Starting Your SECOND (or First) Character in Baldur's Gate 3

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Wellness Gate 3 has been out for over two  weeks now and some of us are ready for our   second playthrough some maybe are just getting  started or if you're like me you've put 100 hours   into the game and are nearing the end of act two  whatever the case you might be wondering what kind   of character should be your next playthrough  well in this video today I'm going to give   you some suggestions for classes multi-class  Combos and races to give a shot in your next   or even your first playthrough of Baldur's Gate  3. the way I'm going to structure this video is   by showing the level up screen for a character so  that I don't spoil the game if you're brand new   or ruin experiencing things for the first time  I know a lot of videos will show off a lot of   gameplay for such things but some seeing something  like Eldridge Blast for the first time in game for   me was an awesome experience and I'd hate to rob  anyone of that experience so we'll just be showing   off the leveling up screen and I'll be talking  about some of those abilities and how they play   into the game if you're new to my channel the  way I do things is by upfronting the knowledge   of my videos so you can find the entire list of  what I'll be talking about in the timeline of   the description basically we'll be discussing  the dark urge a series of multi-classes some   Monk builds and then the races gethianki dwegar  and deep gnomes if none of these interest you or   maybe you've already played them then please  feel free to shut the video down I don't know   why I want you to get back to enjoying the game  as fast as possible before you head out please   don't forget to like comment and or subscribe  each one of those things does help me out in   a very huge way and I would greatly appreciate  it lastly don't forget to shoot me a follow on   Twitch where I will be streaming Baldur's Gate 3  and plenty more let's get started here on starting   your second character in baldurscape 3. to start  this video out let's have a quick discussion about   what you have probably already chosen so taking  a look at the stats from larion they've showed us   that the majority of people are playing half elf  human or just a normal elf and the majority of   people class wise are choosing Paladin Sorcerer  And warlock which are all great classes in fact   a lot of those are going to be in this video here  today and it's a lot of multi-class combinations   so I just want to show you that these are the  way that most people are skewing a lot of their   characters or what they're choosing for a lot of  their classes and none of these are bad choices I   want to make that very apparent up front front if  you want to go through your second playthrough and   play a paladin again then do it if you want to go  through in your second playthrough and you play it   as a cleric and you want to go Paladin please do  it I don't there's nothing wrong with playing the   popular choice in either of these categories what  I'm going to be highlighting here are stuff that's   a little bit more off the beaten path because  maybe you didn't even consider it was an option   or maybe it's something that is not as apparent  and especially when we talk about monk today   we're going to talk about monk in two different  iterations monk is very different in Border skate   3. even playing stuff like the Ranger and The  Beastmaster is very different in Ballers gate   3. it's actually really good in ball just kidding  that's my main character is a is a Beastmaster so   I want to show this off here really quick to just  to have a discussion about what you probably have   already played or what you've seen most people  play and what maybe isn't as popular and what   it doesn't mean again that there's nothing to be  done with those there are things that can be done   in the game as a monk a druid and a cleric that  you can do with no other class especially the   Druid man you can do a lot of really cool things  if you shape-shift into a cat or a mouse and go   into places that you otherwise were not able to  get into although there's no Druid in this video   to talk about that is worth mentioning there are  portions of the game you've probably never been   able to access or use because maybe your character  was too large to fit into them well the Druid can   take advantage of them without being a small  race if you don't want to be a small race or   hey you know it's a little tiny pipe well a mouse  can crawl into that so being any of The Druids   they can all shapeshift and go into any of those  things so consider this when you're taking a look   at your next playthrough let's jump into some  multi-class combinations and thus up before we   break into the actual classes I want to talk about  some really good race options to go into first   um the first one I I forgot to talk about in  the intro because almost all my characters are   drow or half drow so I figured oh everyone  else is like that but that's not the case   um the drow is a very fun race option and maybe  you don't necessarily see yourself playing the   typical Loth sworn drow which is typically evil  but maybe you want to do a soldering drown I'm   sorry if I mispronounced that I don't know the  pronunciation proper which is more of a draw that   lives on the top not the underdark and you aren't  necessarily evil but that's what makes drows so   cool is yeah sure you get the weapon proficiencies  of Rapier short sword and hand crossbow if you   maybe didn't have access to them do a little hand  crossbows is a lot of fun Superior dark vision's   cool and Fey ancestry and bad and saving throws  against being Charmed that's great but there are   a lot of weapons and armor and items in the  game that are drow specific if you're a half   elf drought you don't get to benefit from them  and there's a lot of conversational things that   you'll be able to take advantage of as a drow that  almost no other race gets advantage of or gets to   take advantage of because