How to Build a Ranger for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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Ranger the tracker Hunter of the Wilds the  Avenger against those who would threaten   nature in this video today we're going to go  through building out a ranger and maybe this is   your first character perhaps you want to respect  one of your companions into a ranger whatever the   case is we'll go through that here today we'll  start out at level one looking at Ranger on a   very base level to discuss the character creation  process go into a discussion about your subclass   options and talk a little bit about standout  Feats and close the video out giving or going   into some strong multi-class options you can  quickly navigate to any part of this video that   interests you the most using the chapters above  the timeline of the description and please don't   forget to check me out on Twitch where I stream  every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday which you   can find linked in the comment and description  below let's get started here on how to build a   ranger for beginners in borderscape 3. loading  into the game let's have a conversation about   your race options now of course this is a single  player narrative game so choose the role play of   the race you want the most none of these races  matter for all of their ability scores are the   exact same same you're going to choose which one  get plus two and plus one entirely up to you so   no single race is better than another you just  get certain bonuses for certain options now with   that in mind let's talk about some race options  that maybe do stand out and to be totally honest   I think ranger is unique in that almost none of  these really stand out particularly well because   you get access to simple and martial weapons as  well as light and medium armor just by being a   ranger so and shields as well so there's nothing  that you get proficiency Wise from any of these   races that particularly matter stuff like the half  Works ability to get land a critical hit with a   melee weapon attack you do an extra die of weapon  damage if you do want to go with a melee oriented   Ranger this is nice or if you want to go with um a  Wood Elf it's what I personally did for my Ranger   um this gives you five more movement speed  which I really actually enjoy it allows me   to be a little bit more mobile half elf two the  wood elf half Health has advantage of this as   well so if you want to choose other one of  those it's particularly cool if you want to   go with a small race the halfling here gets  access to Lucky so when you roll a one for   an attack roll ability Checker saving throw  you can re-roll the die and must use the new   roll dwarfs are always a fun option too as well  if you want to go with a kind of a small medium   race in that you get more hit points with  the gold dwarf the dueigar gets access to   um the ability to be advantage on saving throws  against Charmed or paralyzed and they eventually   get minor invisibility and the ability to  enlarge themselves so they do more damage   in melee these are all options you can go with  usually I recommend stuff like the gift to people   but the ranger for the gith they're not going to  get as much Advantage from all their proficiencies   but they still do get access to the fun  can trips that allow them to LEAP further   um so those are fun things to do as well as astral  knowledge here where you gain Proficiency in all   skills of a chosen ability so be since Charisma is  not your primary focus as a ranger and if you're   maybe playing this as your main character you can  use astral knowledge on your charisma to always   have advantage or to gain proficiency sorry your  proficiency which is this bonus right here that   eventually goes from two to three to four as you  progress through the game so you get this bonus   on rolls for all of your charisma skills which  are conversational skills intimidation persuasion   uh deception and the such so those are that's a  nice option here if you want to go with something   a little more unique and of course I do really  like the tieflings for their abilities to get   fun can trips as you progress through if you want  to go with the melee one the zarya is pretty good   because I get the Searing and The Branding Smite  Mephistopheles gets burning hands in another smile   of their own so these two are one two of the ones  that really always stand out to me when it comes   to teeth and evens are so cool as it is anyway  but those are some of your fun race auctions   here for Ranger as far as the mechanics go for a  ranger I guess we'll talk about natural Explorer   and favorite enemy because the rest of stuff  happens outside of character creation most of   it's mainly subclass related so you have a choice  here it's really Beast Tamer and urban tracker or   of resistance personally I find Beast Hammer to  not be amazing fine familiar is great but what if   you're especially going to go beast beast master  I would not used Beast Tamer this is nice because   fine familiar can kind of be used as an ability  to scout out have it absorb hits for you you can   ping things off of it but for the most part I  would go select something like Urban tracker if   you don't have anyone in your party that is going  to be doing any kind of lock picking or disarming   tracks this basically just gives you a Proficiency  in it and if you go