How to Build a Monk for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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the monk one of the third least placed classes  in the game and one I think that a lot of people   should be really taking a look at it's a lot  of fun it has a lot of diversity in this video   today we're going to be going out going through  how to build out your monk now this can be your   main character you can respect any of the existing  characters any of your existing companions into   being a monk or choose a generic hireling from  Withers and make them be among whichever you   choose what we're going to do is take a look at  how this is done from character creation then take   a look at what the future of the monk looks like  after level one talk a little bit about subclasses   as well as some multi-class options you can jump  ahead to any part of this video that interest you   the most use any chapters about the timeline and  the description also don't forget to check me out   on Twitch where I do stream Baldur's Gate 3 and  a ton of other games but let's get started here   on how to build your monk out in Baldur's Gate 3.  loading into the game let's start our conversation   off about race now this is a single player  role-playing game so don't worry about Min maxing   choose the race that you best like the look of  and you want to role play as that's what I will   tell you we're going to go through some options  that maybe are a little bit better than the rest   because of certain things here and there but there  really is no true best race to choose choose the   one that you want because as you can see they all  have the same exact ability scores of eight across   the board and you add plus two or plus one to any  one of these so that makes the race have a little   bit of a bonus in those in those locations but  it is not dependent upon the race there is one   feature though I want to talk about before we  dive into certain races and it's the fact that   you as a monk get this right here you either  attack with your fists or a monk weapon and a   monk weapon are those with which the monk has  proficiency so any weapon you have proficiency   with you start with simple weapons and short sword  proficiency that counts as a monk weapon for you   so any weapon you get proficiency so some races  give you Proficiency in certain uh weapons take   for example the drow will get a Proficiency in  Rapier so that becomes a monk weapon for you the   only stipulation is it cannot be two-handed  or heavy so a great sword falls into both of   those categories so you cannot use it as a monk  weapon so kind of keep those things in mind when   you are selecting your race because it does  add options for you to use as monk weapons go   don't think you have to fight with your hands so  we're going to talk about tieflings first because   this is the one that I've personally chosen this  this is the monk that I play in my game I made   him look exactly the way I'm playing my character  and the sub race I've gone with is Mephistopheles   because I like the cantrip of Mage hands at level  three I get burning hands which I like level five   I get flame blade which is whatever but I would  personally stick steer away from these zaryal   tflings and I don't want to discourage you only  reason I'm saying it is because they get a spell   um called searing Smite and another one called  branding Smite and they're based off of a melee   weapon they only can be used with male weapon  in hand so if you're not using monk weapons you   want to use your hands the benefits of the zarya  tiefling you just don't get to take advantage of   outside of thamaturgy and asthma asthma dotius as  modius tieflings the the lord of the nine Hells   um this is going to give you access to  produce flame right here which is nice   but then you also get hellish rebuke which is a  really cool damage capability and then Darkness   um which you will get if you go Shadow  monk but both of those are really good   um a good option here too is drow and the reason  I like drought is because you're going to get   Rapier short sword and hand crossbow which are  all lovely because they will then be considered   monk weapons uh drows also will get granted  access to a skill proficiency of perception   so they naturally get a plus two or well whatever  your proficiency bonus remember your proficiency   bonus as stated right here will increase as you  level up so don't worry about it being low to   begin with it'll it'll scale with your level  so they may naturally get a uh a proficiency   the perception which is pretty nice it is a nice  little ditty to have and then they get access to   fairy fire and darkness can trips at levels  three and five as well as having um Superior   dark vision and Fey ancestry making so they cannot  be Charmed as easily I do quite like that as well   if you're going into the small route halflings  are actually very good because they have this   ability called lucky when you roll a one for an  attack roll ability check or saving throw you   can re-roll the die and must use the new  roll so if you want to go kind of like a   little tiny uh creature that's punching its way  through everything they're very very good at it   and Lightfoot halflings also get an advantage  on stealth checks if you want to go the route   of taking like a shadow Monk and going very  stealthy this is a really good option that   you can take conversely too if you want to go  with something like a dwarf dwegar are very   good and very quite cool too they get to wake  our resilience which gives them advantage on   saving throws against Illusions and against  being Charmed or