Great Women of History | Compilation | Horrible Histories

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she was hatshepsut Pharaoh of ancient Egypt she had power energy and riches she had everything a great Pharaoh needed except a beard sorry well a beard he is yes the Pharaoh was meant to be the god Horus in human form and Horus was a bloke so you wore a fake beard to look like a bloke oh yes quite sure here we go at Shep suit wore a false beard and dressed in men's clothes what you dressed in men's clothes don't blame me that's like just what you did at Shep suit the queen who would be king took the throne from her stepson and reigned over Egypt for 22 years until she disappeared in mysterious circumstances her monuments destroyed and her name erased from history what happened to me you were martyred probably by your stepson he was pretty annoyed about the whole throne stealing incident right that's it where are you going you can keep your clothes on the whole Pharaoh thing that's far too dangerous for me what about the beard I'm giving the beard I think it really suits me Tutankhamun was one of Egypt's most famous Pharaoh's but not quite as famous as this one [Music] I don't care I just [Music] that message to an overcrowded road within he died [Music] she told my sister Isis painted asses milk and spices then I dressed like goddess Isis blow her hair in ringlets nicest fibers to form any ties decided linen rope top right [Music] another but no [Music] [Music] was a drama I was one today I'd be a favorite of that no pictures no Joan of Arc what are you Joan of Arc yeah I am a vision of st. Michael I've been sent by God to find you who's the other one no seriously you've been chosen to lead the French army in a righteous battle against the oppressive English invaders ah there must have been a mix-up why would you say that well because a I'm just an illiterate peasant see I'm a girl and a I'm fourteen I mean sweeping up and darning socks I can do but military leadership not so much but he definitely said I mean I wrote it on my hand and everything are you sure it wasn't John of Arc the bloke next door some cool good have you been waiting on God to call on you to leave France and a glorious victory against the English is half no look it definitely says Joan for so long okay well I'm just next door if you need me stay cool yeah sorry mate so what am I supposed to do well you know convene with God predict the future lead the French army to glorious victory and restore the King to his throne bid sweeping up we've done on the villages sucks oh I'm sure think of something oh this is definitely what God wants I mean look okay so Joan of Arc was just makeup it's silly but Joan of Arc well she was real and went on to defeat the English at Orleans in 1429 sadly she was eventually captured by the English who claimed she was a witch yeah and they burned her at the stake well what do you expect this is Horrible Histories came to me God said stay friends from the English and make dope and Charles King dopamine's head to the throne but England came across their own we'd had a here's a wall let's go have to do something so I did it like a dude cut my hair gave up wearing dresses bought a pair of trousers no blouse I said I wanna fight on the tell me [Music] [Music] me leading a long shots but I was a lucky mascot inspired soldiers with bravery for injured answer but in 1430 but Guardians captured me king child wouldn't pay my ransom no one told me being prisoner was not my style try to keep hidden from my captors file but then the English who fought me fought me make me stand trial Charlie Charlie Charlie English hold it put me in a $108 if you dress like a male Joan of Arc you're charged with sorcery you're just jealous cuz God speaks to me so you speak to Saints in this discourse what language do they speak French of course but now you're in prison they have failure I say it's God's plan that your modular here's a trick question in that case do you think that you are in God's grace if I am NOT my God put me there and if I am my god so keep me Oh your smart remarks go round the houses you're guilty of heresy and wearing men's trousers and crush the English so now I'm a same time hello and welcome to horrible points-of-view we've just been going through the vaults at the BBC and have dug out this bag of letters from the Stuart era a number of them concern a recent performance of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet what's the problem guys it's one of my absolute favorite plays but when I went along to the theater I was shocked to find the part of Juliet being played by a woman I mean a woman playing the part of a woman who ever heard of such a thing it may sound strange but up until the reign of king charles ii all female roles in theatre were played by men and not everyone was happy when this changed I can't believe I've been training for over a year to play the part of Juliet and then they give it to a woman I mean a woman dressed as a woman on the stage she doesn't sit right well we took the complaints right to the very top and found out what king charles ii had to say on the matter marvelous splendid wonderful what was the question so next time you're watching Hannah Montana be thankful you're not in the Stuart era or she'd be played by a bloke good night well here is 1542 and a child is about to be born who's the wait for it wait for it yes now she is Mary Stuart daughter to James the fifth of Scotland a confident King who'd ruled the Scott since he was just one year old and will go on ruling them until he was old and gray aged just 30 leaving six day old Mary as the new queen of Scotland a role that would almost certainly have eaten into naptime so various regions were brought into Rome Scotland on Mary's behalf until she was old enough to rule alone or at the very least hold her own cutlery but she soon grows up the pastas cutlery and in a slightly unusual move for a Scottish model moves to France yes seeing how nice Frances she marries Frances Prince Frances who then becomes Frances King Frances with whom she has a long and happy life filled my mistake he's dead to heal by an ear infection which I think we can assume got quite bad so Mary is ousted from France returns to Scotland to decides to marry her cousin this time a certain Lord Darnley who despite being about this popular with the Scottish Nobles as a clinic enjoys a long and happy