ULTIMATE Ranger Knight Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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Rangers have been in a weird spot across the  many editions of DnD but in balers Gate 3 we   can have a lot of fun getting spicy with all the  multiclass options presented to us in this video   today we're going to go over my Ranger Knight  build how you can turn your Ranger into a dual   wielding damage dealing tanky Juggernaut able  to take down all manner of enemies while also   providing lots of support to the party if this is  your first time on my channel the way I do things   is by upfront thing the knowledge of my videos  so you can decide if it's the right one for you   so with that being said this video will focus on  Star ing as a ranger Hunter and multiclassing with   war cleric or cleric with the war domain since  this will grant us heavy armor we'll focus on   that to help increase our survivability use dual  wielding because I just want to showcase that in   this video but you're totally fine going with like  two-handed weapons with even more damage if you so   wish from there it's about maximizing the benefits  of the Hunter's abilities and layering in The   Amazing support and damage Spells Of War cleric  especially the war priest Channel Divinity charges   which will allow us to just Spam amam attacks on  a hard target and that's really the gist of this   entire video so if that's all you wanted to know  please feel free to shut the video down and get   back to making your holy Warrior of nature but  before you head out please don't forget to like   comment and or subscribe each one of those things  does help me out in a huge way I currently have   89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel and  that's a metric I'm trying to change this year   so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to  any part of the video that interests you the most   using the chapters in both the timeline and the  description and if you need help with any other   subject in balers Gate 3 check out my playlist  linked below and at the end of the video let's   get started here on our ultimate Ranger Knight  build for balers Gate 3 moving into character   creation let's talk about your race now you can  go with whatever you want and nothing's really   going to have much of a difference um I personally  love going with the wood elf because it's just I'm   a ranger but you can also go with a Dr if you so  wish the really big difference between the two is   that all elves well this is not a difference this  is a similarity all elves get innate um what's it   called skill proficiency towards perception which  is actually very nice you'll use perception a lot   in this game so it's nice to have but why I like  choosing a wood elf is that a Wood Elf will get   access to Fleet of foot which increases your  movement there's tons of ways to increase your   movement in the game but this allows you to always  have 5T more than anyone else uh you can even go   with a half elf which is going to get the benefit  of some of those things but not all of them you'll   lose the perception uh emphasis but you'll get all  the other things like ancestry which is going to   give you an advantage on saving throws against  being Charmed which is nice you you'll you'll   deal with that quite a bit in this game so I like  all three of the elf options are quite lovely um   halflings are always a really fun one just because  you get lucky which is lovely here you get a roll   I'm sorry when you roll a one for an attack roll  ability check or saving throw you can reroll the   die must choose the new one and in this case  too I would go with the strong heart because   then they get an advantage on saving throws  against poison to resistance uh Dam or on uh   saving throws on resistance to poison is what I  meant um also another nice one is the duar now   duar are pretty fun here because they get their  resilience to saving throws against Illusions and   against being Charmed or paralyzed which is lovely  they get their Superior dark vision and they also   have their dwarfen resilience so advantage on  saving throws against poison and have resistance   to poison damage innately that'll stack with your  abilities as a ranger they have natural Explorer   so rather than you can just skip out on Wasteland  Wanderer since you're already going to have that   as a a dwar and just get Wasteland wander fire and  Wasteland Wanderer cold which is pretty cool uh   another thing too about the the dwar is that they  will eventually and I'm pronouncing that because   that's the way the game pronounces it and people  get weird about that uh but they also get access   to enlarge and invisibility at levels three  and five which are really nice that's another   thing too about the D they'll get access to some  additional cantrips like dancing light fairy fire   and darkness at 1 three and 5 respectively so all  those are really nice we are going with a more of   a melee Centric character so a half work is good  for its Savage attacks here to help out with crit   damage and Relentless endurance so they can stay  up longer hum's always nice for increased carry   capacity you have pretty much every single option  at your disposal now for your starting class you   can go with Ranger or cleric it won't matter  because we're going to choose the opposite   at level two anyway so go with Ranger if you want  or go with