Baldur's Gate 3 - Beginners Guide to the Warlock Class

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another Baldur's Gate 3 video so for your next character do you want to be a fighter that's like slightly worse than a regular fighter and do you want to be a Caster that's like slightly worse and less committal than a regular Caster really I'm asking do you have committal issues in Baldur's Gate 3 and then the most important part of this is do you have a few spare babies to sacrifice and do you have a soul that you're not using or don't mind giving up for you know say the rest of Eternity if you answered yes to all those questions then you are in the right place because today we're gonna have a video a beginner's guide for my favorite class in Dungeons and Dragons and Baldur's Gate 3 the Warlock the Warlock is one of my favorite classes because it's just so customizable and versatile there are truly so many ways that you can build up a warlock and have them Be an Effective member of your party now because of that my notes for this video are like over five pages long so I'm gonna do my best to keep this video around the 20 minute Mark but we do have a lot of information to get through if you do enjoy this video hit the like button it does make me feel good to know that I'm providing you guys some sort of value and it gives me some level of indication that the amount of effort that I put into these videos isn't all for not additionally make sure to hit the Subscribe button and the notification Bell so you get notifications for more videos like this and then comment Down Below on your favorite builds do you like the Warlock are you going to try to play a warlock or if you don't have anything to say at all just comment your favorite emoji your engagement is a massive help to the channel and helps other people find this video alright with that out of the way let's go ahead and start talking about the Warlock so you know know how some people achieve greatness some people are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them well for this class they don't exactly have greatness thrust upon them they more or less sign away their very soul in order to receive their greatness yes if you decide to play as a warlock your character is going to be making a pact or an agreement with another worldly Patron that in exchange for compensation in the form of power and different abilities you get to do their bidding per se basically all of eternity it's really very capitalist when you now the good news is for role-playing purposes that not all warlock packs are necessarily considered inherently evil but if your Patron asks you to sacrifice a few babies it might be a little now if you're playing as a warlock you're going to be part Caster but like not quite as good as a regular Caster you're only going to get two to three spell slots to use where someone like a sorcerer gets like you know 10 spell slots the good news for you though is that while a sorcerer has to wait a full day to get their powers back you just have to take a quick little one-hour nap AKA a short rest and then you have your warlock spell slots back additionally a big selling point of the Warlock is that their spells are always cast at the highest possible level what that means is with a lot of spells let's use Fireball as an example because it's the best spell the fireball is a third level spell if you cast it at a higher level it will deal more damage if the Warlock has say unlocked fifth level spell slots then Fireball Will Always by default be cast as a fifth level spell every spell you get as long it is compatible with a warlock spells out will always be cast at the maximum possible level which is really cool but again you only get to do it two to three times per short rest so you have to use them kind of sparingly it's also worth noting that Charisma is going to be used as your spell casting modifier this is going to play very well into your role-playing experience if you want to be a talkative you know persuasive person but they're playing as a warlock it's only for one reason that is to cast the best can trip in the game and that is Eldritch blast Eldritch blast is the bread and butter of the Warlock and it has some insane capabilities the thing is as you level up Eldritch blast is going to get multiple like tendrils or different uses that you can do you can cast up to three different tendrils of Eldridge blast now here's an important note whenever you're multi-classing with a warlock is that Eldritch blast will continue to level up and scale and gain more tendrils and damage regardless of your warlock level the that makes it a very appealing class to take to like second level and then no further because your Eldritch blast is going to continue getting good no matter what all right first off let's talk about races for the Warlock really you should pick whatever race sounds fun to you I don't think there really is a bad race or the Warlock we'll talk about some of the pros of several of the races but again you can pick whichever one you're role-playing purposes it's worth noting though that if you want to use melee weapons as an integral part of your playstyle you don't necessarily need to pick a race that has proficiency with specific weapons we're going to talk about a feature a little bit later on of the Warlock that you can make yourself proficient with any weapon you want all right if you want to play as an elf you know you've got the wood elves that can move a little bit further High Elves get an extra cantrip and I know I just said that the reason you're playing a warlock is to use the best can trip Elder's blast why in the world would you want a free can trip the answer is you silly player not all cantrips are damage dealing you