the story is geared  towards certain elements happening if you've   already gone through the game you have already  understand how much you interact with drow so   being a drought you get a lot of different ways to  play through and experience this if you actually   play as once so it is a strong recommendation  for me it is my personal favorite race in bedroom   um well I guess we'll be under dark room right  outside of that too is the Deep gnome which is   similar right The Gnome itself gets gnome  cunning you have advantage on intelligence   wisdom and Charisma saving throws which are  all actually very nice to have advantage on   also with deep gnome though you get Superior  dark vision but you get stone camouflage so   you have an advantage on stealth checks so if  you're playing any of the stealthy characters   that I'm going to talk about and recommend a Gloom  stalker a rogue anything of the sort that's really   going to be sneaking around a lot even if you  go with a shadow monk getting this advantage on   um stealth checks is really cool and the reason  I'm bringing up a deep gnome is because I think   most people would probably want to go with a dwarf  of some sort maybe they're going to go halfling   because they get the halfling luck capability  which is really goddamn good I think most people   wouldn't think to choose a gnome and you interact  quite a bit with deep gnomes um if you've already   played the game and I hope that's not a spoiler  for you damn it uh well either way um but being   one is quite cool and there's also points in the  game where you can only access if you are a small   race so being a small race like a gnome or a  halfling you get to experience the game in a   very different way and that's why I think it's  a really cool one to take a look at now moving   up just barely out of the uh small braces into the  dwarfs we get the dwegar now dwegar are quite cool   they are again another under I I know there's a  theme here I've just talked about three of the   underdark races but they're they're very very cool  and interesting so dwarfs themself yet battle ax   hand ax light hammer and Warhammer proficiency  dark vision and then dwarf and resilience for   Advantage on saving throws against poison and  resistant to poison damage you you actually   deal with a considerable amount of poison and fire  damage in the game so having revenge on those is   always quite nice but this you have advantage on  saving throws against Illusions and being Charmed   or paralyzed that's another layer of um insulation  but what makes the dweigar pretty cool here is   with this special with this proficiency battle  axes and warhammers you can take advantage of   this as a Caster so you can be a Caster like  a necromancer or any other type of wizard or   sorcerer or what have you and actually just jump  right into using a pretty hard-hitting weapon and   that's a pretty cool way to kind of take a look  at things that's something we're going to talk   about in just a little second here going to the  get Yankee and I I think that's orchest Yankee   which I think is really fun is is trying to break  that mold of Simply being okay I'm a sorcerer I'm   a wizard I've got a robe and I've got a staff  well maybe you take that in and go okay I'm   gonna go Wizard and I'm going to Branch out into  Fighter for two levels to get action surge but now   I actually have access to medium armor so I can  wear medium armor have a battle ax or Warhammer   and still be a casting Wizard or Source or what  have you a heavy armor shuts that off but still   it's fun to play around with and lastly this  brings us to the GIF now GIF I think the one   problem I have with the GIF is I visually do  not like them and I think it's why they are the   lowest uh played race I think a lot of people  can't really kind of get their head around it   um I think honestly the female gets looks  way better than a male GIF I mean even   look at lizelle lizelle is actually  a pretty badass looking character   and this guy just looks like he wants to buy crack  rocks so the big thing here is gith gets a lot of   really cool things as they level and I haven't  talked about the abilities you get with her   gnome dwarf and drow as they level up because  the gift ones are are particularly poignant   um astral knowledge is cool so you gain  Proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability   meaning go to abilities let's press change so if  I press if I if I press that button include and   choose strength that's Athletics and acrobatics  but you know what maybe I'm gonna press that   button and I'm going to choose Charisma and maybe  I'm not a Charisma character maybe I'm playing a   barbarian or a fighter and I'm not touching my  charisma at all and I don't have the bonuses   here well deception intimidation performance and  persuasion are all Charisma ability skills so   tripping this off is going to give me Proficiency  in them it starts off at a PLA and proficiency   remember is a plus you get your proficiency bonus  at this current state in the game at level one   that is plus two but that comes up to three and  then eventually four so you get four in that of   deception intimidation performance or persuasion  if you have no Charisma points if you do you get   even more right you'll get your innate ability  score plus your proficiency bonus these are   really great ways to pull a lot more out of this  uh race that you don't maybe you're not specialize   in these specific skills you get a lot more out of  it and on top of it too GIF get this a lifetime of   Relentless training gives your armor proficiency  with light and medium armor as well as proficiency   with short sword long sword and Greatsword so  since there are no specific ability scores tied to   your race anymore right you you choose your plus  two and your plus one then playing a gith sorcerer   or a gith wizard or I don't care a gif warlock  gives you access to these proficiencies of both   armor and weapons right out the gate you don't  need to be a packed blade Warlock and then you   still get short sword long sword