BEST Party Compositions (Companion Guide) | Baldur's Gate 3

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will shadowheart karlak there is a wide world of  companions to choose from and it can be tough to   decide which one to pick based off of maybe  your main character's goal or the alignment   you had in mind in this video today we're going  to crack into all of the base origin related   companions to discuss some team compositions  what companions like what and some other things   I'm going to be talking about the main six  companions throughout this video but I will   mention the four other companions you can get  throughout the story based off of your actions   so just a heads up for any kind of spoilers that  might be involved there I won't be particularly   talking about what those actions are just that  you will get them in the story uh if this is   your first time on my channel the way I do things  here is by upfronting the knowledge of my videos   so you can decide if it's the right one for you  so with that being said your companion comp does   not matter for the most part all companions can  be respect to whatever class you want them to be   so I'd say choose three companions that you like  the personality of and have fun what I will say   and we'll talk about this more later is that you  want to if you want to go with an evil playthrough   being particularly cruel and sadistic will and  Gail will probably leave your party before Act   One Carlock might as well just kind of depend on  the route that you take but certain or a certain   action will trigger the latter two to head  out evil characters or evil companions will   stick around through the entire game if you're  going good unless you do something to personally   upset their storyline but again outside of that  all companions are 100 viable so please choose   whatever makes the most sense for you and your  playthrough and that's it that's that's your too   long didn't watch so if that's all you wanted  to know then please feel free to shut the video   down if you so wish but before you do please don't  forget to like comment and or subscribe each one   of those things does help me out in a huge way  and I would greatly appreciate it you can jump   ahead to any part of this video that interests you  the most using the chapters in both the timeline   and the description and if you need help with any  other subject matter you can find the link to my   entire Baldur's Gate 3 guide playlist below  as well as a link to my twitch where I stream   Tuesday Thursday Saturday let's get started here  on my best companion compatibility guide for   Baldur's Gate 3. loading into the game let's talk  initially about some general things when it comes   to your companions and it starts off really with  their approval rating as you go through the game   you're going to make choices in a conversation  or action as an actual action decision that the   companion will either approve of or disapprove of  and then that is seen and press tab you can go to   character select and then you're going to see  this approval rating at the bottom now I don't   ever really play with hysterian but I put him here  just to kind of improve a point I play with Shadow   heart and Carlock almost all the time in my party  because a I'm Romancing Shadow heart and B I'm   playing a really good quote unquote aligned party  so most of the things I've chosen alive with what   Carlock has in mind I started on the other hand  I haven't really played with him but the type of   decisions I make wouldn't really jive with him you  can see relationship is neutral character has no   strong feelings towards you the Avatar and as you  make these decisions you'll see that approval and   disapproval it's important to note that it's not  a simple tick forward or backwards hey you know   you made a decision they approve it or disapprove  it and it's plus one or minus one point there's   actually severities to your approval rating  there's a mod you can download somewhere but   um you can say like hey for example um I'm  Gonna Save everyone let's just say that that   blanket statement and a Starion kind of he skews  more towards like not necessarily outright evil   but more on the let's just say chaotic side of  side of things so with that being said he might   disapprove to the point that because I chose  to save everyone it's a massive act and he's he   grossly disapproves of it and that's going to be  like a minus five or a minus ten now with approval   obviously there's there's really no bad portion of  that right approval is always good but disapproval   if they get low enough they will outright leave  your party unless a specific act triggers them to   leave too so for example here maybe you've been  playing as Gale or having Gail in your party and   with Gail in your party he has something where  as far as his story goes he needs magic items   for whatever reason and if you kind of say oh  well give me a minute oh well give me a minute   you know what dude give me one more minute I think  it's usually after three times of delaying him he   just outright leaves so that will be regardless  of his disapproval rating to you he might you   might actually be pursuing a love interest with  Gail and you can actually trigger that thing that   allows them to leave and you'll know you're  not going to really stumble upon this and go   how did I see how did I not see that coming okay  touche uh with the Gale thing you probably didn't   see it coming if he leaves you if you delay  for too long but most of the big acts within   the game that could cause a companion to leave  your side is something that is a very antithesis   to the type of character they are you'll know you  will definitely know what you're doing they won't   approve of