Try This INSANE Sorlock Build In Baldur's Gate 3! - (Baldurs Gate 3 Warlock Sorcerer Build Guide)

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Eldridge blast is the king of Baldur's Gate 3 this sore lock build turns will and any warlock and sorcerer into a force a damage god with insane damage numbers each turn plus the ability to cast multiple eldru's blast proton let's go let me know if you prefer multi-class builds like this or if you prefer a vanilla one class only build in the comments down below but before we get into that this video is sponsored by honkai star rail honkai star rail is the latest RPG from hoyo versus the creators of the excellent gen impact and I've got to tell you all about this game because if you love turn-based RPGs then this is definitely one to check out you'll explore different worlds Across the Universe in this free-to-play Galactic Fantasy game and the gameplay really stands out to me because of that turn-based nature but also the character and the art design hoverse has nailed their art style in the honkai star rail each character has so much life and personality especially the new imbibato lunai who reminds me of myself you know being tall and handsome with a lot of dragon-like features no can't see it well despite his quiet and Noble demeanor he uses self-confidence as a powerful imaginary type DPS character and he can manipulate the flow of water to attack enemies personally I'm just getting into Hong Kai's star rail and I can't wait to check out imbiber to lunai and the 1.3 update which is out now check out the pinned comment and the link in the description to try out the game and looking Viber to Luna for free right now but also use the promo code in the description for 50 Stella Jades thank you honkai star rail for sponsoring this video I think as this saw lock build we are essentially combining the Warlock and the Sorcerer to create an Eldridge blast focused build so basically what you'll do in sort of combat is each turn you'll cast eldris blast and with the Eldridge evocation modifiers it adds an insane amount of Charisma on top of that plus we're also wearing two particular pieces of gear one to increase our Charisma up to 22 and one called the poded Rogue which will add gregarious Caster so you can additionally add your charisma modifier again to your Eldridge blast so essentially you'll get a just insane amount of damage off with every Eldridge blast especially as you level up and hit Level 10 when you can do three beams of the blast in the one attack and by combining this with the sorcerer it allows you as well to use matter magic especially meta magic quick and spell so in the same turn you could cast Eldridge blast as a bonus action and then cast it again as an action so essentially you cast it twice in the one turn meaning six beans meaning just intense amount of damage overall really that you can do with this build so while we are leaning heavily into Aldridge blast and it's absolutely the focus of this build it's not the only thing you can do and it's partly why combining something like a sorcerer and a warlock together is such a natural pairing now they do share a Charisma spell casting modifier so all their spells will use Charisma so you just want to maximize your charisma but also because of the Warlock with their warlock spell slots they have a limited amount of smells and they do replenish on short rest and being that they are so restrictive combining it with something like a sorcerer gives you access to normal spell slots plus a wider array of potential spells that you can use for different scenarios but also you get the meta magic and the sorcery points that we discuss so it just gives you more flexibility as a let's say as a warlock right and gives you newer things that you can do while also enabling you to deal heaps of damage with Eldritch blast which we've already talked about but giving you more flexibility which is something the Warlock severely lacks if you are just playing a warlock you often feel like you stand there and you know mostly do nothing other than cast Eldridge blast so let's build out this character now I have a warlock and a source or a class guide which you can go and watch if you want the very basics for both of these classes but we're just going to cover up the leveling up process and we're going to use will but you can obviously use your custom character here so you probably want to put your first levels into the Warlock specifically now initially because Eldridge blast just at the start of the game is also very good and it also helps you sort of be serviceable and strong in the early game before you get too complex into changing the way your class goes but also getting to level four relay to get a feed which we can talk about in a little bit but when you're picking a subclass here the fiend is probably the best one to go because of dark one's blessing so when you kill that enemy you gain temporary hit points and because you are going to be killing enemies like basically every turn you always get those temporary hit points at level two as a warlock you'll gain your Eldridge invocations which we want to grab agonizing blast to add your charisma modifier to Eldridge blast and repelling blast which will then knock enemies back when you hit them with the Eldridge blast at level three you'll get a pact to choose from this could be the pact of the chain the tomb or the blade I would suggest to go packed of the chain here for the fine familiar and so you can summon a familiar and you can actually use them in combat or outside of combat to fly around and pull levers for you but it sort of doesn't matter that much right like you could go anything pact of the Tomb gives you access to some more spells but you won't use them heaps because with using either sorcerer spells if we're into that route but it gives you options there your other eight levels should be go into sorcery now this gives you all of the spell slots The Meta magic and the sorcery points that we discussed plus your last couple of Feats for your subclass as a sorcerer the draconic bloodline is definitely the way to go because you get a little bit of extra Health Plus it increases your overall Armor class and as we're not wearing armor that's very useful for this sort of a setup compared to a typical warlock setup for your ancestry I would pick a type based on spell damage that you like so I typically like fire damage so you can go say the red dragon type or if you say you want to use cold you could go Blue something different depends on what sort of other damage spells you want to use because at level 6 you get an additional modifier that spells with that type do additional damage so just pay attention to that and make sure as you're leveling up your sorcerer you're picking up those spells as well for your Feats here we are just going to really go into ability Improvement to get your charisma to 20. we're going to get it to 22 via a headpiece as well so we'll hit that 22 Mark but you can spend that last fee at level 12 on sort of anything you like really it's really up to you we'll quickly go through some great spell options we've already talked about Eldridge blast and you are definitely going to be using Eldridge blast basically every single turn but your warlock spell slots you can grab hex and Misty step I would suggest so hex is great because it allows you to add necrotic damage every time you deal damage to that Target and if that Target dies you can