and Greatsword  you get access to light and medium armor which   you would otherwise only have access to light  armor or maybe you want to jump into Bard all   these things gith kind of opens the door for you  and it's something that I think that most people   probably wouldn't even think to look at because  of the GIF now you do get Mage hand but you   eventually get the ability to jump super far they  get like their psychonetic jump or whatever it's   called and I think it's a 3X jump they can jump  three times as far so you can get to all the jump   little puzzles in the game pretty easily using a  gith just innately by leveling them up it is one I   think that a lot of people sleep on but once you  can get over the physical look of the character   I mean I mean probably just randomize it we're  getting wild but once you get over the physical   look of the character you really can have a really  fun one with your gift Yankee or Yankee if if just   a gift I'm gonna call it gif I'm gonna muck up  the pronunciation more than I already have I start   us off and I'm using Shadow Hearts armor because  it's like the least spoilery armor I can think of   um we're gonna talk about the Monk and the monk  is one of those not very played classes we're   gonna go through specifically the way of the  four elements so this is a monk that's going   to be using dexterity uh for majority of its  damage right that's how you're also going to   be using to cast your spells as we push through  this now if you've never looked at monk monk   is an unarmored class very similar to say the  Barbarian you can wear armor with the Barbarian   but that's not really the goal here with the monk  you get things like unarmored defense while not   wearing armor you add your wisdom modifier to  your armor class so it stands to reason just   like a barbarian wants High Constitution and a  considerable amount of decks the monk wants High   dexterity because that's how their unarmed damage  is being done and a considerable amount of wisdom   to get further bonuses to their AC then you're  gonna get dexterous attacks so again an armored   attack scale with your dexterity instead of your  strength if your dexterity is higher death strikes   the attacks with monk weapons and unarmored  tax deal one to four bludgeoning damage until   their normal damage is higher and then bonus  unarmed strike so after making an attack with   a monk weapon or while unarmed you can make  another unarmed strike as a bonus action so   basically out the gate you get extra attack if  you want to think of it if you're unarmed but   as you kind of progress through this you'll see  that when we push into the monk level two we're   gonna get some more fun stuff we get our first key  point or an additional key point Sorry Now key is   interesting is that it is used as a resource for  you depending on which of your three subclasses   you choose and this time we're taking the way  of the four elements think of them almost like   casting slots you'll use them to cast your  spells as where the four elements is geared   towards basically casting monk magic but you'll  get a lot of really cool things like bonus actions   that allow you to disengage to Dash and you get  patient defense here against your tackles against   you have disadvantage and you have advantage on  Deck starting saving throws so you become quite   a nibble little little person just like Rogue does  right and you move faster on Armored movement you   increase your movement speed I'm a Wood Elf so  I go even faster now but as we push into level   three we get access to our subclass with way of  the four elements and this is where things get   really fun so or through also to you get deflect  missiles which is awesome right use your dexterity   modifier plus your monk level to help deflect  against ranged attacks Harmony of fire and water   because I've chosen way of the four elements which  allows me to regain half your key points rounded   down rather than doing a short rest key points  regenerate every short rest and this harmony of   the fire and water allows me to regenerate key  points without resting this is a once per long   rest ability but then I get these spells and  you might recognize some of these spells fist   of four Thunders it's just simply Thunder Wave  uh blade of rhyme you know these are are pretty   basic looking abilities here right like sphere  of Elemental balance it's just chromatic orb   um a hurdles fear that deals through the 24  lightning damage and possibly Christian service   on impact so sorry it's not chromatic orb but  still you can see that these are very similar   looking but then you get stuff like this fangs of  the fire snake hit your foe from afar your next   melee attack deals an additional one to four so  it's a 20 foot range on this bad boy or fist of   unbroken air push the target back and knock it  prone or shaping of the ice create a climbable   ice cube you have all these really awesome  capabilities here as a uh four elements Monk and   this gets crazier and crazier as you push through  it it's a very fun class that I think a lot of   people sleep on because I'm like what am I going  to do with this guy I'll just go ahead and play   um an actual um I'll be definitely a war Caster  here I'll go play like an actual casting class but   no the monk gets to take advantage of all these  really cool abilities and every handful of levels   um it's level six level nine and level 11.  