paralyzed it's always nice   just to not lose control your character you also  get these proficiencies right battle ax hand ax   light hammer and Warhammer remember if it's  heavy or two-handed it can't count as a monk   weapon but hand axes battle axes and I think  light hammers all don't all don't count for   any of those uh I think Warhammer doesn't I think  that's just versatile can't mirror's top my head   but dark vision here and Dwarven resilience gives  them an advantage on saving throws against poison   so you get a lot of really nice just generic uh  damage type or resistances that you wouldn't get   otherwise so consider those things other little uh  call outs here are the half work for sure because   the half horse orchids Savage attacks when you  land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack so   if you're using a monk weapon your damage dice are  tripled instead of doubled which is really cool   here and Relentless endurance if you reach zero  hit points you'll gain one hit point instead of   becoming down that kind of keeps you in the fight  a little bit longer but truly choose whatever you   want a gif is also a really lovely one uh but it's  kind of weird to look this way and be a guest so   it is entirely up to you so let's talk now about  the monk itself and the monk is geared towards   dexterity that is the way you're really gonna go  but you're also going to be using wisdom for the   damage for the difficulty roles on certain things  when it comes to say your starting strike and what   have you but the monk uses either its fists or  monk weapons as you can see here from martial art   dexterous attack attacks with monk weapons and  unarmed attacks skill with your dexterity instead   of your strength if your dexterity is higher and  we'll talk about uh strength monks when we get to   the ability section martial arts death strikes  attacks with monk weapons and attacks deal one   to four bludgeoning damage unless their normal  damage is higher so you'll always have a little   base amount of damage and bonus unarmed strike  after making an attack with a monk weapon or   while unarmed pretty much everything for monk will  say monk weapon or while unarmed it's usually feat   choices that'll say one thing that's specific  to like a being unarmed or whatever something   like that but you can make another unarmed attack  as a bonus action so you can really sprinkle in a   lot of bonus actions if you're playing as a monk  and you go into something like a rogue Thief where   you're just pouring a ton of bonus actions into  your character for how that translates to you as   a monk is you're just using attack after attack  after bonus after bonus action you get a lot of   value out of bonus actions more so than a lot of  other classes or at least you can you have options   to leverage your bonus actions for damage more so  than other classes that's probably a better way to   put that so it's a very fun way to just do a ton  of stuff and I'm going to show you in actions how   that comes out because Flurry of Blows here punch  twice in quick succession 1d4 plus 1d4 this is a   bonus action so it allows you just to immediately  dish out some more damage after you've attacked   and also just like the Barbarian the monk gets  unarmored defense naturally our dexterity modifier   adds to our armor class right everyone's armor  class is 10 then the dexterity modifier adds into   that and that's your new armor class or if you  wear armor you put it on and then you add your   dexterity modifier if you can and that's your new  mod your your new armor class well with the monk   your dexterity is 10 plus your dexterity modifier  remember that's whatever number is right there it   says plus X to dexterity Checks Plus your con your  uh wisdom modifier Barbarian it's Constitution so   what you really want to focus on here is dexterity  and wisdom for your monk to pull as much as you   can out of their unarmored defense capability here  last class feature I want to talk about is key and   key is basically depending upon which monk you  take it's your spell slots it's your ability to   do certain monk actions take this for example  fluria blows this requires a key point now key   points regenerate on short rest if you go with  the Open Hand monk they get an ability at level   six that allows them to regenerate key points if  you go with the elemental monk the five elements   monk you get an ability right away or maybe  it's actually a level three that allows you   to regenerate key points so this is really cool  that you're kind of like a warlock right in the   sense that you can short rest to get your casting  of capabilities back if you go with the elemental   monk or you just short rest to get your damage  capabilities back um if you go with like open   hand or Shadow monk it's a really really cool  capability that allows you to do a lot of fun   devastating stuff and we'll talk about how that  expands as we go into a section down the road   here but I wanted to break those things down so  let's now talk about our background and abilities   background is going to be pretty much entirely  dependent upon how you want to play your character   what you have in mind for the way you want to  conversationally go through things if you want to   min max this option take a look at the skills that  this grants you and make sure that those skills   play into the ability the skills that you do not  have natural proficiency with so if I go over here   to change this is going to give us religion and  insight well we already get Athletics acrobatics   stealth history and I think religion is our other  natural um what's it called our other natural   proficiency