BEST FEATS You Should Choose in Baldur’s Gate 3

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Feats are one of the best ways to add a ton of  power to your character whether it's improving   an ability score making them better at dual  wielding or simply making their spells more   destructive but this could be an overly indecisive  time so I'm here to help you by breaking it down   into General melee range and spell casting  related Feats bringing it down by each class   would cause some redundancy so you should just  jump to each section that fits your class for   example Paladin would probably look at both  melee and spell casting there will always be   Feats that are situational for specific use  cases that maybe benefit the role play you've   created for your character so please always err  on the side of role play over min max as you'll   just have far more fun with your gameplay also  I want to say that this video's design isn't   to outright say that you must take these feeds  but rather help you or help at least give you   Direction in deciding which ones will actually  help you for the roles you've designed for your   character keep in mind you'll have three Feats in  Baldur's Gate 3 at levels 4 8 and 12. if you're a   fighter you'll get a bonus one at level six and  Rogues get a bonus at level 10. giving those two   classes four total Feats in my typical fashion of  upfronting the knowledge of my videos if you're   really hard pressed on deciding what to choose you  really just can't go wrong with Feats like lucky   which will give you three re-roll dice durable  for full hit point heels on short rest mobile   for not provoking opportunity attacks and of  course ability Improvement which gives you two   juicy ability points on either one ability score  or spread across two ability scores you can't go   wrong with any of those but the rest are going to  be dependent on whether you're doing melee range   spell casting or a combination that's up but  that's really it that's the tldr of this video   if that's all you wanted to know please feel  free to shut the video down and get back to   enjoying your time in Baldur skate 3. before you  head out please don't forget to like comment and   or subscribe each one of those things does help  me out in a very huge way and I would greatly   appreciate it you can quickly navigate to any  part of this video that interests you the most   using these chapters about the timeline in the  description and if you need any help with any of   the DND terms that are brought up in this video I  have a full breakdown of those turns in the upper   right hand corner lastly don't forget to follow me  on Twitch where I will be streaming border Skate   3 with my solo and Co-op playthroughs let's get  started here on the best Feats you should choose   in Border skate 3. let's get us kicked off  with the general ability Feats meaning that   they really apply to pretty much all classes  regardless of what your role is melee ranged   or spell casting and keep in mind any feat that  I don't talk about in this video um it's not   because I'm opening up and only fans it's because  it's just these are the ones that I want to focus   on the most because they are maybe particularly  good but if you want to do something like I don't   know Mage Slayer I don't talk about it at all in  this video go ahead and do it you're not going to   break the character your character is not going  to become useless or anything like that these are   just the ones that really stand out as being  particularly good as I go through this entire   video again just play the way you want you spent  your money do what you want with your escapism so   when it comes to our feet the very first one we're  going to talk about is ability Improvement it's a   very very very good one you increase one ability  by two or two abilities by one to a Max of 20.   um take for my Bard for example he has 17  Charisma so this puts him up to well 20 or   19 if I want almost a 20. um it's a really really  strong ability because you really want to get your   ability score as high as possible for whatever  character you're playing are you playing a   sorcerer or a warlock or a Bard get your charisma  up maybe you're playing a strength oriented   um fighter or Barbarian then get your strength up  maybe you're playing a dexterity focused Ranger   fighter or well Rogue well then definitely want  to get your dexterity up you get that up as fast   as you can because it's going to give you more  damage make your spells better whatever it is   that you're keying off of with your ability  score you want to Max that out pretty quickly   that is a very good first one another really good  one to get is actor especially if you are playing   a row or I'm sorry a barred here this is going to  increase your charisma by one but also you get a   proficiency bonus is also doubled for deception  and performance checks now when you start the   game your proficiency bonus is only two right  but that scales up to three and then eventually   four so if I have a proficiency and perform or  in deception that goes from two to four or three   to six or four to eight whatever it is in this  situation and I find that this is really good   if you're the player character if you're  the PC if you're not the player character   it's not terrible but I'm probably going  to be stumbling into conversations with my   player character more than my other characters  and this way I can take