also has any type of elfer going to gain advantage on saving against being Charmed and you can't be put to sleep the teethling can be nice the zaryl tiefling especially can be nice for a warlock especially if you want to go down we'll talk about this a little bit later a melee focused warlock that's because it levels three and five these real TV links going to gain access to a couple of different kinds of smite they're going to gain searing spy at third level and branding spy at fifth level now if you want to be basic you can be a human they gain provision seeing a skill so that's fine I guess I don't know I'm a human being every day of the week like I'm good in my fantasy video games of not being a human but it's up to you the gift Yankee you get a lot of stuff you get proficiency and a skill you gain medium armor proficiency you gain enhanced jump at third level and you get Misty Step at fifth level The Shield dwarf also gains access to medium armor the halfling has the ability that whenever you roll a one on an attack and ability or saving throw you get to re-roll that die and then the half orc has the ability that whenever you crit someone on a weapon attack you get to roll an extra dice of damage additionally if they're reduced to zero hit points and would go down they instead get one HP and do not go down again every race is going to have their pros and cons none of them are the best for a warlock just pick whatever makes the most sense for you and for your role-playing purposes next up we're going to talk about ability scores now the most important ability score for you is going to be charism no questions asked that is going to be your spell casting modifier and with agonizing blast which we'll talk about in a minute you are going to get to add your charisma modifier onto the damage of Eldritch blast so there's almost no question here your charisma is going to need to be at either 16 or 17. again remember that 17 doesn't give you any bonus over 16 other than your one point closer to 18. next up I've gone back and forth between this you've got dexterity and Constitution as your next two most important they both are going to have their Pros Constitution is going to be nice because it's going to enable you to I don't know stay alive a little bit longer going to influence how many hit points you get you get additionally if you're casting spells that require concentration institution saving throws are what enable you to maintain your concentrate spells but going into dexterity would also increase your armor class and it would increase your initiative role so there's a good argument for both I'll put the abilities that I personally would run on the screen they're not set in stone you could definitely move the numbers around a lot I would say the constants are going to be an 8 in strength because you don't really need strength attend into intelligence and wisdom again those are not you know the primary skills for a warlock I would put a 16 or a 17 into Charisma the advantage of putting a 16 into Charisma is then you can make your Constitution and dexterity 14 or 16. I would probably only do that though if you plan on taking a feat to increase your ability score by two so that you can get your charisma up to 18. being at 17 gives you the opportunity to take something like actor or performer which increases your charisma by one while giving you other bonuses so you still get up to 18. all right again for background this is very much for role playing purposes pick whatever background makes sense for your character that you're making obviously since Charisma is going to be big for you it makes sense if you want to pick a background that influences your charisma-based skills but you certainly don't have to just pick whatever makes sense for your character all right now that we've talked about your character and how you're going to maybe build your character let's talk about these otherworldly patrons that you're going to be serving in Baldur's Gate 3 you have three different options for your patrons one you have a devil that's going to become your sugar mommy or sugar daddy two you have literally Cthulhu and then three you have some Trixie little fairies gonna be honest the fiend is probably going to be the most popular one that people pick the great old one is probably my second choice and then the arch Faye is probably my least favorite that should not influence you and prevent you from getting that it's just not my particular favorite the fiend is going to be very focused on offense and evocation spells the great old one is going to be focused for on debuffs and controlling your enemies and then the archbay is going to be more on tricking your enemy's stealth and then controlling them as well let's talk about the bonuses that you get with each one of these different otherworldly patrons if you decide to make a pact with the fiend at first level you get dark ones blessing what that is going to do is that whenever you kill someone you're going to gain temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier plus your warlock level I'm not gonna lie it's real nice at sixth level you're going to get dark one's own blessing which is going to enable you to basically just roll a d10 if you want to increase an ability roll you're allowed to do this once per short rest so if you got a dialogue check you really really really really need to pass dark one's own blessing it's right there for you finally at 10 level you get fiendish resistance which every short rest you could just get to pick a damage type and be resistant to it which is really really nice just maybe know ahead of time what kind of enemies you're going to be attacking like if you're going into Hell Fire might be a great option if you're going into