Pranksters and Jokers in History | Compilation | Horrible Histories

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so Nicholas odd news rumors are true I'm afraid but indeed seem that the Queen is seeing other men behind the Kings back and it's as as we feared we should inform his majesty yes of course did you know how his moves oh yes he does tend to behead the messenger indeed then there is only one man for the job only one man who could break such terrible news to His Majesty King Henry the eighth don't mean yes will summers [Music] so what seems to be the problem gentlemen Catherine Howard another man several oh dear that is a pickle yes and we need to tell the King so he can arrange a divorce or a beheading or something and you I is favorite jester who better to break the bad news yes this is true but how this is obviously hugely important so what do we think so I do it's a joke or a song or [ __ ] just blurt it out while I'm doing the juggling you're the expert yes I am very good at this I saw use tact diplomacy and one of these stand aside gentlemen no not today well I'm not in the right mode I don't know you seem to be in a right mood to me stop it seriously I need a wee would that be the Royal way seriously seriously I will work my breeches oh don't get any on the seat or you'll have to be thrown out there's a couple of drips right there I wouldn't worry about it there's been a few drips on that thrown through the years more than a few oh yes almost as many as your wife has boyfriends to say should sink in in about 300 clean pair of pants please hey what the prank man my name is Robert Artois and you are watching you've been a quad the red-hot hidden-camera shows at his birth book and gnarly you see I know those words I am Street no okay as usual we have rigged up my beautiful French crib with the coolest most up-to-date pranking technologies the Middle Ages can offer all we need now is some friends to come round some joobs duchesses and simply crank up see pranks alright looks like we got a bag my prank friends right there is Angelina she's a good friend of mine a real good friend of mine she's also an honest-to-goodness princess from the neighboring County well now what Angelina does not know is I have buried this clever water pipe in the middle of my garden path it is specially designed to spray coal Jets of water of ladies dresses baby I mean you've been me rubber the Batwa you know me come on baby we met at the county Christmas dinner party you look so beautiful that night you've been at because you've been a bad girl oh look who else is pop by to say hi it's my main man they Portuguese ambassador me to go say hello I killed maybe I just leave it for a little bit okay don't free has just been a try okay I think you will agree these dudes have made excellent spots no Oh half a big brother who are you okay then next week we have more fun we have more playing he not wanted it's not what I tried yeah no that's not good [Music] my friend Romans for banquets 400 horses yes it's Roman Come Dine With Me and tonight it's teenage Emperor Elagabalus his turn to cook for his guests but the young Emperor's reputation has some of his guests nervous before they even leave yeah a bit scared to be honest apparently a lack of bias is a bit crazy like a friend of mine was invited to one of his feasts and he made them eat live Paris imagine trying to swallow all those feathers it makes triggers the power so how is the potty prankster planning to impress his guests tonight well tonight I thought I'd just do something really easy it's easy because I'm not making it my slaves are what are you cooking well I'm going to do camels feet with a scooped out flamingo brain and some nasty stuff snails then we've got these sounds others or the jellyfish I'm going to do a dormouse which is a rollatini Jack doors have got horse meat Southie cheese and rotten fish guard and cookies with little nuggets of gold that sounds like a really nice start what's the main Nagre Peter is the first to arrive and there's a shock in store don't read in news those are the guts of some people I had sacrificed earlier to tell the future and the guts say hey my pudding is going to be so scrummy you won't literally believe that a Naga Ballas goes to check on the food while the rest of his guests have a snoop around the palace what was it here the guest to survive the lion join their hosts for dinner talking oh that's rock hard that's because it is rock I gave you both bits of wax and stone that me to look like food while I get the real food which is actually really nice hmm now madam I Oh madam I know eat it [Music] well I slipped on human guts I was attacked by a lion and I was forced to eat books so I'm going to give him a two out if it gives me a bad score I'll have you executed so so I'm going to give him X out of X sweet and I've got you a doggie bag because I'm so generous thank you it's an actual dead dog stay in touch [Music] there's a lady of gorgeous oh I'm gonna put my patch over my good eye like that'd be horrible it's me your captain so it is shiver me timbers captain seriously what is going on it's my brilliant new tactic for capturing rich merchant ships if they think we're all women they'll never guess we're actually pirates can sail nice and close to their ship leap aboard slower the lot of them and steal all their treasure their meal disguise is right what's the problem oh look a bit girly okay hands up who's got a better idea I said hands up Jack Oh Jack's got a suggestion okay what if we was to lower the Jolly Roger and put up the distress flag instead a ship always has to come to the help of another ship in distress but when they look through their telescopes and see that we are pirates they'll be long gone yes but why if we was to make it look like we've all been massacred we lays on their covers ourselves in red paint pretend that we been slaughtered then the crew come aboard we spray five seriously why would you do that sorry hand out the red paint then Jack I said I didn't bring any red paint he didn't bring any paint lady Banksy the pink one no no I want the pink one that's my birth colour do wish