THE BEST Gloomstalker Archer Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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Blom stalker is easily one of the strongest sub classes for Ranger and one you can do a ton of damage with in bers Gate 3 in this video today we're going to go over my Gloom stalker legal Los themed Archer build I I think I'm just calling it legal Los because it sounded like a good idea but I'm not necessarily going to be going crazy with that theme unlike my other theme builds this is actually one of the top tier builds with a ton of damage to take advantage of I will say though I'll be taking a suboptimal route and be using bows rather than hand crossbows I just prefer the visual appeal of a ranger using a bow but please as always play the game how you want not how I am saying now this is your first time my channel the way I do things is by upfront the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so with that being said let me break this down we'll be starting out as a rogue and immediately at level two we'll go ranger choosing the gloomstalker subass all the way up to level six this will get you one or it will get you extra attack and once there you'll pivot back into Rogue and take either aass assass or Thief depending on the focus you have for the character so overall your character will be five Ranger seven Rogue and we'll break down why we've gone with that split rather uh split later in the video and that's really the gist of this video that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and go become a prince of merkwood before you head out though please don't forget to like comment subscribe all that fun action each one of those helps me out in a huge way I currently have 89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel and I'm that's a metric I'm trying to change here before the year's end so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video that in you the most using the chapters with the timeline in the description and if you need help with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below at the end of the video let's get started here on our best Ranger legal Los build for balers Gate 3 moving into character creation let's have some fun now you can go with whatever race you want this doesn't need to be an elf let alone a Wood Elf I have chosen that because I made this a legal loss build but you could go with half elf instead if you want to change the armor I'm sorry the uh uh the proficiencies down here um it's really whatever you want to go with um I don't really necessarily have any strong inclinations anyway as to specific options here because we're going with a bow and arrow that's our emphasis right we're not going say with a melee weapon look the half work the Savage attack when you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack you deal an extra dice of weapon damage so it's like a lot of the things that kind of come to mind like the teelings and um the the zarel teelings they get the Branded Smite and the Searing Smite so those things kind of trigger more with the melee weapons and less with range weapons so a lot of the stuff I think it just kind of comes down to you what your preferences are even say if you want to play did it just completely change my character usually it does oh there we go um if you want to say you know make a drit sto Wen you could go with a Dr rather than a Wood Elf here both would fit very well into this example um unfortunately you can't be a Beast Master using a panther else I would have made a dritz character hands down humans also a pretty good option here if you want to increase your get an extra skill and proficiency as well as increase your uh carrying capacity by a quarter halflings are always fun because of their uh lucky attribute here you roll a one for an attack roll ability check or saving throw you can roll the D must use the new roll so and I gith I always will will tout here uh non- crackhead version uh because it's just they're just such a fun race with so many cool cantrips to get advantage of and a lot of really cool Marshall Prodigy things but let's go ahead and have some fun here with our elf go there we go we've created our leg loss and our class is not going to be Ranger to start it's going to be Rogue now the big thing that we want to the reason we want to do this is it's going to unlock sneak attack as a range attack from the start of the game now sneak attack has some interesting connotations because you you kind of think of sneak attack and Rogues and you think immediately you need to backstab someone it's not like that in this game you deal extra damage to a foe you have advantage against which can be if they're blinded any number of things that could give them you advantage against them your sneak attack is going to work so if you are actually sneaking it's going to give you an advantage but also you can use this attack if you have an ally within 5T of the Target and you don't have disadvantage a disadvantage would be if you are threatened in melee range that would cause a disadvantage on your range attack and what's important here is that sneak sneak attack scales every other level well every odd level um of Rogue that you have it's why we're taking Rogue to level seven because it will do more damage you can see it does plus one D6 here it'll do plus two D6 and 3d6 so on and so forth at Infinium but that's why we're starting with Rogue it's our initial starting point just to get that sneak attack online because it's going to make Gloom stalker when we jump into it real deadly real real deadly for background go with whatever you want you want I always recommend that you strongly roleplay your character have some fun with this you're playing a single player narrative game make the decisions for your character as if they were the the background you had in mind are you some form of former soldier that was a scout for um an army and you've come back and now you're a mercenary a soldier of fortune and you kind of Ed those skills uh to be this gloomstalker Ranger Rogue kind of character or are you an Outlander you grew up far from the cities are you a folk hero kind of like like uh the the the frontier bladesman