ALL Illithid Powers & Consequence Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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the subtle powers of the illithid call to thee well in this video here today we're going to go through all three rings of the illithib powers to discuss which ones are particularly good which ones are particularly bad and maybe if you want to use them yes or no and in my typical fashion of upfronting the knowledge of my videos let me just kind of give you a very quick idea or at least answer some probably some quick illicit questions you have there is no penalty to using these illited Powers it becomes a plot point at the very very very end of the game there will be something that will occur that'll allow you to do things with the third and final ring the one that had the padlock on them and that is tied to a major spoiler later in this video and I do kind of give you a heads up on that if you're wondering if you should or should not use them will the game punish me for using them just go ahead and do it if you want honestly I think that most of the powers you could completely skip on and have just fine of a playthrough I I've really only ever used two and I barely have noticed any Improvement so if you don't want to use them for some sort of role play reason you know I just this does not jive with my Paladin or my Ranger whatever it is then don't do it you're not missing out on anything if you do really want to try to jump into some of these by all means go for it um the way that these work too is the first ring unlocks two abilities in the second ring but the third ring corresponds to only one of the abilities in the second ring so basically drawing a line out from the center to that third ring so I would pretty much look at the ones that you want and plan out the Illustrated abilities you want before jumping in but really if that's all you wanted to know from this video kind of if they're worth it or not honestly I think not I think you could skip them and be totally fine in your campaign and that's really all you need to do this that's the tldr this entire video feel free to shut that video down if you want but before you do please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe all those things do help me out in an absolute huge way you can navigate to any part of this video to interviews you the most I've broken things down by the respective rings of abilities and I've given you a heads up on the major spoiler coming into it so if you if you let this watch in progression you won't hit any spoilers without at least a pretty prompt uh heads up but don't forget to check me out on Twitch where I will be streaming Baldur skate 3. let's get started here on our illithid powers guide so here here is your illicit brain loading into the game of course and we have our illicids that we can then pop into any location let me just hold this down and go drop them into a location now of course these first ones will unlock access to the ones behind them as you can see this one will then unlock this one and we'll progress through them as as needed so the question is which one of these are actually good and worth it and which ones are just kind of hog swaddle and the other question is will this affect your actual gameplay I don't want to spoil anything for you that's a very important thing for me because this is a narrative RPG and I will tell you that this by and large will not spoil or ruin anything of the gameplay there's not going to be a point like well I wish I hadn't done that and now I can't do this it's going to happen way down the line at a point of no return so don't even worry about it do these if you want to think of the role play connotations of doing it and make the decision for yourself I'm playing a ranger I I should not have done this I kind of experimented with it just to see but I'm thinking of the role play of a ranger I'd probably want to remain pure and true to the nature of who I am or maybe I'm a palette and I see this as some sort of just disgusting thing but maybe I'm an oath the Vengeance Paladin and this looks like an ends that justify the means perhaps I'm an evil cleric or maybe I am a wizard that goes you know what I have to explore each and every little nook and cranny of this or a warlock that sees a justification here make the decision for your character from a role plays perspective don't worry about the story and anything that this could possibly shut off you won't have to worry about that trust me now once we've got now that we've gotten that out of the way let's take a look at some of these abilities so we're going to break this down by going through the first ring of abilities then the next ring and then lastly the third ring in the spoiler section so the first one I want to talk about here is favorable Beginnings this is a passive feature those are the first attack roll or ability check you make against any Target gains a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus this is really nice because you can use this in conversations a ton and you just get a free proficiency bonus edition here that's either two three or four bonus depending upon what level you are it's if you were if you were to only do one that's the one to do in my opinion it's always applicable it always helps and you just don't ever have to really worry about it being build specific psionic overload it's going to do one to four second damage but you take one to four psychic damage every turn so I actually don't like this one a whole ton because it punishes me for using it transfuse health sacrifice half your remaining hit points to heal a target for the same amount this can be really nice if you're a character that has the ability to heal on their own like say a fighter like Lazelle that can use second wind and just heal themselves or maybe you have a lot of temporary hit points because you're playing will and they have that dark one's blessing that anytime they kill something they get some uh temporary hit points or maybe you have tons of temp inputs that you can that you can tap into this is nice because it allows you to heal someone and you're not it doesn't put you at such a critical point and again if you can heal yourself you can hear yourself right out of the the red here so this is more like an oh button than anything else concentrated blast here you must be concentrating on another spell to cast this if the target was concentrating you heal as much as the damage that was dealt to it the spell you were concentrating on will end so you would use this