then move it without consuming another spell slot for the act of a bonus action so you can do this to add necrotic damage to any of these attacks that you do and once you have hit say level 10 and your Eldritch blast is three different beams and you hit that Target with those three beams each beam will trigger the hex effect to deal extra necrotic damage further increasing your overall damage and Misty step is great just because you can you know then move around and sort of be be a bit more flexible into your positioning get up on Higher Ground that sort of thing and I like picking up both of these in the warlock spell slot specifically rather than picking up Misty step as a sorcerer spell which you can do if you choose to go that route but picking it up this way because it just it synergizes a little bit better because you've only got the two warlock spell slots ride and then having hacks and Misty step as your two warlock spells that are also both bonus actions it just helps that sort of Rhythm to know that these are warlock spells they're both bonus actions and you can sort of cast them you know in that turn and then because your warlock spells refresh after you short rest which you'll do basically after every encounter you get your hacks and your Misty step back so you can reposition and then get that extra damage every single combat encounter regardless of how many spell slots you have left from your sorcery line and for your sorcery line here the Spells you should grab really is anything that matches your draconic bloodline so in this example here I took cold so rare Frost ice knife and ice storm are great but it's up to you depending on the damage type you pick I would always pick up counter spell however because not only is it an incredible infamous Asian Giver as it tells you what spells are about to be cast before the target casts them you can use it to counter their spells obviously it's called counter spell as a reaction and because as this saw like build we don't use our spell slots very often you can basically use this all the time and consume that spell slot to cast count spell because we're not using those spell swords to just like cast damage Bells unless under certain circumstances we do do but for the most part we're using Eldridge blast and then as you are leveling up as a source where you do get to pick metamagic options now there's two that you absolutely should pick up and then it's up to you otherwise the first being twin spells so spells that only target one creature can Target an additional creature this is fantastic so that you can you know use something like ice knife say for example to hit two different targets quick and spell is also an absolute must so spells that cost an action to cast only cost a bonus action Instead This is what allows you to get Eldridge blast off twice in the single turn as well now this does cost three sorcery points to cast so it is expensive but because we're investing a lot more points into the sorcery line we'll have more sorcery points overall so it's not as expensive but it's just worth calling out and for your last sort of mathematics meta magic slot we're not cutting it we're just gonna roll with it so I would suggest to either go careful spell so allies automatically succeed saving throws against spells that require them or distant spells so careful spell can be really useful if you're casting say big AOE spells that require Savvy throws and your allies are in that space you can sort of save them from it for free and distant spell just gives you that little bit of extra range which can be useful for certain encounters especially as you get further in the game that are set in quite large environments so definitely something to consider there is two pieces of must-have gear that you need to grab now I am going to be very careful with spoilers here so the first is the potent robe now the main reason to wear this is because of gregarious Caster so your cantrip steal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier this is obviously great for Eldridge blast because it adds that additional Charisma modifier but it's also fantastic for anything right if we use rare Frost as an example here we're getting the benefits from our sorcerer dracotic bloodline to increase the overall damage of cold spells plus then adding the Charisma modifier just adds so much additional damage to that as well now this comes from Act 2 through and I'll tell you exactly where in a second but just skip ahead to this timestamp on the screen if you don't want to know exactly where but it comes from completing the rescue the tieflings from moonrise Tower Quest once you've completed that Quest go to Alvira in the last Light in and hand in the quest and she'll give you this robe and the next piece is birthright so Birthright just adds plus two Charisma and that's how we get our Charisma to 22 meaning we get plus six to our Charisma modifier so when combined with that robe it adds plus six to your overall care troop damage plus you know we've already discussed with the Eldridge blast and how you get the Eldridge invocation to add your charisma modifier as well so that then adds that as a plus six and this comes from a location in act three and again skip to the timestamp on your screen if you don't want to know exactly where but it comes from Roland in sorceries Sundries you just need to go there and trade with him to be able to buy this he also sells a great pair of gloves that give you the quick and spell effect that could be used once per short rest which you can grab as well if you want to juice up this build a little bit more so final tips for this build we already discussed how great hex is but make sure you're casting at every encounter and then moving it to targets when you have defeated them you can obviously use Misty step to reposition one thing to note is here to be careful with your repelling blast as you can knock enemies back or knock them off Ledges into the unknown abyss and lose that sweet loot because the corpse is gone so just be careful where you're blasting enemies too and also because we're not necessarily using your spell slots to actually do something in combat you can use them for other features like say create sorcery Point once you've run out of sorcery points that you've been pumping out quick and spell you need more you can use that outside of combat just to bump that number up so you don't have the long rest or you could just be using them for counter spell in combat which we already discussed so there are other ways to consume those spell slots you're not actually using them in combat let me know your thoughts on this build down in the comments below thank you honkai star rail for sponsoring this video thank you for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is norza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 39,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 sorlock, baldurs gate 3 sorlock build, baldurs gate 3 warlock sorcerer, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 warlock build, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 warlock, baldurs gate 3 warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 sorlock guide, baldurs gate 3 sorlock multiclass, bg3 sorlock, baldur's gate 3 warlock build, baldurs gate 3 build, bg3 warlock guide, baldur's gate 3 eldritch blast, norzza
Id: O30u7P6tGNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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