Sorcerer vs Wizard: What is the Difference? in Baldur's Gate 3

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Sorcerers Wizards all sorts of Casters in Baldur's Gate 3 but what is the difference what's the difference between a wizard and a sorcerer why choose one over the other well in this video today we're gonna go through those things and talk about what makes a sorcerer the Sorcerer And what makes the wizard The Wizard and really the kind of differences between them now this is your first time in my channel the way I like to do things here is by upfronting the knowledge within my videos so you can decide to stick around if you so wish so the real difference here between sorcerer and wizards is the way that they approach spell casting Sorcerers innately know their spells as part of some sort of bloodline whatever it is and they use Charisma to cast said spells they can manipulate their spells using metamagic which we'll go into when we talk about the sorcerer which allows them to do stuff like increase the range of their spells or maybe a maybe a melee spell now is a 15 foot range or they can cast more spells it can have more effects happen with those spells certain things that metamagic allows them to do which is actually pretty fun foreign but the way that their spells work is that they are granted every level and those spells are the only spells that you know throughout the lifetime of your character you can swap them out with every single level but still if I chose to play this character right now as is these are the only two spells I would have and I'd have them all the way up until I got to level two until I unlocked more spells then I'd get more to choose from in these lists I'm only choosing spells in this screen you see before you now the wizard is different than all this the wizard casts spells using intelligence and on top of that their spell list is a spell book they aren't innately gifted with magic the way that a sorcer is they have to scribe it and learn it and cast it from their spell book so when I'm in this screen when I'm choosing in character selection or maybe I'm doing a level up where I'm at get access to a new spell level I can choose some spells initially and these are the spells that then inhabit my Spellbook after that I only have these spells and I have to go find Scrolls within the world and then I scribe them into my spell book and then I can swap them out as long as I'm not in combat the sorcerer can only swap their spells out when they level up versus the Wizards swaps them out freely whenever they wish that is your Prime difference between the wizard and the Sorcerer there are more complexities attached to this but that's if that's all you really wanted to know and it allows you to have the information you need to make either a wizard or a sorcerer then by all means please feel free to shut this video down and get going and having fun with your spellcaster but before you do please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe each one of those things does help me out in a huge way and 86 percent of my viewer base is unsubscribe so I'm trying to help that metric out and every little bit does help me a ton but you can jump forward to any portion of this video that interests you the most using the chapters about the timeline in the description don't forget to check me out on Twitch which you can find linked in the comment or I'm sorry the pin comment and the description below as well as a player's or a uh playlist to all of my Baldur's Gate 3 guides but let's get started here on what the difference is between the Sorcerer And The Wizard in Baldur's Gate 3. take a look at the sorcerer let's talk about those passives that we talked about that meta magic so we get sorcery points which we then use towards our meta magic capabilities so we can create sorcery points by spending a spell slot to gain sorcery points or create a spell slot using sorcery points so it's kind of a really cool currency that you can swap between the two and that is quite fun about the sourcerer you have a lot of ways that you can manipulate your spell casting capabilities by using these sorcery points and it's quite fun now we jump over here to our passes we can see Meta magic and how this really works so remember I was talking about the ability to increase the range of a spell so increase the range of a spell by 50 melee spells get a range of 30 feet I said 15 feet in the intro but clearly I was wrong but you can see this costs us a sorcery point and those sorcery points will become more and more or you will increase more and more as you level up through becoming a sorcerer and as you get these points they will recharge on a long rest and these points will eventually become I think it's pretty much one per your care your your sorcerer level so if you are level 12 sourcerer you have 12 sorcery points to then manipulate and have fun with things and you'll get access to more meta magic every handful of levels here so right now we're at level two so we'll have some fun things like twin spell so spells that only target one creature can Target an additional creature but this also means you can Target the same creature twice if you want extend its Bell uh double the duration of conditions uh careful Spell allow allies automatically succeed saving throws for spells that require them whatever it is let's just go ahead and choose uh Twins and distant go on to the next level because we're gonna get more meta magic here and this is where we get our heightened spell targets of a spell that require saving throws have disadvantage on their first saving throw Quicken spells that cost an action cost a bonus action instead and this is why a lot of people like to multi-class the sorcerer with the Rogue so that they can get access access to the thief which gives them a whole extra bonus action so use Quick and spell to add a ton of bonus action I'm sorry to cast with bonus actions and use your primary action to cast as well you can go absolutely crazy with it subtle spell here too allows you to cast spells while silenced as you can see that the abilities that you get here as a um uh sorcerer only expand as you kind of go through this progression period let's go ahead and go with I like quick and spell quite a bit it's very good and remember