The Hexblade Perfected - Ultimate Warlock Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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we're going to be perfecting the hex blade which is going to turn your warlock from our ranged Caster into an Unstoppable melee Powerhouse that is still able to use some Spells at range and is going to entirely rely on the Charisma stat for this reason it's also a very fun character to play as it's going to offer you plenty of role play options that you otherwise wouldn't have access to I'm also going to be telling you which classes you are going to want to multi-class with the Warlock to create the most powerful and effective combinations possible as well as tell you the ability distribution the Feats to pick the best races to play with this class and what equipment you should be looking out for with all of that said hello everyone my name is dark hero and welcome to the hex blight perfected with this build our main priority is to get back off the blade as it will allow us to summon a packed weapon or bind the one you are already wielding making you proficient with it in case you weren't and allowing you to use your charisma modifier instead of your strength or deck dexterity modifier but before we get there we still have to select a couple of very important things at level 1 warlocks already get to pick their subclass and the one we're going to choose is going to be the great old one with this we get Mortal reminder which makes it so that whenever we land a critical hit that creature and any nearby enemies are going to be frightened until the end of their next turn something very important to note is that once you reach warlock level 5 with pact of the blade you'll receive an extra attack which as the name implies allows you to perform a second weapon attack now in theory you should not be able to stack this extra attack with another one that you get from a different class like fighter or Paladin however for whatever reason it may be you are currently able to stack these two extra attacks together I'm not sure if it's intended but just in case I'll be showcasing 4 different builds in this video till with this possible bug and two that don't use it they are all very powerful and allow for different play Styles so go with whichever one you prefer for the most part the game isn't difficult even on tactician especially when using the hexblade so don't worry about it too much just go with the one you think sounds the most fun if you're starting a new character the race you will want to pick is going to be the half orc as when you get to zero HP rather than being down you're going to regain one hit point more importantly however you also get Savage attacks which makes it so that whenever you score a critical hit with a melee weapon an additional dice is going to be added to your total damage which as you will see is going to add up to a ton of damage that being said these builds can still function extremely well even on tactician with just about any race so you don't need to worry about this as for your ability score you want to go with a distribution that is something like this you can further reduce your charisma by one or two and put them in Constitution or dexterity instead if you can get your hands on volo's eye or the hacks plus 1 to an ability score of your choice with that out of the way let's take a look at the first build you are a brutal force of Nature and willingly sure wrath on anyone who dares stand in your way with two extra attacks an action surge giving you three more attacks on top of the bonus action from the great weapon Master feat if you get close to the enemy you'll be hitting them until they are dead this build is all about non-stop aggression you'll be going five levels into warlock so you can grab Eldritch plus of course as well as bone chill I also like to take friends for roleplay but you can pick any other cantrip as for the Spells at level 5 you will want to have hex Misty step hold person and counterspell I would also advise you to pick up Darkness if you're not a tiefling as it will blind enemies and give you Advantage with the devil's side Eldritch invocation speaking of which you'll be able to pick three of these my two other recommendations being Finnish figure to gain temporary hit points and finally agonizing blast to add your charisma modifier to your Eldritch blast at level 4 you'll be able to pick a feat the feet that you want for this build are mainly going to be great weapon master so that you gain 10 extra damage when using a two-handed weapon albeit at the cost of a -5 attack roll though you can toggle that on and off in your passives but you also get the benefit of being able to hit another melee weapon attack as a bonus action after you land a critical hit sentinol and polar Master are also very good options but they are definitely not as good in particular with this build don't forget to also pick ability score Improvement to increase your charisma as much as possible once you reach level 5 and get that extra attack you will want to multi-class into fighter at level 1 you will be able to pick a fighting style and of course we're going with the great weapon fighting as it's going to pair nicely with our two-handed weapon making it so that whenever we roll a 1 or a 2 on damage we get to reroll it you also gain Second Wind as a bonus action to be able to heal yourself regaining 1d10 plus your fighter level in hit points at level 2 you'll be able to get action search which allows you to gain another action in the same turn and as I explained before the extra attacks that you're going to get from fighter as well as warlock are both going to benefit from action search at level 3 you get to choose your subclass and while these are all good options but what we really want is the champion subclass as it will make it so that the number you need to roll a critical hit will be reduced by one effectively creating on a 19 and a 20. and this of course pairs extremely well with great weapon master and even better if you're playing as a half orc at level 4 you get yet another fate or an ability score Improvement so you can boost your charisma or go with one of the Feats I mentioned earlier and at level 5 we get our second extra attack which is going to pair with our pack of the black warlocks and because in the case of the fighter specifically you get another feat at level 6. we're going to add that extra level so if you have not reached 20 Charisma yet you'll be able to get there with this level and if you are already at 20 Charisma you can also add to your Constitution or pick Sentinel or polar Master for example now when it comes to the final level champion level 7 doesn't really offer you too much you get better jump and you also get to add healthier proficiency bonus