with a ranger that has a high   amount of dexterity then you just go ahead and key  off of this even further you don't have to put a   proficiency into this it just naturally triggers  for you so you get your proficiency bonus in the   sleight of hand plus your dexterity modifier it's  a really nice one to choose outside of that though   you have your three Wasteland Wanderers and this  is going to give you resistance to a specific   damage type and resistance here you only take half  the amount of damage from a certain damage type   you're going to deal with a ton of fire and  poison damage in this game so if you want to go   with one of these it's definitely not wasted and  I don't think cold is wasted either but I think   I've dealt far more with fire and poison probably  fire being the most prevalent I think that's kind   of a general rule of RPGs fire is always like  the most prevalent type of damage but those are   good options as well if you already have someone  that's going to be having sleight of hand outside   of that you have your favorite enemy and this is  going to depend upon what you want to take here   Bounty Hunter is going to give you a Proficiency  in investigation which is nice but creatures you   hit within staring strike have disadvantage  on their snaring snaring throws your saving   throws and this is really good if you go with a  gloomstocker ranger where you can get disadvantage   on people on top of their ensnaring strike already  going off so you can just kind of Wombo Combo   things together to get a lot of additional damage  onto them disadvantage on their saving throw means   they're more likely to take damage from you Keeper  of the veil here they get you get Proficiency in   Arcana and you can cast protection from Good and  Evil protect an ally from blah blah they can't   be Charmed frightened or possessed by them and  when a creatures attack it they have disadvantage   this is nice but is a concentration spell so I  don't like it very much it does last until long   rest which is cool and all but honestly I think  Keeper of the veil is probably the least inviting   on this list because Arcana is also one one that  I don't really want to have a huge Proficiency in   uh Mage breaker is cool because you get  Proficiency in Arcana again and you cast   true strike my problem again with true strike  is it is a concentration ability it costs you an   advantage I'd rather just use Hunter's Mark which  is overall a better ability Ranger Knight is cool   because it grants you heavy armor proficiency out  the gate as a ranger I personally have this on my   Ranger because I wanted to try this it's Unique to  Baldur's Gate 3 and it gives you access to Heavy   Armor um I think if you're playing a ranged  Ranger with a bow or you're a finesse Ranger   using dexterity heavy armor is not the way to go  because heavy armor will negate your dexterity   bonus so all those ability points you put in isn't  beneficial does that matter to me no because I   did it and I am a dexterity based Ranger so you  can be just fine and viable if you want to take   this rat or if you like the role play of a ranger  Knight please feel free to do it you don't need to   go down strength in order to get the advantage of  Ranger Knight having heavy armor on your disposal   is pretty cool Sanctified stalker here though  you swore to hunt the enemies blah blah you   gain Proficiency in religion and can cast sacred  flame um it's okay I again it's just it's kind of   like Keeper of the veil I'd rather go with Ranger  Knight or Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter is probably   the one that has a lot of use cases depending  upon your multi-class but those are your two   options there for I guess uh natural Explorer  and favorite enemy or your skills and ability   scores let's take a look at what we're going to  be choosing here now this will be dependent upon   the type of Ranger you want to play as do you  want to focus a lot more on going strength or   do you want to go more with dexterity if you want  to go ranged Ranger or finesse Ranger dexterity   is the way to go we bring this up to 17 as that's  our primary damage capability right then we pump   some points into wisdom here because your spells  are going to be based off of this let's go and   just put that there and we also can put points  into Charisma if this is our main character I   think just having it at 10 as a main character  is a very safe bet that way we don't get any   penalties on our Charisma rolls this should say  zero right now because we have zero charismatic   penalties so that's a nice way to happen I'd keep  eight and I'm sorry strength and intelligence at   eight and then I'd buff up my Constitution and  from here you can kind of determine for yourself   do you want to focus more on your wisdom or do you  want to focus more on your Constitution I think   wisdom's probably the better bet just for your  uh roles when it comes to your spells but if you   want more Health then just go into Constitution  if you if you wish now I would just simply if I   wanted to do this otherwise with strength I'd  bring my strength to 17 and I'd probably bring   um my dexterity up to 10. um something of the sort  where I I still get the benefit of using dexterity   into my armor class until I have heavy armor  active or just to give me some initial device   but this is going to ensure that you do a lot of  great damage with a range weapon and you're going   