they'll let you know ahead of time if  you're not gonna blindly walk into and go damn   it I didn't know that that could happen and if  you do simply just saves come and just roll back   a little bit and another thing you should know  when it comes to just general companion stuff   almost all of the companions can skew either good  or evil some are very good and some are very evil   and those companions are really  not so much the origin characters   um mythara the drow Paladin she is evil she  is not going to be down for any kind of super   good acts and over time she won't like it  and she'll probably disapprove and leave   conversely halsin is very good very very popular  line but it's worth noting that if you're playing   a good or a bad playthrough you won't even get  access to the character take for example again   halson you won't get access to helson if you're  playing a playthrough of the game that is good   aligned for whatever acts that happen in the story  that I don't want to spoil you won't even get   access to mythara because it's choosing one or the  other when it comes to the actual decisions that   you're going to make within the story so while  we're going to talk about the party composition   from an alignment standpoint I just want you to  know that you can really choose any companion and   have fun with it I don't want you to jump into  this video and go now I need to start playing   with the Starion you don't need to you can only  play with the companions you want to play with   and if you know whatever reason they decide to  leave the party because you are choosing things   that they really disapprove of it's probably  because that companion would never have gotten   along with the play style you've chosen it's  worth noting that the dark urge play through   has the possibility to kill companions but it's  only if you fully embrace it and you're not going   to hit a point where go I didn't know that would  kill the companion you'll know you will know   that it will result in killing the companion  if you if you get to that point in the game   and lastly to conclude this section out there will  be portions in the game that you will have the   chance to remove a companion voluntarily and again  you will know I just want to try to create as much   of like I guess unsafety net for you to think that  you know what I'm I'm afraid that if I don't play   with the companion in the right way or do the  right thing I won't get the most out of this   companion or that just don't worry about it what  I would recommend before we even get into party   comps choose the three companions you want because  you like their personality their character their   their role whatever it is you don't need to like  their class remember you can respect all these   guys at Withers to make them whatever companion  class you want to go with just choose the three   whose personalities you like the most maybe if  you're playing with Lazelle and you're doing   all the stuff with the uh the crash with the the  Yankee crash then you just kind of want to have   lizelle in your party even if you're not really  playing with her predominantly or maybe if you're   doing the whole entire portion of Act 2 with um  the Disciples of char maybe you want Shadow heart   there play with whatever cycle and rotation of  characters you want but I'd also encourage you   play through one playthrough with only three  that's what I'm doing I'm using will carlak and   Shadow heart and I don't care about the other  portions of the story that interacts with the   companions that it applies to because that tells  me when I go through as a second playthrough and   choose those companions it will be really fun to  actually experience something brand new rather   than just kind of going through the motions so  please I encourage you play with the companions   you like first and foremost amongst everything  else we could talk about in this video so with   all that being said let's have a quick jump  into each one of the characters as far as the   origin characters are concerned and talk roughly  about their personalities and what they like and   dislike so Carlock for example here rather than  going through every little thing she approves and   disapproves I will say that she is a particularly  independent character she doesn't like any form   of submission or anything that would kind of tell  someone else outside or even in the party to bow   down to someone if it wasn't rightfully deserved  she's all about I guess a loose form of Justice   if I were to kind of think of her on some sort of  scale she's really kind of chaotic lawful because   she does kind of enjoy um not romps into anything  that's particularly evil but she will take more of   a gray route on certain things but she will always  air for the side of protecting people and making   sure that people are kind of free to live their  lives as they see fit no slavery or anything of   that sore any any kind of torturing anything like  that Carlock will not like it so she does air on   the side of a true lawful good party whatever you  want to say but she does also have some kind of   gray in the middle Tendencies shadowheart is very  unique in that she has a really strong Redemption   Arc that does side very heavily on a lawful good  type of playthrough conversely though if you want   to go with more of an evil playthrough she can be  skewed that way she will have a pivotal point in   the story where you can choose one path over the  other and that will kind of color the future of   what shadow heart is like it'll even go so far  as to physically change the character but as   far as her General personality goes she is more  apt towards anything that is about deception or   tricking people or pulling one over for the  most part