advantage of it a lot   more especially if I'm again playing a Bard which  would use my performance role because I probably   have a Proficiency in it everyone can of course  have proficiency and performance if you wish but   Role Play Wise I did it on my bar because I'm a  bar another really good one is lucky uh not to   not talking about the hit Britney Spears song so  you gain three luck points which you can use to   gain advantage on attack rolls ability checks or  saving throws or to make an enemy re-roll their   attack rolls this is different than the halflings  lucky roll so luck points these are basically it's   just saying these are your dice that you have  you've got three of these that you can use so   you use a luck point to gain advantage on your  next stability check you can use a luck point   to get an advantage on your next attack roll or  saving throw or to make an enemy re-roll their   attack roll and you'll get this as a kind of like  a reaction more or less and it but it won't cost   you a reaction that's an important distinction a  reaction as it is stated as an actual reaction you   only are allowed once per turn lucky is outside  of that it is not considered an actual reaction   a bit of a little cue up in the same way oh you  made an attack roll well hey do you actually   want to throw your lucky roll in here or you know  what you're doing an ability check uh you want to   throw your lucky roll in here or hey you know  what someone just hit a big hit on you did you   want to throw your lucky roll in it's a really  really really good ability and everyone can take   advantage of it in a lot of big ways mobile is  another good one so your movement speed increases   and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when  you dash if you are if you move after making a   melee attack you don't provoke opportunity attacks  from your Target and that's the really the reason   I like mobile the most is that it allows me to  get out of a tight situation without being able   to trigger an opportunity attack so maybe I'm  playing as my Rogue and I want to go ahead and   attack with my primary action then run away  then I don't trigger that opportunity attack   and then use my bonus action to go into stealth  or whatever it is there's a lot of really cool   ways you can use mobile for not just simply being  defensive you can use it offensively hey I attack   and I'm going to move somewhere else to put it  so that I threaten multiple targets or whatever   it is to put me into opportunity attack range  a lot of really great things come with mobile   the last one I want to talk about in this  section is durable so your Constitution is   increased by one to a Max of 20 and you regain  full hit points each time you take a short rest   it's worth noting that almost every single DND 5th  edition uh feat that was previously god-awful is   now at least passable because they almost always  now present you with an ability score increase   uh but durable is great here because you're now  getting full hit points whenever you short rest   you get two short rest that you can use on a whim  so it's really nice way to just kind of get healed   up to full but this concludes our general feed  section just real quick before we exit this an   example here would be Tavern brawler this was  typically not good in fifth edition but now I   get an ability score from it so it actually has  some better use cases here or if I'm using unarmed   attacks it's quite nice but let's jump over now  into our melee feeds so for melee I want to start   with a combo and some Feats work very well in  conjunction when taken at certain points in a   certain time so I said you get a feat at 4 8 and  12 right respectively well if you're maybe a melee   oriented class getting Sentinel is a really good  feat so let's read this out when an enemy Within   melee range attacks an ally you can use a reaction  remember you are allowed once per turn to make a   weapon attack against that enemy the target Ally  must not have these Sentinel feet so just assume   that they don't maybe it's a cleric maybe it's  your wizard whatever it is so if they get attacked   you get to immediately attack that person then you  gain an advantage on opportunity attacks and when   you hit a creature with an opportunity attack  it can no longer move for the rest of this term   so Sentinel gives you a lot of utility right  out the gate you get the ability to truly be a   sentinel like a defensive kind of tankier um  Paladin or fighter if you want to take that   role or even if you'll just want to use this  offensively you definitely can because we're   going to key this off of pole arm master and  those have played fifth edition this is like   a tried and true really strong combination here  so pull on Master when attacking with a glaive   halberd quarterstaff or spear you can use a bonus  action to attack with the butt of your weapon   that's very nice it shows you right here I'm just  one to four bonus damage or a bludgeoning damage   but you this is the one this is what makes it  good you can also make an opportunity attack when   a target comes within range let's jump back to  Sentinel you gain advantage on opportunity attacks   when you hit a creature with an opportunity attack  it can no longer move for the rest of the turn so   why pull our Master is particularly good is that  you're getting that advantage on your opportunity   attack you're locking them down so they can't move  anymore