How to Build a Sorcerer for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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if casting spells as the result of some draconic  bloodline is for you then you want to play a   sorcerer in this video today we're going to  go through building out a sorcerer now maybe   this is your first character or perhaps you want  to respect one of your companions such as will   into a sorcerer whatever the case is we'll  go through that here today we'll start out   at level one looking at sorcerer on a very base  level to discuss the kind of character creation   process going to a discussion about subclass  options and talk a little bit about standout   Feats we'll then close the video out going into  some strong multi-class options like the sorted   in and other sorts of things that are really  particularly good for the sorcerer you can   quickly navigate to any part of this video that  answers you the most using the chapters of the   timeline and the description please don't forget  to check me out on Twitch where I stream every   Tuesday Thursday and Saturday which you can find  linked in the comment and the description below   let's get started here on how to build a sorcerer  for beginners in Baldur's Gate 3. loading into the   game let's have a conversation about race now  this is a single player narrative game so with   that being said please don't min max choose the  role play of a character that makes the most sense   for you and what you want to do with a sorcerer  all of your ability scores are eight across the   board and you choose what gets a plus two and  a plus one just simple races will have bonuses   here and there nothing crazy that's going to make  or break the game for you but nonetheless we're   going to go through some that are particularly  stand out so that you can have maybe you have   some analysis paralysis that'll help you out in  your decision so uh start off high elf is quite   good because they get a high elf can trip now  I've recommended this for some other races before   but you can see that this goes off for our spell  casting ability of uh Charisma up here but right   here this has Intelligence so it's using our  intelligence to cast the spell and this is   particularly good if you're a wizard it's not so  amazing if you are playing a sorcerer which uses   their Charisma so you can but you can still grab  something like friends so it frees it up in your   canned trips to grab whatever you want because  these down here in this cantrip section will use   your charisma so I would say in this high off can  trip location choose something that is not going   to be offensive so that's going to be a utility  like friends which is really great because it   gives you advantage on Charisma checks against a  non-hostile creature so anytime you're doing any   kind of conversation roles it's quite nice to  have so elf is a really great option tiefling   with asmodeus is probably like my my go-to pick  because I really like tieflings and the asmodius   tiefling in specific get some additional can  trips they get produce Flame right here I run   out the gate they also get hellish rebuke which is  a nice reaction that you can use to just do some   damage to something when it hits you and then  they also get darkness and darkness is quite a   good ability to Blind things and give you quite  a little bit of utility so anyone else in your   party can do more damage against those things  they also get hellish resistance which means   they take half damage from any kind of fire  that in and of itself is always nice to have   um another great option here is going with dwarfs  dwarfs are always quite fun because they can get   access to more hit points light and medium armor  but if you're a dwaygar you also get access to   advantage against charm and paralysis as well as  poison just from being a dwarf and in addition   to that you get the ability to go invisible and  you get enlarged which does make you bigger and   better for melee combat and that maybe is pretty  good if you're going to go with like a sorkidin   which is a sorcerer Paladin combo or whatever  it is another big standout here is of course   the halfling for its Lucky capability attack  roll ability Checker saving throw I'm sorry   when you roller one on our attack roll ability  Checker saving throw you can re-roll the die and   that's always really nice to have known with the  rock gnome uh gives you advantage on intelligence   wisdom and Charisma saving throws as well which  is um a lovely capability here but also with   rock gnome you get a twice proficiency bonus  to history checks uh which is again a lovely   nice to have human is a really good option  as well because you get 25 percent increase   um there's not show it on here it's like an  additional purpose oh your carrying capacity   is increased by a quarter there you go 25 increase  carrying capacity but also you just get an extra   skill proficiency which is always nice and you  start with light armor which is cool to have too   because you can cast spells with light armor on  which is lovely and our last option is the GIF GIF   is always you know I don't choose the crackhead  version maybe choose the female version whichever   one kind of speaks to you but the GIF get access  to long sword Greatsword short sword light   and medium armor so this gives you the capability  to kind of have a little bit more functionality as   a gift and you can spice off into some additional  classes to give you some cool weapon capabilities   but also you can cast light and medium armor as  a sorcer without having any penalty against you   can't trips include of course Mage hand and  the ability to jump very far down the road   um and of course astral knowledge