first pretty quickly now as far as your skills  go again I have slide a hand on this character   because I chose it and I forgot that wood elf  also gives you stealth um all of the elves wood   elf high elf and drow also give you perception  which is actually very good and I should have   mentioned that in the race section I apologize for  not doing so but nature animal handling survival   I won't lie to you they're all just okay they  they are not amazing skills and I wouldn't invest   points in them if I really could could avoid  it and and only from the point that I wanted   to choose them from a role-playing standpoint for  my character and I and I don't want to take the   wind out of your sales please choose them if you  do too I don't regret choosing them at all in my   playthrough but I did not use those checks as much  as I thought I would is what I will say so if you   expect to have nature and animal handling survival  tripping off all the time nowhere near as often as   insight and perception I think they're the two  most often checks you will make in the game and   they're actually pretty pivotal especially Insight  when it comes to conversations because there'll be   points in the game where if you don't have proper  Insight checks you might miss things with the   romance with an actual pivotal plot thing whatever  it is Insight is pretty important so that is a   pretty nice thing to have Athletics can also be  good too this can help you resist shoves or ensure   that your shoves actually go off with your Ranger  subclasses you have access to three pretty in   interesting ones gloomstalker is probably one of  the more popular ones as it is typically seen as   the very fun kind of Ranger assassin and that's  kind of the role as you'll be assuming you get   this dread ambusher ability you specialize in  taking out foes swiftly and ruthlessly so you   become an alpha Striker you gain plus two bonus to  your initiative on the first turn of combat your   movement speed increases by 10 feet if you are a  Wood Elf that means you're starting movement speed   is 45 feet and you make an attack that deals an  additional 1da damage if you subclass this down   into a rogue you just do a disgusting amount  of damage Superior dark vision if depending   on if you are a human or not you get normal dark  vision if you are you then get dreaded Ambush or   hide which allows you to just use a bonus action  to go into hide which again you would multi-class   into a rogue which now you get sneak attack  there's a lot of really great things you can   do with gloomstalker humble Stroud just turns  you invisible and you start to get spells like   disguise self now as this progresses you get level  five Misty step which is really great movement   capability it's a bonus action and you basically  teleport it's a really really nice thing that you   can do because this allows you to hide next turn  you can miss your step and then just pop someone   with a butt with a a bow and arrow shot whatever  it is or just jump right up on top of them   whatever you want to do you'll get iron mine which  gives you proficiency and wisdom and intelligence   saving throws which is good helps you to prevent  from being Charmed or paralyzed anything like that   you'll also gain the ability to fear things and  eventually at level 11 you will get stalker's   Fury so when you miss with a weapon attack you can  make another one for free that's the Gloom stalker   now the hunter is is really if you just want to be  a dude who's not going to stay hidden or anything   you're just shooting things with a bow and arrow  Hunter is it now you don't need to use a bow and   arrow but it's really about just maximizing your  single Target damage and you can kind of you can   be a horde breaker and do multiple targets but  you get Colossus layer here is your Hunter's prey   once per turn your weapon attacks deal an extra  1d8 damage if the target is below its hit points   Max giant killer if it's large or bigger creature  attacks you you can use your reaction to make a   melee attack which is really cool this basically  allows you to kind of constantly have damage going   on to a giant remember reactions refresh every  round so a turn is you going around is everyone   going and then a horde breaker here Target  Two creatures standing close to each other   attacking them in quick succession so you kind of  determine what kind of Hunter you want to be what   kind of focus you want to have do you want to  take things down that are large like literally   the large distinction do you want to kill large  groups of people and horde breaker here you can   see that this gives you a melee or arranged option  you don't have to be arranged or I'm sorry yeah   you don't have to be arranged Hunter if you don't  want to be at level seven you would get defensive   tactics which would give you opportunity  attacks um have disadvantage against you   you get an advantage on saving throws when you're  being frightened or when an enemy attacks you they   suffer minus four penalty to additional attack  rolls against you until the start of the next turn   and then lastly at level 11 you get volley where  you fire a Cascade of arrows upon nearby enemy so   it gives you a little bit of a kind of cone attack  or a whirlwind attack whirl your body around   striking all nearby foes so you choose between  do I want a range stability or do I want a uh   uh melee ability in the moment you can you