How to Build a Paladin for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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Paladin the righteous defender of the weak the  Gallant Knight against the darkness or perhaps   the oathbreaker that brings Shadow and death to  the world in this video today we're going to go   through building out a paladin maybe this is your  first character perhaps you want to Respec one of   your companions into a paladin whatever the case  is we'll go through that here today we'll start   out at level one looking at paladin on a very  base level to discuss the character creation   process go into a discussion about your subclass  options talk a little bit about standout Feats   and close the video out going into some strong  multi class options you can quickly navigate to   any part of the video that interest you the  most using the chapters in both the timeline   and the description please don't forget to check  me out on Twitch though where I do stream every   Tuesday Thursday and Saturday where you can find  linked in the comment and description below but   let's get started here on how to build a paladin  for beginners in balers Gate 3 loading into the   game let's have a conversation about race now  every single race in the game is totally viable   so please play the one that you want to play with  play the roleplay you have in mind it's a single   player narrative game so it's no reason to M Max  everyone starts off with the same exact ability   scores and you decide who gets a plus two or a  plus one there are certain ones that maybe get   certain benefits over others but for the most part  everything is on the same playing field with that   being said I'm going to go through some that are  particularly cool standouts that I like just per   from personal preference I'll explain why so  a really cool option is the dwarfs um you get   all the different options here gold dwarf has more  hit points which is always really nice Shield gets   access to uh proficiencies that you already start  with so it's kind of a moot point but dwar are   pretty cool here because they get resistance and  saving throws here against uh charm and paralysis   you have advantage on saving throws against  Illusions and against being Charmed or paralyzed   but they also start with a innate Dwarven  resilience against poison which is lovely um   but the nice thing too here is that the duar will  eventually get the ability to go invisible as they   level up and to enlarge themselves so they'll be  able to do more damage in melee this is a really   kind of cool little Custom kit for the dwarf and  the dwarf is very cool at being a paladin why not   be a uh a oath of Vengeance dwar Paladin how cool  sounding is that the D is always a really fun one   for me personally because the D has access to  a lot of really cool items in the game that are   race specific always do like that option um two as  well T flings going into zarel basically gives you   two additional smites as you level up that are  linked to being a zarel tling so this is pretty   nice for being in uh close combat also you get  thury which gain advantage on intimidation and   performance checks which you can use for any of  your charisma roles which you will have lots of   since you are playing a Palin um in addition to  half works are very fun because you get Savage   attacks when you land a critical hit with a melee  weapon attack you deal an extra die of weapon   damage and Relentless endurance if you reach zero  hit points you regain one hit point instead of   becoming down this just makes you naturally  more tanky and it's quite a fun ability to   have um and as always I'll always give a plug to  the gith Bros um maybe not the crackhead version   as I like to say I like the the female one looks  a little bit more appetizing that's weird but uh   you get the action astral knowledge which is gain  Proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability and   what that means is I choose I press this button  and I choose the wisdom ability that means I now   get Proficiency in all of the wisdom skills that  would be per ction wisdom I think with medicine   as well and insight and survival so all these will  get my proficiency bonus which at the start of the   game is two but eventually becomes plus four by  the end of the game so it's a really nice ability   they start with Mage hand but they will eventually  get the ability to LEAP very far as well so it's   just a very cool race that I think gets kind of  uh Shrugged off all your proficiencies here you   all automatically will get as a paladin so that's  kind of uh lost on you but still it's it's quite   nice to have so those are some fun race options  if you didn't if you were kind of uh uh running   on a dry spell of which ones you wanted to go with  and I always really like dragon born paladins it   fits their race Persona and everything of the sort  if you go with the metallic One the metallic ones   are considered um uh good quote unquote so like  a bronze or a brass or a gold my personal Paladin   my own playthrough Paladin is a um uh dragon born  so for me it just kind of makes sense but those   are your race options but just to quickly go into  dragon born as well since I've done every all the   other classes and races um I like that they get a  breath attack it's kind of cool since I'm already   going to be up close and personal and whichever  one I choose whatever element they're aligned with   I will get a resistance to it in which I take less  damage that's kind of nice to have unfortunately   dragon born gets shafted and they don't have any  other kind of racial attributes they just