which you gain  your proficiency bonus that is right here plus   two eventually becomes plus three then plus four  in a ability of your choice so if you want to say   you know what I gotta pick a lock I can choose  dexterity and now I get my proficiency bonus   to sleight of hand or if I want to further put  it into Charisma which I probably already have   those abilities online but now I at least get my  Charisma bonus and I now have Proficiency in all   Charisma skills which includes persuasion  deception intimidation performance and the   like so gith is always a lovely option here and  I think one that not a lot of people value with   um I did say elf high elf half elf high alpha  would be the exact same scenario if you wanted   to go with that as well before we go any further  I want to have a real quick conversation about   what the difference between a sorcerer and a  wizard is the biggest difference is going to   be in your ability you will use intelligence for  a wizard you will use Charisma for a sorcerer a   wizard pulls spells from a spell book and they  have spells that they have in the spell book   and they can prepare them at will so let's just  assume this is my Spellbook and I have access   to all of these spells well these are the ones I  have prepared and I can cast them as long as I've   prepared them I cannot prepare a new spell in the  middle of combat I would just simply have to go   like this and prepare a spell outside of combat  you have to rest in normal Dungeons and Dragons   you don't have to do that in Baldur's Gate 3. as  a sorcerer I am assumed to have whatever spells I   know I always have them prepared so again let's  let's remove this selected portion let's assume   that this available are all the spells that I know  I always have them prepared I can always cast them   as long as I have the spell slots available that's  the key difference between a sorcerer and a wizard   a wizard uses a spell book and prepare spells as  needed a sorcerer only has the spells that they   know ready for them a sorcerer's spells cannot be  swapped out like a Wizard's can you only SWAT them   out every level at the end of every level you can  say swap out a new skill or I'm sorry a new spell   you swap a different one into place so right now  if I were to start the game up right now I would   only know these two spells but I could cast these  spells as many times as my spell thoughts allowed   for once I leveled up again I could say you know  what I'm going to swap this out and put that in   and now I only have these two spells so that's  your key difference between Wizard and sorcerer   with a subclass section on sorcerer we have wild  magic to start off and this is truly wild you get   this ability right here tides are chaos activate  to gain advantage on your next attack roll ability   check or saving throw so this can be in a number  of different scenarios right but whenever you do   this it is a reaction so you'd use it in combat  and every time you do it you have a chance of wild   magic surge afterwards and this just says right  here you know it turns within the magical blah   blah burst rate but there are a ton of different  things that can happen when your mild Magic surges   maybe you cast blur or enchant weapon or you  explode with healing or fog or you summon a method   stuff like that but then you also have the ability  that each creature within nine meters is randomly   transformed into either a cat or a dog each  creature with a nine meters is randomly enlarged   or reduced you're slowed you spawn a water puddle  around the Caster there's a bunch of different   things that can happen with a wild magic surge  I'm going to go ahead and Link you to the bg3   wiki or the sorcerer and you can find there when  you click wild magic it'll give you all of the   surge effects so you can see them I I personal  opinion I think you shouldn't look at them and   just let them encounter encounter them in your  game because it's really fun it's hectic and it's   random but it adds a certain spice to the subclass  that almost no other class in the game gets access   to for the exception of the wild heart or wild  magic Barbarian so it's a very very fun part of   um being a wild magic sorcerer outside of that  level six you're gonna get Bend luck which spend   two sorcery points those are we'll talk about  that when you talk about meta magic a little   bit but use it as a free action to give a Target  1d4 bonus or a 1d4 penalty to all ability checks   for two turns or spend two sorcery points as a  reaction to get a target a 1d4 bonus or penalty   on a single attack roll or saving throw so  you can use this on a friend to buff up a   big hit use this on an enemy so they just really  guarantees that they take that hit whatever it is   and then at level 11 you get Controlled Chaos it's  worth noting that all Sorcerers get roughly the   same spells like with some certain exceptions here  and I'll go into them when they when they appear   but I don't want you to think oh well what kind  of spells do I get access to for wild magic you're   gonna get the same ones as draconic and storm  sorcery storm sorcery is just going to get special   storm spells in a certain situation but Controlled  Chaos here happens at level 11 so when an enemy   casts a spell it spends your reaction to cause  a wild magic surge near the enemy spellcaster   so basically you get this but you can now send it  over to them and it has a bunch of effects that   can happen action surge on the spellcaster which  could be really bad they go again they get another   action a slow on the spellcaster the spellcaster  is lit on fire they're encased in a in a resilient   sphere they're polymorphed the fog Cloud centered  around the the Caster a bunch of