Melee Warlock Build Guide: Max Charisma Is TOO GOOD!! | Baldur's Gate 3

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[Music] hello my friends and welcome to the channel today I'm going to be sharing my character build for a melee based plate armor wearing warlock fighter multi-class in Baldur's Gate 3 that combines the best part of a tanky Melee character in a charismatic powerful spell Caster into one extremely versatile build that works pretty good in basically every situation I've played this build up to almost max level and while it delays the early game Power Spike by one level because you want to multi-class into fighter very early the mid game and end game for this build is quite powerful and you have a lot of tools at your disposal the idea is that by combining three levels of fighter with nine levels of warlock you end up with an extremely versatile character that feels pretty much at home slugging it out on the front line and sitting back and nailing enemies with spells and Eldritch blasts you end up being able to do heavy damage at any range while also being quite durable with a good health pool High Armor class and damage reduction from magical plate armor the levels in warlock also give you access to some insane utility spells that become incredibly useful both in and out of combat and the best part this entire build is powered by the Charisma stat both your magic spells and your melee weapon attacks will be scaling off Charisma by level 4 which also means that you can very easily cruise through every single speech check in the game with a plus four or plus five minimum bonus to every single skill check with that introduction to the build out of the way let's get started by taking a look at the level up path for this build and talk about your starting ability scores and how this character progresses over the course of the game I am going to try and set this up to avoid any Major Spoilers for the game while showing this build but there will be some slight spoilers for Hidden character upgrades as we go okay right out of the gate we're gonna start the game as a level one Fighter for a very specific reason by starting as a fighter we gain heavy armor proficiency by starting as a fighter we gain heavy armor proficiency and access to all weapons right at the start of the game and very importantly for this build we get to pick a fighting style at level one and for this one we're gonna go for great weapon fighting which will provide very consistent damage on melee attacks because you can re-roll any low damage numbers for your equipment you're ideally going to seek out heavy armor and a pole arm specifically a halberd or glaive as soon as possible pole arms have extra reach compared to other weapons and they do great damage while also giving you the rush attack ability so you can hit things when you're just Out Of Reach for your starting ability scores I recommend 10 strength just to avoid any penalties during your low levels 14 dexterity to help you hit enemies and Dodge attacks and then use your plus one bonus to get 16 Constitution so you have a pretty good health pool early on intelligence and wisdom will be the dump stats for this build basically not necessary for any of the character features so they'll stay down at eight finally your major stat is is going to be Charisma which you'll set at 17 right out of the gate with the plus two bonus for your first level or two you won't really feel that Charisma bonus in combat but it will be very helpful outside of combat to pass speech checks and gain some extra XP and inspiration points now at level 2 we're gonna make the switch right into the Warlock class which is done by hitting the add class button in the top right of the level up screen if you are playing on the easiest difficulty you will need to add a mod to multi-class but for everyone else just click onto that warlock class and get started for our subclass we'll be going with the fiend which grants you temporary hit points every time you take out an enemy which basically acts as a shield on top of your regular Health warlocks don't have very many spell slots compared to wizards or Sorcerers but their spell slots recharge after every short rest not a long rest and when your spell slots level up all of your spells become more powerful so you want to swap out your low level spell cells for more powerful ones pretty much every time you level up for cantrips you absolutely have to take Eldritch blast which is the warlock's unique ranged attack spell and then for your second one I would suggest just using magehand because it's useful for a lot of things out of combat for level 1 spells I would say hex is a really good option to add some extra damage to your melee attacks and then expeditious Retreat which you can use anytime you need a little extra movement for levels 3 4 5 and 6 will be staying on warlock so here at level 3 we'll start off by learning a new spell and I would say overall which bolt is the best one to take here next you get to pick two Eldritch invocations which are unique upgrades for the Warlock class right here you want to pick agonizing blast which adds your plus three Charisma bonus to damage on every Eldritch blast attack for your second invocation take fiendish Vigor which gives you the false life spell that adds seven temporary HP and it can be cast infinitely since it doesn't take a spell slot at level 4 we're going to take our third level in warlock which gets us an upgraded spell selection and access to a pact with our warlock Patron you want to take pact of the blade for this build which allows you to either summon a magical weapon or enchant your own weapon with packed magic which lasts until your next long rest so you don't have to cast it every fight what this means is that your melee weapon now uses your charisma modifier for every roll instead of your strength or dexterity from this point on all damage that you deal with melee weapons and Eldritch blast will be increased by your charisma modifier so now we're on a mission to get that Charisma stat as high as possible for your first level 2 spell you're gonna take Misty step which is a bonus action that allows you to teleport to any space that you can see both in or out of combat this spell is insanely useful you can use it to jump on enemies you can use it to escape from enemies you can use it to go past locked Gates and get hidden treasure it's just insane and I