to strength dexterity and Constitution checks you're not proficient in which can be helpful but I personally don't find that amazing so I rather take this level to dip into another class my recommendations are cleric or sorcerer as they will give us two level one spell slots which we are desperately lacking as we only have two level 3 spell slots from warlock plus we also get a few other bonuses on top depending on the subclass we choose this is a very powerful iteration of the hex blade as you really become an Unstoppable Force but it's also the least flashy version as you don't have the vine smites for that extra oomph that being said with this build you don't get as many spell slots even after the dip but that's okay as you won't be using them as much offensively so you will be primarily casting spells like Misty step hex hold person and even counterspell for that reason equipment that will allow you to cast these spells for free can also be really helpful other pieces of equipment that you'll want to have are the killer sweetheart ring which will guarantee a critical hit on your next attack roll after defeating an enemy additionally by having the darkness spell along with Devil's sights you'll be able to take advantage of equipment such as the doctors this year model to deal more damage when you are obscured or the dark just is your helmet which will further reduce the number needed to hit a critical hit down to 17 while also being obscured and don't forget the illicit power lock of the four Realms which can turn a successful attack roll into a critical hit now let's move on to the second build of the video The Dark Knight Clyde in obsidian armor a paradoxical Guardian of Light veiled in Shadows wielding and holy incantations in service of a righteous cause this time around we're going to be mixing warlock with the Paladin we still want five levels of warlock as you want to get that extra attack so everything as before is pretty much the same except you don't want to pick up Misty's step from the Warlock spells as you'll be getting it from Paladin at level 5. now at Paladin level 1 you'll be met with a choice of three different Oaths there's also the oath breaker option but we're not really interested in that we're going to pick oath of the Ancients as it's the most reliable out of these options so with just a level 1 Paladin dip you already get plenty of sustain now at level 2 that's when we get our divine Smite which will of course also use our Charisma modifier to deal damage we also get the select a fighting style and just like with the fighter we're going to pick great weapon fighting as it's going to benefit us from using our two-handed weapon the spells here don't really matter too much as for the most part we're going to be using our spell slots to deal damage with our divine Smite and even the smart spells that are present here actually deal less damage than Divine Smite so my only real recommendation here are to pick up Divine favor and Bliss at level 4 we get to select an ability score Improvement or a fate and just like with the previous build you want to pick great weapon master or to increase your charisma and at level 5 we'll be getting our extra attack and at this point we will have 4 level 1 spell slots and 2 level 2 spell slots from the prepared spells here you can also pick up magic weapon but more importantly we get two spells from the oath of the Ancients one of them being Moonbeam which isn't amazing but you also get Misty step which is what we really wanted you could alternatively pick oath of Vengeance which also gives you Misty's step but it also gives you hold person as well as Hunter's Mark and you already have old person from the warlock spell list and Hunter's Mark is a actually the same thing as hex so in my opinion oath of the Ancients ends up being a better option because it provides you and your team with more sustain we're going to multi-class into fighter so you end up getting action Surge and just like with the previous build you get to take even more advantage of those two extra attacks now the cool thing about this build is that you are a lot tankier than the previous build and while you may not be fishing for crits as often you can still use the same equipment but you have more spell slots and you also have access to Divine smites to dish out a ton of damage in a single round in my opinion this is the most consistent version of the build as well as the most powerful one but we still have two more builds that I want you to take a look at and these two builds are in my opinion a lot more fun to play with the first one being what I call the Divine fiend a paladin sworn to protect the weak but in the path of his righteous Crusade he sees himself forced to make a pact with a fiend just like the one once he sought to defeat with this build you'll be going three levels of warlock but this time we're going to pick the fiend subclass so you gain temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier whenever you kill an enemy our cantrip and spell selection is still going to be the same but we don't pick Misty's step from the warlock spell list as we will also be multi-classing into Paladin and just like with the previous build we're going to pick oath of the Ancients but we'll be going 8 levels of Paladin instead with these extra Paladin levels you'll be getting or of protection and Aura of warding with aura of protection making it so that yourself and your allies gain a bonus to saving throws equal to your charisma modifier and thanks to oath of the Ancients Aura of warding makes it so that you and your nearby allies only take half damage from spells which is just crazy so with this build you don't need to save a warlock spell slot just in case you need to use counter spell to save an ally or even yourself from a spell that to deal a ton of damage because for the entirety of combat you only take half damage and this doesn't even take up a spell slot or anything you just activate it once at camp and that's it and because we reach level 8 with the pal then we get yet another feat our ability score Improvement now for this build in particular I think it's best if we don't go great weapon master and instead choose to go with polar master or even Sentinel as we get these two auras that are going to not only benefit your character but your allies if they are within range as well with Sentinel whenever an enemy is within melee range and attacks an ally you can use your reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy you also gain advantage on opportunity attacks and whenever you hit an enemy with an opportunity attack that enemy can no longer move for the rest of the turn and with polar Master whenever you use the glaive a Halbert a Quarter Staff or a spear you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon