Ultimate GUIDE To EVERY CLASS In Baldurs Gate 3 - Baldur's Gate 3 Class Guides (Supercut)

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12 classes 12 class guides now in one super long video I put all my class cards together and cut out the fluff and the nonsense and the rambling as well as updated a mistake I made in one of the class guides so you'll have to let me know in the comments if you can pick that out but let's go before we get into these let me know your thoughts on these like super cut style videos and which class is your favorite alright let's go playing as a barbarian is definitely a milli focused class now you have that rage mechanic which will increase the overall damage that your melee and improvised weapons will do as well as giving you advantage on strength checks and saving throws but the main benefit here is that they have an insane amount of potential melee damage that they can do because of their class ability Reckless attack which gives you advantage on your attack roll so you've got a higher chance of actually hitting the trade-off here is that it gives your enemies advantage on you and typically because you have a lower Armor class because most barbarians won't actually wear armor because of their armored or unarmored defense while you are not wearing armor your armor class equals 10 plus your Dex modifier plus your Constitution modifier so as you level up as a barbarian and gain extra figs to increase your overall Constitution or dexterity or gear that can do the same thing your armor class will increase that way typically rather than wearing armor though you can wear armor because you have proficiencies you could also actually just pop on a shield as well because that doesn't technically count as armor but the main modifier here full barbarian is strength and you'll definitely be focusing on that so when you're picking a race the options here are really up to you based on your role-playing perspective about if you're looking to me and Max the taller classes are the better options here like the elf tiefling drow human GIF half elf Dragonborn and half orc because they'll have that standard movement speed in terms of like the best I would say the half orc is potentially the best because of Relentless endurance so when you are downed instead of being down you regain one HP which is a great like counter balance to say oh I'm a defense and having that lower Armor class as well as Reckless attack with enemies often having advantage on the Barbarian so you've got that way to stay up plus Savage attacks is a huge buff so if you do critical hit it's triple damage rather than double and because you have advantage on a lot of your attack rolls you've got a higher chance of that actually happening as well so you can definitely trigger that effect much more often so half Orcs as barbarians are really really strong best skills here for a barbarian Athletics is the only strength skill and Constitution is always going to be high as a Barbarian so there's not really anything in that line either but I'd probably go perception and survival so you can see things a little bit better in the open world like in caches and buttons trap chest that sort of a thing for the background Soldier and Outlander maybe but it's really up to you in terms of the role-playing experience for the ability points here you really only need to focus on strength dexterity and Constitution they're the only main important stats now the recommender does put some stats into wisdom which you can use for that sort of perception survival stuff but if you're looking to min max I wouldn't sort of worry about it too much at level three you will pick a subclass between the Berserker wild heart and wild magic the shorthand here is that these subclasses will essentially buff your rage mechanic into one specific way for the Berserker it's like leaning into like the frenzy of the rage for the Wild Heart you'll imbue your Rage with some sort of like animal effects and the wild magic will imbue it with a wild magic effect so it does depend a little bit on what sounds most interesting to you though I would say that Berserker and wild hard are probably the two stronger ones here Wild Heart gets a little bit of an edge in terms of conversational and like open world aspects because it gives you speak with animals which is actually really beneficial to do because you can learn heaps of interesting things from that plus the beastial hearts are really worthwhile in terms of giving you different effects whether that be to say the bear heart which will allow you to restore some of your health which is beneficial or the wolf which would give your allies advantage on melee attack rolls but I personally think the tiger is probably the best option here based on what I've tested so it will give you an increased jump distance but the tiger bloodlust is the main thing here which is like a essentially a cleave that you can use every turn like the cleave weapon attack but you can actually use this much more often it will hit three enemies and also trigger bleed on them and then you can buff your bleeding effects on enemies at level 6 with the animal aspect of the tiger which will allow you to add your strength modifier to attack rolls against bleeding and poison enemies or you could also go into say the wolf rain which when you attack a bleeding or poison enemy you can maim them for a turn as well so there's a lot of synergy between that option as well the rest of the leveling process for the Barbarian is pretty straightforward you don't make huge amount of choices here except for picking your feet but at level four you'll pick your first feed and I think you should go Savage attacker here so when making weapon attacks you roll your damage dice twice and pick the highest result it will further increase your overall damage output the other option which you could either pick up first if you prefer to but is hugely worthwhile picking up especially if you are wielding a great weapon like a two-handed weapon is great weapon master so when you land a critical hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack you can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action that turn which is great because any time that you can attack again is just like a huge benefit in this game and because barbarians will often be dealing so much damage especially when you combine say Savage attacks which we just talked about also you go half orc for their own Savage attack buff that you get plus you've got Reckless attack to make sure you're hitting those targets and all this other stuff and the extra attack you get at level five chances are almost every turn you're going to kill something as a Barbarian so you'll trigger that effect very often so you'll often be able to attack again a third time in that one turn which is very very beneficial great weapon Master also has like the all in effect so you can deal an actual 10 damage to enemies with the trade-off of -5 to your attack rolls which obviously because of Reckless attack you can roll those dice twice anyway so it's not going to be as much of an issue but it's a fantastic option so some general tips for the Barbarian and plank this class now you definitely want to be in Milly range and getting there as fast as you can is beneficial so you may want to use your action at the starter combat to Dash and try and get in the thick of things because you want to be in the middle of enemy so you can cleave them so you can hit them and hit many at each turn as possible obviously you do want to use your bonus action to enable rage when you do have the option to do so in the Spellbook screen you should turn on the reaction so that if you are going to miss an attack you can actually turn this this option on for reckless attacks so before it actually hits or misses it'll inform you that you're going to miss and it'll say would you like to enable Reckless attacks and then you can hit yes and so you always make sure you're actually going to hit enemies or you know most likely right it doesn't guarantee it's going to hit but you gain Advantage so you get to roll that dice again otherwise if you're not using your bonus action you can coat your weapon into some sort of an oil or poison which will trigger the effect on that when you do actually swing the weapon as an action so you can use it up in that way you could also choose to wear armor and in the early stages of the game it's definitely viable because you do have light and medium armor proficiencies you could do so it'll probably level out your armor class higher than it would but as you sort of level up and you gain benefits or you say with car like for example right if you can respect her and change her ability points just to line up a little bit better because hers aren't like perfectly aligned but if you change them so that your strength you can't and your decks are all those positive numbers then you can definitely get that Armor class a bit higher but you could just wear light medium Armory you can get to that point or say you pick like the ability the Improvement or something like that as the alternative having someone say in Milly range with you like in my case on my Paladin is here or just having ways to support your barbarians because they will take damage is a good option like whether that be with healing or ways to avoid damage coming from to them to say increase their Armor class with Shield of Faith or something like that there's definitely options because you will expect to take damage as a barbarian like because of most enemies will have advantage on you so you won't get a lot of Misses with barbarians like when enemies swing against them compared to some of the other classes they're much more like a DPS sort of damage focused melee class compared to say the fighter or the Paladin or something like that that can sort of tank hits a little bit better you can definitely take it as a barbarian like don't get me wrong and there are ways to obviously you know heal yourself but just be mindful of that that you probably will take damage more than some of the other classes because of the advantage that enemies often have on you for the Paladin itself is more focused on a support class and there are devoted to their oath which we're going to get into detail in a little bit now they do have full armor efficiencies for light heavy and medium armor as well as Shield martial and simple weapons so you've got plenty of options in terms of what sort of a kit you're actually using in terms of your weapons and that sort of a thing plus they can actually cast spells as well as have some good healing options so they fit a great flexible role as sort of a support maybe a tank maybe a marshall Focus Paladin it's a lot of flexibility in how you want to play a paladin now their primary stat is strength which is great for a milli focused class like this however as a paladin you need to pay attention to your charisma as well as Charisma is your spell casting modifier so any spells that you cast and we'll be using Charisma rather than strength when picking a race as a paladin you've got a few options here really you can go anything like it's entirely up to you and your role-playing desires but you should be thinking about the racial speed so something like an elf tiefling drow human gith half L for Dragon Ball and half are the ones that have like the most racial speed in terms of just their movement speed because you will need to get into Milli range as a paladin often to actually attack targets you can do some damage from range it's you know it is doable but it's just something to think about that you will need to get to the Target so having a class that has a higher just general movement speed is important but you don't need to worry too much about any of the like racial proficiencies in terms of weapons and that sort of a thing because the paladins have all of those proficiencies basically inbuilt one thing I will mention is that the half Fork is a great option because of Relentless endurance so if you're down instead of being down to regain one Health also Savage attacks so giving your crits triple damage dice is like a massive buff but also you can combo that with the critical Divine Smite reaction so adding even more damage on top of that is a really good benefit for something like that if you're trying to say min max you're Paladin in terms of your subclasses there are four options but only three options that are available in the Character Creator now the ancient and devotion uh the most similar as they're both sort of a good Paladin basically but when you're picking a subclass here you're really defining your oath and your oath tenants now the Earth tenants are essentially what you need to stick to as that Paladin to keep your subclass and that subclass as benefits if you break your oath you'll become an oath breaker Paladin which is a entirely different subclass it's that fourth option so the ancient subclass is more based around the healing aspects and you gain healing radius as a bonus action you can heal the Allies around you devotion is another sort of good Paladin with holy rebuke so as an action you can call upon your oath to Grant an ally vengeful Aura to deal radiant damage to them whenever they're hit out of these two like good subclasses the devotion is definitely the weaker one I've spent most of my time with the devotion and most of the footage that you're seeing is a devotion Paladin here but the ancient is definitely the stronger one because your holy rebuke is an action now when this sort of breaks it down you want to use that action to actually attack in combat or use something else rather than holy rebuke so as like the main part of a devotions kit you won't use it that much and it's only a little bit of extra damage to ever the Target that it hits it does change some of the other subclass options as you do level up that you'll get access to as well but over the Ancients is definitely the stronger one of like the good Paladin options because you can cast healing Radiance as a bonus action so you can use that bonus action and then still attack so it doesn't feel like you're sort of wasting your turn on just these sort of smaller spells when you've got plenty of other spells and stuff in your kit that you can use oath of vengeance is sort of like the evil Paladin they sort of have their own view of what righteousness is but inquisitors might is what they get here which you and your allies weapons deal additional radiant damage and you can Daze enemies for one turn this is also a bonus action again it's a fantastic option to use especially you have like a milli partner in combat say you're running car lock like I am you can use that for both of you to get that sort of a benefit now the oath breaker Paladin is as mentioned you have to break one of the tenets for the other three to get access to the oath breaker now the oath breaker is sort of a necrotic damage focused Paladin you get spiteful suffering which gives you necrotic damage as an action It suffers from the same downside as the devotion but separate to them you also get some necrotic-based spells plus control Undead and Dreadful aspects so the oath breaker does have a lot of good things going forward especially if you're looking to be sort of that evil focused sort of Paladin compared to other Vengeance and you don't want to have an oath but the oath does play a role in your role playing because you'll have to stick to it if you want to stay as that subclass or it's just worth calling out the best skills for a paladin really strength is the main ability which doesn't have a lot of skills but it does allow you to jump further and move objects in the world which can come in handy but I'd be looking at the Charisma skills for a paladin so something like persuasion performance intimidation and deception because Charisma is your spill casting modifier this is the same for your background though you can sort of pick something that's more based around your role-playing aspects