact number on how much more likely a trade is to be expressed when one or both parents have it but I've linked to a Reddit post that seems to have gone quite deep into running the numbers on trade expression for different scenarios that's worth looking into if you want to have a more intimate understanding of the numbers and inner workings of this system over time your you're hopefully going to then have two of your four traits on one pal and one or two of your other four traits on another with no strigler traits being expressed at all this is the ideal situation to be in this will give you the highest chance of Landing a perfect world pal at about a supposed 10% success rate and at worst you'll start to roll Pals with three of your four traits which you can then swap in if desired as well further increasing your chances of a perfect roll so in this case I got pretty unlucky honestly having to roll about 80 eggs before I ever saw work slave appear and it showed up on a really shitty egg with two unwanted traits luckily very shortly after I rolled a plain work slave only egg and was able to pair that with an Anubis that had our other three wanted traits to roll the perfect pal with enough Generations pass you should finally have a perfect roll pal with all four traits and if you're lucky you can then quickly breed another one of the opposite gender with all four to crank out multiple perfect Pals if it's a pal you want to have many of to work on your base for you over the course of this process assuming you want to fourar your perfect pal then don't worry about producing a bunch of extra eggs over your Generations as you slowly make progress as you can just throw the ones into the PO condenser to rank up your perfect specimen once you have it the breeding system as a whole is far from an exact science and more based on probability and optimizing slowly towards your perfect pal but if you're making a conscious effort to rotate those better Pals in incrementally as you get closer to the perfect one with each round of egg production while omitting The Unwanted traits you'll naturally hit your perfect pal likely long before you create enough eggs to forar it another very important point to bring up is that once you have a perfect rolled pal like an Anubis if you want to pass over its perfect roll to another type of pal assuming there's a way to crossbreed from that Anubis plus one other parent pal to your desired child pal what you want to do is find a secondary parent with zero unwanted traits and only matching perfect world traits this will give you a very high probability right out of the gates to breed a perfect pal I believe this would again be around that 10% chance so once you've done the leg work to get a single perfect pal it becomes very simple to transfer it over to other types of Pals a few other things to be aware of when it comes to breeding before we wrap up here at most you can have 20 eggs produced in a pen before your pals will stop producing eggs there so you'll want to cycle out your eggs every 2 hours if you plant to max out production I've recommended only four breeding farms for your base as you likely won't be making enough cakes to sustain much more than that but if you want you can definitely squeeze a few more in if you've been smart with your space use with this build design while all traits are possible to pass on to offspring through the parent you can't roll every single passive trait out of thin air the jury still out on whether you can naturally roll lucky but I've never seen it after hundreds of eggs myself and you definitely can't roll any of the unique traits from legendary pal bosses like the lord of the blank traits or blank Emperor and divine Dragon along with the legend trait you can pass all of these on though from the parent to the child if it possesses it as it stands there also doesn't seem to be any blockers in place that prevent a certain trait from appearing if another trait of a similar type is present for example you seem to be able to breed down all the worker traits like serus artisan and work slave though it isn't clear whether they're control roll rate diminishes if a parent possesses one of these skills I noticed it was very difficult for work slave to pop up for me once I had artisan and Sirus on one of my anubis' so maybe that's just coincidence from a small sample size I really don't know honestly overall your best bet is to always only breed using Pals with the traits you want to express excepting that some trash Ones Will flow into the mix as you hunt down other key traits once you have all four of those tra Express slowly refine them out to a point where you can find a breeding paraa only has the desired traits expressed and none of the useless that you don't need and with average RNG you should have around a one in 10 chance of rolling that perfect pal when all other conditions are met I know this was a lot of information to take in but hopefully you now have an optimized cake producing operation and all the tools and know how to Target Farm traits for your perfect Pals in the shortest number of generations possible if you made it this far and enjoyed the video drop a cake emoji in the comments and consider subscribing for more of the most indepth research back coverage of your favorite games if you're looking for tips on how to optimize movement through the power world make sure to check this video out next I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: UncleMumble
Views: 90,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld walkthrough, pal world, ingot, efficient, palworld builds, builds
Id: z16rsf3Xi1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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