Baldur's Gate 3 - THIS IS INSANE - Best Warlock Rogue INFINITE Invisible Build Guide & Multiclass!

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hello and welcome back to race gaming in a new Baldur's Gate build video today we're presenting this very funny infinite sneak attack build this clever mix of Rogue and warlock allows for such potent invisibility that you're quite literally able to attack people without them being able to react or fight back they can't see you or send to you or find you while you continually succeed the stealth checks allowing for some brutal assassination options in yeah the open world outside of that silliness in combat it means you're going to be rarely exposed you can move around the battle assassinate people while they often can't fight back or find you again this keeps you relatively out of a combat turn order leading to lots of freedom in a fight the damage itself is going to be massive as you burst down foes yet the benefits of extra attack thanks to your warlock deep and packed and then there is our gear like our amazing legendary weapon the Duelist prerogative this weapon through its passive of elegant duelist makes crits more likely it provides an additional reaction per turn that reaction can be used to increase the cried down image that you're actually dealing leading to higher burst it comes with its own unique weapon action allowing for an additional melee attack her turn for a bonus action outside of our deep and pack extra attack which is brilliant so it hits hard as hell and many times too combining this with the elegant studded leather chess piece here and we have this insane advantage on stealth checks this is how we're constantly remaining in stealth maintaining our invisibility and being that nightmare assassin we aim to be as we attack people and they just can't see us even if it does go wrong and you do get exposed thanks to our subclass we always surprise those which then guarantees crits against surprised enemies our opener in any fight then even when exposed is super strong and plus there's a nice mix of Rogue and warlock we have the potent spells like Eldritch Blast for ranged options and knockbacks we have dark vision to see through the clouds that we can make that obscure vision and generally cause chaos it is indeed a very unique build and very fun play style so let's explain how we form this build so how we gonna level this build we're going to begin with Rogue as you should expect but the overall levels are going to be 5 in Rogue and seven in warlock total we'll go through each level and explain why but since we're also here let's do the ability points as you can see we have 10 in strength 16 in dexterity 16 in Constitution only eight intelligence 10 wisdom and 14 Charisma we're obviously going to be pumping our dexterity to 20 throughout the leveling our constitution will help us stay alive and we've got a little bit of Charisma in terms of the modifier to benefit from our warlock on those spells and The Pact of the blade so let's confirm this and do the rest of the levels for the next level at level two we're just gonna go with Rogue we're going to get our cunning actions which is obviously going to be really nice and at level three we're gonna unlock the actual subclass for our row which is going to be assassin this is for the amazing passives like the one that immediately lets us restore action and bonus sections at the start of combat which is amazing Ambush this is what gives us a guaranteed critical hit any surprise creature which is Major and then the initiative giving us advantage on our attack roll goals against creatures that haven't actually taken a turn yet basically the burst at the beginning of a fight next up we'll hit level 4 on the Rogue which brings us to our first feat where as you should expect regarding ability Improvement and getting 18 dexterity on the next level then it's time to begin our multi-class adventure where we're gonna start going into warlock now our overall level is five for the cantrips of course we're going Eldritch blast which is amazing and for the second it's really up to you but we like friends giving us that extra advantage on any Charisma check for non-hostile creatures just generally nice in the open world and so on for the subclass we're going Arch Faye it gives us options with charming and frightening and particular spells which can be useful too in regards to the Spells we're going to choose we'll have the fairy fire giving us attack rolls and advantage against targets and revealing them as well which is really nice but also armor of agathies giving us some temporary health and reflecting damage those that attack us it's just a very nice spell we won't use it often but it gives us a defensive Spell option our next level we'll go to warlock level 2. where we get our Eldritch implications of course we're going agonizing blast to enhance the Eldritch blast based on our Charisma as we mentioned and very important we're going to go Devil's site so we can see normally in darkness both magical and non-magical we'll be using our own spell that generates a sort of Darkness effect and having Devil's sight will help us with that for spells it's one we're gonna sacrifice later but it is nice to have hellish rebuke as a reaction to an attacker to burn them with fire this brings us to our next level of warlock level 3 where we can now get our pack Boon of course we're going pact of the blade to get the bind packed weapon basically enhancing our damage with Charisma for our first level 2 spell we're taking Darkness creating a dark shroud that heavily obscures and blinds creatures within and again we should be able to see through this with our passive at our next level we get warlock level 4 which does bring us to our next feat which gives us again ability Improvement to get to 20 decks very good also for our spell we're gonna pick up Misty step so we're able to move through the battle and get to where we need to if we need to our next level brings us to Warlock level 5 Where we get the very nice Deep Impact which allows us to attack multiple times a turn which is going to be very potent while we're here we're also going to get our next Eldritch invocation this is really up to you but as always we like repelling blast because it gives us a way to use that range cantrip to knock enemies off Ledges off your teammates reposition them and if you don't want to use repelling blast you can always toggle it off in the passive tab so there's really no downside for our next level 3 spell we're going to take counter spell which is going to be great for dealing with spellcasters and at this point we're going