things that can   happen but now you're basically taking your wild  magic surge effect and you're summoning you're   putting it onto an enemy caster and most of the  options are negative with very few of them being   positive like one of them says someone aggressive  can be in near caster which is a big old demon so   a lot of cool things that can happen with  wild magic and it's a very fun subclass   draconic bloodline is my personal favorite of the  uh the subclasses for the sorcerer because you're   basically deriving your magic from the ancestry  you have to dragons and that is always cool so   for one you get increased hit points as a draconic  bloodline Sorcerer And you get draconic resilience   so dragon-like scales cover part of your skin when  you aren't wearing armor your base Armor class is   13. so you just now have increased armor by simply  being part dragon and your dexterity modifies into   this to give you more armor so if your dexterity  is say you know 14 now your deck your armor class   is going to be 15 base that's really sweet but  you also can choose your dragon ancestor which   means you choose from a specific color or Dragon  which is then allied with a certain specific type   of element so let's take blue for example at  level 6 spells that deal lightning damage are   more powerful and you can become resistant to  lightning damage and you also get which bolt   right out the gate so this allows you to focus  on a specific damage type you get a corresponding   spell that goes with that damage type and you will  get draconic resilience or Elemental Affinity to   that that um uh to that damage damage type so at  level six you'll get elemental Affinity damage and   Elemental Affinity resistance and a damage will  will make you make it blah blah blah the damage   will allow you that when you cast a spell that  deals damage of the type associated with your   draconic ancestry which in this case would be blue  and lightning you add your charisma modifier to   the damage so it's going to be an even more bit of  damage an elemental Affinity is or for Elemental   Affinity resistance when you cast a spell that  deals damage to the type associated with your   draconic accessory you can spend one sorcery  point to gain resistance to that damage type   meaning I cast which bolt I spend a sorcery point  we'll get into that and with metamagic in a little   bit and now I have resistance to lightning  and then level 11 you gain flight so you can   move around and that's actually a very strong  capability within the game because you can use   haste and then flight and cover a ton of ground  to get away from someone that is putting a lot of   pressure on you as a sorcerer now into store form  sorcery we get tempestuous magic after you cast a   level one spell or higher you can fly as a bonus  action to the end of your turn without receiving   opportunity attacks this gives you a ton of  Mobility as a sorcerer and that is very fun   because nothing's worse than just getting pinned  in place in melee combat using disengage to get   out and you basically just wasted your whole  turn and they're just going to chase you down   anyway with storm sorcery you cast a level one  spell and then you can fly away using a bonus   action that does not trigger a opportunity attack  meaning opportunity attack is if they move if you   move out of melee range they get a free shot on  you basically this does not trigger that at level   six you get heart of the storm both attack damage  and resistance so anytime you deal lightning or   thunder damage you cause a small local storm all  enemies within 20 feet take additional lightning   or thunder damage equal to half your sorcerer  level so when you get this at level six they will   all take lightning or thunder damage of three and  you choose lightning or thunder and you can choose   harder storm resistance as well to get resistance  to lightning and thunder damage not an ore there   which you also get because your Storm's a storm  sorcerer you'll get access to Thunder Wave crater   destroy water gust of wind sleet storm which  is good for knocking out concentration and   call lightning which is an amazing ability  to just constantly send bolts of lightning   down then lastly at level 11 you'll get storm  Siri when you are hit by a melee attack you   deal lightning equal to your sorcerer level  to the attacker the attacker will also have   to make a strength saving throw against your  sorcerer spell save DC which is this right here   um so I'll say DC on a failed save the attacker  is pushed away from you in a straight line 20   feet so it's a really awesome capability where  you'll get this at 11 so if someone hits you   you'll do 11 damage and in this instance  here you know what let's actually do this in this instance here my spell date my spell  save DC is 13 meaning they're gonna have to   make a strength check against that if they fail  then they're pushed backwards and that's an   awesome way to just kind of get out of trouble  and it's a lovely way to kind of use your your   subclass so really where the subclasses  kind of differ and change the way your   character plays your class plays in a lot of ways  the subclass here for sorcerer is really kind of   coming down to do you want to be more tanky and  have the freedom to move out of combat once you   get laid into the game do you want to be more  focused on lightning and uh Thunder damage or do   you just want the wild chaos of casting spells and  have totally crapassed some awesome things happen   to you whatever it is you choose a subclass that  kind of fits in line with what you have in mind   as far as your ability points and skills go for  sorcerer we are going to focus 100 on to Charisma   that is where all of our damage