King Henry VIII | Compilation | Horrible Histories

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divorce beheaded and died divorced beheaded survived I penry me 8 my Hut sick sorry wives some might say I ruined their lives [Music] Catherine of Aragon was one she failed to give me a son I had to ask her for a divorce that screw Purple Heart of course John Ambulance she was too had a daughter the best she could do I said she flirted with some other man and offered the chop went dear Anne lovely Jane Seymour was 3 the love of a lifetime for me she gave me a son little prince ed then for old Jane went and dropped dead divorced beheaded and died divorced beheaded survived I'm Henry the Eighth I had six sorry wives and some might say I ruined their life [Music] Anne of Cleves came at 4 I fell for the portrait I saw then laid eyes on her face and cried she's a horse I must have another divorce Katherine Howard was 5 a child of 19 so alive she flirted with others no way to behave the acts sent young cast to her grave [Music] catherine parr she was lost by then all my best days were passed I lay on my deathbed aged just 55 lucky Catherine the last state alive I mean how unfair divorce beheaded and died divorced beheaded survived I'm Henry the Eighth I had six re wives you could say I worried [Music] you join us here today on this sad occasion Queen Anne Berlin is about to be beheaded I am joined here by her husband King Henry the eighth your majesty how do you feel on this tragic day so you're not attending the execution no I would have loved to have been there but I had this game of chuda tennis booked in the diary you know how it is busy King countries to rule volleys to hit third you love look at his face that was out majesty sure my mistake good shot ah tennis well your wife's big behead it a little bit well heartless heartless I have gone out of my way to make things nice for her yes I ordered the best swordsmen in France to lop her head off got him in from Calais short sword spare no expense good clean blow boom forehead off ha ha ha ha and she had a fair trial despite what people said is it my fault that that woman was a witch Oh forgive me Your Majesty but to get the execution of from Calais to London in time didn't you have to order him before aunt's trial no details details don't settle nuts oh look at that King wins King wins hello sire and has now been beheaded oh dear oh dear oh dear I suppose I should go and see the missus you're going to pay your respects to your late wife oh no no no no not her the new mrs. Jane Seymour she's a real Fox oh by the way the whole changing how do you fancy being Queen for a little bit back to you in the studio declare war on France on Tuesday Spain on Wednesday on Thursday we'll hang on a minute what's going on here Henry the 8th King of England this is your ring [Music] [Laughter] wonderful surprise although technically you still deceive me so go and have yourself executed chop chop I know that yes yes this is this show will bring out all your old friends to tell us funny stories about you and here is our first guest he's a close friend he was your Chancellor from 1529 to 1532 No so Thomas More I don't believe it did you know about this as well I'll kill him too late you already did you had his head cut off but we dug him up sewed it back on and he is here today our second guest i never close friend he was your chief minister from 1532 to 1540 Thomas Cromwell now if I have your other advisors Lord Essex so nice again the old gang back together all the large a few of those and our next guest perhaps your closest advisor Cardinal Wolsey now tell us why didn't you have him executed well he um died on the way to prison but a lovely story now let's talk about romance Onoda you married six wives and here tonight are the two you had executed and Berlin and Katherine Howard progressed yes why didn't I have the other four executed well you can't have everyone executed [Music] yes I'm still a handsome devil what's this could it be that my new wife Catherine has given birth oh she has please no boy please boy please be a boy Oh Oh No why has God forsaken me with only lady babies no I must have a male heir a queen on the English throne would be disastrous I mean girls are too silly to rule countries was all my wife's fault I'm voted a [ __ ] sir no worse I'm going to drop her from my top eight on you bow I'm going I'm going to divorce the King of France in my top eight he's an idiot right to completely rearrange my friends list now no your holiness hello to you I thought you were languishing in a rut infested Spanish dungeon I am but it has a excellent Wi-Fi coverage yeah Henry is it true you dropped the Queen from your top eight on Yibo yes it's true she bore me the wrong kind of baby I specifically asked for a boy so I'd like to divorce her if that's okay with you what no no absolutely not well it's too late I'm looking on Tudor Brides calm Henry now listen to me here's one an appalling Protestant lady seeks rich a noble husband for good times and lots of mirrors likes beards well I must marry her right away Henry the Catholic Church unremittingly refuses your request for a divorce oh really well I'm just going to set up my own trucks you were going to be good occupy you've got any set up your own church you need scriptures and a dogma that is so 1529 you can do it all online now it's gone I implore you please think of it think of the implications the damage it will cause Henry please listen to me I'm the Pope Henry all right sorry I gotta go email just popped in it might be from Berlin to later Oh what does this idiot want King of France indeed oh he sent me a virus very clever well done if you were very rich in Tudor times then your diet tended to be well very rich like a body like this oh well now you can thanks to the Henry Tudor died lad oh now just seven hours dedicated facing a day and you could have a body to die for 5,000 calories a day every day and 13 courses at every meal with the Henry the eight Tudor diet plan you get all of your five a day that's five massive portions of meat of course it's also important to consume the right amount of vegetables at all sometimes I get so hungry I eat the plate obviously it's not a real plate this one's made of pure sugar water is important too it's important that you avoid it like the plague it's filthy seriously - the water is filthy and finally it's vitally important you don't take any exercise at all with all the rich food you'll find it very difficult to move around just sit on your throne and take it easy oh the Henry the eighth's Tudor diet plan but Weight Watchers everywhere just watch all way to go open up morning a rich to the diet can cause gout diabetes and an early death hello I'm here in Tudor times to learn more about Tudor horse-racing and who better to tell me about it and the patron of horse racing in England King Henry the eighth Oh No so tell us about today's racing Henry well actually I have to inform you that the Pope was demanded an end to all horse racing in England oh dear so so the Racing's off then are you kidding there's nothing I like more than winding up the Pope no we're going to have more horse