like she's all about that kind of   stuff but she does not like any kind of outright  suffering if you want to torture people she's not   as down with it but by and large she's pretty  indifferent to any kind of issues that people   have you turning the nose and someone asking  for help she's probably going to approve of   that actually it's not all the time that she  would disapprove of it not all the time that   she would approve of it it's going to be mainly  based off of is this person going through some   sort of torture or pain or anything like that  then you know she probably wants you to help out   but if you ignore someone saying hey help me  please monsters are attacking she's perfectly   fine with you saying man that's not that's not  my problem guy so just as one of the characters I   think is interesting that that she has a very set  story to be one that can be really really really   really really good with a strong Redemption Arc  or really evil with uh further jumping into her   um discipleship of char and everything of the  sort so she can fall into both sides of those   parties asterian is a character that is of  of your initial six probably the most quote   unquote evil he's very sadistic he and Joe  enjoys any kind of Cruelty or anything that   really kind of hurts people and puts them down  and out anything where you can torture someone   he's all for it anytime that you can take the  wrong way to do something he's all about it he   loves any kind of hedonistic type of behavior  stuff like that but he doesn't necessarily   like jumping headlong into like fighting  people so if you say like oh you know what   um I'll do something cruel to this person or I'll  do something that robs this person or I'll try to   take from these people over there or all I won't  even save these people over here he's fine with   all those things but if your response to something  is just to outright hostility and attacking things   he finds that kind of cumbersome and a little bit  like tacky as it were you know he's very much a   foppish kind of Fallen Aristocrat so he falls to  more of like the cruel these people are beneath me   style of um behavior and less like of the outright  like I want to watch them bleed style Behavior so   he's definitely more on he is probably the evilest  quote-unquote character of your initial sex ah the   Hopeless Romantic Gail now Gail is definitely a  very soft-hearted character he enjoys the good   you know little uh rejoinder little little witty  banter but he's definitely more focused on doing   things that are ultimately very kind his pursuit  of anything that I is Arcane or knowledge Focus   as well is a big thing for him like any kind any  time that you would choose maybe like some sort of   religious zealous approach to something like maybe  you know oh the the necromantic book of the FAE he   would want to study that and and pour it into the  dark corners of its knowledge versus uh destroying   it and because it's some sort of heresy he sees  things as as more pragmatic you know he wants to   analyze stuff he wants to look into it and as if  you take those roles as your character he's more   apt to want to approve of it and will outright  disapprove of again any kind of open hostility   any kind of Cruelty anytime you're not going to be  kind to anyone he's not down with that but again   though he does he enjoys if you are talking to  someone and you do kind of come around and kind   of slap him in the face with like a witty bantery  thing so don't think you always have to choose   what is effectively number one on the keyboard and  number one is always like the this is the good eat   nice flowery thing to choose if you have if you  want to be sarcastic uh Gail is actually very much   about that but as long as you ultimately come to  a good or kind decision he falls in line with that   the most now he can kind of skew more towards the  gray side of things if it's like oh you know um   I'm gonna do this one evil act but it's it's for a  greater good he's fine with that but if you choose   something that is particularly overwhelmingly  evil like say perhaps just destroy an entire Camp   of something he will outright leave your party  so he is not down in any way shape or form for   those kinds of things and won't even stand for it  so keep that in mind as you're trying to navigate   the relationships with Gail now another character  that you've probably wondered about is Will and   will is your warlock your your uh uh master of  defenses whatever it's called a frontier your   blade of the frontier yeah I'm playing with a  bunch of that's what I'm going to say and he   is again a character that is very alive with good  right doing the right thing trying to do right by   people it's always going to be his big Focus right  um but you know what's interesting is he's kind of   okay with open hostility like if you were to  open up a conversation immediately jump into   attacking something will actually would approve it  if it's something if it's something that's bad or   evil his ends justify the means as very much  a a way to kind of embody this character and   I I think too is that he will always air towards  someone that is that is just in need of something   that's always the way the character is from The  Stance even before you approach him in the game   that's what the blader Frontiers will always try  to do you know stand up for the weakest why he   has made a fiend pact it's why he's a warlock  so you can see that quite a bit but at the same   time too he's a little bit Reckless he's a little  bit wild and you'll see that bleed through with   his character um he's another character that if  you do something outright bad and say destroy a   camp of good people he will leave you he was like  nope not standing