if you do choose to so the leveling up process as a paladin there's a couple of specific things that I want to call out first is at level two which is when the Paladin really starts seed so you get access to Divine Smite which will spend a skill slot to add radiant damage to your damage effect now this can also be used as a reaction to then add Divine Smite as a reaction effect to a critical hit which will then add that radiant damage which will add heaps of damage to that effect which I highly recommend you've also get access to a fighting style which is where you sort of decide what your pattern is going to be whether you're going to be defensive jeweling great weapon fighting or protection I personally think that protection is a really good option for like a tank build which is what I'm going for for my oath of ancients Paladin that we're sort of looking at here in this footage when picking the spells that you get access to here I would be looking at something like Shield of faith and armor class to your allies compel jewel is really good as well just to make say whatever the biggest threat in that encounter make sure it's actually attacking you which is what you want to focus on because you've always got that high amount of armor class cure wounds is good for a little bit of extra healing the different types of smile like thunderous and smearing are also good for different types of damage and count is where say enemies may be resistant to certain types of damage they're really good for those encounters for extra damage heroism and blasts and you've definitely got the freedom to pick here but it's really up to you but for the most part it is dependent on like the subclass that you go for but being that we're focusing on and like sort of ancients like a good Paladin here those are the options that you'll go but say if you're playing an oath break or a Vengeance or something it's obviously a little bit more at level 4 you will gain a feat now this is entirely dependent on how you want to build out your character but in the full game there is a lot of really really good heavy armor so going The Heavy Armor Master to increase your strength by one but also so incoming damage from non-magical attacks also decreased by three when you're wearing heavy armors or reduces the amount of damage you take is actually really valuable like there are plenty of great heavy armor options in the main game that you can go and grab at level 5 you'll get a another attack so when you do make an attack you'll also be able to gain an additional attack every single turn and then at level 8 you gain another feed which you can grab here I like Sentinel for this sort of sword and board Paladin so essentially what that means is when an enemy Within Milly range attacks an ally you can use a reaction to attack them or some various other effects as well you can advantage on your opportunity attacks so it gives you options to sort of attack for free which is really beneficial when you are in Milly range a lot and sort of playing that protector role which we're talking about for the Paladin here a couple of quick tips for the Paladin tick all of the reaction options when you do bring up your reactions so rather than them just triggering on their own you can actually see what's triggering and save your reactions for certain types of things that you want in combat especially the one to add Divine smarter Critical Hits definitely tick this because you absolutely want to do that every time that comes up because the amount of damage it does do you can also dual wield hand crossbows in your off hand like weapon slot so you can use a crossbow as a bonus action if you don't have something else you want to use for that bonus action for that turn and paladins Excel at fighting Undead Fey and fiends and there are tons of them in Boulder Skate 3 make sure you're right clicking and then examining enemies to see what they actually are so if you're using say Divine Smite on the right targets that are Undead you get that extra radiant damage and there is a huge benefit to fighting those targets and there is there's a lot of them in Boulder Skate 3 so just make sure you're checking that out how to play the row now these are the most stealth based class of any of the classes they also gain benefits from having great Mobility because they can cast cunning actions so as a bonus action rather than an action you can Dash hide or engage plus they have the sneak attacks formula and range which give you an additional 1d6 of damage to any sneak attack and sneak attacks always have Advantage as well so you're practically guaranteed to hit there plus you get that extra damage astarian the companion is also a rogue so if you're interested in how to build him out then this video will help you with that as well so the best race options for the Rogue is really you know you can pick anything for the role-playing purposes but if you're planning to play A Milli Focus Road say maybe you're wielding some daggers or something I would pay attention to the racial movement speed so something like elf tiefling drow human Geth half elf Dragonborn or half orc all have the standard movement speed of 9 meters compared to the shorter races which have a shorter movement speed which obviously means they can't go as far and if you're trying to get into Milly rain and that can sometimes be like a little bit of a hindrance but you've obviously with the Rogue you've got these cunning actions that you can cast so you can still Dash and then still attack in that same turn as a ranged Rogue I would highly recommend something that has dark vision and especially something like an elf that also gives you Longbow proficiency so all roads will have short bow and crossbow proficiencies because they're simple weapons but an elf will also get long bows and there's some great Longbow options in the game so it gives you more flexibility for those range options and dark vision so you can actually see in the dark because there are plenty of places in the game that are dark and you can even go say like a drought which has Superior dark vision as well so that dark vision distance is actually doubled which means it makes it so much easier to hit enemies when you are in that sort of medium to long range and in those dark areas so you'll have a higher chance of actually hitting the best skills for the Rogue are the dexterity based skills so you've got acrobats slight of hand for audio lock picking and stealth and especially stealth I highly recommend that you not only stay proficient in stealth but actually pick it as one of your expertise so as a rogue you can gain expertise in two skills which will double your proficiency bonus I would recommend to collab slight of hand for this so you've got extra proficiency for lock picking as well as stealth so you can trigger stealth in combat even when enemies are looking at you you can actually pass a stealth check to actually get off your sneak attacks as long as you're not in like Milly range it's actually really powerful your background is more role-playing sort of choices but in terms of the dexterity-based skills here you've got the charlatan the criminal and the urchin but you can honestly pick whatever you like for Ability points you do want to focus on dexterity as your primary Constitution is also important for the hit points but less so but the one thing I will call out here is that if you are going to play an Arcane trickster subclass then intelligence is important as that is your spell casting modifier but we'll talk about that in a little bit the leveling up process for the Rogue is pretty similar regardless of the subclass choice you pick in that you always gain the cunning actions and some of the other class benefits that you do get it's just that at level three you will pick as subclass now the differences between the subclasses here is Thief Arcane trickster and assassin as a thief you'll gain fast hands to give you an additional bonus action as well as Second Story work so you can fall without taking damage the Arcane trickster is like the Mage Focus subclass so you'll gain access to some spells as well as the Mage hand can trip which is not good slash broken at the moment in the game so as this subclass the Mage hand when you cast it is supposed to be a spectral hand which is invisible and it can carry out additional tasks those additional tasks don't actually work in the game right now and I don't know exactly what that's supposed to be like typically you know it could be like lock picking that sort of a thing but you can't really do anything like that with the Mage hand and the Mage hand can only be cast once per short rest which makes it much more less effective and it only lasts 10 turns which actually isn't a very long time when you're just like playing the game in real time like it'll just disappear randomly after you've barely done anything with it so the Arcane trickster as a whole probably isn't in a good spot right now now maybe if they fix the magehand it might be a little bit better but the last subclass is the Assassin subclass and this specializes in attacking from stealth out of combat so you gain advantage on attack rolls against creatures that haven't had their turn yet if you successfully trigger an ambush on a surprise creature it's always a critical Hit And if you start combat from this position as well you'll also regain your action and bonus action at the start of combat I originally started a Starion as sort of my rogue setup as an assassin but I ended up switching back to thief because while the benefits to the Assassin and being able to trigger combat from that stealth position and gaining all of those benefits is definitely a positive the bonus action that you gain from the thief is just significantly better because of the cunning action to hide you can essentially hide every turn and then use your sneak attack in combat but then you can also then Dash if you wanted to move around you could attack with an offhand weapon you could stealth again so you can actually get attacked because you know enemies can't see you but that bonus action that you get from Thief is just so powerful that you can't really go wrong with it especially with the issues with the Arcane trickster and then just the Assassin not being as flexible as the thief can be but I have chosen to bring a starry into sort of a ranged stealth option with the thief and sort of focusing on stealthing and combat and then using those ranged attacks and then potentially doing some nearly if I need to because I'm still wielding weapons I can do some more fan attacks and that's sort of the direction I've taken a Starion and it's been really really successful continuing the level up process at level four you'll pick your first feat and depending on whether you're going merely or range then you've got a couple of options here if you're going ranged Sharpshooter is a huge benefit here so your ranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties for Higher Ground rules and range weapon attacks with weapons you are proficient in have a minus five penalty to their attack Roll But deal an additional 10 damage now if you are attacking from stealth you already have advantage on that attack roll plus obviously the extra damage you get from stealth so if you trigger this all in effect as well you are practically still guaranteed to hit that shot especially if you're hitting it from Higher Ground so you just get an extra 10 damage for free without having to do anything else so it's a massive buff to range damage now you won't really make a lot of choices as a rogue when you do level up you'll just get a lot of class features for just leveling up and increasing your HP but at level 8 you will pick a another feat now I would go either something like lightly armored or ability Improvement here to get your dexterity up to 18 depending on what your actual stats are but just try to get that to the next positive number is probably the important thing there but athlete is another good option for that so you get that extra dexterity as well but for a melee Rogue you've got mobiles to increase your movement speed as well as avoiding some opportunity attacks is definitely a positive for a sort of Milli focused Rogue and then again at level eight when you pick your but for your second feed it's still the same you want to get that additional benefits to your dexterity and try and hit it into that next big bracket some tips for playing the Rogue sneak attack is so strong and it is the critical part of the Rogues kit and you should be using it as often as possible whether that is to start combat or even in combat by using your cunning action to hide and then triggering the stealth attack something that you can do outside of combat is just have your Rogue in stealth all the time and they'll just sort of lag behind the party so if the party gets like like surprised then the Rogue actually won't be in combat it just because it'll be lagging behind because it's walking slower because of stealth so you'll have that time to be able to line them up to wherever you want to attack from and then also the same as like conversations if you're in a conversation that you think may break out in combat you can character select your other characters put them in hiding set them up before you actually trigger the combat encounter if you do have a bonus action left over at the end of your turn you can use it to hide again so that enemies won't attack you so you can avoid damage coming towards them and occasionally sometimes enemies will actually like use their turn to try and find a Starion or whatever your Rogue is I've noticed that happened a couple of times so they waste their turn just like running around trying to find where the Rogue went speaking of the Rogue Starion if you aren't going the Arcane trickster subclass I definitely recommend going to Withers and respecting him stay as like the class the Rogue but you want to change his ability points because it will allow you to hear because there's a lot of wasted ability points for a Starion if you're not going and arcade trickster because he has a high amount of intelligence which makes sense from like a role-playing perspective but from a min max perspective it doesn't make sense when you can put those points into dexterity or Constitution or something and actually give him benefits from that intelligence which you're not getting unless you're going the Arcane trickster because he has an Arcane trickster intelligence is your spell casting modifier also make sure that any weapons that you're using like melee weapons have the Finesse trait so that they are able to scale with dexterity rather than strength and dual wielding is super important for a rogue so you can use your offhand attack as a bonus action so you can get multiple attacks off as you don't gain an extra attack like some of the other sort of melee focused classes do that's the way you can get extra attacks off foreign so the wizard is an interesting class now you could basically categorize it as a bit of a glass Cannon they have a very large spell pool which gives them a lot of flexibility in terms of any sort of a combat encounter to deal different types of Elemental damage so if enemies are resistant to one type you can then modify the Spells you're using to use different types you can also have access to plenty of different spells that can manipulate enemies say you know have them on the ground laying laughter like attaches hideous laughter or other ways to put them to sleep or something like that you've got plenty of flexibility as a wizard but the downside here is that you have no armor proficiency or really any relevant or good weapon proficiency and you also have a very low Health pool so you'll definitely be wanting to avoid damage by various methods which we'll talk about in this video but you'll have access to a huge amount of spells because you can learn spells just from Scrolls to really gain sort of benefits from the flexibility of the kit now