cleric I'm just going to choose Ranger   in this way then for our natural Explorer you're  going to have to decide if this character is kind   of your skill monkey as it were are you going to  use your Ranger to pick locks then go with Urban   tracker because this is going to give us slight  of hand so we'll have a proficiency bonus whenever   we try to pick locks or disarm traps if you plan  on having a rogue or a Bard or anyone else who's   going to be doing all that for you and this is  um maybe a companion you're building this out   on or you're not your main character whatever  it is then just go with Wasteland Wanderer uh   if you didn't go with dwarf go with poison  Poison's very prevalent in the game through   traps and a whole bunch of other ways so getting  a resistance against it is going to be very nice   and if you chose dwarf then go with fire cuz fire  damage is very common in this game too uh you'll   be able to choose another one of these down the  road and I would just go with whichever one you   didn't choose um and if you again chose dwarf  then just go with cold your last thing here   is favorite enemy now I know this video is called  Ranger Knight and it probably would make sense to   choose Ranger Knight but because we're choosing  War cleric as our multiclass we will be given   the best portion of the ranger Knight passive  feature which is armor proficiency with heavy   armor so since we don't really need that here  we might as well get the benefit of something   else so I'm going to start with Bounty Hunter  you gain Proficiency in investigation which is   very very common to deal with in the game and  uh creatures you hit within snaring strike have   disadvantage on their snaring their snaring STR  on their saving throw and in snaring strike is a   really nice little early level um spell that only  gets better as far as your backgrounds go if we   Min maxing this it has probably be something like  Guild Artisan for insight and persuasion uh but   again please always choose the background that  makes the most sense for you your character and   the role playay you have in mind are you a ranger  Knight who kind of comes from being a soldier   are you a ranger Knight who at one point was an  acolyte of the church you just choose something   that fits the roleplay you've created for your  character in your own head now of course this   is a custom origin you can go with darker if you  so wish it's entirely up to you and when it comes   to our ability roles I'm going to clear all this  we are not going to focus on Dex St I've chosen   not to make this a dexterity focused character  because I think that's very common for Ranger   and I think by going with dexterity I miss out  on a lot of the really fun strength one-handed   weapons so I'm focusing on strength in this build  and if you want you can stick with um two handed   weapons and still kind of copy everything as is so  we're going to bring this all the way up actually   I'm going to bring it here and we're going to  go that to 16 our wisdom we're going to have to   bring all the way up to 15 I'm going to put the  plus one point there because wisdom is going to   be our primary casting attribute for both cleric  and Ranger it's important for us we're going to   keep intelligence all the way at eight and if  this is not the main character I'm going to   keep Charisma at8 if it isn't we would increase  this but we're going to bring our dexterity up   to 10 if not 12 our constitution is going to  go to 14 and this just depends here am I the   main character okay well then I'm going to put  Charisma to 10 am I not the main character then   we'll do this so just kind of make that decision  based off of this is a companion you're building   out or your main character and go accordingly  you don't want to have any uh penalties on your   charisma checks you're going to be making them  through the entirety of the game you might as   well not have any issues there and then outside  of that you know what I'm going to switch this to   this is going to mess everything up it's fine  um yeah that'll do pig we're going to switch   this because I chosen welf as my Preferred Choice  um and then we're going to go through all these   here so perception we already get out the gate  because I've chosen a Wood Elf which is great   and we're going to get persuasion cuz uh We've  chosen Guild Artisan as our background here right   which is lovely so outside of that though nature  is a good one to actually go with because you'll   be able to passing those checks if you want to go  the stealthing route you can but we're focusing   on heavy armor so we're skipping that Athletics  is good for any kind of pushing if you want to do   it animal handling you will use for conversations  with animals in lie of an speak with animals if   you have speak with animals on animal handling is  not worth it don't make the mistake I did that I   made with my Ranger I put all the points into  [ __ ] animal handling and I never use it so I   skip out on that here so we would do this so if  you have the extra proficiency skill yeah put it   into animal handling or whatever you want but  I'm just telling you it's not necessary if you   have speak with animals cast at the beginning of  every single um day so this is what your character   would look like right at character creation or  on a Respec let's jump now into how the future   or progression of this entire entire