Is Ranger Beastmaster Any Good in Baldur's Gate 3?

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The Beastmaster is one of the subclasses for  Ranger that has really had a hard time in fifth   edition of Dungeons and Dragons but in Baldur's  Gate 3 it gets a whole new lease on life and it's   actually quite good so in this video today I'm  going to go through my personal main character my   Beastmaster to talk a little bit about some of the  different companions you can take advantage of how   you use abilities like praise scent something that  the game doesn't really tell you exists and how   Beastmaster is actually a real Kick-Ass subclass  for your Ranger in Baldur's Gate 3. now again if   you're coming from DND 5e you might really have be  sleeping on the ranger so this is a way to kind of   galvanize people to try The Beastmaster out that  they have not yet done so you can quickly navigate   to any part of this video that interests you the  most using the chapters in both the timeline and   the description also please don't forget to  follow me on Twitch where I do stream Baldur's   Gate 3 I've been dabbling with some Starfield  and some other games you can find that Linked   In the description and the pin comment as well  and lastly too I have an entire playlist of all   my guides including the breakdowns on every  single class if you're brand new to the game   or just booting up with the PS5 version you can  find that linked at the end of the video in the   description as well let's get started here on why  the Beastmaster kicks ass in Baldur's Gate 3. so   loading into the game we are level three I've gone  ahead and respect my character and we're going to   select the subclass of Beastmaster but there's  some general information that you should know   so The Beastmaster one of its biggest things is  this ability right here right Rangers companion   Gana Beast companion that accompanies you on your  adventures and fights alongside you now this Beast   companion is summed up and it will last as long as  it stays alive or if you decide to rest whatever   it is and you can go ahead and summon a new one  if it dies this ability will recycle on a short   rest now there's something that you really want  to make sure you take and pay attention to when   you're playing a Beastmaster and it is Hunter's  Mark Hunter's Mark does this right marker creature   as your Quarry to deal an additional one to six  whenever you hit it with a weapon attack if the   target dies before the spell ends you can Mark  a new creature without expending a spell slot   so a couple things on why this is important a  it is a bonus action as well as being a level   one spell slot so it's very easy for you to  cast as the Ranger and if you kill the target   you're attacking you then get a free cast of it  without expending a spell slot and that's pretty   huge because this at the beginning of the game  you don't have a lot of spell slots so you can   use this as a premium now keep in mind though  this is a concentration ability meaning that   you can only have one concentration spell up at  the beginning of the game this is not going to be   huge but once you start to move into getting  things like Spike growth which is an amazing   spell you just don't want to overlap the two I'm  going to explain why Hunter's Mark is really good   in the beginning and maybe falls off towards the  later portions of the game but that's some kind   of General quick information let's go ahead and  press accept and I'm going to leave the level up   screen because we're done with this conversation  now for now let's talk a little bit more about our   companions your companions are broken up into  five different types of companions you have a   bear companion which has the most health as well  as Gordon Gordon goating Roar which basically kind   of acts as a taunt you have the bore which has  probably the second most health may be tied with   the wolf but you have an ability called charge and  it's exactly what you would think they charge and   knock things prone now the wolf uh that the wolf  here has lunging bite and this right here allows   you to knock things prone as well so these are  just the base things that you get right at level   three and you're gonna notice that if you play uh  Beastmaster I won't lie to you three to five feels   I'm sorry three and four feel kind of lackluster  like man I don't even know if I have I'm really   getting the most out of this level five is where  you hit a huge power curve now the two other   companions are really good wolf spider companion  you summon a wolf spider that can shoot webs and   poison enemies with its bite that's really nice  here the webs will of course and web them and when   you in web and web them they cannot move attack  rolls against the affected entity have advantage   while its Attack rules have disadvantage it also  has disadvantage on Deck saving throws so getting   shot with a ranged weapon is a deck's saving throw  so you can use these things in a Wombo Combo you   put Hunter's Mark on the target the wolf spider  companion uses web to in web it and every shot   you're doing against it you get advantage on the  on the shot it gets a disadvantage on this deck   saving throw it's it's such a multi-layered  level of kickassery so that's just the the   wolf spider here also too it can poison enemies  with its bite which is awesome right suffers   disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks  but the other one is the dire Raven and these two   I would argue are really the best