you get even more spells to take advantage   of you get extra attack too so you're doing even  more damage you get stunning strike here for you   have certain monk weapons that are considered  manly but I'm mainly just talking about the uh   the unarmor abilities here but also at level  seven you get access to a very spicy thing   called evasion so we're gonna choose one more  spell here I'm just going to choose and keep   pushing through but at level seven here we're  going to get evasion which is very very nice   and it's a very nice ability so evasion your  agility lets you dodge out of the way of   certain spells when a spell or effect would deal  half damage in fact would deal half damage on a   successful dexterity throw it deals no damage as  you succeed and only half damage if you fail so   it allows you to have even more tank ability and  the monk is a character I just think that a lot of   people probably look at is it's probably not going  to be very tanky it's probably not going to do a   lot of damage I'm probably not going to have a  lot of fun casting spells but it has got a ton of   fun built into the package so take a look at the  monka for a wave four elements especially if you   go with a bald Monk find a certain cabbage vendor  in Baldur's Gate 3 is all I'll say is also you   have to make your character bald and they have to  be a monk but those two things keep them in mind   sticking with the monk we're going to talk about  the way of the open hand but we're going to take a   different approach here so going into our ability  score remember we talked about how dexterity and   wisdom are very important for monk well let's  read this one more time so on our defense again   this is your wisdom modifier as well as your  dexterity modifier are factored into your AC but   also dexterous attacks attack with the monk weapon  attack with monk weapons and unarmed attacks scale   with your dexterity instead of your strength if  your Dex is higher so what you're doing here is   you're trying to pull a lot of strength into your  character because you're going to use the tavern   brawler uh feat which will basically double your  strength modifier into your attacks so you get   to choose here do you want to go like this or  do you want to do this so it's basically just   a difference of do you want to go with like a 17  or or 16 uh dexterity you're going to get plenty   of ways to benefit both of them there's plenty  of ways to increase them but you want to go   with something heavier in the strength Department  because once we get to level four we're going to   increase it with Tavern bar so let's take a look  at what that looks like so again subclass we're   going to be choosing way of the Open Hand which is  really focusing on your unarmed damage then we're   going to push here into level four and choose our  feet which is going to be Tavern brawler now this   is better than it was in tabletop so when you're  making an armed attack use an improv improvised   weapon or throw something your strength modifier  is added twice the damage and attack rolls you can   see that right here and then we get to choose one  more to Constitution or one more to strength we're   going to push up our strength because our strength  right now is plus three to strength checks   now it's a plus four so this doubles it right we  get plus eight it's juicy it makes it so that our   unarmed attacks are absolutely devastating we  can do just absolute karate chops in the face   here I'm just gonna go ahead and press back and  take a look at what our unarmed strike is and I'm   not even all the way leveled up this is going  to be 9 to 14 plus 8 there right because it is   a unarmed attack that we're using otherwise this  would say plus four now of course as you level up   and go through you would have this be a higher  number and everything like that and I'm just   showing you what it would look like here at level  five but still my point Remains The Open Hand   um subclass for monk with Tavern brawler is a  wrecking house next up is lockadin or a paladin   and a warlock multi-class my really good friend  remortis just made an amazing video on this I'm   going to link that in the description and the pin  comment he has it's like a 27 minute video and he   really goes into all the nitty-gritty so please go  check him out he's an up-and-coming YouTuber with   some great informations on this club this subclass  or I'm sorry this uh multi-class but you would so   go ahead and choose a class for Paladin and you  want to spread of strength and Charisma because   you're going to be pulling from your capabilities  as a paladin which are very Charisma Centric   and then you're going to be pulling from your  capabilities as a warlock well you guess it's also   charismocentric this is a really good character  too if you're playing your main character and you   want to take advantage of any of the skill  checks that are Charisma related all those   conversational ones but you can still do this  for someone like lizelle subclasses though you   have all three of the Oaths to take advantage of  even the hidden one the oath breaker my personal   preference is oath of devotion because you get  holy rebuke Grant and Ally eventual aura that   deals one to four radiant damage to anyone who  hits them within a melee attack oh the devotion   um this is basically the tenant you have to  apply but you'll have a Smite which we're   going to take a look at in a little bit here  um every single Paladin has to apply or has   to follow their tenants or else they become an  oath breaker if you did not know that but oathod   devotion will eventually also get sacred weapon  which we'll take a look at here at your your   um your channel oath let's now take a look at  what the future of your uh your Paladin looks   like so at level two we're starting to spice into  some fun stuff we're getting our divine Smite   online with radiant damage which is really good  in a lot of portions of the game you're getting   your spells online you get your fighting style of  either great weapon fighting defense dueling or   protection whichever route you're going to  be taking here with your character and you   have a lot of options at your disposal you know  thunderous all these cool things that you can   take advantage of so we're going to go ahead I'm  just going to choose I don't know dual we'll go   dueling and press accept here and then you have a  choice you can either decide to stay as a paladin   at level two um all the way up to level five so  you get your extra attack or you can start spicing   into warlock at this point um your point you're  basically you choose at level two after level two   to go into warlock or you take Paladin level five  to get your