How to Build a Druid (Halsin) for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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where they're calling on the elemental forces  of nature or emulating the creatures of the   animal world Druids are an embodiment of Nature's  resilience cunning and fury that's like strength   out of the fifth edition I just took that but  in this video today we're going to go through   building out a druid maybe this is your first  character perhaps you want to respect one of   your companions into a druid whatever the case  is will go without that here today we'll start   out at level one looking at Druid on a very base  level to discuss the character creation process   go into a discussion about your subclass options  talk a little bit about standout traits and close   the video out going into some strong multi-class  options you can quickly navigate to any part of   this video that interests you the most using the  chapters in both the timeline and the description   and please don't forget to check me out on Twitch  where I stream every Tuesday Thursday and Friday   lastly too if there are any other classes you  want information on you can find a link to all of   my class guides in the description as well so at  the end of the video but let's get started here on   how to build a druid for beginners in baldurskate  3. loading to the game let's have a conversation   about your race options now in Baldur's Gate  3 you do not need to worry about your race   affecting anything so just choose whatever race  you want because all of your ability scores are   going to start at eight and you're going to decide  which ones get a plus two and a plus one so really   you're just going to get some minor bonuses here  and there it's nothing crazy so choose the one   that makes the most sense for you and the role  play that you have in mind for your Druid don't   feel like you have to min max this that being  said let me go through some options that I really   like for option for your Druid just because I like  them for one would be what elf what else is great   because they also get to move five additional feet  because they have the fleet of foot ability here   um this is also true for the half what else  so if you just had to go with a half elf you   can simply choose a half wood elf and it will  get the advantage just as well in addition to   we could pay ancestry here for Advantage on  saving throws against charm dark vision and   Elven weapon training which is going to give  us long swords short sword short short bow and   Longbow proficiencies which is actually quite  nice because we have clubs daggers javelins   maces quarter staves scimitars sickles Spears and  then your album proficiency so it's nice to kind   of be able to sprinkle some of those additional  proficiencies into it especially uh both of the   bow options you have if you want to go with any  kind of range option or sword and option piece of   wish now outside of that I really like halflings  in general the lucky capability for the hapling   is always great but what you get to roll I'm sorry  when you roll a one for an attack roll ability to   check or saving throw you can re-roll the die  and must use a new roll and I would go with   the strong heart halfling because it gives you an  advantage on saving throws against poison um some   other fun options are definitely the forest gnome  if you're playing a druid it just kind of fits the   whole entire scope of being a druid you get speak  to animals for free and it is a ability that you   can use that lasts until long rest and you always  have a chance to speak to animals you don't have   to waste a spell slot on it also you get gnome  cunning so you have an advantage on intelligence   wisdom and Charisma throws but the rest of this  have at it just choose what everyone makes the   most sense for you maybe if you want to go with  a shape-shifting druid you maybe want to go half   work but I I'm going to be 100 transparent I don't  know if Savage attacks when you land a critical   hit with a melee weapon attack you deal an extra  dice of weapon damage never mind I in in doing   this video I just found out that does not work I  was gonna say if you shape-shift nope this will   not work if you shape-shift because you are not  using a weapon attack for your shape shift but if   you do any other kind of Druid where you are maybe  using shillelae here or any of the other abilities   you can get the advantage of a critical attack  so if you want to maybe go Druid and multi-class   into something that's more melee oriented half  work would maybe be pretty cool or pretty fun   for you but don't feel like you're barred from  any of the races on your option for Druid go with   what makes the most sense for you for subclasses  you have three pretty diverse options now circle   of the land is your Druid that is focused on  casting spells and that will really be the   primary focus of this style of Druid what you're  going to be doing here is essentially choosing a   circle of land to fall in line with and once you  do that it's going to give you certain spells I'll   show you in just a second here but you'll also  be given natural recovery replenish expanded   spell slots while out of combat and you have these  natural recovery charges that are replenished per   long rest so if you want to be a casting Droid  that's focusing on a bunch of different spells   circle of the land is definitely going to be for  you it's worth