the blade of the frontier whatever it is choose a background that makes sense for you and the RP you have in mind for your character if you want like kind of just an easy min max option here go ahead and go with um Guild Artisan because this gives you skills in Persuasion and in insight and if I jump over here into abilities what you'll see here is that we have a stealth proficiency because we're a Wood Elf and we have a perception uh proficiency because we are a Wood Elf as well so that's kind of also why I've gone with wood elf it plays very well into what we're doing and we move additional distance because wood off has this they get five extra uh movement speed so they can overall move five movement speed faster than anyone else if they're buffed up through the gills so that's kind of how I've I've gone about this and also with starting with Rogue we get our skills with expertise so what I would do here let's go ahead and kind of make this work here so I'd probably um for my skills with expertise we would probably choose stealth in SL of hand um depending on the role of the character you want if you don't want to stealth around and you kind of just want to be you know what I'm going to go balls to the wall and be upfront and personal or at least out in the open character as far as your archery goes then just don't put the expertise into this drop it into something like Insight or perception because you'll use those a lot in conversation but also as well you could do it in persuasion if you want to help out with that but you can miss Insight roles in in conversation and it's pretty it's pretty unfortunate so go with whatever one you want there in that case whatever role you have set for the character and then for your last three proficiencies um investigation's not bad uh you can put Athletics here and the point you'd put Athletics in this for is to resist being shoved um you wouldn't be doing much of the shoving because you have a low strength score uh but then you could put one or two points into deception or intimidation or performance whatever kind of conversation skill you want to dip into uh and another reason I've gone with welf is it just frees up all those proficiencies to really have a lot of fun and take advantage of but as a rogue you're going to have no shortage of skill expertises and proficiency so I'd go with probably something like this depending again too if you wanted to go evil go deception again whatever it is now for our actual stats let's clear these and let's kind of take a look here so you have to make a decision for yourself when you're playing through your character if the character is going to do something good or bad with anti-l and if you don't know who that is I'm not going to say anything more other than the fact that if you do something you will get a plus one to any ability score if you decide to take that route it's up to you that would mean that I would start here with 17 dexterity but I'm going to assume you don't know what I'm talking about I'm going to assume you don't even get that ability score and we're just going to build this out so if you're watching this video like well why didn't you do that it's because I've just I've decided not to so we're going to take these two to 16 respectively because they are really going to be our primary stats 16 is going to be for the wisdom that we're going to be using for our Ranger spells and of course 16 is going to be for the dexteria that we're using for all of our stealth ability all of our um uh ranged attacks the AC bonus we're going to get from it dexterity is really going to be the the uh the bre and butter here now we're going to bring our constitution up to 14 here and from from here it depends on this character is this my main character I'm probably going to want to boost Charisma a little bit is this not my main character well then I don't really need to you can boost up your intelligence if you want you can put up your strength so you don't so you have um at least zero on your strength here same thing with intelligence if you want this is really going to be kind of dealer's Choice like if it was my main character I would I would probably do this I personally like having a little bit more strength on my main character um it's why on my lock it in build I put my strength at like 12 because if you're wearing heavy armor it can be a pain in the ass to deal with your encumbrance so 12 is good for your main character because this gives you plus one to all of your charisma checks so when you take a look over here at Deception or persuasion we at least have a little bit more there a plus three because of our innate um proficiencies and whatnot so main characters I like to have a higher Charisma role um but it kind of just depends on you and what you want for your character um you will make intelligence checks in the game but you can get away with have keeping this at eight and strength at eight so don't really worry about it but this is how I would put my stats for a ranger Bloom stalker rogue build jumping into the progression for this character after character creation we are now immediately going to Pivot off of Rogue and go into Ranger and from here we're can choose a lot of things favored enemies stuff like that but a pretty good one here would probably just simply be Bounty Hunter now the reason here is this going to allow us to have creatures hit within snaring strike have disadvantage on their snaring snaring throws on their saving throws allowing you just to kind of get a little more hits on target down range whatever it is but it also helps you in just kind of pushing things through now I would also go with uh proficiency and slide of hand if you did not choose slide of hand during your kind of uh initial outbreak of your character of course right it depends on how you went with that um but going with a wasteland Wanderer of cold fire or poison probably fire uh because it's one of the more prevalent damage types you'll deal with because you can always just cast uh protection against poison on yourself if you so wish as a ranger so probably something like this if you if you did go with um slide of hand if you didn't I would just choose Urban tracker but there you