oh it's Insight in religion those  are those are the ones we get naturally what I   would tell you from a min max perspective is  probably get something that has insight and   maybe a conversational option so like a guild  Artisan gives you insight and persuasion but   truly go with whatever you want because these are  going to give you inspiration points that you can   then use to re-roll your care your certain roles  without the game and just choose whatever one   you want to create the character in your head  for maybe this is a noble that has decided to   come into becoming a monk or maybe he's trained  his higher entire life as an acolyte to then go   into a monk or or a former Soldier whatever it is  he's suffering from uh some sort of situation he   becomes himself a monk whatever it is take  the route that you want for your character   and then we come here into our ability score so  this portion is going to be dependent upon whether   you want to be a strength-based monk meaning  you use the tavern Brothers feat that you get   at level 14 or just your normal monk that would  go into dexterity and wisdom if you wanted to be   a strength you'd probably just swap out things  as needed but I can give you those stats at the   end of this section so right now what we're going  to do here is I'm going to go ahead and increase   our dexterity all the way up and then I'm going  to put two points into it because we're a monk   we're dexterity blah blah blah we've already  gone over that plenty of times right and then   I'm going to put all my points here into wisdom  and put one point into it this is going to give   us a substantial amount of armor class because  our Armor class is going to be plus three plus   three so we'll have 16 AC when we start the game  basically is what that means and you get plus one   of these checks every two points Beyond 10. so  as you can see we're at 17 there are plenty of   ways to get 18 or 19 right when you get a feat  so there's a lot of ways to buff this then we're   going to bring our constitution up here to 14.  and depending upon if this is your main character   or not like are you using this character as your  actual player character is it a companion whatever   it is I'd probably want to bring my Charisma up  the reason for that is if my Charisma stays at   eight my ability of checks become a minus one  meaning that if I want to roll intimidation   performance or persuasion or deception they're  all at a minus one if I don't have a proficiency   into them so might as well have it at least just a  baseline that should be zero that's kind of funky   weird yeah that should be a zero a little bit of  bugaroo there Mountain Dew yeah I don't know why   that's happening but that should say that should  be a zero there because our Charisma modifier   is a zero so that's what we would then have for  any of these deception intimidation performance   or persuasion roles because we don't if we're  playing with our main character that's getting   into all these conversations we don't really want  to have a natural uh uh weight against us right a   natural handicap so you might as well kind of  get as much of it as you can do something like   that and there we go again oh boom there is like  we have The Persuasions and inside's all crazy now   um and as far as skills go Athletics can be quite  good for the ability to push things away and then   from there it's going to depend upon what kind of  character you want for your monk are you going to   go down the route of being a shadow monk well  then go ahead and pick up your stealth right   now if you so wish but if you're not going to  be doing that you can put it into history you   can put it into religion whatever you want if you  did not get insight as a background I definitely   recommend putting a proficiency into Insight so  it's at a plus five Insight grants you a ton of   things in the game as well as perception when it  comes to just navigating uh just the game World   conversations all sorts of stuff it's two of the  most important skills in my opinion outside of   the actual conversational skills and Athletics is  going to help you in shoving people you can shove   them off of uh into a precipice or whatever it  so is now before we move on we're going to talk   very quickly about how to do a Tavern brawler  stat allocation so we're still going to use   our dexterity and we're still going to use wisdom  because we get bonuses to our AC with them right   so let's go ahead and get these things up we're  going to get our strength cup is here as well and   we are going to put our strength here at 15 and  we're going to keep it there because when we get   Tavern brawler we get one point to allocate so  we're going to allocate it to strength because   that will give us plus three to our strength  checks Tavern brawler doubles that amount so   we get plus six so we'll use the the plus one stat  point there we're going to put plus two here into   dexterity and put plus one here into wisdom so we  have 16 in both that's going to give us the plus   six to our AC from wisdom and Dex we're gonna put  these last two points down into Constitution this   is kind of like a a more Bare Bones way to run  this you can go with a little bit more points in   the Constitution if you're really worried and you  don't want to put all those points into strength   up front you could swap your strength and decks if  you really want to but I think you'll be just fine   if you go something like this because  your AC is going to be so high   you will run into some issues with your your your  health but I think there's there's a lot to be   said for this type of role that as soon as you hit  level