Horrible Histories - Historical Desktops | Compilation

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Alliterate-U 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh yes yes I'm still a handsome devil what's this could it be that my dear wife Catherine has given birth oh she has case bellboy please please be a boy Oh Oh No why has God forsaken me with only lady babies No I must have a male heir a queen on the English throne would be disastrous I mean girls are too silly to rule countries was all my wife's fault I'm voted of water not worse I'm going to drop her from my top eight on you beau I'm doing I'm home to divorce her let's put the King of France in my topics he's an idiot right rearrange my friends list now no your holiness hello to you I thought you were languishing in a rut infested Spanish dungeon I am but it has a excellent Wi-Fi coverage yeah Henry is it true you dropped the Queen from your top eight on Yibo yes it's true she bore me the wrong kind of baby I specifically asked for a boy so I'd like to divorce her if that's okay with you what no no absolutely not well it's too late I'm looking on Tudor Brides calm as we speak Henry now listen to me there's one ennobling protestant lady seeks rich ennobled husband for good times and lots of male heirs likes beards well I must marry her right away Henry the Catholic Church unremittingly refuses your request for a divorce well I'm just going to set up my own trucks you were going to be like what are you talking about you've got any set up your own church you need scriptures and a Dogma that is so 1529 you can do it all online Church of Henry was gone I implore you please think of it think of the implications the damage it will cause Henry please listen to me I'm the Pope Henry okay sorry I gotta go email just popped in it might be from Berlin to later Oh what does this you do want King of France and dude oh he sent me a virus very clever well done mom Antony's accepted me as a friend on mum Evo excellent thanks for the ad smiley horrific it's him Elle queen Cleopatra he'll yourself yeah I was just looking at your mummy bow profile and I couldn't help but notice you haven't got many friends yeah I did have my sister Pharaoh Cleopatra the six but she died in suspicious circumstances and my other sister Fairbairn needs the fourth but she was executed then there were my half-brothers Farrah told me the thirteenth drowned and Farrah told me the 14th poisoned sounds like being on the throne in Egypt is a pretty dangerous job Cleo do you never get scared I'll be fine I just need a powerful Roman to stand alongside me what like Caesar didn't you date him yeah no he's dead yeah about that there's now a vacancy so you want to go out with me no oh please peas PPP's I'll put you on my top ten friends list okay infra Denarius infra sestertius more like a top to friends list who's this other one oh yeah that's my sister Austin I lost a member of your family who isn't dead mmm about that Cleo yeah the thing is she's the last threat to my throne so I need to have Arsenault killed you don't mind if I put your name on the assassination warrant do you please big DP please okay there we go nasty business but I have to be done now you and me can rule the Egyptian Empire in peace right great Oh Oh what was that noise did something go wrong oh yeah it says there's a problem at the transaction I probably just need to update my papyrus pal account Oh what what is it yeah turns out our snail was on the steps of a sacred temple when you murdered her when I murdered her Rome is up in arms we're in big trouble what are we gonna do well if we want to die with dignity we'll have to kill ourselves before the Roman army get to us what oh this is most inconvenient min in a way I suppose we could pretend to kill ourselves and then just hide oh now you tell me Cleo you are literally the worst girlfriend I've ever had and I've had some shockers looks like I'll have to do the same then ah I'll get a poisonous snake to bite me I mean that's quite a legal way to go an ASP perfect how much 20 bronze coins for packaging I suppose it's quite a long tube [Music] what was this a business proposition dearest friend I have a legitimate and trustworthy business proposition for you please send twenty two thousand gold coins and in return we Vikings won't be paying you a visit yours very trustworthy Olaf truth Basin better give him a call come on come on let's be on pillaging Viking maca my little sexing job just got your email yes an unmissable offer I'm sure you'll agree it's settled dang girl thing again just cough up twenty-two thousand gold coins and a spankings we'll leave you alone I accept pay up pal yeah twenty-two thousand little bit expensive fair enough we'll just do it the nasty way I prefer that anyway do you know London London cuz I'm gonna smash it up well done do that haven't I already paid you Viking so give me one second Olaf I'm just yes there it is ten thousand nine ninety one ad I'm already paid I'd do you a deal fifty percent off well that's something meaning I will cut you in half if you don't pay okay okay oh why you the cash now but listen Olaf I can't keep paying you not to attack England all the time this has to be the last one right absolutely Vikings honor thank you hey Don that is the last I'm gonna be hearing from those Vikings just check my North Berk account see if I've gotten your messages what another Viking asking for money same oh yeah hi what is this gold requests on my norse book wall I've literally just paid Olaf Tryggvason so what have you never heard the old saying just because you give a horse a piece of cake doesn't mean to say the goat is no longer hungry huh no ah must just be Danish pay up I'm not paying I'm not paying you and I don't care there showed him was it twenty four thousand mm-hmm as a bargain at twice the price just just buy some new travels as well I'm online then you give me stripy ones or no the brown ones in a bit now [Music] oh now the smallpox car just what I need but I'm looking for suit your majesty I bring tragic news you should check your emails ami Dudley wife of Robert Dudley has been found dead at the bottom of the stairs awful awful news this isn't anything to do with your majesty is it it's just I know that you are rather fond Robert I don't know what you are talking about sister just as well dad Lee is not good enough for your majesty if the Tudor line is to continue your majesty is simply going to have to keep looking for a husband oh you're right Cecil as usual right let's see if there's been any views of my online dating profile I have rejected a few haven't I indeed mam mam Oh Oh yippee your majesty did you get my email I've built you a garden at Kenilworth yes Robert I I love it it's perfect I'm so pleased although it is a little far to the left could you move it over a bit you want me to