to replace a spell like I mentioned we're going to get rid of hellish rebuke and this is going to allow us to pick up Hunger of Hadar creatures within a black sphere I can be blinded take damage at the end of the turn at the start of the turn as well this can be great if we're out of our invisibility and want to control the space by making it really difficult for enemies to be in so we swap the Spells at total level 10 we're gonna hit Level 6 warlock which is going to give us the Misty Escape passive this is why we're really in this subclass right upon taking damage you become invisible on your next turn you can cast Misty step though that will break your invisibility this allows for some you know Panic repositioning but also getting back into invisibility which is really nice at this point we can pick up something like utility such as flying allowing us to reposition what we might need to at total level 11 we're going to go into warlock once more at this point we're going to pick up something just general something that'll be nice for your general gameplay beguiling influence you gain Proficiency in deception and persuasion nice for your normal Gameplay at this point we get level 4 spells where we pick up the all-important to this ridiculous concept the greater invisibility attacks against us have disadvantage and we have advantage on our attacks very important for our last level we do something potentially controversial and swap off warlock at level 8 to go to level 5 Rogue which gives us the very strong passive of uncanny Dodge when an attack hits you you only take half the usual damage so this makes us way more survivable and will be quite impactful in the end games in the late game boss fights and so on the majority of our damage is tied to sneak attack as well and at level 5 Rogue it pushes your sneak attack to 3d6 which matters more than the feat we might get at level 8 warlock which since we're already at 20 decks isn't going to be that impactful but there you have it we have our level 5 Assassin Rogue and we have our level 7 warlock under the arch phase when it comes to the Gear we're running then let's talk about that there's two main pieces that you're gonna want to reach this build sort of silly status but for each piece of gear you're running it should serve a purpose towards the main concept of the build right and that's going to be improving your decks improving your damage in any way or your stealth benefits so while you're just playing the game leveling up in act one two or three that's what you want to focus on and basically facilitate a common great one is the Amulet of branding which allows us to Brand the week choosing some type of damage to make them vulnerable to to deal double damage in this case our weapon is going to be dealing piercing damage so that's what we go for there ring of Arcane as soon as you can be nice because we are using a can trip in the form of Eldritch blast occasionally so we'll get Arcane Synergy for two turns improving our weapon attacks for that period I have these shoes here that give me extra AC and acrobatics so those are some examples but let's talk about the main two pieces obviously the weapon is very important this is the Duelist Rapier it's quite a unique weapon a 1d8 it also has narcotic damage on it and in my case thanks to the gloves I'm wearing it add some fire as a legendary weapon though it's obviously very good when your off hand is empty so that's what we want to do we're just using this main weapon you can roll a critical hit at 19 rather than 20 on the roll which makes it more likely but more important you gain an additional reaction per turn that can be very strong but then it comes with withering cut so on hit with the melee weapon you can use a reaction to deal more necrotic damage equal to the proficiency bonus so we can use that extra reaction we have to enhance our damage which is well worth doing also comes with challenge to duel making people focus on you which is probably not what we'll be using too much in this and Euler's enthusiasm which is what allows us to make an extra melee attack when we're not you're wielding and just using this weapon so extra damage because of the extra reaction and extra damage through an extra attack on the other hand we have the very important chess piece the elegant studded leather this comes with ambusher giving us a plus two bonus to initiative rolls and more important an advantage on stealth checks which is how we're getting the ridiculous combos of being invisible and stealth attacking and never being exposed so we can attack again and again and again and this is really a big part of why that's happening and why the build gets silly it also comes with Shield which is certainly a very good thing and hey it's a reaction which synergizes with the extra reaction we get from our weapon how do you get these weapons then we'll start with the Rapier first to get this weapon you'll need to complete the save van requests in act three this is a big Quest and naturally this is a build video rather than like a guide to that specific weapon but here are the main notes on how to get it in the lower City during act 3 we will pick up the quest in the Basilisk gate Barracks from Laura who's freaking out that their child's been stolen we'll need to craft hagsbane a throwable sort of grenade using Alchemy there's a safe in all Gallows place to the Southwest which has this recipe and the ingredients for it in it you can just go there and steal from the safe or you can help Marina who's upstairs and be given access to the safe anyway it turns out that the owner of the blushing Mermaid Bar to the West Was anti-ethyl in Disguise we never killed her in act 1 even if you tried by talking to the owner of the bar you'll out Ethel through this conversation and end up having to fight some guards after you defeat them you can head into the basement to chase after her eventually catching up with her we will then use The Hags Bane grenade potion on anti-ethyl which will force her to free the child once you've done that you're allowed to just kill the hag once and for all but to do so you will need to destroy the three mushrooms around the room otherwise she just keeps Reviving over and over be aware too you can completely ignore the people under her control they'll be freed when you defeat Ethel after that's dealt with we can find Laura in the lower City and get the Rapier as a reward on the other hand we have the elegant studded leather chest piece to get this chess piece you can steal it or complete the quest turn raketh's gold also found in act 3. again here's a short version rather than a full guide to get this