you will also have Arcane recovery so once per day out of combat you can replenish expended spell slot which is obviously important so you can cast more spells but let's make a wizard so we'll start with the best Racers now obviously you can just role play here as you see fit but as a wizard movement speed doesn't really matter so playing a taller or a shorter character doesn't matter that much neither does dark vision because we'll mostly using spells so you can really sort of grab anything here that you want to like you could grow something that maybe has a Proficiency in something you might like say like a human or a half elf if you say you wanted to equip a shield for some extra Armor class to avoid a little bit more damage or maybe you want to go like an elf so you can equip the Longbow or a short bow just in case you run out of spell slots I also really like halfling for a wizard so you get the lucky racial effect so when you roll a one on an attack roll ability check or saving through you can re-roll that die so it'll prevent you from Rolling ones a couple of times but yeah really you can go anything as a wizard there's not too much sort of restriction there in terms of the best skills for the wizard you definitely want to be leading into the intelligence skills here so Arcana history investigation nature and religion and the same goes for backgrounds which a little bit more role play but you know you could go acolyte Noble or Sage which all have intelligent skills you don't have to worry about picking them in terms of your skill slots for your ability points you want to focus on intelligence dexterity and Constitution you want to max out your intelligence as close as you can to 17 and then con and Dex you probably want to get to 14 if you can because of that positive number benefits you get from having that and then you can sort of spread out any other relevant ability points as you sort of see fit now we'll cover can trips and spellers in a little bit because we're going to sort of cover them all together rather than the ones to worry about just in character creation the next major decision comes at level 2 which is picking a subclass now you may notice that all spells have listed what type of spell they are whether they're evocation necromancy illusion transmutation Etc and there is a matching school for all of these for the wizard so specializing in one of these schools will halve the cost of actually learning a spell from that school from a scroll so Wizards can learn spells from Scrolls so if you say specialize in something like your vocation and you've got any vocation scroll the cost of learning about spell office scroll will be cheaper but you'll also gain different class or subclass benefits from those now it's really up to you and what you want to sort of use here my recommendation if you're building out sort of a damaged focused wizard which is what I'm sort of talking about here with Gail is probably either to go aberration evocation or necromancy but invocation is definitely the stronger one for some of the AOE spells so because you get sculpt spells you can create pockets of safety within your evocation spells so allies will automatically succeed saving throws against bells and take no damage so a great example of this is something like Fireball which is a huge spell that does a heap of damage and it's absolutely an essential spell for a wizard you can then just throw it on your say Miller characters who are probably surrounded by enemies and it doesn't matter because they won't take damage from that so you get benefits definitely from using that any vocation is really powerful because of that but you could go something like The Necromancer for Grim Harbors so once per turn if you collect creature with a spell you regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level use so if if you say struggle with survivability which Wizards absolutely do then it can help you survive a little bit better but there are other ways to avoid that which we'll talk about in a bit as well but you've really got the option here and you can always just respect if you say wanted to change the subclass that you're focusing on but for the most part Wizards will always learn the same spells that's just what you want to specialize in leveling up as a wizard is pretty straightforward as you'll just learn more spells and spell slots that you can sort of pick from but every four levels you will gain a feat now as a wizard it's interesting to see what you can pick here there's nothing that I would say is absolutely critical it's a little bit dependent on your flavor the Mage initiates for all of the different Mage classes can give you some interesting can trips say for example if you wanted to learn Eldridge Blast from the Warlock school or something like ritual casting which will allow you to learn some different spells like speak to animals or find familiar so you could summon creatures spell sniper is good as well so you can learn a cantrip and the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one so if you roll a 19 or a 20 then it will technically be a critical hit and you can light average brass from that or say thought we bought something as well but something that I would sort of probably suggest mostly it would be Elemental Adept so you can pick a category here and your spells ignore resistance to that damage type of your choice and when you cast spells of that type you can't roll a one I would do this and pick fire for all of the really good fire spells not only do you have Firebolt as a cantrip you've got Fireball which is a massive AOE damage you've got wall of fire which deals good damage as well so ignoring those resistances is a really good benefit just to the overall damage because a lot of enemies have resistance to a lot of different element types and fire seems to be a very common one so it's a good one to avoid bit plus with all the good fire spells definitely gives you benefits from that now when you pick your next feat at level eight it's again sort of up to you like we've already talked about those other choices but the one we haven't touched on is ability Improvement which you could definitely pick up so you can get your intelligence to 18 being that next even number so you can add that extra damaged and rolling to your saving throws and spell casting modifiers so you could definitely do that and obviously pick any of the other options that I mentioned or something else you know if you want to spells and can trips they are the core part of the wizard kit now we already touched on how you can learn spells via Scrolls which you can definitely do but we're going to go through some sort of good options here but because as a wizard you can prepare your own Spells at any time you can essentially decide what you like and dislike and that's sort of up to you but we'll just cover off some good ones here [ __ ] hand trips some good range damage options like Firebolt acid Splash and Ray of frost are really good options to run especially Fireball and Ray of frost magehand kind of sucks right now I talked about that in my rogue video that it only lasts a certain period of time it can only be used every short second short rest it's not as good as it used to be in the Early Access dancing light also has its moments say if you want to help out some ranged allies that don't have dark vision four spells the main one that is an absolute must is Mage Armor so you can increase your armor class by three so you will definitely avoid more damage as a wizard which is highly advisable magic Missile is amazing it does force damage and it also always hits and as you level this up like it will just level with you so you can use like level three level four spell sites and magic Missile deal more damage be able to use more missiles it's absolutely a well worth spell to get and something like Ray of sickness or ice knife are both good ranged options as well Thunder Wave is a good option to sort of push enemies away from you but once you get level two spells and sort of Beyond you'll be able to get Misty step and you can sort of drop Thunder Wave so you can Misty step away from enemies as a bonus action I definitely use this heaps chromatic orb is amazing because you can tailor the damaged type to the enemy's resistances so if you right click and examine them and be like oh okay you're resistant to let's say fire damage then I could use chromatic orb as say lightning damage or something like that so you can be aware of those resistances and sort of modify the damage type dependent sleep and Tasha's hideous laughter and those sort of spells that can stun or you know like lock enemies from taking their turns can also be valuable I like Tasha's hideous laughter a little bit more than sleep because sleep is dependent on the amount of hit points that the target has whereas attached to Serious laughter is a savings throw and then there's the fire spells like Fireball and scorching Ray which you obviously touched on a little bit earlier which you'll need if you are picking up the elemental adapt for fire like we talked about the last thing that I'll say for spells is counter spell is incredible so grab this as soon as it becomes available to you at level three when you're looking at your level three spell slots now essentially what this does is it gives you a reaction as a wizard which you typically won't use in any sort of other way and anytime someone casts a spell within your radius you will then get the option to react to that and counter that spell this is huge in a number of scenarios where you're fighting other Wizards that have unique spells especially in some combat scenarios that they will be using spells that aren't typically available in the main pool like maybe they're specific to like that sort of you know boss encounter enemy type and you can then counter spell that you will use a spell slot for using that but saving your level 3 level 4 Etc spell slots for counter spells can often be really critical in certain encounters that you have enemies that just deal like really critical spells that change the way the fight flows it's highly recommended a couple of other little class tips you can do a little cheeky saves coming before you initiate combat because with the wizard you can just prepare your spells as you sort of see fit right so if you know a fight's gonna happen you can start that fight check what the resistances are check what sort of the setup is and then just reload that save and change your prepared spells Misty step is absolutely huge to avoid damage you should be misty stepping at any time that anyone comes near you to avoid damage and get away from them also get to High Ground the bark Skin Potion that you can craft in the Alchemy screen can also give you 16 Armor class rather than having to use Mage Armor if you don't want to waste a spell slot this is beneficial in the early game when spell slots are a little bit more limited but as you get further in the game it's not so much of a big deal and as a wizard because you're casting a lot of Elemental spells pay attention to the elemental effects on the ground say for example if you cast the grease spell you can then light that grease with fire to create an explosion to deal damage and then they can then put out that fire with something like Ray of frost to clear that fire out of the way so pay attention to those different spells and the way they interact on the ground and the different things there's also Barrels you can blow up and all sorts of stuff but so starting out with the Warlock now this is sort of a different type of Caster to say the traditional Wizard or sorcery in that you are a little bit more of like a battle mage arced type if that's the direction you wanted to go but you also do have a light armor and simple weapon for efficiency whereas mostly other casters don't have any armor or weapon proficiencies so you've got a little bit of flexibility there and also your primary spell casting modifier is charisma so you're actually a really good talker in conversations to pass some of those ability checks one key difference for the Warlock Caster as well is that you have warlock spell slots now these are different to normal spell slots in that one you'll have significantly less of them but they actually Refresh on a short rest rather than a long rest so in a single combat encounter this means you can cast less it's like spells in total but over at the period of though using those short rests you actually get some of those spells back so each encounter you can still have some new spell slots that you can actually use so let's start with the best race for the Warlock now obviously role-playing elements is obviously up to you so you can pick whoever you like but in terms of the warlocks because of their low amount of proficiencies especially if you want to play it like a sort of a battle mage type then consider something like say a human githyanky half elf or elf because they have those extra proficiencies like weapon proficiencies so say if you wanted to use like a long sword or something then an elf would fit that because it gives you that proficiency dark vision isn't as important as a warlock because you can actually get it as one of your Eldridge evocations when you're leveling up though if you aren't going to do that then definitely consider picking a class that has dark vision and it's very similar with movement speed right because you can learn Misty step you can just like teleport around the battlefield so movement speed isn't as important but warlock doesn't matter too much maybe pick one based on a proficiency if you want to use something else or just pick it based on looks that's up to you the best skills are very easy to think about for the Warlock because they have their Charisma skills so deception intimidation performance and persuasion because Charisma is our main modifier for backgrounds Guild Artisan Entertainer Noble or Soldier are probably the best though it doesn't matter too much because you know you're going to have a really Charisma anyway so you can sort of use your background to get some other proficiencies if you choose for Ability points Charisma as we've already discussed should be on 17 and then you probably want to get your dexterian Constitution to 14 if possible because dexterity for that extra Armor class because we won't be wearing a lot of heavy armor and Constitution for a little bit of extra Health as you probably take a bit more damage as a warlock than some of the other casters because you can get into that melee range and use some of that sort of weapon proficiencies that you do have at character creation you'll also pick a subclass between the Fiend The Great old one and the arch Faye at a very high level these are really similar except one major like subclass Focus difference which we're going to talk about so consider which one of these is more important to you so for the fiend you will be able to heal automatically when you defeat an enemy via the dark one's blessing so when you reduce a hostile creature's hit points to zero your patreon will give you a certain amount of hit points based on your charisma modifier as a great old one when you critically hit against a creature that creature and nearby enemies are frightened until the end of the turn and as an arch fate you you get fake presence which allows you to charm or frighten creatures until the end of your next turn personally I would suggest either fiend or great old one because their effects actually just like initiate as sort of like a passive just based on actions that you do do the fiend is probably the stronger one if you're looking for some sort of extra survivability in that sort of battle mage Arc Type but say if you just want to sort of sit back and relax in sort of you know ranged position then the great old one for that frightening when you do critical hit is also valuable to have as a warlock when you're leveling up you will make some important decisions and the first one that you'll make and