go we would just choose that to begin with and we'd push on to our next level as a ranger and here we would choose our spells you just kind of choose in snaring strike for one is going to be a pretty important one um also you can go with Hunter's Mark and Hunter's Mark is nice because it just gives you an additional 1 to six damage uh whenever you hit with a weapon attack and that's going to be pretty crucial for us it is a concentration ability but the nice thing though about Hunter's Mark is when you kill someone who has it you can just cast it for free without spending a spell slot so I'm going to just choose it in this location you could also go with something like long Shredder down the road it's a ritual spell so you can cast it on everyone you want and since it's a ritual spell it does not actually use any spell slots which is great fighting style you know what we're doing we're doing archery this is an Archer plus two bonus to range damage with attacks weapon attacks go to our next level and this is where we will choose our subass just do like that fine sure um so here is where we go into gloomstalker now you could go with a hunter if you so wish but hunter isn't necessarily going to fit the overall scope I have in mind for this class gloomstalker is all about the alpha strikes so let's break this down subass feature you specialize in taking out foes swiftly and ruthlessly you gain plus three bonus to initiative which is really good because our we already get a plus three from our base initiative with dexterity right so now we have a juicy amount of initiative bonus throughout the game you're going to see hide armor which is going to give you one or two depending on if it's hide Armor Plus One or just base hide armor you can use that up until you get to the more specialized armor in the game and it's going to make you so much better um if you started with a human you get dark vision otherwise you get Superior dark vision actions you're going to get dread Ambush or hide so if you went with a rogue you're probably like well man H you got rid of that bonus action that allows me to hide well now you get it right here for gloomstalker so now in a typical combat route you if it's after the first turn you can go ahead and use your bonus action to go into stealth and then your next or even in that primary turn you can use your primary action to then use a stealth attack a sneak attack right so this enables you to kind of get that Wombo Combo going but you also have umbrell shroud wrap yourself in the shadows to become invisible if you are obscured so as long as you are obscured you can just go ahead and pop into being invisible which is lovely this does cost an action though right so just kind of know the difference between the two and you also get to Sky self so if there's any items you want to use that are relegated to a specific race cast Sky self use the item and then go ahead and go about your business as long as you don't take that item off you never have to recast disguise myself and if you do you just simply do that who cares so that's what we're going to do here and then we're going to pop ourselves into level four Ranger which allows us to talk about our Feats so the very first one we're going to go with is going to be Sharpshooter it's important it's it's a Lynch pin of the class your range weapons do not receive penalties from High Ground rules range weapon attacks with weapons you are proficient with have a minus five penalty to their attack role but deal an additional 10 damage and you can toggle this on or off in the passive SE of your abilities it is stupid good and crucial because especially removing that The High Ground penalties is very very very huge right uh when you attack from above you gain plus two bonus to attack roll so you'll always get that but when you attack from below you receive a minus two penalty you'll never get that anymore so that is why this is a really good one in addition to the just increased raw damage you do which is lovely now outside of that alert is very good because it almost guarantees that you're going to go first across your plus six innate initiative plus five initiative here and then plus any initiative bonuses you're getting from your armor that's a base 11 initiative plus whatever armor initiative bonuses you get you're going to go first and you want to go first when we talk about assassin because you want that Alpha strike online now another one is crossbow expert if you want to go with the dual wielding hand crossbows what when you do a wield hand crossbows whenever you attack your action and your bonus action will both shoot one AC crossbow each you can turn it off so it just uses your primary action but for this video I'm using a bow I like bows more the hand crossbow route to me personally is a little too gamey and a little too cheesy when you make a crossbow attack within melee range the attack roles do not have disadvantage so threaten never reduces your chance to hit basically your piercing shot also inflicts gaping wounds for twice as long so you get a little bit more Advantage out of that those are the two you use together you use Sharpshooter first and then crossbow expt and they just do wonders for you outside of that though I mean you definitely want to look at alert like I was saying ability Improvement is always really nice um Mobility is really cool or mobile because your movement speed increases and your difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you dash that is very nice you can get that from a ring but it's Nic just to have it built into your character you move if you move after making a melee attack you don't Prov Pro provoke provoke opportunity attacks from your target which is always really nice Savage attacker here uh this is nice for melee weapons so if you wanted to take this and make this into a melee build you definitely could use Savage attacker it's going to help you out right there but outside of it those are the ones that I would really focus on because they're the ones that really make the most sense for you you can go with something like medium armor Master when you wear medium armor it doesn't impose disadvantage on stealth checks the bonus to Armor class