noting too that every single one   of the subclasses gets access to Wild shape it's  only circle of the Moon that has certain kind of   special things with wild shape and we'll get  into that when we talk about it so even the   circle of the land in circle spores can turn into  all of these different wild shapes here uh badger   a spider wolf cat so keep those things in mind  let's go ahead and just select something here and   push us up to level three because that's when we  get to select our circle of the land so basically   what this happens here how this how this works  for the circle of the land Druid is that whatever   one you choose these spells are always prepared  which is great they don't count towards your max   prepared spells right so this is if we have Max  of six prepared spells well this circle gives us   now eight because these are always prepared so  Arctic is going to give us stuff like old person   and Spike growth Coast is going to give us mere  image and Misty step Forest hold person and bark   scan swamp melts acid arrow and darkness all these  great abilities that you can take advantage of   it's worth noting here that you'll get access to  these sets of Circle of land Spells at level three   level five seven and nine then at level 10 you'll  get Nature's Ward meaning you can't be Charmed or   frightened by Elementals and Fey and disease and  poisons no longer affect you which are really   nice to all look really great things to have and  something that's a little bit different than fifth   edition you can choose whatever Circle you want  at the time that you are offered it meaning let's   say at level three which is what we are right  now I choose Arctic well at level five I could   choose Coast if I want without any issues at all  I would just simply get the level 5 Coast spells   which are sleet storm and call lightning then at  level 7 I could choose Forest which is conjure   Elemental and grasping bind it doesn't change the  other two I've selected it's just those are the   set of spells I choose so it's a very nice thing  to be able to do when you are going with a pure   Caster style of druid the circle of the Moon Druid  is focused on wild shape you have right here your   combat wild shape which is different than these  standard wild shape and the difference here I   don't know if I can see yeah cool is that  wild shape or the circle of the Druid now   uses a bonus action versus the other two circles  have it as an action or an action and this will   of course use a wild shape charge just like the  other ones will but the other thing to you also   get for circle of the moon is lunar man expense  spell slots to regain hit points while in Wild   shape this is a great ability because it basically  allows you to kind of constantly stay active and   it's worth noting too um oh by the way the the  formula for the health here is you regain One   D eight hit points per spell slot level you've  used so um you can do a level three it's three   D eight but what this allows you to do is and  it's also it's a bonus action which is even   better you're doing this while you're in Wild  shape and it's worth noting and I'm gonna go   into a whole section of wildship in a second but  worth noting that wild chip effectively acts as   um additional hit points because you don't lose  if you lose full health on a wild shape you still   go back to your normal shape with whatever Health  you had so it's a great way to just have a ton of   damage a ton of way to kind of um do a lot of  different things now Circle the moon does also   give you special wild shapes so for example right  when you choose it you can jump into wild shape   bear which is a bear it's scary at level four you  get access to dire Raven and deep rothroth Ruthie   rothy Rother Ruth I don't know how to pronounce  it I'm sorry I'm butchering it I don't mean to   um but down the road then you'll get wild  shape Panther at level six and Owl Bearer   at level six and you get Primal strike which  means that your attacks while you're in Beast   form count as magical then level eight you'll  get wild shape saber-toothed tiger you get uh at   level 10 improved wild strike so you can make two  additional attacks after making an unarmed strike   while in Wild shape and at level 10 you get your  final round of wild shapes which are marmadons you   can go air Earth fire or water mermaidon and then  a Dilophosaurus which is a dinosaur so you have   all those different uh wild shapes to jump into  it's definitely a very fun class because you are   just turning into things and ripping stuff up it's  a really really really cool one so if you want   to go with a shape-shifting Drew would Circle the  Moon is the one that makes the most sense for you   lastly though we have the circle of the spores  so if circle of the land is focused on casting   circle of the spores is focused kind of a little  bit on both definitely way more melee oriented   than casting but you still you still do get some  spells every level and you do as well with circle   of the moon it's kind of worth noting to a circle  the moon can cast all the generic spells that that   uh Druids get as they level up same thing with  circle of the spores circle of the land it just   gives them special spells as they hit certain  break points with circle of the spores you're   focused on more of the it's hard to call it Undead  it's it's more The Last of Us style of zombies uh   but but effectively you are using spores and you  have this