you'll actually continue to make it as you level up multiple different times as different invocations unlock is the Eldridge evocation so initially you'll only have a limited amount of these options but then the further levels you get the more you'll get there'll be more options at level five seven nine and twelve now as you're picking the options here the first one you should absolutely pick is agonizing blast now what this will do is your Eldritch blast will get empowered by adding your charisma modifier to that so every time you cast Eldridge fast you will add your charisma modifier to its damage essentially just increasing its damage so the further you get up your charisma modifier the even more damage that Eldridge plus will do not only just including the fact that it levels up as a cantrip repelling blast is again in this same category and that will Empower your Eldridge blast to knock enemies away you can actually use this in some scenarios to like knock enemies off things and like kill them by them actually taking that falling damage or say if they're up on like the rafters or something you want to knock them down it's definitely valuable for that now we already touched a little bit on it but Devil's sight is an option to grab if you don't have dark vision natively as your class will allow you to see in the dark which is useful for casting and things like that and as you sort of get up the levels it's really dependent on what makes sense to you and sort of what is interesting to you though I would recommend to grab the book of ancient Secrets as it will allow you to cast Ray of sickness chromatic orb and silence without consuming a spell slot when you can't so it gives you more options as a Caster so you don't have to waste those two warlock spell slots on these spells and chromatic orb is great because you can deal multiple different types of damage with this spell so you can sort of adjust depending on the enemy's resistances the next thing you'll pick is a pact of the Boon now there's the pack of the chain the pack of the blade and The Pact of the Tomb each one of these will give you a different benefit the chain will give you a service of a familiar so you can summon a face Spirit to help you either in combat or out of combat the blade is more of that battle mage Focus so you can either summon a packed weapon or you can buy at your existing weapon which will add your spell casting ability modifier to that weapon's overall damage so in this case Charisma instead of strength or dexterity and when you deepen your connection as this you'll also gain an extra attack so if you want to actually attack in Milly range often with your warlock this is definitely the option you want to go and then the last one is Tomb your Patron greens a grimoire called The Book of Shadows which allows you to cast guidance vicious mockery and Thorn whip I personally think that you should go tomb if you're looking for that Mage route if you want to go the battle mage then the blade but the tomb route is really good because of guidance now if your warlock is going to be your main talker even if it's not right and you you have a work in your party guidance allows you to have a higher chance of passing those skill checks because you can add guidance to those skill checks right like it'll pop up you can add that extra 1d4 so you've got a higher chance of passing it but you've got the freedom here to pick what you like now the last decisions you'll make in the leveling up process is your Feats and I think you should grab defensive duelist if you're using a finesse weapon which if you're playing as either will or in the most case for the most part you probably will be using a finesse weapon as a warlock now what this will do is you'll allow you to use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class and hopefully this will cause enemies to miss make sure in your reactions you turn on the option to ask because you can actually read what their attack roll is right let's say that their attack roll is 12 and your armor class is 10 and then if you pick this adding a professionally bonus to two that'll make a 12 meaning that they'll Miss so you'll be able to tell exactly when they're going to hit or miss based on that pop-up so you can choose whether to use your reaction or not so just make sure you're reading that but for the most part this is a good way to avoid damage as a warlock and then I would grab ability Improvement to get your charisma to 18 or you could go performance say if you just wanted to use some instruments but that'll also get your charisma to 18 as well now the best spells and can trips is super easy right just cast Eldridge blast basically every combat turn like that's all you sort of need to know because its damage is so strong it will also level with you so as you level up you'll be able to get initial cast of it it's a valuable spell plus with the Charisma modifier it's really really good I would also be using hex regularly throughout your combat turns as a warlock so hex is a bonus action spell which will give a disadvantage to a certain ability that you choose which isn't the main reason you'll use it but that can be valuable the main reason is that anytime you attack that Target it will add necrotic damage so if you are using let's say Eldridge blast and you've got two Caster welders blasts hitting that same Target it will do one D6 and Aquatic damage for both of those Eldridge blast casts so it just gives you a flat damage increase to the amount of damage you do Misty step is also super valuable as a warlock so you can teleport around as part of your spell slots but otherwise as a warlock because you've only got two spell slots hex is going to consume one of those and if you miss your step once in that encounter it's going to use it as well so you've already used up those slots so otherwise just think about how you're using those slots and whether you're going to just cast Eldritch blasts or do you even need to Misty step and we've already talked about like the ray of sickness Etc that you get as part of your elderly vocation so you can cast in combat as well a couple of quick tips for the Warlock now warlocks have that small spell slot pool as we mentioned after every encounter you should be short resting as a warlock just so you get those spell shots back and they are great talkers plus with guidance you can pass almost any conversational check that you do need to if you want to be a talker really valuable for that and the Warlock and Eldridge Knight are unique in that there are some weapons in the game that are only useful for them as they get additional bonuses if you do have a packed as a warlock or you are an Eldridge night so pay attention when you do see those weapons as they're really good to use if you can actually use them as sometimes they're more sort of lean towards the Eldridge Knight but I just thought I'd call that out so the fighter is one of the most consistent martial focused classes in the game in both ranged and melee options preferably for the most part Fighters will be a melee class wielding some sort of Martial or simple weapons and dealing damage in Miller Range though you do also have range weapon proficiencies so you have a lot of flexibility in terms of how you want to deal with combat in that way they also make a great tank class because of their armor proficiencies their Shield proficiencies the higher hit points as well as second wind which is a class mechanic that on their turn is a bonus action there can regain some of their hit points as well so lots of solid options as a fighter but for the most part you'll just be using your standard attacks plus the standard attacks of the various weapons that you may have equipped so I guess one of the first tips for the fighter is that you won't necessarily be using spells unless you go a certain subclass but the actual effects of the weapon in terms of the different attacks that they give you are much more important for a class like this because they can often be really critical to help you deal damage or AOE damage image with cleave or something like that so just worth pointing out to pay attention to those like specific weapon attacks that you get for the weapons that you do use so let's cover the races real quick now obviously you can pick whatever you like for role playing racial movement speed is important for a merely focused fighter so something like or any of the taller races here and you could consider dark vision if you do want to play as a ranged focused fighter so make sure your class has dark vision but overall probably the best option a bit like the Barbarian is probably the half orc because of Relentless endurance so you can survive attacks if you are down as well as Savage attacks which makes it so that your dice roll will be triple rather than double which is absolutely huge next you'll actually pick a fighting style and this is dependent on what you actually want to do as a fighter so you've got archery defense duel link great weapon fighting and protection here to sort of choose from as well as two weapon fighting now this is dependent on the type of weapon that you want to use if you're not sure at character creation just pick whichever one sounds emergency to you and then you can actually respect your class and change this option later say for example if you end up like leaning to towards let's say two weapon fighting a dual wielding compared to you may have actually chosen great weapon fighter instead you can actually make that change there skills aren't really the strength of a fighter so there isn't anything that's like critical to pick here you'll obviously grab Athletics as it's your only strength kill but then you can maybe get something like acrobatics perception survival maybe and in terms of the background again you can sort of pick whatever you like here maybe Soldier or Noble probably would be the most consistent but it's entirely up to you for your ability points when you're choosing your list here getting your strength to 17 is the most important thing and then dexterity and Constitution both on 14 dexterity for that initiative and armor class and Constitution for those hit points are definitely critical to have make sure your charisma is on at least 10 as well if your fighter is going to be a talker like it does initially start at eight so just make sure you bump that up it's also worth noting here if you're going to go the Eldridge Knight subclass that you will need intelligence as your spell crafting modifiers so so speaking of those subclasses you've got three to pick from at level three the first being Battle Master which will give you access to the superiority die which will allow you to make certain combat attacks both Malay and range depending on your choice here in the options that you do choose there's some really great options here for a marshall focused class like being able to push enemies have them drop their weapon it sort of gives you it's not like a spell right because it is a martial attack but it gives you more flexibility in combat as a fighter if you don't want to go the spell route and allowing you to have these different effects on top of your attacks the Eldritch Knight will enhance your fighter with the study of magic so you'll essentially gain spells here to pick from as mentioned you will need intelligence for this as intelligence is the spellcasting modifier so if you haven't spec into that make sure you do if you do go this route and the champion is a little bit more different like they hard lean into just like the normal attacks that you get with your weapons like Malay and range a little bit more simple I would say than say the Battle Master or the Eldridge Knight definitely in the Eldridge night if you're looking to what option to pick here personally I would say to go the Battle Master because you can stick to that sort of Malay and range focus and the flexibility of the combat kit but you also get access to those superiority Dice and the uniqueness of those different attacks being able to push enemies disarm them or do different effects add Advantage at frighten all sorts of things and that gives you more flexibility in combat whereas the champion doesn't get that access but you still sort of focus on the Malay or the ranged options whereas the Eldridge Knight changes the class and the playstyle much more significantly than the others when you're leveling up as a fighter you will get access to additional Feats as a fighter so first you'll pick one at level four now here for the most part you probably wouldn't go into the ability Improvement to get your strength to 18 potentially get your decks or kind higher if you're just trying to level out your stats properly getting your strength modifier to 18 for that extra number is very important for the extra feat here depending on what weapon you're using polar Master is probably a great option now there is heaps of really good glaves and halberds in the game for some reason I don't know why they get so many good weapons but there's heaps of them and the polar Master is a fantastic feat that allows you to get an opportunity attack if someone just enters your melee range but it also gives you the ability to make an extra attack as a bonus action when you are just attacking throughout your turn now if you're not using say like a pole arm you can basically get these same benefits from great weapon fighting though it also comes with all in which we've talked about in the Barbarian video so either of those are really good options say if you're two-handing some sort of a weapon or using a pole arm though the pole arms like weapon class is really good for the extra reach as well because they're much larger weapons it's a great option for your next feat I would probably go something like maybe Savage attacker because you can then re-roll your damage dice to make sure it does more damage or you can even go something like the Marshall Atif which will give you an additional superiority dice but also allow you to pick more of those different options that say you maybe didn't pick as you're leveling up and sort of choosing the different actions that you can pick from so there's plenty of options there but definitely pick up Savage attacker if you've got extra space the ability Improvement and then whatever your weapon class that you were using choose that feat some general tips for the fighter if you're picking Lazelle you may want to respect her just to make sure that her stats are right for like a min max perspective like her ability points but that's entirely up to you there isn't a huge amount to say about the fighter like they are a very consistent damage focused class you'll get that extra attack at level five so you'll definitely be attacking twice per turn plus potentially three times if you're thinking about using something like polar master or the gray weapon fighter but for the most part there isn't heaps that you need to worry about like you definitely want to equip to Bow so you can do some of that range damage especially in the Battle Master line because all of the maneuverability attacks that you get to use those Superior dice they come with both a Malay and a ranged option because you get that freedom to choose between the two right so say if you can't get into close range because you just don't have enough movement speed you've got that ranged option for those encounters when you do have that make sure as well that you go into the menus and enable the ask option for all of the reactions because you will have a lot of reactions as a fighter especially if you're going like polar or even Sentinel you get heaps of reactions but just make sure you're enabling that option because you don't want to like accidentally waste your reaction on something that maybe you didn't want to but it's also good just to know when those reactions go off like I always enable it on all my characters I feel like it's just for me personally I like to know when those reactions are happening rather than just