you gain from dexterity modifier also becomes plus three rather than plus two if you want to wear a lot of medium armor in the game but I'll be honest Hest with you there is a medium armor that I'm literally wearing right now that negate it basically gives you this trait plus all of your uh your Dex bonus so I wouldn't worry about it if I really didn't want to choose crossb expert and I wanted to choose Sharpshooter and I was like well what do I want to go with after that honestly I'd probably just do that just get more raw dexterity into my character it's going to make me better for everything that I do it's going to increase my AC it's going to increase my damage it's going to make me better at stealthing it's just it's your Prime stat here so I would probably go with something like that if I really wanted to but I'm going to choose Sharpshooter for what we're talking about right now so now we are character level six we've just unlocked level five of our Ranger which gives us that extra attack you can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed attack or weapon attack what that means is that now when we use our primary action to do an attack we also do an extra attack and it doesn't allow we don't have to make um um another act doesn't take us another primary action to do right we just simply use it and we're good to go and we take as much advantage of it it's it's nice because anytime you do any kind of class that does melee or even range damage it's nice to just be able to get that online as fast as possible so from there too we also get our Misty step capability here um this is a lovely spell because it gives us a lot of um Mobility now keep in mind too you can get myy step from tons of sources in this game but either way it's just a really nice one to have and I really like it so from here we're pivoting off now we're finished with Ranger uh here's protection from Poison like I was talking about but Spike growth is really good because you're going to be at ranged so locking things down and making so they can't move around very quickly while also taking damage for every single stuff that they take is great or for every five fet you know is really really nice so either one of these is going to be really good for you but you're done with your spells and at this point lock in all the spells that you want I think 1 two three plus either Spike growth or I don't know maybe protection from Poison kind of dealer's choice this point but I'd probably go Spike growth um the only way to change these now is to resp the character so just keep that in mind you are Ranger that's how this works so we'll press accept here and we'll jump over to Rogue again uh you can keep going down this if you want to go into more favorite enemy and stuff like that but the level seven benefits of gloomstalker are not very good so we're going to just get level two into Rogue this is going to give us a bonus action for hide which we already have but it's nice to have I guess another one the big one though is bonus action for Dash and bonus action for disengage so we can use those to get around the battlefield quite a bit and now you have a decision to make is it going to be thief or is it going to be assassin but here are your options thief or assassin do you want an extra bonus action fast hands get an additional bonus action if you want to use that extra action to go into stealth do you want to use that action to Dash or disengage or qua another potion whatever it is having a second bonus action is a very strong capability in this game you can go into you can cast Hunter sight then go ahead and cast is it pre Mark Hunters Mark Hunters Hunters Dibble dabble uh whatever the spell is and then you can go into stealth two bonus actions and then you can use your primary action to attack something with sneak attack which you'll then be able to use another attack with right so there's so many ways you can sprinkle this across the character it's ultimate utility gives you a bunch of stuff to do or do you go with assassin so you jump heavier into dealing damage that is the kind of role here with assassin over Thief now both of these get sets of abilities at level 9 which we're not going to take a look at because they both of them just kind of make them invisible and it doesn't really matter so assassin though you get this assassins assassinate initiative you're you are deadli against unprepared enemies in combat you have advantage on attack roles against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet if they're surprised yeah that's great you any successful attack roll against a surprised creature is a critical hit but as long as you're going first you get advantage on all attack roles and you're probably going to go first with 11 goddamn initiative so don't even worry about it you're going to get that attack roll out and if you surprise them even better and you can surprise things by stealthing into place and then using your attack action to well trigger that surprise and that Ambush and there's plenty of times in the game when you jump into a room like oh God we didn't expect you and they're you're they're surprised plenty of T times that you're going to deal with surprise people and there's also assassin's alacrity quick as an alleycat in a rain dark city you immediately restore your action and bonus action at the start of the combat so why this is important is you can use all sorts of actions and bonus actions to get into place to trigger a surprise and if you're using those bonus actions and actions to get in place uh and I advise you if you're trying to do this use the turn base mode right where you can click the little button in the lower right and it turns the game into a turnbas mode you use that to navigate around the game so that you don't accidentally walk into range of someone who's moving and and ruin your sneak and when you do that though if you've been jumping if you've been dashing if you've been doing whatever it's going to C cost you actions and bonus actions well this way as soon as you start combat those are just back online for you and it's also can be kind of gamey where you can qua like a potion right before you jump into combat and your action and bonus