kind of come  all companions you can use them in almost every   single situation they're always very good and  you don't need to reach the max level and these   Companions of the die Ravens good because it can  blind things blind things meaning that it gets   um here we go blinding things has disadvantage  on attack rolls range of attacks and spells   reduced to 10 feet and attack rules against  Blended creatures have Advantage so again   there's more Advantage onto these targets  prone uh was also good I guess I didn't   highlight that enough but prone to you also get  advantages and disadvantages going on here so   um it's it's quite nice to hit things that are  prom but these companions will Evolve level three   is when they start level five is when they will  Evolve level seven they'll evolve again and then   level 11 they'll evolve for their final time and  what I mean by evolve is they will get better and   I'm going to show that off in just a second here  so let's go ahead and sum it up the dire Raven so the dire Raven is right here and it  just says simply opportunity attacks but   and I cannot find where it is in the game and if  and if someone has found it please let me know   um oh there it is [ __ ] I was I was I've been  searching everywhere for this so all of your   companions have this ability praise sent you deal  an additional one to six to creatures marked by   your Rangers Hunter's Mark meaning that all of  your attacks from your Raven if they're hit on a   subject with a Hunter's Mark they already just  do more damage and the companions themselves   have points in which they do a lot of damage but  don't really think of them as these things that   are going to really kill everything that they come  across what you're using the companion for is the   utility that it brings to you on in the table The  Raven for example has the ability to Blind things   but it will eventually get the ability to curse  things and it can fly so it's very easy for it to   get to locations and do any kind of attacks hold  down any Targets like a ranged user or a Caster so   that it forces an opportunity attack if it tries  to get away from the Raven or just shuts down   its casting or range capabilities think of these  companions more as utility and less as outright   damage dealers are outright um outright just kind  of send them in and have them screw everything up   so we're level three let's progress up to level  five to show you how this thing kind of comes off   a little bit better or how these companions get  a little bit more evolved so level five for the   ranger we get this subclass feature companions  Bond the bond between you and your Animal   Companions grow stronger your proficiency bonus is  added to its armor class and to its damaged roles   this is what allows you to get a good power Spike  with your companion because you're gonna play a   ranger in the beginning You're Gonna Go With The  Beastmaster and you're gonna think this entire   video is [ __ ] because you're like I'm like  this thing sucks it doesn't really do anything   but this is when the companion has a lot more  durability because remember your proficiency   bonus is two three or four depending upon your  level I think at this point it jumps up to three   um and that adds to both its armor class and  damage rolls it makes the bear far tankier it   makes the bear the the boar more aggressive and  the Wolf more aggressive with both of its attacks   the Raven is harder to hit the spider can now more  likely hit things with its poisonous bite you have   a lot of things that come with this companion's  Bond let's go ahead and choose something and press   accept here and when also this happens on level  five something something else happens with your   your companions you can notice that my Raven who  just looked like a simple Raven before now has   cool little armor on it and that's a really  cool portion of being a Beastmaster is these   companions evolved let's go ahead and dismiss  this guy and we'll summon up another one so   do a short rest and let's bring up the we'll do  the bear the bear looks pretty cool at level five look at that big old bear butt now the bear  is here to stay but what happens as well is   companions get another set of abilities so we get  honey to pause for the bear here lash out with   Paws sticky from honey and disarm your target if  it isn't holding any weapon it falls prone instead   so we get more utility added to our abilities here  now let me show you all the rest of the campaigns   at level five because all these things do evolve  and they can have a little bit of a different look   and they get a different um uh a different utility  item for each and every one of them artboard is   looking pretty grotesque here and awesome it has  its bore charge that we saw earlier but now it has   frenzied strike and rage so basically at level  five your bore turns into a barbarian for your   group it uses a bonus action just like a barbarian  and rage is and then it gets a frenzied strike   which is a bonus action on top of its normal  attack action so you get this really badass   bore that is like I said going to act as your  Barbarian for the party if you don't already have   one or if you do it's now a buffet of Barbarians  and boars alliteration aside it makes these things   damn bad ass for our spider or I guess this is  now called the dire spider the uh I guess not   but either way you have your venomous bite that  we had at the very beginning and we had our web   that we had at the very beginning but now we get  