get  both you get access to both of those so that's   the hunter now my subclass for my Ranger is a  Beastmaster now Beastmaster I think if you've   played the fifth edition you're like what the  hell am I gonna be a Beast Master for I summon a   companion cool Beastmaster is very rough to begin  with and I'm not gonna lie to you and I'm just   going to be honest because it's the class I've  chosen and I'm loving it Beastmaster you summon   up a companion and that companion can be anything  from a bear to a boar to a raven to a wolf or a   wolf spider now these companions are great because  they can do certain things Bears basically allow   you to taunt the boar can charge into things and  eventually kind of becomes a barbarian diet or   the Raven or dire Raven can scratch things eyes  out and blind them and it can fly a wolf can   um uh lunge at things and knock them prone also  gives pack pack tactics uh to feature that Grant's   advantage to attacks when an ally is close to the  Target which is lovely and wolf spiders get access   to web and venomous bite so those are your your  kind of stock characters your stock companions but   every set levels your companions get better and  once they get better they become really goddamn   good so at level five you get companions Bond and  that's that first point of The Beastmaster getting   a true power Spike everything in the game at level  five they get really strong it's a DND rule I   suppose but companions Bond makes your proficiency  bonus is added to their Armor class that's either   two three or four depending upon what level you  are now they're upgraded they get upgraded hit   points and they now get more abilities so take the  Dior Raven for example now it gets the ability to   um cast dark Omen which curses something  or uh uh the boar can enrage itself or the   wolf spider can now entomb things you get  all these cool abilities and as at level 5   five level seven your companion can now dash  and disengage which is cool but now they can   help so your companion if it's a raven  like mine usually is I have it fly to a   um one of my uh downed companions or one of my  companions that's broken up with something with   some sort of CC spell and I can have it use the  help bonus action to get it up and fighting again   it's awesome level eight it gets more hit points  level 11 though you get beastial Fury and that's   the final kind of evolution of your companion  and every uh at level three five and eleven your   companions change they get more physical armor on  them and they look cooler I don't want to spoil   it for you because it's a really sick moment that  you'll see like oh man my companion looks so much   different now but level 11 uh your companion  now gets a bond that deepens between you and   your summon companion gets an extra attack which  is so huge and they get even more abilities so   to put into perspective here again at level  11 uh a dire Raven now whenever it lands after   flying it casts Darkness around it which is sick  also it's got a passive feature which prevents   it from being blinded which is awesome the wolf  spider has a bursting brood capability where it   sets out other it sets out more spiders and it  has increased movement speed and resistance to   poison if it starts on a web the bear can summon  up another bear it's just so many things you can   do with the companions that is so much better than  5th edition d d and I I cannot tell you how much   I love playing a Beastmaster I'm gonna do a whole  video exclusively on it because I like it so much   um but the other ability that there it's  not really mentioned in the game but   if you have Hunter's Mark on something your  companion has a thing called Praise scent and   it allows them to do an extra 1d6 damage to a  Target that's marked by a Hunter's Mark so they   also will do a crap ton of damage when I was like  level five or six my Raven did something like 27   damage which is just through the roof for a little  tiny bird so those are your subclass options for   the ranger did I sell you on Beastmaster enough  I love it it's one of my favorite things for your   origin of course always go with what fits you do  you want to go custom I did personally I think   custom is probably what majority of us did I think  the stats at something's like 96 of characters are   custom but you can go with the specific origin  character or of course the dark urge uh the dark   urge when I think of the role play of a ranger  if you know some of the things that have been   leaked about what happens the dark urge it doesn't  really fit it gets wild hint you are going to punt   a squirrel into a tree and what happens with that  you can imagine it's a lot of Gore so the darker   maybe doesn't fit the role play of a ranger but  it is a very fun and unique playthrough you want   to go with that origin please please do it you'll  have a very different playthrough if this is your   second or third if it's your first one it can also  be quite fun because then we'll spice into your   second and third playthroughs being just vastly  different as far as your background goes again   same thing choose whatever fits the kind of role  play you have in mind for your Ranger are you a   former soldier that has kind of turned to the wild  or a former Scout from being a soldier and have   used those skills to become a ranger are you a  former folk hero and have used those Ranger skills   to your benefit are you a noble that