get the   that attack and that resistance but I still like  them from an RP perspective and that's why I go   with dragon born I know it's not the the best pick  but it's the one I like the most when it comes to   Paladin specific mechanics we have Divine sense  lay on hands your channel oath and eventually   Divine Smite which you'll get a level two and  also spell casting so looking over here lay on   hands is your heal use your blessed touch to heal  a creature or cure of it all of its diseases and   poisons and you'll get multiple charges as you  level up and experience more and more portions   of the game um and that lay on hands is is quite  good you get to select a variant between curing uh   healing or greater or lesser healing so you can  do lots of heals and whatnot so it's a nice way   to kind of have an an O [ __ ] Button as it is  commonly called in in the mo MMO RPG world but   the channel oath ability is what you'll see right  here in the action for any one of the sub classes   and this uses a special charge kind of like if  you've played say a barbarian or you've played   a Bard where they have a very special action  that has a very special resource attached to   it so this is replenished on a short rest which  is nice and you'll get more of these charges as   you level up as well you won't just simply have  the uh the one or the two or whatever and as you   kind of keep going through it you'll get more and  more of these charges like level one you only have   one charge just like lay on hands you have three  charges of but as you progress through the game   you'll get a fourth charge of lay on hands at  level four and as you just kind of keep going   you'll start to get more charges of all these  things as you kind of uh uh push through stuff   so um it's a fun ability because your channel oath  will change of course depending on your subass and   that will evolve as well so just for example here  for the oath of Vengeance you are an allies weapon   attacks deal an additional one radant damage and  can da enemies for one turn so it gives you a nice   really fun bonus action to just do a ton of or  this one in this case this is an action and in   this case this is a bonus action but it gives  you an ability to just kind of do a little bit   more diverse sets of damage or heal or whatever  it is for the specific type of Paladin that you   have selected um the other thing that you get is  divine sense right here gain advantage on attack   rols against celestials fiends and Undead so  if you know you're going to be fighting against   fiends and Undead is what you'll be dealing with  quite a bit in the in the first two acts of the   game you pop this as a bonus action lasts for two  turns and you get an advantage when you're going   to go and attack them remember if you're brand  new to this whole entire concept advantages you   roll two die and you take the higher of the two  disadvantage as you roll two die and you take the   lower of the two so it just helps you to kind  of get more damage on target when it comes to   subass for Paladin it comes down to your channel  oath ability which is right here and how that can   kind of evolve as you level up as well as access  to a special Aura and more spells all paladins get   this same spell list but every single subass gets  access to some additional spells so starting off   here with the oath of ancients we start start with  healing Radiance so heal yourself and all nearby   allies for two hit points then regain another two  hit points next turn it's just a nice way to get   a ton of healing out and it is quite lovely and as  you progress through to level three you'll get uh   Channel oath abilities for Nature's wrath which  basically allows you to root things and turn the   faithless which will allow you to basically turn  or or make set them fleeing or or frighten them uh   for Fay and fiends that's what oath of ancients  is kind of working towards the cosmic struggle   against Darkness to preserve the sanity of life  and the beauty of nature so you are definitely   more of a nature focused Paladin but you are not  exclusively that but you'll get spells like speak   with animals and snaring strike at level five you  get a really good one though called Misty step   which is a bonus action that allows you to move  around quite a bit gives you tons of mobility and   you also get moon beam which is very nice as  well because moon beam will uh allow a lot of   radiant damage to be dished out and at level seven  you'll get aura of warding which will allow you   to protect your allies from spells you and your  allies from spells all the paladins get um generic   Paladin auras but typically well I guess three of  the subclasses because there's the oath breakers   on on this list will get a aura while as the oath  of Vengeance does not then eventually you'll get   protection from energy and plan growth but that  is your oath of ancients the oath of devotion   is kind of like a tried and true Paladin it's  it's very it's very much a paladin through and   through I mean like you think of the prototypical  Paladin this is it you get holy rebuke Grant an   ally a venge a vengeful aura that deals one to  four radiant damage to anyone who hits them with   a melee attack and this eventually resol evolves  at level 32 sacred weapon which is lovely because   you're now adding your charisma modifier to your  attack roles this is particularly strong because   if you're going either a strength or a DEX Paladin  you're going to take your strength or Dex modifier   with sacred weapon you are now also adding in  your Charisma modifier so it's a lot of damage   coming out of you um it does require