them triggering on their own because in some cases the further you get down the line and you have different reactions that you can trigger you may want to skip reacting to something because you want to keep that reaction for something else to occur if that makes sense laughs so playing as a cleric is definitely a support Focus class you've got access to a bunch of healing spells as well as other types of AIDS bells to either buff your allies or debuff enemies and you've also got the occasional damage spell sort of along the way especially depending on your subclass which we'll talk about briefly in a little bit but there's some unique factors when you think about considering a cleric they have a huge amount of subclasses which give them a lot more flexibility than some of the other classes in terms of their overall play style and flexibility but just generally for the most part the clerics are act similar to like say a paladin in terms of combat because you will be using some sort of like Melee attacks some turns you'll be dealing spells to heal buff debuff some other turns maybe occasionally you'll use like a damage spell but there's definitely some flexibility in terms of the actual play style of the cleric so let's break that down really and we'll start with the races now picking a race here obviously role play considerations here but depending on your subclass choice you may want to consider picking a race that is going to add proficiencies because the cleric is sort of lacking in the proficiencies Department you've got light medium armor which is great you've got Shields which is great but you've only got simple weapons so you're missing a bunch of weapons especially one-handed weapons if you wanted to stick with sort of a sorted board sort of General setup so maybe consider something like the dwarf or the axes and hammers the humans and half elves for Spears Pikes helmets and glaves gith or elf for the swords and the drow for the short swords and the rapiers may be your option but obviously here you can just pick whatever you like for role playing perspective now speaking of those subclasses this is the core part of like a clerics kit and you've got tons of options here the domain that you pick here will really focus on how you want to specialize your cleric so we'll break these down at a sort of a higher level and go through each first the life domain is very Paladin like you'll gain heavy armor proficiency as well as the discipline of life which is a healing buff and essentially for the most part your spells that you'll gain access to throughout this light are very healing or Reviving allies orientated you'll be focused more on that General setup the light domain gives Wilding flame to allow you to Shield yourself with Divine Light so you can give your enemies disadvantage on their attacks you also gain access to say like light and fire-based spells here so if you want to do more of say like a little bit more of a Caster Riot like you wanted to use some fire spells or something like that then the light domain might be an option the knowledge domain doesn't gain much except additional skill proficiencies and skill expertise so for those skills that you are expertised in you'll double your proficiency bonus so say you really wanted to focus on that route and not failing any checks the nature is like a druidic subclass you get shillelae which is an amazing can trip by the way so you can enhance your melee weapon with bludgeoning damage if you're using that specific type of weapon that shillela uses you've also got Tempest which gives you heavy armor and martial weapons as well as the wrath of storm which allows you to strike a Target back if they attack you with thunder and they are more focused on that sort of thunder lightning damage sort of spell route trickery domain which is what shadow heart is is I guess you could similarly say it maybe is a little bit like a rogue inspired you've got the blessing of the trickster giving another creature stealth Checks Plus you can charm people and disguise self so you've got that going for you the war domain is similar to The Tempest in that you gain heavy armor and martial weapons but you also gain War pre so when you use the attack action you may make one more weapon attack as a bonus action in that same turn so this was definitely a lot to break down so how do you like make that decision so at a very high level do you want to be more healer focused then go the live domain if you want to specialize in martial damage actually damaging enemies then the war or the Tempest domain go that route maybe you want to be a hybrid Caster with still doing some belly damage the nature or the light domain and then the trickery domain and the knowledge domain are just very specific into what their archetypes actually are next in character creation you'll pick a deity which is essentially what the god the cleric worships for their power this is really just a role-playing Choice it'll give you some additional dialogue options so pick which everyone sounds more interesting to you the best skills here is definitely the wisdom skills so animal handling Insight medicine perception and survival depending on your domain Choice here you'll either gain proficiencies or extra expertise in some of these skills so you've got the freedom here to pick what you like in terms of backgrounds acolyte folk hero Guild artisan and survival are probably the best but pick whichever one sounds most interesting to you for your ability points you want to make sure your wisdom is at 17 because that is your spell casting modifier and then it depends on your focus if you are going to focus on melee weapons and get your strength to 14 in your decks to 12 and your con to 14 but maybe if you're going to be more of say a range spell Caster a bit more of the support route then instead get your decks to 14 and your con to 14 because that extra dexterity will increase your armor class and your initiative whereas you don't have to worry too much about dealing that melee damage which you would rather do with your strength while you're leveling up regardless of your domain choice you will gain access to a bunch of different spells which you'll be able to use sometimes you'll gain unique spells based on your domain but for the most part you will just gain access to a bunch of spells you can either prepare in your spell book or be able to use as you see fit when you are picking your feets the first one to go would be ability Improvement to get your wisdom to 18 so you've got that as a modifier so you get that extra point and for your second feed at level eight I would say it's dependent on what sort of a play style you've taken your cleric if you're focusing on that merely route depending on the weapon you're using you could go something like polar master so you can then attack as an extra bonus action and get an extra opportunity attack when enemies enter your range you could go Shield Master if you're focusing on a bit more of that support aspect even something like Sentinel sort of fits that bill as well you would specialize in whatever Armor class you'll specializes again the cleric has a lot of options but I don't think that there's anything like a specific 100 option that you need to worry about picking and you could also consider going the Mage initiate for the drude if you wanted to pick up some of the Druid spells because you will be able to do that like sheleighly so if we're talking about like the nature domain if you are going a different route but you still want to use shalaylee you could go and grab that as well let's quickly talk about spells and can trips guidance as a cantrip is amazing so you should grab this as a cleric now what this allows you to do is add an extra 1d4 to any skill check that you do have so this is fantastic to help you pass skill checks especially some of those ones that happen in sort of the mid to late game that have ridiculous difficulty class sacred flame is your main damage dealing cantrip it's a dexterity saving throw which a lot of enemies have higher dexterity so this will miss a lot so it's often better to attack in different ways than you sacred flame but if that's the only option to you then obviously do that command is a fantastic spell that you can command a creature to say run away or grub on the ground or drop their weapon fantastic if they have a unique weapon that you essentially want for yourself healing words and like Aid and masculine word are just fantastic healing spells which I would definitely use healing word is better than cure wounds because healing word can be used from ranged but if say you aren't like focusing on that sort of raged aspect of the kid then kill wounds isn't too bad if you've got say A Milli character that you want to but I personally prefer healing word for that flexibility Aid is also a great like healing spell because it will heal your allies but it also increases their hit point maximum so you should do this before fight start Spirit Guardians is fantastic damage for a melee focused cleric that you're trying to get nice and close in enemies and have them attack your cleric you just get free damage off by doing that so moving on to tips right as a cleric because you've got a lot of spell options and you can actually prepare your own spells you've got the freedom here to make these Spell choices yourselves and change the Spells you have active depending on the encounter that's in front of you so make sure you're checking your spell book for that and also you've got access to a bunch of concentration spells and some concentration spells that don't expire after 10 turns you could say cast them before fights actually start and then you've got that effect active during that encounter without having to consume your action I also low-key think that maybe you should go to Withers and respect Shadow Hearts subclass from trickery domain just you know this is a personal thing for me you can obviously not do that if you don't feel that need to but I personally don't believe the trickery domain is one of the best subclasses combat aspects it obviously is part of her role playing but you can go and change it if you do like especially updating her ability points here because they aren't great in terms of their alignment and speaking of ability points for a cleric you need to be aware that you will be using strength as your main like attacking modifier when you're just using melee attacks unless you are holding a finesse weapon so say if you want to have a higher dexterity or say in shadowhunt's case so dexterity is higher you know actually gaining much benefit from using a melee weapon that doesn't have the Finesse effect so essentially what finesse allows is it allows to add your Dex modifier rather than your strength modifier if your decks is higher when you make a swing with that weapon so the monk now this was the last class that was added to Boulder Skate 3 and they're actually really unique because mainly because of their key mechanics so monks have this like key point system which is how you will use a lot of your Unique Mechanics within this class and for the most part that is using these unarmed attacks that can either make enemies prone or just give you like a Flurry of Blows or in one of the subclasses you can actually use it to cast like a various amount of spells as well so there's flexibility but that key resource will be the key aspect of your kit didn't mean to pun there but it's sort of the main focus of the Monk class and typically you'll also have some sort of a Quarter Staff weapon which you may use occasionally to generate yourself an extra bonus attack or just in general in combat but for the most part as a monk dexterity will be your primary stat they have unarmored defense similar to the Barbarian except it uses your wisdom modifier rather than Constitution but you won't be wearing armor typically so you can add your Constitution modifier to your armor class so keep that in mind when you're picking your ability points as well as the unarmored movements when you're not wearing armor you also have an increase to your overall movement speed so there's a lot of interesting things about the monk that makes them a fun class to play and very unique compared to the other classes in the game so let's break it down starting with the races now obviously role play considerations here but proficiencies don't really matter because you've already got simple weapon proficiencies for your quarter Stars which is the most part of like weapon usage that you'll use you're not gonna wear any armor because of unarmored movement and defense so arm efficiencies don't matter here dark vision doesn't really matter that much either because you probably won't be ranged really ever as a monk even in one of the subclasses that have some range spells so really you can sort of just pick whatever is like works for you like hard Fork is maybe like the Min maxed option because of the endurance as well as savings attacks but for the most part there's a lot of freedom to who you want to play as a monk in terms of best skills I'd probably be focusing on the dexterity skills like stealth acrobats a sleight of hand though you will have a decent amount of wisdom if you are going the four elements spell casting subclass so the wisdom skills would honestly not be too bad but just take that into consideration and when looking at your ability points there's a couple of things to consider now we're going to talk about subclasses next so just keep that in mind but when you're deciding on what to pick for your ability points wisdom as your spell casting modifier you will need some wisdom if you're going the four elements say the ranged it's like options like in terms of its spells subclass so you might need some wisdom there wisdom is also important because it is your spell casting modifier as the four elements subclass or it's also in your unarmored defense for that wisdom modifier but it's a less important unless you are going for elements but it's also just something to consider because it is added to your armor class but dexterity is definitely your primary but if you're not going that route you're just going to focus on the martial aspects of the monk then the dexterity strength is also important especially if we're going to pick up the tab and brawler feet but then obviously Constitution for your health as well as adding your Constitution modifier to your armor class so you definitely want to make sure you've got a solid amount of constitution but speaking of those subclasses at level three you'll pick between the way of the Open Hand the way of the Shadow and the way of the form elements the way of the Open Hand specializes in that unarmed combat sort of enhancing your Flurry of Blows to add different effects to them say for example maybe making a Target prone or stunning them or adding effects to your Flurry of Blows sort of attacks the way of the Shadow is a stealth-orientated subclass that gives you access to stealth Focus like spells and can trips like dark vision Darkness pass Without a Trace those sort of things that allow you to essentially play like a ninja sort of a role the way of the four elements gives you access to some unique monk spells that are based around the four elements that you can then use in combat so you can use something like a water whip to like pull enemies towards you while dealing water damage or some sort of like fire hand attack there's lots of different options in the four elements but they are essentially enhancing those martial aspects of the monk with some sort of Elemental spells and that sort of a thing picking an option here is a little up to you obviously and I would either say to go open the hand to enhance your Flurry of Blows if you want to focus on those martial aspects or four elements as I really actually do like the spell sort of elements that come with the the four elements kits and the different spells you get access to either of those I would say is probably the most consistent whereas