action are restored rather than having that bonus action being down before you jump into combat so I'm going to choose assassin for this build because I want to um assassin I think is a little bit more of an advanced pick because it requires you to just kind of know the game a little bit better I guess you could say and what what engagements are coming up against but it's what we're going to be choosing here today from there though we're just going to keep going get some more action I'll just go with I don't know Sharpshooter and you know what I'm going to do this one I'm I'm going to take that route we'll kind of keep splunking through this get this uncanny Dodge using your lightning quickly effect is to protect yourself when attack hits you you only take half the usual damage which is lovely and after reaching level six we'll get the ability to change our skills if you want I'm fine here but we can't go one more level because again I'm not level 12 I'm terrible but if we get One More Level which you will be doing level seven Rogue is where you're going to stop um you'll get uncanny Dodge and what that does is it allows you to do a dexterity saving throw against spells if you fail you only take half damage if you succeed you take no damage so it allows you quite a bit of resistance but all this kind of comes together to have a secondary conversation because your levels will have dictated something very specific about your combat capabilities so let's take a look look now at sneak attack sneak attack we've talked about it a little bit before you know and how it scales it or I'm sorry how it does it works damage right you deal extra damage to a foe you have advantage against before you probably saw it it was like 1d6 wasn't very awesome right well take a look at it now so it showing the total amount of damage that we're going to be able to do plus the 3d6 that 3d6 is the actual sneak attack damage the 1d8 plus 18 that's our Sharpshooter base attack damage here I'll show you you can see that right there well it's right there but either way here this is a better way there we go I was like wait where do I show this range attack 1d8 + 18 now with the sneak is the 3d6 so what happens is on odd number levels of Rogue this goes up by 1d6 so level 1 and two is 1d6 level three and four is 2d6 level five and six what we're at right now is 3d6 and why we're stopping at level 7 seven Rogue is that this jumps up to 4 D6 additional damage that is stupid good that is stupid good so it's like four to 24 more damage being shot on target which is so strong but that is how our sneak attack works just wanted to talk about it very quickly remember you do either have to be hiding or just have some sort of advantage or Ally within 5 ft in order for this to trigger when it comes to equipment for the character let's have a conversation about your bow so you don't really get a lot of really amazing bows in the game until really act three you're going to get a bow called the hunting bow in act one and it's actually really goddamn good you have advantage against monstrosity type enemies and weapon enchantment plus one that's going to really last you for a long time in this build you'll get like a jolt thrower uh bow early on in act one it's all right if we're not really using lightning charges so it's kind of met um you'll get a really good crossbow from doing the um the stuff at uh Walken's rest in act one as well and that carried me all the way until act three I'm not going to lie to you um but there's some other bows that we're going to talk about as well and there's some bows that I don't even actually have that are even better for this build but the two uh I want to show off are the bow of the Banshee here on a hit possibly inflict frighten gain one D4 bonus to attack and damage against frightened creatures uh frighten is and you'll get this here in act two um frighten is a really good mechanic cannot move frighten entities also have disadvantage on ability checks and attack roles so if you can land this it's really nice so you'll be able to just kind of lock them down and you'll have an 1 D4 basically a free blast quote unquote um into attack and damage against those PE those uh those creatures which is is really solid again happens in act two if you want to use a bow my crossbow was dealing out Bane so I just kind of stuck with it now the other bow that you can get is really good is the Deadshot you get this from an act three um Merchant now the other bow before I talk about Deadshot here you'll get in act three if you take a certain route through the game so I'm not going to show it but you can get it's a it's a legendary bow it's like the only legendary bow in the game and I'll be totally honest with you I actually like Deadshot More Than This bow because this hinges more upon um than that bow but because Deadshot hinges more upon crit strike damage so let's look at Deadshot the number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack and there's lots of ways that you can get that exact effect onto items and we're going to talk about that too with our melee weapons in just a second so this allows us for our crit strikes to land on 19 rather than 20 and Keen attack the wielder doubles their proficiency bonus when rolling range attacks with this weapon unless they have disadvantage that's stupid strong so to put in perspective here uh this should show it I think in this screen no in the screen our proficiency bonus is plus4 so the wielder doubles their proficiency bonus plus eight when rolling range attacks with this weapon unless they have disadvantage so it's just really really really goddamn good as far as hand crossbows go just to show it off Hellfire hand crossbow is the one you want to get you're going to get this at the end of or yeah you're going to get this in act two in the sh in Char's uh Temple uh possibly inflict burning when hitting a creature with this weapon while hiding or invisible has plus two on it and it has scorching Ray shot and in act two at the actual um Tower the the Moonlight Tower the vender has a really good hand crossbow as well you just use those two for like the entirety of the game and you're good to go it's kind of why I also don't like hand