Beginners Guide to Character Creation in Baldur's Gate 3 | LAUNCH

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it's time to create your first character in  Baldur's Gate 3. and maybe you've played the   Early Access maybe you've been waiting for this  moment for three years or maybe this is your   first time back since Baldur's Gate 2 came out  in the early 1900s in today's video I'm going to   step you through the character creation process to  discuss race options class and or subclass choices   choosing your character's origin and a number of  other things the goal here is to present this in   a spoiler-free way so I'll strictly be showing  the character creation screen the only time I'll   jump into the game is for the action and bonus  action section at the end of this video on that   note I'll be discussing all the many d d terms  in this video as if you've never played DND so   if you're a veteran of the subject I apologize if  that slows things down for you but I'll try to be   concise if I do miss anything you were wondering  about I have an entire video dedicated solely to   those terms you can find in the upper right hand  corner of the stream or corner of the video you   can quickly navigate to each of the topics in  this video that interests you the most as I've   broken It Up by sections of the creation process  for easy reference and Quick Navigation before   we get started please keep in mind that the only  real permanent choices you make in the game are   your origin since that's your actual character's  story and your race but everything else is just   up for grabs as it pertains to your companions  you can respect them entirely as well meaning a   Starion who starts as a rogue can be respect into  a multi-class if you prefer or even just another   class entirely if you have any questions or want  help please swing on by my twitch streams where   I'll be playing a solo and a co-op playthrough  or simply drop into my Discord both Linked In   the description pin comment let's get started  here on the beginner's guide to creating your   first character in Baldur's Gate 3. the very first  thing you're actually going to choose when making   your character is your difficulty so if you want  just a kind of a normal experience throughout the   game uh with the loaded kind of challenge that  you would expect playing this engine if you play   Divinity original sin 2 you know that this game  is actually quite challenging so I would recommend   playing balanced if you don't really want much  of a challenge at all and you really just want   to experience a story go with Explorer but if  you are a Die Hard individual that just wants   to get punched in the face a bunch of time  tactician is going to be the route for you   um my personal preference when playing video  games is always to kind of err on the more   difficult side but if you've not played a Divinity  original sin 2 or Divinity original sin one for   that matter and you're not used to this system  even if you're a d d veteran tactician might be   very punishing for you you can change this at any  point in the game I just want to be transparent   about difficulty upfront because tactician  will probably be extremely punishing while   balance will be probably a very good amount of  challenge so choose your difficulty as best fits   you are you gonna go more of a casual just want  to experience a story give me a good healthy   challenge while making me kind of struggle  a little bit or I just want to get kicked in   the deck here you go for your difficulty after  deciding your difficulty the next big thing to   choose is your origin so you have three options  as it were you have custom origin characters   and then the dark urge so the custom build out  character is whatever you want it to be it is   dealer's choice you choose exactly what you want  you don't get necessarily any unique individual   character interactions but instead you get to talk  to all of the origin characters and take part in   portions well majority of their story don't think  you're punished for going with a custom character   over An Origin character custom characters can  be literally whatever you want and how you want   to Envision yourself into Baldur's Gate 3. now  the origin characters have set stories and while   you will be able to experience like 95 of their  story if you are a custom or dark urge character   you'll be able to drill down a little bit more  on certain things that you maybe did not know   um being outside of the individual right being  a starian you get to know more about his past   because you are him that's basically the  way it goes so one thing you should know   though is all these characters have preset  looks and everything you cannot change a   single thing about who they really are  for the exception of their class up here   um if you take them as a companion if you take  them for yourself whichever one you choose you   can actually respect away from this once you  find the corresponding character in act one and   if you don't encounter them in act one they just  appear for you in act two so you'll be able to   Respec out of this if you don't want to if she's  like you know I really want to play shadow heart   but I just don't want to be a cleric you'll be  able to pretty quickly leave this if you so wish   and this goes the same if you choose it as a  companion hey I want to play with Shadow heart   but I want to be the cleric because I want to be  a custom character or a Dark Age character and I   wanted one to be the one that does it then you can  just respect her into maybe a rogue or whatever it   is it makes the most sense for you now the last  option for origin is the dark urge now if you   know anything about the campaign and this is not  really a spoiler because it happens in the first   two sets before you even press uh