you to  use your channel oath ability unfortunately   which you'll get turn the Unholy here as well  which is going to be towards Undead and fiends   whereas before it was Fay and fiends but as far as  spells go you'll get protection from evil and good   Sanctuary lesser restoration silence remove curse  and Beacon of Hope and then your special Aura for   oath of devotion is the aura of devotion which is  going to give you and your allies uh protection   from being Charmed then lastly in the generic  subclasses there's the quote unquote hidden   subass for Paladin which is oathbreaker you get  the oath of Vengeance this is going to give you   inquisitor's might you or an allies weapon attack  deals an additional one radiant damage and can   enemies for one turn what's important to note  though is that all this stuff evolves it's not   just staying at one damage the majority of the  game if you're brand new to waler skate you're   not going to go why is this going to be pertinent  level 12 it it will become more damaged there is a   a formula that goes into that and daing someone is  always quite nice because as you can see they have   disadvantage on wisdom saving throws can't take  reactions and lose the dexterity bonus to their   Armor class they're overall easier to hit but then  you'll eventually get abjure enemy which frightens   an enemy making it easier to hit fiends and Undead  have disadvantage on this so that basically makes   it easier to put put this on fiends or Undead  and you'll get vow of Amity which is really   sick because you gain advantage on attack roles  against an enemy for 10 turns turns it's just a   nice way to really dish out damage and the oath of  Vengeance Paladin and I I'll kind of sum this up   in a bit with the oath of Vengeance Paladin is  really about focusing down an enemy it's about   burst DPS I guess you could kind of say they get  spells like Bane which is going to help which is   going to detract from their saving throws by 1 D4  Hunter's Mark which makes it so that you do more   damage when you hit something Misty step which  gives you that Mobility hold person which locks   someone down they get haste they get protection  from energy a lot of really great spells now   rather than getting an aura they get Relentless  Avenger so if you hit an enemy with an opportunity   attack opportunity attack means they've moved out  of melee range from you then you gain 4.5 MERS of   movement next turn so it allows you to get again a  little bit more ability so which subass to choose   is going to come down to the type of Paladin you  want to be oath of ancients is I would say more   of a healing and support oriented uh Paladin not  that you are actively A Healer for your group but   you have the cap ability to heal more than the  rest of the paladins with their just basically   on hand capabilities oath of devotion is focused  more on I guess you could say overall tankiness by   comparison to oath of Vengeance it's by no means  solely a tanky subclass that can't do damage but   its focus is more on the durability of everyone  around you and oath of vengeance is about mobility   and dishing out punishment towards people so those  are your three subclasses there is a fourth sub   class the oathbreaker which I'm going to put in  its own section you can find that linked below but   let me also talk about the tenants so each subass  will have tenants that you have to apply to and   this is where the oath breaker comes in and you'll  see this right here you know uh for the oath of   ancients Kindle the light through acts of kindness  and Kindle the light of Hope in the bleakest   Hollows of Despair where love blooms stand against  the delivery that would snip its stem uh Delight   in culture and small Joys to preserve the light  in your own heart and this will go the same for   devotion uh show leny when prudent and lend your  arm to those in need tend your responsibilities   obey just laws and support those entrusted to your  care stride dauntlessly into action uh exerting   your wisdom identify the higher morality in any  given instance and fight for fight for it like   you know choose the lesser of choose the choose  the lesser of two evils chasen those who Dole   out their villainy by wiping their blight from the  world forever so you have to follow these tenants   when you are playing a paladin and if you break  the the tenant the game will let you know um you   will become an oath breaker meaning that no matter  what subass you've chosen your subass now changes   to that of an oath breaker so let's say you are  level five oath of Vengeance Paladin and you   become an oath breaker well now you don't become  a level five Vengeance Paladin and then a level   one oathbreaker Paladin you are just a level five  oathbreaker Paladin so you'll retroactively get   all the things that you would have gotten had you  quote unquote started as one even though you can't   necessarily do do that and these things are really  going to come down to kind of a Creed or way to   approach the game so if you do not like playing  a character class that has essentially a code of   conduct then you're just going to go oathbreaker  and if that kind of turns you off I just want to   be transparent and show that to you and how this  works before you jump into this class it's by no   means a bad thing it's actually a really kind  of it's a fun challenge to the game because it   allows you to play the game in a very specific way  and it opens up a lot of different Avenues if this   is your first playthrough so that that when you  go through a second or third time you're like oh   man I never was able to experience that because  I had a