is that has  ranged far out and wide are you a son of one that   is kind of like a black sheep and picked up the  mantle of a ranger to kind of rebel against the   family whatever it is choose what makes the most  sense for you as always my kind of min max option   is a guild Artisan if I don't really care this way  I get access to both insight and persuasion which   I've just talked about how they are so crucial  and nice to have it's nice too because you'll get   access to a um persuasion as a proficiency bonus  which you wouldn't have gotten otherwise so it's   nice to have a actual conversational skill get  that bonus out the gate Feats can be a kind of a   wild situation for a ranger here because you have  a lot to really choose from starting off with the   very first one of course is always going to be  ability Improvement here because you can put one   point here into dexterity and then another point  to bring it up to 19 and then there are are tons   of other what are called half Feats in the game  that will give you that final point of dexterity   to give you a plus five bonus your dexterity  checks so ranged attacks any of your sleight   of hand checks if you're trying to do picking  of locks or disarming traps they all get that   bonus right there so if I chose athlete which is  the next ability I want to talk about I can get   that additional Point here and it gives me the  ability to get up from being prone a lot faster   without wasting as much movement and allows me to  jump a little bit further another really good one   that you can take advantage of his Mage Slayer  which is going to impose a disadvantage on   anything that is concentrating so if you are  dealing with a particularly nasty enemy that has   maybe Spike growth down hunger of Hadar maybe it's  using Spirit Guardians whatever it is you can hit   it from ranged and give it a disadvantage on its  concentration throw to drop that effect keep in   mind too if you're playing a melee Ranger you also  will have advantage on any saving throw against a   spell cast when you are in melee range with the  opponent and you get a reaction to immediately   attack that Caster if they're right there so a  nice way to really kind of do a lot of bit of   fun damage lucky is always really good because  you gain three luck points which you can use to   gain advantage on attack rolls ability checks or  saving throws remember advantages you roll to die   you take the higher of the two versus disadvantage  you roll two die and take the lesser of the two   and then you can also make an enemy re-roll their  attack roll so this is great for really trying to   make sure you get a big hit in or Dodge a big hit  from the enemy always great to have that active   mobile gives you a lot more Mobility especially  if you are playing a ranged character and you   want to get out of being in melee you can use  your um Dash capability to get out of combat   and also uh you don't provoke opportunity attacks  from your target so this allows you to get out of   the way so if you move after making a melee  attack you don't provoke opportunity attacks   from your target you can just kind of get out of  there quickly which is always quite nice now the   two things that really go hand in hand if you  are playing a ranged Ranger is Sharpshooter   your range weapon attacks do not receive penalty  from High Ground rules here it is right here when   you make an attack from above you gain plus two  bonus when it's from below a minus two penalty so   you do not suffer those penalties you only ever  get the bonuses which is lovely also your range   weapon you can suffer five pound to attack roll  and do 10 damage this is a toggleable feature   uh there it is so you would click this in the  passives at the lower portion of the screen   you click passive so you can simply toggle it  on and off so if you're killing through some   chaff [ __ ] you simply go ahead and do that and  boom you're good to go or if you want to turn it   off for fighting against a boss that you actually  have an a good chance of hitting them this allows   you to actually kind of uh punch through a little  bit better now the thing that goes hand in hand   with this is crossbow expert and the kind of min  max that a lot of people do is dual wielding hand   crossbows you can choose this if you so wish  I always find crossbows to be a boring range   weapon I always love bows because you know leg  loss and stuff but when you make crossbow attacks   with melee with a melee range the attack rolls do  not have disadvantage which is awesome and also   your piercing shot also inflicts gaping wounds  so it does additional piercing damage every time   so oh I also have escaping wins for twice  as long too which is just lovely right   um so what's nice here is you kind of use these  things in conjunction if you're going with two   hand crossbows if you're not going to go to hand  crossbows or crossbows in general then just don't   choose crossbow expert you're fine with just  Sharpshooter now I will bring this up dual   wielding is one of my favorite Power fantasies  and I think everyone loves dual wielding and it's   a known fact that in fifth edition people don't  quite like two weapon fighting or dual wielding   and I'm going to tell you I don't give a [ __ ] I  love dueling my personal Ranger has dual wielder   crossbow expert and Sharpshooter and I don't even  use two hand crossbows I love dual wielding and I   will always choose