the underdark maybe poison if you're going to be fighting a bunch of people with Spears pick piercing damage but again being dish resilience is really nice next let's talk about the great old one at level one you are going to get Mortal reminder whenever you critically hit someone that creature and all nearby creatures are going to become bright I guess that's kind of cool at sixth level you get entropic Ward what that's going to do is as a reaction whenever someone is going to attack you you can impose disadvantage on their attack roll if that attack misses then you gain advantage on that same attacker for your next attack roll and you can do this once per short rest then finally at 10th level you're going to get psychic resistance and psychic reflection meaning you are going to gain resistance to all psychic damage and on top of that anytime someone deals psychic damage to you you deal that psychic damage right back to them and then for the archbait level one you get Fae presence that is going to charm or frighten nearby enemies and you can only do this once per short rest at level 6 you get Misty Escape once per short rest whenever someone damages you you can become invisible as a reaction and then on your next turn you can cast Misty step casting Misty step however is going to break your invisibility then at 10th level you gain beguiling defenses which means you cannot be Charmed just like be an elf and gain advantage on saving it's being Charmed I don't know for me the archbay Feats are just like kind of man now that we've covered the different Patriots with whom you can make packs let's talk about the different packs themselves that you can make with those patrons first off we have the one that probably everyone is going to pick which is The Pact of the blade the back to the blade is if you just want to hit really really hard this is an extremely common pact as well if you want to multi-class which we'll talk about a little bit later in the video the back of the blade is going to enable you to summon any sort of weapon as a packed weapon additionally and I referenced this a little bit earlier it's going to enable you to pick whatever you weapon you want it doesn't matter what race you are it doesn't matter what type of weapon you are whatever weapon you are it doesn't matter what type of weapon you have and it doesn't matter if you have proficiency with that weapon you can pick that weapon make it your packed weapon and boom you gain proficiency with it and you get to add your charisma modifier and use your charisma modifier as your governing attribute for attacks and damage at fifth level with your Deep Impact you gain an extra attack with your packed weapon and what can I say this opens the door to dealing a lot of damage it's gonna take away from your Eldridge blast because I just want to blast stuff right the next fact is going to be the pact of the tone this is going to give you access to the grimoire of Shadows which sounds super dope it's going to give you access to some cantrips like guidance which is huge it gives a 1v4 to every ability check you want it might be one of the most powerful can trips in the game you're also going to gain vicious mockery and Thorn whip which those are nice but let's be honest we're gonna use Eldritch blast however at fifth level that's when it gets interesting you're gonna get some spells you're going to get anime dead haste and call lightning paste is awesome because whoever you cast tastes or 10 turns as long as you maintain concentration they get an extra action call lightning is also nice because that is a concentration spell that allows you to call lightning down on an area dealing damage but additionally it's kind of like witch bolt and then as long as you're maintaining concentration you can keep casting it every turn without expending another spell slot it's not Aldridge blast but it's pretty cool and now let's talk about The Pact of the chain which is I'm gonna be honest probably the least popular pet this is going to enable you to conjure several different types of familiars once per short rest it's worth noting that these familiars are not intended to be massive damage dealing characters these familiars are going to be here in order to inflict status effects upon your enemies like blinded sleep poison Etc they are very heavy for support they are very helpful but they are not there to do damage please don't think that the frog that you were calling in is going to be useful for dealing damage is there to poison people you can use these very effectively and strategically but it's not quite as sexy as getting a massive sword that you can just smack people next up let's talk about your Eldritch invocations that you are going to be granted from your Patron as a warlock you are going to get two Eldridge invocations at level two and then at levels five seven and nine you are going to pick one additional Eldridge invocation I'm not going to go through every single others invocation I'm just going to highlight some of the ones that I enjoy we gotta start off with the two big daddies of all the reasons why everyone wants to be a warlocker that is going to be agonizing blast and repelling blast agonizing blast is going to enable you to add your charisma modifier to the damage you deal with Eldritch blasts it's just like it's the bread and butter it's what makes a warlock a warlock it's really hard to pass up on agonizing blast repelling blast is nice because it allows you to just eat people with Elders blast it's also a pass if you can turn it on or off so if you don't want to accidentally eat a boss off the side of a cliff because you want to get their gear you can turn it off in the passives mini but I think it knocks them back what four and a half feet