comes from it's  the most important ability trait you've got and on   top of it there aren't a ton of ways to maximize  it so we want to maximize it by getting it to 17   and then we would use a feat to get it to 19  and we would do something in the game with a   certain I'll just say hag that would give us an  extra point getting us to 20 as fast as possible   that's ideal because we want Charisma as much  as possible because it's where all of our   damage comes from very few classes solely  rely on one ability above everything else   uh sorcerer is definitely one that  only relies 100 on its charisma   with of course concentration our constitution of  dexterity being right behind it so we're gonna   buff up our dexterity and we're gonna buff up our  constitution I'm even gonna go ahead and do that   and that puts us at a really good point where 14  dexterity is going to give us two more additional   Armor class and it's going to give us two more  initiative that's going to be very good so we   can go at a relatively decent point in a combat  turn now we put 16 Constitution here because then   this gives us a good amount of hit points at  10 if I were to say put this down to like 12   then we only have eight hit points so every two  points here or every even even set of numbers   after 10 we get two more hit points so we want to  kind of capitalize that as much as possible since   we do not have many hit points as a sorcerer  the other thing for constitution though is it   will help us with any concentration based spells  take for example true strike here oh God terrible   spell but still this says concentration so this  spell will remain active as long as I maintain   the concentration on it if someone were to hit  me I will then do a concentration check which   is essentially a check against my Constitution it  says my Constitution is so high I will maintain   concentration and not drop that spell this is not  a good example because this lasts only for two   turns but still there are there are examples of  ones that last as long as your concentration is up   I like 10 turns in your concentration but still  um outside of that we have two more points we're   going to put them into wisdom and the reason I'm  putting them into wisdom is so that we do not have   any negative roles here on Survival perception  medicine and insight it's a bug right now that   says minus one it should just simply say zero  because our wisdom and checks are at zero but   this is crucial because perception and insight are  very important skills to have so either putting   a Proficiency in them or getting a background  in them it's very very crucial as far as other   skills go I would put one of my proficiencies  into deception intimidation or persuasion   and then another one here into you know I don't  remember if we yeah another one here into Insight   so I would choose one of my conversational skills  if I did not get it from a background and insight   and if I did not if I did not get insight from a  background that is either otherwise I'd probably   put into Arcana just to kind of fit the mold of a  sorcerer you know I still want to play into that   role play of this and have some fun with it or  you can go into his religion if you want to kind   of do that but definitely go with a conversation  and then go with a a wisdom uh role like inside   if if you can get it from your uh not having  it in your background which brings us to our   next topic which origin and background should  we choose so this is going to be dependent upon   you if it's your first playthrough going with  a custom one there's nothing wrong with that   going with an origin character there's nothing  wrong with that either you can take any one of   these characters and re-roll them into being a  sorcerer or maybe you've decided to have Gail   in your playthrough and you want to make him a  sorcerer simply go to Withers and have him respect   but maybe you also want to play as the dark  urge and you want to fight constantly against   this dark urge within your body that tells you  to maim murder and kill things because you are   an incarnate of corn but whatever it is you want  to do simply choose the origin that best fits what   your play style is if you choose dark urge you're  going to have a set background that's going to   be I think it's medicine and intimidation are  your two skills but I'm going to assume you're   going to choose custom which then brings us to our  conversation about background again please choose   the one that fits the role play for the sorcerer  that you have in mind are you some distant   relative of a draconic bloodline that is an  Outlander to the rest of the world is some Nomad   and you're now coming into civilization because  you've gotten captured by your illicit ship then   stick with that or are you some practice Sage that  while being also a sorcerer that has innate magic   you also study and pursue great tomes of knowledge  or are you a street urchin a a terrible street   urchin I live in Southern California we have a  terrible homeless problem maybe you're one of   those but who knows whatever you choose please  make it role play oriented if you really want   a Min Maxis go with something like Guild Artisan  this is going to give you insight and persuasion   which is nice since you already have those things  as things that you can choose so this gives you   the chance to choose Arcana and intimidation  down here or deception and intimidation or just   deception and intimidation whichever ones you want  to choose which you'll already have insight and   persuasion knocked out as far as the two skills  I mentioned earlier that are quite good as far as   spells and can trips go it's important to remember  that cantrips are Level zero spells