the way of Shadow is a little bit harder to get that really good value out of because you've got to focus on those major aspects the best defeats here is definitely ability Improvement as it often always is to increase your dexterity in a constitution primarily as we talked about earlier their importance and strength obviously isn't too bad to grab there if you've just got extra points to get into a positive number or even number and then you can't go wrong with the tavern brawler either so when you make an unarmed attack or improvised weapon or throw something which we're mostly focused on the unarmed attack here your strength modifier is added twice to the damage and attack rolls so it'll definitely help you with a bit more consistency for the month class and you can obviously use that extra ability point to strength the Constitution whichever one gets you to an even number as well but let's talk about some general class tips and information about this class so the monk in general regardless of your subclass that you pick will be making a lot of attack actions every turn both as bonus action and normal attacks whether you're attacking twice just in terms of your like extra attack or then using those extra attacks as bonus actions for unarmed attacks you've got a lot of freedom in combat to make a lot of actions and it really helps the monk to pressure say whatever the highest threat enemy Target is because they can also stun or prone them or using some of the four elements they can add different effects as well you've got options there so typically in combat you want to send your monk to whatever like the highest threat Target is and try and stun lock them with some of the Open Hand mechanics if you went into that subclass or using some of the four elements if you went into that route as well if you're going to go the four elements subclass think about grabbing the different effects that can manipulate enemies so an example of this would be something like the Fist of the four Thunders which can allow you to push enemies away from you say essentially like push them down holes or push them off cliffs that sort of thing can also be valuable to use water whip can allow you to pull enemies towards you so you don't have to make that distance for your melee attacks or or just knock them prone that's also effective that same thought process goes to like the Open Hand subclasses as well because you can use your flurry up blows to topple enemies knock them prone or stagger them with flurry or blows stagger so you want to be thinking about ways to essentially like stop the enemy from attacking or adding effects to them stunning strikes is another way of doing this which is another attack that you get part of your key points that you can use to consume if you've used all your key points in a combat encounter you can use wholeness of body as a class action which you can use to get half of your key points back as well as do some healing which is a great way to keep your monks sustained because of their lack of armor as well as potential healing elements to their overall kit as well similar to the Rogue you also have bonus actions that you can cast like disengage Dash and patient defense which is unique to the Monk class but for the most part you'll use those bonus actions to actually make unarmed attacks if you have attacked in that same turn but the dash one can definitely come in handy so you can actually get into Miller Range to make your actual action attack in that turn but overall like you're just gonna punch things and make a lot of attack actions stun them prone them move them around and it's a really fun class because of that plus you've also got a high amount of movement speed because of your unarmed movement you can enhance your movement speed with different gear as well so you'll be able to get close to enemies to be able to attack them compared to some of the other like merely front lining sort of classes I wouldn't have a monk as your only Frontline Melee character because they can take a fair brunt of damage because they don't have the hugest amount of hit points they also only have unarmored defenses like their main way to increase their Armor class so I would definitely have some sort of a alternative melee option whether that's a fighter like lazil or a paladin like on my main depends what that option is for you but just take that into consideration or even just ways to buff them right whether that be with Shield of Faith to increase their Armor class or having a cleric or a bad sort of support them in that melee range but it's just something to consider that you definitely don't want them to take all of the damage in Milly Ranger so they can go down very quickly and lose a lot of their health because they don't have a lot of sustain like by themselves and they need to get that option either by someone else taking those hits or just by having someone heal them during those encounters thank you so playing as a drude is a lot then there's a lot to sort of think about really now at its basic form they are a spellcaster that has the wild shape ability wild shaping essentially allows them to take the form of a beast and you can do this a couple of times before you need to short rest to be able to do it again this comes in handy in a number of ways you can use this in combat and every time you take the shape of an animal you'll have your own health pool as well as your own armor class and they also have their own abilities like the bear can roar to sort of taunt the wolf can howl to give allies movement the owl bear has like a damaging jump that it can do there's plenty of different ways that the intrude in combat and the wild shaping actually has its elements but you can also use it outside of combat you know you can just shape into a cat to get into tiny places you can burrow into a banjo and use that to sort of dig your way into areas that maybe you shouldn't be in there's plenty of different ways that you can use the wild shape form but outside of that the Druid is also a very proficient Caster in that not only do you have your own unique spells as part of the Druid kit but you you also can just be a solid like range sort of Caster format and on top of that if you wanted to you can also be a necromancer so there's like there's a lot to the drude but let's sort of cover everything I can in this video and I'll give you a pretty good breadth of sort of hopefully make you choose how you want to play your Druid so we'll start with the races now obviously role-playing considerations here but the drudes have solid proficiencies on their own and even so it doesn't really matter too much because you don't need those perspiciencies unless you're going to use some sort of a melee just shillelae focus Druid using that Chalet can trip but for the most part here you can consider the movement speed if you are using that you know dark vision is maybe important if you're staying in your human form honestly you could pick whatever here the wood elf's probably like maybe the best option because you get a little bit of extra movement speed you also get dark vision it's also kind of a lot accurate I guess in a way like just you know when I think of Druids I think of wood elves but yeah really you can go anything in terms of races skills are all about wisdom for The Druids so animal handling inside medicine perception and survival and for your backgrounds acolyte folk hero Outlander and Guild Artisan are the ones that also have wisdom skills but it's entirely up to you in terms of your background ability points here you really want to max out your wisdom as it's your spell casting modifier and then I'd probably be trying to get your dexterity and your Constitution as high as possible Constitution obviously for health and dexterity for your initiative and your armor class but they're the sort of the three that I would focus on now subclasses so at level two you'll pick one of the three subclasses the circle of the land leads into the Mage aspects of the kit you get natural recovery so once per day out of combat you can replenish your spell slots sort of like a wizard and this is definitely just like the most sort of typical spellcaster class bit more of a defensive Focus maybe if you wanted to lean into the support elements of the drudes kit the circle of the Moon leans into wild shape especially combat wild shape so you can now cast the action combat wild shape as a bonus action to assume the force of a beast while you're actually in combat rather than it being in action and you also get additional wild shape forms as I a circle of the Moon Druid circle of the spores is a necromancy themed subclass where essentially you will be staying in your human form and casting spells but you also have access to a bunch of new things compared to some of the other subclasses so the main one here is Halo of spores which is a reaction that deals necrotic damage and it's super rare in this game where you can actually just trigger your reaction in your turn so if you think about it this way right like every time you make a combat turn you have an action and a bonus action and here as well with Halo spores you can actually make your reaction as well so essentially you're taking three you know actions in your actual combat turn but also keeping in mind if you're using that reaction you can't use your reaction for other things but you know you've got plenty of things that are all based around that necromancy like being able to bring up Undead and then have them spawn their own Undead and it's all based around that as well as the symbiotic entity which will grant temporary HP as well as bonus and Aquatic damage while it's active it's a very interesting subclass that's very unique if you wanted to play some sort of like play style a little bit different in the Druid sort of setup so how do you pick between these three at a high level the land is probably a support defensive focused Druid the Moon is definitely a wild shaped combat focused route you'll definitely be in a some sort of a animal form during combat and the spores is definitely an offensive Caster with those like necrotic abilities that you also can sort of tap into Feats are a little weak for the drude because the druid's a weird class because you are sort of you know weird like hybrid between different archetypes so generally as a druid probably for most of your feeds you'll probably just take the ability to Improvement because when you're in like an animal form you can't really you know you're not using a weapon or any sort of other feeds but you will keep your ability points so increasing those whether that be for your Constitution or dexterity or something like that is definitely valuable to have especially your wisdom as well for casting you can also do maybe like say if you want to be more of a Caster Focus you could get something like the elemental ad app and focus on say cold damage as Elemental add-up will remove enemies resistances it'll but yeah Drew doesn't have anything that's I would say is a must grab in terms of feeds ability Improvement and in getting your ability Improvement possibly to get your wisdom to 20 you're increasing your decks or Constitution is definitely the route that I would go for the best spells and can trips she Lele we touched on a little bit earlier but essentially this allows you to imbue your melee weapon to use your spellcasting modifier so wisdom with some extra damage plus bludgeoning damage it's a great cantrip to use if you're using some sort of melee damage with your Druid Moonbeam is a fantastic spell that allows you to like control an area a bit like cloud of daggers in that you'll place that down enemies in that area will take damage but also you can move it as a bonus action so if the enemies move out of the way of it you can actually move it back you've also got all your healing spells like healing word and that sort of thing as drude heat metal is great because so many enemies have metal weapons and you can heat that up not only will that damage them in a lot of cases I'll actually drop that weapon as well so you've got options there and plus all the typical damage Bells like your ice storms and that sort of thing plus if you're going the sporge rude then you've also got those necrotic spells and the reactions that you get access to like symbolic City and Halo of spores that you can use as well so plenty of flexibility for the Drew's kit and you do have a lot of spell slots regardless of your subclass so you can definitely change between them and you know it change your spells that you have active as well because you know you do have access to that spell book some tips for playing the drudes now these guys are they're not really your primary damage dealers they're not really your primary healers in some cases they're also not really your tanks in some cases because they can kind of do everything which makes them one of the funnest classes in the game because you can adapt to those scenarios that you need so in some fights maybe you even though you're not a moon Drew maybe you actually need a bit more melee damage or you need some sort of a front liner you know you can shape into a bear and by the way you can do this before combat actually starts so you don't have to waste that action even as a moon Druid right obviously you get the bonus action to Wild shape and combat wild shape you can do this at any time as long as you're not in combat and obviously you can do it in combat as well now there are the other forms like as mentioned how the badger can burrow underground or the cat can you know be a little stealthy and also distract enemies and sneak into little holes and the Raven can also fly so make sure you're playing around with these different forms and seeing different ways you can interact with the sandbox in Boulder Skate 3 because that's one of the best parts about the druid's kit is these things that you can also do when you are wild shaped as well they also have their own health pool which is an extension of your own so once the wild shaped animal is defeated you'll just switch back to your human form so don't worry like too much about that say if you know you get defeated in your bear form or whatever you'll get just gonna switch back to your human form but obviously if your human form gets defeated then maybe that's an issue that should you know worry you but for the most part you don't have to worry too much about that you can just shift a back save or via your bonus action if you're a moon Druid or something like that but you've also got access to all those spells so just keep that in mind ha so playing as a bad you have a whole lot of things available to you like I sort of touched on in the intro so not only are you a versatile Caster in that you gain a ton of spell slots in a pretty decent like breadth of different spells you can use both offensive and defensive support spells you also have a really high Charisma as that's your spellcasting modifier so they are great Talkers in combat say if you're playing a bad as your player character you're talking a lot you can pass a lot of Charisma checks and there are heaps of Charisma checks in this game but even outside of that they also gain access to jack of all trades which allows them to add half their proficiency bonus to any ability check in the game that they're not proficient with and on top of that they also gain more skills than basically any other class in the game and they gain expertise in some skills which allows them to double their proficiency bonus in certain skills so you've got a bunch of spells and skills available to you and then also depending on your subclass choice you can either specialize in say like a paladin-esque sort of subclass using say a sword at a shield or something like that that or you can go sort of a bit more of a flexible Millie fighter range with like a some sort of a finesse weapon in one hand or you could just play as a spellcaster from range like the law subclass there's a lot of flexibility with