16 Insanely Cool Secrets You Don't Want to Miss in Act 1 Baldur's Gate 3

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the first important thing you don't want to miss in act 1 is the spider swarm pet how would you like to have a bunch of spiders as allies well these little guys find their strength in numbers with a Max of five each with six Health to get them there's a cliff right outside the Grove and at the top of that is a little camp on the right side of that camp is a rock with a ton of spiders surrounding a pouch if you get the pouch inside is a spider egg which you can actually drop on the ground and then attack to break open and you'll have four spider minions at your command it's really cool although I wish you could summon them over and over but it's just a one-time thing you get to enjoy having a swarm of spiders following you around for a bit coming in at number two is the Quasi pet now the Quasi pet can be summoned from The Scroll of summon quiz it you can find this scroll in one of the boxes in the cellar of the alchemist's house located in the blighted village I suggest learning the spell instead of using the scroll because the scroll is a one-time use but if you learn it it's actually a ritual spell meaning it doesn't use a spell slot and it can't be used during combat anyway so you can use it as many times as you want it's a permanent quasi pet that's actually really really useful besides being an extra body that can take hits and attack it's also completely immune to poison which can be very helpful against the spiders that are also below the town it can also disarm traps pretty well because it has a plus three bonus and not only that but it also has invisibility and scare so this pet is actually pretty amazing and if you like that tip don't forget to click that like button and subscribe for more Baldur's Gate 3 videos number three is the necromancy of Fae this book is in the room hidden behind the ornate mirror in the room where you just found the Quasi you'll need to answer a few questions correctly and then the ornate mirror will let you pass once inside you'll find a locked and barred door with a couple of traps protecting this book use a character proficient with lock picking and disarming to get past it and pick up the book once you have it you'll need to find a dark Amethyst in order to open it the nearest one is in the whispering depths which is below the blighted village you can just take the well and go down there there's also one in act three if you missed this one but once you place the Amethyst in the book you'll need to pass several checks eventually leading to learning Forbidden Knowledge now some of these checks are actually pretty High Rolls I think it eventually gets up to 20 so you'll want to be quick saving before the roll and then after you succeed I think there's a total of three roles if you're a sorcerer when opening the necromancy if they book you can instead choose the class options of Sorcerer And dialogue which are Charisma based rather than wisdom it's gonna be much easier as a sorcerer at the end of these rolls you're going to walk away with the spell speak with dead learned but there is actually more to the book however but not until act three but the reason you'll want to do this now though is so that you have the book because you can't go back and then eventually by having this book you'll learn how to summy an army of ghouls with it from the spell dance Macabre in act three so definitely pick this up if you're interested in having that spell later alright number four is second marriage if you're looking for a zombie pet right here right now look no further this amazing zombie summon has a buff called Undead fortitude causing it to come back to life instead of dying unless the killing blow was radiant or a critical hit now unfortunately when it comes to its offensive abilities he just has slam which does four to nine damage so he's kind of just a meat bag when it comes to hits however to summon your zombie you just need an item called second marriage which can be used over and over only using an action the one downside of this though is that the zombie only lasts 10 turns not too bad really considering you could just re-summon him after 10 turns and 10 turns is a pretty good chunk of time now in order to get second marriage you'll need to save marina from the hag and get the hag's hair so go into the witch's Lair and after you've let the hag get away there's gonna be a wand in the second area called bitter divorce grab that wand and the other valuables you're interested in and then exit through the mushroom ring and head towards the coffin and you're gonna find Marina next to her husband's corpse you can then use the wand to resurrect him as a zombie and you're gonna get a few choices of what to do with the wand and I recommend you keep it so that you can summon a zombie at will for the rest of the game and I think that's just perfect for a necromancer build it doesn't even require a corpse and then you know pair this with the necromancy of Fae and you've got a really nice Necromancer build coming together which is really cool number five is Auntie Ethel's hair similar to what we just talked about if you get anti-ethyl's low Health but don't kill her during the save marina Quest she'll eventually cause a cut scene to start and offer you a deal to spare her life in return she will give you her hair which can give you plus one to an ability score of your choice you can also save my Arena as well if you roll well enough which I recommend you do because it's