so if they're trying to close distance   to a friend well you just lock them down because  the advantage you had on your opportunity attack   because they came into range remember opportunity  attack works when someone leaves your threat range   with polar mastered though the important thing  is glaive and halberd both have reach meaning   you can actually hit them at a further range than  you would normally Quarter Staff and spear do not   have reach at least I don't remember quarter  stop happening I know spear doesn't but glaive   and halberd will allow you to hit them at a much  further range so you put these two together and   you're actually able to have a lot of Zone control  around your party around yourself to lock things   down and prevent them from moving around as freely  so it's a very good combination you'd use those   two together now another and you would you would  do sentinel first followed by polar master so   four then level eight respectively another really  good separate than those two and just going back   to normal Feats now is Savage attacker when making  weapon attacks you roll your damage dice twice and   use the highest result so it's basically like an  advantage on your damage dice right this is really   good if you're playing a barbarian especially  a half work which is going to take advantage of   those Critical Hits and more on that in a little  bit but a lot of way to just kind of really make   sure you maximize your damage or try to maximize  your damage as much as possible when you are using   um weapon attacks now this says when making weapon  attacks you roll your your damage it's try blah   blah blah weapon attacks so even though I've put  this in the melee section it does say weapon so   that does include ranged and I'm not sure if  that verbiage has changed from fifth edition   but it's nice to know that you can actually use  this in the range section since the range has so   few actual applicable Feats in Baldur's Gate 3  compared to 5th edition now outside of this we   also have great weapon Master by and large I  actually don't like the Marshall quote-unquote   Marsh uh Master traits heavy armor Master light  armor Master medium armor Master they're not   terrible but I just don't like them as much as  say great weapon Master which is particularly good   there's a shield Master is really good it's at the  end of the section but great weapon Master here   when you land a critical hit or kill a target with  a melee weapon you make a you can make another   melee weapon attack as a bonus action that turn so  you can really do this to fine-tune on someone hey   you know they only got two hit points left let me  see if I can get a crit on them or kill them if I   kill them boom I get a bonus action to do another  melee attack just try and bunch things up together   and go to town or if you just land a crit hit  you're playing as a champion fighter that has   um not super set at that got too much of a  gym bro that has multi-classed into fight or   uh Barbarian well I'm really going to take  advantage of all these crits I can do and   maybe also I'm a half orc so I'm just critting  out the ass over here and this is gonna allow   me to just use a whole other weapon attack as  a bonus action then attacks with heavy melee   weapons are Prof that you're proficient with  can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of   -5 to the attack roll but you can toggle this  so that's really good here right so you can just   simply toggle that on and off you bit you get  all of the the benefits of this kind of passive   feature without having to deal with whether or not  you want to deal with that attackable penalty for   them for the massive damage bonus it's entirely up  to you which I really really like about this one   another one I'm going to talk about that is not  amazing Duality has always been a kind of a funky   spot in Dungeons and Dragons um but dual wielder  you can use two weapon fighting even if your   weapons aren't light so previously this meant that  you know you had to use short swords uh Falcons   or uh like daggers anything that says light in  its description and you gain plus one bonus to   Armor class while wielding a melee weapon in each  hand you cannot do a wield heavy weapons so this   allows you to do a wheeled long swords different  axes whatever it is that are not two-handed heavy   weapons so you can use this to your best Advantage  if you really want to drill down into pulling more   weapons into your repertoire you can because this  also gives you plus one AC as well it's not an   amazing feat but I do a wheels on this character  I do it on all my characters I will probably take   this knowing it's not a great feat but because  I want to take advantage of it so this is an   example of hey this is not a min max option but  screw it I'm gonna take it because it's fun and   it fits the way I want to play defensive duelist  though is a pretty good one when attacked while   wielding a finesse weapon you're proficient with  you can use a reaction to add your proficiency   bonus to your armor class possibly causing the  attack to miss so if you're maybe playing a rogue   or you're playing a DEX based character that's  using finesse weapons because remember finesse   weapons will scale with your dexterity instead of  your strength if your Dex is higher my Ranger and   Bard are both Dex based Fighters that use finesse  weapons so defensive duelist here is gonna allow   me to