crossbows they never feel like they evolve I feel like I my characters done by act two and like me that feels kind of crappy now for our melee weapons use whatever you you want really like you can use what everything kind of comes to mind whatever you find in the game that kind of sticks out for you go ahead and use it um there's nothing that's going to really kind of make or break your character um you can see here that I've got Dolores emoris now there is a bow a vicious short bow that has the same effect here when you land a critical hit with this weapon it deals an additional plus seven or additional seven damage you can have that on a short bow too if you want it's pretty cool I just prefer the Deadshot I think it's a little bit better and if you don't want to help the Thieves Guild in act three then you won't get that bow so this this is easier a generic Merchant sells this and and I just have a dagger plus two on but some other really good weapons are knife of the undermountain king in act one when the wielder scroll scores a critical hit when rolling a 19 uh when they roll two damage or less roll the dice taking the higher result so it's easier to get a crit hit with that specific weapon but you have advantage on attack rolls against lightly or heavily obscured targets when using this blade um also you have got the uh rap city which is from doing uh a quest in act three is part of the main story you cannot you cannot miss it gain plus one bonus to attack rules damage and spell DC for every foe you slay up to a Max of plus three just a static bonus also possibly inflicting bleeding when hitting a creature with this weapon while hiding or invisible um if you want to go with a melee route you don't even need to use the even use the the actual weapon it's just kind of nice to have but lastly is bloodthirst which you'll get from doing a Starion storyline uh improved critical the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one best effect can stack so your bow your Deadshot now it hits on an Critical Hits on an 18 so it just makes this a really nice weapon to take advantage of uh exploit weaken weakness to uh PES this weapon it receive vulnerability to piercing damage so it's nice if you want to use this uh for melee but the improved critical will stack regardless of it's if it's a ranged or melee attack so it's nice to kind of use all these weapons in conjunction with this class it's all about Alpha striking now outside of that the actual armor and equipment that we've got going we have a lot of really cool options you can take advantage of throughout the entirety of the game pretty much to stick to light armor until you get a pretty good medium armor piece uh keep in mind the reason we're doing that is because medium armor imparts a disadvantage on stealth unless you want to take that advant that disadvantage and just say you don't give a crap you're not going to deal with stealth so just keep those things in mind choose the armor that makes sense for the play style you have in mind for your character so what I'll show off then is the helmet pieces so this is the flawed hell dusk helmet it's a nice one but it's medium armor so don't use it if you're not going to use medium um the shadow of meno Baron on is a really solid one because you get shrouded in Shadows here um you just simply get the ability to turn invisible so you've got so many sources of invisibility this is just kind of like a nice one to have if you want to have an additional source you've also got the covert cowl uh which is the one I'm wearing right now while obscured the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack remember all the other items we've been talking about now we can crit hit on 17 exterity saving throws plus one this is nice because it's going to stack with our evasion and you get this super early in the game and you can use it for the entirety of the game if you want also you can take advantage of a lot of the armor if you want to use the medium portion of it uh all the shs armor so dark justic car helmet here Wier gets at plus one bonus saving throws against spells but while obscured the number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack and Constitution saving throws plus one for our uh cloak I just went with the cloak of protection Armor class plus one saving throw plus one there's a really good uh cloak that you can get in the Thieves Guild um I don't have it but if you if you don't go with the Thieves Guild too you won't be able to get it either if you go with the dark urge you'll get a really good cloak it's really strong for this build so if you go dark urge you can get a really CL good cloak very very very early in the game um as far as our chest pieces go uh your medium armor you can use adamantine scale here again disadvantages on stealth check of course um and the dark justicar plate this one's nice while obscured the wear has advantage on stealth checks and advantage on Constitution saving throws you also get shs Aegis um which is going to give you AIS plus two to your armor class so you can use this if you want to be a little more spicy but you you also have Dr studded leather armor very early on plus one to stealth uh spider silk armor if you kill manra gain plus one bonus of stealth checks and advantage on Constitution saving throws it also looks really sick that Dr Armor maybe um lastly too we have the studded leather armor plus two this is just light armor you take one less bludgeoning and you get plus one to your initiative roles all the hide armor in the game plus one to your initiative roles plus two to your initiative roles so you can take advantage of that generic armor until you get some of this more specialized one but the best possible armor if we're thinking of just like overall survivability and everything is probably the armor of agility adds your full dexterity modifier to your armor class additionally this armor does not impose disadvantage on stealth ability checks so I would probably use personally like the Dr sted leather armor or or uh menthos armor coming up until I got to act three where I could use the armor of agility and then boom just place it on or if I really wanted to stack my initiative I'd go with