ability symbiotic entity so gain eight   temporary hit points and deal an additional one to  six necrotic damage while you have them cast Halo   of spores with double damage so what does this  all mean well for one symbiotic entity is going   to give you temporary hit points right and those  temporary hit points it's four temp hit points per   Druid level and you deal an additional 1d6 damage  while you have them of course so this is nice   because it's going to give you a ton of temporary  hit points and this makes the Spore Druid a huge   candidate for multi-classing go into a Spore Druid  Monk and you have a pretty disgusting guy to deal   with it does cost a wild shape charge and it is  an action and the other thing on here it says   casts Halo spores with double damage let's take a  look now at Halo of spores because Halo of spores   is also going to be pretty sweet for you so this  is going to deal 1d4 damage unleash a cloud of   necrotic spores upon a Target this uses a reaction  so other reactions won't trigger this turn kind   of keep that in mind here so again what you want  to keep in mind is with that you are triggering   this on your turn you are mandatory in that matter  you are are pressing this button and it's going to   trigger your Halo spores they're going to shoot  around you and do damage so this is a great way   to just finish things off and you do double damage  if you have your symbiotic entity active so this   gives you a chance to just go okay before I even  use an action or a bonus action I use my reaction   and I just clear what's around me am I in a 20  foot radius I'm doing some damage here so that's   a really nice thing to be able to do keep in  mind this means you can't do stuff like a tax of   opportunity or any kind of reaction that you would  get from an item but it's still a really cool way   to just kind of clear the field that you can then  use the rest of your actions throughout that turn   as you level up though you'll get access to  blindness detect thoughts anime dead and gaseous   form at level 5 and level seven or I'm sorry  six you get fungal invest infestation Target   a beast or humanoid corpse and raise a zombie  until next long rest counts as a reaction so   you basically just spend time making zombie  Bros to hat to hang out with you and fungal   zombies are are nothing to sneeze at they've got  like 16 strength 16 Constitution and they're just   gonna basically be there to hit things or take  damage for you it's quite nice and if you have   an oath breaker Paladin they can actually help  them out because they are classified as Undead   as you kind of level up though you'll get blight  confusion Cloud kill contagion lastly at level 10   though you get spreading spores so you have  symbiotic entity active and then you create   a cloud within nine meters that deals two d8  necrotic damage per turn to all enemies and   it lasts for 10 turns or until symbiotic entity  deactivates and it's a bonus action so you just   have a lot of really strong AOE capabilities as  a melee Centrics type of character since you're   really just in the thick of it using a lot of  these abilities so I think the Spore Druid is one   that really really couples well with a lot of the  more melee oriented multi-class options so wild   shape is something you're going to be using on all  of your different Druids so let's take a look at   how it actually works here so here is halson here  is his stat line if I can remember where the hell   that is um you can see good Lord I am all over the  place that's my saving throws there's my stat line   eight strength 14 decks 15 con 8 intelligence 17  uh wisdom 12 Charisma I didn't touch the stats I   just let them let them be as they were and we're  going to go ahead and press wild shape and we're   going to go into a bear and it says here the polar  bear has starting health of 30 hit points while in   an animal shape you can't talk or cast spells  you take on the attribute of your Beast form   excluding your intelligence wisdom and Charisma  scores so let's kind of recap what that means   I'm sorry guys I have terrible allergies today so  these scores stay the same no matter what shape I   assume this is good for especially wisdom when it  comes to any kind of charm save or anything like   that that's going to be really nice to kind  of keep active but my strength decks and con   are going to take on the aspect of the shape  that I select and it's also important to know   that I can cast a let's see if I have a good  concentration spell I don't think I do because   I'm an idiot I don't do I do I no I don't well if  you have a concentration spell you can simply yep we'll cast this concentration spell and it  will remain active when I jump into Fair form   so you would do those concentration spells before  you become your wild shape and you can see that   it is active right here it's active right well  it's usually on the over your portrait but this   is the ability to take a look at it in the lower  left corner I'm not sure how you would do this   on Console but you can click this x to shut that  concentration off and now that I'm in Bear form   I cannot cast any more spells I'm done with my  spells now right so in this form I now have the   new Strength Dex and con of this bear and it's  important to note too that this is my health it's   30 Health if I lose all 30 of my health health on  this bear I simply revert back to the health and   character that I was before this is what I was  talking