Quest you will need to head to the counting house in the lower City it's to the southwest and make your way down to the vaults below which you can do through conversation to get a pass or one way or the other down here you will encounter a puzzle you'll need to solve but upon entry to the true vaults you'll encounter an attack that's going on if you help them overcome it you can speak with rakath the main banker and agree to help him recover the stolen goal at this point right you can just steal the vault key from him directly like pickpocket him or simply lock pick it your way into the Vault itself on the wall in that vault is the chess piece rafter so this can really speed up the process alternatively you could actually help him by going into the sewers and recovering the Lost gold and when you bring the gold back to him he returns you with the vault key so you can open it and get the chest that way whichever way you go that's how we get the chess piece let's Now cover how to play the build basically we're going to massively abuse our free stealth damage thanks to being completely invisible while the the enemies can do well next to nothing in return if and when your stealth breaks we can simply fall back on our general Rogue abilities tied with the packed warlock melee and spells that we have we could just cast the next invisibility and just keep going and if that's all spent and we just totally our spell slots we can just fight normally and simply short rest to get all our warlock spell slots back for the next fight but let's get a little bit more detailed than that to begin with always make sure your packed weapon buff is active generally so you get the most out of your charisma then before combat we'll get into our first invisibility by casting greater invis on ourselves thanks to the 20 decks and our various proficiencies we should be at plus 13 stealth during this invisibility but to be broken out of invisibility we'd have to fail stealth checks to such a durable degree on that that we'd basically need to double roll natural ones which is very unlikely but possible we should also mention the Spells there's one called pass without Trace which you could access via your party maybe through a trickery cleric or Druids or like a Gloom stock or Ranger there's a few ways to get this spell if you want to use it that would net you an extra 10 stealth for those checks making it even less likely to have a break but that's a concentration buff so we need someone in the party to do that for us since we're already concentrating you don't need to do this but it is an option anyway let's say you're stealth and you're now invisible well simply walk up to our preferred Target and well sneak attack them we'll burst them for that hit and then hilariously be very likely to pass the initial stealth check to remain in stealth to just keep attacking them if you do this in a way that's not even initiated combat you can just infinitely attack them while they freak out this is all before any real Combat even begins so you can really work someone down beforehand eventually the stealth will break even as hard as that is to achieve thanks to the fact that our chess piece is carrying the advantage to stealth checks working overtime in that scenario but when you're attacking in a stealth State like this there's a DC check to expose you that gets higher and higher and harder and harder to eventually cause you to you know be knocked out of the invisibility and stealth if you find yourself in combat though before you do any of that you can ultimate at least still stealth yourself and go invisible because of that you'll be off the turn order and can take your turn out of sync of the combat there's a good chance that you'll remain out of the turn order for an occasional turn here and there so make use of that when you can but if you are in the turn order it's going to be very hard or very unlikely that anyone spots you or reveals you so you can be very safe while invisible the only real concern is being exposed right some enemies have spells to reveal invisible enemies and that could be an issue but because we're running greater invisibility we have the advantage to stealth checks there's still a good chance that we avoid that but let's say you've done your various ambushes you're out of stealth you're out of spell slots to go back into it perhaps and you're fighting while now exposed there is the other options like the clouds or the spell hunger of hadat who rely on this generates a black sphere which will blind and also they'll damage those inside at the end and start of their turns thanks to our passive of Devil's sight we should be able to fight and see within this leading to a large advantage while that's going on and outside of all of that ultimately you are still a warlock mixed with Rogue so you've got your strong bursty damage mixed with the cantrip of the Eldritch Blast for range burst and the awesome potential there whether you're using repelling enemies to throw them off cliffs or reposition them benefiting from using a cantrip like that for Arcane Synergy with that one ring we mentioned or fighting with the legendary weapon itself smashing targets with your extra attacks and using your advantage to sneak attack mid combat whenever possible it's quite bursty it's quite fun you're like the Ultimate Assassin but there you have it our guide to this very silly invisible Ambush Rogue lock build it is a very unique playstyle and up to you how to make the most of your many invisible attack rounds and ultimately freak people out and have a lot of fun in towns too I mean with this level of stealth you can easily steal a lot of things pickpocket or get to places you otherwise would have a hard time doing so we hope you've enjoyed the build though if you have do drop a like but as always ipen Hollow you've been new thank you for watching we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Jewel again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 51,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 warlock, baldurs gate 3 rogue, sneak attack, rogue build, rogue, warlock build, warlock, best warlock build, greater invisibility, thief, baldurs gate 3 best build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, multiclass, level up guide, feat guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, best class, build guide, new player, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, subclasses, class, best feat, warlock multiclass, bg, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: lxVRGCwL-qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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