multiclass  would work the progression for the ranger Knight   here right at level two we're going to go ahead  and press add class at the top and switch over to   cleric and from here we're going to have some fun  so cantrips wise we're going to remove resistance   I'd go with blade Ward this is going to give us  a resistance or it's going to half the damage of   bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks which  is lovely use guidance if you don't already have   a guidance Caster if you do then just remove this  maybe choose I don't know th turgy doesn't really   matter um and then sacred flame just gives you  a nice little range evocation uh can trip if you   need it you can use a bow and arrow whatever  you want but it's there for you now for our   domain we're definitely going to go with the war  domain as an alternative if you want to be more   of a casting cleric you can go with Tempest domain  and it will actually be very good Tempest is super   super strong so if you want to use a lot of spells  in this build and not be as melee focused Tempest   domain is a really awesome alternative that does  a lot of damage for war domain though we're going   to stick here uh for for the deity choose whatever  you wish I'm just choosing uh Miki miliki whatever   her name is um because she's the goddess of  Rangers so just a just a flavorful decision here   now for our level one spells that get something  like uh bless now unlike the ranger you can swap   these out at will so just don't worry about this  too much in the charact or in the actual level up   screen uh swap in whatever makes the most sense  for you you can go with something like Sanctuary   which is really good to help protect any soft  Targets in your party like a wizard or a sorcerer   while you're kind of in the front line they get  maybe uh back capped by back Capp what game is   this if they're getting attacked by something  that just jumps in the backline whatever it is   command's always really nice Bane is really cool  to have a ranged heal with healing word is great   um protection against good and evil is always are  evil and good because this helps with aberration   celestials Elementals Fay fiends and Undead those  latter three that you'll be dealing with quite a   bit in this game just keep in mind though that  this as well as bless are concentration spells   and they will conflict with your Ranger spell  spells so just make sure you're only having one   concentration spell active at a time if you do  after that though we'll accept this and we will   go back into Ranger the reason here is because  essentially what we wanted to do with cleric   was get the war priest turned on and did I get  the haa There It Is War priest so when you make   an unarmed or weapon attack you can spend a war  priest charge to make an additional attack as a   bonus action this is kind of a pseudo extra attack  for you until your Ranger gets to level five for   actual extra attack and then at that point you  just have all the benefits of having extra attack   and War priest because basically what you're using  is this your channel Divinity charges which will   replenish on short rest to get more damage onto  your target you'll just basically use those War   priest charges now while you can stay into cleric  and then maybe go back into Ranger I like going   back here into Ranger first because we do want to  get our fighting style online ASAP and going two   weapon fighting for this video uh but you can of  course go with something like dueling if you're   going with um one-handed weapons or if you want  to just increase the damage of a sword and board   style of situation or defense if you want to just  gain one AB additional Armor class while wearing   armor if I was going two-handed weapons I'd go  with this personally so two weapon fighting and   that and then spells uh because we chose Bounty  Hunter we're going to go with an snaring strike   here and then our other ability probably go with I  mean you can go with hun Mark just remember it is   a concentration ability but I would probably get  something like long Strider because long Strider   doesn't show you here in this menu but is a ritual  spell meaning that you can cast it and it does   not use a spell slot and it will last until long  rest so this will increase the movement speed of   my entire party I can just cast it one at a time  and everyone's moving faster um alternatively to   speak with animals is very good because this is a  laran game and speak with animals is always really   strong in their games so make sure you do get this  online uh ASAP if you don't choose it at the very   beginning of the game because you want to be able  to talk to things so from there we're going to   choose another level inter Ranger because we want  to get our subass online because uh cleric subass   starts immediately so maybe we'll just go here  with uh speak with animals and then we're going   to go with Hunter so you can go with Beastmaster  if you want to use a beast personally I find that   Beastmaster is really rough to multiclass into if  you want your Beast to do a lot of damage if you   want your Beast to be a supplemental thing that  you use to help out the party or deliver status   effects then it's perfect but if you want that  Beast to actually do some oomph it needs its level   11 counterpart Hunter though is where we're going  because we're going to choose Hunter's prey and   we have