extra attack online it's entirely up   to you but like I said here's sacred weapon turns  your weapon into a Saker weapon you're probably   wondering what that means wielder's Charisma  modifier is added to attack rules made with   this weapon has become a magical and it emits  light so your strength modifier plus three now   gets that Charisma modifier plus two it's really  God damn cool now we're going to go ahead and add   in a class here and we're gonna go with warlock  and then we get all of our can chips you know   we're getting when you know we're getting that  Outreach class that uh that Elders baby and you   can then choose two do you want to go fiend great  old one Arch Fey you have all these different   options you can do Mortal reminder here when you  land a crit hit against a creature that creature   in any nearby enemies must succeed a wisdom saving  throw or become frightened until the next turn so   you get to then kind of spice out how you  want this to be do you want to Simply go with   um the the great old one do you want to do Fiend I  I mean it's really kind of going to be up to you I   personally like the fiend because the dark one's  blessing and the progression point of the fiend   and how this ability kind of spirals out and gets  some other ones after you kill things so when you   reduce the enemies a hostile creature to zero hit  points this gift from your Patron grants you three   Tamp hit points and that's just here at level one  but this will this will expand out and give you   more and more if you've played with will in a game  already you already see what some of these other   fiend subclass features can be as you level  up but eventually they'll get stuff like dark   one's own luck which adds to your ability score  scores as a 1d6 on certain checks stuff like that   a lot of really cool things that unlock with  whichever one you choose this is another thing   that remortis was talking about too he was like I  I go with the Fiend I like it a lot more um and I   definitely Echo that sentiment but can trips too  blade water is really good because you're going   to be in close combat anyway your spell is here  too you're going with arms of Hadar or armor of   agathis whatever how you pronounce it these are  just really great tools to add in to the Paladin's   already existing strong close combat kit and I  strongly recommend it moving into our next level   for warlock we're definitely going to go with  our elders invocations and agonizing blast and   repelling blast you can swap out other things in  different locations if you so wish but agonizing   blast is very good because it adds your charisma  modifier to the damage that Eldritch blast deals   and it's a very good range stability for you so  I would definitely go with that and then in our   next location we now choose our pact as a warlock  and this is where things are very spicy so one   thing to also note is that warlocks have special  warlock spell slots those spell slots regenerate   whenever you do a short rest but they also can  be empowered in the sense that a level one spell   cast with a warlock spell slot casts at the  highest spell level you can cast let me rephrase   that if you cast a level one spell and you can  cast level three spells if you use a warlock spell   slot it casts at level three it doesn't need to be  a level three spell slot if if you're brand new to   the DND and that one over your head don't worry  you'll it'll make sense as you jump into the game   go ahead and just choose another thing here but  packed Boon here pack to the chain the blade   or the tone so you can really kind of decide how  you go about this um this will give you guidance   vicious mockery and Thorn whip chain here is  going to give you a familiar but pack to the blade   is particularly nice because this gives us the  ability to bind a packed weapon so or make a pack   weapon you pretty much choose one or the other  so if you have a weapon you really like you bind   it and now you're proficient in it and you get the  benefit of being of it being a pack weapon meaning   there we go summon a weapon to your hand it uses  the wielder's spell casting ability modifier which   is charisma for you and its damage is magical you  are proficient with the weapon you can only have   one in a timed weapon disappear blah blah so you  can either make one out of thin air or bind one   to you that you already are using it's a really  nice way to kind of again add more to the kit of   Paladin but here we're going on to warlock at  level four just bringing this up to enough to   get a feat probably go with something like War  Caster who knows I'm just I'm just choosing it   at random here right um and again I would go up to  level five with our warlock because then we would   get access to basically our next set of spells  here uh and our next Eldridge invocation which   is which would be quite nice so that is how your  uh warlock Paladin would work after you do this   you just go back into Paladin and carry it on into  the future or you'd start with Paladin up to five   and do your warlock into the future whichever one  makes the most sense for you but I think you're   really gonna like the way that these two classes  play with each other because there's just so much   ways to to make your close combat abilities  absolutely rock house and get Hunger of Hadar   Hadar it's so goddamn good now our next option  is The Bard lock very similar to your lock it in   right where you're using the Charisma capabilities  of the Paladin and the Warlock in conjunction   well you're now doing that with the Bard you're  using your capabilities of Bard alongside your   charisma capabilities of warlock but you have two  choices here do you want to be more of a lore and   casting style of Bard or do you want to be more  of an up close personal warlock that has barred   capabilities so if you want to go with the support  Bard you would start with a Bard first and you'd   go 10 levels into lore Bard and then two levels  into warlock probably choosing one of the packs   uh conversely you would do five levels of