set way of playing because I had to play   as a paladin ability points are going to come  down to your decision of what kind of Paladin   you want to be you want to be a strength focused  one using strength weapons or do you want to be a   dexterity focused one using finesse weapons once  you've made that decision for yourself you're   going to take essentially the same exact route  depending on which one you do so if you want to   do strength pump all of your points here and then  put the plus two right there because this is where   the majority of your damage is coming from sure  yes you are going to be using spells uh and it's   going to be based off of your charisma but you  are still a fighter first and foremost that has   the ability to use clerical spells so we're going  to bring this to 14 and put our plus one there   we're going to bring our wisdom up to 10 because  especially if you're playing the main character I   like to have wisdom at 10 so that we don't have  any penalties towards the wisdom skills such as   perception and insight and it's nice to have to  resist against any kind of charms and whatnot um   then for constitution we're going to bring this up  to 13 um and our dexterity is going to be 12 I say   conation conation Constitution to 13 because this  is going to help us with any of our concentration   roles and on top of it it's at 13 so a half feet  uh can bring this up to 14 PR very easily or we   could do improve ability score and bring our  strength to 18 and our constitution to 14 in in   one feet so that's a really nice situation right  we get an additional plus4 out of strength checks   and plus two to Constitution checks and the reason  dexterity stays at 12 is that we will probably be   going with heavy armor playing as a paladin and if  we do any more dexterity we kind of waste it heavy   armor will not benefit its Dexter or I'm sorry  its armor class because dexterity will not be   added in like it will before light or medium armor  but we do want have want to have enough dexterity   that we do get improvements to our initiative  so that we aren't just going dead last every   single turn so that's why we've done that split  if I wanted to go with more of a um a dexterity   Focus Paladin I'd probably do something like that  just kind of swapping strength and dexterity but   this way you can see what those two would look  like depending on which ones you go with and   then from your choice of uh skills this of course  going to be dependent upon your background but I   would focus on things like Insight perception  if you've taken it as a background trait but   of course any anything that is charisma related  especially if this your main character you're   probably going to want a persuasion or an  intimidation here just so that you are using   it succinctly during your conversations if it's  not a main character then I wouldn't worry about   that maybe put it into medicine or Athletics or  any of the other uh skills here that are not uh   chosen up by a background now as far as Origins go  please as always choose the origin that makes the   most sense for you I almost always go with custom  but dark urge can be particularly fun if you want   to play a paladin that is constantly resisting  the murderous carnivorous dark urge within you   to just rip off a squirrel's head or do terrible  things to a bear whatever it is but if you want to   play as any of the other origin characters carlac  will Lazelle these are typical characters you can   play as carlac is going to be a little bit of a  wild one but you can play as any of these origin   characters as a paladin you simply would respect  them once you unlock Withers in your playthrough   if you've not done that yet you will don't worry  about it you can't miss him and as far as your   background goes again go with the one that fits  the roleplay for you are you a former acolyte   turn Paladin are you an Entertainer that has  somehow seen a vision of a God and this brought   you into the Paladin's light or are you a noble  son whatever it is or a soldier a sage whatever   it is think of the roleplay for it but if you want  to kind of approach this from a minmax perspective   I always really like Guild Artisan because this  gives me both insight and persuasion which are   two of the strongest skills to have because you're  going to have a lot of time that you're going to   be presented in the game with an Insight check and  if you miss it you miss maybe certain things that   could have happened for a romance with a character  certain conversational options that you would have   had that could have bypassed fights or given you  a leg up in a fight whatever it is and persuasion   is always good to have just because it is a uh  conversational skill if this was intimidation   or deception too those are all very strong just  having any kind of skill here is great because   then this frees up a skill option for you that  you can put a Proficiency in something else so now   that persuasion is selected through Guild Artisan  I can put this other point into intimidation and I   don't have to worry about Insight so I can have it  here in athletics so I can successfully pass any   kind of shove roles either against me or against  my enemies so just jumping into the oathbreaker   portion of this I've set up a scenario that I know  is going to break my o I am an oath of Vengeance   Paladin and I'm going to show you what happens  when you break your oath oh my o is broken it says   right there you have become you have broken your  sacred oath and betrayed your beliefs you can no   longer use Channel oath charges you should go to  camp and contemplate what happened and