and of course this attack is going to to use the same ability modifier as the primary attack Additionally you also get to make opportunity attacks whenever a target comes within range and if you choose to go with either of these Feats I would recommend you picking up a glive for one because polar Master does not work with a Greatsword and for Sentinel because glaive simply has extra reach so it is going to trigger more often although you can still go with a great sword and simply deal more damage for this final level there are three different options in my opinion you can either pick warlock level 4 so you get another ability score Improvement or keep yourself in Paladin and go to level 9 so you gain two level 3 spell slots and in the case of oath of the Ancients protection from energy which is the level 3 spell that can grant resistance to different elements as well as plant growth which is another level 3 spell that creates an enemy where enemies walk slower having their movement speed divided by 4. these aren't amazing spells but getting those extra spell slots can be nice but the third alternative is to yet again get a single level dip into another class with my recommendation being the live domain cleric which is going to add plus 2 to our healing spells on top of our wisdom modifier but I also think that getting a single level of storm sorcery can be very helpful as you get impetuous magic which means that after casting a spell you can use a bonus action to fly until the end of your turn without receiving opportunity attacks and you can fly up to 9 meters so this can help you with your movement with these multi-class options you'll also get two level 1 spell slots which of course aren't as good as getting two level 3 spell slots but I still think these are valuable options to add to your build but we still have one more build to take a look at and this is by far my favorite build out of all of these both in terms of combat as well as role play the wandering Knight travels from Village to Village spreading Tales of his Valor building an agile blade he inspires those he saves from Evil and Injustice while leaving some questioning the mysterious power He commands for this build we are also going three levels into Warlock and we're also taking some levels into Paladin we're using the finned subclass and our spell list is going to be pretty much the same as before but when you multi-class into Paladin we're going to pick a different fighting style for the wandering Knight we're going to be picking the dwelling fighting style which makes it so that when wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no melee weapon on the other you gain a plus two to your damage rolls with this weapon and since we're using the dwelling fighting style when picking your packed weapon we're going to select a Rapier as weapons that come with the versatile trait do not benefit from the dwelling fighting style and while you might have guessed from the description of this character we are multiclassing into Bard and it's actually a very effective and Powerful combination so as I said we're getting three levels of warlock as well as 6 levels of Paladin so we go with oath of the Ancients get the vine Smite and extra attack as well as Aura of protection and then at level 10 we multi-class into Bard which will give us inspiration and some more spell casting and all of these spells are going to benefit from our Charisma modifier so you can get spells like shutter fantasmal Force cloud of daggers and many others which are very good at level 2 we get song of rest which means we get an additional short press which isn't particularly amazing but it is a quality of life benefit and we also get Jack of Altoids which adds half your proficiency bonus to Ability checks you aren't proficient in which is a good way to round out your build but at level 3 not only do we get quite a few more spell slots but we also get expertise which allows our character to double their proficiency bonus on a skill but we also get to pick our subclass and of course we're going to select College of Swords which allows you to pick a different fighting style to add to your character now the only two options that College of Source offers are dwelling and too weapon fighting which means that at this point you're going to have to respect your character and as a paladin you select a defense fighting style which is going to add a plus one to your AC and then once you finally get to College of Swords vard you add the dwelling style but of course you also get Blade flourish from the culture of swordsbard which allows you to spend your vardic inspiration charges to perform a variety of different actions whenever you attack an enemy so think of Blade flourish as a more mobile alternative to Divine smites that can give you options from increasing your armor class to attacking multiple enemies or even pull yourself toward an enemy or push them away from you to become a lot more versatile by going into a Bard and you're also adding spell slots therefore having more uses of divine Smite now as for your feeds with this character in specific more often than not I find myself focusing on ability score improvements rather than picking a feed because you cannot take advantage of great weapon Mass or polar Master you could use sentinel but I don't think it's going to be particularly amazing you could take defensive duelist which makes it so that whenever you're attacked you can use the reaction to increase your armor class likely causing the attack to miss this can be a pretty decent option to use but personally I would rather take alert or even mobile with this you end up with a character that has pretty high AC 4 level 1 spell slots 5 level 2s and 3 level 3 spell slots so overall a very good character in terms of being efficient and Powerful but it also has the very good bright side of getting the versatility of The Bard and also having so many role play options with these three different classes the best dialogue options you can get by being a specific Class come from the Warlock the Barbarian and The Bard and in this case you get two of those so that just makes the game a whole lot more fun these are in my opinion the four best multi-class options you can get with the hex blade warlock so please tell me what you think of these options in the comments below and what you think of the idea of doing one of these build perfected videos in the future please subscribe to the channel if you have enjoyed this video as it really does help me out as always my name is dark hero and thank you very much for watching
Channel: DarkHero 2
Views: 122,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DMaGalUm_m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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