Baldur's Gate 3 Warlock Guide - All Subclasses (Fiend, Great Old One, Archfey)

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in the smaller's gate 3 warlock class guide I'm going to be covering the Warlock class including all three subclasses and providing you some useful information and tips I'll be doing more build guides for balder Skate 3 including warlock but for now let's look at how the Warlock functions and its basics warlocks and baldi's Gate 3 are a very unique class that operates somewhat like a spellcaster and somewhat like a martial character they can learn up to level 5 spells but their claim to fame is their cantrip Eldritch blast that shoots a beam of force damage from very long distances and can be upgraded to knock enemies backward they also have very high Charisma making them great at handling dialogue warlocks make a pact with a powerful being in order to obtain their magic and this grants them packed magic spell slots that operate a bit differently than all other spellcasters and Baldur's Gate 3. they gain far fewer spell slots than other spell casters but they can replenish them on short rest which no other Caster can unlike Sorcerers or Wizards warlocks can actually mainly rather effectively thanks to their pack to the blade feature which not only allows their chosen packed weapon to roll using Charisma instead of strength or dexterity but at level 5 they also gain an extra attack each turn like most other Marshall classes when using said weapon this allows them to play effectively in melee or at range while still having potent spell casting first we'll take a look at how to set up your warlock during character creation for best results we'll begin with abilities first since this is arguably the most important part aside from choosing your subclass your primary abilities as a warlock are Charisma and Constitution but you may also want some dexterity for improved initiative and armor class Charisma will affect how difficult it is for enemies to save against your spells it will improve your dialogue skill checks and it will also increase the likelihood of your Eldritch blast hitting your Target and if you took pack to the blade it will also affect How likely your melee attacks are to hit with your packed weapon as well as how much damage they deal Constitution is there to help keep you alive via HP and also to help you maintain concentration on spells like witchfold cloud of daggers or Darkness for this reason I strongly recommend that you invest 16 in Charisma during character creation and probably 16 in Constitution you can set dexterity at 14 to gain some extra Armor class and initiative especially if you end up taking medium armor proficiency later on from a feed or multi-class where you got it from your race note that I've changed this from the recommendations as it's more optimized for your character during the early of the game when it comes to race the first one I recommend is get Yankee since this provides the Warlock with medium armor proficiency as well as astral knowledge allowing them to gain Proficiency in one ability each long rest they will also gain Misty Step at level 5 which can help with warlock positioning half elf is also a great choice for shield proficiency as well as Fey ancestry which provides advantage on saving throws against Charmed and sleep immunity they also gain dark vision but this is less useful to warlocks who can gain this via the devil's sight Eldritch invocation humans are also a good choice for the same Shield proficiency as half elf but they also exchange Fey ancestry for one skill if you want more skills on your warlock then this may be a better choice than half elf and half work is also not bad for dark vision Relentless endurance and higher melee critical damage than other races especially if you plan to play a melee focused warlock for skills you'll minimally want proficiency and intimidation and deception since you should be handling the dialogue in your group of playing a warlock unless you bring will along you can use your background to take Guild Artisan which will give you persuasion and insight and then use one point to select intimidation and the other to select deception at level 1 warlocks will gain access to Eldritch blast which is a unique cantrip that deals 1 to 10 Force damage to an enemy from incredible range cantrips are effectively level zero spells that can be cast each turn Eldritch blast targets the armor of the enemy and works much like any other ranged attack except that it uses the Charisma modifier of the Warlock for its attack role this means it is more accurate from elevation has disadvantage when used in melee range of an enemy and gains Advantage when used when hidden from enemies just like ranged attacks Eldritch blast can be upgraded at later levels to deal more damage and to knock back enemies struck by it and will gain additional beams that increase with your character level this is an important distinction from class level because this means multi-classing will not reduce the effectiveness of Eldritch blast warlocks also gained their first packed magic spell slot at level 1. hacked magic spell slots function differently from all their spell slots in the game and they are a different color to reflect this hacked magic spell slots replenish after each short rest instead of long rest like normal spell slots allowing them to be