too you're only choosing these spells when every every time you level and you can replace this Bell sure so you know what we've got sleep magic Missile and chromatic orb those are all quite good I'm gonna go ahead and get Darkness because it's very good because it gets you blind which is lovely but conversely you know I could have gone with ice knife which is great Misty step is I think better for other classes uh scorching Ray is really good Misty step is good I just I would rather get since I'm limited in my spell capabilities at this point I wouldn't use it just yet but as we level up we get access to more and more can trips we get access to more and more spells we get access to more and more Feats and it's worth noting too here that once we finish this kind of progression I'm trying to get up to our level six here I'm just going to choose a spell here we start to get access to our subclass features now another big critical Porsche portion of the sorcerer is your subclass so let's restart this process and look at those subclasses the subclasses for sorcerer are are pretty varied in Wild magic draconic bloodline or storm sorcery I personally very much love draconic bloodline because it allows me to have a base Armor class of 13 and eventually when I because I choose a dragon ancestor from a specific type of element it allows me to do more damage with that element and I'm resistant to that that element so you can kind of fine tune your Sorcerer And you can do so in a with a wizard but a wizard does it by a school a sorcerer does it by a specific damage type if you choose a draconic bloodline or storm sorcery and just goes hard in the paint on thunder and lightning wild magic adds a level of chaos to the sorcerer that doesn't improve or diminish your capabilities it's just a very wild way to play hence the name wild magic but I wanted to kind of illustrate this because it is a prime differentiating factor between the wizard and the Sorcerer because it might overall manipulate or change the types of spells that you want to use on the sorcerer versus the wizard it does the same but it does it by an entire category of spells right so AB duration education all those different types of spells are going to get different focuses depending upon the wizard schools you choose and finally at level 10 for our source we just choose another one of our meta Magics so you'll basically by the by the max level you'll have one two three and then a fourth meta magic let's just choose distance spell so you can see now what you really are getting and those are permanent like kind of metamagic bonuses right you're not going to change those after you've selected them if unless you respect so it's worth noting you have to use your sorcery points of course for those things and we have one more level to look at on that level um uh 11 on this character but it's it's kind of something you should really keep in mind that you know if I press K this is my character I don't get to like swap these things out like if I say go to shadowheart who is a cleric I got our shadow heart who was a cleric I can simply swap these things out and the same thing that the wizard can do so if you as a sorcerer don't like any of the abilities you've chosen from this list or whatever it is I went with the storm sorcerer for example let's say other than lightning bolt I had taken uh uh uh scorching Ray if I didn't do it during a level up I can't change this spell so the only way to fix it is to Simply respect which it's that simple right you go spend 100 gold and you can you do it and you're fine but it's also kind of something to keep in mind that once you get to 12 there's no more leveling up so to change these spells you do have to go and quickly do it personal opinion here I actually like the sorcerer over the wizard because I find it a lot less kind of cumbersome I find my my spells a little bit easier to use it used to be in previous editions that you actually had more spell uses or more spell slots than a wizard and that's not like that at all anymore from what I from what I'm taking a look at with this chart um your your actual spell slots and the amount of uses you've got at level 12 is four three three two I'm sorry three two and you'll get a level one um you'll get us a single six level spell as a sorcerer a wizard gets the same exact spell levels so our spell slots so you're not losing out or any kind of casting capability as far as how many times you can cast spells in a in a given fight or whatever it is like you used to but I just prefer personally the way that Sorcerers kind of use and manipulate magic and for me this is a very like okay I don't have a big brain so this is a finite amount of spells I'm using great cool got it the wizard on the other hand is pretty much a key that can open any lock so let's now take a look at what wizard is like one thing though to mention before we jump over to our Wizard and it's kind of a not necessarily a hidden thing but it's something that that is nice about playing as a sorcerer is you have a high amount of Charisma meaning that all of your charisma saving throws are easily accomplished as a sorcerer because you're going to have the ability to jump into any one of these abilities like intimidation or persuasion which I already have Proficiency in well it gives me a plus eight right because that's my proficiency bonus into it and then I'm getting my Charisma bonus into there too so they're very good as kind of front-facing conversational characters for your campaign opening up our conversation on Wizard we're just going to jump right into subclass and this is one of the things that makes the wizard stand out outside of the fact that you're now casting with intelligence like we talked about before that is your primary stat it's what you're going to be focusing on with your subclass you get a specific focus and that focus is going to Grant you certain abilities so let's take a look at um application here evocation is probably one of the more popular ones because it's very good if you just kind of want to have a wizard that's on the rails you don't have to think about it you don't care about the future of it right well sculpt spells create pockets of safety within your evocation spells allies automatically succeed their saving throws against