cocoon Trapper creature in your web to cocoon it   and Cocoon here trapped it in spider's web can  we overtake actions bonus sections reactions this   condition ends upon making taking damage so it's  a great way to just straight up CC something and   lock it down it is a deck save so it does have  a chance for it to just kind of get outright   resistant unfortunately but it's nonetheless it's  great to have the ability to just completely shut   something down and the spider itself has web  Walker isn't slowed down by web services and   can't be in webbed by them as well so these  things are really great for it because it kind   of allows it to web things which is I don't know  if I've made this clear enough but it is in huge   area of effectability here right so you use this  ability I'm trying to make sure you guys don't   have any spoilers in this video um and you can web  this whole area and it can move through the webs   without any problem now your wolf is a little  bit different you're going to click on that guy   um it gets infectious bite now so it bite changes  to be necrotic damage and bite a Target and   possibly turn its septic affected entity has its  constitutional reduced by one as disadvantage on   Constitution saving throws as well but we had  lunging bite as well as bite so we have these   two actions remember lunging bite does knock  things prone and this makes the wolf have a lot   of damage capabilities the wolf really evolves  to be a master of AOE melee damage towards the   end of its line in level 11. but this shows you  what that wolf can ultimately do and it kind of   shows you its weird huge headdress of Destruction  coming back to our little Raven bro truly The Best   For Last we have him like I said before and he  doesn't get anything special here in this location   but still has his red Vision which makes things  blind we took a look at this a little bit earlier   it's worth worth it is worth noting as well 1d4  plus two uh for the actual damage on this and as   well as the bad Omen so hurl one of your feathers  at a Target to mark it as cursed the nice thing   about this is it's got a 30 foot range it's a  per turn so it's not on like a short rest and   it's a wisdom Save which is can be good and that  it's easier I think to get off than maybe a deck   save but curse curse the diary Raven marked by the  feather of a diary Raven Attack rules against the   affected entity have Advantage so you have all of  these ways to deliver Advantage for you or your   Barbarian or anyone else that's looking to do any  kind of attack damage and the nice thing too is   this is a ranged ability I'll be honest this maybe  won't go off all the time uh Rend Vision here   probably is going to go off a little bit more  often but this is a melee action so if you fall   short of something you can now use at least bad  Omen to get it to trigger also with fly you can   go quite far so let me go ahead and press Z over  here you can see I can probably fly to roughly   this spot right well I can also I'm looking  at that let's try route here right and dash   and then I can go even further and it's messed up  here because we're not in here now this will work   there we go you see the fly goes to this location  I can Dash and now I can fly real far so usually there we go it's allows me to go a real far  distance with that fly allowing me then to just   kind of lock something down there's no way you'd  do this without Dash right I would have stopped   halfway this distance because Dash is doubling my  my movement speed so this allows you to get a lot   of range and locking things down it's the only one  of the companions that can fly and the diary Raven   and the and the spider are probably the ones I  use the most the bear becomes amazing but it needs   level 11 to really tip a a trip off and we'll  talk about those final Evolutions in a little   bit so at level seven things get even better now  because your companion can now dash disengage and   help as a bonus action this is really good it's  awesome um I'm unsure why I was actually able to   dash on my uh on my Raven so early I was only  level five but regardless we now have access   to dash disengage and help so we get the ability  to have uh far more utility on our um on all of   our Companions and like I said before too with  my Raven that's funky uh my Raven he can fly   to do all those things right he has the ability  to help someone by flying over to them and then   doing it so I have him simply Dash over to him  and then I have him uh help he also will get um disengage and dash both as bonus actions and  that's the important thing here exceptional   training allows it to how to have those things as  bonus actions so that you can still actually even   do something within combat right Retreat safely  with your more opportunity attacks to disengage   and go maybe do a Rend Vision somewhere else  and this isn't just with the Raven it's with   all of my companions so it gives them far more  utility and now that they can do what I would   want to do maybe with one of my other characters  or go and shut down someone's casting ability   someone's rangeability by getting them close  and personal with a dash whatever it is it's   nice to have that capability with my companions  moving over to the bg3 wiki it's kind of nice to   just show this all in one nice big chart just to  kind of Chronicle what happens to your companions   for The Beastmaster you get level three of the  summon five is when you get that com that bond   to increase the armor class and the