about a little bit ago you effectively   get a whole extra bit of Health to do whatever  the hell you want with within the constraints of   that specific wild shape so it's fun to be able to  basically use your wild shape to go run Ram shot   go do some damage do some whatever get into  a certain position and swap back into normal   form to then do whatever if you're of course  a circle of the Moon you can just kind of go   crazy with your abilities in Wild shape and  have fun or go two and four as I said before   you have lunar man we're going to use this to  stay in Beast form for as long as possible it   really kind of delays me having to to jump back  right so that is how the wild shape works and it   allows you to really get a lot done by taking  advantage of the effective hit point increase   that you get while being in a wild shape you  know since that's 30 hit points that you would   not otherwise have for skills and abilities we're  going to take a look at a couple things here now   this is going to depend upon if you're playing  the main character as a druid or if you're maybe   respecting halson or Jahira which are some of your  companions to be Druids and you would do so in a   different way just slightly it's basically  coming down to your charisma modifier but   let's go ahead and put all of our skills into I'm  sorry all of our ability points that we can into   wisdom Max this out and put a plus two wisdom  is how you're casting all of your spells it's   the most important stat as a Druid now I'm also  going to assume you're not multi-classing just   going to go pure Druid and we're going to bring  our dexterity up to 12. and our constitution up   to 14 and our Charisma up to 10. now from here  we can kind of make some decisions are we going   to focus this on main character or not and even  if if I wasn't doing this as the main character   I'd probably leave it at eight to totally min max  it but um having 10 then into 12 Charisma is good   for our main character because we want to take  a look at our conversational skills the Druid   has no innate specialization in a conversational  skill and you'll be using them quite a bit as the   main character as you push through the story  I have intimidation here because it's part   of the background I've randomly selected but  you will not have this if you did not choose   um I don't even I think we have Soldier  as our uh background on right now but   if you don't have that active you won't have this  so at least having a baseline plus one to all of   our Charisma checks which would include all these  conversational skills like deception intimidation   and persuasion I think is very crucial to have  outside of that putting your two specialization   points into insight and into perception I think  are crucial I don't have that option here because   the wood elf gets both uh specialization in  stealth and perception so I would invest a   point in perception if I did not choose a Wood Elf  if I did choose a Wood Elf it would probably be   insight and uh maybe survival would probably make  a little sense or nature if you want to do that   for your Druid I won't lie to you that things like  nature and animal handling are two things that I   chose personally on my Ranger and I almost never  use them because you'll use animal handling if you   don't have speak with animals active and I have  speak with animals active whole the whole time   so if you use this to kind of persuade animals  if you can't just outright talk to them so if   you're going to have speak with animals active  don't ever use animal handling is what I would   say in my opinion I would definitely think uh  Insight perception being the two biggest ones with   survival coming on a quick close third all those  really kind of help with especially conversational   things inside is so so so crucial so after  you decided that we can come back over here   we still have our plus one point to put in we can  bring our Charisma up here to 16 and maybe throw   a little point over here if we want whatever  whatever we can put into dexterity we can put   it into Charisma the point is that with that  singular Point um it's very easy to get half   points in dexterity or in Constitution or what  have you to push things around or do whatever   with them you could even do that and put 14  14 17. just kind of go with whatever makes   the most sense for you and what you have in mind  it is crucial to know that your Constitution is   pretty important as a druid because you will have  a lot of concentration spells those spells require   you to make a constitution check to see if the  spell maintains activity if you get hit example   here I've cast fairy fire and my my character  is standing somewhere someone runs up to them   and hits them well fairy fire will remain active  for 10 turns if I pass that concentration check   after I've been hit which means it'll look at my  Constitution if I fail that role then very fire   shut off so it's nice to have this at a  very high rate even if you're playing as a   shape-shifting druid which can cast concentration  spells before they go into the shape shift   for background and origin this is really going to  be entirely dependent upon you I almost always go   with the custom character but you can definitely  go with one of the origin characters if you so   wish or you can play as the dark urge which is  a custom origin but you will have a pretty wild   time to deal with it is a very dark and scary um  play