move the entire garden ah I only want you to move it by a few feet I'm hardly being unreasonable hmm it's such a shame sazzle says I can't marry Robert he's such a sweetie right who have we got no no to Friendship Sir Francis Drake oh no no no no that goatee pearlies so 1558 must be somebody [Music] what your majesty I do hope I'm not disturbing you know I always have time for an eligible bachelors such as your handsome self well funny you should say that because I was just calling to inform your majesty of my intentions to marry best Throckmorton what sling your hook you're blocking my line maybe they will just have to do this again no Lee Robert to develop a taste for lettuce [Music] any luck securing the Tudor lineage Your Majesty no Cecil and I'm just about ready to give up Robert dear I might have broken too soon the Earl of Essex and he's just emailed me oh that's excellent news wait a minute this email is about a rebellion is planning to overthrow me sessile and The Fool has cc'd me in by accident off with his head let's not be too hasty you must find a husband or the Tudor lineage is finished the truth is I am already married to whom to England well said mom and with that I bid you adieu yeah yeah she's really lost it I'm still here cessful what I meant was [Music] just check my email see if anyone likes me nothing unbelievable I'm the King's brother I mean you think they just asked me to attend like I don't know a charity banquet or something stop fur I mean it's not as if my brother's even here most the time he's too busy with his Crusades oh [ __ ] I have terrible news Richard if they're splendid what I mean oh no that is awful news I am no I can't even pretend it's brilliant news now I get a proper chance to be king late as mama yeah look at that right first things first it's just changed my username on my toddler account they go I might check my tap replies while I'm here seems to be a lot of ill feeling about my Irish Prince's joke what's thicker and smells worse than an Irish Prince's beard and Irish Prince than what they're complaining about now what's this Duke Arthur that's no good can't have a pretender to my throne I shall block him do you know what thinking about it maybe I need something a bit stronger let's do this then shall we there oh no I'm losing followers the French don't seem too happy with me I suppose people do get a bit touchy when you assassinate their allies don't they but he's off the total earth for a bit what other things do Kings do I know I'll appoint a new archbishop let's have a look here they go that's how I roll with strong knee-jerk decisions all right Oh message from the Pope Oh No that is a lot of capital letters he is not a happy man either that or he doesn't understand email that's a good Bishop Jocelyn how you doing milady looking ravishing as ever your royal highness I keep telling you I'm a man I'm sorry it's the name I keep getting confused so what was it you wanted darling I mean may the well show rebelling against you and they have the support of the Pope any idea why that might be no sorry gotta go busy man Oh first the Irish then the French now the Pope and the Welsh thus you were the statements Wadler oh that's just mean that's it gonna give them something to complain about I am raising their taxes I could do with a bit of cash for the army all these rebellions and everything oh it's the Barons gentlemen what do you think of my Premiership so far then a rubbish oh come on gents he's not been boring you can at least give me that we've thrown up a document the Magna Carta we strongly advise you to sign us but Jocelyn ze mailing it's year now her to him too I'm sorry but you've left us with no choice they're sent whatever he keeps you happy terms and conditions normal reads those do they guide what is this thing anyway at limits your powers as king means we're on the show now council council and I'm awfully sorry but we've sent Prince Louis of France same ace book invite to invade an invasion and what what a truly great king do in this situation East Anglia looks nice this time of year I'm gonna make a run for it [Music] back from Munich very nice currywurst oh and good meeting with Hitler I think it's peace for our time just send that [Music] Winston Churchill that he wants to congratulate me as well have you taken leave of your senses hello I think you'll find out just averted another world war Hitler has signed this piece of paper saying that if we let him have the Sudetenland he promises not to expand into any other countries you can't trust a dove Hitler he's already forced Austria to unify with Germany plus he has the ridiculous - it lists says no one wants another world war not even Germany I mean they lost the first one it's not as if it's best of three is it appeasement is the right choice war is the right choice Hitler is padding the newsagent not my words what ever was this invasion advisor review of Czechoslovakia by a Hitler 33 slightly worried delighted we chose to invade this beautiful and politically unstable country definitely worth invading if you're in the area oh no need to panic never a lot of these invasion advisor reviews a fake still but it is check who's on our side just in case what Nazi Germany has allied itself with fascist Italy oh no it makes more allies quick Poland perfect will agree to protect them maybe in the future their repairs with reasonably priced builders oh not again don't say it told yourself look I'm strengthening our alliances I've already got Poland I'm waiting for Russia to her what we are not getting in ball yeah what's the problem with that well it means that Germany doesn't have to defend its Russian border they can throw all their troops in our direction what are you doing nothing nothing look Hitler promised there's no way he's going to invade our new ally Poland by golly this fellas so hard not to declare war against you were given the choice between war and dishonour you chose dishonour and you will have war I think I preferred I told you so yes you sure sure yes what you need now is the canny politician one who was in the War Cabinet during the First World War and has the top scorer on minesweeper in the Foreign Office me okay Winston I'll make you First Lord of the Admiralty I thought you'd never ask my job oh it's the latest House of Commons opinion poll do you still support Chamberlain oh do you want to be Prime Minister then yes please you're still here and fetch me a cigar in fact make it - I like it might come in useful one day a straight welcome to story
Channel: Horrible Histories
Views: 585,568
Rating: 4.932817 out of 5
Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, slimy stuarts, vicious vikings, awful egyptians, history for kids, tv show for kids
Id: sDyWrcG2nFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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