for it later Frontiers does not   do this and he will outright leave the party  so keep that in mind when you are trying to   build a uh a party with will if you're trying  to make an evil playthrough will will probably   end up leaving you either through disapproval or  because of a grand act you've done our last of   the six companions is Lazelle or lozelle and this  is another character that is fine being outright   evil lizelle is very xenophobic she's very  arrogant very quick to anger she does not care   about pretty much anyone else that is not a gift  Yankee in the universe in which you inhabit she   does not like shadowheart very much as you will  see as you play through the game you I don't think   you can avoid their their interaction together  actually um but I think if you're making an   evil playthrough she's one of the only ones that  will have like no qualms you won't have to try to   navigate any kind of relationship or particular  conversational options she's fine with anything   well that's not true she's fine with any evil  action is what I mean if you are showing any   kind of compassion if you're soft on a lot of  uh decisions you make or you're you air for   uh helping people out almost all the time over  doing what maybe gets the job done quicker she   will not like it she'll disapprove of those things  she's definitely about efficiency pushing through   things and getting to the other side now with  that being said she does start off very terse   and angry and not so nice and she does have very  much like Shadow heart if you just had to go with   a more good route she can turn to the other  side I guess you could say I mean she becomes   very warm and compassionate through that kind of  development and understanding of her personality   from what I understand there's only one thing that  would make her leave your party and it's any time   and you'll you'll know when this happens  you'll anytime you would side against the   gith Yankee I guess yeah I guess Yankee if you  did anything against him in the sense of like   plot wise choosing to not side with them or choose  to to to hurt them or attack them or say hey you   know what gifts are no good she won't like it and  she'll leave she's like no no and then you're no   good buddy so that is your breakdown of all six  of the companions just to kind of give you a   general idea of what their personalities are like  so let's talk talk party comps so as far as evil   parties go if you're looking for just the base  six companions this is a really good group for   you you've got lizelle here who's going to act as  your well your lawyer your your fighter you've got   Shadow heart you've got a sterion and then you've  got whatever your character is mine right now is   a trial Rogue so this is a very good option for  a pure evil playthrough Shadow heart can be kind   of coaxed into a definite more evil playthrough  where she can make a certain decision that again   will put her on that route the other two they're  not gonna have a single problem doing anything   evil in the game don't even worry about it um now  again two you don't need to keep these characters   as their level as their classes like for example  here estarian I've respect him into a wizard so   you don't need to happen be a rogue because I'm  the Rogue for this party so if you want to play   the fighter and you don't want Lazelle to be the  fighter then make her a war cleric or you don't   want uh Shadow heart to be a cleric because you  want to be the cleric make her a paladin make her   a druid make her literally anything else yeah it  is kind of weird when you kind of consider their   stories and like what they would do what they're  going to be doing like hey you know I'm a disciple   of char well disciple of char is a cleric it's not  gonna be like a rose well that's actually not too   true that's not that's not untrue I guess but uh  maybe it's not a barbarian there we go Barbarian   would make a lot of sense but just do whatever you  see fit there's their stories are also unique and   different and awesome um it is worth noting though  with this party comp you will probably deal with   uh issues with these two kind of bickering at  each other but a point will happen in the story   where they will resolve their bickering but it  does keep for a lot of very fun conversation   especially because a Starion will have a  lot of fun interactions with Lazelle as well   now there is a third option uh fourth option to  this group here and it is menthara and menthara   here you're going to get from doing something  in act one that will result in allowing her to   join your party don't divulge don't spoiler  alert man good Lord it'll get away from her   um but if you decide to bring her into your party  you will then have her instead of I would replace   maybe Shadow heart I think menthara Lazelle and  asterian as far as a pure evil playthrough is   the best as far as like uh all the way on the  evil scale um there are certain things that   menthara won't like but by and large it's anytime  you show weakness and in in compassion she's still   a paladin but she's a wild one at that um so if  this is I'd say as a pretty good just bass only   using the the six companions evil playthrough but  I'd swap out Shadow heart from anthara for like a   tried and true full evil playthrough especially  too because you won't have access to one of the   other ones that's particularly good for maybe  a good playthrough now as far as going with a   pure good playthrough I think these three make  the most sense they are the characters that if   you choose anything particularly evil like a super  overwhelmingly evil act they will leave your party   which is different from the evil characters  because if you make a super overwhelmingly   