Horrible Histories - Slimy Stuarts | Compilation

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[Music] was it / what you look like Charles the first on the chopping block Oh Cathy Jones next doors been showing off again yeah earlier she said to me Manfred cafe what's a coffee there's some horrible new drink apparently and now she's just been round with a fork I've got one each your nun this spearing your food on a knife malarkey is that oh no no they've got to have the best it makes me sick yeah I live got a new ice cream star I'm drinking chocolate well I wouldn't worry about keeping up with the Joneses anymore because your old dad has got a special little something what is that it's a banana a banana um mrs. Jones got one of these certainly not it's the first one on sale in the East End Oh Mike it's beautiful gorgeous it's so it's so yellow and so carved no no so what's it for I think you eat it all right oh oh that that's that's disgusting oh I'm sorry oh no matter Cathy aah cat meow got a banana Oh having lots of bananas on over here oh look show off what is it she's waving her pineapple at me why didn't you get me a pineapple well no one else has got a banana Oh what do you mean if you like it so much then come on [Music] mrs. Jones was it showing off with that pineapple because back in those days pineapples were really very rare and very valuable so only rich people could afford to have them and instead of eating them as they would keep them on display until they just rotted away rotten food shouldn't be on the mantelpiece it should be my cubby this is hhtv news bringing you live news direct from the past our main story from the Stuart era the plague epidemic seems to be spreading rapidly let's go over to our correspondent Mike Peabody who's in the thick of it Mike thanks Sam I've come to 1665 where literally thousands are dying from the Great Plague I caught up with this gravedigger to find out how the plague was affecting his work well I've been so busy for years I'll bury 30 people just this morning yeah they're dropping like flies at the moment and I suppose the real worrying thing is that the play can strike so very quickly oh he's dead bishops think they've tracked down the root cause of the plague its naughtiness and ruled things the great plague is a punishment on people who are very naughty and extremely ruled as a result only the wicked will die of the plague it's certainly a very interesting theory but can you back it up he he's dead doctors are doing their best to combat this deadly disease using the very latest in modern medicine everybody knows the best way to beat the plague is a bag of lavender you simply twirl it around like this and jump over it like so and is that effective oh yes very things I mean take me I'm as sorry I just coughed and fell over them I haven't got the plague there is a new group on the fringes of modern English medicine who think there may be another cause to the illness this group call themselves scientists the most important thing is not just to guess what's responsible we need to take a closer look at the evidence and then analyze it logically and one way that we do this is by using this brand new invention the microscope microscope what did you expect to find tiny little creatures what an idiot everybody knows the plague comes from bad air and all you need is a bag of lavender doctor have you fallen over again or are you in fact dead he's dead this is mike peabody reporting for hhtv news in plague riddle 1665 really wishing i was somewhere else my name is my name is my name is charles ii i love the people and the people loved me so much that they restored the English monarchy I'm Scottish French Italian a little pain but 100% party animal spaniels I adored named after me too like me they were fun with a nutty hairdo it's today my birthday cause recall let's have a party anyway because I love about [Music] let's see I'm the king who brought back party a King Charles my daddy lost his throne and Kings were vans they chopped off his head then only Cromwell ruled the land hold on he wasn't jolly he was glum and he was proud would be miserable a sin only seems not to now when only died the people said Charlie me hearty get rid of his dole laws come back with rather party this actions what they called the monarchy restoration which naturally was followed by you celebrate [Music] say I'm the king who brought back party a great London fire was a whopper in my reign London City came a cropper of this kingdom what was Ryan for then up I'm a fire stopper Mary Katherine Bracken zosky was a lot so true there would never be another well maybe one of Lucy Walter nell gwyn multi-faced proper phileas him that's bad but her name's not as cilia's as king I must admit I broke the wedding rule but who cares when I brought back the crown jewel i reinstated Christmas makeup sport and even plays I was the merry monarch they were good old days King Charles made it I was the King loved by everyone my song is done [Music] [Music] and we're gonna have to wait much longer oh really sorry about this we're just very short-staffed today and I'm waiting for the replacement doctor to come in from I do the Stuart era an old shoe and then give it to the patient and then encourage him to inhale the smoke does the perfect Stuart cure for swallowing a snake there we are now run along how may I be of service this lady's hurt her arm due to a fool when it just so happens that I have in my possession it's your cure of note for just such an affliction now I think a little bloodletting using a horse leech should do the trick oh you're making it worse look it's bleeding Oh fear thee not we shall stop the flow of blood using this here feather quill do we put the feather onto the wound be ridiculous young woman it's perfectly clear that I shall use the quill to write Veronica on her left thumb and that should stem the flow of blood I feel faint what was that ah accidentally swallowed a horse leech well swallow this elixir it will remedy the affliction in just a few moments vinegar mixed with fleas Oh gonna be sick open the window well I just spread some birdseed around the patient's feet it is the catch-all steward cure to treat any truly troublesome ailment hmm we just need some pigeons to peck at the patient's feet we use the same treatment for Prince Henry and did Prince Henry get better no he died still second time lucky hey come on let's encourage them oh cool they'll be here soon here endeth the lesson No before we begin prayers today I have to inform you there's to be a wee change to the proceedings please it's a decree