warlock  first and then seven levels of Bard so you would   go warlock to five you'll impact of the blade and  then your seventh level uh are you going to Bard   and choose Bard College of Swords up to level  seven and let me just kind of show you again   what that looks like you you it's actually  this is actually a pretty good split right   here I'm not gonna lie to you this this will do  pig I maybe do that I don't know it depends on   what kind of ability scores you want to take  advantage of between intelligence and wisdom   um and then kind of go from there you start off  we're going to assume you want to go with the   support Bard because I already have the archetype  for the other one made for you so you would go   with this we press confirm we'd level up again and  we'd push ourselves here now into the respective   College as we get access to it now a cool thing  here for song of rest is that you and your allies   are revitalized as though you have taken a  short rest so it's a nice to have on either   starting as a Bard or spicing into Bard later  because just being able to get a hit points   recovered without actually having to rest  is just a nice way to just get a little bit   more out of things and I'm guys I'm just choosing  spells please I know that some some of these have   choices are just kind of haphazard I'm just doing  it to make my point throughout my videos here   um I'm like oh my God what am I ever gonna use  that uh it doesn't again it doesn't really matter   but now you're choosing your college right so  College of lore you're really kind of going on   that more not necessarily even support route but  you're you're favoring more the casting portion   versus Valor and swords which are more towards  close combat or at least turning your Bardock   Inspirations to combat focused things so cutting  words use your wit to distract accoutrements have   its confidence and additional proficiencies  game proficiencies in Arcana intimidation and   sleight of hand I'm just gonna go ahead and  press accept here and it just kind of pushes   you through however you want to go ahead and make  this character however you want to do these can   trips and stuff like that and I'm sorry however  you want to do these things maybe spell sniper   there it is gives you an additional can  trap here I'm gonna get Eldridge blast so   it's not really necessarily useful here  maybe go with something like that I mean   Elder Splash is still useful but still my  point remains right now I'm just choosing   stuff to push me through and you're going to  be able to then choose the branch out now into   um your Warlock and you can do that warlock here  at level five after level five because this is   when you're gonna get improved bartic inspiration  at level five here and font of inspiration you   regain all Bardock inspiration after a long or  short rest so it's a really nice way to get more   bartic on Inspirations per rest out of your  character rather than having to wait all the   way through to a long rest here and that at five  here I could go spice two levels into warlock if   I want to get those abilities online whatever it  is but you really want to take advantage a lot   here in using your Barta capabilities so here's  will and will is set up to be the other end of   death Spectrum right that level five warlock you  start off with warlock this time around and you   get up to level five and then switch to Bard and  do Seven Levels into Bard you'll choose College of   swords at level three Bard and this is where you  get to have some fun choosing how your character   approach fights do I be more of a melee-centric  character or do I jump in heavy with my blasting   capabilities from range because packed or I'm  sorry a college of Swords is going to allow you   to use your bardic Inspirations on faints which  is very fun and cool and unique and since this   character does already have that capability it's  very cool now what you also want to take a look at   too uh is that we've talked about this but just  to kind of show you so my Wallach spell level   is three I can cast up a level three warlock  spells but I can only cast level one currently   um Bard spells if I click this I can choose a  level one spell slot that will only regenerate   on a long rest right once per long rest or  up the ante here on this bad boy and make it   a level three warlock spell slot sure I only  have two but they regenerate on a short rest   so in a big situation where I'm like you know  what I I just really need to do something big   all right I've already done some of my other  warlock abilities I know I only have two let   me get a big dissonant Whispers out so now my  distant Whispers goes from being 3 to 18 damage   to now 5 to 30 damage so this is what I mean in  that you can really spice the way your spell slots   work with warlock and with Bard and this is true  of of the Paladin that we talked about but I just   really wanted to show this off and how it really  can be an amazing character for you to have fun   with now the last one I want to talk about is the  Gloom stalker assassin or Thief type character   when you make your character you're going to start  off as a rogue and the important reason behind   this is you want to get access to sneak attack  remember sneak attack doesn't mean that you have   to be sneaking to do it you deal extra damage to  a foe you have advantage against is what it means   so if someone's blinded you get damage to them and  I think the the formula for sneak attacks damages   it increases every odd number of levels something  like that so this is a scaling damage that will   get better and better as your character levels  getting access to it level one is crucial because   also it works if an ally is within five feet of  the Target and you don't have disadvantage so if   you're stacked up with say lizelle or any of you  other more close combat oriented characters you're   still getting the advantage of using sneak attack  so you want to get this online first it's why you   start level one as a rogue and then after that  your ability score you