sweepingly good action they won't leave your party  um I'm trying to think of an instance but it's a   spoiler so I won't say anything but Carlock is a  great Barbarian I mean you can just have so many   things you can do with her that you don't  need to keep her as a barbarian like I've   said before we have will here who have kept us  a warlock and we have Gail as a wizard and you   can keep this party comp as you see fit mix it  up and have it play with your avatar I'm this   character right here is a ranger yeah I know  it's heavy armor range or whatever but still   these are the three characters that are going to  fit very well into a true good playthrough now   this is only using the base six companions that  you get access to you can just have them all set   up right at the beginning and then respect them  as you see fit and you'll see too that these two   have a very cool relationship with each other and  Gail has a fun relationship with anyone you put   in your party because you just non-stop hitting  on them like Shadow heart and Gail it's non-stop   Carlock and Gail it's Non-Stop and they'll kind  of have interesting kind of introspective moments   where they kind of talk about um being on the  opposite end of things right at one point will   was hunting karlak and for a Carlock to kind  of divulge a little bit more about her time and   I've earn in iverness in avernus to um will is  is a really cool thing to kind of Listen to As   you play through with these three characters in a  good aligned party you do have of course a fourth   option for this one as well I lied actually  a fourth and a fifth option but number four   here is halson because if you're going with a good  aligned playthrough you'll have access to housing   now the other character I don't want to show  you in this playthrough because she has gone   through a physical transformation and it is  Shadow heart because Shadow Heart Like I said   has her Redemption Arc and if you go through  a good aligned reduction Arc with her she will   change her character and because she is trying to  kind of discover herself and so on and so forth   so those are your options for a good playthrough  you have got house in here of course Carlock will   Gail and then Shadow heart you don't need to go  with any of these in these combinations like I've   said before you can have any of them if you want  but it's worth noting that those two do very well   together now the last character I really want  to talk about and I don't want to bring up the   character that follows them maybe from a spoiler  standpoint but if you've watched the trailers   you probably know the character that jihiro  applies or applies to that I want to talk about   um but jihiro will give you access to  another companion and you can get access   to that companion even if you don't have jihira  by doing uh portions of the Thieves Guild quest   in Baldur's Gate City actual but you'll get access  to that companion as well that companion angihira   work very well together they have a lot of  conversational things that they're going to   talk about because they have a huge path together  and it's really really really really really fun to   put them together she's a druid that character is  a Melee character and you can sprinkle in Shadow   heart if you want it because I would assume if  you've taken jihira you've chosen a lawful neutral   path at the very minimum right because shihiro  is not necessarily a good aligned character she   can definitely look at the gray side of things and  even maybe even oftentimes the the dark side or or   evil side of things she's okay if the ends kind  of justify the means in a very very almost will   sense but and she's also very aloof to a lot of  the suffering of a lot of people like shadowheart   is so she kind of fits very well into a party with  the character she unlocks herself and potentially   Shadow heart potentially will any of the other  characters that are probably going to get along   with that now that character she unlocks um again  you've probably taken somewhat of a lawful route   to this point so I don't assume you're playing  with an evil playthrough you could probably   finagle her into your party if you're going with  an evil playthrough I I don't really know how   you do it but I'm there's probably a way you can  and I don't know how um she would probably be all   right with most of your evil decisions depending  upon if they're like she's like she's a guardian   she's a Harper right so she's a guardian of order  and as long as you're not forsaking order like   if you're killing people and she's probably not  she's probably gonna disapprove it but she won't   outright leave your party is what I'm trying to  say so take listening to consideration if you do   want to use Jahira a really cool conference Hera  is yourself as a druid her as a druid halson as a   druid and then choose another character as a  druid if you want or get her other character   that she unlocks and bring it into the party all  those together make for a really cool kind of cop   that you can have a lot of fun with so outside of  your origin companions the non-origin Companions   and the temporary companions you're gonna get  in the story you've got higherlings you can   go up to Withers and you can recruit a hiling as  soon as you have a unlocked Withers and B you've   discovered all six of the origin companions  in act one if you've not discovered all six   he won't allow you to recruit a hireling so go  find them once you find them then you can once you   have an initial interaction with them because  you can actually get rid of some companions   um and not even let them join your party you just  have to have that initial interaction with them   so plus recruiter hire link and then  you can