through but it is very fun at the same time a   lot of people have said it's the true way to play  Baldur's Gate 3. so either if this is your second   playthrough I would definitely recommend you go  dark urge for at least one of your characters if   it's your first playthrough dark urge is very  fun because then it shuts off or or changes   persons of the game that when you go through the  second time around you're like man I had no idea   that existed so please choose whichever one makes  the most sense for you you can press this little   you can click on any one of them and there's  a little button to play and it'll show you uh   um the little backstory of the  character so for your background   though please choose the background that  makes the most sense you know are you   um some kind of wayward Noble that is that has  forsaken the city and has now ranged out into   the wild to protect it are you a former acolyte  turned Druid are you oh why is it Sage that is   also the same time a druid are you a recovering  soldier that now spends the time in the Grove as   a druid mending the Earth that he once burnt  you know whatever it is choose the background   that makes sense for you what I will say is if you  really want a Min Maxis you just don't care about   the background Guild Artisan is a really great  choice because you get insight and persuasion   this allows you to already have a really good  conversational skill and it gives you Insight   which I think is arguably the best skill because  there will be times in conversations where if you   fail Insight checks you might miss certain points  of romance it's really good for um conversations   in pivotal moments in the game it's one of the  most important skills next to perception so   if you really want to min max it go with that  her spells and can chips we're going to start   with a conversation about cantrips now this  is your brand new to the game your first time   playing cantrip is a level zero spell meaning you  can cast it as many times as you want every turn   um well that didn't make sense you can cast  it every turn is what I mean you don't have   to worry about spell slots versus spells we'll  use a corresponding spell slot that corresponds   to its level a level one spell can be cast in  a level one spell slot a level two spell and   a level two spell slot so on and so forth but  a level one spell can oftentimes be powered up   into a level two three four spell slot whereas a  level two spell can never be cast and a level one   spell slot so you understand how it always kind  of has a increasing scale so for canned trips here   one of the best ones you're going to want to  choose is guidance you're going to use this in   conversations you're going to use this picking  locks disarming traps and you don't even need   to be the one that uses it anyone who goes to do  those things can actually use this as a modifier   into their character the target gains plus one  D4 bonus to Ability checks and anytime you do any   of the aforementioned actions those are ability  checks so maybe your main character is not the one   that's going to disarm chaps and pick locks maybe  it's one of the Euro characters you can still cast   guidance on them in that screen it's one of the  best abilities in the entire game now for the most   part you can just choose anything else here if you  want to go with more of a combat oriented Druid go   with sheleighly your staffer Club becomes magical  it deals 4 to 11 bludgeoning damage and uses your   spell casting ability for its attack rolls which  in this case is wisdom so let's say you're a   fighter right fighter uses that strength or maybe  Dex who knows well swap it now it's wisdom really   fun Thorn whip is kind of cool because it pulls  creatures Tempe closer to you so maybe if you're   trying to get things closer to you before you  shape shift this can be a really good one as well   and also poison spray is fun to just kind of shoot  a little Nova of poison going into our spells here   you have quite a lot to choose from uh keep  in mind that some of them are rituals and I   I don't know if they're rituals as a Druid  versus other classes like take for example   longstrider as a ranger is a ritual you might be  wondering what does that mean a ritual is a spell   that can be cast without using a spell slot and  in the example here of longstrider it increases   the movement creature's movement speed by 10 feet  and it lasts until a long rest so this is a great   way you cast it on the entire party if it's a if  it's a ritual and it doesn't expand a spell slot   and they all can move faster for the entirety  of the uh the day it's a really nice ability   and Tangles great because you can create a Vine  service slowing down creatures possibly entangling   them but what that does is that a tackles against  it have advantage while it's attacked while its   Attack rules and dexterity saving throws have  disadvantage so it's a great way to lock things   down and help out the entire party charm person is  always really good thunderwave is a great uh cone   attack almost an area of attack but a cone attack  to just kind of shoot things back at the same time   I personally prefer healing word over cure wounds  cure wounds heals for more but healing word is a   ranged heel and it's a bonus action which I like  as well cheer wounds is a melee ranged action   so you can kind of get a little bit less utility  evidence in my personal opinion and then you can   go with something