three options so if you want to work uh do  more damage to kind of area of effect or just more   than one creature at a time horde breaker and all  of its counterparts that are focused on AOE style   stuff is for you a giant killer is good but I find  that it's kind of a little lackluster here so if a   large or bigger creature attacks you you can use a  reaction to make an melee attack this is great but   if you are a mediumsized character right if you  if you're uh if you're W around as a uh Elf or a   human or anything like that this isn't going to  be great if you're playing a halfling or a dwarf   actually I think dwarfs are medium if you're  playing like a halfling or a gnome those are   anything bigger than you giant killer is great  but we're just going to go with Colossus Slayer   it's applicable to pretty much Dam near everything  once per turn your weapon attacks to deal an extra   1d8 damage if the target is below its hit points  Max which is going to be almost all the time right   so it's a really nice ability to have it's pretty  uh spiffy here and we're just going to bring this   uh Ranger all the way on up here to level uh  five but let's talk about our Feats now so for   Feats we want to focus firstly on Dual wielder  the reason here is that yes it's great to get   the additional Armor class but we want this you  can use two weapon fighting even if your weapons   aren't light that is the biggest reason we want  want dual wielder it's going to unlock the whole   entire repertoire of of one-handed weapons for  us to really go to town on also too uh you can   use two weapons weap that that okay never mind I  thought I was going to say something else but it   doesn't matter here so uh dual wielder is the big  Focus here after that you can go with something   like Savage attacker to get more out of your melee  damage if you so wish I very much like War cter   because this is going to give us an advantage on  saving throws to maintain our concentration you're   going to have a lot of concentration abilities  to take advantage of so you might as well have   this online so you're doing as you can keep those  concentration spells up for as long as possible if   you went with the Tempest cleric though shocking  grasp is even more important here too because you   can maximize the damage on your shocking grasp  and shocking grass will do a ton of damage um the   higher you level up and more um stuff like mobile  is always really nice movement speed increases and   difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you  dash if you move after making a melee attack you   don't provoke opportunity attacks from your target  which is lovely lucky is always good to just kind   of get these luck points which are going to give  you advantage on your next ability to check and   you can use them on attack roll saving throws or  an enemy's attack roll to kind of get round stuff   if you want to really increase your tankiness  like If This Were If This Were a character I   was building I'd probably go something like dual  wielder and then very quickly heavy armor Master   because this is going to increase my strength by  one which is lovely and you can get the hag's hair   in the First Act to increase your strength by one  as well giving you a total of 18 strength if you   take this feat incoming damage from non-magical  attacks also decreases by three while you're   wearing heavy armor the nice thing here is the  majority of heavy armor will reduce non-magical   attacks by one or two if not three so this is  going to just give you a ton of damage mitigation   it's the reason we're taking that heavy armor  Mage Slayer is nice if you're trying to break   apart the concentration of any of the enemy Mages  of course so that's always a really cool choice   that you can go with if you want to focus more on  casting spell sniper is good of course as well um   if you are going with two handed weapons get great  weapon master and probably pick up pole arm Master   as well um it's nicer to have the opportunity tax  and target comes within range and also your bonus   action to hit something with like the half or  the the bottom of your uh glaive hird Quarter   Staff or spear but those are your options you'd  go with definitely want to start with dual wielder   though in this case now that we've reached level  five with our Ranger we're good we've gotten our   extra juicy extra attack that's what we really  wanted and this is going to unlock our level   two spells Spike growth is very very very good I  really like it um you could oh okay okay there we   go Spike growth is good I really like it but even  something as simple as you know lesser restoration   is nice to have um protection from Poison can be  nice to have having a silence On Demand is lovely   but you already have access to that as a cleric  so don't feel like you have to do that you can go   with something like Hal Thorns if you want there's  plenty of really good abilities but I'm just going   to go with Spike growth now from here I press  accept we can choose to go to level six on our   Ranger or we can go back into cleric level six is  going to give us favored enemy and that's going to   allow us another favorite enemy so we can go with  something like Mage breaker here for proficiency   and true strike or Keeper of the veil for uh  Proficiency in Arcana and evil and good Sanctified   stalker uh Proficiency in religion so if you want  you can go with