The Bard and I think that they are a really solid class if you're not exactly sure what you want to do in Baldur's Gate 3 like if you just know that you want to pass a lot of checks like you don't like to see that dice roll saying it failed and you actually just sort of want to succeed in different ways then you're going to have a bunch of success with the bud so let's create a bar now we're going to start with the best races now obviously role play considerations here you can pick whatever you like but considering in terms of like a min max perspective you almost need to think about what subclass you're going as a bud because they are relevant when it comes to the proficiencies that you gain from your races so if you're going to say maybe play something like a college of law Bud which doesn't gain medium armor proficiency or something then maybe the gift is helpful for that also the gifts gain Misty step is a racial spell as well so you can then use Misty staff without actually having to consume one of your spells that you are actually learning because you do have a limited amount of spells as a bad as an elf you get bow proficiency which is maybe a good backup if say you're looking to be some sort of a ranged caster and you run out of spell slots you can use a bow plus it also comes with dark vision if you're going the more Millie route like the school of Valor or School of Swords the half Fork is always a great option for Millie classes because of the Relentless endurance and Savage attacks but it also won't have to worry about say going a gift for those races because you get medium armor proficiency just via that subclass so you're sort of doubling up a little bit there but you can maybe think about something like a half elf or a human or a dwarf or just different proficiencies as well but if there's a lot of flexibility in terms of picking a race for the bar it just depends on what you're necessarily looking for but if you just want to pick based on role-playing choices you really won't go wrong best skills for The Bard now the Charisma skills here are definitely the main one so deception intimidation performance and persuasion you want to make sure you specialize in these for your background I would actually pick something that gives you dexterity-based skills because it's a bad you will have of good dexterity so you could go something like charlatan criminal Entertainer or urchin to gain some of those dexterity skills but also keep in mind that if you're going to go the school of or subclass you'll gain Arcana intimidation and sleight of hand proficiencies so don't actually pick those up in character creation and on top of that you also gain jack of all trades at level 2 which we talked about earlier to add half of your proficiency bonus to any ability check you're not proficient in and later on you'll get some expertise as well so you can specialize even further in some of the Charisma skills but skills are very important for a Bard and you're going to have a lot of them and you're going to pass a huge amount of them for your ability points here you want to get your charisma to 16 and get your decks to 16 or 15 and then your Constitution to 48 as well you could get your Constitution up a little bit further if say you're going like the school of Valor for like that sort of tanky subclass you could maybe switch your decks and con around here to get that little bit of extra HP it's also good for constitution saving throws if you're concentrating on something as well but getting around that sort of Mark for those stats is probably the main thing I would focus on all right so subclasses now there is three of them for The Bard there is the School of Law the school of Valor and the school of Swords each of these will change your bardic inspiration to sort of specialize in something specific so biotic inspiration which I think we've got to touch on earlier so that's my bad but essentially what Braddock's inspiration does is it will allow you to add a 1d6 or actually get higher levels that dice actually increases to a allies next attack roll ability check or saving throw now depending on the subclass you pick here your biotic inspiration will change in different ways and you'll use it in potentially different ways but for the most part the subclass that you pick at level three you sort of know everything you need to know about what's going to happen with that line so as a school of law you're focusing on the spell casting elements of The Bard now your game proficiencies in Arcana intimidation and sleight of hand you also get the cutting words reaction so you can give a target a 1d6 penalty to their next attack role or ability checks or damage dealt which is also a valuable way to use your reactions you also gain additional magical Secrets when you level up so you can learn more spells from other classes which is absolutely beneficial very bad with their limited pool of spells available the school of Valor is a tanky subclass similar to a paladin sort of a style you gain medium armor proficiency Shield proficiency and martial weapon proficiency plus your biotic inspiration will become combat inspiration so on top of being able to add that dice roll to attack rolls ability checks and saving throws it can now also be added to weapon damage or Armor class plus at level 6 you'll gain an extra attack as well so if you use your first attack as a melee attack or a range to be able to attack again in that same turn and that's the same for the school of Swords you'll also gain that extra attack except in this subclass you're more focused on a offensive Millie fighter so you'll still gain that Medium arm proficiency you also get Scimitar proficiency as well as blade flourish so you can use that to knock enemies off balance but you also get the flourish attacks now these are special attacks that will consume your body inspiration to deal additional damage or or additional effects one of them being a Teleport so you can teleport to the enemies one of them allowing you to attack two enemies that are next to each other is dependent on the different elements that you want to focus on and you also pick a fighting style here between dueling so wielding a one-handed weapon and gaining extra damage because of that or two weapon fighting so essentially dual wielding two weapons so how do you pick between these three it's dependent on what you want to do so if you want to be more of a spellcaster staying at range and casting spells then School of Law is the way you want to go if you want to get into the thick of things potentially take some damage and deal extra martial attacks with your extra attack then the school of Valor is for you and if you want to get fancy with swords and sort of focus more on dealing damage in Milly range and then casting spells secondarily then the school of Swords probably the option to go for for the best Feats here I think for the most part you're probably just gonna go ability Improvement to get your charisma up especially for all of these skill checks that will help with but also for any of your spell casting especially if you'll go on School of Law it's absolutely beneficial if you've gone the school of Valor or School of Swords then warcaster isn't a bad option to give you an extra shopping grasp opportunity attack if something moves out of your melee range you also get an advantage on saving throws when you're concentrating on a spell which a lot of the time you probably will be concentrating on a spell so it's also a good option but you could maybe go the magic initiates to grab either warlock or sorcerer spells here and can trips because you do share a Charisma modifier with them so you could grab something like Eldritch blast in the Warlock line or something like that but I think for probably the most part unless you are desperate to get more spells which in that case you would have gone School of Law and you'll get those anyway as you level up so you'll probably just go ability Improvement here to get your charisma up unless you've found a better option here which we did touch on best spells and can trips here vicious mockery is an amazing can trip that does a tiny little bit of damage but you're mainly using it to give an enemy disadvantage on their neck as attack roll so if there's a big major threat in that encounter potentially a boss encounter using vicious mockery to give them disadvantage on their attacks is absolutely huge I also am fan of cloud of daggers as it's a great area of control spell that deals slashing damage to enemies in an area heat metal is also great because it'll deal damage and actually have them drop their weapon as well a lot of the time Tasha's hideous laughter is great to get an enemy out of an encounter for a period of time also if you're looking for more spells check out my spells video which goes through a bunch of some of the best spells in the game so you can help you make that decision some class tips for The Bard to finish off so when you're using Bardock inspiration on an ally make sure you've gone into their spell book and ticked their reaction options so that you don't waste that inspiration on something unnecessary especially if you want to save it for a certain type of role like whether it's be an attack roll or a damage roll if your school of Valor or something like that so just make sure that you've ticked those options all bards will also get song of rest which is a essentially it's a free short rest so after certain encounters you can use it once per long rest so you essentially have three short rests before you need to Long rest as having a bad in your party and this is really beneficial for classes that getting things back on short rest so you've got that option as well and as you level up you will gain magical Secrets as a bud which allows you to grab different spells from different classes I reckon you should take hex here because hex is a fantastic spell that you can cast as a bonus action which is sometimes difficult to use as a Bard you could use that to cast on an enemy just to deal extra necrotic damage when you hit them this is great for any of the subclasses where they're using martial weapons or spells or deal damage also fantastic and because of The Bard's flexibility they are one of the best classes for multi-classing right I'll have a full video coming out about multiclassing as well but I just wanted to touch on it here that they are fantastic because they've got a Charisma modifier which is shared with a warlock and a sorcerer and some other classes as well plus they're a class that doesn't gain a heap of like class features or subclass features across their levels it's mostly at level 3 or level 6 so you've got the ability to say hit level three and then multi-class into something else or same at like level six you can then multi-class into something else so playing as a ranger is a little different in Boulder's Gate 3 than it is in regular DND larion have made a couple of changes to the class to make it a bit more viable but for the most part here you've got access to ranged martial attacks with like bows and crossbows you've got access to a bunch of melee weapons that you can deal in close range and even if you pick The Beastmaster subclass you've got beasts that you can summon to help you in combat plus you can cast some basic spells to sort of help you in combat as well but for the most part here you're really focusing on either doing range damage with a bow or crossbow or melee damage with some sort of a melee weapon because you've got proficiency and simple weapon and martial weapons you've got a huge breath of stuff that's available to you now you also gain a favored enemy and a natural Explorer option as a ranger now the favorite enemy will essentially allow you to pick an option that will give you a certain proficiency and potentially allow you to learn a new spell really here you can pick whatever you feel like and you'll get access to multiple of these as you level up the one that I would sort of avoid is Ranger night because you gain heavy armor proficiency which essentially means that if you wear heavy armor you don't gain any Dex modifier from the armor you're wearing and as Rangers you're going to have an extremely high dexterity so it's not really viable for you to be wearing heavy armor unless you specifically want to go down that route and for natural Explorer it's the same you'll gain multiple of these as you level up you could go something like Beast Tamer to get fine familiar so you could summon a familiar to either help you in combat or help you in sort of the sandbox Urban tracker gives you sleight of hand proficiencies so you don't have to worry about picking that up in terms of your skills or you could pick up a resistance type I personally would grab poison as there are a ton of poison traps in this game and just areas that are covered in Poison clouds so if you want to be able to sort of avoid those areas or even just like walk through poison then definitely grab that option now you also gain an extra attack at level 5 regardless of your subclass choice which is really valuable for Rangers because it gives you a bit more prowess in either ranged or melee combat compared to say a rogue because they don't get that extra attack whereas they get additional damage with sneak damage you you instead get an extra attack to use for those turns so let's make a ranger now picking a race here your role play considerations obviously so pick whatever you like but you've already got a bunch of proficiencies just via this class you've got light medium armor simple weapons martial weapons so you don't really need to pick a race but that gives you additional proficiencies you could consider something for dark vision which is hugely important for a ranger so you could either go the elf the T fling the half elf or the dwarf or if you want Superior dark vision which I would highly recommend as a ranger then go the drought as well you've already got like Longbow short bow proficiencies anyway because of those martial weapons that you've got access to so going something like an elf to pick that up isn't really important so you've got that freedom for the best skills here I would be focusing on the dexterity skills so acrobat sleight of hand and stealth they're all really valuable also don't pick up sleight of hand if you've gone the urban tracker because you've already got efficiencies in that so you can then spend those skill points elsewhere but you've also got that freedom right now in terms of your backgrounds you'd go the charlatan the criminal urchin something like that or sort of whatever's your roleplay desires for your ability points the main one here is dexterity because you're going to be using decks not only for melee weapons but for ranged weapons Constitution is always important for that extra little bit of health and wisdom is your spell casting modifier so you definitely want to get your wisdom to 14 as well for any of these spells that you do cast at level 3 you'll pick a subclass now there's three options here between The Beastmaster the Hunter and the Gloom stalker The Beastmaster will enhance your Ranger by allowing you to summon a companion this could be a bear a boar a direwolf a wolf or a wolf spider at level 5 they also get enhanced to deal additional damage but for the most part that's the unique part of a Beastmaster Ranger is that you'll have an additional companion which will be consuming some of that Milly space and sort of playing as a bit of a frontliner to take some damage and you can summon them outside of combat to sort of bring them into any encounter a hunter will essentially focus on being a hunter but you get different actions that can be performed during combat say like horde breaker so you can Target Two creatures standing close to each other attacking them in quick session this is a bit of a slower subclass as it only really excels after level 11 when you get access to like Whirlwind attack and volley four additional attack options but they're not a