what comes   next and as you can see I'm going to stop this  from so that you guys can experience it on your   own but I want us I want you to see what starts  the oathbreaker process as an oathbreaker Paladin   though you get access to spiteful suffering the  target takes 1 to four necrotic damage each turn   and attack rolls against it have advantage and  then this will eventually expand out to control   Undead which is just what you imagine you can just  control Undead which you will deal with quite a   bit in this game that might sound like a it's  like a very like kind of uh uh narrow use case   it definitely is not uh Dreadful aspect so this  allows the Paladin to channel their dark emotions   to frighten enemies and frightening of course  makes so they cannot do pretty much anything which   you'll also get for spells hellish rebuke which is  a fun thing since since a re since it's a reaction   you'll get inflict wounds get crown of Madness  darkness which is a really great ability bestow   curse and then eventually anime dead at level 9  and then your Ora is Aura of hate so you and any   nearby fiends and Undead gain additional damage  to melee weapon attacks equal to your charisma   modifier so this is going to be really fun if you  want to just if you want to use an oathbreaker   Paladin and then have someone become a necromancer  you can basically just have this Aura buffing   everything around you because you just have Undead  Everywhere You have a lot of fun that you going   be doing with this especially since you can just  control Undead and do stuff from there but that   is your oathbreaker Palladin subass that takes a  little finagling to get to but you can un you can   do this in the very first portions of the game um  as soon as you land on the ship depending on which   Paladin you are you can do something to break your  oath within the first hour or two I'm going to   link you guys to the bg3 wiki down below and they  will have situation or give you situations you can   do to break your oath I don't want to spoil it  so for those that want to go hunt that spoiler   they can go do it if they so wish once you reach  level two with Paladin though you get access to   Divine Smite and divine Smite is what is so cool  about being a paladin because you dish out tons   of radiant damage and the cool thing too is that  you can use this as a reaction or you can do this   against uh reaction for crit strike damage so you  can determine when you want this amount of damage   to be dished out which is very nice the thing  is it does use a level one spell slot and as you   progress if you use higher levels of spell slot it  will give you one d8 additional radiant damage for   each spell slot level above the first so right now  you can see it does uh 1 d8 then if I did a level   two that would be 2 d8 and if I did a level three  it would be 3d8 so this allows you to do out a ton   more damage then eventually improved uh Divine  Smite will always have uh an addition additional   1d8 thrown in there so you're just doing a lot  of really fun good amount of radiant damage and   there's a lot of things in the game that have  radiant weakness so this is a very good thing   radiant weakness will double the amount of radiant  damage that you do so it's a very awesome ability   it does cost you a spell slot but there's going to  be situations where maybe you don't have a spell   to use and you can go ahead and just drop in with  Divine Smite and do tons of damage feat options   for the Paladin are far and wide so taking a look  at ability and score Improvement just out the gate   remember you're going to get this at level four  level eight and level 12 for your Feats you can   go with something like this where you put one  point into strength and one point into Charisma   and now you have plus three Charisma Checks  Plus four strength checks or we talked about   this earlier you can do that plus extra point  into Constitution however you want to do that   you can dump another Point here into strength it  just kind of depends upon what Focus you want to   have for your Paladin is it going to be more  in close combat are you going to really try to   buff up the casting capability of the Paladin cuz  you're also going to go into being a warlock or a   Bard or a sorcerer that is up to you but you have  got the options there if you need them outside   of that athlete is quite good too because this is  also going to be a half feet meaning that you can   put one skill or one ability Point into an ability  it's so like strength here but when you are prone   standing up uses significantly less movement you  jump uh an increased distance of 50% all great   things to have if you want to go with a two-handed  weapon great weapon Master is always awesome here   so when you land a Critical Strike or critical hit  or kill a target with a melee weapon attack you   can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus  action that turn attacks with heavy melee weapons   you are proficient with can deal an additional 10  damage at the cost of minus five attack penalty   and you can just toggle that on and off um it's  in the little passive button at the bottom of the   screen another good one too is um heavy heavily  armored so oh I'm sorry no it's heavy armor Master   incoming damage Dage from non-magical attacks also  decreased by three while you are wearing heavy   armor so it just makes you a juggernaut if you  want to focus on being a sword board real big tank   heavy armor Master is one of the few Master uh  armor Master abilities that I actually quite like   and it does quite a bit here um conversely too you  can go with Shield Master you gain two