meaning you   can cast them as many times as you want you they  do not use up a spell slot so every turn your   character gets active you can just go ahead and  use a cancer if you so wish and remember that the   cantrip that you're getting through the sorcerer  portion will be based off of your charisma versus   the one that you get as a high Elf or high half  elf will be based off of your intelligence so keep   those things in mind but some really good options  here are definitely friends if you did not get   it otherwise because this is going to give you  advantage on Charisma checks against non-hostile   creatures so this is pretty much any kind of  conversation check really and remember advantages   you roll two die you choose the higher the two  disadvantage you drill to die you choose the lower   of the two so we'll choose friends here I really  like Ray of frost I think it's particularly good   shocking grasp is a nice one to just kind of  have to lock people down minor illusion can be   really fun here create an illusion that compels  nearby creatures to investigate you can remain   hidden while casting the spell this spell cannot  uh can be cast while you are also silent so it   just kind of is a nice diversionary spell but you  can go also too with magehand for the ability to   manipulate things or open up doors and such like  that or something like a poison spray just kind of   go from the last one whichever you see fit those  are probably like the big three I would choose   um you know acid Splash if you  want whatever makes sense for you   in the Spell section it's important to note  that some of these are rituals like enhance   leap long Strider I think Feather Falls ritual  I cannot remember but they don't say it here but   a ritual does not cost you a spell slot  as long as you do not cast it in combat   so if you cast enhanced leap or longstrider  or featherfall outside of combat it does not   cost you a spell slot personally I would not  put those on my sorcerer which has limited   spells that they know like because I'm not I'm  choosing these two doesn't mean I get to cast   these whenever I want I have to swap them  out whenever I level so I would avoid them   so options that you can take then in that case are  going to be dependent to upon if you're playing   like a storm sorcery or a specific draconic  bloodline something like that but I really like   chromatic orb because you can choose the type of  element that it does so it can be fire it can be   cold it can be thunder it can be lightning you're  choosing it so it can be whatever you see fit and   if you're going draconic bloodline that's a  really nice little tool to have I also very   much like magic Missile it's one of my favorite  abilities in the game it eventually gets stronger   and as you shoot it with more a higher level then  it can have more magical darts doing more damage   other good things are things like Shield to just  give you some Armor class if maybe you're going   with like a sorkidin something like that sleep is  very strong in the early portions of the game it   does not scale very well so the latter portions  of the game but it's a nice thing you just put   someone to sleep and they're completely out of  the fight until they wake back up which is lovely   here as well Thunder Wave is also good just too  it's a really nice knockback and good amount of   damage but keep in mind that it is 17 feet from  you so it's gonna only kind of act almost like a   breath attack more or less not like an actual um  uh ranged direct damage spell that sort of thought   and lastly charm person is always quite nice  so those are some of my top picks I'd probably   do something like that probably people would say  sleep if I'm in maxing it but I really like these   two abilities this is also a pretty big difference  between Wizard and sorcerer but it's also a big   portion of the sorcerer mechanics and it is both  metamagic and sorcery points so your sorcery   points will always match your sorcerer level level  two sorcerer so I have two sorcery points but I've   got access to these meta-magic capabilities and  these meta magic capabilities I use those sorcery   points and I get certain returns so example here  as a bonus action I can spend two sorcery points   and I unlock a spell slot or this one right here  I can create sorcery points so spend spell slots   to gain sorcery points so you can kind of swap  them back and forth whatever makes sense here   it's going to cost me a level one spell slot and  a bonus action to create a sorcery Point let me   just go ahead and choose some stuff and now with  metamagic I also get some class passives so I get   stuff like this careful spell allies automatically  succeed saving throws against spells that require   them cost to say it costs a sorcery point or  distance spell increase the range of spells   by 50 melee spells get a range of 30 feet cost a  sorcery Point extended spell double the duration   of conditions summons and surface causes by spells  or twin spell here spells that only target one   creature can Target an additional creature  cost one sorcery Point per spell slot level   used cantrips also cost one sorcery point so I can  let's say I'm going to choose these two or maybe   just these two I'm going to press accept because  we get even more meta magic capabilities at level   three with the sorcerer this is there's just a  ton more here so we'll take a look at these in our   class passive section so now we get also height  and spell targets of spell that require saving   throws have disadvantage on their saving throw  or um Quicken spell spells that cost an action   instead cost a bonus action but this costs three  sorcery points or metamatic subtle spell you can   cast spells while