used more frequently before needing to Long rest additionally each Bell cast with a packed magic spell slot is always cast at the highest level of spell known by the Warlock many lower level spells in bg3 can be upcast using higher level spell slots to Greater effect and warlocks automatically upcast every spell they know if it can be because of their packed magic spell slots warlocks gain far fewer spells than the typical Caster however and they know far fewer spells as well though they don't need to repair their spells ahead of time and can cast any spell they know as long as they have one spell slot available at level 2 the Warlock will get to pick two Eldritch invocations from a list and these will all have different effects more Eldritch invocations will unlock as the Warlock levels up and they will get to choose a total of six Eldritch invocations in bg3 giving them a lot of flexibility and making each warlock a bit different depending on what they choose I highly recommended this level you select agonizing blast to add your charisma modifier to Eldridge blast damage making it on par with a weapon attack fiendish figure is also good since it provides you some extra HP before each fight without using a spell slot and it's much better early on in the game than later otherwise I'd recommend repelling blast warlocks also gain a second pack magic spell slot at this level allowing them to cast two spells before each short rest and this is the last pack magic spell slot they will gain until Level 11. at level 3 warlocks gain one of three packed Boons packed of the chain packed of the blade or packed of the tone familiars are nice for another body on the battlefield and imps can fly and become invisible making them great Scouts being able to reach places unseen being able to use your charisma the melee gives the Warlock the ability to melee effectively even with low strength and dexterity it also allows them to focus solely on Charisma and Constitution allowing them to push these ability scores high with little Divergence being able to use guidance is great but only if no one else in your party can cast it vicious mockery is a good pickup as it allows you to prevent dangerous enemies from hitting your tanks when needed and Thorn whip allows you to pull enemies to their deaths though this won't be all that often warlock's spell slots also increase to level two at this level allowing you to select level 2 spells and also upcasting any level 1 spell using your spell slots if it can be at warlock level 4 you'll get to select one feet from the feed list ability Improvement is not a bad choice here to get your charisma to 18. since this affects your dialogue Eldritch blast melee attacks if you chose pact of the blade and the difficulty class of your spells alert is also a good choice since it allows you to take your turn earlier in combat which can help you get off spells like hypnotic pattern before enemies take their turn making some combats much less difficult at warlock level 5 warlocks will deepen their pack with their Patron allowing them some new capabilities depending on which pack they chose at level 3. if they chose pack to the chain they're familiar will gain an extra attack every turn if they chose pack to the blade they'll gain an extra attack every turn if they use their packed weapon to attack and if they chose pack to the Tome they'll be able to cast call lightning animate dead and haste once prolonged rest each warlocks will also get to choose a third Eldritch invocation at this level including two new ones that let you learn slow or bestow curse here I recommend selecting repelling blast which can make your Eldritch blast knock enemies backwards knocking enemies backwards in G3 can often kill enemies in one shot depending on where they are positioned so it's more significant than it appears warlock spell slots also increase to level 3 spell slots at this level and they gain access to level 3 spells and lastly Eldritch blast will gain a second Beam at this level allowing them to Target the same Target a second time or to Target a second target if they prefer these things all added together make level 5 a very important level for warlocks at warlock level 6 each warlock will gain a subclass feature that changes depending on which subclass was chosen and we'll cover this in the Warlock subclasses section at level 7 warlocks will get to choose a fourth Eldritch invocation including three new ones that let you learn Ray of sickness chromatic orb and silence once per rest each or let you cast confusion or let you cast polymorph I recommend selecting Meyer of the Mind here because slow can really mess with a group of enemies turning the tides of battle warlock's fell slots also increase to level 4 spell slots at this level and they gain access to level 4 Spells at warlock level 8 you'll get to select one feed from the feat list ability Improvement is not a bad choice here to get your charisma to 20 since this affects your dialogue Eldritch blast melee attacks if you chose packets blade and the difficulty class of your spells again alert is also a good choice since it allows you to take your turn earlier in combat which can help you get off spells like hypnotic pattern before enemies take their turn making some combats less difficult or resilient Constitution for improved concentration checks at level 9 the warlock spell slots