get to this  screen you already find out about this um you've   been implanted with an illithid in your brain  an elephant tadpole and you're fighting to well   get rid of it the dark urge is not that illited  tadpole you had this dark Sinister urge within   you even before that tadpole was present and this  thing goads you into doing all sorts of heinous   terrible acts larion has just has described  the dark urge it's a very dark and twisted   playthrough this is the only origin character  that you can actually customize the appearance   in class up at the start of the game so if you  want to be a Dragonborn or whatever you want to   be you can do so with the dark urge but the dark  urge will do things like maybe you're talking to   a character and it's it's like playing American  second and it's like feed me a cat or something   like that like go overturn some videotapes but  basically you will have an urge to kill someone   or do something that has a huge ramification on  the game where we're moving certain characters   from the game that you are constantly wrestling  and fighting with it's up to you whether or not   you want to do that and it isn't going to be a  very wild play through as they have uh described   but this is your permanent option your permanent  choice either An Origin character the dark urge   or custom so I wanted to talk about it first  before jumping into the next Permanent Choice   again the other option that is one that you cannot  respect is your selection of race now if you've   played previous DND games or previous Baldur's  Gate games and everyone tonight's whatever it is   you're probably used to selecting a race that then  has an effect on your abilities hey you know what   I'm gonna choose this else because it's going to  give me increased intelligence or increased wisdom   or I'm going to choose this half work so I can  get more strength or more Constitution Whatever   It Is Well that is not the case anymore  and in Early Access we actually did have   um the selection of ability scores tied to race  it's not like that so when you select your race   and I know we're kind of jumping ahead but let  me just make my point here when you select your   race if you jump over to abilities you'll see a  plus two and a plus one so what this is saying   is you get the ability regardless of race to put  two ability points into any one ability and one   ability Point into any one ability so for example  let's say I wanted to choose this drow I'm going   to be a sorcerer but I'm going to want to put two  points here into Charisma okay that that that's   part of my plus two bonus that everyone gets  these are outside of the ability points that   I am investing and I've got this plus one well  maybe I want to put into Charisma as well oops   I can't it's either plus one or plus two so I'll  do the plus two here let's just do a plus one into   Constitution so now rather than playing a race  that has a set ability score bonus all Races get   plus two and plus one to the ability scores  that I want so let's jump back here to race   every single race will have these set race  features and these will grant them stuff like   this base racial speed Elven weapon training so  elves in particular gain proficiency to long sword   short sword short bow and Longbow regardless  of what class you select which will then give   you different specializations so what this means  again if you are a d d Noob proficiency we'll go   ahead and press T hover over this says represents  whether you are trained with a weapon type tool or   skill provides a bonus to Associated roles making  you more likely to perceive uh succeed when you   have a proficiency to a weapon or a skill you'll  be able to add additional dies to the role of in   combat if you have a proficiency with a specific  type of armor you'll be able to uh you won't have   disadvantage when you attack with that armor and  you'll be able to spell cast with that armor on   that's how proficiencies work and furthermore  proficiencies will take bonuses from this   proficiency bonus which will only apply to skills  and we'll get to that when you talk about skills   in a little bit so outside of that dough we get  some things like dark vision so you can see in the   dark or Fey ancestry you have Advantage so what is  Advantage I said a disadvantage earlier right so   Advantage it makes you more likely to succeed roll  two dice use the higher value disadvantage would   be the opposite rolling two dice and choosing the  lower value so whenever you have advantage on a   saving throw a weapon attack a spell save whatever  it is the game is telling you You're Gonna Roll   two dice and you're gonna choose the higher of a  two conversely again if you have a disadvantage   you're going to roll two dice and choose the lower  of the two so if you have a disadvantage on your   um a skill check for history You're Gonna  Roll that and take take all those modifiers   into account don't again we'll talk about  that when we get to the skills section um but you also depending on your race will  have a sub Race So elves can be either High   Elves or wood elves which will then Grant you  additional features so what else here gets you   an additional movement speed I also give you an  additional can trip uh can tricks we'll talk about   in that section but if we also look at stuff  like humans they don't have a sub race they're   just simply humans but they still get their  weapon proficiency with Spears Pikes halberds   and glaves and also that armor proficiency just  to kind of hover over that really quick prevents   your armor and shields from blocking spell casting  or imposing disadvantage on attack rolls which is   quite lovely we get that armor proficiency with  light armor and with shields uh half work here   stuff like that there are also certain things like  