here if you were a a class that does do lots of concentrating and that's really good for clerics that's very good for Rangers rangers can cast Hunter's Mark and they're concentrating on that Hunter's Mark being active Wizards and Sorcerers oftentimes paladins a lot of people can really benefit from this and it's a great way to do damage while also healing you it's one of the better ones on this list it's actual and offensive capability and I really like it a lot in fact you know what put an elephant in there and then our last one on this location is force tunnel charge forward pushing all audition creatures in your path 13 feet away from you doesn't provoke opportunity attacks this one's nice but it's you do run the risk of knocking things that you want to loot off into a precipice so only do that if you really needed to get out of jail free whatever it is that you're in a really hard situation this can really be helpful to take a lot of advantage of getting some movement and getting out of a situation or whatever it is I wouldn't use this on a boss I really wanted to loot but I'd use it on I don't know just a piece of crap that got in my way it can be a really good one to be used in that location but I I personally like this kind of fits into psionic overload I'd only use it to unlock stuff behind it for more than anything okay now we're into the second ring of illicit abilities and that starts us here with luck of the far Realms this is one that I really like it's a passive feature it's a reaction when you make a successful attack roll against a foe you can change that hit into a crit hit so this is once per long rest and I just kind of hold on to this one um I always just kind of keep it in the back pocket I'll save it for if I think a big fight's coming up then I'll use it on something big and nasty if I'm just kind of wading through just groups of enemies in the midst of like maybe clearing the goblin camp or whatever it is then I'll just use it on like okay I'm gonna use this on a Caster to try to get that Caster out of the fight it's a nice way to just pour damage on when you didn't think you'd be able to moving into ability drain what this is another really good one and it's why you would take psionic overload once per turn when you make an attack roll and this is per turn this is what's really great about it when you make an attack roll the attacker the attack reduces the target's corresponding ability by one the ability that is reduced is the same as the one used to make the attack roll so let's just assume I shoot with a bow and arrow that's a dexterity roll for melee weapons this is usually strength for ranged weapons usually dexterity and for spells using your spell casting ability so if I shoot someone as a sorcerer that's Charisma if I shoot him as a wizard that's intelligence if I shoot them and I'm saying shoot him with a spell I shoot him with a spell as a druid or a cleric that is wisdom or again as a ranger if I use one of my spells that's wisdom so you can have a lot of fun really kind of ripping up someone's ability without having to use a warlocks drain or a hex capability so if you're playing um you're fighting a big boss and you say that boss has got a lot of strength well I've got this on my Barbarian who's running into the into the field of battle well ability drain boom there goes their strength it's a really great way to kind of get something offline for you it reduces it to one which is really nice the attack to use that Target is corresponding by one I'm sorry buy one not two one sorry buy one so it's like okay they had 22 strengths and now they've got 21 strength the ability is reduced the same as one used to make the attack roll so you're just constantly kind of layering that on stage right here your Target have disadvantage on attack rolls and take 2 to 12 psychic damage each time they miss this one can be really nice if you know you're gonna pass the wisdom role so that's the important thing here this takes a wisdom save that's why it says with save so if they sat if they successfully pass this wisdom safe then this happens you know disadvantage on attack they missed Take 2 to 12 second damage and that can be particularly good so having this kind of go off can be nice but if you don't if the thing you're putting it on has high wisdom and most of like the bosses or scary things do have that it can it can be like a little lackluster there so keep that in mind and one thing I do want to say with ability drain having this on multiple characters is key it's like I think it's kind of like a um an All or Nothing type of ability Maybe uh hairless Stakes invest a creature with power that heals it when it attacks but also makes it vulnerable to all damage I personally don't like this one because there's nothing in the game that I have needed to do this to yes they heal when they attack but I mean if you're making it vulnerable to all damage they take twice as much damage so they'll get killed very quickly personally I just haven't found a time when I'm like you know what I I cannot break into this thing let me just use perilous Stakes but at the same time you can delete a boss in no time because this is only happening this power that heals it when it attacks so you get all of your rounds of combat and they only get their attack that heals it for 2d8 2 to 16 is not much on a boss which has probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 to 300 health depending on what level you are and making it vulnerable to all damage they're gonna take double the damage so there's no way they're going to heal through it so keep those things in mind Shield of thralls here conjure a volatile shield around yourself or an ally granting the target 10 temporary hit points if the 10 pin points are lost due to incoming damage the shield bursts possibly stunning nearby foes this is a really nice one that you can use as a defensive capability I think I think that for me personally because I have to get transfused health to get it I don't want Shield of thralls I'd rather take perilous Stakes which allows me to do a little bit more to a hard target than this allowed me just to kind of keep a Target up I have not been in a situation where I really needed this but if I was playing on tactician this can be something that can keep a sorcerer a rogue a wizard in the fight for longer because they've got some temp hit points and some reassurance by being able to stun things on anything because it says nearby foes not nearby creatures so I can just kind of blankets to anything around them into