that but the nice thing here is it   gives us another natural Explorer so we can get  resistance to fire so do what is going to make   the most sense for you and the character you have  in mind for the ranger um a 66 split is just fine   a 57 split is just fine a 75 split is just fine  whatever you want to go with personally what I'm   going to do here in this video is I'm going to  go with a 57 split because at level 74 for the   cleric we're going to get freedom of movement  and stone skin as just always prepared and it   gives us just a little bit more to take advantage  of um so again do whatever whatever you see fit   let's go ahead and now swap over to cleric so  from here we're just going to let this level up   we're going to get guided strik so you gain plus  10 bonus uh to your attack roles so now you're   really going to be able to hit things so we're  coming at level seven so we're probably midpoint   of act two roughly maybe even beginning of act two  depending on how you're approached act one if you   went through the mountain pass and everything  so you have plenty of gameplay ahead of you and   you're going to start really spiking in power now  as we jump up here on to level three we're going   to get prepare spells get more of them warding  bond is actually quite good here because you are   going to be in melee so they gain resistance to  all damage and a plus one bonus to their Armor   class and saving throws each time the Ally takes  damage you take the same amount of damage so um   each time the wed creature takes damage the  spellcaster takes the same amount of damage   so you are going to split this so you can split  this with with another Frontline um character   with you so you both are are beefed up and you  can split damage and mitigate damage across the   both of you which is really fun goes well with  a lasel or a carlac whatever you want to do of   course to enhance ability is always really good  especially for conversations and of course you can   miss something like hold person always lovely so  I'm just going to kind of Blitz through that part   we'll get level four we'll choose a new feet I'm  going to go with heavy armor master and another   cantrip just go with whatever one we didn't choose  earlier you know what I and then we have we just   choose more spells so we're just going to kind  of level this up more and more into level five   and that's going to give us destroy Undead so when  you successfully turn an undead creature it also   takes four to 24 radiant damage the big thing here  though is now we get our level three spells which   is lovely and most of the time we would choose  different spells but we get two of the best ones   just activated for us Spirit Guardians is going  to be the spell you will probably use the most   with this character because you cast it and it is  just a constant AOE damage of anything that comes   in close contact with you or outside of it it's  why warcaster works very well here because we get   a bonus to the concentration role of this ability  it is very very juicy I really quite like it um so   we're going to also have Crusaders mantle too this  is a concentration ability so you would use one   over the other and I would almost always opt for  Spirit Guardians personally um for prepare spells   you can go with a little bit more support here we  can go with something like Mass healing word kind   of heal the whole entire party if we so wish we do  get remove uh bestow curse and remove curse that   was the big one I wanted to show off and as far as  just a nice General damage ability you have Glyph   of warding and this will be whatever type of glyph  you want it can be thunder it can be lightning it   can be fire it can be poison it can be one that  repulses things and shoots them backwards it's a   very good little range capability to have and you  can use this to push people towards you to attack   them or push them away from you it's a it's a very  very fun spell if you've not used it I strongly   encourage it do not use inflict wounds let's go  ahead and press accept and this is going to bring   us up to the last level I can show off on this  game playay but this is going to give us Channel   Divinity War God's blessing it's why the biggest  reason we wanted to get to six cleric and not five   cleric endow a nearby Ally with the glory of your  God to grant them a plus 10 bonus attack to their   attack roll so that Divine strike that you get you  can give to another character if you wish so maybe   you have another Melee character that's up close  and personal you can use this to your advantage   so from this point though we would jump into level  seven as cleric and just get access to freedom of   movement and stone skin as domain spells those  are just always going to be active for us so we   can use them for extra defensive capabilities  or freedom of movement to help us out in um um   in to reduce any kind of CC key people on their  toes quite quite literally now again too just to   kind of recap you can also go level seven Ranger  if you want to get the defensive tactics of the   hunter it's entirely up to you it's your decision  and how you want to build out your Ranger Knight   as far as equipment goes for our Ranger Knight  let's take a look at some weapon options so you   pretty much have The Pick of whatever weapons you  want to take advantage of there's a really good   one that you get at the mountain pass that you  