high armor or studded leather armor and go with that from there or if I wanted to stick with the visual aesthetic of like a ranger I could go with maybe the studded leather armor there's also like Exquisite sted leather armor that you can get in the Thieves Guild as well um but I don't have that yet so those are your options here for some armor pieces now into the gloves you have got gloves of archery which you're going to get an act two and they're very good you gain proficiency with long bows and short bows don't worry about that you got it but addition your ranged weapon attacks deal an additional two damage so it's you're going to put them on and you're probably never going to take them off until you get a specific set of gloves that you get from act three dealing with Raphael don't want to show I don't want to have any spoilers in this um Marshall exertion gloves are also really good if you want to go with a more of a melee route push pure physical limits taking that much damage to gain an additional attack per turn and do double your movement speed um I don't know why I said melee rout but you can use this regardless CU it's just an additional attack um so you have those cap that capability if you so wish but you'll get these so early you just stick them on and set it and forget it you can use the gloves of the absolute before then you'll get them that quick in the game as far as your boots go you have a lot of options so uh n yeah yeah you can look at these black C Greaves game uh long Strider and plus one Athletics better the medium armor if you want to take that route but boots a very fast blinking gives you Misty step until you get your own Missy step turned on but the nice thing about this one is it exists outside of your spell slots and Missy step in general is a bonus action which is one of the best things about it but this uses a spell slot this doesn't uh conversely too there's boots of speed which uses clicked heals uh your movement speed doubles and enemies have disadvantage and opportunity attacks against you assuming you didn't take maybe the mobile trade or whatever so this allows you to kind of get away from things a little bit faster and differently than your normal um Dash and it is innately a bonus action which is lovely but I'm going to be using here uh the integrating night night Walkers can't be in webbed entangled or ins snared and can't slip on Grease or ice it's just a a really solid set of boots that you can use you get them very early in the game too and you just kind of have fun with them we'll stick them in the slot and and and make do as far as some of our jewelry goes we have The Crushers ring which is going to increase our movement speed by 10 ft always solid um the spurred band during combat when the wearer starts with their turn with 50% hit points or less they gain momentum um also though the killer sweetheart is just so good cuz it's basically an auto critical hit very crucial uh for our necklaces we have the Amulet of the Harpers advantage on wisdom saving throws is very good because this is for charm person or anything that would affect your wisdom any kind of Willow save basically if you go and think of it that way uh frighten uh tsh's hideous laughter all those spells um are are wisdom saves but also you get Shield which is just a free reaction AC bonus right so my 19 AC jumps me up to 24 AC right um so nice little diddy there but also to Amulet of Misty step just another form of Misty step that you can take advantage of and moon drop pendant when the wearer has 50% hit points or less they don't provoke opportunity attacks so just another kind of layer of insulation for your character so you can move around the battlefield quite easily um but this is your equipment lots of things to take advantage of and you get a lot of it super early in the game and the nice thing is you're not really locked into something that has to occur at act three um from maybe the Deadshot but still either way your character can be pretty online through the majority of the game which is very fun so here we are I'm set up into a little bit of an alpha strike um I wanted to make sure I was lightly obscured so anytime you hold down shift you can kind of see where everything is or if you immediately go into hide you can see everything uh these red obviously notti that people can see you but when you take a look for that little Sun that means you are not obscured and the little half sun is partially obscured and when there's no Circle in there at all you are fully obscured at least being partially uh obscured triggers some of the effects of some of the items we've talked about so we've gone ahead and put oursel into turnbas mode so I can illustrate how surprising someone works because that's an important part of this as well you can surprise any character who doesn't expect you to make an attack pretty much um you have to do this though from a position of being at least partly or lightly obscured partly obscured so let's say here we're going to go ahead and pop this and we're going to try and get a shot on here I kind of put myself in a weird position let's see what I can do cannot reach cannot reach there we go sometimes it'll makes you kind of move and we don't want that to happen so at 99% we have Advantage let's go ahead and use a sneak attack here now wi assaulting someone you just go ahead and press attack and you can see that this doesn't really work um I got this to work in an instance before this but it just required a lot of like finicky um someone had to report me to the guards rather than the guards try to attack me so in this example it's unfortunately not showing surprise but every other way I you would do this let's say that this was a hostile monster this would trigger them to be surprised meaning that they would not go in their respective slots they would roll initiative but they wouldn't go your whole team gets to go first so unfortunately I didn't get to Showcase that here right now but I still get dread ambusher and as you can see my actions have replenished so I'm back to having full actions even though we used sneak attack on this target right to start off and they're almost already dead so we have assassinate initiative