dexterity   bonus to saving throws while wielding a shield and  if a spell forces you to make a de throw you can   use a reaction to Shield yourself and diminish the  effects damage so it allows you to really kind of   deflect against spells and stuff like that very  fun very fun all the way around uh but you also   have some really fun combinations that you can  do with pull arm master so when attacking with   a glaive halir quar staff or spear you can use a  bonus action to attack what with the butt of your   weapon while this is the big one you can also make  an opportunity attack when a target comes within   range so this kind of creates like a zone that  you can block out right anything comes against   you or within that range you can attack them and  and then with Sentinel when an enemy Within melee   range attacks an ally you can use a reaction  to make a weapon attack against that enemy so   basically you just are using all these abilities  to really dish a lot of damage out Target Ally   must not have the Sentinel feet but you can gain  advantage on opportunity attacks which you will   get because you have pole AR Master right so you  have an advantage on this opportunity attack and   when you hit a creature with an opportunity attack  it can no longer move for the rest of its turn so   basically you stop people dead with that ability  and you can chain sentinal Master with pull arm   Master with great weapon master so you might think  that you know hey those don't count as heavy melee   weapons actually even a trident counts as a heavy  as a great weapon Master weapon in this case so   as far as a balers Gate 3 is concerned which is  really interesting so you can have a lot of fun   chaining all three of these things together if  you want to use a glaive Halbert Quarter Staff   or spear when it comes to uh putting all three  of those together it's quite fun mobile is also   a very good one as well just to give you a lot of  well you guessed it mobility and lucky is always a   really good one for every single class in the game  because it allows you to roll or get an advantage   on attack rolls ability checks or saving throws or  to make an enemy roll their attack roll all really   great options for your Paladin talking about the  progression now for Paladin we do get a fighting   style with them defense dueling great weapon  fighting or protection remember dueling is not   simply just using one weapon it can be using one  weapon and a shield it's just as long as there's   no weapon in the other hand you deal an additional  two damage with that weapon so depends on how you   want to play your Paladin maybe you want to be  a great weapon wielding badass maybe you want   to use a sword and board you can just kind of  depend on what you want to do here and also you   will get spells depending upon your charisma  and whatnot uh but you'll get access to a lot   of different smites and a lot of different fun  abilities these spells to will of course depend   upon the subass you've chosen for your Paladin as  they will sprinkle in more spells for you searing   Smite for for example if you're playing a tling  that of zarel you'll just have even more smites   to take advantage of the only difference is the  smites from the uh T flings the two it's I think   it's branding Smite and I think it is a searing  Smite I think it's two different smites but uh   they don't cost a spell slot which is really cool  for a paladin that already has tons of abilities   to well Smite things now that you've gotten your  uh Divine Smite online and all sorts of other fun   things like your uh fighting style you'll also get  extra attack at level five which is fun even more   spells to take advantage of um as you hit Level  five as well as well as your oath spells remember   oath spells just like cleric domain spells are  always prepared you don't have to come come into   this list and prepare them but once you kind of  get into level two spells you have a lot of fun   uh pulling these branding smites and Magic weapons  uh again if you're a tling you don't need searing   Smite and branding Smite because it's just built  into your class into your race which is really   fun this kind of frees up some slots for you  where you can take advantage of okay well you   know what now I want lesser restoration or I want  bless whatever it is um it's a really cool way to   kind of navigate those Smite capabilities that you  wouldn't otherwise be able to do and as you just   kind of progress through this you'll get a lot of  the same stuff level six though is where you do   get an aura of protection you and and any allies  gain bonus to saving throws which is always lovely   I'm just going to go ahead and keep pushing  through this here for you guys um we'll stop   around like level 9ine or level eight uh level  seven you'll get your subass feature uh I've   chosen the uh Vengeance p Paladin for everyone  else this would be an aura at this point even   if you go oath breaker but this is when you get  Relentless Adventure Aventure not an adventure   uh Paladin level eight is when you get your second  feet which I've kind of kitted this guy out to do   p arm so I would take Sentinel here and then just  a stop here at level 9 we would just get uh more   spell slots and more spells as well as more oath  spell so this is what that progression looks like   for a paladin jumping into a lot of different  things to give you idea of of how your spells   come out your skills your Feats and what have you  subass options for the Paladin are far and wide   you can choose a number of things and have a lot  of fun here still you can go with the fighter for   just a simple more