can just jump into very very early in the game   and really there's tons of other ones there's the  blood of Leander that is another one that you can   get right in act one that is an amazing Ace that  can last you throughout the entirety of the game   if you so wish another really strong one in an  act one here is the shattered flail it it doesn't   look as cool in fact it looks cooler in the arc  but the nice thing about this is it is a weapon   enchantment plus two which is cool and hitting  enemies with this weapon heals the wielder for   one to six hit points it does have the downturn  here of course right of being uh they but they can   go M if they don't continue hitting an enemy each  turn so if you miss out on hitting an enemy it can   have some negative effects uh sort of like life  stealing is very early on in the game two right   at the beginning of act two on a critical hit the  target takes an extra 10 necrotic damage as long   as it isn't contuct or Undead you also gain 10  temp hit points weapon enchantment plus two keep   in mind though anything you see as finesse doesn't  mean you have to use dexterity it will scale with   your dexterity if it's over your strength so  feel free to use whatever you see fit uh but   other ones to here our Black Guard sword here that  can help basically but this one is mainly more for   paladins because of the dazing Smite and just one  I wanted to show off um fer ALU is really nice   because it gives us the fer aluve Melody you'll  get this when you go into the underd dark which   can either basically Grant bless to everyone or  shriek so the sing here is plus one D4 bonus to   attack RS in Charisma wisdom and intelligence  saving throws or shriek they get a penalty so   it's basically uh bless or Bane depending on  if you want to affect your enemies or affect   your Bros um it is a uh long sword this one is  finesse I have have one that's not finesse so I   don't know what the real one is um another good  one here is the flail of the Ages which you'll   get an act three elements of the epoch depending  on what kind of damage this weapon does it also   inflicts acid an acid condition chill condition  or burning condition weapon enchantment one and   here's the cool thing about this Elemental age  here G give the flail of Elemental ages a plus   one bonus to attack rolls and an additional 1 D4  of the corresponding acid cold or fire damage to   its strikes um so a lovely little thing that you  can do with that a lot really cool stuff uh and in   general mace weapons are pretty cool because they  have tenacity a lot of the time depending on what   it is so when you miss an attack you still deal  three bloodening damage anyway so those are some   fun options here the ones that I currently have  equipped are the sword of the emperor this weapon   deals an additional 1 D4 damage against shape  shifters are polymorph creatures which you'll deal   with a lot in act three but the wielder has a plus  two bonus to saving throws against spells that's   the one thing I like about it from a defensive  capability and then bellm which you probably   remember from balers gate is is great cuz it does  have perfectly balanced that nice little ability   but I really like it here for the Whirlwind  attack strike out on all nearby foes making   separate attack rows rolls against each Target  uh there's a level 11 Hunter ability that is   this ability but this is nice to just kind of have  on an actual weapon now as far as armor and other   gear goes let's take a look at what our options  are um there is a really really probably the best   single uh heavy armor in the game called the armor  of persistence it's 16,000 and you get it in act   three it does magical plate all incoming damage  is reduced by two you gain resistance and blade   Ward which is just active for you those two canant  trips are just active it's lovely um it is heavy   armor and it has 20 AC it's a really it's probably  the best single um heavy armor piece that you can   get in the game outside of that though we have  the black guards plate you'll get in act three as   well all incoming damage reduced by one advantage  on wisdom saving throws which is nice so any kind   of like hold person or Charm you get an advantage  on it I think you already do as a ranger though   but Reapers Embrace here you're going to get at  the end of act two all incoming damage is reduced   by two Reaper rigidity when activated you can't be  moved against your will by any spell or action but   have disadvantage on Deck saving throws and you  also get how of the Dead which is a cool little   um ability that numbs things around you movement  speed have that the spellcaster has advantage on   attack roles against the affected entity and  it's a bonus action too and it replenishes on   short rest so it's very nice has a high AC it's  really cool you can get the adamantine Dwarven   scale male the the heavy arm version of this one  and it's got a little bit more AC I think it's 17   AC instead and all- incoming and damage is reduced  by two and they're left Reeling for three turns   the nicest thing though about the Adam anti and  armor in general though is attackers can't land   crit strikes on the wearer which is lovely um I  already show off black Ard but some other things   here too are your cloak I have cloak of Elemental  absorption on this one's really lovely so absorb   Elemental damage once per short rest take half  damage