think you want it as soon as possible it's probably going to be the spell you cast more than anything else now at this level I would also kind of recommend that you start replacing your level 1 spells you picked earlier with level 2 spells I would swap out which bolt or either blindness or hold person both of which are quite useful as crowd control at level 5 you gain one more can trip and one more level two spell I would recommend either Ray of enfeeblement or Darkness again just as crowd control skills for emergencies the important thing for this level is to take an ability Improvement instead of a feat and you're going to want to put both of these ability points into Charisma raising it to 19 total and increasing your charisma bonus to plus four so this is the one spot in this video where I'm gonna drop some minor act 1 spoilers by the time you hit Level 5 you should be able to head into the swampy area in act 1 and if you explore enough you will find anti-ethyl in her tree house if you progress her quest to the end and get into the boss fight you'll be presented with a choice to finish her or spare her life and you'll get a permanent plus one Charisma bonus for this build you absolutely want to do this Quest and get that plus one Charisma because then you'll be sitting at 20 Charisma before you even leave act 1. this gives you a plus five bonus on every single hit from your melee weapon and your Eldritch blast and on every single speech check for the rest of the game at level 6 you hit warlock level 5 which gets you the upgrade to pact of the blade allowing you to attack two times with your packed weapon you also gain access to level 3 spells here which means you can start doing things like throwing fireballs and casting fly on yourself this level is your first real power Spike and you'll immediately feel it in combat you double your damage and get insane spells it's really a huge upgrade for your first level 3 spell I would take Fireball just because it's awesome and it's really useful but there's a lot of other good options too just remember you can also swap out a spell to get a second level three spell I would recommend swapping something out to get counterspell personally which gives you a chance to nullify any spell cast within your range as a reaction on your turn finally you get another invocation as well so take either beguiling influence for a boost to speech checks or Devil's sight or some free Dark Vision on your character now at level 7 we're actually gonna swap back to the fighter class for about two levels at fighter level 2 you're gonna get action surge which basically lets you take an extra turn once per short rest because you have so many Tools in your tool kit with this build by now an action surge can be used in a lot of awesome ways you can get an extra spell cast you can attack two extra times or you can use Misty step or just regular movement to cover a lot of extra distance it's a huge bonus and this is kind of your second mid-game power Spike at level 8 we go for a third level in fighter which allows us to take a specialization for this build I go with Battle Master which gives access to combat Maneuvers special abilities that let you do more stuff in melee combat for my combat Maneuvers I really like trip attack for a chance to knock things prone repost so you can swing back at anyone who misses you in melee and rally which allows you to pop a free little heel on yourself or any Ally in combat at level nine you kind of have a big choice to make because the max level in Baldur's Gate is 12 you basically have to decide between gaining an extra feat or ability increase by putting a fourth level into fighter or you commit to the Warlock path for the rest of your levels and eventually gain access to level 5 spells which are quite powerful personally I decided to skip the extra feat and commit to warlock so by level 12 I can have fifth level spell slots warlock also gets dark one's luck at level 6 which adds one d10 to Ability rolls once per day so you can almost always succeed on those really important skill checks without having to save scum I'm not gonna go in depth on every level past here because frankly by level 9 all of the important parts are already in your build and from here on out you're just getting more powerful a few pointers for levels 9 to 12 though would be to remember to swap out low level spells for the higher level spells every single time you level up and when you get your next feet Choice consider going into pole arm Master if you took my advice and used halberds on this build this feat gets you an extra bonus action attack and it lets you opportunity attack creatures at twice the distance away that you normally would be able to and that my friends is more or less everything I'm not gonna sit here and list off all of the magic items that you want or tell you where to get the best armor because that would kind of ruin the surprise of figuring it out for yourself overall I felt that once I hit Level 6 or 7 this build kind of started to go insane the combination of strong spell casting with good HP and really high melee damage and heavy armor makes this build extremely versatile in combat and the 20 Charisma just made it kind of too easy to succeed on every single speech check in the game by the time I hit Level 9 I was getting a minimum plus 11 to every single persuasion and deception check which is kinda crazy I hope you enjoyed the video or at the very least bound it helpful this build single-handedly made me fall in love with the Warlock and I actually plan on playing this same build more or less in my next real-life DND tabletop session let me know how this one worked out for you I hope you find it as fun and Powerful as I did and until next time stay safe out there everyone thank you
Channel: J Dog th3 Wise
Views: 342,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate build, baldurs gate melee build, baldurs gate warlock build, baldurs gate best warlock build, baldurs gate charisma build, baldurs gate best charisma build, baldurs gate 3 build guide, baldurs gate 3 warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 heavy armor warlock, baldurs gate 3 spellblade build, baldurs gate 3 best speech build, baldurs gate 3 melee mage build, baldurs gate 3 endgame warlock build, baldurs gate 3 warlock multiclass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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