from our King Charles the first which demands we now use these new Church of England prayer books so if we could just turn to page 109 what we're Scottish we don't need some prayer book from England would happy without a big thank you very much I know but the king wants all church services in Britain to be the same so we're Puritans we like our services to be plain and simple like our prayer boots no all elaborate and fancy like the English wants I who cares what the King says have to read from it it's the law I'll get into trouble if I don't you're not right you a new heart please right let's just be absolutely clear shall we hands up who's happy to read from the new Church of England prayer book I thought so our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name quicker this way before we go into the actual wobbly there's just a few quick questions I need to ask are you or have you ever been a parliamentarian or in any other way opposed to the King Charles absolutely not so we're Royalists oh it's good yeah something of a war dismissal would you consider yourself to be enjoying good fortunes suffering bad fortunes all don't know my entire estate has just been taken over by round heads half of my family are being killed on my carriage has been burnt to the ground though fortunate is in Iceland still Burundi nailed his crime oh and last but not least would you say that you were really rich a bit reached quite poor or very poor but this is my last sixpence very poor right down on your luck and you don't any money something I guess there's only one thing for it he's a bag of gold coins to tide you over sorry it's just traditionally in my experience robberies don't work this way no well if you were a parliamentarian it would be a very different story indeed but thing is I've got a bit of a soft spot for fellow Royalists especially if they're in a hard time of it so call your boat thank you thank you no problem well I suppose a bit of shoot so there you go now [Music] sweet 1kings of all that's why we started the English sell-off people say when over but we disagree especially when explaining parliamentary democracy we are particularly excited by the notions of supporting controls when your parliamentary business cuts our party time [Music] I am The King I can do what I like start up a wall or a big tax hike got a French wife she's a Catholic King Charles we're not quite sure insolence is that how you talk to the crowd I am The King not just goes part of it down I think you'll find that's in breach of due process here's what we say to that now clear out this fence around it which you should be drownded don't believe me crab based parliament something [Music] so I came here a dog leave a cane fights fights fights fights fights fight fight fight Cavaliers English Civil War why is it called civil may I kill you please to be fought on this lab if I get a power Christmas will be bound no chance Cromwell victory will be mine you'll never pass about the mince pies above wine that's what you think just wait till your court unsubscribe theater music and sport you're pathetic won't finish before it's begun [Music] yes it's our nell gwyn special reads my rags to riches story how i went from being a humble orange Stella to a famous actress it's all here in our gay magazine all the hot gossip from the people who knew her best I was the manager at the theater where she used to sell her oranges oranges get your oranges here what flavor would you like sir orange orange orange orange trade route of orange how I got talent spotted in became the most celebrated theatre actress in the last 20 years given that the puritans of band theatre for 20 years there wasn't much competition Oh JK I discover the identity of Nels secret boyfriend she's the most beautiful and witty of all my subjects oh if I give it away everyone knows I'm going out for King child's a second mind you most people think we're going out with King Charles a second what can I say I'm a lady magnet and if this week's okay magazine we go totally bananas with our banana competition in which you could win yes you've guessed it a pineapple second prize a banana juice on your favorite stars it's got to be okay magazine come on you know you wanna well do tuck in mr. ambassador are you not going to say grace first yeah party on amen big time shouldn't we wait for your other guests to sit down first other guests yeah oh then let her know they're not guests you see the common man no offense is allowed to come and watch me they're fabulous King eat his Dylan's on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays it's a sort of public performance well maybe I come back Tuesday or the Thursday no no you don't mind do you see now talk in oh boy how is Italy at this time of year well the area down south is very nice a problem I think they are moving closer I sincerely doubt it now you were saying about the beaches yes the area of Calabria well it it no I'm sure they are moving closer there's a rope maybe they are moving the Rope closer you're impossible now come on old sausage tell me all about Calabria yes well it is very small region and no they're definitely moving closer okay there's only one way to sort this out are you lot moving any closer see now I'll have no more of these crab that's actually this is ridiculous no don't go you know I hate eating alone [Music] party for one Charlie looks that way old boy looks that way are you a year a searcher for the dead yes I am indeed yes could I be your apprentice please yeah let's see why not oh great here it pays well now you're gonna fall pinch finder's fee for every plague victim you identify there's a lot of plague victims out there business has never been better really how do you spot a plague victim man you're just looking for a big nasty plague saw what you mean like that one there yeah [Music] he's dead he's dead from playing this is easy you search for the dead I am now just spotted my first dead e can I be your Prentice please I don't see why not I hear it's well paid oh yes you get a four-pound spine and speed are you a searcher for the day I'm RP well you get the idea I'm a straight welcome to Horrible Histories
Channel: Horrible Histories
Views: 340,494
Rating: 4.9233794 out of 5
Keywords: slimy stuarts, horrible histories, awful egyptians, vicious vikings, horrible history, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories songs, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, rotten romans, terrible tudors
Id: a_0LOTk90_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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