silenced costs one sorcery point  so you can see how these meta magic capabilities   are really awesome capabilities where you can swap  back and forth sorcery points with spell slots or   give you more spell slots or give you more sorcery  points whatever it is and those sorcery points   then match your sorcerer level to pull more out of  what your already existing sorcerer capabilities   are you'll get more meta-magic capabilities so you  get mad at Magic capabilities let me just say that   at three and at level five and then I'm I'm sorry  level two and level three and you'll get more meta   magic capabilities at level 10. so you have those  abilities can only be swapped out if you respect   so just spend a little time going into them I'd  probably go with um probably these out the gate   distant quickened and twin I mean you could even  go with something like um heightened instead of   distant maybe distant isn't what you're going to  go with or maybe you're going to play a sork it   in and does make a lot of sense whatever it is  but I think quick end and twin is really good   subtle spell especially if you want to cast while  you're silenced when it comes to selecting your   Feats there are some pretty good ones that stand  out of course you always will go with ability   Improvement when you need it to get that Charisma  up like I said before you can jump into something   at act one that has to do with a hag I don't want  to spoil it for you that can give you plus one to   an ability score like Charisma which would cap  out your your charisma very early in the game   which is nice gives you a plus five to all of  your uh Charisma checks as needed so that is a   really great capability that you can go with but  you can also go with something after you've taken   ability Improvement if you didn't do what I'm  talking about something like actor or performer   will both give you plus one Charisma if you  needed to kind of push you over the edge there   spell sniper is a really great option here  because you learn an additional cantrip which   is always lovely so you can get something like  Eldridge blast online or bone chill if you want   or even a thorn whip but the real thing here is  the number you need to roll a critical hit with   spells is reduced by one this effect can stack  so now whenever you could hit with the spell it's   either 19 or 20 rather than just simply a 20.  always good War Caster is amazing here because   you get an advantage on saving throws when you  cast concentration spells and also you can use   shocking grasp as a reaction to any Target that's  moving out of melee range so especially if you're   maybe a draconic bloodline focusing on lighting  and thunder damage is just another layer of that   magic initiate and all these regards is always  great because you're just adding more spells and   can trips to your to your pocket I guess you could  say to your repertoire so if you want to pull any   of the Druid spells you definitely can hear any  of the cleric or Bard spells you can do that if   you so wish always great another one that's really  going to stack well too with your capabilities as   a draconic bloodline or maybe if you're going  with storm sorcery you go with elemental Adept   lightning or thunder but basically your spell is  cat that you cast now ignore resistance to thunder   damage in addition when you deal Thunder damage  with spell you cannot roll a one so you aren't   like triple damage doing whatever the hell with  your thunder you're just ignoring spell resistance   which is awesome so someone might have that you're  getting rid of it and now your spells can never   outright fail by Rolling a one so it's a nice  capability to have other things that are really   good are lucky this is just a generic one but  allows you to re-roll um or get an advantage on   Attack rules ability checks are saving throws but  you can re-roll an enemy's attack roll if need be   a lot of really great things that you can do  with some of these abilities and there's plenty   of other ones you can take a look at here and jump  into stuff like mobile is really good to get out   of a hard situation because you can use Dash and  not trigger any kind of opportunity attacks after   you've done a melee attack so a lot of things that  you can do to take advantage of within the feed   section your sorcerer progression though Beyond  those points of big kind of returns like two three   and five is pretty much gonna be getting access to  more spells now remember these spells are going to   add into your existing spells right and you'll  go here to replace spell to swap any of the ones   out that you really don't want with maybe another  one that you really maybe do run like okay haste   right here cool boom and there we go and also  keep in mind you're going to be getting sorcery   points every time you level to match your level  and then you're going to be also unlocking more   sorcery spell levels um as you go through so  right now we're level five and as we jump down   to level six we're just gonna stay with the same  amount we're only going to know spell level three   but once we jump into level seven we get some  more stuff you'll get subclass features here   at six of course with your Elemental affinities  and I'm just going to choose a spell at random   but once we jump into seven we're going to  start jumping into the fourth level of spell   and we'll of course have a corresponding sorcery  point for that again choosing a point at random   here but those are now all of our fourth level  spells have turned on for us so ice Storm's a   little bit cooler for me and as we jump here  into eight we'll get access to our other feet   um I'm gonna go ahead and just choose another  random spell Stone skin will do for