How to Build a Bard for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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everybody loves The Bard right well in this  video today I'm going to go through how to   build your Bard out if you're maybe doing your  first character you're trying to build out one of   the other characters as a Bard or maybe you want  to do one of the generic hirelings from Withers   we're going to go through how The Bard looks at  the beginning of the game going through stuff   like race selection background origin stuff like  that progress through a small conversation on what   R3 subclass options are talk about the future of  The Bard after level one then close the video out   talking about some multi-class options you can  quickly navigate to any part of this video that   interests you the most using the chapters in both  the timeline and the description and also don't   forget to check me out on Twitch you can find  that Linked In the description as well as the   pin comment where I will be streaming border  Skate 3 and a number of other games but let's   get started here on how to build out your Bard in  Baldur skate 3. loading into the game let's talk   about race now this is a single player narrative  game so don't min max don't do what the internet   tells you play whatever character makes sense for  the role play you have in mind for your Bard but   with that being said I'm going to give you some  options or at least a discussion point on some   if you are stuck and just cannot decide drow is  probably my favorite or Dro draw it's probably   my favorite race in the game so I default to this  one but there are some items and weapons in the   game that are drop specific so it actually does  make some sense to choose this if you're trying   to choose one I would maybe give you a bit of  a leg up also you get proficiency with Rapier   short sorting hand crossbow to the point where  I believe you also start with a hand crossbow   dual loading hand crossbows is stupid good for  The Bard because you can just have a marshall   capability uh in that you're shooting a ranged  weapon without having to use a spell if you   want and they're very strong you get really good  access to good hand crossbows throughout the game   choosing any of the half elves are really good  especially the high half elf or high elf because   this also gives you access to a can trip so you'll  get access to friends as a Bard can trip but maybe   you go with an offensive one like a ray of frost  or Fireball tier whatever you really want you do   have access to those and I like that as far as  choosing the high half health or high elf High   Elf or I'm sorry Wood Elf or wood half elf also  gives you Fleet of Fleet of foot which increases   your movement speed by five which is always lovely  now the drow half health I don't know if the drow   race specific items work for them from what I  understand they do not so keep that in mind I'd   rather probably just go with a drow in that case  the difference is of course you get different   racial features here with civil militia giving  you light armor and shields as well as spear Spike   caliber or Pikes halberds and Glades uh dwarfs are  great too if you want to go into the shield dwarf   and give you access to light and medium armor as  well as all the Hammers and Dwarven resilience   towards poison always lovely you can also go with  the halfling which I don't think people should   uh sneeze at because lucky is an amazing race  feature when you roll a one for an attack roll   ability check or saving throw you can re-roll the  die and must use the new roll so it's a really   awesome ability to especially if you go with  brave you have saving throws against frightened   and go with Lightfoot to give you advantage on  stealth checks or Strong Heart TV Advantage saving   throws on poison and resistance to poison damage  halflings are actually a pretty solid small race   and always don't ever sleep on the GIF maybe  don't go with the crackhead GIF go with the   female gift and you get actions such as astral  knowledge which is getting proficiency and skills   of a chosen ability so you gain Proficiency  in any and all intelligence skills our wisdom   skills until a long rest so it lasts for a  long time you get the cantrips of Mage hand   but you'll also get one for jumping you have a  lot of really cool things with the GIF because   you also get armor proficiency and light and  medium and proficiency with short sword long   sword and grade swords so just so many cool things  lastly I really like the Mephistopheles tieflings   because this gives you access to magehand but  you also get burning hands and Searing blade uh   or it's uh maybe not string bladed yeah it's flame  blade it's flame blade you get burning hands and   Flame blade are two further cantrips you get as  Mephistopheles uh tieflings and I just love tea   things they're one of my favorite races but this  is your race options that I recommend here for   Bard now when it comes to Bard mechanics the big  thing to really look at is your bardic inspiration   at the start of the game this is going to give you  one D6 to your next attack roll ability check or   saving throw it's a bonus action and it uses  a special resource called bardic inspiration   you'll get multiple charges of these and they  regenerate at level one once per long rest they   will eventually get to a point at level six where  they will regenerate once per long or short rest   and Bardock Inspirations will evolve to do 1d6  to eventually 1d8 to eventually one d10 as far as   their bonus goes so you act as a bit of a support  class and that you can really benefit people's   ability checks