going to unlock second marriage like we just talked about among other things be careful though because sparing the hag as an oath of Vengeance Paladin actually breaks your oath so make sure that there's another party member nearby to make that person trigger the dialogue instead so whoever is in like Melee range is going to uh basically trigger this dialogue all right number six is summon ogre horde this was so cool when I stumbled upon this so in the blighted village there are three ogres camped around a dead tiefling if you engage in conversation and choose the right dialog options you can get these three ogres to fight for you for free it's gonna you're gonna have to roll a 20 but you can convince them that their reward for fighting for you is going to be them being able to eat the enemies that you slay so they're going to agree and they're going to give you an item called lumps horn and all you gotta do is like when you're in combat just blow the horn and these three massive ogres are gonna come help you and and fight your enemies however after each summon there is a catch you know they're gonna say oh this isn't enough food uh you know why should we keep fighting for you and you're gonna have to convince them to fight for you again so after you summon them the first time you can tell them okay next time you can eat the enemy but you can also we're also gonna give you like a thousand gold right after the next fight right so you don't have to give them gold now you just promise it later so you can just kind of keep these ogres working for you kind of just give them a carrot to chase after and they'll just keep fighting for you which is really cool and then number seven is awakened well technically this is an act 2 permanent buff it's sort of close to act one someone included here this can be earned within the githyanki crash in the rosy mourn Monastery it allows you to use all of your alithid powers as bonus actions if you go into the purification device and pass all the checks to remain within it you'll exit with an incredibly powerful permanent buff allowing you to use a lithid Powers as bonus actions I wanted so badly to get rid of my parasite that's why I stuck in the machine when I did this originally and when it failed I literally lost all hope and just started consuming all my extra tadpoles because I was like well what's the point I can't get rid of this thing and good thing I did seeing how I just you know that's how you get those illicit powers and I never even knew that a lipid Powers could were actions I always thought they were bonus actions so because I always had awakened but it's incredibly powerful to have your lipid Powers as bonus actions you know feel free to quick save before the roll and after you succeed to get through I believe three or four that rolls that you have to get through all right number six is dark mind and slave mind in act one you can find two minds suspended in cerebrospinal fluid these are important to pick up because later on in Act 2 you have a chance to connect them to the Mind archive interface in the mind flare Colony you get the rare opportunity to hear what these two minds have to say if you do which I better it's very rare that anyone actually carries these all the way to that now in total there are six brain jars to be found within the Mind flare Colony plus these two from the nautiloid there are eight total that you get to listen to in act two these mines are called the butchered mind closed mind true mind willing mind dark mind slave mind fresh mind and waking mind collect them all and hear their stories alright number nine we have she cannot be caged if you save saza the Goblin from The Emerald Grove if you remember she's in a cage kind of in the back she's going to be in the goblin Camp later and then even after that it'll be the moonrise Towers if you spare her save her from Death every time you run into her if you manage to keep her alive in every single location every time you see her you're gonna eventually get an achievement called she cannot be caged so that's kind of cool saving her from the Grove is possible to do basically you can persuade the guards that uh this that saza is just leading you to the camp she's like a traitor so it is possible to get saza out of the emerald Grove without violence so it's pretty cool definitely something worth trying it's not the easiest thing to sneak saza out of the Grove you have to win a couple rolls all right number 10 is bual's benediction now within the depths of the underdark are a group of kuatoa worshiping boo all if you sacrifice a teammate to buhal your remaining party members will all get a permanent buff granting advantage on Attack rules against bleeding creatures as long as there is a kuatoa to worship ball now the way I would go about doing this if you're planning on doing this I would say I would go accept the paladins of Tears quest to slay carlak and then sacrifice her here it's basically two birds stoned at the same time this buff is really good when paired with a wild heart Barbarian who uses tiger is bloodlust this causes three targets to start bleeding for two turns so that gives your whole party advantage on attack rolls against those targets for two turns I think that's very nice and totally worth it now you don't have to sacrifice carlak I just saw a Synergy there you can sacrifice anyone of a party member that you bring down there for this buff so definitely consider doing that once you decide to sacrifice them you will have to fight them so be prepared to 3v1 your one teammate that you chose to