four and you get your Tavern brawler you're   going to be punching things in half it's going to  be a lot of fun for your subclass options you've   got three way of the Open Hand way of Shadow and  way of the four elements way of the open hand   is the tried and true monk subclass it makes you  more of a guy who punches people in the face where   the four elements turns you to basically a monk  Wizard and way of Shadow is going to essentially   turn you into kind of a roguish assassin style of  Monk where you use stealthing and hiding quite a   bit but way of the Open Hand we'll talk about that  first you are basically adding the ability to do a   lot of really fun stuff with your bonus actions or  adding a bunch of different damage layers in all   these cool things so for starters you get Fury of  blows topple stagger and push so now your Flurry   of Blows can push people it can knock them prone  it can stagger them all sorts of cool things level   six you get manifestation uh you get three of  these body mind and soul and it's a toggle that   you turn on a passive toggle where you do either  necrotic psychic or radiant damage you add one D4   damage to your to your unarmed attacks which is  sick you also get wholeness of body so that makes   it so you can regain half of your key points as  well as a bonus action so it costs you an action   to use but you'll get your key points you'll  get your bonus action and you also get three   times your monk level so if you get at level  six you get 18 heal uh points of Health healed   whenever you use it's really awesome but the real  awesome thing for way of the open hand is the key   resonation that's gonna happen at level nine so  what this does is you punch someone and it causes   the key inside of them to resonate and it creates  a condition on them and the cool thing about this   is you have this as an action you also have it as  a bonus action so you can punch people as action   and punch them again as a bonus but then you have  the ability to detonate that resonation and when   you detonate it it allows it hits in a 17 or 5  meter radius around and anyone who also has that   same Affliction blows up as well so you basically  blow up everyone with all these punches and like a   Five Finger Death Punch type of thing it's really  really sick but that is your way of the Open Hand   the way of the four elements like I said kind  of turns you into a bit of a Caster your take   taking advantage of your key to now use your  spells here so you can use keys to power magic   that harnesses the elements these spells also  trigger unarmed strike so whenever you use them   you also get that so what's really nice here  is that you can use these outside of being   silent so if your character silence your whole  entire party can't cast spells not if you are a   monk that is a way of the four elements also they  cannot be countered from what I have experienced   um but you would use stuff like fangs the fire  snake here this gives you like a 20-foot ability   to do some fire damage or you get fist of four  Thunders which is essentially Thunder Wave but   release a wave of thunderous force that pushes  away all and all creatures so you do get some   spells that are kind of a one-to-one from The  Wizard or any of the other categories that would   have it but you also get stuff like this shaping  of the ice create a climbable ice cube or water   whip possibly pulls a Target towards you or knocks  it prone so a lot of really cool fun manipulation   things then once since you unlock this at level  three every three levels after that you're gonna   get either some sort of monkey bill or a way  of for elements ability or more spells so level   six you get more spells level 11 you get more  spells and level nine you get improved Elemental   casting so several several of your four Elemental  spells deal an additional dice of damage and like   stuff like clench of the north wind can hold on  additional creature and basically infernal fire   is an additional Ray stuff like that it's it's  basically uh eat rice Bell but they also get   disability Harmony of fire and water while not in  combat regain half of your key points rounded down   though you can kind of keep yourself constantly  in motion with your key points but also you can   just short rest to get your key points back I  I really like where the four elements it's my   favorite monk personally and I think it's got a  lot of really fun applications if you wanted to   be a stealther then way of the Shadow is for you  you're basically going to be playing as a rogue   but a monk and let it be known too that my good  buddy remortis has a great video breaking down a   monk Rogue multi-class which I'll link in the in  the description below go check them out he has got   tons of really amazing videos for cool multi-class  combinations and breakdowns but for the way of   Shadow here you get Shadow Arts hide so now you  get as a bonus action the ability to go hidden   and if you multi-class into a rogue then you get  the ability to do stealth attacks with this which   is really really nice you could go three monk one  Rogue and you immediately can now do uh stealth   attacks with with your Shadow Arts hide but you  get passed Without a Trace here call forth a veil   of Shadows and sounds that and silence that  gives you an all nearby companionship plus 10   bonus to stealth check and that's an until long  rest so you just have this on it's really nice   Darkness blinds things for you dark vision so if  you're a human you didn't have dark vision do you   now have it uh Shadow art silence so you can  silence things and you also get minor illusion   here and this progresses out to