Dragonborn which their sub race will dictate a   lot of different things here right so if I choose  green I get specific actions as a green dragon or   as a green dragon with his ancestry I get certain  sub race features so just make sure you're kind of   looking at all these little things as they will be  very important and again like I said none of them   are bound to these ability scores here don't you  dare worry about it moving into class we have the   Giga drow here it was just ready to throw down so  selecting your class you'll basically choose from   any number of the 12 classes you have access to  and you'll just simply select this and then you   depending on which class you take you'll have a  subclass option in this screen now all classes   have sub classes or in the case of a wizard maybe  they have a school that they can specialize in   depending upon your class that subclass option  will come at level two or level three or in this   case level one paladins get their subclass  immediately so you would then click here and   take a look at your different subclass options  that you have your different Oaths as it were   it's worth noting too if you're choosing a  paladin you have certain tenants you have to   apply if you break those tenants there's a fourth  hidden subclass called the oath breaker which you   would go ahead and fall into but what you want to  really look at when you're taking a look at these   are kind of what pops up down here whenever you  select any of them it's going to show you stuff   like any special class actions not a lawsuit in  this case but a rage for example while raging you   are stronger and you deal two extra damage with  melee and improvised weapons and when throwing   objects you have a resistance to physical damage  and advantage on strength checks and saving throws   remember like I said Advantage you're almost  to die but there's another thing called checks   so checks here test whether an action is  successful based on a dice roll your ability   modifier any bonuses on the checks difficulty  class what the hell are all those things so an   ability check is when it looks at what you would  typically call your attributes or your stats if   you're coming from another RPG these are actually  all of your abilities that's an ability check   so what it's doing here is let's  take a look over here at strength   it's saying hey you know what you're going  to have to make a strength check on this   um Boulder falling down whatever it is I'm just  making up a scenario well the difficulty of that   is a 17 let's just say and you have 17 strength  that's awesome so I'm Gonna Roll a die and you   know what I actually I got a 16. dice rolls in  this game are from 1 to 20. it's a D20 die so   I got a 16. oh no that's I'm gonna fail well  actually because I have all these things going   for me I get quite a few bonuses so every  two points after uh 10 attributes you get   plus one to this [Music] um ability modifiers  so our ability to modifier is plus three so now   that would give us from a 16 to a 19. but wait  we actually have proficiency with strength saving   throws as you can see right here plus five  to saving throws three from strength two from   proficiency so now our 19 just went to 21. that's  not a critical but it's still we're we have we   have passed the check because the difficulty was  a 17 we rolled a 16 plus 5 put us to 21 so we're   good to go and this kind of reflects here if I go  ahead and press this button it's going to show me   all my proficiencies weapons armor what have you  and then class features here while not wearing   armor you add your Constitution modifier to your  armor class wearing heavy armor impedes your rage   what that means is typically your armor class is  dictated by your armor and your dexterity well as   a barbarian you're adding your armor dexterity  and Constitution together so you just kind of   read these things and it gives you a little bit  of information press T at any time to find out   more okay what is Armor class the higher Armor  class the harder you are to hit it's basically   what the enemy would use as the difficulty to  hit you if they're trying to roll against you but   we've talked about these proficiencies and  stuff like that but the other thing that your   class option selects for you is your skills  so let's go into that let's give that its own   little section here in your skills you can find  by pressing abilities and then pressing change   so here are the list of all of your skills you  may customize your skill proficiencies in this   list below if you are proficient in a skill you  add a bonus to those skills skill checks making   you more likely to succeed well what what's  that bonus how do I know what I'm gonna get   this is your proficiency bonus your proficiency  bonus is added to Ability checks and saving   throws against skills you are proficient in  making them more likely to succeed it also   is added to attack rules when attacking with  weapons you are proficient with increasing your   chance to hit so remember when we were talking  about being proficient in all these weapons over   here simple weapons or martial weapons Rapier sure  uh shorts short swords hand crossbows you add your   proficiency bonus which is this plus two this will  go up as you level I think it's like level three   or four becomes plus three so you would add this  into any attack roles any skill checks any saving   throws any ability checks this thing is going  to factor into it let's go ahead and go back to   change here and take a look at this list so you  as a barbarian in this instance will get access   to Proficiency in certain things my background  which we'll talk about on its own section will   give me certain proficiencies and certain skills  so my background right now is acolyte again we'll   go into that on its