reach their max level of 5 and they will not increase from this point onward warlocks also gain their fifth Eldritch invocation at this level including three new ones that let you cast minions of chaos enhance leap or speak with the dead meanings of chaos is a good choice if you want a strong summons but enhanced leap lets you cast this as a ritual spell meaning you never use a spell slot to use it out of combat and it can just make exploration way easier without having to worry about spell slots at warlock level 10 Eldritch blast gains a third and final beam allowing you to Target the same enemy three times or three separate enemies in the same turn note that this is tied to your character level so this could be a lower warlock level if you multi-classed and also at this level warlocks will once again gain a subclass feature that changes depending on your subclass which we'll cover in the Warlock subclasses section at warlock level 11 warlocks gain access to their third and final spell slot they also gain access to some level 6 spells and they can choose one that they can cast once per long rest without consuming a spell slot this drastically increases the Firepower of the Warlock because they can still use their other three spell slots for other spells at level 12 warlocks gain their Sixth and final Eldritch invocation including one new one that lets you further increase your melee damage by your charisma modifier which is likely a good choice if you chose pack to the blade and you're going the melee route otherwise I'd select the elemental or enhanced leap whichever you didn't select before warlocks also gained their third feet at this level from the feat list if you're not at 20 Charisma you should take it to 20 now and if you are select one of the other two Feats suggested thank you equipment wise you'll either want light or medium armor for your warlock depending on what proficiencies you have from your race focus on gaining the highest Armor class you can with it as this will help keep you alive it's unlikely you'll have more than 14 dexterity as a warlock so medium armor is a better option if you can use it when compared to light armor for weapon you'll likely be using a packed weapon if you play any sort of melee warlock so equipping weapon is not particularly necessary for a warlock however it may be wise to equip a shield if you have proficiency with shields since this will further boost your armor class even if you're playing at range if you're not using a packed weapon then your weapon Choice isn't super important since you will likely use Eldritch blast each turn or cast to spell look for weapons that give you some sort of passive effect moving on to the subclasses your choice of warlock subclass comes down to a few factors what type of Patron do you wish to have what spells do you want to gain access to and what subclass features do you gain let's have a look at these things before we wrap up this guide with some multi-classic tips warlocks will choose a patron at level 1 which will determine their subclass and these are the Fiend The Arch Fey and the great old one fiends are evil creatures from the lower planes of existence such as Arch Devils endemic organs and want nothing more than to watch the world burn Arch Faye are creatures of legend that possess Secrets long forgotten by Mortals and the great old ones are mysterious patrons from far-off Planes of existence such as an elder god that may have motives inconceivable to regular foe all warlocks gain an initial subclass feature at level 1 unique to their subclass and they will also gain one more at level 6 and another at level 10. additionally each warlock will gain access to two spells based on the patron they've chosen at each odd level through nine this means at levels one three five seven and nine warlocks don't automatically learn these spells but instead can choose to learn them if they wish as they level up the fiend has mostly fire-oriented spells while the archvay and great old one have a lot of control spells that allow them to manipulate others both inside and outside of combat at level 1 the fiend warlocks gained temporary health when they drop an enemy to zero HP equal to their warlock level plus their Charisma modifier this is a phenomenal bonus that can help offset some of the warlock's lower HP compared to other martial classes particularly when using pact of the blade however note that the temporary HP from it will not stack with armor of agathis which most melee warlocks will use so it lends itself better to a ranged warlock unless you don't use this spell at level 1 fiend warlocks also gain access to burning hands and the command spell though they needn't select them if they don't want burning hands is a good short-range Kono AOE and command is a great way to get the Flaming sword at the beginning of the game if you want it both of these spells can be up cast for greater effect so they will only get stronger as your warlock gains levels at level 3 fiend warlocks gain access to scorching Rey and blindness scorching Ray does excellent damage and works similarly to Eldritch blast and so targets the armor class of the enemy blindness is phenomenal because it makes the target attack with disadvantage meaning it rolls two dice using the lower of two values in your party gains advantage against it meaning you roll two dice and use the higher of two