attack roles saving throws do this  if you're disarming a trap if you are picking   a lock if you are doing a conversation bit and  you need an ability to check Improvement Bardock   inspiration can can work in that situation or  you give this to someone in the middle of combat   and it can help them out with a saving throw if  you're maybe going with a combat inspiration for   the Valor bar which is part of the subclasses  we'll talk about a little bit here but I just   wanted to go over what the Bardock inspiration  does you also of course will have spell slots and   special spells that only the bar well special  spells that The Bard has access to that other   classes can use too but they have a very set and  limited spell list one thing I want to point out   too about The Bard mechanics that we will I gloss  over majority of in this video is the song of rest   so you and your allies are revitalized as though  you would have taken a short rest so basically you   get the ability to heal 50 of your hit points as  if you were a as if you had done a short rest so   it is awesome it is awesome because it's basically  just a free short rest that you can just kind of   pop in get everyone healed up without having to  go back and do a long rest you get effectively   a whole third one if you so wish for subclass  options for The Bard we've got three College of   lore College of Valor and College of Swords  this is going to come down basically to the   type of Bard you want to be do you want to be  be a marshall bar that focuses solely on your   own damage and really beating things up College of  Swords is for you do you want to be a martial Bard   that gets up close and personal but also really  is focused on buffing up the entire group helping   their Armor class whatever it is College of Valor  is going to be for you now don't think either one   of these is strictly relegated to only melee you  can use range weapons just fine especially for   the College of swords and we'll explain a little  bit now maybe though you want to go with a pure   kind of Caster style bar or at least a Bard that  focuses more on the casting elements you can still   be a melee or a range character with College  of Valor of lore here if you so wish then that   is what's going to be your focus so let's go into  college of lore here first so when you get College   of Law activated you're going to get cutting  words so use your wit to distract a creature   and tap its confidence but you'll get access now  to your in additional skills and proficiencies so   that is like the big Focus here is that you get  proficiency and three additional skills of your   choice and you get your skills with expertise so  you have just so many things happening at level   three for you because you can focus on three more  skills or make two of your existing proficiencies   even better take for example stealth well now  it's seven or tick perception now it's four or   uh deception now it's seven or we now we know we  didn't pick up side of hand at the beginning of   the game so let's do it now and then let's become  proficient and now we can really pop traps open so   lore gives you a ton of things that make The Bard  good all more bardic it just makes you more of   a skill monkey it makes you more of a Caster by  taking advantage of a lot of really cool things   because College of lore gets access to all these  things at level three but at level six you get   access to magical secrets and these are two  non-barred spells that are levels three or lower   I'm gonna put a link to an entire list of all the  magical secret spells in the bg3 wiki go ahead and   take a look at those but you'll get stuff like  hunger of Hadar from the warlocks bellus which   is a really good one or Spirit guardians from  the Warlock I'm sorry from the clerics palace   which is amazing so College of lore is great and  you get access to those magical Secrets at six   every other Bard gets them at level 10 and they  are level five or lower but you as a college of   lore get it at six and ten so you just get a ton  of spells accessible to you as a lore Bard now   College of Valor is still quite awesome as well  so you get combat inspiration which is different   than bardic inspiration it still is bonus  action so uses your Bardock inspiration but now   inspired allies add bonus damage to their next  weapon attack or a bonus to their armor class for   one attack so you can help them do more damage or  help them to negate some damage coming their way   with a combat inspiration but in addition to this  you'll also gain Proficiency in martial weapons as   well as medium armor and Shields and then at level  6 you get extra attack now if you don't know what   extra attack is that simply means that when you  go to do an attack action you'll do two rounds   of damage for the cost of one action or you'll  simply attack two different targets whatever it   is you use attack and you get it to do it twice  for one action cost everyone gets it who's a   martial capable character now College of swords is  again more of a selfish focused uh College whereas   College value or buffing people right no now  you use your bardic inspiration for one of three   actions uh they're called flourishes you have  slashing flourish which is a tax up to two enemies   defensive flourish which attacks defensively  increasing your armor class by four if you hit   or mobile flourish thrust your weapon with enough  Force to push your target back 20 feet afterwards   you can teleport to the Target so you get access  to these three and they can be used either as   melee or as ranged as you can see you can just  pop it into range mode and it gives you a lot   of Mobility with this the