it because it's just so fun for  me so this is going to make me have plus one bonus   to Armor class while wielding a melee weapon in  each hand and you can use two weapon fighting even   if your weapons aren't uh light meaning if you  have two long swords you can now dual wield them   I love dual wielder I don't care what anyone  says so you should know you shouldn't either   um another really big shout out I want to give  before we close the section out is alert so you   gain plus five bonus to initiative and can't be  surprised if you stack this with your innate plus   three from being a gloomstalker that's plus eight  no one is gonna go before you because you also get   your plus three of being a 17 Dex character so you  are definitely going to be going first almost all   the time even if you don't choose gloomstalker  it's always nice to kind of go first and try   to dish out damage before it can get dished out  to you shutting down the potential of any kind   of damage or spells coming your way looking at  Ranger progression we can take a look here at   just starting at level two we have access to our  spells now Hunter's marker is really cool here so   it is a concentration spell which is kind of wild  and this is going to depend too on if you're a   Beastmaster or not and I'll talk about that when  we go into Beastmaster but what this does here   um when you put this Mark on something you're  going to do one to six additional damage whenever   you hit it with a weapon attack not just simply  melee so if you use this with a range it's going   to help if you're a Beastmaster does even more  damage so it's nice to have because also a bonus   action and if you kill someone with it you can  then just Mark a new creature without expending   a spell slot this is nice get you a lot gets you  able to just do a lot of damage out to things now   enhanced leap and long Shredder up both ritual  spells meaning you can cast them they last until   long rest and they don't use spell slots so you  kind of Precast this you you cast this on your   party when you wake up from a long rest or right  in the beginning of everything so that everyone   gets these Buffs and they can take advantage of  them another big one too here is in snaring strike   so that you can snare people which allows you to  then hey you know what they take damage per turn   attack rolls against the creature have advantage  while the creatures attack rules and Dex throws   have disadvantage so um it's nice to help to have  this going here especially depending on what you   go with and I don't usually go into all these  spells but since they are so pivotal in the very   beginning of a ranger I think it's worth talking  about because you can kind of get lost in some of   the other ones you're like speak with animals  is great it is a I personally have this one uh   it's a ritual spell you cast it lasts until long  what rest you don't worry about a spell slot but   you can get this from so many other sources you  don't really need to worry about it at the first   portion of being a ranger now the fighter style  is going to depend fighting style is going to   depend upon what kind of Ranger you want to be  archery here plus two damage to I'm sorry plus   two bonus to range weapon attacks this is what  you're gonna definitely go with if you want to   be a ranged Ranger do you want a dual wheeled  hand crossbows use a crossbow you use a bow   use a short bow it's going to be archery now you  can go with two weapon fighting in which case you   would add your ability modifier to the attack of  your offhand if you want to go with that and you   also have dueling and defense go with whatever  makes the most sense for you and your Ranger   reaching level five though we would get our  extra attack which is always amazing for your   not just simple martial abilities but it does  work for also being enranged you shoot someone   with an action you'll get an additional attack  within that action which is always great your   subclass feature at five and so on so forth  I'm just going to go ahead and choose spells   although I do strongly recommend Spike growth  it is an amazing ability keep in mind it is a   concentration ability though so you cannot have  Hunter's Mark and Spike growth up at the same   time so please keep that in mind don't want you  to get as frustrated as I have many many many   times over and this progression point just kind  of keeps going I I chose um uh Beast Master for   this character but you would get an additional  favorite enemy here I'll go with Bounty Hunter   and I'll just go ahead and choose like I don't  know uh Wayside proficiency so you get to choose   an additional set of those as you level up and  for the most part it's pretty much just getting   spells and different subclass features as you  push through and get more and more access to   things let's go ahead and do that and again you  know you get your other subclass features here   and more spell slots pushing further all the way  up to level nine here is where we're going to stop   um but you nothing crazy is going to happen you're  going to get your additional Feats at level eight   there's nothing that kind of just completely  change your character it depends more on the   subclass you've chosen and when those break points  kind of hit for your Beastmaster it's whenever   your companion gets an upgrade that it really  you'll start to see a lot of fun stuff happening   for multi-class