choose any one of these and sure a powerful beard um you can choose any one  of these characters and you know maybe you'll   maybe you want to play a tiefling playthrough and  you're playing with as many t-plings in your party   as you can get uh well go ahead get get this  guy here Danton and then you don't and you're   playing a drone you don't want him to be a drug  well then you can just respect this guy back at   um Withers or if you want to go with a trial  party well you know you get this person you   get yourself you get menthara uh so you've got  three drow right there so you can have fun to   kind of spark uh sprinkle these into your party  comp however you see fit maybe you want to play   with half Forks you've got this option another  gift if you want to play GIF you and LaSalle   um you basically can just choose one of  these whatever character you like the   actual physical look of and then you  just simply come back to Withers and   respect that character into whatever you want  these these companions won't have any kind of   personality I mean they'll have a name a visual  race all that kind of action and you can respect   them and all that kind of stuff but and they're  they're not going to have any kind of contribution   to anything you can talk to them only mildly in  the same that you can talk to a generic NPC when   you go from town to town um but it's a way to get  a character that maybe you don't like any of the   origin six or you don't like any of the expanded  four because you have 10 total companions you get   in the game so you can just choose one of these  guys and just respect them into however you want   them to be and finally people have asked me  what my favorite comp is and this is the one   I'm enjoying the most I have not played with a ton  of other comps even my evil playthrough I haven't   gotten menthara into much of her uh Spades or  steps or whatever I'm trying to say but this has   been the one I've enjoyed the most with Shadow  heart over here we've got will and we've got   carlak and it's not even for the interactions  it's just the three characters that I probably   enjoy the personality of the most asterion and  Gail I'm not really a huge fan of I've heard that   a Starion actually has a really cool backstory  that a lot of people really enjoy or the same   thing with lizelle her initial terse kind of uh  Gruff personality kind of turned me off but a lot   of people have said they have she has one of the  best stories you really gotta stick with it Gail   as well too is another one that I wasn't really  stoked on in the beginning but I've heard is is   really really good in fact he I think is the most  popular companion Gail so don't think that my best   party is a best party for any reason than it is  the one that I choose so your best party is going   to be the one that you like the characters of they  don't annoy you or you just want to at least find   out why they are the way they are whatever it is  and remember playing as these characters you can   choose to play as any one of these characters does  also unfold their story in a different way you   can understand certain things about them that you  wouldn't be able to get if you just keep playing   um uh a custom or dark urge character and you  never actually play as them they have different   portions of their story you get to unfold but  hopefully this helps you out in deciding which   character comps you want to go with or which party  comp you want to go with in Border Skate 3 it is a   very hard decision right I think for a lot of  people because they're thinking to themselves   okay do I choose this one does it shut off certain  quests sure there are definitely pivotal points   in the game like right now we're in the temple  of char so it makes sense that shadow heart is   with me but if I didn't choose Shadow heart to be  with me it doesn't change the way the game unfolds   there are certain things that you will interact  with that will that will have a balance with her   being present or maybe when you go into Baldur's  Gate will will have different conversations with   different characters or maybe Carlock will have  different conversations with different characters   in the main plot because they are important to  her backstory but not having a present doesn't   change the story at all because you're going  to still interact with certain things and if   they do need to be present they will find the way  to be present within the story like for example   there's something that happens with lizelle that  only happens when you're in Camp so regardless   of her being in your party or not it's going to  trigger anyway so keep these things in mind just   choose the things that you want the most for  your party either it's class it's personality   or your alignment choose those things first  and then go ahead and go through and choose   the ones you want because if you're not having  fun playing the game that you want to play then   it doesn't really matter what the best comp is if  you're not going to enjoy your time playing Baldur   skate 3. but as always guys thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 322,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST Party Compositions (Companion Guide) | Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 companions, baldurs gate 3 guide, bg3 party members, bg3 party composition, bg3 party comp, baldurs gate 3 companion tier list, baldurs gate 3 best companions for story, baldurs gate 3 best companions, baldurs gate 3 companion guide, baldurs gate 3 best companion builds, bg3 party build, bg3 karlach, bg3 lae'zel, bg3 shadowheart, bg3 astarion, bg3 gale, bg3 wyll
Id: Qipp7LsQNhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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