mobile one or gives you  a lot of defensive capability or to help you do   some AOE damage it's quite nice also fighting  styles you get dueling and two weapon fighting   dueling keep in mind here this is not a single  weapon it used to be called single weapon fighting   you can use a weapon and a shield here and  I strongly recommend a Rapier and a shield   because you're going to get all the benefits of  dexterity uh and you're using a finesse weapon   you get the benefits of The Shield there are a  lot of really awesome spell casting shields in   this game and on top of it I really like a lot  of the light and medium armor especially this is   a this is a light armor I have on uh remedial  Rhymes when you inspire an ally using Bardock   inspiration you gain four temporary hit points  you get this to the beginning of the game so   this is a really good light armor and you  take advantage of having your heavy dexterity   modifier here to really pull in a lot of really  good stuff here with the College of Swords uh   so those are your three subclass options at  level six with the College of Swords you do   get an extra attack that's worth mentioning as  well but hopefully this helps you out you know   again spell caster and skills um a support style  melee and or range character and a damage focused   uh melee and or arranged character in the  College of sorts when it comes to abilities   remember please that all Races have the same base  plus eight and then you add I'm sorry this is just   the base eight then you add two or one to any one  of these abilities scores that you see fit now for   The Bard your primary focus is on Charisma this  is where you're going to be doing majority of your   damage from all of your spells and you'll be doing  plenty of conversational options so we're going to   jump this up to 15 and put the plus two into that  and then from there we're going to decide what   kind of Bard we want to be do we want to focus on  dexterity or strength are we going to multi-class   into a paladin or a fighter all sorts of things  I'm going to assume you're going to go pure barred   so I would go with dexterity and I'm  going to go Constitution to 14 and I'm   going to bring my wisdom to 10. I'm going  to explain these options here right now   so dexterity is going to be great here because  it's going to increase our initiative so we   can go first or at least as close to first  as possible it's also going to add to our   bonus or I'm sorry our Armor class it's going  to take our Dex already bonus and add it in so   your base Armor class is 10 plus your dexterity  uh modifier here so that's two now when you're   using light armor you get your full dexterity  modifier so let's say that this jumps up here   to plus three we would get that plus three medium  armor caps at two so even if we switch into medium   armor for the exception of certain situations we  at least get plus two dexterity out of this and   if we use finesse weapons they use our dexterity  modifier to do damage examples of this would be   range weapons and certain melee weapons such as  rapiers daggers short swords or finesse weapons   so this allows us to do some melee damage and some  range damage now Constitution is important as well   because this allows you to maintain concentration  spells if you look over here at Tasha's hideous   laughter it is a concentration spell meaning  that it will maintain itself in play for 10 turns   if I get hit though I must do a concentration  roll which is against my Constitution so if my   Constitution is low I fail the concentration role  and I M and Tasha's hideous laughter falls off   keep in mind you can only have one concentration  spell active at a time so we keep that at 14 to   give us both health and help out concentration  and wisdom we put at 10 because this allows us   to get uh no penalties on Insight medicine  perception and survival roles because like I   said before uh Insight is very very important but  so is perception so having those two not have any   penalties is always quite nice now when it comes  to skills adding a proficiency to them gives them   your proficiency bonus which is two right here  this will eventually evolve to three and then   eventually to four at level nine or ten one or the  other and that is crucial because you are a Bard   you have access to tons of skills and then you'll  get skills with expertise and you'll get Jack of   all trades you have tons of skills you're called  a skill monkey just like a rogue and you can   actually take advantage of so many different ways  to approach this by you know what we already have   perception inside let's leave those but I'm going  to get performance because I'm a Bard I'm gonna   get sleight of hand so now I can pick locks and  I can uh pop open any kind of trap anything like   that but these things are investigation to help  out with me just kind of looking through things   maybe I want more conversational things so just  kind of go through these and the kind of bars you   have in mind or do you want to be someone that's  more like Indiana Jones well you know what we   already have persuasion that's great well Indiana  Jones let's take history let's take investigation   let's take Arcana whatever you have in mind for  your bar definitely go with the skills that make   the most sense for you now as far as your origin  and your background are concerned please go with   things that make sense for you and your role  play or the amount of times you've gone through   the game this is your second playthrough maybe go  with a dark urge that is a entirely different and   unique playthrough of the game it is custom that  you can make whatever character you want but you   will go