own but this will give me  Proficiency in religion and an insight and I   get my um perception as a race proficiency well  I got two more options what do I want to do I am   a barbarian and what I can see here is it's  kind of it's kind of a little hard to tell   but if you look at intimidation and deception  they're two different colors those are the   ones that are you're naturally more Affinity  to you you have a better Affinity too it's   the easiest way to explain it without saying  proficiency and confusing you so I can click   this and click this and click this and click  this and click this and add to those right I   cannot add to deception because it is something  I cannot be proficient in as a base Barbarian   um but it shows me nonetheless what my modifier  is so if I wanted to do a history check as a   barbarian I actually have a minus one to my role  and I see this that it is an intelligence-based   skill history intelligence right below it right  so let's look at Athletics in this case this is   a strength based skill so I get a plus five  because I'm just saying right now it's at   a plus three because I have got 17 strength  remember this plus three to strength checks   Athletics counts as a strength check because it is  a strength skill well I want to be proficient in   it well it's going to give me a proficiency  bonus into this currently which is plus two   so I have to make an Athletics check in the game  I'm proficient in it I get my plus two plus my   plus three equals plus five that's a lot of a  lot of just like basic arithmetic but basically   you just want to choose the ones that make the  most sense for you and the type of character you   have there's no best option per se I mean yeah of  course there probably is but who cares just choose   the skills that fit the type of class you want  to make do you want to make like an Indiana Jones   level of um Bard well then specialize in stuff  like history and investigation or do you want to   make a barbarian that has a particular Affinity  with nature well then go nature and animal   handling and then maybe choose the wild heart  subclass when you get to that portion make your   skill choices fit the type of character you want  to play not the type of character who you want to   succeed in specific roles because there's always  going to be ways to modify these things outside   of this screen you can use bartic Inspirations if  there's a bar in your in your group there's ways   to increase it if you're a cleric where you can  use an actual spell to increase people's roles so   don't worry about this too much but just kind of  role play kind of fit into the brain set of how   do I want this character to feel like you know  what I want him to do just a brutal Barbarian   that is leap and jump around and shouting at  people so intimidation gets my specialization   and so does Athletics and certain classes will  have access to more of these proficiencies as   you can see here The Bard has a ton as denoted by  each one of these little boxes so if I I cannot if   I don't have a box here I cannot be proficient in  it whereas if you're the barding God damn you're   proficient in everything you are a skill monkey as  it is called but those are your skills those are   how they kind of work into you and you can again  you can you can see everything put together if you   kind of hover over each one of these it kind of  shows you a little bit more information on them   I just kind of look at these screens and hover  over to give you the most information you need   spells and can trips are going to be another big  portion of how you play depending upon how you   play are you going to be a wizard are you going  to be a Bard are you going to be a cleric it all   will depend because you have can trips and spells  that are different and you also have the ability   to prepare spells so preparing a spell is when  you put a spell that you know a list of spells   that you know and you prepare them to be cast I'm  using a cleric for this example and I know that   I can cast quite a few spells so let me go ahead  and click here to prepare spells these are all the   spells that I know well I can only prepare four  of them as dictated by my wisdom spell casting   ability for classes that need to prepare spells  it also affects how many spells can be prepared   so again for this example I'm focusing on it for  clerics Druids and Rangers right so I'm going to   say let's just do this this and this we've  cleared all of our prepared spells and I'm   going to choose this this like that I'm going to  do this and I'm gonna do that and now I can cast   these spells now if I want to swap these out  I must prepare them outside of combat so let's   say you know what I know I'm going to come up  to a pretty spicy combat and I'm going to want   healing Ward I'm going to want Bane here and uh  inflict wounds okay well now I have to actually   take a rest once I take a rest these spells are  at the ready it's the difference between this   and say a sorcerer who just has access to these  spells and needs to rest to get them back online um choose the Spells you know from the list  below spells require spell slots to cast unless   they feature States otherwise which is another  portion of the difference between spells and can   trips which I'm going to get into in a second here  but your spell slots are dictated by the level of   spells that you've got and your actual character  level so if I hover over this this says a level   one transmutation spell and it requires a level  one spell slot so level one spells can be cast   in any spell slot going up right level one two  three four five six doesn't matter but a level   two spell can only be cast in a level two spell  slot or higher it's why it's an important thing   to kind of keep in mind right now so again just  another another