my thingy   we'll go with war Caster here and accept us up  into level nine uh where we'll all just go ahead   and stop level 10 is where we get our next  set of meta magic and level 11s where we get   our final uh subclass feature and then 12 is our  final feat so that is what the progression looks   like for a sorcerer let's have a conversation  now about how we would multi-class these guys   so you have a ton of options for multi-class  because there's a lot of really fun Charisma   based classes out there you can go with warlock  here to just jump really hard into the Charisma   capabilities you can go with Bard here to go with  those Charisma capabilities even more moreover   you could even drop two levels into fighter and be  great for it because you could go two levels into   fighter you get action surge at level two and now  you can use another action a whole other action   you take your sorcerer to level 10 so it means you  get access to all of your meta-magic capabilities   you you don't get your last subclass feature but  that's okay it's not that crazy most the time and   you miss out on your level 12 feet but getting  access to another action surge is so good for you   so I think that just two levels into fighter  can be a lot of fun and you would take those   um either at the beginning or at the end whichever  we want to see or maybe you'd start as a source or   go a little bit maybe around to a level four and  then two levels into Fighters you could do you   could go sorcerer wild magic and Barbarian wild  uh Wild Heart wild magic whatever it is I think   it's wild hard Barbarian you could do that  if you so wish and and that's a wild thing   just just keep in mind though anytime you are  enraged you cannot cast spells regardless of   which Barbarian subclass you do go with so if you  try to kind of mix those two together just know   that you'd want to do any kind of spell damage or  concentration spell before you enrage yourself so   you can't also cast concerts or spell you can't  cast or concentrate on spells while raging so   just keep that in mind you would want to do all  of it beforehand you didn't rage you'd lose any   concentration you had up but you then go to  town and stuff but what we're going to focus   on today is the sorkidin where you you put two  levels in the Paladin and then the rest of them   into sorcerer now you can do this a number of ways  you could do six and six you could do a bunch of   different concoctions there's a whole different  there's a bunch of different ways to approach   Paladin and sorcerer personally I'm just going  to choose two here because this is going to get   access to all the Marshall the simple and martial  weapons I get all the armor proficiencies I'm good   to go and I have access to a lot of skill  proficiencies if I so wish and I'm going to   go with the oath of ancients here because healing  Radiance just gives me another kind of pocket heel   to take advantage of I like that it's a really  nice thing to kind of have going for me you could   even oath break and take advantage of being an  oath breaker Paladin and a sorcerer if you so wish   the choice is yours so this will also kind of  determine how you're going to set yourself up   and this can be an instance where you know  you put a lot of points here in a charisma   I'm going to put two points into wisdom  I'm Gonna Leave strength and I'm gonna go   like that so now rather than having that that  juicy 16 Constitution we had before I've got   16 dexterity and I'm going to choose finesse  weapons so that I don't need to worry about   spreading myself across strength and dexterity now  of course you can do that you can just say hey you   know what I'm gonna wear heavy armor screw it so  I'm gonna put myself like this and I'm just gonna   I'm gonna take the consequences of whatever they  were and I'm going to have my high Charisma I'm   going to have a decent amount of constitution I'm  going to have just enough dexterity at plus one   to my initiative and I'm going to have uh plus  two to my strength because I'm at 14 strength   you can definitely do that if you want to go with  a strength Paladin maybe using two-handed weapons   whatever it is have at it and then with your  ability scores you can do like oh persuasion   and insight or whatever ones make the most sense  for you but after you do that we're going to jump   into level two Paladin and this is where things  kind of pop off a little bit for you right you   sort of get access to your Divine smites which  is going to give you tons of radiant damage and   spell slots that you can take advantage of as a  paladin we're going to use a fighting style and   of course this is going to depend upon you and  your preference and what you want to do but if   you want to be more like a sorcerer than a  paladin but like a source that could maybe   melee maybe going with something like defense so  it should get one more Armor class while wearing   armor or dueling so do two more damage if you're  using a sword and a shield or protection to allow   you to kind of mitigate damage on friends  I'm just gonna go ahead and go with like   we'll go with defense screw it and then we have  we have spells that we can prepare so here's   two again where you can pull some fun stuff into  this you can go with the storm sorcerer and take   thunderous Smite here and have a lot of fun with  that wrathful Smite you've got your searing Smite   uh you have blasts on this in this situation  you have heroism a lot of really cool spells   you can just kind of take advantage of here in the  beginning and we're not putting any more abilities   into this so uh it's fun it's a fun way to just  kind of spice a little damage into your profile or   however you want to do it you know I