from the next Elemental attack targeting   you and deal an additional 1 D6 of that element  type on your next attack it's just a really nice   way to mitigate any kind of Elemental damage a  nice just basic one though is cloer Protection   Plus One AC plus one saving throw you get this  pretty early in the game and it's probably one   of the ones you'll use for the majority of the  game as far as gloves go we've got the Marshall   exertion gloves which I really like uh basically  the way these work is that you're going to take   some damage 6 to 36 uh piercing damage you'll  only get these in act three so 36 piercing isn't   as scary but uh you'll gain an additional attack  per per turn and do double your movement speed so   I I really like that here Legacy of the Masters is  lovely gain a plus two bonus to attack and damage   rolls with weapons and a strength saving throw  plus one as well also an act three uh but pretty   much just use any decent gloves in the in the  moment I mean gloves are good but I think by and   large with Ranger and cleric here you're not going  to find any that are going to completely break or   make the class there is the one that gives you  Arcane Acuity for anytime you do a condition but   it's it is what it is as far as other things  though we have our Black Guard Greaves These   are nice because they just give you long Strider  you can also use the boots of persistance which   match the armor of persistence we talked about you  gain freedom of movement and long Strider just by   wearing them and you get a deck saving throw plus  one a very nice set of uh uh boots um all the way   around but some earlier options you can go with  here are boots of Aid and comfort when the wearer   hears heals a Target it gains an additional 31 hit  point so it's just a nice way to add additional   healing to anyone you heal um boots of striding  the reason that you are going to like this is that   you'll be using concentration spells so when you  cast a concentration spell you gain one momentum   means it increases your movement and when you are  concentrating you can't get knocked prone or be   moved against your will it's just a very nice  early set of boots that are going to be pretty   advantageous to something you're already doing  which is lots of concentration there's also two   dis disintegrating night Walkers um can't be in  webbed entangled or in snared and can't slip on   grease or ice and you also get Misty step it's a  lovely lovely set of boots as well as far as our   jewelry goes we have the whispering promise so  when you heal a creature it gains one D4 bonus   to attack roles and saving throws so basically  it blesses them um also Amulet of restoration   which can give you healing word which is a ranged  heal as we've seen or mass healing word which is   a ranged whole party heal well not whole party  here's what it does um it'll pretty much affect   anyone in 60 Fe and up to six allies it's it's  a really great little range heal that you can   just have on demand because it's on your amulet  another really good one here those is Amulet of   the Harpers advantage on wisdom saving throws but  Shield that's the big one that we get here that I   really like since you can't cast Shield otherwise  when you are about to be hit by an enemy increase   your armor class by five and you take no damage  from a magic Missile this is a reaction right   so when something actually hits you this would  trigger and our other ability here is Killer's   sweetheart when you kill a creature your next  attack rle will be a a critical hit once spent   this effect refreshes after a long rest so it  becomes one of these you it's called executioner   right here so it will you have the choice to let  this go off or not it's not just going to go off   all willy-nilly so you have that as an option I do  really like it and lastly as far as some helmets   go there are a lot of pretty decent ones in the  game you can even use a lot of the Barbarian ones   to get a lot of really good benefit fade hell  dust skull uh hell dust helmet you're going to   get at the beginning of ass to act two magical  durability the wielder has a plus two bonus   to saving throws against spells and Constitution  saving throws plus one remember concentration is a   constitution saving throw so you might as well get  the advantage of it it's a very nice situation got   going on here another good one though is the uh  helmet that you get at the end of act one uh the   Grim skull helmet which is going to give you some  defensive capabilities and make it so you can't   get hit with crit strikes but those are a lot  of your uh equipment options here that for your   uh Ranger Knight let's show off some combat now  jumping into combat let's show off some fun stuff   starting of course with even the kind of support  capabilities that this class has so with war God's   blessing um I can see here that carlac needs a  16 to hit and I roll a 14 even after she used   Reckless attack so I can use one of my channel  Divinity it's going to of course cost the currency   against me and I can allow her to roll or at least  get a plus 10 bonus not roll sorry not not roll at   all got a nearby Al a plus 10 bonus to their  attack roll I can see that she just needs two   more so this is going to go through but I can  see too if she had rolled like a three my War   God's blessing would not help her so it's a really  nice capability to have to help push