Marshall Paladin you can add in  action surge that you get at level two which gives   you an additional action to just have a lot of  fun with you couple that with your uh extra attack   you'll be doing four attacks in a round which  is a devastating amount of damage but at level   three for fighter you choose a subass in if you go  with uh Battlemaster then you get your Maneuvers   which give you a ton of additional utility into  the character you can go with something like a   barbarian and even though whenever you rage it  does shut off your ability to cast spells you   can still go down the route of say oh Wild Heart  Barbarian and make it so that you um or whatever   totem Warrior Barbarian is called in bg3 I forget  um but you can do this so that you can get access   to the bare totem which makes you such a tank you  are so hard to kill if you are a paladin mixed in   with Barbarian or you go down Berserker to really  add to your uh attack capabilities there's a lot   of different ways you could do this Rogue even  for additional bonus actions stuff like that but   what we're going to talk about here is Paladin  warlock which I've gone through in my actual   warlock video uh you can even go uh sorcerer too  cuz Sorcerers rely on their Charisma same thing   with bards but what I want to focus on here with  the Paladin and warlock is taking advantage of the   Charisma capabilities of both classes to really  capitalize on what both classes do very well we   would change our ability scores around probably  dropping this and adding this up to here go like   that doing something more like this so that we  get more uh strength out of um I'm sorry more   more Charisma out of our class so we have better  roles with everything and probably adding another   Point here into Constitution which is going  to help us out with our concentration this   is how I approach first off the the um Paladin  warlock combination and I'd start with Paladin   2 because this gives me my heavy armor medium  armor all sorts of uh uh weapon proficiencies   which won't really matter when we go packed to  the blade but still it's nice to have these armor   proficiencies out of the way into level two for  the Paladin warlock we would stay here so that   we get access to our fighting style as well as  our prepare spell capability um or prepare spell   our spells just our spells in general not prepare  spells um but just kind of go with whichever one   makes the most sense for you when it comes to  fighting style sure there's always going to be   a way that people would recommend I definitely  think probably going sword and board for this   style of character is pre is preferable so you  just have more defensive capabilities to keep   up your concentration but if you really wanted  to go hard in the pain on great weapon fighting   and this you could definitely do so after we've  gotten two levels into Paladin though we're going   to spice over into Warlock and this is what's  going to give us tons of fun options to have a   lot of well you guessed it fun with and we we  can choose any number of can trips here uh the   big ones that we're going to want to go with are  definitely going to be alge blast because that's   going to give us tons of range capability and I  would go with friends just so we have the ability   to have advantage on Charisma checks always nice  sub classes too choose whichever one makes the   most sense for you I personally since we're going  to be up close in combat and doing a lot of uh   fun things dark one's blessing is nice and then  eventually getting dark one's luck but blessing   here is going to give us temporary hit points as  we kill things and as we level up and I also like   the spells that we were going to be getting from  the fiend since that is going to give us access to   a lot of close combat stuff like burning hands and  what have you um but armor of agathys is really   good too for getting more temp hit points and also  dealing coold damage as based not a reaction you   don't use a reaction but it deals coal damage  when they hit you and this will scale up as you   go through arms of Hadar here too is going to be  something that can blow up things around you but   you could just simply go with like burning hands  or hellish rebuke whatever it is um hex is always   a very fun one too as well but these are some  really great abilities that you can really take   advantage of playing as that warlock for our  Elder invocations would be definitely taking   agonizing blast and repelling blast re agonizing  blast when you cast ELD blast you Asma Charisma   you asthma you add your charisma modifier to the  damage it deals so now this is going to do plus   three damage and repelling blast is going to shoot  this thing backwards if I so wish and once we come   into level three though with uh warlock we really  unlock the power of this subass uh what no no of   this multi class we get another spell cool great  and awesome I'm just going to choose whole person   maybe it doesn't matter um and then we choose  pack of the blade and of course why this is   important is that we have one of two options  here we cast pack of the blade in which case   it uses the Wier spellcasting ability modifier  so even though we have 14 strength now that we   have Packa of the blade unlocked we're using  our Charisma modifier to increase our attack   damage with our melee weapons and if we find a  particularly good weapon we just simply cast bind   packed weapon this allows us to take advantage of  um any melee weapon we find we cast bind packed it   binds it to us and that weapon becomes the same  thing as if it's a packed of the blade so let me   just jump