values this effect lasts 10 turns and doesn't require concentration both of these spells can be upcast for greater effect so they will only get stronger as your warlock gains levels at level 5 fiend warlocks gain access to Fireball and stinking Cloud Fireball is a deadly AOE that can wipe out large packs of enemies or severely weaken them and stinking cloud is a rather large AOE that prevents anyone standing in it from taking actions only Fireball can be upcast for more damage and stinking Cloud does not get stronger as you level at level 6 fiend warlocks can use their Patron to provide them an extra one to ten role on an ability check once for short rest this is a toggleable feature under their passives tab at level 17 warlocks gain access to fire shield and Wall of fire fire Shield gives you resistance to fire or cold damage and lets you retaliate with the opposite type of damage if struck with a melee attack and lasts 10 turns with no concentration needed while a fire on the other hand lets you create a huge wall of fire that damages anyone caught in it but requires concentration to maintain at level 9 fiend warlocks gain flame strike and cone of cold flame strike is a ranged AOE that does both fire and radiant damage and cone of cold is a cone oily that does cold damage and finally at level 10 feed warlocks gain fiendish resilience allowing them to select a damage type to gain Resistance 2 until their next short rest at which time they can select the same or a different type of resistance up next we have the arch Fey at level 1 Arch Faye warlocks can charm or frighten enemies around them for two turns once every short rest this is useful if surrounded for instance if you're using packed with a blade but not generally if you're playing a ranged warlock also at level 1 Archway warlocks gain access to fairy fire and sleep fairy fire makes all attacks against affected enemies have Advantage as long as you maintain concentration which is almost like a better version of bless except it can be saved against sleep puts enemies to sleep but can only do so if the total health of the targets is less than the numbers shown on the spell sleep can be used more easily as the Warlock levels up since the amount of HP increases with the level of the spell slot at level 3 Arch Faye warlocks gain access to calm emotions and phantasma force calm emotions prevents humanoids in the area from being Charmed or frightened but requires concentration to maintain phantasmal 4 steals damage each turn to one enemy as long as you maintain concentration at level 5 Arch Faye warlocks gain access to Blink and plant growth link allows you to phase out if you pass a dice roll preventing you from being targeted and damaged for one turn plant growth hampers movement in a large AOE but doesn't prevent line of sight so it's best suited for preventing melee units from reaching you at level 6 Archway warlocks gained the ability to turn invisible when struck in combat once per short rest they can then use Misty step on the following turn if they wish though it will break invisibility to do so the problem with this reaction is that sometimes enemies attack in groups and you will turn invisible to only be hit by the very next attack anyway breaking your invisibility I highly suggest you take resilient Constitution as a feat if selecting the subclass since this can help you pass the concentration check that occurs when you're attacked while invisible at level 7 Arch Faye warlocks gain access to dominate beast and greater invisibility dominate Beast will allow you to gain control of a beast to a fight alongside you but requires concentration to maintain greater invisibility allows you to make a Target invisible as long as you maintain concentration and anytime the target performs an action or interacts with an item it will make a stealth check to remain invisible or not with progressively harder it checks this is great for Rogues or anyone that has high Stealth at level 9 Archway warlocks gain access to dominate person and seeming dominate person works like dominate beast but works on humanoids seeming allows you to disguise up to four members of your party at once allowing you to blend in in places you shouldn't be able to at level 10 Archway warlocks cannot be Charmed passively this means half elf or elf is not a good choice if you plan to take 10 levels of Archway warlock since you already have advantage on saving throws against this effect nearly nullifying It Anyway up next is the great old one at level 1 great old one warlocks can passively frighten an enemy and all nearby enemies if they strike it with a critical hit also at level 1 grade old one warlocks gain access to Tasha's hideous laughter and dissonant Whispers toshio Sidious laughter makes a creature prone that can't get up as long as you maintain concentration though it can try to get up when taking damage and dissident Whispers deals damage to and frightens an enemy at range Disney Whispers will gain more damage as your spell slots increase in level at level 3 great old one warlocks gain access to detect thoughts and phantasma forests the tech thoughts is fantastic in dialogues for gaining the outcomes you want and Fantastical forest deals damage each turn to one enemy as long as you maintain concentration at level 5 great old one warlocks gain access to bestow curse and slow these can also be obtained by