you wouldn't call me that your majesty you could just call me Robert or sessile or Robert Cecil or indeed first minister but you know how I love nicknames pick me I give all my favorite courtiers nicknames pick me and anyway pick me suits you pick me because you're so short and ugly Bravo such wit and why did you call for your first minister majesty is it a matter of national importance indeed I seek your counsel on a most pressing international issue really my new French friend the Duke of Allen saw needs a nickname we we Adam and mer only nickname usually I'm so good at coming up with nicknames anti water Oh indeed you are my queen when I first introduced myself as dashing Explorer water alley you cleverly noticed that with my West country accent I don't pronounce my elves properly so instead of Walter Raleigh he became water riley water alley act by herb so now my French friend needs a nickname that's it I think I have it I shall call you frog frog because I am French for me dabbler frog because your skin is so horrid and slimy like a frog's only worse yeah my name's a larger barlas and I'm the emperor of Rome even though I'm only a teenager which is well wicked to make myself more popular with the people of Rome I've invented my own lottery Romo lottery millions play my game and you could be well minted like I am I'm not as much so come to my room and arena grab yourself a ticket and see what you've won I don't believe it I've won a slave that's nothing I just won a new house yes thing it's doing all this good stuff can get really boring ah so I've decided to spice things up a bit and now not all my prizes are quite so nice wait up I've won something as well my practical jokes are well grimy a dead dog that's zooming I wonder what I want a box full of bees he's well stung man Roman lottery Millions is drag-tastic I've even made the ticket bit more exciting I fire them from catapults and the crowd have the Scranton to get them only sometimes I put some poisonous snake as well yeah play my practiced ik Romo lottery millions it's well random dog warning being bitten to death by poisonous snakes will being trampled to death may result in death most dead are you fed up now you've finished Alexander's conquest of Greece board game why stop there keep adding to your empire with the all-new Persia expansion this new purse or expansion game is off I'm gonna fight an army of 1 million men a million that sounds a bit hard yes eat my army of conquered Persia game over wait a minute guys game's not over yet that's right err just when you think you can pack up and go home you'll be made to play Alexander's new conquest the Egypt expansion board you sure it's just getting late yeah just maybe we should quit while it's still fun well I'm having fun I just conquered Egypt Oh No game over no that's right er Alexander's conquest of Greece Persia and Egypt expansion comes with a conquest of India expansion bore - oh come on I only really came round to conquer Persia so I want to conquer India now yeah that could take a while did say I pick my sister up from there we've just been attacked by elephants what is in elephants ok but once we conquer India then can we go home what do you think you've guessed it Alexander's conquest of Greece Persia Egypt and India expansion comes with her to the ends of the earth expansion board we are going to keep playing this game until this board covers the whole nice Alexander's conquest of Greece Persia Egypt and India with it to the ends of the earth expansion ball game play it until no one will play with you anymore right who is that voice you asked for me chief are you from the Husky messenger services yes chief I want you to relay the following message to the high chief at Nazca 50 miles to the west yes chief what's the message messages invaders are nearing the coast defenses must be reinforced send 50 men with Spears under cover of night and please hurry now go Jackie messenger service messages invaders are nearing the coast the fences must be reinforced send 50 Spears on the cover of night please hurry sweet invaders are hearing the most and the fence is dusty feel the force send 50 Spears under the cover of rice please hurry the invaders are hearing a ghost this fence is rusty peel the horse send 50 Spears under cover of rice and peas well news the invaders in earrings are ghosts this fence was rusted by a peeing horse send Britney Spears covered in PM rice curry you heard the man rats your trench is infested with rats can eat disease and stealing your food it's time just black lesson one select suits processed meat cheese monkey old stale bread monkey old stale bread selected level one weapon spring bonus gadget torch it's nighttime scatter debate on the ground and wait till you hear the rats arrive then turn on the torch and splat that rats bonus weapon cordite explosive this time you have to smoke them out put the cordite explosive at the entrance to the rathole and light it the smoke will drive out those rats so you can splatter warning do not use too much product details made level 3 select baked cheese selected level 3 weapon rifle bonus weapon bayonet place the bayonet on the end of your rifle put the cheese on the end of the bayonet then just wait till the Ratigan's to nibble on the cheese and pull the trigger warning makes your rifle isn't aimed at fellow soldier sorry right stop this get stop the sledge that's huge honestly who wants to hear how they killed rats in the trenches you might well run away a line of decency has most definitely been crossed here if there's any more launches like this which will be rising as stiffly to have complained to the Daily Mail you know I will you know I will [Music] the past is now longer you enjoy horrible news stories
Channel: Horrible Histories
Views: 281,874
Rating: 4.9269891 out of 5
Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, slimy stuarts, vicious vikings, awful egyptians, history for kids, tv show for kids, pranks, jokes, april fools day, april fools day pranks, horrible histories funny
Id: pndUkpvRq0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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