use my proficiency bonus remember we talked  about this earlier that's either two three or four   depending on your level and just add it to my AC  so if my AC is like 15 because I'm using medium   armor and my just stacked up or medium armor  so that's plus two decks on top of it or I'm   sorry plus two Armor class on top of it then my  proficiency bonus there's just two three or four   more on top of it it really gives you a lot more  durability and you get to use it on demand as far   as when you want because it's a reaction you're  only allowed one reaction per turn just remember   that so hey you know what that's a pretty it's a  pretty heavy hit coming my way I'm gonna pop on   defense of dual list um you also get charger which  is a very fun one from a thematic standpoint being   able to just completely knock someone off of the  ledge or whatever it is because you have a weapon   attack or shove and the shove one's really  nice because you can just push someone into   a precipice maybe you're dealing with a goblin  camp and you have people up on this bridge and   you can just knock them off into the precipice  and they're just dead they're out of the fight   entirely so this is a really nice one especially  if you're playing a barbarian that's not using a   weapon that has a charge attached to it last one  in this section I want to talk about is Shield   Master which basically gives you the Rogue monk  evasion capability but as a non-monk or Rogue and   just someone using a shield so you gain plus due  to bonus dexterity saving throws while wielding a   shield if a spell forces you to make a deck saving  throw you can use a reaction to Shield yourself   and diminish the effects damage on a failed saving  throw you only take half on a successful you don't   take any so this is just a really awesome way to  be a tried and true sword and board defender of   the righteous you know whatever you want to be  when it comes to using a shield this gives you   a lot of defensive utility that you can really  pull from for our ranged Feats we really only   have two anything that doesn't specifically say  melee weapon or ranged weapon Savage attacker   be an example is something that would apply to  both melee and ranged but Sharpshooter here is   a very good one that goes in conjunction with  crossbow expert crossbow expert has changed   in this game compared to 5th edition worth noting  your ranged weapons do not receive penalties from   High Ground rules meaning if you're shooting  up then you don't have to deal with the penalty   here when you attack from below you have a minus  two penalty you don't deal with that anymore and   now range weapons attack with uh I'm sorry range  weapon attacks with weapons you are proficient   with have a minus five penalty to their attack  Roll But deal an additional 10 damage I don't like   that that's toggleable like like it was for um the  great weapon Master right this is a toggleable you   can toggle this on and off sharpture you cannot  so Sharpshooter is something you should take later   because it's something that's very punishing  in the beginning of the game because maybe you   don't have as high dexterity whatever it is that's  going to add to your attack roll so I'd recommend   you take this later compared to crossbow expert  and you would take these two in conjunction if   you are dual wielding hand crossbows which my  Bard isn't specific but this is the only other   real ranged feat because we don't have Elven  accuracy or whatever it's called added into the   game yet or right now in its current iteration  so when you make crossbow attacks within melee   range the attack rules do not have disadvantage  it used to be something related to bonus action   um so that's no longer in the game you just simply  they do not get disadvantaged and your piercing   shot also inflicts gaping wounds for twice as long  so that's very nice here you get it a little bit   longer in your gaping wounds which has a little  bit more damage but those are your really your   only two range Feats and if I were to use dual  wielding hand crossbows I would do crossbow   expert and then sharpshooter moving into our spell  casting Feats remember this isn't just because you   are a spellcaster like a sorcerer or a wizard but  these apply to it whenever you are someone like   a paladin or a ranger or a warlock or a cleric or  anyone who casts spells in general so spell sniper   is quite good because first you get a cantrip  and the number you need to roll a crit hit while   attacking is reduced by one this is just like you  get for uh the champion of the Barbarian you know   how you can reduce the crit by one whatever it is  so that you actually quit on a 19 instead of a 20.   