away yeah four and a half meter sorry we're metric here four and a half meters away absolutely massive for cheesing people it's truly so much fun I'm not gonna lie this is probably an unpopular one I like bee speech just because I like to be able I like to be able to talk to animals I like that my character can talk to animals I don't know I usually pick B speech at some point along the way I honestly sometimes forego repelling Blast for B speech at the beginning and then pick up a repelling blast at fifth level it is worth noting though you can always have someone else in your party talk to animals or you can get potions of speaked animals they're pretty calm buyer of the mind is also a nice elderson vocation and enables you to cast slow we're gonna read the slow effects because there's a lot of them movement speed is half Armor class produced by two dexterity savings reduced by two cannot take reactions can only take one action or bonus action you cannot do both you cannot make more than one attack per turn and spells cast might be delayed for a turn so like pretty nice and it's an area of effect and it requires concentration book of ancient Secrets isn't a bad choice to get you a couple of low-level spells that you cast and you don't have to use a spell slot or them for these you get ray of sickness chromatic orb but you get silence and silence is the big one for me because that's going to shut down any opposing spellcasters that you're fighting Dreadful word is also nice because it enables you to cast confusion which basically turns a group of enemies into a Pokemon that you don't have a high enough gym badge to control filter of the flush sounds kind of fun because you get to turn someone into a sheep and like who who like who doesn't want to turn someone into a sheep right minions of chaos at Ninth level that's kind of fun because you get to summon an elemental or murmidon that's pretty cool Whispers of the Grave I probably wouldn't get because you get an amulet like at the beginning of the game that lets you cast speak with the dead at will like I don't need an Eldredge invocation for that life Drinker at 12th level is going to be massive for your warlock though if you have picked the pack at the blade this is really nice because on melee attacks it's going to enable you to deal necrotic damage equal to your charisma modifier as bonus damage really really nice for pact of the blame alright now as you level up as a warlock you are going to gain Beats let's talk about some Feats that you might find helpful as a warlock if you are picking The Pact of the blade in my opinion this is a non-negotiable feat you need to get Savage attacker Savage attacker means that whenever you do a melee attack you're going to get to roll your damaged ice with Advantage I mean just real nice straight up ability Improvement is really hard to go wrong with the Warlock because you're going to want to max out your charisma as fast as possible so getting to just increase your charisma by two or by one is really really nice actor is an incredibly nice feat for your warlock this is going to give them a plus one to Charisma so if you picked a 17 to begin with you're now at 18 it's going to give you Proficiency in performance and deception and your proficiency bonus is going to be doubled for deception and performance checks another feat that fully gets the performer feat because once again it's going to give you that plus one to Charisma and it lets you play a musical instrument like who doesn't want to just be able to play a musical instrument this is where Band Geek sits exact their revenge on people that call them van Geeks and hit them with Eldritch plus now as a warlock you are also going to be a casting class meaning you're going to have access to a bunch of different spells now it's worth noting that depending on which Patron you make your pact with God that's getting hard to say you will have some unique spells that you have access to along with just the global warlock spells now I could go through and read off every single spell that each one gets uniquely but I have a feeling you guys will probably just skip over that anyway I don't feel like I'm really doing you a lot of good so instead I'll just put on screen all the different unique spells that the different patrons give you and then you can just read those yourself if you're that interested so I'm doing that now pause and take a screenshot if you want to next we will go a little bit more detail on some spells though let's talk about some of the noteworthy spells that you can get as you level up we are going to sort through these by spell slot all right let's get my notes up here because there's there's a lot of spells here for level one spell slots let's talk about armor of agathis that's a very good beginning level spell it's gonna give you five temporary hit points then whenever someone melees you you're going to stream five cross damage hex is going to be huge because it's going to deal 1d6 of damage additionally every time you deal damage to someone boy did were those words in the correct order I don't know we're gonna go with it arms have had R is good at the beginning because it's good for like escaping you can cast arms of Hatter they can't take reactions then you can run away command is awesome you can force someone to flee drop their weapon go prone or your Rogue to get some Advantage it's just a really nice commanding spell very fire that the archbay gives you is nice because that's going to enable you to Grant advantage on attack rolls to everyone that's caught in the fairy fire again very good for your row which bold is also a nice first level spell because it's going to enable you to recast it over and over without expanding another spell slot as long