reference if I have a level five   spell slot I cannot cast a level one spelling  or I'm sorry I can cast level one spelling it   but I cannot cast a level five spell in a level  three spell slot it basically has to be its level   or higher of a spell slot and spell slots will  replenish when you take a rest as it says right   here take a long rest and you regain your spell  slots can trips though are different they are   assumed to be level zero spells and you can cast  them every turn they do not use a spell slot and   you just cast them whenever you want so this is  why playing a warlock is particularly fun where   is the Warlock back it's particularly fun because  you can use Eldridge blast a ton of times and then   you can change Aldritch blast throughout your  journey as a warlock doing a bunch of different   things into it so spells cantrips and preparing  spells are three very important things just to   quickly recap cantrips are Level zero spells  you can cast them at will you don't need to   rest spells you have to rest and they require  a spell slot and depending upon what type of   Caster you are if you're a cleric for example  you will have to prepare your spells from your   known spell list that you then will cast and swap  out as needed before we move on into background I   want to talk very quickly about some of the more  unique options you might take for certain classes   that might confuse you like okay is that important  he didn't go through it in this video so take the   Bard for example we have starting instrument you  can just choose a starting instrument don't worry   about it if it can be changed later by equipping  a different instrument you simply buy it it's just   the instrument you play it doesn't really have any  effect act on anything I just want to let you know   in case you're kind of stuck in that portion  you're like oh God I don't want to choose the   wrong thing if you're a cleric choosing your deity  does not matter like if I choose light domain let   me choose my different race here if I choose the  knowledge domain I can choose whatever the idea I   want if you're a fifth edition D D fan and you've  played clerics you know that typically your deity   was locked by your domain or vice versa so in this  game that is not the case you just simply select a   domain and you select a deity and you roleplay  them as you wish another class option here is   for fighter you have many different options here  provider on your fighting styles so you adopt a   particular style of fighting as your specialty  and it hover you hover over this and it tells   you exactly what each one gives you great weapon  fighting for example when you roll a one or a two   on a damage dive for an attack with a two-headed  melee weapon that die is re-rolled or two weapon   fighting here when you make an attack with your  offhand weapon which would be a bonus action you   can add your ability modifier to the damage to the  attack I'll talk about that in a second here would   you have protection react a great weapon dueling  a great weapon fighting and then dueling dueling   one I want to talk about real quick when you are  wielding a melee weapon that is not two-handed or   versatile in one hand and no weapon in the other  hand you deal an additional two damage with that   weapon this does not include Shields Shields  are not weapons so you can put a shield in your   off hand and get two damage out of this so if  you want to be a sword and board style fighter   defense gives you more armor dueling gives  you more damage as a sword and board because   you have a shield in your offhand and a weapon  in your main hand and then protection allows   you to impose disadvantage on attacks against  your allies remember we said about disadvantage   to die roll you choose a lesser of the two um  outside of that here I don't think uh you have   oh there it is Ranger you have favorite enemy or  I'm sorry you're yeah your favorite enemy uh which   case you're gonna choose in in the past you'd  actually choose an enemy type in this game you   choose basically a kind of a classification of  Ranger you are as far as what you hunt or what   you know about and this gives you certain can  trips or certain abilities that you have access   to uh take for example Sanctified stalker you gain  Proficiency in religion and can cast sacred flame   also Beast Tamer uh keep in mind Beast Tamer is  different than the Beast Master subclass you're   finding a familiar versus summoning a ranger  companion there are two very different things   this just gives you an additional ability Ranger  Knight here is nice because it also grants you   um skill Proficiency in history and also  armor proficiency with heavy don't just   look right here just make sure you hover  over them and read what it tells you you're   gonna get outside of that you get natural  Explorer so you get Wasteland Wanderer cold   fire poison which is going to give you  resistance to that specific damage type   um also you have Urban tracker so if you want  to get proficiency inside of hand or beast Tamer   which you've already seen cast if I'm familiar  without expanding a spell slot that's what we're   talking about earlier but those are some of the  unique things that are only available to certain   classes and I did want to talk about them your  subclass option is just going to be up to you   and what you want so I haven't gone into that  in this section here but that's going to be   dependent upon the type of class and subclass  you want to play like I said some of those will   happen at different points but everyone does  get a subclass so the last question here is   what about background what is background what does  it do how is it beneficial to you well background   basically determines certain things that you  have access to or things that you know about   