marriage no scratch that it seems that rumors start circulating of romance between the married queen and her private secretary David Rizzio luckily though marry completely denies these rumours which means the prizeo can go on to live a long and happy life didn't think so yes despite bravely hiding behind the now pregnant Queen Rizzio is dragged away by a log of Lord on these friends stabbed 56 times and throws down some stairs leaving him very likely dead but with Rizzio out of the picture the way is clear for Mary and Lord Darnley to enjoy that long and happy marriage which I mentioned the funeral she guessed family's dead two killed in a very weird explosion at his house these sort of weird explosion that also strangles you and thumps your body in the garden which if we look at the suspicious death for mister yes highly suspicious and of a good reason but it turns out that Donny was probably murdered by a Scottish noble called the Earl of Bothwell I imagine the now widowed Mary hates more than anyone else on my mistake she's married him did not see that coming but marrying her dead husband's murderer does not cut down to well the Scottish people who forced Mary to hand her crown to our baby son James Assaf and run away to England luckily Mary's cousin Elizabeth the first welcome to England oh I can't get a break today now it seems that Elizabeth rosemary in jail because she's worried that Barry might try and murder her and steal the English crown which is something that would never happen in a million years come on now I mean yes there is a plot to place Mary and Elizabeth run but that's hatched by an Italian banker called Ridolfi or the Duke of Norfolk so he's nothing to do with Mary herself who would never do anything as awful as hatch a plot to kill her own colony where'd you please okay yes fine I mean I suppose Mary does have a hand in the next plot to kill Elizabeth the Babington plot because it's very zone letters about it that leads to the plan being discovered but I'm sure Queen Elizabeth will react to the calm and make was a joke honestly Elizabeth reacts to the discovery of the plot by signing Mary's death warrant and despite the last-minute wobble over whether or not to go through with it Elizabeth finally has Mary Queen of Scots executed well 8th of February 1587 at which point the executioner discovers she wears a wig when he tries to pika [Music] famous Scott Bonnie Prince Charlie thought he should be king of Britain so he led a rebellion against george ii but his army was heavily defeated at the Battle of Culloden and Charlie needed help to escape opinion on the young pretender Bonnie Prince Charlie a reason he failed in his attempt to overthrow king george ii do you think he's absolutely awful then you turn them in in a heartbeat be basically alright but you wouldn't want to meet him or see a good Scottish father you definitely help if he came to your door doing a silly voice see the very same you do know he did the Hebrides I'm on the run King George the second wants me dead some reason he didn't like me going to a war against oh I can't imagine wait no no given I am the last legitimate heir to the House of Stuart and so the rightful heir to the throne of Britain if you see sue now I can arrange safe passage to France from the other side but I can I get to Skylar y'all so what do you say what do you help add some rent maybe what's his name yeah I made me oh wait of course no the king has put a 30,000 pound price on my head so or the challenge is gonna be getting me to sky without being spotted don't you worry I have everything we need Paul great thanks I see it's been a nightmare all is running and hiding him can you think of anything more humiliating than amount of royal blood happen to skulk around them more like Huntley you can if anyone asks your name is Betty Burke and you're my Irish mate can you do an Irish accent talking about into you maybe's out of the dog inter well what do you think the Amika more convincing Irish made than you would a king well people do say I'm Bonnie [Music] well I think this is the spot yeah so what do we do now we wait according to the message ancient Moses would meet us here break us out the plantation and arrange safe passage all the way to Canada Wow just think in a few days we won't be slaves anymore we'll be free men yeah and this agent Moses has already freed over 60 slaves he must be quite a guy yeah I mean I can't wait to meet him so you boys got my message Shh waiting for agent Moses agent Moses is here Oh brilliant we're here I'm agent Moses your agent Moses util I'm I'm um well we just expected you to be a dashing young man yep that's what they all expect especially the slave owners trying to catch me oh that's why you're so good at this yeah I'm the last person they'd expect to be freeing a whole bunch of slaves besides I've got myself a few disguises in case of emergency let me guess big falls be glasses and a wig always glasses and a wig no a newspaper a newspaper you gotta be kidding me oh my apologies ma'am I thought you might be one of those troublemaking plain but you're clearly an educated woman reading the newspaper Angie indeed well good evening ma'am wow that's amazing that's nothing wait till you see my ultimate disguise lady Karen chick lady carrying a chicken now you've gots to be having his own mama stated just a lady carrying a dick in there now look at that funny little dick well evening ma'am that crazy chicken out oh that was amazing he was so distracted by your chicken he didn't even notice you maybe either you very very clever or these slave owners are very very stupid welcome to the Crimean War hospital nurse sorry I didn't catch your name Florence Florence Nightingale nurse nightingale well let me show you around the hospital first of all and this is very important do be careful where you tread as there's a lot of work there's lots of blood on the floor hundreds of wounded soldiers there's also a lot of a lot of poo right this is one of our new patients well he's lucky he got the bed most of our patients have to lie on the floor Wheldon poo yes hard at work again no it's just run-of-the-mill operations around here really made me cutting off limbs with them so none sore but that was really hurt stiff shoulder just try and ignore it with all the rats around it's very important we dispose of amputated limbs properly yeah and basic hygiene Jeff right I can see we need to get