want to have dexterity High   because you're a rogue you're going on dexterity  and finesse you're going to have your Constitution   High because you will be up close and personal and  you're going to go with wisdom at 16 because we're   going to be immediately jumping into uh Ranger  which uses wisdom as its capabilities now I've   kept charisma at 10 because I'm assuming you're  making your main character this but if you're say   maybe doing this with a Starion or anyone who's  not going to be doing conversation checks if   you're to drop it I mean if you really want them  in Max it you definitely can and have a little   fun with spices around maybe your Constitution  or other parts of this this uh the realm here   but I just want to let you know that you have  that freedom if you if you absolutely need it   so now that we've done that after level one  you're immediately going to jump into Ranger   and Ranger is going to hold true here even  though if you stay rogue you get your cunning   actions which is very good I'm definitely  not discounting them because basically this   and this allows you to attack something cutting  action hide and then the next turn sneak attack   but that's not the role of this character this  character is going to be basically an ambush   specialist and then for favorite enemy I would  choose maybe something like Bounty Hunter here   um you gain Proficiency in investigation which is  really good in just a general World creatures you   hit within snaring strike have disadvantage on  their saving throw which is very nice too Mage   Breakers okay I don't like true strike Ranger  Knight is cool if you really want to go with   heavy armor but heavy armor will put a penalty on  stealth so be careful there this gives you sacred   flame and Keeper of the veil is I'm like stoked on  it and then one of your natural Explorer ones you   should pick up for your skill one of your skills  proficiency inside of hand so you don't have to   get Urban tracker I would get one of the Wasteland  Wanderers because this gives you resistance to   Coal damage meaning it deals half damage to you  or fire damage or poison damage so maybe go with   fire or pose poison personally um and then from  there we just kind of keep leaning into Ranger you   want to get Ranger up to level five again for the  same reason that we have for a lot of other melee   classes getting them to level five also gets us  access to our extra attack so we're going to go   archery here because what you're doing with this  character is your dual wielding hand crossbows if   you've never done it it's so gratifying it  is so gratifying and then for our subclass   uh we're gonna go gloomstalker don't sleep on  Beastmaster not for this situation if you want   to make a Beastmaster you go pure Beastmaster  because they've got scaling beasts at certain   levels but gloomstalker is where we're going  because we want dread ambusher you specialize in   taking out foes swiftly and ruthlessly you gain  plus three to initiative meaning you're almost   always going first you are the alpha Striker on  the first turn of combat your movement speed is   increased by 10 feet and you can make an extra  or make an attack that deals an additional 1v8   add that to your sneak attack you're doing  a ton of damage um dread Ambush or hide so   remember I said yeah we want that cunning action  well you get it right here hide from enemies by   succeeding stealth checks stick to the dark  and avoid enemy deciding attacking this is a   bonus action that's what I'm trying to say it's a  bonus action hide and then umbral shroud wrapped   yourself in Shadows to become invisible if you  are obscured and you also get disguise self so   um you get some fun fancy abilities and you  can also get longstrider which is a ritual   spell what does that mean it doesn't cost you  a spell slot to cast uh the ranger longstrider   ability it says level one spell slot here but  if I jump back down to the game I can cast this   on everyone it lasts until a long rest and then  you can go ahead and have the entire party move   10 feet faster it's it's quite nice here and  then we would keep progressing this bad boy up   to get our feet um this is one that alert is very  good you gain a plus five bonus initiative and you   can't be surprised you already got A plus three  but you can take advantage of this if you so wish   but Sharpshooter is going to be disgusting for  you your ranged weapon attacks do not receive   penalties from High Ground rules and range weapon  attacks with weapons you are proficient with have   a minus five penalty to their attack Roll But deal  an additional 10 damage I cannot stress enough how   awesome this really works especially if you're  going with like a drow and you get that hand   crossbow are you already had hand crossbow too  as being a uh a ranger should give you access to   hand cross but I believe uh but still regardless  Sharpshooter is going to be an amazing feat for   you and you would just take this all the way  up here to level five get that extra action   this one right here extra attack I'm just  choosing spells here to two spells oh my God   and then you jump back into gloom's Rogue to  finish off your leveling process and then again   for rogue you would you'd stick with Rogue and  go either thief or assassin you'd choose Thief   if you want to have more bonus action fun and a  lot more World capability assassin if you want to   continue to be that Alpha strike badass so this is  a really fun class if you wanted more of a stealth   route and didn't want to get up close and personal  and have a lot of fun kind of maneuvering around   the game now that we've talked about races we've  talked about classes the last thing I want to talk   about is origin now you can jump into the any of  the origin characters if you so wish but the game   will play effectively the same as it would for a  custom just with the added little bits of their   specific story in mind but what I really want you  to try if this is your second playthrough if it's   your first definitely give it a shot if you want  to but