Should You Be Using Alchemy in Baldur's Gate 3? (Hint: YES)

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Alchemy it's one of the latter things added to  Baldur's Gate 3 and it's probably something you   haven't touched on in your gameplay in this video  today I'm going to quickly go through the Alchemy   system and how you can really get a ton out of  it by simply pressing a button and then choosing   some additional potions and elixirs now if this is  your first time I channel the way I do things here   is by upfronting the knowledge of my videos  so you can decide to stick around and see if   it's the right one for you so with that being said  really the main focus of alchemy is making healing   potions there's tons of other things you can do  with elixirs and stuff like that but I want you   to really focus on the healing potions because  you can throw healing potions at people to heal   them you can put them on the ground and shoot  them to explode to heal them or you can use a   bonus action just quaff on yourself so with that  being said too the big things you want to focus   on are any of the salt ingredients and Ashes of  Balsam those will allow you to make potions of   Greater healing and then salts of musk creeper  and then any suspension will allow you to make   potion of superior healing now of course there's  no more portions of healing and supreme healing   but those are the two I think that you'll probably  use the most in your playthrough until you get to   the latter parts of the game or what have you but  if that's all you wanted to know please feel free   to go ahead and shut the video down but before  you do please don't forget to like comment and   or subscribe each one of those things does help  me out in an absolute huge way and I'd very much   appreciate it you can go ahead and navigate to  any part of the video that interests you the most   using the chapters in both the timeline and the  description and also go on check me out on Twitch   where I'll be streaming Baldur's Gate 3 with my  solo and Co-op playthroughs but let's get started   here on why you should be taking a look at the  Alchemy system in Baldur's Gate 3. loading into   the game we have our crafting screen for Alchemy  and we can get this up by just simply pressing H   or by taking gas station Rhino pills but outside  of that I unfortunately do not know what you do   for console here so you've got four things you  can make potions elixirs grenades and Coatings   let's use the four big things and then outside of  that you have all these many materials supplements   salts Essences ashes vitriols and suspensions and  how you're going to really approach this is that   if I go ahead and click on this you'll see all  of our potions and I'm going to look at potion   of healing the game describes this as the rule of  three not to be confused also with the uh the rule   that the Elric Brothers used so you're going to  put one thing into here another thing into here   and another thing into here so the one to the  one to the one that's the three and that is that   that's how this all works and pretty much there's  always going to be usually one specific ingredient   followed by an any ingredient so a salt of Rogue  morsel with any suspension of any kind will equal   one potion an Elixir a grenade a coating what have  you and sometimes as you get higher up that kind   of changes those rules kind of get a little bit  different and you're probably wondering too like   where do you get these recipes well recipes can  be found throughout the game whenever you take   a look by searching through you can see oh hey  this is a little piece of paper that says recipe   for greater healing potion or by simply extracting  ingredients so I've I've saved all my ingredients   up to this point simply to press this button  right here so I can go through every single one   of these and do it if I want or press this button  extract all ingredients and let's take a look at   what we've got we've got three potion recipes two  elix recipes one in one grenade encoding recipe   now you see what we've got tons more potion  elixirs grenades and Coatings so that's really   all you need to do to just get a ton of recipes  for everything you can just kind of keep doing   this here sometimes there's going to be other  stuff that's like laying around it can get kind of   funky if you send things to your Camp so I would  make sure you put everything in your backpack if   you have sent any Alchemy um what's it called  any Alchemy ingredients to your Camp put them   in your backpack first and then go through and  do the extractable ingredients so you can get all   of your potions when you click this and then now  you see some wild stuff here now we were talking   about potion of Greater healing so this is the  ash of Balsam as I was talking about and you'll   find Balsam everywhere and then any salt so again  I would go to this salt section and click any one   of these to use personally I would not choose  Chasm creeper because Chasm creeper is used for   the potion of Superior healing the the one after  greater there's I think four total levels of   um healing potion it's it's healing greater  Superior and supreme and the superior is salt   of musk creeper actually sorry not Chasm creeper  so you're fine chasing creeper nevermind disregard   what I've said I've made a farce a ruse but either  way um you're basically just gonna make that Salt   you're gonna come over here to this and then you  just simply press craft now I can craft all two   and that's actually probably not a bad idea  so let's go ahead and press it and there we   go I've made my potion of Greater healing and  that's really the biggest focus of this entire   video is just making tons of potions of healing  it's a really really really great thing that you   can do because it's just so much a additional  healing you can get and healing counts for   anything in the sense that there are items that  will oftentimes say hey if you heal gain blast or   something like that like I've got Shadow heart  jammed up with tons of items like that so this   counts for any time you use a potion of healing  it will trigger all those effects if she throws   the potion so it's a really really great way to  get a lot of additional healing but what are some   other benefits to the Alchemy system so now that  we've gone into how Alchemy Works let's go into   What potions or elixirs are particularly good  here now my personal opinion I'm just going   to say this up front grenades and Coatings I  don't find a ton of you salad it doesn't mean   that they're bad I just am really I'm not good at  using them the oil of accuracy for example here it   is coat your weapon to receive plus two bonus to  attack rolls with the oiled weapon that's a great   that's a great oil I just never really remember  to use them I just kind of always think of them   as something that's always in the back of my  