because this is how your character was brought  up in the world maybe you were a soldier at one   point you were a trained in Battlefield tactics  in combat having served in militia mercenary   company or officer Corps show smart tactics and  bravery on the battlefield to enhance your pro s   um Athletics is which you're going to get a skill  proficiency and intimidation which you're going   to get a skill Proficiency in but this is also  important because it doesn't show you in this   screen but it grants you inspiration inspiration  is a resource that you can use to re-roll dice   essentially you'll have to do specific actions  that coincide with your background and they'll   be obvious you're not going to go well I wish  I had known that I would have done it you'll   you'll have it conversationally or as part of the  world interaction points hey you know you talk to   a veteran Who's down on his luck and you give him  a healing potion or you give him water or food or   some money or whatever okay well that just tapped  into your soldier background and you're gonna get   some inspiration it'll tell you like Soldier  brackets and it gives you bonuses maybe you're   an Outlander because you're so you're really good  at navigating the the the the the wild Wilds or a   noble or a guild Artisan which you should  look at initially is how you want to play   your character again what type of Paladin am I  am I a former Soldier am I someone who studied   a lot of things before even becoming a paladin  am I was I a cheapskate did I do I know about   how to uh con people over maybe I was a criminal  and I've reformed my ways whatever it is um you   have to make the decision for yourself as to what  the background is and this will give you certain   um skill proficiencies that you might not get  access to as a as it pertains to your class   remember we took a look at that barbarian  barbarian doesn't get insight and religion   as base things so background is a way to get  access to them if you want them just keep in   mind that they are skill based or ability based  nonetheless religion and insight are both wisdom   and intelligence-based skills respectively so  just keep those things in mind when you are   selecting your background but please do make that  background your choice not what you think is the   min max option because it doesn't matter these are  things to color your playthrough and make it more   exciting and give you inspiration for rewarding  you and playing the way that coincides with the   role play you've created for your character at  its onset coming back here into ability points   this is the last subject to talk about and it is  still a very important one I'm going to clear this   and everyone starts with essentially  go ahead and do this and do this   eight across the board eight strength dexterity  Constitution intelligence wisdom and Charisma   and I've talked about this before but  your race no longer changes these things   it's selecting these bonuses but it's all gonna  be eight regardless of what race you CH you choose   regardless of what class you choose the game will  give you a hint it'll say hey you know what this   is your primary ability so primary ability the  way it works here in Baldur's Gate 3 the most   important ability for your class it influences  your chance to hit and your damage output with   weapon attacks or spells if I change this to  wisdom or Rogue I guess the best dexterity it's   just the same bit of information but there's just  more to it so I don't want you to look at this and   go if I don't put anything in here I won't do any  damage it there's just a lot more going on here   so we're going to talk very quickly about these  because they are going to be very much your choice   based off of your class selection so strength here  obviously this is going to influence anything when   it comes to melee weapons but also determines how  far you can jump and how much you can carry which   if you've played Divinity original sin 2 larion  loves to hide things from little places that you   have to climb or jump to those are actually places  you're going to want to jump to certain classes   can jump further like a barbarian or a rogue  that goes down the thief subclass so having   having someone with good strength to jump don't  think that that's a wasted ability it's definitely   going to be useful but strength is definitely  going to be crucial for any kind of melee class   it's how you're going to be doing a lot of your  melee damage dexterity is also very crucial and   it's something I'm going to show you how it has an  effect in your gameplay right now so dexterity the   biggest things here is that a it's going to affect  your Effectiveness with ranged and finesse weapons   remember what I said here about strength helping  you with melee weapons well if the melee weapon   is a finesse weapon you'll use your dexterity  so here uh well I think Rapier is a finesse   weapon but you'll use your dexterity I was going  to use an actual example but it doesn't show you   um but it also affects your initiative and  your armor class let me show you how that's   beneficial here we're going to increase this  to 10. remember everything happens 10 is like   your base 8 is considered a negative so if I  hover over this see how it says zero bring it   back to eight now it says minus one in fact  um at minus nine at nine it does it gives a   minus one but if we bring this to 12 it now  says plus one but look at this little guy he   popped up over here Hi how are you initiative  determines who acts first in combat the higher   initiative the earlier you take your turn so  this when we have initiative this gives us a   plus one to it let's just Jack this up as high  as we can go right so now it is a plus three   so dexterity has that ability to make it so you  go first in combat