as you remain concentrating remain concentrating continue concentrating words are hard guys it's also nice because without giving any spoilers they're going to be some characters that like invoke some level of duplicity whether that's making copies or or doing things that make you not know who to attack and which bolt lets you know exactly which one you need to attack a second level hold person is just just massive someone in your party needs to know whole person it's just so good detect thoughts is nice but I don't know that I really want to expend a warlock spell slot to use detect thoughts warlock spell such just come at such a premium there's so many opportunities to use detect thoughts Misty step is huge however to try to get out of danger and it requires only a bonus action scorching Rey that you get from the fiend is nice because it deals just a crap ton of damage and then cloud of daggers is fun because it I mean it just sounds can you have Matt just imagine in real life just seeing a cloud of daggers like pick that up if nothing else than just for the name at third level you have Fireball and Fireball and only Fireball because Fireball is the answer to every single problem in all of Dungeons and Dragons trying to persuade someone Fireball need to unlock a door Fireball get invited to a wedding you don't want to attend Fireball pick the fiend get fireball just get fireball it's the only spell that matters on a serious note though warlock's also at their level get Hunger of Hadar which is maybe one of the best spells in the entire game it's an AOE spell that requires concentration that is going to Blind everyone inside of it make it difficult to Reign and deal damage every time they enter it and in their turn inside of the hunger of Hadar it's truly so good it is truly a campus you have to pick it up I'm honestly a fan of gaseous form gaseous form is going to enable you to turn someone into a gas this is really nice because there are some opportunities where you can like go through like a pipe you can also like fly through doors with bars it's really good if you want to be the ultimate like super spy other level 3 spells are slow and stinking Cloud those are also very nice to have fourth level spells dimension door is nice if you need to help someone make an escape while a fire does exactly what it sounds it makes a wall of fire who doesn't want a wall of fire and then banishment is nice if you just need to like if you need to press the pause button on one enemy and then maybe kill all the Minions it's like okay now we're ready to fight you can banish someone for two turns at fifth level really nice one is hold monster because some of the most terrifying things you're going to have to fight are monsters hold monsters like old person but or monsters and it's really really nice 10 out of 10 would recommend hold monster cone of cold flame strike also very nice as well as telekinesis and then finally your Mystic Arcanum your level six spells uh Circle of Death is fine I guess this is by no means an exhaustive list if it's not in this list that doesn't mean it's trash and that you should go in the comments and tell me I'm trash for not mentioning it although I know you will there's just so many things you can pick and I can't talk about every single one or this will be an hour-long video all right we're almost at the end let's talk about multi-classing and here's the thing you could do a lot of multi-classing with the Warlock again did I mention that the Warlock is super versatile there are a few different multi-classes you can do and unfortunately most of them are going to rely on you doing packed with the blade and the theme however not necessarily the case for all of them it's also worth noting that we're about to talk about multi-classing but you don't need to multi-class a warlock like warlocks are super great all on their own like you can take a warlock up to 12th level and not feel bad about it they are very very good classes so just because we're going to talk about multi-class options does not mean you need to multi-class because you're going to be missing out on something pure warlocks are great first off let's talk about a super super basic one which is going to be a warlock merged with a fighter for that you're going to do 10 levels of Warlock and two levels of fighter literally the only reason we're doing two levels of fighter is to get action surge which is going to give us another opportunity to cast Eldritch blast that's it that's the only reason we pick fight now if this is like your thing this isn't my thing I'm not really interested in this multi-class but if you want it and you just want to see just truly how many times you can cast Eldritch blast at once you could do something like I have a written down two levels into Warlock two levels into fighter three levels into Rogue and then five levels into sorcerer now the reason warlock is only second level is because like I said earlier Eldridge blast is going to continue growing even if you don't level up as a warlock so you're going to go two levels into the Warlock just to get your Eldritch and vocations to get agonizing blast and repelling blast you're going to go two levels into Fighters so that you get that action surge so you can cast your bonus action you are going to go three levels into Rogue and then go as a thief so that you get another bonus action and then you're going to go to five levels into sorcerer because then you can use your sorcery points hold on pause I challenge someone to think of a more nerdy two-word phrase than sorcery points okay sorry I got distracted um you can use your sorcery points to cast action-based spells or cantrips as bonus actions so now your two bonus actions the one from being a thief from