don't really  like the heels there we do something like that or   remove this because possibly frightens people  sure but maybe I just want to do more radiant   damage weapon attacks deal an additional one to  four radiant damage on top of my Smite whatever   it is and since I'll also be having a ton of spell  thoughts to take advantage of my Smite will have   pretty much inexhaustible amounts of spell slots  that's not true it's not inexhaustible I have tons   of spell thoughts I can take advantage of while I  then go over into sorcerer now sorcerer subclass   is going to be entirely whatever you want it  to be I choose the one that makes sense for you   draconic bloodline is fine but you do lose out  on draconic resilience right here so just kind of   keep that in mind like don't think oh I'm gonna  get the 13 armor class you won't because you'll   probably be wearing armor since you are already a  paladin but you will get increased hit points for   each sorcerer level you've got and you get the  benefits of the draconic contestory to really   focus on this so like you know what maybe I am  going to go bronze here and I'm going to take more   lightning Focus spells or you know what we'll go  blue because I get an actual lighting ability here   um spells and cantrips has seen fit and just  kind of push through these levels that's really   what you're gonna do you've taken your two  levels into Paladin and you're just going   to take this off into the sunset that's that's  really exactly what's going to happen uh twin   and I will go distant because I'm a paladin right  I'm like oh I'm up close and personal I mean now   we can take like Shield as an ability and it can  use as a reaction to give me more Armor class I   can start to look at some of the abilities that  are a little bit more close combat oriented like   oh this one right here like ice knife or Thunder  Wave because I'm already in the thick of it if I'm   going with a class like this since I now can wear  light medium heavy armor and have a lot of fun   we're just going to keep going through this that's  pretty much what you're going to do I'm just I'm   choosing random mobilities here so this is how  this would work and I think that the sorkidin is   is a very interesting one it's going to require a  lot of finesse on your part to kind of understand   which ones to go with what feeds to go with  you know do I do I weigh in on the Marshall   capabilities of my character and go with something  like ability Improvement and increase my strength   or uh athlete to increase my strength a little bit  here and maybe get some further abilities or jump   into something like maybe I went with two-handed  weapons and I go with great weapon Master here or   I really want to be tankier so now I'm going to  go with heavy armor Master increase my strength   by one but now I take three damage less while  wearing heavy armor or double down on my uh   casting capabilities and go into spell sniper and  Magic initiates and whatever it is to make things   work a little bit more for me warcaster is amazing  here since you're already going to be up close   and personal concentration spells are going to be  going off anyway and shocking grasp can be used as   a reaction rather than actually chopping someone  with a sword a lot of things that you can do   as a sorted so hopefully this gives you a really  fun alternative multi-class to choose or your   sorcerer palette and combination here rather than  just kind of Simply jumping into Bard or warlock   which is just kind of a lot more spells right  you're already taking advantage of your charisma   casting by becoming more of a Charisma Caster  this takes advantage of the fact that you can   really lean into being a uh upfront and personal  individual while also taking advantage of all of   your sorcerer capabilities and at that it brings  our video here to a close so hopefully this helped   you out in deciding how you want to build out your  sorcerer in Baldur's Gate 3. it's a very fun class   and I think personally I always choose Sorcerers  over Wizards and that's not because Wizards are   boring anything you have all these spells you can  access as a wizard I just really like the RP of   the sorcerer right the role play of the sorcerers  that you innately know the magic it's within your   bones in your blood it is a skill you had the  second you open your eyes when you were born   and I love that kind of RP for the character  versus spending years and years and years and   researching and and learning how to cast spells so  that's my personal opinion on sorcerer between and   wizard there but hopefully this helps you out if  you have any other questions go ahead and let me   know in the comment section below but if you have  any recommendations for multi-classes or anything   like that please let it be known in the comment  section below I am always down for people kind   trying to spread as much information about the  game as possible it helps anyone out that's trying   to get in but as always thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 58,093
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Keywords: How to Build a Sorcerer for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer guide, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer build, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer, baldurs gate 3 wizard, baldurs gate 3 guide, sorcerer build baldurs gate 3, bg3 difference between sorcerer and wizard, bg3 sorcerer vs wizard, bg3 draconic bloodline sorcerer, bg3 sorcerer subclasses, bg3 best sorcerer subclass, bg3 wild magic sorcerer, bg3 storm sorcerer build, bg3 sorcadin build
Id: e_88tbPezF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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