it's the dark urge and the dark urge is   a very chaotic way to play this game  in in just lots of ways and you can be   completely it's a custom uh racing class  you can choose whatever the hell you want   here you don't have to be there's a hulked out  sorcerer oh steroids uh you don't have to be   um uh Dragonborn or whatever but the  darker also you don't have to be evil   uh what I want you to really consider when  you take a look at the dark urges it is a very   demented way to play the game The Very opening  portions of the game talk about putting your   fingers through a brain like you've probably seen  the little thing with a squirrel I'm not going to   say anymore if you have not but there are a lot  of things in the game that you'll experience where   your character has completely terrifying ways  to approach things that are unlike the good or   bad options in a normal playthrough it is entirely  different and you also get rewarded with items and   things that you wouldn't otherwise not get if you  did not choose the dark urge so it is a different   way to play the game and I think that there's a  really fun way to play it the way personally I'm   gonna approach dark urge is I'm gonna be making  a tiefling that is Mephistopheles that is a monk   and he's gonna go the the four elements and he's  gonna spend the entire campaign resisting the   urge and I think that's going to be a really fun  way to play or maybe you know what you go with   a paladin and you're trying to stay true to your  tenants while resisting this dark urge constantly   telling you to like I don't know punch a child  I I don't have no idea I have not played the   darker so I couldn't tell you so I think or maybe  you give in and you become an oath breaker dark   urge Paladin there's a lot of really cool ways  to approach the dark urge it's not just simply   yeah yeah you're gonna be a really big [ __ ]  no you can really resist this or you can give   in when it makes sense like maybe you're playing  another example here would be you're maybe you're   playing a druid where I can't even find and and  you're going down the circle of moon and and you   you you give in to whenever this makes sense for  you to be mad about something as a druid but the   dark urge pushes you just over the top maybe  it's an otherwise pretty good playthrough but   if you see someone like defacing nature you just  go completely berserk there are so many fun ways   that you can play this and I really encourage  you to take a look at this origin if you've not   done so yet but at that Bros it brings this video  here to a close so thank you so much for watching   here today uh the trailer you're seeing right now  is a three plus year old game trailer to the game   this is not my b-real so don't worry I guess  necessarily about spoilers because a lot of   this stuff is changed but um I really want you  to play your second playthrough with a little   bit more Spice in your first maybe you played  the first one very not boring but you played   it very safe you played a human Paladin you were  the good guy and you won the day larion has said   there are tons of ways to end this game there are  hundreds I think maybe even thousands I remember   of endings so experience it in a new way you don't  need to be the the ultimate evil person you can be   someone that's maybe a little bit more neutral  you can be someone that maybe is a little more   chaotic good which of course now we don't have  those alignments but still you can approach this   in a bunch of different ways and hopefully these  spicy options for classes gave you a different   route to approach this or maybe some different  race options or Origins whatever it is and if you   have any recommendations and please let me know  in the comment section below say hey you know what   I approached this game from this angle using  these classes in this race and I really had a   lot of fun but what I don't want you to do  is min max this don't look at these things   and say well he said play this level five don't  do that if you don't want to I want you to play   the class the race the the multi-class however  the hell you want I just kind of try to give   you a basic blueprint if you've never spiced  into multi-class or whatever it is so please   have a lot of fun here there's so many options  you could take advantage of in Baldur's Gate 3   and you don't know how many things that you've  experienced on your first playthrough which are   drastically different every time you play I'm I  have three or four congruent playthroughs running   because I have making videos and I make doing  separate streams and stuff like that and almost   every interaction in the game has not been the  same from playthrough to play through and I've   have some that are the exact same style of okay  I want this guy to be a good guy but I've maybe   failed certain checks here and there that have  made the conversation go an entirely different   angle so this game has so much replayability  baked into it and it's not like the the crpgs   of old where it's like binary of okay it's good  or bad outcome it's there's a lot of gray in here   so have fun enjoy yourself and if you have any  questions by all means let it be known in the   comment section below but thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care [Music]   thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 101,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starting Your SECOND (or First) Character in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, Bardlock, bg3 bardlock, bg3 paladin build, bg3 oath of devotion, bg3 dark urge, bg3 lockadin build, bg3 monk build, bg3 monk multiclass, bg3 monk four elements build, bg3 best race, bg3 fun race, bg3 second character, bg3 second playthrough, bg3 next playthrough, bg3 character builds, bg3 playthrough ideas, bg3 tavern brawler, bg3 drow, bg3 druergar, bg3 githyanki, bg3 builds
Id: sM01Y1_pGQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 11sec (2591 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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