through certain things and deal with  certain scenarios that you maybe did not deal   with before or if this is your first playthrough  you will shut off ways to do certain quests by   killing certain people or succumbing into your  dark urge that results in a whole different   playthrough than the standard games the dark urge  is definitely an amazing uh origin if you want to   go through more of a brutal or wild playthrough  it is definitely very unique custom is what I   go with almost all the time um I there's just no  way fans or but it's about it for me but also if   you want to play as any of these characters you  definitely can and you can respect them to Bard   if you want even if you choose them as a companion  you can choose will to be a barred warlock which   he is in my playthrough so keep those things in  mind and your background too should be based off   of the kind of character you have in mind are  you a noble son who has become a Bard are you a   former soldier who is a Bard now that that kind  of Regals and tells the tales of Wars long past   are you a Entertainer that has put this into a  Bard whatever it is there's plenty of backgrounds   that you can choose and these backgrounds will be  dependent upon certain actions or dialogue choices   that you take throughout your conversations in  Baldur's Gate 3 which will award you inspiration   points you get up to four inspiration points and  they're very quickly rewarded so you should be   using them as much as you can but they will give  you re-rolls on ability checks disarming chops   all sorts of things so you want to make make  sure you kind of fit the role play if you want   that's kind of a Min Maxi option Guild Artisan is  good because it gives you insight and persuasion   persuasion you're going to be using in Spades  throughout the entire game and insight allows   you to get access to certain conversational things  that you would not get access to maybe either in   romances or certain pivotal plot points so it's  a really really crucial skill in my opinion   spells and cantrips are going to be dependent  upon a lot of things from you know what kind of   barge you want to have in mind but I'm just going  to give you some recommendations here friends is   really really really good so you gain advantage  on Charisma checks against a non-hostile creature   you use this in the middle of conversation to  help give you an advantage on that role so if   someone also has guidance they can cast that which  gives you a 1d4 bonus you could use your bardic   inspiration you could use friends all these things  just add all these layers to any of your charisma   checks to help you out pushing through any kind  of pivotal conversation in the game but then you   can also add vicious mockery in here which is  nice just to kind of have disadvantage on its   next uh the creature to have a disadvantage on  its next attack roll and it is a wisdom save   and get minor illusion here stuff like that  is really nice moving into spells you have   a good amount of really good ones at the beginning  here Tasha's hideous laughter is a really good   ability leave a creature prone with laughter now  prone uh can't move or take actions bonus actions   or reactions and has disadvantage on strength and  dexterity saving throws pretty much anything when   it comes to range or melee attacks attacks  against the prone creature have Advantage if   they're made within 10 feet of the creature and  a prone creature must spend half its movement   speed to stand back up so it's just a great way  to lock something down that's something that the   bar can do in Spades because you can get sleep  which is really good in the beginning portions   of the game you basically just put someone to  sleep and you don't have to deal with it at   all last for uh two turns charm person is always  really good um you also can get Thunder Wave for   some good damage capability but also make sure  you take a look at stuff like feather fall long   Strider actually no feather fall yeah a feather  fall no it's not I lied to you long Strider here   uh speak with animals they are ritual spells and  feather Palm might be one too but I don't remember   but long Shredder and uh speaker with animals  are both ritual spells that last until a long   rest and a ritual spell means that it will not  take up a spell slot to use so you choose this   you cast it on everyone right when you come into  the game right when you do a long rest whatever it   is just take the time you cast on each input vigil  in the party now everyone moves 10 feet faster you   haven't used up a spell slot and they have this  until long rest it's a really really great ability   and I really encourage you to use it to give you a  little bit more Mobility but dissonant Whispers is   also quite a good one because it frightens  does quite a little bit of psychic damage   um into also your starting instrument just choose  whichever one you want whichever one strikes your   fancy there's no disadvantage or advantage to  using any one of these it's entirely up to you   when it comes to a conversation about Feats it's  going to come down to what you want to improve   for your Bard or you want to improve your spell  casting capabilities or do you want to improve   your Marshall capabilities but first ability  Improvement is always a really good one to put two   points here into Charisma because Charisma has a  lot of what is called half Feats meaning the feet   does something and then also gives you an ability  score of improvement so actor for example your   proficiency bonus is doubled for deception that's  actually really good for a Bard because you have   probably both of these abilities and your