like I snipe if you want you  can go speak with animals which we talked about   this will last until long rest as well as you cast  this the second you wake up and you're good to go   uh fairy fire is a nice one all Targets within  the light turn visible and it tackles against   some have Advantage just keep in mind here that  this will work against you as well as the enemy   so if you're if you're clever about it this could  be a really good one as well but choose the spells   that make the most sense for you and The Druids  you have in mind your feet options are going to   depend on what Druid you want to be and this is  also going to kind of influence some things for   you so let me just start this off by if you wanted  to be a circle of the Moon wild-shaped Druid and   this kind of brings us back to the ability score  discussion Tavern brawler works if you are in Wild   shape but not in the way that it would work  outside of it 100 so it says when you make an   unarmed attack use an improvised weapon or throw  something your strength modifier is added twice   to the damage and attack rolls attack rules think  of that as kind of like your chance to hit right   I'll just say that to make it easier um you don't  get the damage added but you get the attack roll   bonus added so if you're going with a circle of  the Moon Druid swapping your wisdom for strength   might not be a bad idea and I didn't really talk  about that in the ability section because I'm not   sure if Tavern brawler is going to be patched  out or not so I didn't want to put that in that   section and have it be something that is timeless  and have it just end up getting patched out so   keep that in mind it might get patched out but  Tavern brawler does work with um Circle The Drew   or I'm sorry circle of the Moon and being wild  shape certain other things will work as well and   it's worth noting that anything that would give  you an active ability or reaction it'll not work   in Wild shape but if it has a passive ability it  will so let's take a look at Mage Slayer here when   a creature casts a spell within melee range of you  you have advantage on any saving throw against it   that'll work you can use a reaction to immediately  make an attack against the uh uh Caster that will   not work enemies you hit have disadvantage on  concentration saving throws that will work so   magelayer is really good for being in Wild shape  sure you don't get your reaction capability   but you have the advantage um the advantage of  knocking things concentration out and you have   advantages on saving throws against spells that  are cast against you in melee range that's great   Mobile Works 100 as intended if you're wild shape  so your movement speed is increased and difficult   terrain doesn't slow you down when you Dash um you  will also get uh oh not Circle Line never mind if   you move after making a melee attack you don't  provoke opportunities attacks from your target   so those those are all great things and those will  not um be shut off by being in Wild shape so it's   important to kind of know these things up front  uh stuff like durable it gives you let's go to it one Constitution when you wild shape which is  great and fully heals you on a short rest as well   um one feat that is good for you no matter  if you're wild shaving or not is dual wielder   because you can use two weapons this gives you  two weapon fighting basically you use you get   that fighting style but you also gain plus one  bonus to Armor class that will transfer into   being wild shaped or not so even as a circle  of the land or circle of uh or Sports Circle   Druid this will benefit you just to kind of  have a free plus one AC it's nice especially   since you're gonna you're not really using  your you're not using your weapons in Wild   shape forms we might as well get the free AC  by jumping into a wild shape so there's some   really great things there warcaster is another  really good one in general you get an advantage   on saving throws to maintain concentration  spells this is gonna be this is going to be   active no matter what wild shape or otherwise but  you also use a reaction that can cast shock and   grasp but targets moving out of your melee  range that's going to be active if you are   uh just not in wildship of course stuff like  spell sniper is going to be particularly good   if you're a circle the land Druid focusing on more  capabilities with your can trips but also so that   whenever you want to crit hit it will happen  on a 19 and a 20 not just simply a 20. also   if you are a circle of a land drip and you want to  stick to spells Elemental Adept is going to allow   you to make it so that you ignore the resistance  to a specific element and in addition you can deal   see in this example cold damage with the spell  you cannot roll a one so you can't ever outright   fail lucky is a really great ability here you  gain three luck points which you can use to   gain advantage on attack rolls ability checks or  saving throws or to make an enemy re-roll there   attack rolls now from what I have seen you  cannot use Lucky in uh wild shape please if   that is wrong feel free to correct me but lucky  is a really good one and of course there's the   age-old ability Improvement this is going to be  great if you're like I said going to that 19 get   you that final little thing in act one which puts  you into 20 or if you wanted to go with a strength   and Tavern brawler for wild shape Druid you can  definitely go