our next one we have Sonic backlash which is going to be linked to concentrated blasts like we talked about earlier and this one when an enemy within 30 feet casts a spell you can use a reaction to inflict one D4 second damage to the Caster per the Spells level so this would be 1d4 per the level so let's say they cast level four spell this would be four D4 so it can be anywhere from 4 to 16 damage personally I don't like it as much and I mean obviously you can you can just do well an elephant here and an elephant here right and then that one's this one's going to get you one all the way in the in the the advanced section we're saving that section for this spoiler section so please some of these things might have a little more sense so we see their their final progression but not a huge fan of it on its own call the week when you bring a creature down to fewer hit points in your number of evolved illicit Powers it dies and all nearby creatures take one to four psychic so let's say I had this whole entire let's just say I had I had 12 earlier let's just say it's 12. so if I brought someone below 12 hit points then it dies and all nearby enemies take one to four psychic damage it's actually a very good one if you go into illapid Powers if you're not going to go into elephant powers like I'm gonna put one or two here then it's not going to be great because okay they're at two hit points it can be nice to just finish something off but if you're not going to do it the main thing is that it kills something outright so putting points into everything allows you just to kind of detonate things as you get into a certain threshold so it's quite nice to do in that regard otherwise I would I would skip it Repulsor here push anything and anyone back 20 feet and if they save against this they take half damage um can be nice it has to do more with what it evolves into but on its own not as amazing and again this would be linked to force tunnel displaced creatures suffering falling damage because of your actions take an additional one to eight psychic damage this is actually really good if you take it on maybe a character that has Eldritch blast like a warlock because if you knock them off of something they then also take one to eight additional psychic damage so anytime you know you're going to be displacing and moving a lot of um a lot of enemies displace works very well in conjunction with that and also we have charm channel the dark Allure of the tadpole to charm an enemy that attacks you preventing them from attacking you until their next turn I have found this to actually be very not reliable um if they can attack spellcaster spellcaster has advantage on Charisma checks and dialogue I've just found that this almost never actually goes off um it is probably related to my spell DC score so if you're not doing this on a Caster I think this ultimately becomes very wasteful because you're not actually getting Charmed to go it's really cool on paper but when you actually see it and actually like man saved saved saved saved and that's against goblins who have like no wisdom so I didn't find it as beneficial in my personal experience all right here it is this is your spoiler warning do not go further in this video if you do not want to be spoiled I'm going to load into a save that has all these things unlocked and I'm gonna go through how you unlock them so do not progress forward shut the video down if you're done at this point that's all you wanted to know please feel free to head on out please leave a comment like subscribe all that fun action does help me out a ton but please do not go further if you don't want any spoilers if you're if you're into act three you've seen it so that's all I'll say there it is we've jumped into the save we're talking to the emperor we are at the end of Act 2 coming into act three or more like two and a half really and it's time to evolve well and once we evolve I'm gonna skip through everything he says he gives me a little tiny special tadpole and I open my mind to it and once I do what happens to me I become an illithid hybrid which for me was a shocking reveal good Lord that was awesome watch this happen and you can do this to the rest of your party you can have them all take one of these little special tadpoles I'm going to skip through all this and you become you know this whole special astral touched little ditty right here and you can give this to other people to make them hybrids so let's now jump a look at my now adult brain to look at the final ring of abilities and keep in mind that you can only get these if you just gone on that Progressive line so this spawns into these two over here which then spawns into this or that and let's say right here all the way at the very end since I have this is like my favorite line illicit expertise you have deepened your sense of self gaining expertise persuasion deception intimidation checks so out the gate you just already have you're probably going to get this around plus three plus four to your proficiency bonus to all of your conversational skills it's so good these last the last circle is very very strong fracture psyche invaded targets mine and disrupt its defenses the targets armor classes reduced by one if the target dies while its psyche is fractured you can cast out or Psyche on another Target it's just a free cast you can just chain this thing together as long as you're kind of getting this thing going so um I love this capability well you Shadow the psyche again sorry um but you can see that basically every time I do it's going to cause I said Precast it's cut it's costing me an action and now the armor class is reduced by two other than fractured right so you can see it goes from Target classes reduced by one now Target Armor class reduced by two target as well as Insider you can cast shatter psycheon on our Target so you just kind of get this thing chaining off and going on to more and more and more targets it's really fun um and it's kind of like Hondo's Mark it's pretty easy to do you're gonna kill something well you just move it on to the next thing displacer Beast shape so if you are a moon Druid even if you're not a moon Druid and you want to still go into shape shifting you can now so you can transform into a displacer beast I transfer to space rubies that can displace itself and enemies and has 85 hit points you take on the attributes of the displacer beast but maintain your intelligence wisdom and Charisma scores when you displace your Beast drops to zero you revert to your original form so it's worth noting if you've