damage and  the upgrade to hit points is as well sevens when   you get that Dash disengage and help his bonus  sections we just talked about level eight when   you're gonna get more hit points now the only real  downfall I find to Beastmaster is that you get   bestial Fury at level 11 and the game is not over  by then but you're kind of hitting the end of act   three beastial Fury the bond between you and your  companion has deepened your summon companion gains   an extra attack that is crucial because now your  companion can attack twice with one attack action   and you can you've probably found them a game for  yourself around level five and six and seven or   so or depending if you multi-classed or not as a  melee class getting bone or extra attack is huge   it's a massive power Spike for you so we finally  get access at level 11 and it's why I recommend   and we're going to talk about multi-class in  a little bit recommend kind of staying for the   most part at level 11 or 12 for your Beastmaster  if you want to completely maximize your companions   because now they get upgraded hit points as  well as abilities so let's talk about our level   11 abilities for our companion I'm going to be  linking you to the bg3 wiki uh in the description   below I unfortunately am not level 11 in the game  um so I just spent too much time making videos   for you guys not playing through the game all the  way to those complete Max but as you can see here   this kind of Chronicles what happens to all the  companions at certain break points level eight the   bear now has 59 hit points in 15 AC or the bore  has 51 hit points and 14 AC the wolf has 61 hit   points in 16 AC so I lied earlier I thought the  bear had more hit points it's actually the bear   has the most and then so we get to level 11 we  get new abilities and more hit points in AC as   well you know bear now jumps up to 89 that wolf  has 91 what have you but what we want to see here   are the new abilities so for the bear they get Ur  sign reinforcements the bear summons another bear   and that stays with you until a long rest the  bear that it does summon is a level seven bear   uh which isn't bad I'm just it's just worth noting  it's not a level 11 bear that has extra attack and   everything like that it's not it's going to be for  all intents and purposes this Bears profile 39 hit   points 15 AC as well as having Dash disengage and  help so it's worth noting that that's the kind of   bet that you get but you still get a whole second  bear it's when the bear I think personally becomes   really really really good in the game because it's  now going to hit really hard because it's got a   massive strength increase to four or by four  and it now brings a whole second bear with it   the bore gets a kick up or kick up muck  capability which has the ability to tart   to Blind things it kicks Up Mud everywhere and  blinds them so this thing still has that salmon   rage capability that I had before it is acting  acting as a barbarian with a lot of constitution   a lot of strength it's charge capability as well  as now a blinding capability the diary Raven my   my favorite boy here the Corbett the corvus major  has an ability upgrade the extra damage added at   level 5 increases from 1d4 to 1d6 because when  you take a look at the uh the damage profile   when we were looking at the Raven in the game  remember how it says that oh 1d4 plus two that   was the extra damage it got now it's now 1d6 plus  two additionally whenever the DI Raven uses fly   it casts Darkness on its Landing location for two  turns and darkness here is a level two application   spell this spell allows spell casters to conjure  cloud of darkness in an area within range that   obscures and blinds those are within it remember  blind causes Advantage for anyone attacking it   and the creature can only attack within 10 feet  with ranged or spells it's massive so you just   send your Raven to fly into a group and where  it lands it casts Darkness that's awesome it   also gains The Raven side passive feature which  prevents The Raven from being blinded so you have   those capabilities it is awesome it's called on  black wings is the name of that ability there   into the wolf the wolf you can't see in this  picture but it now has a sword in its mouth   um I've seen that picture it's pretty awesome  it's called Lupine slash and Lupine slash acts   essentially as a cleave like you would see from  maybe a great ax or a two-handed weapon allowing   it to hit multiple targets with its melee weapon  so just to kind of reinforce what the wolf can do   is that it is really good at that melee combatant  that actually can do a little bit of range attack   which is really really sick the wolf spider here  now has new ability bursting brood which will   infect things if you remember playing in the  First Act and I I don't want to ruin where or   what this is you've come across things that have  infected and when you and something gets infected   it has disadvantage and I believe both strength  and dexterity rolls I believe that's what it is   but anytime the wolf spider gets hit it  infects things and if that thing dies it   explodes infecting things around it so you need to  kill the infection with a fire it's awesome it's a   great ability for the wolf spider because the wolf  spider isn't necessarily up close and personal   it's way more of a utility by comparison to the  other ones here right 54 hit points at Max versus   91 85 89. The Raven and the wolf spider definitely  kind of fit more into a utility slot within