level five  where you get cloak of Shadows which basically   isn't invisible that level six though you get a  really fun ability with uh the way of shadow that   is called Shadow step it's basically like Misty  step which allows you to teleport to a location   but once you do you have advantage in your next  melee attack rule which is really cool the real   big Heavy Hitters for this class come out at  level 11 which is Shadow strike which allows   you to teleport and then do damage plus psychic  damage the problem I find with it is though that   you need to kind of spice the way of Shadow up by  going into some of the the Rogue multi-class in my   opinion to really get a lot out of this kit and  that's a level 11 ability so you basically only   be able to take level one Rogue and level 11 monk  to get that online I'm not trying to [ __ ] on way   of Shadow it just has a very specific play style  and if you want to be kind of a stealthy Alpha   Striker Way of Shadow is definitely going to be  for you for our feet selection we can really go   with a lot of different things here you can go  with something like ability Improvement to just   get your dexterity up to 19 and then maybe down  the line you go with something like athlete to   get an additional Point into dexterity if you so  which athlete's nice too because when you're prone   setting up uses significantly less movement and  your jumps distance also increases by 50 percent   but those two can work really well together  there are a lot of ways to get what is called   a half feet so improvability score gives you  two ability points athlete gives you one ability   point so it's considered like a half ability  score feed but some of the big ones too that   you can really take a look at are mobile this  allows you to get increased movement speed and   difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you  dash and if you move after making a melee attack   you don't provoke opportunity attacks remember  opportunity attacks or whenever someone moves   outside of that range of Engagement with you they  would get an opportunity attack against you so   that's quite nice you get that speed increase you  get you don't provoke those uh opportunity attacks   and then you get evade uh difficult terrain like  I was saying there Mage Slayer can also be pretty   good here too so that you get an advantage of  when you're trying to deal with Mages so you   have an advantage on saving throws against spells  cast by creatures within five feet of you and you   can use a reaction to make an attack against  an enemy after a cast of skeleton by feet of   you also enemies you you hit have disadvantage  when making saving throws to maintain their   concentration so if an enemy has a buff up like  bless and you punch them now they have a chance   to actually just reduce that or get rid of that  entirely depending on what it is what they're   playing as so and so forth if you're playing as  a monk of four elements stuff like War Caster is   really good here you have an advantage on saving  throws to maintain your own concentration and you   can use reaction of shocking grasp to shock  someone once they move out of combat with you   spell Snapper is also good just to help you get  critical hits with your spells and also it grants   you additional can trips which is just nice to  have just an additional a bit of damage there   I quite like it um I didn't mean to click that  sorry uh but you can do other stuff like Elemental   Adept as well if you are going with the monkey for  elements to do additional damage with a specific   type of uh damage so like picture for example  here fire use spells you cast ignore resistance   to damage to fire damage in addition when you deal  fire damage with the spell you cannot roll a one   which is always kind of nice stuff like alert is  also nice you get a plus five bonus to initiative   and can't be surprised this allows you to go uh  first quite often but you have quite a few options   these are just kind of a a few to point out please  end up choosing the ones that ultimately fit the   type of role play you have in mind for your monk  character these are just some of the ones that   I really like there's a lot of things that you  could be doing here like polar Master can be fun   there's a lot of different ways to have a lot of  different fun with different abilities here don't   feel like you have to be pushed into certain ones  lastly there is Tavern brawler which gives you the   ability to use quite a bit of damage so when  you make an unarmed attack use an improvised   weapon or throw something your strength modifier  is added twice to the damage and attack rolls   remember we talked about uh building out a Tavern  brawler in the ability section so if this would   have said plus three it would now be plus six so  you really can get a lot of damage here and it's   also a half feet so it's going to Grant you an  additional bit of strength if you need it when   you're trying to build out your Tavern brawler as  you level up your monk though you'll get access to   more and more things so you'll get patient defense  attack rolls against you have disadvantage and you   have advantage on dexterity saving throws step  with the win step of the wind Dash double your   movement speed jump to uh jump no longer requires  a bonus action so this allows you to really cover   a good amount of distance fast on top of that  step of the wind disengage or treat this safely   by disengaging jump no longer requires a bonus  action so you get kind of a two in one with both   of these capabilities where you're using a bonus  action and a key point to then displace yourself   disengage from combat