your third level Rogue and your other bonus action you can now cast more Eldritch blasts so I think by my account right now you have four Eldritch blasts each with three tendrils that's 12 instances of damage if you have someone cast haste on you that's five that's teen there's a lot this is excessive like if that's all you care about maybe try that I don't know it's that's a lot next let's talk about a warlock Paladin and good luck on how you're gonna work this into like your role playing on how you sold your soul to like be divine protector of Truth and Justice you do you I'm not that smart but if you want to be a warlock and Paladin go Seven Levels into Warlock and then five levels in the Paladin see a lot of arguments for a lot of other things I'm not a Min maxer I'm not the best theory crafter out there go have that argument with someone else I don't really care seven levels in the Warlock and five levels of the palette and those seems to do the job the seventh level for the Warlock you're going to gain your third level warlock spell slots that is going to allow you to cast all of your smites or your Paladin at third level again if you use those warlock spell slots the nice thing is you get those back on a short rest rather than if you were to go a higher level Paladin you would get those third level paladin spell slots but those would only come back every long rest so Warlock and Paladin you would probably want to merge this with the pact of the blade and then just deal lots and lots of damage smiting everyone you come across so if you want to focus more on Close Quarters combat and not quite as much on Eldritch blast you can go warlock into Paladin next let's talk about the Warlock and The Bard if you want to never worry ever again about failing an ability check then go warlock into Bard honestly to make this work you can go 10 levels into Warlock and then honestly just too into Bard and you're probably good being a level 2 Bard is going to give you just an extra short rest to recover all of your warlock spell slots and you're going to gain Proficiency in tons of skills so if you like being a skill monkey and being able to just do literally everything warlock into Bard is super fun you could also this isn't really a warlock multi-class this is really a barred multi-class you can go 10 levels in The Bard and then only two into warlock if you want to be a Bard that just also has Eldritch blast parts do a lot of buffing debuffing crowd control kinds of things but this isn't a Bard build guide this is a warlock build guide so we're not gonna go super far into that for the purposes of this video second level Bart is fine you get an extra short rest lots of skills super cool now this last one I'm I don't even really want to mention it because I don't like it because it's not a warlock multi-class this is a sorcerer with a warlock attached to that is to go with a warlock sorcerer multi-class and the way you do this is you go 10 levels of Sorcerer And two levels of warlock this is just a sorcerer with Eldridge blast this is not a warlock multi-class but if you want to do it you can this is just going to enable you to have access to Eldritch blast with agonizing blast and repelling blast and it's going to enable you to use your sorcery points to cast Eldritch blast as a bonus action you can do that if you want but again that's that's a source for multi-class not a warlock multi-class let's be honest with ourselves all right guys hopefully you're still with me the final thing I want to talk about are some useful items that you can get for your warlock now again because the Warlock is such a versatile class there's multi-classing there's a lot of stuff you can do there are just truly so many items in Baldur's Gate 3. it does not make sense to go through every single type of build you might do in every single item I'm going to talk about just a couple of very very core items that you might want to get the most important item your warlock will ever want to get is going to be the potent Rogue we're going to keep the potent robe in act two you're going to get it at the end of the mission called rescue the tieflings I will say no more because Sports the potent robe is going to enable you to add your charisma modifier onto the damage of your kantrum but wait aren't we already doing that with agonizing blast and the answer is yes we sure are and it Stacks baby your Eldridge blast is going to be dealing so much damage with the potent rope Additionally you get to gain temper hit points equal to your charisma modifier at the beginning of each one of your turns potent robe when you find it if you find it must have or your warlock okay I think I think that I think we made it through everything gosh there's so much to talk about with a warlock but guys hopefully you found this helpful hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did please drop a like these videos take a lot of work it makes me feel good to know that I'm providing you guys with some level of value comment down below did you enjoy this video are you playing as a warlock are you looking forward to playing as a warlock let me know your thoughts down in the comments if you know anything to say just comment your favorite emoji your comments and your engagement are a massive help to the channel thank you guys for watching go play Baldur's Gate hopefully have fun subscribe notification bell all that fun stuff we'll see you in Baldur's game have a great day [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Gaming Your Own Way
Views: 1,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate, dnd, dungeons and dragons, mind flayers
Id: VjBKwhlrU3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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