these spells and take no damage from them so this allows you to go completely crazy as a wizard you never need to worry about the Spells you're casting if they're going to do damage to friends because this just makes it so that they're free um they get like they every single uh uh what's it called subclass will get additional abilities down the road to uh uh take for example evocations 2 6 and 10 level six to get potent can trip your cantrips become harder to evade when a creature succeeds at saving throw against one of your cantrips it still takes half the damage which is cool and then eventually empower the location your graspification magic has tightened and you can add your intelligence modifier to the damage rolls with any evocation spell and evocation in general are all your damage spells so this allows you to kind of hyper Focus your Wizard or at least get a benefit of using a specific school because you'll get usually some sort of bonus to use in that school and scribing the scroll into a spell costs less so learning a vacation spells from Scrolls only cost you 25 gold per spell level not 50. take for example a level two spell would cost you a 100 gold on any other school that you don't specialize in versus the one you do specialize in it's only going to cost you 50 gold right a level two spell at least but divination is really good necromancy is really good A lot of people really love transmutation here there's a lot of really cool subclasses you can jump into and it is part of the big distinguishing factor of your wizard but another one is your Arcane recovery and your spell book so let's take a look at those Arcane recovery is really nice because if you hover over this replenish spell slots while out of combat you cannot restore spell slots above the fifth level and there is a formula for this the formula is the recovered spell slots must have a combined level that is less than or equal to half your wizard level rounded up so what that means here I am a level 5 Wizard and because I'm a level 5 wizard that would be my wizard level divided in half which would be 2.5 we round that up we have three Arcane recoveries charges you never need to know that formula because it's always going to be right there that number is going to just show you don't worry about the formula I'm just letting you know as a player now the total number of spell slots that I can recover and they're recovered not added I'm not adding a spell slide here like I can with the sorcery points from the sorcerer I'm replenishing expended spell slots so I can either add three level one spells or one level two and one level one spell uh or one level three spell whatever it is I have that option here so let's go ahead and just use like this level two and we'll use this right here at level one and there we go we've spent these two so we'd press this button and do this and we can do recover level two spell slot that's gonna cost two of my Arcane charges right every single spell slot level you use it's gonna cost a charge now my last charge I can go ahead and recover my level one spell slot and there we go we're back to our full Arcane or our spool our full spell slots without having to rest which is really nice or long rest for that matter it's what allows the wizard to keep going with their spells and it is a huge draw to using a wizard and that last big feature I want to talk about is your spell book so these are all the Spells I have active just by leveling up the character and it is worth noting that you will then press this button to learn your new spells I don't know why I said it's worth noting that's just how it works something though to keep in mind these abilities are only those Scrolls that I have in the topmost layer of my backpack and in this specific character's backpack what I mean by that is I go into this back or this bag it's filled with Scrolls and those scrolls are not going to appear there if they are not in my topmost layer so if you have a ton of Scrolls you have a character who's holding those Scrolls you need to put them on to the wizard that needs to transcribe them in order for you to press this button and to have them all appear and this is what makes the wizard so different right rather than me leveling up to get these spells I'm just simply going to click them as long as I can transcribe and cast that level of spell right like this is an insufficient level I can't cast level four spells so this will enable me to not cast it right this will put them into my Spellbook it's gonna cost me some money and I'm good to go I can now swap them in and out as I see fit if you know if I'm going to come up to an engagement with a lot of actual people like actual humanoids I'm gonna put a hold person you know what though I'm at a point where I'm only fighting like evil Fey or or Undead or something like that just the stuff where I'm not attacking humanoids and whole person's not going to work I'm going to swap this out for Fireball you know what I'm now going to start dealing with a ton of stuff that can see while blinded so you know what I'm going to take out Darkness I'm going to put in a lightning bolt here so you swap these out with the engagements you have in mind and maybe you save scum a bad engagement that went completely wrong for you you can approach it differently as a wizard which I think is really makes them a very kind of fun tactical type of playthrough where you look at the different ways you can do things rather than just simply jumping in an ass while like a sorcerer has hey these are the Spells I got and this is the Spells I'm gonna cast guy nope with the wizard you get to really kind of custom build out your approach to every single engagement so outside of all those things the Arcane recovery all that stuff there's another portion of the sorcerer that is not really truly linked to I'm sorry another portion of a wizard that it's not truly like linked to like a differentiation between the two classes it's more linked to the Scrolls that you have access to in this specific campaign and it's going to be different if you play tabletop RPGs as well right see this score right here Scroll of Auto's irresistible dance this is a special scroll that you're only going to get access to if you do a very specific thing in the campaign if you don't