mind but if you're playing a playthrough or   you're playing an assassin you're using tons of  uh poisons use this Alchemy screen because you're   gonna be able to make tons of Coatings or tons  of grenades but the biggest things you're going   to find are in elixirs more than anything  as well as potions of course but if you're   playing a Caster if you're playing a cleric a  druid anything with spell slots you probably   are not aware of the elixir of Arcane cultivation  so what this does here is it's very easy to craft   here we just use weave moss and any supplement  we can even make one right now there we go and   here's what it does gain an additional level  one spell slot that's awesome and then this one   well this will be a level two spell slot and then  there's a superior which gains an additional level   three spell slot so if you're playing through the  game and you're like man why am I always going   for long rests all the time I always feel like I'm  running out of spell slots these elixirs are going   to give you a lot more longevity in a lot of your  casters if you're not playing one that resets its   um spell slots on a short rest like a warlock so  really make sure you take advantage of these to   the best of their ability you can get stuff like  elixirs of bark skin which basically you drink it   and it makes your armor class 16 that is sick you  get a ton of other things here so elixir of the   Colossus I I can't crack one I can't go ahead  and take a look at that one I'll show you what   that one does we put it in here well it didn't  so we're going to jump to my inventory and I'm   going to type in Colossus there we go so drink to  increase your size weapons deal an additional 1d4   damage you get an advantage on strength checks  and saves and replaceable it always says that   so you can see that there's a lot of fun to be had  here with elixirs and you might have been getting   tons of elixirs on your own by simply just playing  through the the game but there's really ton more   you can do with this outside of elixirs going into  potions we talked about how great the potions of   healing are but you also get stuff like the potion  of speed if you've never used a potion of speed   if you've just been sitting on it I strongly  recommend you tap into them and I strongly   recommend I mean I can make 10 of these bad  boys right now let's take a look at what they do cool okay I guess I can't even I can't even  spell today potion of speed there we go   so gain an extra action a plus two bonus to  Armor class advantage on dexterity throws and   double your movement speed it's basically like  getting haste it is a stupid good potion you   should have a stash of these on every single  one of your characters so when you get into a   really bad situation a really tight bind you can  just simply pop a potion of speed and now your   character's moving way faster they're getting  better AC they've got advantage on their Dex   throws if they need it like on my character's  Ranger or a plus two bonus or I'm sorry a   um and getting advantage on dexterity throws  okay all these things are absolutely extra action   that was the other thing all these things are  absolutely great and I strongly just recommend you   just simply press extract all ingredients and go  through the elixirs and Potions I know that it's   very cumbersome to oftentimes look at a crafting  system and go oh I do not want to invest in that   I don't I'm too busy I just want to play the game  I don't want to get into it but really they've   distilled it down to the the easiest way to  approach this by pressing extract all ingredients   seeing what grenades potions elixirs Coatings you  want to make and just pressing the button it's   all you gotta do don't worry about really getting  into the nitty-gritty of this like I said majority   of all this you're just gonna find naturally  throughout the game there are very very few   potions are are likewise that are gated behind  a very specific thing you need to read I think   one of them is for a quest and it's in halson's  journal somewhere and if you've already missed it   it was exclusively for that Quest so don't worry  about it so like I said simply extract everything   you're gonna get all of the elements of the  Alchemy unlock by simply just extracting stuff and   then make the things that you think you need and  if you don't know what it does just make it like   glorious vaulting I'm just gonna spoiler alert  it's gonna be something when it comes to jumping here you go there it is drink this to Triple your  jump distance so if you can't get somewhere and   you don't have a gift Yankee or someone with  high strength make one of these potions and you   can finally Traverse those locations you probably  didn't think you'd be able to get to and it's just   really really really really awesome system to just  get a lot of additional utility out of the game a   lot of these things are stuff like okay animals  speaking in feather fall I'll use a scroll or I   have a can trip for It Whatever It Is so again I  just wanted to highlight here the Alchemy system   because I think it's one that we fall probably  skirted past myself included so hopefully this   video kind of cracks open the Mystique behind  this crafting system and you jump back into the   game and tap into it pretty much just pressing  I hope when you go into the game extract all   ingredients it's in a three digit number and if  if it is I want to know what number your extract   all ingredients is after watching this video  and you go and press it if it's like 62 if it's   148 whatever it is let it be know in the comment  section below I want to know how many ingredients   you got in that in your back pocket but as always  guys thank you so much for watching here today if   you have any comments or if you need any help  with this or if you've found a really awesome   use case for your Alchemy please let it be known  in the comment section below maybe you're gonna   say like hey you know what all the things you  bring up are you brought up are great but you   didn't bring up the elixir of heroism which gives  you 10 hit points and you become blessed and it's   super easy to make or whatever it is again let  it be know in the comment section below but as   always guys thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 205,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Should You Be Using Alchemy in Baldur's Gate 3? (Hint: YES), baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3, bg3 alchemy guide, bg3 alchemy recipes, bg3 alchemy, baldur's gate 3 alchemy, baldur's gate 3 alchemy guide, baldur's gate 3 alchemy worth it?, bg3 how does alchemy work, baldur's gate 3 potion recipes, baldur's gate 3 elixir recipes, elixir of arcane cultivation, baldur's gate 3 healing potions
Id: lEnF5Xj2dFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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