bad option I would just not necessarily recommend them compared to either The Beastmaster or the Gloom stalker so the Gloom stalker gets enhanced Mobility Plus bonus damage on your first turn and you also gain dread Ambush so you gain plus three to your initiative and on your first turn of combat you have additional movement speed but you can also deal an attack that does an additional 1d8 of damage so while you're leveling up here I'd probably either go The Beastmaster or the Gloom stalker as they have the most like easy benefits to understand and also get value out of as you're leveling up and then if you wanted to go say the hunter you could re-spec into them later on once you've sort of hit that like level 11-ish Mark where you can get the benefits of the hunter class but the Gloom stalker and The Beastmaster get benefits that are much more noticeable immediately compared to the hunter when picking Feats here ability Improvement to increase your decks is probably going to be the first feat that you do pick up here to get that to 8 teen and potentially get either your constitutional wisdom on that next positive number or even number and then depending on what you're focusing on you could maybe go something like Sharpshooter if you're focusing on Range to increase your range damage maybe mobile or alert could also be useful mobile for movement speed and alert so you can't be surprised and increase your initiative however if you've got a Gloom stalker then that's not as important but I'd probably just be focusing on the ability Improvement as a ranger just to increase your damage with dexterity based attacks you don't have access to a whole lot of spells and can trips as a ranger you won't be using them heaps like inside combat really for the most part you'll be using those martial attacks and they're sort of supplementary to your overall kit for can trips here like you've got true strike which you won't really use very much because it's often better to just have an attack roll rather than give yourself advantage on the next attack Hunter's Mark is definitely one I'd be using and picking up regularly so essentially what you can do here is as a bonus action you can put Hunter's Mark on an enemy and anytime you attack that enemy you'll add an extra one D6 to that damage role and if that Target dies you can then move it to another Target now it's not heaps of damage it's only a 1d6 but any additional damage is good and as a ranger you won't necessarily be using that bonus action in any specific way unless maybe you're dual wielding and using it as an offhand attack so if you're focusing on the ranged kit then Hunter's Mark is valuable for that but it's only a little bit of damage right you've also got good Berry which is a cheap healing action as a bonus action so you can use goodberry outside of combat to give yourself the berries and then you can actually consume the berries in combat hail of thorns isn't a bad damage option either and I also do like lightning action as well which you can use so lighting action or deal like lightning damage to enemies when you hit them with it it's also unique to the ranger as well some class tips for the ranger now there's a lot of setup that you can do with the ranger right if you are a Beastmaster you should be summoning your Beast outside of combat so they're already available once you do enter combat you've also got high dexterity and high stealth so you should consider entering combat from a stealth position which will definitely be valuable to you you can also use your earlier outside of combat to do various things like say if you're using a cat to get into areas or something regardless of what sort of a weapon you're focusing on make sure you're using finesse weapons so finesse weapons will allow you to use your dexterity modifier or your strength modifier depending on what is higher and as a ranger your Dex modifier will definitely be higher so just pay attention to the weapon descriptions here make sure they say finesse the lower amount of spell slots available to a ranger and spells in general definitely mean it's not the main focus of their kit it's it's really the martial attacks that you're going to focus on they also have a low amount of just general spells available to them so they're more of a supplementary feature so when you're thinking about what you're doing with your turns I would consider attacking first because you get that extra attack as well before using spells they should be sort of the supplementary fallback option if there isn't a good attack option that's available to you and also don't forget to reapply and activate Hunter's Mark on enemies because once you've used it and that enemy dies you can then reapply it as a bonus action to someone else without consuming another spell okay the sorcerer is an interesting class because they are similar to a wizard in that for the most part they are going to be a glass Cannon ranged spellcaster with low HP typically low armor class as well and you're going to be attacking from range with cantrips and spells the difference with a sorcerer however is that you can't prepare spells you can't change the Spells you have active you also can't learn spells from Scrolls and the trade-off is that you instead gain access to sorcery points and meta magic sorcery points are the resource that you'll use to essentially add those meta magic effects to your spells and this could be something like say metamagic twin spells which I spell that will only target one creature can now Target an additional creature or you could add other effects to it essentially increasing the distance of the spell potentially turning it from an action to a bonus action or a number of other things but as Charisma is their main modifier they also make great talkers for your say role-playing methods if you do want to use a lot of persuasion deception intimidation those sort of skills as well and they do have access to a decent amount of spell slots but a small amount of spell in their Arsenal so you really need to be careful about the Spells you do pick as a sorcerer because you want to make sure they're actually useful so let's make a sorcerer and we'll start with the best Racers now the role play considerations here obviously but as a sorcerer same as the wizard your movement speed and dark vision don't matter as much dark vision does definitely matter don't get me wrong but movement speed doesn't as much because you won't move heaps because you'll always be enraged and you can use Misty step if you wanted to go that route but I would consider going something that maybe has a proficiency that maybe you want probably not an armor proficiency unless you do want to go that route but maybe something that's a like a human or a half elf that has Shield proficiency so you can gain some extra Armor class from having a shield equipped that doesn't technically counter Zama so you can still use things like Mage Armor and Etc when picking skills as the sorcerer I'd be looking at the Charisma skills so deception intimidation performance and persuasion and same for the backgrounds you want to be looking at backgrounds that give you these sort of skills but you can sort of pick depending on your role-playing choices there for Ability points I would be looking at getting your careers to 17 getting your decks and con to at least 14 and getting one of them to 15 probably your dexterity because you can actually get your health up via a subclass we're going to talk about in a second which is probably one of the better subclasses for the sorcerer so getting your decks to say 15 and Contour 14 is probably the safer route so when you're picking those subclasses in character creation you pick from three wild magic draconic bloodline and storm sorcery now as a whole like across the board a sorcerer will play exactly the same regardless of your subclass choice it does just change small elements of the kit wild magic for example gives you tides of chaos so when you activate you can gain advantage on your next attack roll ability check or saving throw but this will in turn add the chances of your wild magic surge to actually happen now what wild magic is is it is essentially an effect that can either buff you it can debuff you it can do all sorts of other chaotic things that can turn you into a sheep and God knows what else so that Randomness may be fun or sound fun but it can also lose your fights if say you just get really unlucky and a lot of these bad negative wild magic effects happen draconic a bloodline and gives you a higher Health pool for every sorcerer level you gain plus it also increases your default Armor class you also get to pick a draconic ancestry which will give you a buff to a specific element type and as well as an additional spell this is a fantastic subclass one because you get an extra spell and the Spells available to a sorcerer are typically pretty limited but also because as you level up you will deal additional damage with that damage type so let's say for example if you picked say the red Tire which will give you access to burning hands but as you hit Level 6 it will also increase the amount of damage you do with fire spells and Fireball being my favorite spell it's just win-win for that reason so consider picking an option here based on a damage type that you want to do and then make sure that you pick corresponding spells that suit that damage type Storm's sorcery gives you access to Tempest magic so after you cast a spell you gain fly as a bonus action allowing you to move around the battlefield without actually receiving opportunity attacks essentially this takes the place of like Misty steps say for example if you don't want to use Misty stab so when you're picking spells if you've picked storm sorcery just consider that the Misty step sort of becomes irrelevant to you because you can move via just your actual subclass features but then you also can gain additional damage of lightning and thunder damage as you level up as this class so consider that as well so when picking a subclass here I personally think the draconic bloodline is the best for a raw damage dealing sorcerer you could go storm sorcery for a little bit more flexibility if you want to specialize in lightning and thunder and also be able to fly like each turn so you can move around freely wild magic might be the most chaotic essentially fun subclass but it's worth considering that if you are new to d d or Baldur's Gate 3 that summertimes those effects won't actually help you and they will definitely hinder your progress if the wrong wild magic effect goes off in certain encounters the best Feats for a sorcerer are basically just ability Improvement to increase your charisma because is in turn then that will overall increase obviously your skill checks but also your damage because you're using Charisma as your spellcasting modifier and you're just going to be casting spells almost solely as a sorcerer so it's definitely the better option if you want something else to consider you could go Elemental Adept especially if you've gone the draconic bloodline because then you can match that element type with your draconic bloodline to remove resistances that enemies have on that type as well as slightly increase your overall damage output because you can't roll a 1 on spells of that type so it's definitely something to consider you could also maybe go the magic initiatives to grab say either the warlock or the bad can trips and spells here because you do have a matching Charisma spell casting modifier with them though you're probably better off multi-classing into those classes if that's the route you want it to go the best spells and can trips I would advise you to check out my best spells video which goes through these in detail but in terms of can trips for your damage can trips firebold acid Splash Ray of frost roll just like good options plus with metamagic you can add additional targets to them as well for your spells one thing that I would always grab is magic Missile because it is a spell that never misses and Deals consistent good damage as also can hit multiple targets chromatic orb is also great because you can tailor the damage type based on enemy and enemy and enemy you know what I mean okay don't hurt yourself enemy resistances so you can right click and examine and base your actual damage output on their resistances you've also got other options that like in terms of damage options that I would relate to whatever you are focusing on say if you've got a draconic bloodline and you're focusing on fire damage I'd be picking the fire spell same as if you're focusing on poison damage I'll be picking things like rare Frost cold ice knife that sort of a thing so consider that but you've got a bunch of options and you can sort of pick and choose based on that as well sorcerer class tips number one is the Mage Armor spell I wouldn't grab that as a sorcerer because you have a limited amount of spells that are available to you and using Mage Armor will actually not only you know it obviously consumes a spell slot when you use it but because you don't have a whole lot of actual spell pool Available to You consuming or using Mage Armor as one of those will limit your other options and you can get the exact same benefits from the elixir of bark skin which will then increase your armor class to 16 anyway so you've got other ways you can increase your armor class you've also got other characters that can say cast like Shield of Faith or something on your sorcerer plus if you've gone the draconic bloodline as well Mage Armor isn't as useful Misty step is a great pickup for a sorcerer that isn't a storm sorcery but if you are a storm sorcerer then I wouldn't pick that up because your fly is essentially better your meta magic effects is the core part of a sorcerer kit and using those effectively in combat we'll see you have a great amount of success when you're leveling up you'll be able to pick different ones of these meta magic spell types as you sort of level up you'll get more available to you but the best ones that I want to call out here is metamagic Twin spells which we touched on earlier so allow you to turn a single Target spell into adding an additional Target you've also got meta magic quick and spell so spells that cost and action can now be cast as a bonus action instead so you can essentially just cast two spells that turn meta magic distance spell will allow you to increase the range of spells by 50 plus Billy spells as well well so say if you're stuck on a high ground and the enemies are a fair distance away you increase the distance of your spells metamagic careful spell is also great so allies can automatically succeed saving throws against spells that require them so if you've say you got something like Fireball for example right you're going to throw it on your melee characters using careful spell related to stop them from actually receiving that damage a bit similar to the subtle spell that the wizard gets access to but you'll actually use your sorcery points at metamatch to get that sort of same effect but essentially that's everything you need to know for the sorcerer let me know your thoughts in the comments down below thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is norza and I hope you have a great day [Music]
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 257,964
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 all classes, bg3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 classes explained, baldurs gate 3 class, baldur's gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 tips, bg3 classes, baldurs gate 3 subclasses, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 best class, baldurs gate 3 best classes, baldur's gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 which class to play, bg3 classes explained
Id: HLehp5XgztY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 19sec (6199 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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