this place cleaned up let's start with yes I think this really suits me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the British going down that's my price race darling darling you've got me father it hardly seems possible nonsense everybody's talking about how you wrote that little board out to the wrecked ship off the far nylons to rescue those people darling you're the darling darling of the newspapers cause it was actually me who wrote the fold-out to the wrecked ship all you did was keep it steady while I carried the injured people aboard and nobody seems very interested in my dear Greece I was so inspired by your strength and bravery that I've painted a picture of you and put it on the wall do you think I might have a lock of your hair oh what a charming letter of course you may like this really people are so kind dear grace you are my heroine you're so brave and fearless I'd have been too scared to go out all on my own like that because he weren't on your own I was there but nobody cares about that cos I'm a big block with a lighthouse and you're a heroic little girl though you were actually nearly 23 when we rescued those people but who's counting luckily I'm not bitter she wants a lock of you here this one wants a lot of me hair as well can he give him all her it's just three letters horsemen thank you so much for your letter and request for a lot of my hair sadly it is mm such requests and I am no longer able to honor it do you think you could write again in a couple of months when it's grown back in the meantime here's a tornado clipping or should be delighted with that it's a beauty yes great excitement here at the quarry Gap hotel sports ground in Bradford were a crowd of 25,000 people have come to watch this humble housewife machine is the end of our incredible attempt to walk a thousand miles in a thousand hours in fact the events generated so much interest they've been selling tickets she's been walking up and down this racetrack for the last 42 days and nights and now there's just a few hundred yards to go and here she comes down and just listen to that crowd somebody stop what do you mean somebody stop but she's about to do something extraordinary I've heard of men doing it who ever heard of a woman doing something so physically demanding it shouldn't be possible also about 10 quid that she couldn't yeah she's costing us a fortune that woman get her all right well it seems that that many people in this largely male crowd have actually been betting that she's not going to make it [Applause] she's back on her feet she is amazing let's Pacific and grab a quick whirl with her at Lizzie shop you're nearly there how do you feel I just like to thank my husband for inspiring me every step of the way so he's believed in you from the start no no he said no woman was capable of such a thing so I'm doing it to prove the smug idiot Rome right well I think that's and there are still people trying to stop her she's totally up breaking news here and machop's just pulled a gap oh oh but there she goes towards a finishing line armed with a pistol and accompanied by 18 policemen and a man with a loaded musket who said she'd never make it back to the studio I mean she must've cheated there's no way that a woman that's still on air are we think we are the suffragettes thinking are some fierce girls you ain't heard nothing yet let's go sit the battle for around are you the government you change the laws here is how she stated a plan gurl kappa gurl rule that we have to obey when we work this dough polymers reaction was do go away how deal it is the thumb reads crowd [Music] burned down judges smashed up shops attacked MP's the result we were thrown in determined every company think we give up I fail [Music] [Music] we give women votes if they're so stupid they'll do that you were right [Music] [Music] did you think [Music] [Music] [Music] your country needs you me too this is a career I'm a plane fixing plain speaking folder taking cold breaking F me no matter lorry driving whether it gets more inspired I do [Music] well I meant but on the home front helping save the day tending crops and animals Manuel my uniform this budget we'll be practice we will know [Music] come to 1951 where I'm here to interview the greatest English football striker of all time it sorry might move in a long plane love you just clear off I'm here to interview the all-time greatest English football striker well you're looking at her [Laughter] really yeah my name's Lily PAH I scored over 900 goals in my career I score 43 goals in the first season and we're only 14 at time wow that's impressive in 1920 53,000 people turned up at a ladies match at Goodison Park and our star attraction well should we should we true carry on the interview elin let's do this okay so Lily tell us how did your career start well when all the men went off to fight in first world war women's football came rat popular I worked at a munitions factory and I played for the ladies football team we used to draw huge crowds I see but when the war ended and the men came back I imagine everyone went back to watching men's football no no you see the latest game was still really popular so popular in fact that in 1921 the Football Association got nervous that we were threatening the male gave so they banned women from playing official league grounds oh that is a shame isn't it well let's be honest men are better at football than women are listen me I've played against men at exhibition matches and I'm telling you now I've got a shot than any of them I don't think so well I don't this is Tony Cottee reporting for a church TV news oh she's not wrong she's got a kick like a flipping mule [Music] dori marks the first step toward civil rights racial inequality American policy to live kicked off a fight [Music] I'll do [Music] [Music] in front behind up [Music] got on the boat to an RESP a CT enforce new legislation [Music] the King's peace [Music] oh because I sat on about [Applause] [Music] enjoy
Channel: Horrible Histories
Views: 430,439
Rating: 4.9108219 out of 5
Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, awful egyptians, history for kids, international womens day, historical women, women of history, cleopatra, rosa parks for kids, mary seacole horrible histories song, florence nightingale
Id: vvi3dhEab1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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