do it you never get access to it so a sourcerer would never get access to it and a wizard that doesn't encounter this in the campaign will never get access to it so what I think is really cool about the wizard is to get access to a lot of really fun and narrative um Scrolls and thus spells that you would never get access to otherwise and I think that adds a lot of really fun replayability into the wizard yourself if you're just hey you know what I already went through as a necromancer I'm going to go through an evocation character now and I'm going to cast so I'm going to try to go through very specific playthrough elements that pull specific spells out for me the last subject I want to touch on is equipment because you might be thinking to yourself well this is all good and great but what about certain equipment that specializes or focuses on specific classes now while those things do exist for the spellcasters most of the stuff is completely up to you it's not linked to a wizard or a sorcerer it's linked to the act of casting a spell which is really cool there is a specific Tiara in Act 2 or a diadem whatever it is that gives you 17 intelligence so that's really nice to have you can just use that if you don't if you want to make like say a fighter and spice into wizard then you get intelligence but here's right here's this right here uh Birthright this gives me two charisma this is yes this is a sorcerer hat but it's not a source or a hat because it's linked to sorcerer it's a sorcerer hack because it's linked to Charisma which is nice which is cool you know I don't feel like oh man I'm missing out on a cool hat because I'm an I'm an intelligence wearer or a caster versus say potent robe here your cantrips deal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier now this is a sorcerer robe well liked him well fortified at the beginning of the Wares turn the robe activates granting them temporary hit points equal to their Chris modifier but you could just as easily use this on a Bard or on a warlock I mean you could use it on a palette and would make a lot of sense but you can so you can see this is not again a sorcerer robe it is linked to the Charisma modifier itself take for example though instead the robe of the weave you gain plus one bonuses spellsave DC and spell attack rolls whenever the wearer succeeds a saving throw against a spell they regain one to six hit points so regardless of whether or not you're playing a wizard or a sorcerer this totally applies to you you're making spell save DC and spell attack rules you might as well and you get you're going to get uh one to six hit points and get two AC from this bad boy take a look at these gloves take this Photograph your armor class increases by one that's great uh you have oh that's wrong boots I thought I had a different boot on whereas aha here we go spell Crux amulet so this is a spell slot restoration class action it just replenishes an expanded spell slot regardless of being a sorcerer or a wizard which is always kind of lovely right and then lastly we have the staff which is a legendary staff I it's a very good one you gain one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolls the same thing we got off of our robe here so that's plus two bonus and now we get Arcane battery alleviate the Arcane burden of spell casting with the power of the staff the next spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot man that's sick also it's got this little guy right here and be yourself with elemental energy sourced from the draconic goddess caresca so this is not a sorcerer or wizard item again you guys should kind of make the argument here oh it was given to me the draconic bloodline Sorcerers but still my remains here don't feel like you're going to be shut off from certain equipment that's class locked you'll only be locked off or cut off from equipment that is ability score quote unquote locked or focused so just to give you a further example of how your Wizard and sorcerer can benefit from using the same items but have different ways to approach the game and with that it brings our video here to a close so hopefully now you have a better idea of how the Sorcerer And The Wizard interact in the game World of Baldur's Gate 3. there are two different classes but also classes that are very similar they both have spell slots they both can manipulate their spells in some way shape or form either through a school of magic as a wizard or as meta-magic and sorcery points as a sorcerer you have access to a wide range of spells with both classes the sorcerer is locked into those spells the wizard pulls them from a spell book so whichever everyone you go with you're not wrong have fun with the choice that you've made you've paid your money to buy a game to have your escapism so enjoy it neither one is stronger than the other my personal preference of a sorcerer is because I like the role play of a sorcerer but you might like the role play of a wizard or you might think that Arcane recovery is just so stupid strong why would anyone want to choose a source or whatever it is it's entirely up to you so enjoy the character you're playing if you have any questions about these characters go ahead and let me know in the comment section below if you want me to do a video breaking down each and every one of the schools of magic for uh the wizard I'm more than happy to do that I kind of brushed through it here I briefly talked about it in my wizard how to build video but there is a link to the bg3 wiki which will give you a breakdown of all the abilities attached to each one of those schools if you want to dive deeper into them but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 162,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sorcerer vs Wizard: What is the Difference? in Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer, baldurs gate 3 wizard, wizard build, sorcerer guide, bg3 sorcerer, bg3 sorcerer vs wizard, bg3 wizard vs sorcerer, bg3 wizard and sorcerer differences, difference between wizard and sorcerer, bg3 wizard, bg3 wizard spells, bg3 sorcerer spels, bg3 arcane recovery, bg3 metaspells, bg3 sorcery points, bg3 beginners, italianspartacus
Id: ycnkJk72Rvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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