through that   attack like that so really nice capability with  this uh kind of combo here is that you can really   help support things even without actually being  active by using these reactions with the ranger   Knight launching into combat in this very crowded  alleyway let's show off some fun stuff we can do   with this Ranger Knight so um we have a lot of  spells at our disposal and probably before this   combat I should have used wng bond to mitigate a  lot of the damage on myself and uh carlac we could   have split it between the two of us but I'm not  smart this would have G A plus one to our AC and   saving throws of course and they gain resistance  to all damage which is lovely it has that damage   it's a really nice thing to be able to use up  close and personal I can use in snaring strike   cuz remember we are a bounty hunter we can have  some advantages there but the big thing I want   to showcase is our spirit Guardian spell so Spirit  Guardians can do either necrotic or radiant damage   in this example we're going to do radiant damage  we're going to click that so everything in this   circle is going to take this damage right now and  the nice thing is that if they move out of it and   come back into it they're going to take the damage  if we move into their uh radius with our Circle   they're going to take damage it just does a lot  of damage and we're already up close and personal   the downside is it is a concentration spell so  we have to make sure we maintain concentration   now with us being a cleric multiclass we get  access to level four spell slots so we can   actually buff the damage of this I think at max  level for this uh multiclass we'd have one more   spell slot into level two but the ranger doesn't  get level three spell slots until Level 9 and   they don't even get the spell so it's fun let's  go ahead and do this so now we have spread some   uh radiant damage herpes all over this piece and  we have some fun things we can do still because   I use a potion of haste we still have our action  and our bonus action remember now we have our war   priest extra attack charge you can use this to do  an extra attack as a bonus action so let's have   some fun I'm going to use Whirlwind attack just to  kind of do some AOE damage and we'll just let this   go through and let it do it things there we go  of course I think we go detonating in the middle   of the video why wouldn't it now what we want  to take a look at is we are dual wielding see   this button right here toggle it because if it is  set to on it will automatic ically use your main   hand attack and your offand attack we're going to  remove that you can see right here it's going to   say main hand attack extra attack bonus action  warp Prest charge so do that it's going to use   our warp prch charge but we still have an extra  attack because we attacked with our main hand and   it's going to allow us to just kind of bring this  together and do another main hand attack so we get   all these attacks coming out of this character  and of course if I'm using two handed weapons I   have even more to take advantage of here in this  instance good Lord that thing is just going to   town um but you know what I could have used hold  person in this scenario I could have healed people   in this scenario I could have done some some Bane  I could have dropped Glyph of warding I could have   helped out with magic weapon or with Spike growth  there's so many ways that you can use the ranger   Knight in a lot of really cool instances you can  buff up the entire party you can help hold the   line with your main front line characters you can  cast Sanctuary on someone to kind of help them uh   not take a ton of damage and you yourself have  a ton of defensive capabilities ac22 because of   all of our um perks that we have active right now  I mean I didn't really talk about range weapons   but I mean we're not really focusing on that in  this build so tons of stuff you can do with the   ranger Knight hopefully this gives you an idea of  a class that you can use that is different from   the typical kind of um melee hybrid multiclass  I think it's pretty common for people to go   ahead and choose like okay a warlock Paladin or  something of the sort this I feel is a little   bit more unique and it benefits from a ranger and  heavy armor which is again a unique thing to see   especially with balers Gate 3 giving us the ranger  Knight favorite enemy that allows us to have heavy   armor without having a multiclass and all sorts  of fun things but if you have any questions about   this build or you have some different ways that  you'd like to approach it please let it you known   in the comment section below I'm always down for  fun and exciting ways to approach different builds   and what have you but as always thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 58,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE Ranger Knight Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, bg3 ranger build guide, bg3 ranger knight, bg3 ranger knight dual wield, bg3 ranger knight heavy armor, bg3 builds, bg3 ranger knight build, bg3 ranger knight or bounty hunter, bg3 ranger knight reddit, bg3 ranger knight weapons, bg3 best ranger feats, bg3 dual wield build, bg3 dual wield ranger, bg3 ranger knight armor, bg3 italianspartacus
Id: 6xykA83EzhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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