your   your party but also against eight-legged Waltz  passive feature which grants the wolf spider extra   movement speed and resistance to poison damage  whenever it turns on it takes its turn starts   its turn on a web which is just outright amazing  so you can see at level 11 these companions really   come into their own and as I've said before level  11 is very late into the game I wish this happened   at level nine or I'm sorry level 10 personally I  think it would be just the right amount of time   spent with your really strong companions by the  time you reach the absolute end portion of the   game but I still think it's a time to really  really enjoy and I cannot stress enough how   awesome praise scent Works into all this remember  now they're all they're getting basically six more   free damage up to six more free damage averages  out to three if they attack anything that you've   put Hunter's Mark on and in the beginning that is  a disgusting amount of damage towards the end game   it's not as huge right things have well over 100  damage very often but I want 100 Health very often   even a Caster does so it's still it's very nice in  getting portions of the game maybe something you   sub out later in the game but it is nonetheless a  very great addition to the damage that they can do   so just to fully exemplify prey site I'm going to  use carlak to display this so we're going to use   our standard bite on Carlock there we go we just  did 10 damage nothing crazy and we had a little   bit of a graphical artifact at the same time  that was wild now I'm gonna cast Hunter's Mark and we're going to do the same  thing this does 4 to 10 damage   and we now do 14 damage now of course she  has a really high Armor class and this is   just to show off that the damage we're doing is  increased because of Hunter's Mark we're getting   that additional bit man that is a wild that is  a wild artifact right there I apologize but just   to kind of show up a whole lot of things going  crazy I just show off we're getting 14 damage   then you can hover over it and you can see that  the attack roll so on so forth so it did 2d4 7.   plus two for my my Dexter it's dexterity modifier  sorry uh plus three for the companion's Bond and   then plus two piercing from the praise scent  this is to show you where all this damage can   really come from when these guys keep in mind  too that Carlock is leveled up to level nine   and my character is only level seven so punching  very high up into the the bracket here but still   no less if you're within range of the appropriate  levels things make a lot more sense for the damage   that your uh companions can do using prey sent  from your Hunter's Mark so now it begins the   question of what multi-class can work with the  ranger Beastmaster and as I've said going to   level 11 with your Beastmaster and staying true  to that is just fine with then picking up Rogue   just so that you get any kind of fun from your  sneak attack capabilities whatever it is you   can kind of squeeze a level of Rogan around level  eight if you want and then bring the rest of your   levels up to level 11 on your Ranger to get the  max of your companions but if you've found all   the utility from them that you could need at level  seven right that's when we get the that extra set   of abilities and everything a level five I'm sorry  level five I'm gonna get an extra set of abilities   the question kind of remains what do you do or  when do you do anything well I would recommend   that you bring your Ranger Beastmaster not just  simply the seven because seven is when you get   access to all of your uh bonus actions for your  your companion right disengage help and dash   I'd actually recommend you push Ranger into level  eight this way you get access to a new feat let's   just say cross boxer because I've made this guy  a range Ranger and your companion gets its second   to last buff to its armor class and its Health  this keeps your companion as competitive quote   unquote as you can into the game and four levels  of any other class is still a very good strong   investment so let's go ahead and press accept here  that brings us into level eight and this is when   I would spice off into a different direction and  there are some options that you could go with you   can go with Druid if you really want to kind of  jump into maybe being a shape shifter along with   your companion right you summon a bear and then  you turn into a bear and you guys are bearing   it up together because you've gone with a druid  uh a moon Druid that is specializing in being a   um Shape Shifter if you do do  that though I would tell you this   shape shifting you cannot cast spells but you can  maintain concentration of spells so you cast your   Hunter's Mark prior to going into a shape shift  those are some options you've got you could even   Double Down onto Rogue and go into thief and  if you go into Thief you now have two bonus   actions and you get all of the skill expertise as  well as all the proficient the proficiencies of   going rogue so you have a lot to pull from in just  these two right out the gate other options you can   go with are fighter and fighter is nice because  this gives you an additional fighting style so   I've already gone archery for this character and  I love dual Wheeling I love dual wielding in every   single game I've ever played even if it's not good  so going to weapon fighting and going archery as a   fighter is great because I can also spice this  up even further I get second win at level two   with fighter