sacrifice and also unfortunately if one of your party members dies they do lose bual's benediction unfortunately would be great if it persisted through death but alas it does not all right number 11 is free us now in act one you'll want to be sure to free us the intellect Devourer before leaving the nautiloid you want to do this because later on in Act 2 you'll be able to free us again and get him as a permanent pet so take that elevator when you exit the first room of the game and gently remove us and make sure not to lobotomize him either because that will give him an ailment later in act 2. also make sure he doesn't and die while you have him in act one because if he dies then he's dead and he's not going to be in act two alright number 12 is silver sword of the astral plane this weapon is one of the best in the game and extremely powerful on Lazelle because the sword is more powerful when held by a gith Yankee or someone disguised as a Geth Yankee now it would normally become available in act 3 however you can get this pretty easily in act 1 by using disarming attack on Vos well invisibility is cast on you now we'll take a few attempts to get so be prepared to quick save but it's well worth it if you're looking for an overpowered weapon in Act One your character who did the disarming attack probably Lazelle is going to die after looting so make sure before you attempt this you have Withers already unlocked at your Camp so all you do is just go back to camp and purchase a resurrection and the sword is yours now as a disclaimer you really shouldn't have this sword this early so if it's your first playthrough I'd recommend not doing this because there's history behind this sword But ultimately it's up to you alright number third 13 is loviatar's love in the goblin Fortress there's an NPC called abdarak who worships laviatar he will offer you to participate in some torture now if you endure it all by succeeding all roles you'll be rewarded with a buff Called laviatar's Love which gives you a plus two bonus to attack rolls and saving throws every time your health drops below 30 this is a pretty sweet buff considering when you're close to death you could use a little help also a really cool trick with this is that if you take off your armor for this torture this is actually going to add modifiers to your roles making the roles easier to succeed so definitely recommend doing that now levitar's love is not entirely permanent though if you ever die and are revived it's going to be gone which seems to be the case for a lot of these otherwise permanent Buffs such as blue walls benediction number 14 is see invisibility if you say Volo from the goblin camp and he'll come to your camp and offer to get the Mind flare tadpole out of your head claiming it's just behind the orbital socket instead of removing the tadpole however he's going to remove your eye oopsie well Volo being the good guy he is replaces your eye with one that can see invisibility pretty amazing actually there's no longer a need to cast create water when you can permanently see anything invisible very nice actually and then finally at number 15 we have halson now of course I'm sure you know who Halston is the Jude who's captured within the goblin camp but you should actually try to save halsen because if you don't you're actually going to miss out on a really interesting and unique Quest chain later in Act 2 which involves defending a portal from waves of enemies it actually eventually leads to the option of having him join your party I think this Quest is cool enough to Warrant saving him at least once on one playthrough number 16 is Damon the blacksmith in the Grove now before you make your decision on helping The Druids or the tieflings consider how important Damon is if he's alive you're gonna need him if you want to cure karlak of her broken infernal engine and as a bonus keeping him alive means he'll be at the Harper base in Act 2 and he'll be able to craft armor for you and even later on he's going to be in Baldur's Gate in act 3. so besides curing karlak he can craft you some really nice armor and this armor in order to craft it requires infernal iron which is hidden across all the different acts some is needed for carlax engine some is needed for crafting the armor so it's kind of a cool quest to go and collect the iron for Damon and then getting your rewards so before you just sort of mindlessly murder Damon just because you're like I'm doing I'm evil I kill stuff there's a lot of really cool fun stuff that can be done with Damon so I recommend you give that a try and those are my 16 things you don't want to miss in act one it's pretty amazing that you can summon an ogre horde a spider swarm a quasi an intellect devour and a zombie all in Act One how cool is that do you guys know of anything else that you think is amazing in act one let me know in the comments thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 667,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, Spider Egg Sac, Spider Swarm Pet, Quasit, Summon Cheeky Quasit, Scroll of Summon Cheeky Quasit, Necromancy of Thay, Second Marriage, Bitter Divorce, Auntie Ethel's Hair, Lump's Horn, Awakened, Dark Mind, Slave Mind, Butchered Mind, Willing Mind, Fresh Mind, Waking Mind, Closed Mind, True Mind, BOOOAL, BOOOAL's Benediction, She Cannot Be Caged, Silver Sword of the Astral Plane, Us, Loviatar's Love, See Invisibility, Dammon, Halsin, Ogres, Mayrina, Hag, Ornate Mirror
Id: YgirXovMHuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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