choosing them via Eldritch invocations but great old one warlocks can select them as spells instead when they level up bestow curse allows you to afflict an enemy with a variety of curses from very close range and slow allows you to slow down up to 6 enemies reducing their movement speed lowering their armor and reducing their capabilities for as long as you maintain concentration at level 6 great old one warlocks gain a reaction that allows them to impose disadvantage on an attack roll against them and if it misses gain advantage against the target for one turn this can be used once per short rest at level 7 grade old and warlocks gain access to dominate beast and avard's black tentacles 8 Beast will allow you to gain control of a beast to a fight alongside you that requires concentration to maintain avard's black tentacles creates a large AOE of tentacles that remove movement and deal damage to creatures within attack rules made to creatures smothered by the tentacles have advantage at level 9 great old one warlocks gain access to dominate person and telekinesis dominate person works like Dominic beast but works on humanoids telekinesis allows you to move a person or object a certain distance like off a cliff or into a deadly AOE and allows you to recast it without consuming an additional spell slot as long as you maintain concentration on it at level 10 grade 11 warlocks gain resistance to psychic damage and when they take psychic damage the attacker also takes the same amount of damage in this section we'll take a look at multi-classing a warlock and bg3 and what other classes you might multi-class with keep in mind this is not a complete list but rather helpful suggestions that make good pairings Paladin sorcers and bards all use Charisma to cast their spells they make solid choices for pairing with a warlock or lock level 2 is not a bad time to multi-class the Warlock since they will bring with them Eldritch blast two Eldritch invocations and two packed magic spell slots along with light armor proficiency which is relevant if you multi-class into sorcerer level 3 is also not bad since you gain your packed Boon on top of those things and your spell slots upgrade to level two pack to the blade users will likely want to wait until after warlock level 5 in order to gain extra attacks if you're playing a melee warlock five is a good level to make the jump in my opinion however it makes far more sense to take many levels of Warlock and dip into another class than the other way around warlocks are a very unique class and they benefit greatly from higher levels of warlock which makes their spell slots stronger I like two levels of Paladin and then 10 levels of warlock because you gain armor proficiency you gain Divine Smite and you can use Divine Smite to great effect with these spell slots three levels of Warlock and 9 levels of sorcerer will get you a ton of spells two pack magic spell slots your packed Boon and access to Eldritch blast and two invocations which you can use to buff Eldritch blast it will also give you access to metamagic and quick and spell nine levels of Warlock and three levels of Bard allow you to pick up Arctic inspiration medium armor and shield proficiency if you go College of Valor as well as some skills and song of rest which provides you with another short rest between long rests which will replenish your packed magic spell slots warlocks reached their maximum spell slot level 5 at level 9 so it's not a bad idea to take nine levels of warlock when multiclassing with the martial class 11 is also a good break point to gain one more spell slot and Mystic Arcanum at this level so you should aim for one of these two if possible multi-classing with three levels of fighter you would gain an armor and shield proficiency along with a fighting style and some combat Maneuvers if you chose Battle Master we would also pick up action surge which also replenishes with short rest which is great one level is also an alternative since you'll still gain the proficiencies in fighting style but gain another spell slot and Mystic Arcanum assassin is also not a bad choice either when paired with a great old one since the guaranteed critical hits of the Assassin can frighten groups of enemies at the very beginning of combat and remember your Eldritch blast can hit three different enemies at character level 10 which could be a lot of frightening so that wraps up our warlock class video I hope you guys learned something and you have a better understanding of what makes the Warlock sub classes different stay tuned for more class build and general guides for Baldur's Gate 3 and if you have further questions or you have tips for other players leave them in the comments below [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 427,420
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 Warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 subclasses, baldurs gate 3 Warlock build guide, Warlock guide, Warlock multiclass, bg3 class guide, bg3 warlock build, bg3 warlock multiclass, bg3 warlock melee, bg3 warlock subclasses, bg3 warlock gameplay, bg3 warlock spells, bg3 warlock patron, baldurs gate 3 warlock hexblade, baldurs gate 3 warlock gameplay, baldurs gate 3 warlock build, baldur's gate 3 warlock, bg3 warlock
Id: kO4Bedh-HrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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