ability  your proficiency bonus doubles for them so if it   was a proficiency bonus of four it's now eight and  you get one more to your charisma and remember you   get feeds at levels 4 8 and 12. so putting your  two points into this and then getting a half   feet that adds one more to Charisma turns your  charisma into a plus five that's really beneficial   for a ton of the things that you can do as a  Bard strongly recommend it even actor is great   again I recommend that one uh hey my rice is done  performer is also really good you gain musical   instrument proficiency and your charisma increases  by one to a Max of 20. this is just another way to   get Charisma you already have musical instrument  proficiency so you don't really need to worry   about it but it is there now if you want to go  into more of a spell casting route you can go with   war caster which allows you to have advantage on  saving throws to maintain concentration on spells   like that um Tasha's hideous laughter for example  that was a concentration spell or hunger of haddar   if you go the lower route but this also gives you  the ability to shock and grasp as a reaction when   people leave your melee range spell sniper is  good so that you get Critical Hits on 19 and   20 but you also get a can trip so maybe you want  to get ray of frost if you didn't choose before   Eldritch blast or Firebolt whichever you so wish  you now have those options other cool things to   our ritual caster which is going to give you two  ritual spells remember ritual spells don't use a   spell slot and they give you the capability to use  something until long rest so enhance leap Triple   A creatures jumping distance Long Strider maybe  you didn't pick it up before talk with the dad   speak with the animals find familiar all sorts of  cool ways to approach ritual Caster if you so wish um where's the other one we're gonna talk  about oh lucky is really good you gain   three luck points when you can which you  can use to gain advantage on Attack rules   ability checks or saving throws or to make  an enemy re-roll their attack rolls so this   helps you get off any kind of big clutch  damage hits or any kind of bit big clutch   um hits that were coming your way so either you  deal the damage or you dodge it whichever one it   is Magic initiate here and any one of these is  really nice too because it grants you more can   trips to take advantage of as well as some spells  from the respective class they're always very fun   Elemental Adept allows you to do more damage to  a specific or with a specific type of element   so your spells you cast ignore resistance to  in this case acid damage in addition you deal   uh acid damage with the spell you cannot roll  a one so it can never just auto fail so a lot   of really great abilities here maybe you want  to go with a dual wielding hand crossbow go   Sharpshooter and then go into a crossbow expert  maybe you want to be someone who focuses on the   Marshall aspect or uses a shield you go with  Shield Master if you so wish or you go with   like uh defensive duelist when you attack while  wielding a finesse weapon which you're probably   going to do that you're also proficient with you  can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus   to your armor class possibly causing the attack  to miss so there's a lot of really cool ones here   even athlete is a nice one just to be able to get  up and jump distance increase and stuff like that   so don't feel pigeonholed into only choosing the  really really good ones or whatever it is choose   the ones that make sense for the type of bar  that you want to play now as far as the future   progression of Bard goes two big things happen at  level five and level six that I want to jump into   here and I feel like also level five is kind  of a pivotal point for almost every character   in the game where they really start to feel a  good power Spike and feel a little bit stronger   and a little bit better for one they get fond  of inspiration so now you regain all of your   bardic inspiration after a long or a short rest  whereas previously it was just a long rest and   then improved Bardock inspiration the bonus gain  from Bardock inspiration increases to 1d8 from 1d6   that it was before I'm just choosing a random  spell here to accept then at level six we get   counter charm and I chose uh the lore Bard here  just to show you what magical Secrets looks like   so counter charm you and your allies within 30  feet have advantage on saving throws against being   Charmed or frightened for three turns so it's a  nice way to kind of Dodge those two things that   you will actually deal with in Spades in this game  I'm just going to choose a random spell but this   is magical secrets so now I can choose since I  have my lower Bard at level six any one of these   any two of these abilities uh that are level  three or lower from other classes and honestly   stuff like call lightning is really good hunger  of Hadar is amazing Spirit Guardians is just so   good as well it depending on the kind of barge  especially that you want to be you've got haste   in this location there's a lot of the Misty step  is great especially because it's a bonus action   you have so many good abilities here that  you can take advantage of Spike growth in   conjunction with Hunger of Hadar is absolutely  disgusting but they're both concentration spells   so you cannot stack them same thing with Spirit  Guardians and hunger of haters want to make that   known so in case you got both and said well  I can't use both once intended but really   really love this capability but after that we're  pretty much just looking at the standard linear   progression of any kind of