Horrible Histories - Terrible Ways to Live in the Savage Stone Age | Compilation

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savage stowage guess what we use for tools in the Stone Age hey give up stones it was the Stone Age and it's amazing what you can do with a stone new from Stone Age tools comes a brand new set of Stone Age tools yes it's the all-purpose stone-age tool set for all those Stone Age tasks that need doing around the cave including sharp stone useful for cutting and sharp stone good for slicing Plus sharp stone for chopping and now introducing bloodstone great for hammering that's not all because order today and get this sharp stone absolutely free be the sharpest tool in the box by the all-purpose stone-age tool set today warning shop stone is sharp and can cause injury sharp stones and land stones [Music] sharp stones and blood stones while all the tools humans had for two million years until some clever clogs discovered metal in wait for it yes the Bronze Age imagine coming third before the Bronze Age eh all you've got is a stone medal cavemen use stones as tools but what did they use for toilet paper was it a moss be deer skin or sea Hedgehog skin the answer is a moss we find out much of what we know about stone aged man from what has been found in Stone Age graves here's what we think Stone Age burials were like you join us on this the saddest of days the great chief of our Stone Age tribe is dipped and so with all due reverence for pomp and ceremony his body is laid to rest in a ditch his adoring wife they're clearly upset by the tragic occasion as well she might be she is going to be buried with him and now the Chiefs loving son comes to pay his respects to his late deceased father Olga like to say few words only no few words father you dad me now big chief as is traditional on such occasions the mourners throw in some objects that the chief might need in the afterlife his bow and arrows a necklace of seashells and a little extra something to really confuse the archeologists who dig him up in years to come and finally we go to the memorial that commemorates the tragic way the chief lost his life me push north of cliff splat cheap splattered Horrible Histories okay no best donate school for headache now I need your help like I need a hole in the head how you know hole in head best cure for headache what no no no no no no no no no hyk feeling a lot better now Thanks [Music] you know cavemen really did drill holes in people's heads to make the pain go away it's called trip planning that's right well it would have stopped the pain all right they'd probably be dead what is believed to be the Stone Age cure for measles is it a too cruel for a hole in a boulder bee to whip yourself with a stick or C to jump on a lizard the answer is a too cruel through a hole in a boulder and if you think that's silly you should see what Stone Age people did with their dead relative hello and welcome to the caveman art show I'm UGG and this is grunt now firstly we're going to announce the winner of our painting competition and first prize goes to little Agena of the desert caves she painted this lovely mammoth rock everybody thanks for sending that in Agena today we're going to show you how to preserve the head of a dead relative just like we do here in the Stone Age first thing you need is a dead body oh no no don't worry I've already got one grunt idiot here's my dead granny first things first I need to remove her head with a sharp stone like this and once you've done that you need to scrape off the skin and scoop out the brain so the skulls nice and clean the next thing we do is hit grunt that was just a joke what we do next is we fill up the skull with plaster and use the remaining plaster to build up the face so it resembles your loved one we was what I made earlier just like granny now we've got a couple of shells for the eyes that and there you go just like granny as you can see she wasn't much of a looker okay Buckley do you mind it's my nan sorry it's my nun at the end of the day yeah join us next week when we'll have more of this and more hitting grunt savage stone-age [Music] hello and welcome to the news at when when prehistoric time when caveman slowly evolved into modern man very slowly and in many different stages here to guide you through them is Bob Hale with the Stone Age report Bob thanks Sam well as you can see it's about 750,000 years ago that believe it or not is Britain then here comes a stone a go around because the grounds about 125 meters higher than it is today in fact you could walk to France please don't because we have guests daddy with heidelbergensis or Heidi to his friends there he is he's six foot one and he's tons of fun and hard as nails and Heidi likes to hunt animals in big groups and it's all jolly good fun until suddenly they're gone and why because it's cold like ice for an age let's call it an ice age an old country empties and absolutely nothing happens but not for long we the Sun comes out and the melting ice makes the English Channel we are now an island hooray but no one can get here because they have an invented boats so the only things in Britain are animals animals like mammoths and wolves and best of all mega bears yes mega bears like a grizzly bear but twice the size no he's bigger than that oh he's bigger than that there it is he's mean he's lean and you wouldn't want to run into him on a dark night and then one dark night someone runs into him yes the humans are back but it's not Heidi anymore he's evolved Neanderthal big brow big nose big news and he loves to hunt he chases best he's chased by bears he chases mammoths he's chased by mammoths it's all one big party until in 35,000 BC another guest stands up do you recognize this fellow it's you it's me it's modern man yes Homo sapiens our great great great great great times a million grandparents here to hang out with the Neanderthals and I hope they brought their coats because wouldn't you know it here comes another Ice Age and when it's over only Homo sapiens are left no more Neanderthals and since the weather's nice great-great great-granddad gets a few jobs done he invents the wheel beer painting archery and most important of all farming which gets even easier way Kieran's is invented yes it's good by Stone Age hello Bronze Age don't Iron Age Roman age middle age Industrial Age book age accurate Oh age and in death [Music] that's all 100% accu-rat way way way way back Homo sapiens that's your relatives lived alongside Neanderthals that's your innate my mama's wait here until the moon is bright with [ __ ] milk and honey as gifts for the dog food from mr. right not crawling around three times on your hands and knees and if the face comes into view then please your caveman [Music] silly managers right mind would go for chronic circling Oh [Music] grubs up it's ready steady feast and time for us donate specials so let's see what our guests have brought along please welcome no no let's see what exciting ingredients you brought along for us to cook nog oh look at that a lovely chunk of free-range mammoth Lilith great choice and your second item Oh another chunk of mammoth and your more mammoth fourth item that's more like it some lovely succulent early blueberries and finally Moo oh that's a shame more mama well I don't suppose you get many vegetarian Stone Age men so how are we going to cook them no that's just eat it raw you're no come on now no no no fairies everywhere maybe buck will you won't know you won't be back to me my husband owns the network it's true in the earliest part of the Stone Age that's until they discovered fire [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] first I said bye to my husband then carefully cut off his skin then boil in a pot some voices and snakes like the funeral begin dropping some limpets and winkles and sprinkles of mass to my caveman [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Horrible Histories
Views: 347,833
Rating: 4.866231 out of 5
Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, slimy stuarts, vicious vikings, awful egyptians, history for kids, tv show for kids, Terrible Ways to Live in Savage Stone Age
Id: fDDlhCtIdQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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