back here into the actual game after it  goes through this situation and I'll show you we   can just simply press this button and we choose a  battle axe a glaive a Greatsword a raper a trident   or a Warhammer just to have it and it will level  up with us as we go through the Journey of this   multiclass it's a particularly awesome combination  that you can do here and have a lot of fun and not   be kind of barred by the certain weapons that you  find you create the weapon that you want now that   we have our packed unlocked what do we do well we  keep going into warlock because we want to get our   feet unlocked as soon as possible that's going  to help us out quite a bit here just choosing   random things to push us through this video um  but I know I had spoken about uh using a sword   and shield and that is really good if you want to  guess be more of a warlock and I I guess I didn't   think about the benefits of using a Caple arm  master and being able to use your bonus action   to attack with the butt of your weapon which you  can actually trigger Smite with that is very huge   but great weapon Master is also a great option too  because it just get so much more damage out they   both are really good for this build I'm going to  link you guys to my good friendor 's detailed lock   it in guide and he goes through all the different  feed options he recommends for this build and he   went over great weapon and pull arm Master kind of  being the primary focus of this build but if you   do want to go through uh things that are more  warlock based you can use stuff like spell uh   spell sniper or War Caster if you want to kind  of stick on more of a warlock casty route with   while also being a paladin uh but just to kind  of give you a quick idea of uh what you can do   with those and we're going to bring Warlock up to  level five and that's important because since we   are essentially a marshall class we want to take  advantage of this deepened pack so blade packed   holders gain an extra attack with their packed  weapon and since you're going to turn you're   going to turn your weapon into a packed weapon  or you're going to summon one this will always   take an effect because you'll get an extra attack  from it and it is huge and you'll get an extra   Alish invocation where you can get sign of ill  Omen to bestow curse or meire the Mind where you   can cast slow on a war on a with a warlock spell  slot so you have a lot of different options here   fish Vigor devil sight if you're maybe not a  an elf if you're a human whatever it is uh a   lot of different things that you can do I'm just  going to choose one here I'll go that um and a   spell we need to just hunger of had R so good I'm  definitely going with that now that we've done   that we go to level five we accept being level  five now we go back into being a paladin and we   get Paladin to level five why that's crucial here  is that this will give us a the class features of   going to level three and getting more actions  out of our Channel oath um but also this will   grant us an additional extra attack and getting  an additional extra attack is unique this does not   usually work in this game if you have extra attack  granted from any resource it'll say like this is   extra attack you only get one instance of it but  since the Warlock grants you a very specific Style   of extra attack they stack now I don't know if  that is a bug could possibly be washed away in   a patch but you will have an extra attack from  Warlock and an extra attack from Paladin and   you will dish out a stupid amount of damage I'm  just going to choose Sentinel to go with polar   arm Master which we talked about earlier and we  are all set now I can't go to level five this   character's not level 10 um but if we would  we would just simply go to level five on this   character and we would get an additional uh extra  attack so you are are all squared away here five   and five and then from there you can determine  which one you want to bring to level seven is   it going to be warlock is it going to be Paladin  the choice is yours but the Paladin warlock or the   locked in is a very very very strong build and  I strongly recommend it if you want to go with   a good multiclass for your Paladin and at that it  brings our video here to a close so whether you're   trying to build your Paladin out for yourself  in your own main character if you're trying to   change any of the companions like Lazelle or will  into a lock it in or a paladin of any sort this   guide should hopefully have helped you out and if  you have any other questions please by all means   go ahead and let me know in the comment section  below or if you have any recommendations on fun   multiclass options please share them below  let it people know the level spread of when   they would pivot from one into the other so they  can have a good idea of when to approach those   multiclasses but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take care for
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
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Keywords: How to Build a Paladin for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 paladin guide, baldurs gate 3 paladin build, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 paladin multiclass, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, bg3 paladin guide, bg3 oathbreaker paladin, bg3 oath of vengeance, baldurs gate 3 paladin build guide, baldurs gate 3 vengeance paladin guide, bg3 paladin, bg3 oath of the ancients, baldurs gate 3 paladin, bg3
Id: xn-NHu7SaKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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