options you have a lot that you  can take advantage of and to be totally honest   with you as well I actually like pure Ranger  especially if I'm going Beastmaster I'm I'm   not going to multi-class I'm just going to stay as  a ranger because I want that level 11 capability   for my Beastmaster and if you're a hunter staying  as a hunter Ranger is also completely viable but   gloomstalker really takes advantage from jumping  into Rogue to just make that class pop off there   are a lot of other options you can go with Ranger  like spicing into fighter or maybe even Druid if   you want to get some casting capability out a  6-6 druid Ranger is still quite fun and Fighter   2 even if I wanted to go pure Beastmaster I could  go 11 Beastmaster and one fighter and this gives   me access to Second win if I wanted a little heal  here whatever I wanted to pull out of that maybe   an additional fighting style so I could go with  archery and to weapon fighting so I would get the   two weapon fighting from being a ranger or Archer  from being a ranger and then Grant it at the one   level of fighter whatever I want to do there but  let's talk about gloomstalker because that's the   one I'm going to recommend here for a multi-class  it's really fun and really cool and a unique way   to play Ranger that is different than kind of  sitting in the background and being this like   ah I'm a ranger I will throw my beast at you and  stuff like that so for gloomstalker we're going   to start with a rogue actually we are not going to  start as a ranger and our abilities are going to   kind of do the same thing that we did with it with  a ranger here I don't know why that had that there   um and let's go ahead and bring this up just 16  and that's that's pretty damn good here for our uh   gloomstalker and we also are going to want to put  our expertise in sleight of hand and in stealth   because that's just kind of the focus of our  character um everything else choose those as you   see fit but remember as a rogue we get access to  expertise which doubles our proficiency bonus I'm   just going to put this in in something here I'll  put I'll put it inside I'll talk about how great   inside this before right so I'll do that and we're  good to go and after we've chosen level one we   immediately pivot into Ranger even though we get  sneak attack and everything but I'll explain why   and again here you know we do get our bonus  cutting actions while important we want to   get Ranger online as fast as possible because  Ranger is going to give us access to all of   our [Music] um uh all of our extra attacks and  cutting actions from certain things so favorite   enemy I'm gonna go Bounty Hunter to give us  disadvantage on their saving throws when I use a   snaring strike and I want to go ahead and go with  like a fire or a poison for a wasteland Wanderer   um abilities doesn't I'm just choose so yeah for  sure because if you do not bye we'll go on and   we'll just start to level our Ranger up all the  way here to level six level six is gonna give us   our bonus feat it's going to give us additional um  bonus attack it's going to give us our additional   subclass things too we definitely gonna want um  and snaring strike here too always really good   because you just want to have that option up you  can go with Hunter's Mark as well and I'm gonna   go archery gloomstalker can go with daggers if you  so wish but in kind of a if I'm thinking of this   from a Min Maxi standpoint and also from kind of  a cool fun way from clubstalker I am going to do   a wield a hand crossbows here it's the it's the  approach I've chosen and there's a really good   hand crossbow that takes a ton of benefit from  being shot from being snucked no sneak so once   we reach level four character level we will  go to level three Ranger and that's when we   choose gloomstalker because now we get your bonus  action to hide basically we just delayed it for   two levels it's not a big deal I know kind of when  I went through this the first time I was like man   I'm gonna miss out on that I I think I want that  bonus action I feel really weak so now we have the   ability to sneak attack and use the action sneak  attack as a rogue and we have dread ambusher so   we have all these capabilities to really do a  ton of damage on an alpha strike we get bonus   to initiative we get an additional 1d8 from the  first attack that we make we're moving faster   we're sneaking around we also get dread ambusher  to keep going back into sneak and keep using um   our sneak attack and we also get disguised self so  just a lot of really great abilities here this is   long Shredder is really going to come in Advantage  here just to kind of move around really quickly   snog snog fog Cloud also helps to to Blind and  heavily obscure things so that you can kind of   get around stuff quickly to get your advantage  on them remember sneak attack Works anytime you   don't have disadvantage on something so if  you have that that was worded wrong if you   have advantage on them it's going to work if  they're next to an ally stuff like that it's   all going to work with your sneak attack you  don't simply have to be hidden for it to work   for our feet here we're gonna go with  Sharpshooter you can go with alert is   really good like I said earlier or crossbow  expert first I like Sharpshooter first in   case I don't have good hand crossbows this is  going to be applicable to all range weapons push us up to level five