I'm gonna get access to action surge  which is going to grant me a whole second action   and at level three I'm gonna pick a subclass  for fighter and I can go with battle Maneuvers   battle I'm sorry with Battle Master which gets  battle Maneuvers and this is going to allow me   to do a lot more utility things as well I can  go with something like rally if I really want   to which gives temp hit points I can go with faint  I can go with repost all these things that really   really go well here with being a ranger and having  a companion that runs alongside you you could even   jump into uh Paladin if you so wish just kind of  know though you're gonna need to kind of finagle   your stats around cleric Druid Rogue fighter  probably work the best because they're probably   going to play alongside with the existing stats  you've got like wisdom being very high for you as   a ranger and dexterity possibly being pretty high  for you as a range Ranger and you going into Rogue   Wizard and sorcerer probably not going to  be as awesome but you can still have quite   a bit of fun if you find a way to finagle  it lastly to Barbarian is an option here   the reason I wouldn't really focus on it is that  when you do rage you can't cast or concentrate on   spells while raging so you lose the benefit of  prey sent into your Hunter's Mark if you don't   care about it just be a Berserker Barbarian with  your wild ass bore companion and you two are just   going to be head butting your way to Victory it's  an awesome way to really have a lot of fun with   your companion and lastly too you can go with monk  if you want to still because monk uses dexterity   and wisdom to the best of its ability so you can  really have a lot of fun spicing things up with   your monk abilities if you want to stay with just  being open hand Monk and going really heavy into   um trade up just unarmed combat or you can  go with a four elements monk so you and your   companion have all these abilities to help give  utility to the party while you have some kind   of range caster-esque capabilities as well so  at that it brings our video here to a close I   didn't show off a ton of like oh nut busting  gameplay of me using my Ranger to Ultimate   massive destruction because because I don't play  like that the ranger Beastmaster is not the 10   000 damage massive ultimate Min maxer but it's  most certainly not the terrible class that it   can be in 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons and I  wanted to use this video as a display or at least   showcase or explanation of how the abilities  of the Ranger Beastmaster in bg3 work so well   together and they're so strong and you can have  a lot of fun with them again like I said are you   the most ultimate Destroyer class of the world no  you're not you're no Vegeta but you're still gonna   have a lot of fun and I think that a lot of people  always skip out on Ranger because Ranger has had   a really bad rap for a lot of additions in DND  but finally it gets its just deserves in bg3 by   being a very competent class that can have a lot  of fun being a ranged class in Baldur's Gate 3 is   is very very strong Sharpshooter is a destructive  capability so please have a lot of fun with The   Beastmaster if you are on the fence between  taking it or not and you had heard that the B   Master got some improvements with bg3 but you  weren't sure now hopefully you have a better idea   and I did want to try to save some of the  reveal of the abilities and how things are   done with the Beastmaster so you can experience  it for yourself I feel like when you jump into   a lot of these videos they show you every little  thing that you can do or be and then shows all the   animations and everything and it reduces some of  that shock of of Awesomeness when you experience   it for your first time so I try to deliver as much  information as I can without spoiling the process   for you granted two I'm not level 11 so there was  that but hopefully now you leave this video with   a better idea of Beastmaster and you're excited  to play it for your next playthrough maybe your   first playthrough on PS5 whatever it is and if  you have any questions about this maybe you want   to know exactly what my build is what Feats did I  choose all those things go ahead and let me know   in the comment section below I didn't go through  those deliberately because I didn't want to create   like a min max of how to approach The Beastmaster  I wanted you to feel like you could approach The   Beastmaster in any way and feel successful which  you truly can in this game even tactician you   don't need to completely min max it like you've  probably read on the internet you can approach it   with a pretty loose approach to the game as long  as you understand them systems to the game you'll   be just fine as always guys thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 52,956
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Keywords: Is Ranger Beastmaster Any Good in Baldur's Gate 3?, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 ranger build, baldurs gate 3 ranger, baldurs gate 3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 ranger class, baldurs gate 3 ranger beastmaster, baldurs gate 3 ranger beastmaster build, bg3 beastmaster companions, bg3 beastmaster guide, bg3 is beastmaster good, bg3, bg3 beastmaster ranger, bg3 beastmaster multiclass, ranger, baldur's gate 3 ranger, beastmaster pets
Id: kHDn5hgW3f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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