that's going to be crucial some   classes have ways to just kind of manipulate that  but it's crucial to know you're probably wondering   what the hell is initiative it's just everything  in Baldur's Gate 3 attacks sequentially just like   it does in Dungeons and Dragons so having  a high initiative allows you to go first in   that long line of who goes first now outside  of that I'm just going to clear this all out   um we have our constitution now this I think  a lot of people might just go hey yeah it just   gives me hit points right it's a little bit more  than that and hit points are crucial to understand   so I'm going to hover over this and it's  going to say how much damage party members   can take before being downed and how much damage  creatures and items can take before being killed   or destroyed you'll notice that regardless of  the race these numbers change based off of my class right so every single class has a set number  that it starts off with for its hit points the   fighter is eight plus one the Barbarian is ten  plus one which is the highest wizard is four plus   one which is the lowest so that number right here  is going to be increased by your Constitution but   another important thing that constitution does it  helps out with your concentration roles so every   single one of these spells will have certain  things that that it kind of applies to right   this spell will give me Armor class or this  gives me blah blah blah but you'll see at the   very bottom here it says concentration casters  need to focus on maintaining this spell they can   only cast one concentration spell at a time  and their concentration might be broken when   they take damage so if you are concentrating  on a spell like you've cast fog Cloud it now   remains in play until I swap off into another  concentration spell or my concentration is broken   and concentration is broken by doing a  constitution check remember like I said hey you're   doing a constitution check well now you're going  to go take a look at what your Constitution is and   you're going to roll against it so if I'm doing a  constitution check or a concentration check it's   looking at my Constitution so don't think as a  Caster where intelligence is going to be very   important to me I can neglect Constitution like  you've had that could do in the past you cannot   because this is what allows you to concentrate  on maintaining your spells active if you get hit   outside of that though we do have intelligence  and remember each one of these is going to apply   to some form of skill keep those things in mind  so intelligence here is your memory and mental   power improve spell casting for wizards and  that is nice here it's going to just simply   do that for you this will also affect certain  things based off of the type of class that you   are intelligence wisdom and Charisma are all  linked to casting in some ways so I'm going   to go ahead and just bring this back down to  eight I'm going to go to my prepare spouse   because I'm a wizard right well I'll prepare  spells are just one and it shows me right here   a bonus ooh a spell attack sorry I thought  that showed me my spell spell amount it's not   um I can go ahead and just put this up to 10.  well nothing just says one right one out of one   here right let's bring it up to 12. okay well  now my modifier is plus one to intelligence so   my prepare spells is plus one let's just go ahead  and just bring this up as high as we can now I can   prepare three spells as a wizard here this works  as well for cleric as it pertains to my wisdom now   wisdom is going to be a little bit different here  wisdom is going to be the ability that you would   use to govern your cleric Druid and Ranger spells  of intelligence is for wizards wisdom wisdom is   kind of the opposite here but again for those  not opposite but it's the same but for clerics   Druids and Rangers and again it's going to  be the same thing when it comes to Preparing   spells every uh plus one to your ability check  is going to net you an additional prepared spell   slot here for your Druid your cleric uh your  Ranger again just to kind of this is down at one   bring this up to plus one on our check this is now  a two prepared slot and lastly we have Charisma so   Charisma is a casting attribute or ability right  for both your or for your barred Paladin Sorcerer   And your warlock but it also has some other things  outside of it it helps with Traders prices yes   that's a given but granted it's also going to  help you out with your skills as it pertains to   stuff like performance persuasion intimidation  it's kind of worth noting that uh deception two   it's worth noting that like those intimidation and  persuasion specifically are something you probably   want to you don't need to you probably want  to have a Proficiency in as the main character   because you're going to be the driving force or  engine behind a lot of conversations and having   the ability to just persuade people with just  even just a plus one to that is going to be   quite nice for you now you don't you can just  completely skip it and just have eight Charisma   but even just having 10 here makes it so your um  persuasion or in the persuasion roles here um or   your intimidation roles will just at least be like  at a baseline for some for for all intents and   purposes uh clearly we need a little bit more here  so let me do that there we go that kind of puts a   little bit more on the Baseline but still my point  remains that Charisma is one of the ones that you   need for your warlock your palette and your ballot  your your Bard your sorcerer but it's also one you   kind of need as a main character so don't sleep on  Charisma just because you don't you're not getting   Health from it or initiative from it or strength  from it or you don't or you're not a Caster you   