Caster where we just  get access to more spells and more spell levels   as we level up level eight is going to grant us  access to another feed of course all the kind of   fun things that we do as we push through the game  I'm just going to just choose stuff at random here   um but this is going to be true all the  way up to level 10 where we're going to   get improved bardic inspiration one more time  that makes our Bardock inspiration now do one   d10 we'll get additional expertise so now  we have even further proficiency bonuses   making us even more of a skill monkey and we  get our final round of Magic Magical Secrets   um or our first if we're not a war Bard but  that's pretty much your standard progression as   a Bard you just get better and better at casting  more and more of your barred spells you get your   magical secrets you get better skills and you get  a better Arctic inspiration now to open up our   conversation about multi-classing The Bard it's  worth noting that I've already covered some of   this in my warlock video linked in the upper right  hand corner I said hey you know you either start   as 10 levels of Bard and two levels of warlock  to do a lore Bard in warlock or you can do like   eight levels of Bard and four levels of warlock  or you do five levels of warlock first and then   the rest uh seven levels of Bard as the sword  bar that's what I've personally done for my will   there's a lot of different ways you can do a  barred lock and it's a very powerful class because   you're pulling in Charisma another cool thing you  can do is simply two levels well I'd probably yeah   two levels of sorcerer you start a sorcerer  two levels and then pivot into Bard and those   two levels will give you the ACT give you access  to meta magic so you can do things like cast in   your bonus action give you increased range on all  of your spells lots of fun things Rogue can give   you action to the cunning actions at level two  you'd put two levels into Rogue sure you get sneak   attacks but this scales with your Rogue level so  it's not as awesome the big thing here is that   you're going to get access of course to expertise  out the gate I'm gonna have even more skills of   course and those cunning actions which gives you  better at bonus action economy allowing you to   move around the map better while using it as a  bonus action versus an action so for example you   can Dash as a bonus action to let you just kind of  get through things another quick shout out here is   to the fighter where you can just drop two levels  in get level one for second wind you get heavy   armor medium Armor All these things if you start  as a fighter and then at level two you also get   access to uh action surge which allows you to just  get a whole additional action you're gonna get   Grant yourself all of the fighting styles as well  so you can kind of layer these right you could   go with something like defense you gain plus one  bonus to armor class while wearing armor and then   dueling if you wanted to go with 10 or two levels  into fighter and 10 levels down into a sword bar   because you'll be granted two fighting styles  so a lot of fun things that you can be doing   with that but in this video what I want to focus  on is Paladin so we would start as a paladin you   would take two levels here and we're going to  show this off right now what I would say is I   would go a subclass oath of the Ancients you can  definitely go oath of Vengeance it's an absolute   viable route and in that case maybe you'd go a  little bit deeper into Paladin maybe a six and   a six a six palette and six sword barred but  in this case we're gonna go two levels into   the oath of the Ancients because we get healing  radians now if you're looking at this right now   you might go oh that doesn't really seem very  good it doesn't seem like it scales well you'll   yourself and all nearby allies for five hit points  where you get another five hit points next turn   well the formula for how this works it restores  your proficiency bonus plus your Paladin level   which will always be two since we're only going to  take two plus your charisma modifier So eventually   our Charisma modifier would be um 20 right so we  would have that at a plus five plus the seven uh   or plus two from our palette level which makes  it seven and that level nine that would be an   additional um plus four right so that would  allow us to do effectively 11 hit points for   all allies and ourselves and then an additional 11  hit points after that so just a free 22 hit points   very nice as a channel oath charge very very  good here also and that's part of your attendance   but we're going to click we're going to click  confirm and accept as far as abilities though I   would still even if I went Paladin I would still  probably go Charisma if because I'm assuming I'm   not going to take heavy armor because most of the  light and medium armor is beneficial to Bard if   you wanted to go heavy armor you definitely still  could you definitely could just go strength if you   so if you so wish I would probably still though  spice this kind of like this very it would just be   pretty much the same exact stat score we went with  before where we're focusing on finesse weapons   and dexterity I think it's still very viable  especially because we're going to go 10 levels   into being a paladin if you don't want to you'd  probably just drop this down and go like that   something that kind of like gives you a little  bit more into your strength so that you can get   a little bit more out of that rather than going  with the Finesse route that's how we would go with   just our first level of Paladin because we would  start as a palette and