never played a moon Druid or any kind of Druid for that matter that does any kind of shape shifting think of this as free 85 hit points you shape-shift into a displacer beast you have 85 hit points so do what you will with displace as you can see right here there's a lot of psychic damage and leaving behind a illusory copy of yourself I'm going to lose your copy would be so an attack nearby enemies just so you see that's what the tentacle whip attack does so you are doing quite a bit of damage with displace but the 85 hit points if they kill it okay will you just go back to your parent form at full at whatever Health you went into that format so if it's at full health you go back at full health it's a really awesome capability that gives you the capability to just have a ton more hit points effectively well it's like effective hit points more than anything absorb intellect gobble up a foes intellect lowering their intelligence by one per turn and healing your wounds for five turns so one to eight just free healing um and perilous Stakes was the was the healing one that that it healed the enemy while making them vulnerable this is what really kind of helps even trip that up further right now their intelligence is dropping and you're getting five turns of healing uh it's probably what maybe 20 total points of of uh of Health right if it's like the the midpoint of one day I don't know I'm not a mathematician but we also have free cast you have discovered a marvelous adaptability within yourself spell slots Chargers and similar resources costs for your next action or spell are removed refreshes after a long rest so remember how I said Shield of Thrones is just really not that amazing to me I don't really like it very much well this is very good and you'd use probably show the thralls as a Caster taking advantage of freecast as a Caster is really going to be hugely advantageous to you but you can use it as a cleric a range or a paladin of warlock anything that has those spell slots but spell slots charges and similar resource costs that includes your Barbarian rage charges if you are a car lack or your maneuverabilities if you're a fighter anything that has a special charge a Bardock inspiration all gets free cast here which is super cool into mind Sanctuary sculpt a magical Nexus that allows those within to take actions and bonus actions interchangeably so you get the ability to just swap out your actions and bonus actions as you see fit for three turns and this is nice here because remember I didn't really like psionic backlash well this is what makes ionic backlash pretty damn good because it unlocks mind Sanctuary so sick right and the next one here is mind blast spew forth a conical wave of psychic energy and possibly stun targets within so now that we've seen this whole line what I will say with stuff like uh cold a week mind blast nope and displace as well as concentrated blast anything that does psychic damage there are items in the game that will give you benefits for doing psychic damage so kind of layering these in with those capabilities gives you a lot of really good capabilities too within that right it gives you a lot of good utility from using this and this is a lot of damage you've seen uh illithids use you use this on you if you're up to this point in the game you've seen it used in act one at the very beginning of the illithid did I say ship uh but it's before the conical wave it's like energy and possibly stunned targets is always good stunning is always always good we all we get Fly that just unlocks for you by the way I didn't put points into it it's just like uh illicit persuasion you just get Fly um and our final two capabilities are black hole create a point of intense grab oops we're at a point of intense gravity that pulls in all nearby enemies and possibly slows them five more black holes can be summoned after the Spell's initial casting afterwards you must short rest before casting it again it's so much value out of one spell you get five free black holes out of it you just gotta do a short rest to bring it back online that is so sick and this goes along with it so if you pull them and it knocks them off of something and it causes fall damage or whatever it is well this place is gonna trigger with that as well so they kind of run hand in hand with each other then lastly we have psionic dominance when an enemy Within 60 feet targets you with a spell of a level that is lower than your than than or equal to your proficiency bonus that's either going to be three or four by this point in the game you can use your reaction to just nullify the spell you just shut it down that is sick that is great you can use it in a boss fight you can just choose when you want to use this as a reaction right so it's really really nice so those are your partial illithid final ring of abilities here in Border Skate 3 and I hope you have an idea now of which ones are particularly good I I haven't said hey you know what you gotta choose this one because it really comes down to your build like I said you know like hey the uh Shield of thralls and free cast makes a lot of sense if I'm going with the Caster although free cast can be used on pretty much damn near anyone right but maybe I'm going with someone that's going to knock things around well this place really makes a lot of sense for me or maybe psionic backlash does because I'm up close and personal or whatever it is so you can take advantage of these based off of what class you're going with what kind of build you're going with that class and how to kind of put all of these abilities to really pop off for you as a partial elephant but if you have any other questions or you have any suggestions on which one really work well together with certain builds and classes please let it be known in the comment section below always about spreading as much information as I can but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care [Music] thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 283,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ALL Illithid Powers & Decision Guide for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, bg3 illithid powers, bg3 illithid powers consequences, bg3 illithid transformation, bg3 illithid powers guide, bg3 illithid, bg3 illithid skill tree, bg3 illithid build, bg3 illithid consequences, bg3 illithid choice, bg3 mind flayer powers, bg3 mind flayer consequences, bg3 mind flayer reddit
Id: -ukN-IFV3oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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