so having that is very very nice because this  effect can also stack shows you right there   and then you would just simply choose another can  trip remember cantrips are a level zero spell you   can cast them every turn if you want they don't  use a spell slot so it's just a nice way to get   additional utility into any kind of class you're  playing that uses spells in any way shape or form   moving up here to Elemental adduct we have another  great spell capability here your spells ignore   resistance to a damaged type of your choice when  you cast spells of that type you cannot roll a one   so you can't auto fail which is great but you're  locked into your choice so that might seem a   little damning depending on how you're playing  but maybe you're playing a tempest cleric where   add up Elemental adapt lightning or thunder  it's just a shoe and because you're already   casting those you're already buffing them with  your channel Divinity whatever it is you have   a lot of things here or maybe you're doing a  light cleric uh you can have just tons of fire   or maybe you're playing any number of other ways  or configurations for any number of other casters   where you know the specific element you're going  to focus on so you ignore that resistance and you   cannot roll a 1 on those respective spells  which is quite lovely for you now the other   group of Feats are the magic initiate feeds one  two three four five six now these are really nice   because you don't need to be a spellcaster  to take them I could say maybe you know what   I'm playing as a paladin and I already get my own  list of spells but I want to pull from the barred   ones or the Warlock ones um or just pretty much  anyone who's going to use charisma our sorcerer   here I can do that magic initiate you learn  two cantrips and a level one spell from the   X spell list and says sorcerer in this example  because we have Source reflected you can cast   level one spell once per long West rest and your  spell casting ability for all three spells is   charisma so you would key off of whatever you  do maybe you're a wizard uh maybe you're not a   wizard and you have a high intelligence score  so take magic initiate Wizard or maybe you're   a cleric and you don't want to multi-class into  turret well you can still take Druid spells using   magic initiate Druid it's a really cool way  to spice into classes get a lot of cantrips   which we've said again are Level zero spells  so you can have a lot of fun pulling from these   and using these and getting  all the utility out of them   um and you get also access to a level one spell  that you only use with one long rest here so   it's a really nice way to get access to the stuff  without having to multi-class our last thing to   talk about is war Caster so you gain advantage  on saving throws to maintain concentration on   a spell this is great if you're playing maybe a  cleric who has bless up or maybe you're playing a   ranger or a druid who has fog Cloud up any number  of classes that need to maintain concentration on   their spells you get an advantage on the saving  throws so don't think of this as you know what   I'm a wizard why am I going to use this because  it has so many more applications outside of   Simply the other thing in this you also can use  a reaction to cast shocking grasp at a Target   moving out of melee range so basically you get a  spell opportunity attack whereas if I'm a wizard I   don't really care about my opportunity attack it's  not that crucial here but now I actually just get   be get to be able to use shocking grasp and it's  a cantrip so it's not going to take a spell slot   from me and I can just go ahead and use this and  get a little bit of damage out so warcaster is   a really good one to give you the other Advantage  when you're saving Thruster concentration and give   you a little bit of [Music] um uh electric damage  or lightning damage in this case to to dish out   and you can stack this right you know what hey I  already took my Elemental Adept and I went into   lightning and I'm already a cleric of Tempest  that's got tons of lightning and someone hit me   and I'm doing lightning all over the place really  think of how you can stack these Feats together   to really help you out in a big big way so at that  it brings our video here to a close and hopefully   this gives you a better idea of some Feats that  are really going to work alongside the play style   you have selected for your class and remember this  isn't just simply you this is your companions too   hey you know what I'm gonna I'm playing with  a Starion and I want to get defensive dualist   for a Starion because he's just already in that  role or you know what I I'm playing with karlak   and she needs a lot more punching power I'm  gonna pick up Savage attacker or great weapon   master or you know I'm gonna use uh Lavelle or  the gethongi and I'm gonna do sentinel and pull   our Master with her I'm going to turn her into a  just a zone of control master so you can really   use these in a lot of different ways across a  lot of different characters yourself included   and if you have any other big recommendations  for feeds that other people should be taking a   look at either for a specific reason or Whatever  It Is by all means please let it be known in the   comment section below I am always huge on getting  as much information disseminated out to people as   possible but as always guys thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care [Music]   foreign [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 168,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST FEATS You Should Choose in Baldur’s Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 feats, baldurs gate 3 best feats, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 feats list, baldurs gate 3 feat tier list, boulders gate 3, feat guide, best feat, level up guide, bg3 feats tier list, bg3 feats list, bg3 best feats, bg3 best feats by class, bg3 best barbarian feats, bg3 best rogue feats, bg3 best bard feats, bg3 best wizard feats, bg3 best paladin feats, bg3 feats
Id: -muwy3SOYZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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