that's crucial starting as   a paladin so at level two we get access to another  fighting style or a fighting style depending on   how we're gonna approach this character which  gives us stuff like dueling or protection here or   defense maybe go weapon fighting if you want to do  that route but we have plenty of stuff to kind of   tap into and we can have these spells prepared  as we see fit I I kind of messed up our uh   our our stat allocation here but this is cool  because we also get our divine Smite so we have   all sorts of stuff set up here with our character  we're good to go now we jump into being a bard   you can take this level three  if you want to give your uh   give you some additional stuff with nature but I'm  going to go ahead and switch on over to Bard here   and I'm just gonna whatever this says  I'm just going to accept it as is and   we're going to push up here and this  is where I would go with swordbard   um you know I haven't brought this up in the  video yet but you also get song of rest you   and your allies are revitalized as though you  would have taken a short rest so it's basically   a free heal as if it was a short rest which is  lovely it's one of my favorite things about bard   but as we progress into this  we're going to choose our um swordbard where did I do that there we go  oh no yes there we go and we can just choose   another fighting style right because we have one  already chosen with our Paladin we just kind of   keep pushing through this and as you progress  through we're now getting access to all of our   fun stuff of being a Bard right go into all  these things yes we get our feets I'll just   choose I'm just pressing buttons but now that  we're level five well we're level seven but   we're not bar level five we now have the better  Fawn of inspiration we have improved product   inspiration level three spell slots which we can  just go ahead and press hold these buttons and do we're gonna go all the way to level nine here  we get to level six we get all those great   things so we're getting our additional attack uh  which we would have gotten to if we were a level   six uh Paladin but it's really crucial for all  Marshall classes to get that ax get access to   that extra attack we'll stop right here at level  seven again I'm just pressing press some buttons   and we're good to go right there so now that  we're all set we have tons of abilities to take   advantage of now that we are a barred Paladin  we have our lay on hands for some healing   capabilities we have some Channel Oaths for our  healing Radiance we have some spell shots we can   take advantage of again I messed my stats up on  this character I didn't realize what happened   um but we get Shield as a reaction we have all  sorts of stuff here that we can just be using   that we can take tons of advantage on so we can  upcast our divine Smite as well or I'm sorry there   we go Define smite so if I have a melee weapon  equipped let me just go ahead and slap one on you can see here that this does one  D3 plus three a 1d10 plus three plus   one D4 plus that's probably actually  put on a finesse weapon here for you   there we go I think we put our character into  something looking at it I think we put them into   oh no his strength is right this is this  has just been all sorts of messed up   okay we'll just do this so there you go 1D of 10  plus 4 1d4 because it has Force attached to it   but now 2d8 radian because I'm casting that  all the way up onto a level four if I want   there you go one or uh five D eight there  we go but now Divine Smite just does a ton   of damage as a sword Bard but we also have our  defensive capabilities here with all of our uh   our special roles and everything so there are  our flourishes you have so much fun you can   do with a paladin Bard that you just could  tap into so many different directions and I   strongly encourage you to flavor this how you  want maybe go six and six maybe jump into both   the Vengeance whatever it is that makes the  most sense for you and your Bard but if that   brings our video here to a close so hopefully  this helps you out in building out your bardic   character or maybe the character you have in mind  for any of your companions Paladin Bard Bard lock   whatever kind of combination you have in mind  maybe just a pure Bard is a very fun class and   I like I said before you will take advantage of  things in this class that you did not think you   would do in the game you're like oh wow I can  do that that's probably that's kind of cool   that's kind of spiffy so have a lot of fun with  Bard because it is a lot of fun and you can do   a lot of really cool things to help help you push  your way through Baldur's Gate 3. if you have any   suggestions of any kind of multi-classes or ways  that you approach Bard please let it be known in   the comment section below I'm always down for  people to learn and have fun ways to approach   the game that are different from what I may be  recommended and what the internet is commonly   telling them but as always thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 51,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Build a Bard for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 bard guide, bg3 bard build, baldurs gate 3 bard, baldurs gate 3 bard build guide, bg3 bard guide, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 bard subclasses, bg3 bard multiclass, bg3 bard subclasses, baldurs gate 3 bard multiclass build, baldurs gate bard build, college of lore bg3, college of swords bg3, college of valour bg3, bg3 bard beginners guide
Id: zqNwZYD9EMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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