still kind of need it conversationally if you are  the main character now lastly too you don't need   it to be 15 I think just 10 is a good solid place  or at least 12 to have if you're Charisma for any   kind of proficiency roles you'll need against it  I suppose too it is worth bringing up that you   do have the edit appearance button where you can  just kind of go crazy with all these things this   is so much dependent upon you and how you want to  make your character so there's there's no reason   for me to explain anything in this section but I  guess in a video about character creation it is   worth talking about these options because they  do exist within this portion of the game you   can also kind of swap to different character  Creations that you've made in the past using   stuff like this and having randomized appearance  buttons something that has been requested in the   Early Access but was not here before so it was  going like that boom there you go okay so I've   gone through three randomizations I get to swap  back and forth between them and kind of decide   which ones I've got you might not know that that  existed so I wanted to kind of quickly bring it   oh my God this guy is the Lord of Billy Goats good  Lord that's terrifying looking but again you have   your appearance configuration for the character  creation in water skate 3. loading into the game   real quick I want to talk about actions and bonus  actions because it's something that's going to be   part of the character creation process now this is  literally right after you press the proceed button   so there's no spoilers here and I'm using a stereo  which is a um origin character so what you'll see   here are action bonus action can trips and you'll  also see spell slots if you are a Caster character   those things are just important when it comes to  creating your characters in case it says something   like hey this grants you in a bonus action an  action and it's just kind of worth noting them   because you might not understand what those  really mean so anything here that says action   is you guessed it it is an action actions are  typically things that you're going to have direct   influence on the world in the sense that you're  going to attack something use a spell which will   also then use a spell slot or maybe you will  uh help someone or jump or hide whatever it is   jumping is also bonus action sorry about that uh  hiding over here throw Dash help improvised melee   weapon using your actual melee weapons which is  an important thing to kind of note as well here   those things are all part of your actions and you  will get one action per turn then you have a bonus   Action Now depending upon who you are certain  things can happen with those bonus actions and   if you are a rogue you can actually do certain  things with your bonus actions that other classes   cannot but for all intents and purposes your bonus  actions if I click this are these right here jump   shove and dip as a road you'll get access to stuff  like Dash as a bonus action which is really cool   um whereas right here so it allows you to move  a little bit when you are in a combat situation   but also too you'll have stuff like sneak attacks  if you are dual wielding weapons those weapons uh   the offhand is typically a bonus action so you'd  use your action and then your bonus action because   that's the thing you use actions and bonus actions  once in a turn and then once your turn is up it   Cycles back to you and you can do that again  now outside of this list are reactions so maybe   you chose the fighting style protection which  says hey you can use this as a reaction meaning   if something happens in the world you can then  use that ability as well simply put a reaction   and just simply clicking these allows you to see  okay these are all my actions using a potion is my   action or scroll over vivify uh this is my bonus  action these are my can trips if I had spells I   click the spell slot button corresponding to each  spell slot and it would show me which spells I can   use in that spell slot it's a very user-friendly  UI but I just wanted to kind of Point these things   out because you might need this knowledge as  you're going through your character creation   process and you might not understand what an  action a bonus action or reaction is so that   concludes our video here on the character creation  for Baldur's Gate 3. I'm going to be making more   videos on certain mechanics how to how or what  multi-classing really is certain things on how   to approach them what the all the actions are and  stuff like that you can find those Linked In the   End of This video in my Aldersgate playlist and  you'll also find them as I've released them by   subscribing commenting all that kind of fun action  well you can find them if you subscribe but you   should also comment because it does help me out a  ton if you have any other questions though please   follow me go ahead and let me know in the comments  section below um and I'll be on the lookout for a   ton more content coming your way as it pertains to  Baldur skate 3. but have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 52,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beginners Guide to Character Creation in Baldur's Gate 3 | LAUNCH, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, bg3, bg3 beginners guide, bg3 character creation, bg3 creating your first character, baldur's gate 3 character creation, baldur's gate 3 character creation guide 2023, bg3 character creation guide, bg3 character creation 2023, 2023, bg3 launch, bg3 launch character creation, bg3 full game character creation, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, guide, beginner
Id: EpZ33jsWjHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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