here we're gonna get our  extra attack which is good we're gonna get Misty   step which is going to be so goddamn good and uh  you know what let's go ahead and put down dark   vision no I'm sorry I love those Darkness uh Spike  growth here I just really like it I really really   like it but extra attack is going to be crucial  and Misty step allows us to move around a lot   now that we are a gloomstocker ranger and level  six is where we will stop doing a ranger because   I wanted to pick up our last bit of favorite  enemy so we can go here with like I don't know if like a sink we can go like Keeper of the veil  if we want that or Ranger Knight whatever it is   and this we're just gonna go with fire so this  is just going to give us tons of resistance to   both fire and poison now and it just is really  nice to have you could go with Urban tracker   if you wanted to pick up a proficiency and  sleight of hand but we've already got it   um as a row you can save it if you want you could  have chosen Urban tracker at the beginning and   then chose a different proficiency um from your  Rogue if you wanted to but I I went this route   because I think it's a little bit more easy  to understand after we do that though we'd   pivot off of Rogue or I'm sorry off of Ranger and  just back onto Rogue all the way until completion   back here and we get our cunning actions  now online and we would get access to our   um Ranger sub or I'm sorry Rogue subclass at this  point and you can choose what kind of subclass you   want I really like thief because we get fast hands  getting an additional bonus action and you've   seen what we can do with bonus actions now we can  cast nasty step we can cast Misty step we can use   cutting action hide we can use our dread ambusher  capabilities to get around we've got so many   things we can do with our bonus action we can cast  Hunter's Mark with our bonus action so much stuff   um this is cool too but if you're really good at  kind of lining up your shots and doing fun things   you can go into assassin you are deadly you are  deadliest against unprepared enemies in combat you   have advantage on Attack rules against creatures  that haven't taken a turn yet which you're gonna   have right if you have alert and your gloomstalker  you can rip someone up and do a ton of damage   to them Ambush any successful tackle against a  surprise creature is a critical hit in Assassin's   alacrity quick as an alley cat in the rain dark  city you immediately restore your action and bonus   action at the start of combat so this is just to  kind of give you an idea and what this means here   is Assassin's alacrity you can jump and get your  way into position and maybe you've started combat   you've surprised everyone but since you were  jumping to get in position you've used actions and   bonus actions this resets it all back to a blank  and you now have your action and bonus action to   do as you see fit I like Thief just to be a little  bit more accessible to everyone I don't have to   worry so much about my placement as I do with  assassin assassin is definitely about a placement   and trying to get myself in the right place  right time but before I even start but I would   go thief and just carry yourself onto nothing but  Rogue levels after this so you'd be six Rogue six   Ranger starting with your Rogue at level one six  levels into Ranger and then the rest into Rogue   and at that it brings our video here to a close  so hopefully this helped you out in deciding how   to best approach a ranger you can tell throughout  this video Ranger I'm extremely passionate about   because I did not think ranger would be good  in Border Skate 3 because it always felt a   little lackluster in fifth edition especially  Beastmaster which is the kind of Ranger that   I've always envisioned but I think coming into  Baldur's Gate 3 and playing a ranger as my main   character throughout the campaign I've had so  much fun I feel like a skill monkey and that   I can pick locks and disarm traps and I'm fine  enough in conversation but I also have a badass   companion I can deal damage in close combat and I  can shoot things from afar I have so many cool fun   tools at my disposal which is what I think  of when I play a ranger and I think that they   really knocked it out of the park with getting  that feel of a ranger uh ticked down with that   that's not even a statement a nail down with  with um Baldur's Gate 3. so if you have any   questions or any recommendations on any kind  of fun multi-classes or stuff like that please   let it be known in the comment section below  I'm always here to help people out and I'm   always there to get as much information about the  game to sending it out to people as possible but   as always thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care foreign [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 66,656
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Keywords: How to Build a Ranger for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 ranger guide, bg3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 ranger, baldurs gate 3 ranger build, bg3 ranger, bg3 gloomstalker build, bg3 beastmaster build, bg3 hunter ranger, hunter vs beastmaster, bg3 beastmaster, bg3 beastmaster companions, bg3 ranger best skills, bg3 ranger best feats, bg3 ranger best subclass
Id: rnBWPpmiT_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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