racing than ever see it quite a big fan of the sport then oh I can't get enough of it but the raw products of Hampton Court I have a stable of 200 horses now from as far afield as Italy on speed and is your son here share your interest in horse racing oh good gracious no this isn't my son no chance would be a fine thing wives keep bearing me girls no this is one of my jockeys one of your jockeys it's a small child no no you see horses go faster the less weight they're carrying and there's no smaller taqi than a small child isn't that small table isn't horse-racing a bit dangerous for children yes it is I get through more jockeys than I do wives huh looks like your own small child and you better win don't look so shocked would you expect to get on the horse me well of course in my day I was a fine horseman years riding jumping jousting hunting but now of course it the three eleven sea snakes and any meenie miney big one you know days I have to use a hoist to get on all the walls they're under starter's orders and he's off really Henry there should be a law against using small children as jockeys yes who wrote us booze Burroughs too cool about that I am no Kane no now you fancy watching some cockfighting it's a wonderful Tudor sport to cockerels fighting to the death Bugsy I get to eat illusion hello and welcome to catch in the Abbey the show where we help you find hidden treasures in your monastery or alley and turn them into cash this week we're in Tudor times where His Majesty King Henry the eighth is hoping to raise enough money for the war of a lifetime with France [Music] so Henry I hear you've got an abbey or su ma 800 of them what 800 yes they used to belong to the Pope but no they're mine since I set up this new church Church of England no it's a long story anyway they are chock full of stuff I no longer need you dusty old books monks and so forth so I thought I'd have a clear-out and a co I couldn't raise some cash and you've got your friends here it's almost cromwell to help you out that's right I sent out a team of experts to every monastery in the land and according to their report these monks are rolling it you don't think it might look a bit dodgy nicking all this stuff off these men of God have you read my report manifests in vicious carnal and abominable living is daily used and committed no those monks were having more fun than me not really we just made it up for an excuse to nickel their stuff right then let's have a rummage so how are you getting on Henry know very well these monks have kindly agreed to let us have whatever we want and what have you got over there Thomas well these books are unique religious texts that any Catholic would love to have on their shelf so I'll be destroying all those and I also found these little pieces of bones in a coffin which may not look like much but are actually sacred relics so hopefully they'll make us a bob or two too and the best bit of course is that they've got loads of land that we can steal and sell to our friends so you're basically gonna leave these monks with nothing but the building they live in no we're gonna float off the bricks to the local peasants and the lead on the roof is going to be melted down and used as gunshot bring on the French cheese I say so Henry you've managed to cash in all 800 Abbey's you must be pleased yes it's been a life-changing experience for the monks they shouldn't have done all those terrible things that we did where all these beggars coming from get out of it on so you've nicked all their gold smashed up their houses and sold everything off to the highest bidder but have you raised enough cash for that war in France yes yes you have and is this stuff all going for free I had my eye on this for the garden [Music] guys can you can I get some oh the big fat King lived happily ever after that's nice no well I think I'm ready for Betty and do you have everything you need your majesty yes I think so I have my little hatch in case I die in the night but I won't die in the night will I Jared no no your majesty you're in great shape but best take the crown that way if you do die which you won't then everyone in the afterlife will know you are a king but I have my royal bottom wiper in case I need to go for a pool good evening your majesty Oh saucy that's just your royal bottom wiper sire good yes I knew that well I shall bid you good night Oh Chamberlain break up the doll on your will don't you mean shut the door your majesty no no I want to have it bricked up from now on call me an increasingly mad and paranoid old fool but anyone could wander in here and murder me in my sleep I heard the other night I found a man hiding in my bed that was me Your Majesty there is a good that's just your royal bottom wipe ah your Sonja's us well anyway anyone could wander in but if I have a brick wall built right across my bedroom door every night I shall be as safe as houses weren't I know I've already booked a builder yeah that's a very wise and sensible precaution good night your majesty good night Chamberlain your majesty I'm going to starve to death brick top in here without so much as a snack to get me through the night I'm so sorry I'm majesty hmm ah that's what I just deep-fried bore stuff with venison you called saya oh so sure Judah Wildlife magazine it's the new must-have magazine for all animal and bird enthusiasts if you love wildlife you love to do Wildlife magazine become an expert in how and where to spot all the fantastic animals living in the tudor countryside and learn how much you'll be paid to kill them excuse me pay to kill them no that's right thanks to my most excellent new law the preservation of grain Act all these animals are now categorized as vermin so you'll be paid a bounty for each and every one that you kill in issue one we've got a list of how much you'll get for each dead creature from the red cards at one pence to the Badger at an incredible twelve pence you majesty what you want to kill all these animals look at the poor harvests and the shortage of food every man woman and child has to kill as many of these vermin as possible to stop the reaching new crops bitcoins only crops don't they the real vermin the the mice and the rats are doing it crops are you calling me stupid because I can't have you put on the official vermin list you know by issue one on the red card and get it you two on the Hedgehog absolutely free plus find out how hedgehogs suck milk from cows orders at night it's true it's a well-known Tudor fact no little Horace yep there's one now come here your spiky little milk tea to the world Life magazine by now while species last price for pens or once washed Hedgehog [Music] is no longer a mystery enjoy Horrible Histories
Channel: Horrible Histories
Views: 596,846
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Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, history for kids, tv show for kids, henry viii and his six wives, henry viii and his six wives song, horrible histories henry the eighth song, horrible histories henry viii, horrible histories henry the eighth
Id: CceZIMnZnQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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