run up to someone and jump  to something that allows you to get a little bit   of distance move it's very very nice and they also  get unarmored movement so your movement speed is   increased by 10 feet while you're not wearing  armor or a shield it's where first noting too   that if you take a half elf Wood Elf or just  a Wood Elf outright you will be able to move   very fast as a monk moving into level three here  we go ahead and pick up our subclass which for   this example here I'm just going to go ahead and  grab um uh this guy here where the open hand so I   can talk about deflect missile use your reaction  to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon Attack   by One d10 Plus your Dex modifier plus your monk  level so what that means is we would do plus three   plus three plus one D ten so weak would vastly  reduce the amount of damage we would take from   a missile attack if the damage reduced to zero  you use a key point to deflect the missile so   keep those things in mind when you're using it  and I'll just kind of keep pressing through here   and now we get to our level four where we choose  our feet but before we do that we also get slow   fall when you fall you can use your reaction  to game resistance to Falling damage which   is lovely monk level five though is going to be  giving us that extra attack so that whenever we   do an attack with an action we now hit twice  with that action which is nice well we can   choose to hit twice also we get stunning strike  here too this is going to be based off of our   um it's going to trigger a Constitution say but  I believe that constant or your wisdom helps in   the difficulty class of this so having a good  wisdom is always quite nice and then moving   into level six we're gonna get even more stuff  unlocked here for the monk we're going to stop   at level eight or so because then it's just kind  of a little bit more flat but we're going to get   key and powered strikes your unarmed attacks  count as magical for the purpose of overcoming   enemies resistances and immunities to magical  non-magical damage you get even further increased   to your unarmored movement this didn't increase  it from 10 or by 10 and now 15 it's doing instead   of 10 it's a 15 foot increase you get subclass  features at this level as well manifestations   like I was talking about here in wholesome  wholeness of body since we want the open Palm and into level seven we would get these two  abilities the big the big one I wanted to   point out here is the evasion so when you're  agility your agility lets you dodge out of   the way of certain spells when a spell or effect  would deal half damage on a successful dexterity   saving throw it deals no damage if you succeed  and only half damage if you fail it's a very nice   way to get a lot of range spell damage coming  your way as a monk and Stillness of mind if   you are Charmed or frightened you automatically  cast Stillness of mind to remove the condition   here this is an action that removes Charmed  or frightened conditions uh but that's that's   a lot of the fun here at level eight we're gonna  get on we're gonna get another uh feat unlocked   um but from there we're going to  start to get other things like   um deaf martial arts def strikes more uh subclass  things improved unarmored movement again at 10   which is going to bring you up to 20 feet in total  all plenty of other things that you're going to   get as you progress through the monk but I wanted  to show you these first eight levels so you have   a good concept of what's coming your way for  multi-class options we're going to talk about the   Rogue Shadow monk first um it's probably one of  the better ones I can have in the back of my head   and this one again is the one that remortis did a  really awesome video on he called The Shadow ninja   and the decision here at level one is a choice for  you between do you start as a monk or as a rogue   if you need a character to do all of your lock  picking and all of your stealthing around early   in the game like you don't intend on bringing a  rogue into your party then start as a rogue this   way you're going to get access to the ability to  give yourself skills with expertise so you can   go with sleight of hand here which is really  gonna just vastly increase your capabilities   um when it comes to uh picking open locks  disarming traps whatever it is you can also   go into stealthier but you can also choose  a conversational uh proficiency if you want   this is not only your roguish capability  so you can make it so hey you know what   I'm even better at persuasion by going down this  route of choosing my skills with expertise as a   um as a rogue so do whatever one makes the most  sense for you and the playthrough you have in mind   but you'd want to either start with your Rogue  or your monk depending upon what role you want   to have for your main character or that character  in your party keep in mind remember like I said   plenty of times this doesn't need to be your  main character you can have a Starion go down   this route if you want to still keep him some sort  of Rogue like character but also have him jump a   little bit into some Monk flavoring start them off  as a rogue go three levels into that then go into   monk then finish off with even more monk so if  you went with Rogue first I would go three levels   into Rogue then finish monk all the way through  if we're going monk first we're gonna go six   levels into monk three levels into Rogue and then  finish off with a monk so let's go ahead and see   what that would look like a little bit down the  road here so here we are at level six we're gonna   definitely pick up our key