that route it's not bad at all you   can split this up if you want and go like oh you  know what there we go now we got wisdom at 18 for   a plus four and Constitution at 16 for our plus  three whatever makes the most sense for you and a   nice one is always alert because you had plus five  plus plus five bonus to initiative and you can't   be surprised which is always nice to have now  from there your Druid progression pretty much just   looks like getting more spells as you level up  and subclass features if you're a Jew to the land   you're looking at just simply getting stuff like  wild strike or more forms as you level up if your   circle of the land of the I'm sorry I said circle  of the Moon you'll get those uh a wild Shrek and   more uh wild shape forms circle of the land is the  one that's going to get access to its special land   uh spells but like I've said here this is a circle  of the Moon Druid and I'm still getting access   to my typical Druid level spells as I hit those  certain break points unlocking like level three   Spells at level five um so on so forth a circle  level three but as you just kind of progress   through this you'll get more and more we'll go  all the way to level eight to get our second   um our second feat but Primal strike and  panther and wild bear and our sport Druid   would get our typical Jew and level spells plus  it's Spore Druid Bells as well here right like   um oh man you know someone within being some minor  Elemental dominate beasts to all sorts of great   abilities as we push on here into our level eight  and get our next uh feat as well as of course the   saber-toothed tiger wild shape for circle of the  moon but your progression is going to look pretty   much like this as you progress all the way up  to level 12. for multi-class options you have   quite a few to choose from especially if you just  simply want to go into getting more spells as a   clear as a Jew or the land and going into cleric  or if you want to jump into Ranger to get some   accessibility into maybe your sporgewood or your  Druid of the Moon you can just jump into another   wisdom class you do also have some options  to jump into some some Rogue action to get   some additional bonus actions um you can have some  fun here with fighter by getting action Surge and   um second wind up it's worth noting that with  action Surge and Bar barbarians rage capabilities   you can kind of use them with wild shape but  you cannot use them while you are in Wild shape   you would have to preempt it before a fight say  for example hey I'm gonna run up to this fight   um I I know I'm gonna want a wild shape  into it so I the fight gets going I have   not wild shaped yet I'm going to use my bomb  Barbarian rage and then I'm gonna wild shape   or if I want to use my action surge I jump  into the fight I haven't uh used my uh combat   bear shape yet I use it and I'm sorry action  Surge and then I shape shift and I'll have   the ability to have that second uh action within  that turn so you can kind of finagle the bonuses   of either a fighter or a barbarian and you can  get the benefits of certain armor classes into   shape-shifted Druids like for example the  Monk and The Barbarians unarmored um defense   capabilities as long as you are not wearing that  armor before you shoot you wild shape you will   get the AC bonuses into your wild shape which is  very weird but it does work so you kind of have   to finagle the way it works the way it is and you  can actually get that to kind of transfer over to   your wild shape so it makes for a lot of fun but  the focus that we're going to do here today is   on Druid of the sport Druid and a monk and we can  go two different options for the monk either open   hand or way of elements so we're going to start  off here with Druid and bring us to level six on   our route to six of course we're going to choose  circle of the spores and just go ahead and push   through this process getting us up there I'm just  gonna choose any spells and beats as necessary   here I'll probably go warcaster since where  I'm not going to be shape-shifted there we go five and now six now the reason we're stopping at  six here is that we want to get access to fungal   infestation I could push us up to level eight  and get access to another feat so we would get   our feet from four our feet from eight and then  we could put four levels into um our Monk and that   would give us some good capabilities um in fact  even as I look at the the monk spell list that's   probably maybe the more optimal route is eight  levels into Druid and then four levels into monk   um just go with whatever kind of fits the way you  want to go with you want to get more spells as a   way of the four elements monk or more actions  um well more capabilities as a way of the Open   Hand monk whatever makes sense for you because at  level six away the open hand you get manifestation   bodies uh which is the ability to do additional  necrotic psychic or radiant damage which is very   fun so this is going to depend here uh okay we're  level six we're gonna press accept one more time   now we're going to spice off into monk so like  I said we're going to just press accept here   and once we get into our final level of Monk   we'll choose whether we want to go way of the  four elements and kind of lean into adding some   additional spell casting to the whole Nature  Way of being a druid and having the monk kind   of combination here or we go into way of the  open hand and