here uh movement speed increased by 10 feet effective entity can make a weapon attack as a bonus action that deals an additional one uh d8 you can see dread ambusher right here as a bonus attack so this is kind of why I was talking about um your Thief can kind of get a lot of stuff going on here right like oh man you know what we don't need to use dread Ambush or hide even though we're no longer hidden right um I could have instead used my bonus action to go into hide then use my other bonus action use dread ambusher range right here um in this case though just to kind of showcase more of the actual um character remember we started off with the ability to get that advantage on snaring uh strike so we can use that right here uh we could go ahead and pop ourselves into dread Ambush or hide hopefully actually passing this the successful sneak attack or I'm sorry uh hide and after that we could go ahead and use a sneak attack again if we wanted so another 3d6 I'm just going to go ahead and showcase so do Ambush arranged just so you can see going to pull the camera over in that direction right so you can see we are able to get a quick shot off on her now I I kind of used Misty step to get up to these locations and originally I'd actually planned this Ambush over there but this is kind of something I want to really Showcase with this build that I don't think a lot of these videos have really talked about this said oh the build is really cool really great and really awesome but you can have a lot of fun setting up these ambushes if you kind of pay attention to the game you watch where they kind of Patrol and stuff like that you can have a lot of fun with this and we still have um some stuff that we can do so let's go ahead and go into ah we we failed um I forgot that that assassinate it doesn't use it the bonus action I for some reason I thought I did so ignore what I said earlier but damn I was hoping to get it to um ambusher high and then immediately go into sneak attack range here now we can use sneak attack because we still have um what is it U we still have Advantage right so let's take a look at this again deal extra damage for foes you have advantage against and that's the crucial thing here you don't have to be in sneaking um so we do have advantage on them which I didn't process when I was talking about earlier so we can go ahead and just go ahead Boom Like This and we're good to go but hey you know what we get an extra attack out of it you can't double attack a sneak attack here but we can just go ahead and use um like your piercing strike or just another range attack you can see we pretty much have two characters out of the fight right before anything even goes down and had I been a little bit more Wy I could have cast Spike growth here to get that down in this area um I could have cast Hunter Mark with my bonus action um rather than trying to hide right there and then that could have done a little bit more damage so maybe I wanted to take out this steel Watcher it would have helped me out or if I used in snaring strike remember anything that is in snared with our ins snaring strike we get advantage on I believe that that's the case let's let's double check let's let's let's listen to all the things that I say in this video about all the things that I know that I am sometimes not riding ah uh they have disadvantage on their saving throws so you don't have Advantage they have a disadvantage on saving throws um against your stuff so I I misspoke right there but still nonetheless you could be using in snaring strike right here get them all kind of and snared or any kind of hunters Mark to increase that damage so this kind of showcases how the damage and how the alpha striking works of this and have we gone with Thief we don't really need to get into this kind of crazy situations of trying to open up hard with a heavy Ambush because we just have all these bonus actions to take advantage of we can pop into hide we can shoot something we can pop back into hide and stay where we are or if we have a potion of quickness we've got two two bonus actions and two primary actions we can sneak attack hide sneak attack I'm sorry hide sneak attack hide sneak attack or heaven forbid you have an actual um character next to them you just take advantage remember they just have to be uh you have to have advantage or you have to have an ally within 5T and you don't have disadvantage so this is your assassin this is your uh Gloom stalker I took a little bit of a different approach here I did not jump into the double hand crossbows because that is the best way to do this build I'm not even going to lie to you it's the way that everyone's been showing off and how to do it but I honestly just don't like it I think it's really gamey I think it's really cheesy and I think it doesn't really leave a lot of room for you to grow throughout the game it gets a it's a static way to play the game that I think you just end up beating the game effectively in act two once you get all both of those hand crossbows it's just a matter of time before you just kill things very quickly in close combat because those things do so I'm sorry not close in range combat because those things do so so much damage add in your sneak attack you're just doing even more so um this is my take on the build hopefully you like it like I said there's a million of these videos out here if you have any questions or if you have any comments or suggestions for other Feats other armor while means Let It Be know in the comment section below as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 39,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 best ranger subclass, THE BEST Gloomstalker Archer Build for Baldur's Gate 3, bg3 gloomstalker assassin build, bg3 archer build, bg3 legolas build, bg3 assassin build, bg3 gloomstalker thief, bg3 gloomstalker ranger, bg3 gloomstalker multiclass, bg3 gloomstalker guide, bg3 how to sneak, bg3 how to sneak attack, bg3 how to surprise, bg3 archer, bg3 archer rogue, bg3 best archer, bg3 best gloomstalker build, bg3 best bow build, bg3 best bow class, bg3 bows, bg3
Id: 24zVbouoT5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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