empowered strikes as  well as Shadow steps Shadow step is just so strong   and such a good ability to have we press accept  it's going to bring us here into level seven but   we are not gonna choose monk even though this does  give us evasion we're gonna now bounce on over to   Rogue and the goal with Rogue and this is when you  can also get your ex skills with expertise later   in the game so keep those things in mind as you're  kind of going through it it kind of messed with my   stats unfortunately but it's fine it's fine you  would take this up to Thief where you would then   um get the ability to have more bonus actions  and the reason we're going with Thief here is   because well bonus actions unfortunately  my guy won't go all the way up that high   but this is going to give us the capability  here to do a lot more functionality with our   our Rogue right because we already do so  much stuff with bonus actions as it were   if I can just click this bonus actions button you  can see without looking at the items we have so   all of our steps of the winds are in here our  flurry blows is in here our patient defense is   in here our shadow step is in here Thief is gonna  grant us an additional bonus action so we can do a   lot more here right we can use our cutting action  hide and then Shadow step all in the same turn and   then follow it up with an actual punch to the face  so you have a lot of really cool things that you   can do with this combination of uh Shadow Monk and  Thief road now you can of course go assassin but I   think that the thief Rogue into level three is a  great way to go for getting that bonus action um bonus action economy and then finishing off with  monk getting more um improved ability scores if   you need it or whatever when it comes to another  feat from the monk the last two levels you're   grabbing outside of our shadow monk you have a lot  of interesting multi-class options because of the   way that monk weapons work it's any weapon you  have proficiency with as long as it's not heavy   or two-handed so you can start as a fighter and  spice into a monk or go as a monk and spice into   a fighter and maybe you're going with a Tavern  brawler where you do focus on having a higher   strength so that's what makes a little bit more  sense for you you can go with a monk though and   spice into open hand and then go over here into  Barbarian a little bit to pick up rage back into   Rogue to go pick up your Thief bonus actions  you have a lot of ways to approach this and   if you go with a monk that goes four elements  you can spice into things like cleric or Druid   to have a little fun here you could even go into  stuff like warlock if you wanna but I I wouldn't   um the reason I said cleric and Judas because  they're both wisdom based classes like you   already have with your monk so there are fun ways  to approach the multi-class from the monk but the   four elements one is one I probably would not  multi-class personally the open hand I think   can take advantage of going into some of the other  fighter capabilities uh and we've already talked   about how the shadow monk could benefit heavily  from going into Thief so hopefully this helps   you out with monk in my mind the Monk it it can  run better pure than most classes I think which   always can take advantage from a lot of different  multi-class combinations and if you have fun   multi-class combinations please let me know in the  comment section below let people know the levels   and when you would pivot into certain classes  to give people some fun different multi-class   opportunities at that it brings our video here to  a close so hopefully this gives you a better idea   on how to build your monk out and I didn't go as  much into equipment because well monk doesn't need   to worry about weapons so much so right even their  armor they don't really need to worry about it but   you will get a ton of kushigo gear as you reach  the end of act one in the beginning of act two so   I would just say put that on as you acquire it and  maybe if you get access to any other non-armor if   it kind of fits into the route you have intended  for your monk is there are there going to be a   Caster are they going to be an open hand monk are  they going to be a shadow monk play that has you   as you see fit you have plenty of hoods that  give you stealth bonuses and stuff like that   but if you have any other questions go ahead  and let me know in the comments section below   I'm starting to kind of slowly do these for  all of the classes so if there's a certain   class you want to hear about go ahead and let  me know below the next one I'll probably be   doing is Wizard because I did not do that for  my original breakdowns but if there's a way   that you want me to approach these videos that  I'm not doing now also let me know any kind of   feedback does help me out in making these videos  provide the most information to you guys but   as always thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care foreign
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 73,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Build a Monk for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, bg3 classes, bg3 build, baldurs gate 3 build, bg3 tips for beginners, bg3 monk guide, bg3 monk multiclass builds, bg3 monk multiclass options, bg3 monk beginner guide, bg3 monk build guide, bg3 monk multiclass, bg3 monk multiclass build, bg3 monk way of the four elements, bg3 monk way of shadow, bg3 monk way of the open hand, bg3 monk thief build, bg3 shadow monk, bg3 monk build
Id: z06WtGCgklU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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