really kind of specialize into   more of a fighter now keep in mind here since  we're a monk monk weapons are any weapon you   have a proficiency with you don't have to use  your your unarmed attack you can you're more   than welcome to but you can just as well use  a monk weapon all monk capabilities will say   unarmed strike or a monk weapon so you can have  as much fun as you want here by kind of leaning   into saying like hey you know what I I came  into monk with a scimitar specialization well   that counts as a monk weapon now so you can have  a lot of fun with that or you can go into clubs   and staves and start using shalalese and have  those all be monk weapons and take advantage   of casting sheleighly getting all the benefits  of that and going to town with it way of the of   the four elements I think is really fun though  because it gives you a lot of really cool spells   I really like it and I think it's maybe the least  optimal of name no I've been paying maybe where   the Shadows actually least optimal of the monk  routes but it's probably not as good as way of   the Open Hand way of the Open Hand people I think  really really like and they think it's quite good   um and this is going to grant me access to  you know things the fire snake hit your foe   from afar you're melee attacks now deal  an additional one to four damage or now I   get basically Thunder Wave here or this ability  sphere of Elemental balance is chromatic orb so   I can have chromatic orb on my on my druid I can  use water whip which can possibly pull a Target   towards you and knock it prone I have this fist  of unbroken air push the Target and knock it prone   um I so many cool abilities here that maybe  are more wizard spells than they are nature   spells and I can kind of spice them in so  let's just go ahead and press accept here   that'll that'll bring me back to the game and we  can take a look at now all these abilities that we   have access to and we have our wild shape charges  we could even just change into a wild shape too   we have our fungal infestation  charges and we have our key points so   we have a lot of crazy things going with this this  subclass combination like I was saying here a lot   of chromatic orb if I so wish or I can just simply  use my fungal infestation to summon up zombies   I've got so many abilities to take advantage of  and it's why I think this is a really fun really   cool subclass option that I didn't actually even  conceive until I started really looking at how the   Spore Druid works and how it's very much a melee  oriented Druid and how it could just play so well   with monk to have a lot of fun and deliver a very  different experience for you playing as a druid   monk counterpart but at that it brings our video  here to a close so hopefully this helps you out in   taking a look at the Druid almost said monk take  a look at the Druid and getting a different way to   play it are you gonna go with the shape-shifting  Druid which is a lot of damn fun are you going   to become a Caster Druid that is just launching  spells downrange are you gonna become a Spore   Druid that is leaning heavy into necromancy and  even then you know I talked about sport Druids   you could also become an oath breaker Paladin and  have fun with the ability to buff up your Undead   that you're summoning using the hate Aura you can  do a lot of really cool things with Druid and I   think it's one of those classes that is slept  on because it doesn't have the flash maybe of   a paladin which a lot of people have chosen or the  wit of a Bard but I think the Druid is a really   fun one and I think larion is trying to tell us  hey you know we've done a lot of fun things with   the Druid it's why there are two Druid companions  you could take advantage of in the game so there's   a lot of ways you can kind of Leverage very fun  and different Druids in a lot of different ways   and play styles for Baldur skate 3. but as always  guys thank you so much for watching here today   if you have any questions any concerns or you  know what you notice hey you know what you said   something wrong about Druid the armor class for  the wild shape actually works like this please by   all means feel free to correct me in the comment  section below and if anyone too is jumping again   for the first time check out the comment section  people always have really good recommendations on   ways to choose different multi-classes that I  didn't talk about in this or hey you know what   um this guy brought up some good feed  choices but here's some really good   ones too and here's how I use them so if  you're brand new to the game please check   out as many resources as you can I want you  to get as much information as possible but as   always guys thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
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Keywords: How to Build a Druid for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 druid, bg3 druid, circle of the moon, baldurs gate 3 druid build, baldurs gate 3 druid guide, baldurs gate 3 druid class, bg3 druid build, bg3 druid guide, circle of the land, circle of spores, druid class guide, baldurs gate 3 druid forms, baldurs gate 3 druid multiclass, bg3 druid wild shape, bg3 beginners, bg3 druid shapeshifter, halsin build bg3, halsin guide bg3
Id: R3AjYPxMzO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 6sec (2466 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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